function sl_send_email($to, $subject, $html, $plain = null, $attachment = null) { if (empty($to)) { return false; } $hash = md5(date('r', time())); $headers['From'] = 'The LoveMachine <*****@*****.**>'; $headers['To'] = $to; if (!empty($html)) { if (empty($plain)) { $h2t = new html2text($html, 75); $plain = $h2t->convert(); } $headers["Content-Type"] = "multipart/alternative; boundary=\"PHP-alt-{$hash}\""; $body = "\n--PHP-alt-{$hash}\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=\"utf-8\"\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n" . $plain . "\n\n--PHP-alt-{$hash}\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=\"utf-8\"\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n" . $html . "\n\n--PHP-alt-{$hash}--"; if ($attachment != null && !empty($attachment['name']) && !empty($attachment['content'])) { $headers["Content-Type"] = "multipart/mixed; boundary=\"PHP-mixed-{$hash}\""; //encode it with MIME base64, //and split it into smaller chunks $attachmentContent = chunk_split(base64_encode($attachment['content'])); $body = "\n--PHP-mixed-{$hash}\nContent-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"PHP-alt-{$hash}\"\n\n" . $body . "\n--PHP-mixed-{$hash} \nContent-Type: {$attachment['type']}; name=\"{$attachment['name']}\" \nContent-Transfer-Encoding: base64 \nContent-Disposition: attachment \n\n{$attachmentContent}\n--PHP-mixed-{$hash}-- \n"; } } else { $body = $plain; } send_authmail(array('sender' => 'authuser', 'server' => 'gmail-ssl'), $to, $subject, $body, $headers); return true; }
/** * @dataProvider data_html2text */ function test_html2text($title, $in, $out) { $ht = new html2text(null, false, false); $ht->set_html($in); $res = $ht->get_text(); $this->assertEquals($out, $res, $title); }
function html2plaintext($text, $texthtml0, $wrap) { global $opt, $smiley; if ($texthtml0) { $text = str_replace(['<p>', "\n", "\r"], '', $text); $text = str_replace(['<br />', '</p>'], "\n", $text); $text = html_entity_decode($text, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); } else { // convert smilies ... $countSmileyImage = count($smiley['image']); for ($n = 0; $n < $countSmileyImage; $n++) { $text = mb_ereg_replace("<img [^>]*?src=[^>]+?" . str_replace('.', '\\.', $smiley['file'][$n]) . "[^>]+?>", "[s![" . $smiley['text'][$n] . "]!s]", $text); // the [s[ ]s] is needed to protect the spaces around the smileys } $h2t = new html2text($text); $h2t->set_base_url($opt['page']['default_absolute_url']); $h2t->width = $wrap; $text = $h2t->get_text(); $text = str_replace(['[s![', ']!s]'], '', $text); // remove e.g. trailing \n created from </p> by html2text while (substr($text, -2) == "\n\n") { $text = substr($text, 0, strlen($text) - 1); } } return $text; }
public function convert() { require_once AK_VENDOR_DIR . DS . 'TextParsers' . DS . 'html2text.php'; $Converter = new html2text(true, 0, false); $markdown = str_replace('__AK:AMP__', '&', $Converter->load_string(str_replace('&', '__AK:AMP__', $this->source))); require_once AK_VENDOR_DIR . DS . 'TextParsers' . DS . 'smartypants.php'; $Smartypants = new SmartyPantsTypographer_Parser(); $markdown = Ak::html_entity_decode(strip_tags($Smartypants->transform($markdown))); return trim($this->_simplifyMarkdown($markdown)); }
function test_html2text() { $data = array(0 => array('title' => 'Test entry', 'in' => '', 'out' => ''), 1 => array('title' => 'Basic HTML entities', 'in' => '"&', 'out' => '"&'), 2 => array('title' => 'HTML entity string', 'in' => '&quot;', 'out' => '"'), 3 => array('title' => 'HTML entity in STRONG tag', 'in' => '<strong>ś</strong>', 'out' => 'Ś'), 4 => array('title' => 'STRONG tag to upper-case conversion', 'in' => '<strong>ś</strong>', 'out' => 'Ś'), 5 => array('title' => 'STRONG inside B tag', 'in' => '<b><strong>ś</strong></b>', 'out' => 'Ś')); $ht = new html2text(null, false, false); foreach ($data as $idx => $item) { $ht->set_html($item['in']); $res = $ht->get_text(); $this->assertEqual($item['out'], $res, $item['title'] . "({$idx})"); } }
function html2plaintext($text, $texthtml0) { global $opt, $absolute_server_URI; if ($texthtml0) { $text = str_replace(array('<p>', "\n", "\r"), '', $text); $text = str_replace(array('<br />', '</p>'), "\n", $text); $text = html_entity_decode($text, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); } else { $h2t = new html2text($text); $h2t->set_base_url(isset($opt['page']['absolute_url']) ? $opt['page']['absolute_url'] : $absolute_server_URI); $text = $h2t->get_text(); // remove e.g. trailing \n created from </p> by html2text while (substr($text, -2) == "\n\n") { $text = substr($text, 0, strlen($text) - 1); } } return $text; }
function sl_send_email($to, $subject, $html, $plain = null, $mailq = 'gmail-ssl') { if (empty($to)) { return false; } $hash = md5(date('r', time())); if (!empty($html)) { if (empty($plain)) { $h2t = new html2text($html, 75); $plain = $h2t->convert(); } $headers["Content-Type"] = "multipart/alternative; boundary=\"PHP-alt-{$hash}\""; $body = "\n--PHP-alt-{$hash}\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n" . $plain . "\n\n--PHP-alt-{$hash}\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n" . $html . "\n\n--PHP-alt-{$hash}--"; } else { $body = $plain; } send_authmail(array('sender' => 'loveuser', 'server' => $mailq), $to, $subject, $body, $headers); return true; }
function htmlmail($to, $subject, $htmlmsg) { require_once 'class.html2text.php'; $boundary = 'Msg_Boundary--'; $htmltype = 'text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"'; $plaintype = str_replace('html', 'plain', $htmltype); if (stripos($htmlmsg, '<html') === FALSE) { $htmlmsg = "<html>{$htmlmsg}</html>"; } $h2t = new html2text($htmlmsg); $plain = $h2t->get_text(); while (stripos($plain, $boundary) + stripos($htmlmsg, $boundary) > 0) { $boundary .= rand(); } // prevent malicious hacking $msg = <<<EOF If you see this message, you may need a newer email program. --{$boundary} Content-Type: {$plaintype} Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline {$plain} --{$boundary} Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: {$htmltype} Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline {$htmlmsg} --{$boundary}-- EOF; $hdrs = array('From' => 'rC4 <' . SYS_EMAIL . '>', 'Return-Path' => SYS_EMAIL, 'Errors-To' => SYS_EMAIL, 'Content-Type' => "multipart/alternative; boundary=\"{$boundary}\""); $smhdrs = ''; foreach ($hdrs as $key => $value) { $smhdrs .= "{$key}: {$value}\n"; } $smhdrs = substr($smhdrs, 0, strlen($smhdrs) - strlen("\n")); // omit final EOL mail($to, $subject, $msg, $smhdrs, '-f' . SYS_EMAIL); }
/** * Override parent function to make links unique * @see html2text::_build_link_list() */ function _build_link_list($link, $display) { // If links already exists, return its existing reference if (array_key_exists($link, $this->links)) { return $display . ' [' . $this->links[$link] . ']'; } else { $result = parent::_build_link_list($link, $display); preg_match('/\\[(\\d+)\\]$/', $result, $m); $reference = $m[1]; $this->links[$link] = $reference; return $result; } }
function _ff_getListField_gettopic($fieldname, $fieldvalue, $A, $icon_arr) { global $_CONF, $_USER, $_TABLES, $LANG_ADMIN, $LANG04, $LANG28, $_IMAGE_TYPE; global $_FF_CONF, $_SYSTEM, $LANG_GF02, $LANG_GF03; USES_lib_html2text(); $dt = new Date('now', $_USER['tzid']); $retval = ''; switch ($fieldname) { case 'author': $retval = $A['name']; break; case 'date': $dt->setTimestamp($fieldvalue); $retval = $dt->format($_FF_CONF['default_Datetime_format'], true); break; case 'lastupdated': $dt->setTimestamp($fieldvalue); $retval = $dt->format($_FF_CONF['default_Datetime_format'], true); break; case 'subject': $testText = FF_formatTextBlock($A['comment'], 'text', 'text', $A['status']); $testText = strip_tags($testText); $html2txt = new html2text($testText, false); $testText = trim($html2txt->get_text()); $lastpostinfogll = htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('#\\r?\\n#', '<br>', strip_tags(substr($testText, 0, $_FF_CONF['contentinfo_numchars']) . '...')), ENT_QUOTES, COM_getEncodingt()); $retval = '<span class="' . COM_getTooltipStyle() . '" style="text-decoration:none;" title="' . $A['subject'] . '::' . $lastpostinfogll . '">' . $fieldvalue . '</span>'; break; case 'select': $retval = '[ <a href="#" onclick="insert_topic(\'' . $A['id'] . '\'); return false;">' . $LANG_GF03['select'] . '</a> ]'; break; default: $retval = $fieldvalue; break; } return $retval; }
/** * Return the first text part of this message * * @return string Plain text message/part content */ function first_text_part() { // no message structure, return complete body if (empty($this->parts)) { return $this->body; } $out = null; // check all message parts foreach ($this->mime_parts as $mime_id => $part) { $mimetype = strtolower($part->ctype_primary . '/' . $part->ctype_secondary); if ($mimetype == 'text/plain') { $out = $this->imap->get_message_part($this->uid, $mime_id, $part); break; } else { if ($mimetype == 'text/html') { $html_part = $this->imap->get_message_part($this->uid, $mime_id, $part); // remove special chars encoding $trans = array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES)); $html_part = strtr($html_part, $trans); // create instance of html2text class $txt = new html2text($html_part); $out = $txt->get_text(); break; } } } return $out; }
/** * Given HTML text, make it into plain text using external function * * @uses $CFG * @param string $html The text to be converted. * @return string */ function html_to_text($html) { global $CFG; require_once $CFG->libdir . '/html2text.php'; $h2t = new html2text($html); $result = $h2t->get_text(); return $result; }
public function free_categorizeSave($PostedDatas = null, $category, $ForceCat = 0, $ForceExt = 0) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/"; $sock = new sockets(); if (!isset($GLOBALS["uuid"])) { $sock = new sockets(); $GLOBALS["uuid"] = base64_decode($sock->getFrameWork("cmd.php?system-unique-id=yes")); } $uuid = $GLOBALS["uuid"]; $f = array(); $ExtractAllUris = $this->ExtractAllUris($PostedDatas); if (count($ExtractAllUris) > 0) { while (list($num, $ligne) = each($ExtractAllUris)) { $f[] = $num; } $PostedDatas = null; } $h2t = new html2text($PostedDatas); $h2t->get_text(); while (list($num, $ligne) = each($h2t->_link_array)) { if (trim($ligne) == null) { continue; } $ligne = strtolower($ligne); $ligne = str_replace("(whois)", "", $ligne); $ligne = str_replace("||", "", $ligne); $ligne = str_replace("^", "", $ligne); $ligne = trim($ligne); if (preg_match("#^([0-9\\.]+):[0-9]+#", $ligne, $re)) { $websitesToscan[] = $re[1]; continue; } if (strpos(" {$ligne}", "http") == 0) { $ligne = "http://{$ligne}"; } $hostname = parse_url($ligne, PHP_URL_HOST); if (preg_match("#^www\\.(.+)#", $hostname, $re)) { $hostname = $re[1]; } if (preg_match("#^\\.(.+)#", $hostname, $re)) { $hostname = $re[1]; } if (preg_match("#^\\*\\.(.+)#", $hostname, $re)) { $hostname = $re[1]; } writelogs("{$ligne} = {$hostname}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); $websitesToscan[] = $ligne; } $PostedDatas = str_replace("<", "\n<", $PostedDatas); $PostedDatas = str_replace(' rel="nofollow"', "", $PostedDatas); $PostedDatas = str_replace("\r", "\n", $PostedDatas); $PostedDatas = str_replace("https:", "http:", $PostedDatas); if ($PostedDatas != null) { $f = explode("\n", $PostedDatas); } if (!is_numeric($ForceExt)) { $ForceExt = 0; } if (!is_numeric($ForceCat)) { $ForceCat = 0; } $ipClass = new IP(); while (list($num, $www) = each($f)) { $www = trim($www); if ($www == null) { continue; } if (preg_match("#--------------#", $www)) { continue; } if (preg_match("#No extension#", $www)) { continue; } if (preg_match("#no website#i", $www)) { continue; } if (preg_match("#^analyze\\s+[0-9]+\\s+#", $www)) { continue; } if (preg_match("#(false|true):\\s+(.+?)\\s+already#i", $www, $re)) { $www = $re[2]; } writelogs("Scanning {$www}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (preg_match("#^(.+?)\"\\s+#", $www, $re)) { $www = $re[1]; } if (preg_match("#^([0-9\\.]+):[0-9]+#", $www, $re)) { $www = $re[1]; } $www = str_replace("(whois)", "", $www); $www = str_replace("\r", "", $www); $www = str_replace("||", "", $www); $www = str_replace("^", "", $www); $www = trim(strtolower($www)); if ($ipClass->isValid($www)) { $www = ip2long($www) . ".addr"; $websitesToscan[] = $www; continue; } if ($www == null) { continue; } $www = stripslashes($www); if (preg_match("#href=\"(.+?)\">#", $www, $re)) { $www = $re[1]; } if (preg_match('#<a rel=.+?href="(.+?)"#', $www, $re)) { $www = $re[1]; } if (preg_match("#<a href.*?http://(.+?)([\\/\"'>])#i", $www, $re)) { $www = $re[1]; } if (preg_match("#<span>www\\.(.+?)\\.([a-z]+)</span>#i", $www, $re)) { $www = $re[1] . "." . $re[2]; } $www = str_replace("http://", "", $www); if (preg_match("#\\/\\/.+?@(.+)#", $www, $re)) { $websitesToscan[] = $re[1]; } if (preg_match("#http.*?:\\/\\/(.+?)[\\/\\s]+#", $www, $re)) { $websitesToscan[] = $re[1]; continue; } if (preg_match("#^www\\.(.+)#", $www, $re)) { $www = $re[1]; } $www = str_replace("<a href=", "", $www); $www = str_replace("<img src=", "", $www); $www = str_replace("title=", "", $www); if (preg_match("#^(.*?)\\/#", $www, $re)) { $www = $re[1]; } if (preg_match("#\\.php\$#", $www, $re)) { echo "{$www} php script...\n"; continue; } $www = str_replace("/", "", $www); $www = trim($www); if ($ForceExt == 0) { if (!preg_match("#\\.([a-z0-9]+)\$#", $www, $re)) { echo "`{$www}` No extension !!?? \n"; continue; } if (strlen($re[1]) < 2) { if (!is_numeric($re[1])) { echo "{$www} bad extension `.{$re[1]}` [{$ForceExt}]\n"; continue; } } } $www = str_replace('"', "", $www); writelogs("Success pass {$www}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); $websitesToscan[] = $www; } while (list($num, $www) = each($websitesToscan)) { $cleaned[$www] = $www; } $websitesToscan = array(); while (list($num, $www) = each($cleaned)) { $websitesToscan[] = $www; } while (list($num, $www) = each($websitesToscan)) { writelogs("Scanning {$www}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); $www = strtolower($www); $www = replace_accents($www); if ($www == "www") { continue; } if ($www == "ssl") { continue; } $www = str_replace("http://", "", $www); $www = str_replace("https://", "", $www); $www = str_replace("ftp://", "", $www); $www = str_replace("ftps://", "", $www); if (preg_match("#.+?@(.+)#", $www, $ri)) { $www = $ri[1]; } if (preg_match("#^www\\.(.+?)\$#i", $www, $ri)) { $www = $ri[1]; } if ($ForceCat == 0) { if ($this->already_Cats($www)) { continue; } } if (strpos($www, '"') > 0) { $www = substr($www, 0, strpos($www, '"')); } if (strpos($www, "'") > 0) { $www = substr($www, 0, strpos($www, "'")); } if (strpos($www, ">") > 0) { $www = substr($www, 0, strpos($www, ">")); } if (strpos($www, "?") > 0) { $www = substr($www, 0, strpos($www, "?")); } if (strpos($www, "\\") > 0) { $www = substr($www, 0, strpos($www, "\\")); } if (strpos($www, "/") > 0) { $www = substr($www, 0, strpos($www, "/") - 1); } if (preg_match("#^\\.(.+)#", $www, $re)) { $www = $re[1]; } if (preg_match("#^\\*\\.(.+)#", $www, $re)) { $www = $re[1]; } if (preg_match("#\\.html\$#i", $www, $re)) { continue; } if (preg_match("#\\.htm\$#i", $www, $re)) { continue; } if (preg_match("#\\.gif\$#i", $www, $re)) { continue; } if (preg_match("#\\.png\$#i", $www, $re)) { continue; } if (preg_match("#\\.jpeg\$#i", $www, $re)) { continue; } if (preg_match("#\\.jpg\$#i", $www, $re)) { continue; } if (preg_match("#\\.php\$#i", $www, $re)) { continue; } if (preg_match("#\\.js\$#i", $www, $re)) { continue; } if ($ForceExt == 0) { if (!preg_match("#\\.[a-z0-9]+\$#", $www, $re)) { echo "{$www} bad extension `{$www}` \n"; continue; } } if (strpos(" ", trim($www)) > 0) { continue; } $sites[$www] = $www; } $this->CheckTable_dansguardian(); if (count($sites) == 0) { echo "NO websites\n"; return; } echo "\n----------------\nanalyze " . count($sites) . " websites into {$category}\n"; while (list($num, $www) = each($sites)) { $www = trim($www); if ($www == null) { continue; } if (preg_match("#^www\\.(.+?)\$#", $www, $re)) { $www = $re[1]; } writelogs("Analyze {$www}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); $md5 = md5($category . $www); if ($ForceCat == 0) { $cats = $this->GET_CATEGORIES($www, true, true, true); if ($cats != null) { echo "FALSE: {$www} already categorized ({$cats})\n"; continue; } } $category_table = "category_" . $this->category_transform_name($category); $this->CreateCategoryTable($_POST["category"]); $this->QUERY_SQL("INSERT IGNORE INTO {$category_table} (zmd5,zDate,category,pattern,uuid) VALUES('{$md5}',NOW(),'{$category}','{$www}','{$uuid}')"); if (!$this->ok) { echo "categorize {$www} failed {$this->mysql_error} line " . __LINE__ . " in file " . __FILE__ . "\n"; continue; } $this->categorize_logs($category, "{add}", $www); echo "TRUE: {$www} Added\n"; $this->QUERY_SQL("INSERT IGNORE INTO categorize (zmd5,zDate,category,pattern,uuid) VALUES('{$md5}',NOW(),'{$category}','{$www}','{$uuid}')"); if (!$this->ok) { echo $this->mysql_error . "\n"; } } $sock = new sockets(); $sock->getFrameWork("cmd.php?export-community-categories=yes"); }
/** * Get a blog and add tags from the silcc API */ function silcc_submit_post($post_id) { global $wpdb; $post_id = (int) $post_id; $blog = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE ID = '{$post_id}' "); if (!$blog) { // it was deleted return; } // This is where we extract the text to tag // TODO: Make sure this text is not HTML (To avoid HTML tagging) // Include the html to text conversion library require dirname(__FILE__) . "/"; $html_text = stripslashes($blog->post_content); $html_to_text_class = new html2text($html_text); $text_content = $html_to_text_class->get_text(); $tags = array(); if (!is_null($text_content)) { if (strlen($text_content) > 240) { $tags = tagthe_http_get($text_content); } else { if (strlen($text_content) > 0 && strlen($text_content) < 240) { $query_string = '' . urlencode($text_content) . '&'; $response = silcc_http_get($query_string); $clean_response = str_replace('[', '', $response); $clean_response = str_replace(']', '', $clean_response); $clean_response = str_replace(' ', '', $clean_response); $clean_response = str_replace('"', '', $clean_response); $tags = explode(',', $clean_response); } } } wp_set_post_terms($post_id, $tags); if (count($tags) > 0) { silcc_update_options(count($tags)); } }
/** * Given HTML, converts and formats it as text * * @param string $html The html to be formatted * @return string The formatted text */ function html2text($html) { require_once 'html2text/class.html2text.php'; $h2t = new html2text($html); $h2t->set_base_url(get_config('wwwroot')); return $h2t->get_text(); }
// Set page title $pagetitle = $story->DisplayElements('title'); $outputHandle = outputHandler::getInstance(); $permalink = COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $story->getSid()); $outputHandle->addLink('canonical', $permalink); if ($story->DisplayElements('trackbackcode') == 0) { if ($_CONF['trackback_enabled']) { $trackbackurl = TRB_makeTrackbackUrl($story->getSid()); $outputHandle->addRaw(LB . '<!--' . LB . TRB_trackbackRdf($permalink, $pagetitle, $trackbackurl) . LB . '-->' . LB); } $pingback = true; } USES_lib_html2text(); $metaDesc = $story->DisplayElements('introtext'); $metaDesc = strip_tags($metaDesc); $html2txt = new html2text($metaDesc, false); $metaDesc = trim($html2txt->get_text()); $shortComment = ''; $metaArray = explode(' ', $metaDesc); $wordCount = count($metaArray); $lengthCount = 0; $tailString = ''; foreach ($metaArray as $word) { $lengthCount = $lengthCount + strlen($word); $shortComment .= $word . ' '; if ($lengthCount >= 100) { $tailString = '...'; break; } } $metaDesc = trim($shortComment) . $tailString;
function send_mail_phpmailer($email, $subject, $message = "", $from = "", $reply_to = "", $html_template = "", $templatevars = null, $from_name = "", $cc = "", $bcc = "") { # if ($use_phpmailer==true) this function is used instead. # Mail templates can include lang, server, site_text, and POST variables by default # ex ( [lang_mycollections], [server_REMOTE_ADDR], [text_footer] , [message] # additional values must be made available through $templatevars # For example, a complex url or image path that may be sent in an # email should be added to the templatevars array and passed into send_mail. # available templatevars need to be well-documented, and sample templates # need to be available. # Include footer global $email_footer, $storagedir; $phpversion = phpversion(); if ($phpversion >= '5.3') { if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../lib/phpmailer_v5.2.6/class.phpmailer.php")) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../lib/phpmailer_v5.2.6/class.phpmailer.php"; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../lib/phpmailer_v5.2.6/extras/class.html2text.php"; } } else { // less than 5.3 if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../lib/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php")) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../lib/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php"; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../lib/phpmailer/class.html2text.php"; } } global $email_from; if ($from == "") { $from = $email_from; } if ($reply_to == "") { $reply_to = $email_from; } global $applicationname; if ($from_name == "") { $from_name = $applicationname; } #check for html template. If exists, attempt to include vars into message if ($html_template != "") { # Attempt to verify users by email, which allows us to get the email template by lang and usergroup $to_usergroup = sql_query("select lang,usergroup from user where email ='" . escape_check($email) . "'", ""); if (count($to_usergroup) != 0) { $to_usergroupref = $to_usergroup[0]['usergroup']; $to_usergrouplang = $to_usergroup[0]['lang']; } else { $to_usergrouplang = ""; } if ($to_usergrouplang == "") { global $defaultlanguage; $to_usergrouplang = $defaultlanguage; } if (isset($to_usergroupref)) { $modified_to_usergroupref = hook("modifytousergroup", "", $to_usergroupref); if ($modified_to_usergroupref !== null) { $to_usergroupref = $modified_to_usergroupref; } $results = sql_query("select language,name,text from site_text where page='all' and name='{$html_template}' and specific_to_group='{$to_usergroupref}'"); } else { $results = sql_query("select language,name,text from site_text where page='all' and name='{$html_template}' and specific_to_group is null"); } global $site_text; for ($n = 0; $n < count($results); $n++) { $site_text[$results[$n]["language"] . "-" . $results[$n]["name"]] = $results[$n]["text"]; } $language = $to_usergrouplang; if (array_key_exists($language . "-" . $html_template, $site_text)) { $template = $site_text[$language . "-" . $html_template]; } else { global $languages; # Can't find the language key? Look for it in other languages. reset($languages); foreach ($languages as $key => $value) { if (array_key_exists($key . "-" . $html_template, $site_text)) { $template = $site_text[$key . "-" . $html_template]; break; } } // Fall back to language file if not in site text global $lang; if (isset($lang[$html_template])) { $template = $lang[$html_template]; } } if (isset($template) && $template != "") { preg_match_all('/\\[[^\\]]*\\]/', $template, $test); foreach ($test[0] as $variable) { $variable = str_replace("[", "", $variable); $variable = str_replace("]", "", $variable); # get lang variables (ex. [lang_mycollections]) if (substr($variable, 0, 5) == "lang_") { global $lang; ${$variable} = $lang[substr($variable, 5)]; } else { if (substr($variable, 0, 7) == "server_") { ${$variable} = $_SERVER[substr($variable, 7)]; } else { if (substr($variable, 0, 15) == "embed_thumbnail") { $thumbcid = uniqid('thumb'); ${$variable} = "<img style='border:1px solid #d1d1d1;' src='cid:{$thumbcid}' />"; } else { if (substr($variable, 0, 15) == "img_storagedir_") { ${$variable} = "<img src='cid:" . basename(substr($variable, 15)) . "'/>"; $images[] = dirname(__FILE__) . substr($variable, 15); } else { if (substr($variable, 0, 4) == "img_") { $image_path = substr($variable, 4); if (substr($image_path, 0, 1) == "/") { // absolute paths $images[] = $image_path; } else { // relative paths $image_path = str_replace("../", "", $image_path); $images[] = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../" . $image_path; } ${$variable} = "<img src='cid:" . basename($image_path) . "'/>"; $images[] = $image_path; } else { if (substr($variable, 0, 7) == "attach_") { ${$variable} = ""; $attachments[] = substr($variable, 7); } else { if (substr($variable, 0, 5) == "text_") { ${$variable} = text(substr($variable, 5)); } else { ${$variable} = getval($variable, ""); } } } } } } } # avoid resetting templatevars that may have been passed here if (!isset($templatevars[$variable])) { $templatevars[$variable] = ${$variable}; } } if (isset($templatevars)) { foreach ($templatevars as $key => $value) { $template = str_replace("[" . $key . "]", nl2br($value), $template); } } $body = $template; } } if (!isset($body)) { $body = $message; } global $use_smtp, $smtp_secure, $smtp_host, $smtp_port, $smtp_auth, $smtp_username, $smtp_password; $mail = new PHPMailer(); // use an external SMTP server? (e.g. Gmail) if ($use_smtp) { $mail->IsSMTP(); // enable SMTP $mail->SMTPDebug = 0; // debugging: 1 = errors and messages, 2 = messages only $mail->SMTPAuth = $smtp_auth; // authentication enabled/disabled $mail->SMTPSecure = $smtp_secure; // '', 'tls' or 'ssl' $mail->Host = $smtp_host; // hostname $mail->Port = $smtp_port; // port number $mail->Username = $smtp_username; // username $mail->Password = $smtp_password; // password } $reply_tos = explode(",", $reply_to); // only one from address is possible, so only use the first one: if (strstr($reply_tos[0], "<")) { $rtparts = explode("<", $reply_tos[0]); $mail->From = str_replace(">", "", $rtparts[1]); $mail->FromName = $rtparts[0]; } else { $mail->From = $reply_tos[0]; $mail->FromName = $from_name; } // if there are multiple addresses, that's what replyto handles. for ($n = 0; $n < count($reply_tos); $n++) { if (strstr($reply_tos[$n], "<")) { $rtparts = explode("<", $reply_tos[$n]); $mail->AddReplyto(str_replace(">", "", $rtparts[1]), $rtparts[0]); } else { $mail->AddReplyto($reply_tos[$n], $from_name); } } # modification to handle multiple comma delimited emails # such as for a multiple $email_notify $emails = $email; $emails = explode(',', $emails); $emails = array_map('trim', $emails); foreach ($emails as $email) { if (strstr($email, "<")) { $emparts = explode("<", $email); $mail->AddAddress(str_replace(">", "", $emparts[1]), $emparts[0]); } else { $mail->AddAddress($email); } } if ($cc != "") { # modification for multiple is also necessary here, though a broken cc seems to be simply removed by phpmailer rather than breaking it. $ccs = $cc; $ccs = explode(',', $ccs); $ccs = array_map('trim', $ccs); global $userfullname; foreach ($ccs as $cc) { if (strstr($cc, "<")) { $ccparts = explode("<", $cc); $mail->AddCC(str_replace(">", "", $ccparts[1]), $ccparts[0]); } else { $mail->AddCC($cc, $userfullname); } } } if ($bcc != "") { # modification for multiple is also necessary here, though a broken cc seems to be simply removed by phpmailer rather than breaking it. $bccs = $bcc; $bccs = explode(',', $bccs); $bccs = array_map('trim', $bccs); global $userfullname; foreach ($bccs as $bccemail) { if (strstr($bccemail, "<")) { $bccparts = explode("<", $bccemail); $mail->AddBCC(str_replace(">", "", $bccparts[1]), $bccparts[0]); } else { $mail->AddBCC($bccemail, $userfullname); } } } $mail->CharSet = "utf-8"; if (is_html($body)) { $mail->IsHTML(true); } else { $mail->IsHTML(false); } $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $body; if (isset($embed_thumbnail) && isset($templatevars['thumbnail'])) { $mail->AddEmbeddedImage($templatevars['thumbnail'], $thumbcid, $thumbcid, 'base64', 'image/jpeg'); } if (isset($images)) { foreach ($images as $image) { $mail->AddEmbeddedImage($image, basename($image), basename($image), 'base64', 'image/gif'); } } if (isset($attachments)) { foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { $mail->AddAttachment($attachment, basename($attachment)); } } if (is_html($body)) { $h2t = new html2text($body); $text = $h2t->get_text(); $mail->AltBody = $text; } if (!$mail->Send()) { echo "Message could not be sent. <p>"; echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo; exit; } hook("aftersendmailphpmailer", "", $email); }
/** * Convert an HTML string into plain text. * @param string $html The HTML text to convert * @param bool $advanced Should this use the more complex html2text converter or just a simple one? * @return string */ public function html2text($html, $advanced = false) { if ($advanced) { require_once 'extras/class.html2text.php'; $h = new html2text($html); return $h->get_text(); } return html_entity_decode(trim(strip_tags(preg_replace('/<(head|title|style|script)[^>]*>.*?<\\/\\1>/si', '', $html))), ENT_QUOTES, $this->CharSet); }
function html_to_text($html) { include_once ROOT . "/library/html2text/"; $h2t = new html2text($html); return $h2t->get_text(); }
function _ff_getListField_forum($fieldname, $fieldvalue, $A, $icon_arr) { global $_CONF, $_USER, $_TABLES, $LANG_ADMIN, $LANG04, $LANG28, $_IMAGE_TYPE; global $_FF_CONF, $_SYSTEM, $LANG_GF02; if (!isset($A['status'])) { $A['status'] = 0; } USES_lib_html2text(); $retval = ''; $dt = new Date('now', $_USER['tzid']); switch ($fieldname) { case 'date': case 'lastupdated': $dt->setTimestamp($fieldvalue); $retval = $dt->format($_FF_CONF['default_Datetime_format'], true); break; case 'subject': $testText = FF_formatTextBlock($A['comment'], 'text', 'text', $A['status']); $testText = strip_tags($testText); $html2txt = new html2text($testText, false); $testText = trim($html2txt->get_text()); $lastpostinfogll = @htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('#\\r?\\n#', '<br>', strip_tags(substr($testText, 0, $_FF_CONF['contentinfo_numchars']) . '...')), ENT_QUOTES, COM_getEncodingt()); $retval = '<a class="' . COM_getTooltipStyle() . '" style="text-decoration:none;" href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=' . ($A['pid'] == 0 ? $A['id'] : $A['pid']) . '&topic=' . $A['id'] . '#' . $A['id'] . '" title="' . $A['subject'] . '::' . $lastpostinfogll . '" rel="nofollow">' . $fieldvalue . '</a>'; break; case 'bookmark': $bm_icon_on = '<img src="' . _ff_getImage('star_on_sm') . '" title="' . $LANG_GF02['msg204'] . '" alt=""/>'; $retval = '<span id="forumbookmark' . $A['topic_id'] . '"><a href="#" onclick="ajax_toggleForumBookmark(' . $A['topic_id'] . ');return false;">' . $bm_icon_on . '</a></span>'; break; case 'replies': case 'views': if ($fieldvalue != '') { $retval = $fieldvalue; } else { $retval = '0'; } break; default: $retval = $fieldvalue; break; } return $retval; }
/** * Email story to a friend * * @param string $sid id of story to email * @param string $to name of person / friend to email * @param string $toemail friend's email address * @param string $from name of person sending the email * @param string $fromemail sender's email address * @param string $shortmsg short intro text to send with the story * @return string Meta refresh * * Modification History * * Date Author Description * ---- ------ ----------- * 4/17/01 Tony Bibbs Code now allows anonymous users to send email * and it allows user to input a message as well * Thanks to Yngve Wassvik Bergheim for some of * this code * */ function mailstory($sid, $to, $toemail, $from, $fromemail, $shortmsg, $html = 0) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $LANG01, $LANG08; $dt = new Date('now', $_USER['tzid']); $storyurl = COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $sid); if ($_CONF['url_rewrite']) { $retURL = $storyurl . '?msg=85'; } else { $retURL = $storyurl . '&msg=85'; } // check for correct $_CONF permission if (COM_isAnonUser() && ($_CONF['loginrequired'] == 1 || $_CONF['emailstoryloginrequired'] == 1)) { echo COM_refresh($retURL); exit; } // check if emailing of stories is disabled if ($_CONF['hideemailicon'] == 1) { echo COM_refresh($retURL); exit; } // check mail speedlimit COM_clearSpeedlimit($_CONF['speedlimit'], 'mail'); if (COM_checkSpeedlimit('mail') > 0) { echo COM_refresh($retURL); exit; } $filter = sanitizer::getInstance(); if ($html) { $filter->setPostmode('html'); } else { $filter->setPostmode('text'); } $allowedElements = $filter->makeAllowedElements($_CONF['htmlfilter_default']); $filter->setAllowedElements($allowedElements); $filter->setCensorData(true); $filter->setReplaceTags(true); $filter->setNamespace('glfusion', 'mail_story'); $sql = "SELECT uid,title,introtext,bodytext,story_image,commentcode,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS day,postmode FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE sid = '" . DB_escapeString($sid) . "'" . COM_getTopicSql('AND') . COM_getPermSql('AND'); $result = DB_query($sql); if (DB_numRows($result) == 0) { return COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } $A = DB_fetchArray($result); $result = PLG_checkforSpam($shortmsg, $_CONF['spamx']); if ($result > 0) { COM_updateSpeedlimit('mail'); COM_displayMessageAndAbort($result, 'spamx', 403, 'Forbidden'); } USES_lib_html2text(); $T = new Template($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'email/'); $T->set_file(array('html_msg' => 'mailstory_html.thtml', 'text_msg' => 'mailstory_text.thtml')); // filter any HTML from the short message $shortmsg = $filter->filterHTML($shortmsg); $html2txt = new html2text($shortmsg, false); $shortmsg_text = $html2txt->get_text(); $story_body = COM_truncateHTML($A['introtext'], 512); $html2txt = new html2text($story_body, false); $story_body_text = $html2txt->get_text(); $dt->setTimestamp($A['day']); $story_date = $dt->format($_CONF['date'], true); $story_title = COM_undoSpecialChars($A['title']); $story_url = COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $sid); if ($_CONF['contributedbyline'] == 1) { $author = COM_getDisplayName($A['uid']); } else { $author = ''; } if ($A['story_image'] != '') { $story_image = $_CONF['site_url'] . $A['story_image']; } else { $story_image = ''; } $T->set_var(array('shortmsg_html' => $shortmsg, 'shortmsg_text' => $shortmsg_text, 'story_title' => $story_title, 'story_date' => $story_date, 'story_url' => $story_url, 'author' => $author, 'story_image' => $story_image, 'story_body_html' => $story_body, 'story_body_text' => $story_body_text, 'lang_by' => $LANG01[1], 'site_name' => $_CONF['site_name'], 'from_name' => $from, 'disclaimer' => sprintf($LANG08[23], $from, $fromemail))); $T->parse('message_body_html', 'html_msg'); $message_body_html = $T->finish($T->get_var('message_body_html')); $T->parse('message_body_text', 'text_msg'); $message_body_text = $T->finish($T->get_var('message_body_text')); $msgData = array('htmlmessage' => $message_body_html, 'textmessage' => $message_body_text, 'subject' => $story_title, 'from' => array('email' => $_CONF['site_mail'], 'name' => $from), 'to' => array('email' => $toemail, 'name' => $to)); $mailto = array(); $mailfrom = array(); $mailto = COM_formatEmailAddress($to, $toemail); $mailfrom = COM_formatEmailAddress($from, $fromemail); $subject = COM_undoSpecialChars(strip_tags('Re: ' . $A['title'])); $rc = COM_mail($mailto, $msgData['subject'], $msgData['htmlmessage'], $mailfrom, true, 0, '', $msgData['textmessage']); COM_updateSpeedlimit('mail'); if ($rc) { if ($_CONF['url_rewrite']) { $retval = COM_refresh($storyurl . '?msg=27'); } else { $retval = COM_refresh($storyurl . '&msg=27'); } } else { // Increment numemails counter for story DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['stories']} SET numemails = numemails + 1 WHERE sid = '" . DB_escapeString($sid) . "'"); if ($_CONF['url_rewrite']) { $retval = COM_refresh($storyurl . '?msg=26'); } else { $retval = COM_refresh($storyurl . '&msg=26'); } } echo COM_refresh($retval); exit; }
function clean_html_to_text($msg = null) { if (!$msg) { $msg =& $this->html; } $msg = $this->strip_style($msg); // strip out leading whitespace $msg = preg_replace('/^ +/m', '', $msg); // Intelligently convert HTML to text require_once ''; $html2text = new html2text($msg); $msg = $html2text->get_text(); $msg = ltrim($msg); $lines = preg_split("/\r|\n/", $msg); $msg = '> '; foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = ltrim($line); if (strlen($line) > 75) { $msg .= wordwrap($line, 75, "\n" . "> ", 1); } else { $msg .= "{$line}\n> "; } } return $msg; }
/** * Given HTML text, make it into plain text using external function * * @uses $CFG * @param string $html The text to be converted. * @return string */ function html_to_text($html) { global $CFG; require_once $CFG->libdir . '/html2text.php'; $h2t = new html2text($html); $result = $h2t->get_text(); // html2text does not fix HTML entities so handle those here. $result = trim(html_entity_decode($result, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8')); return $result; }
/** * Return the first text part of this message * * @param rcube_message_part $part Reference to the part if found * @return string Plain text message/part content */ function first_text_part(&$part = null) { // no message structure, return complete body if (empty($this->parts)) { return $this->body; } // check all message parts foreach ($this->mime_parts as $mime_id => $part) { if ($part->mimetype == 'text/plain') { return $this->get_part_content($mime_id); } else { if ($part->mimetype == 'text/html') { $out = $this->get_part_content($mime_id); // remove special chars encoding $trans = array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES)); $out = strtr($out, $trans); // create instance of html2text class $txt = new html2text($out); return $txt->get_text(); } } } $part = null; return null; }
function convert() { require_once AK_VENDOR_DIR . DS . 'TextParsers' . DS . 'html2text.php'; $Converter = new html2text(true, 0, false); return $Converter->load_string($this->source); }
if ($_POST['Message'] == '') { $body = file_get_contents('contents.html'); } else { $body = $_POST['Message']; } $example_code .= "\n\$body = \"" . $body . '";'; $mail->WordWrap = 80; // set word wrap $mail->IsHTML(true); // send as HTML $mail->Body = $body; $example_code .= "\n\$mail->WordWrap = 80;"; $example_code .= "\n\$mail->IsHTML(true); // send as HTML"; $example_code .= "\n\$mail->Body = \"{$body}\";"; // for non-HTML mail clients $h2t = new html2text($body); $mail->AltBody = $h2t->get_text(); $example_code .= "\n\$h2t =& new html2text(\$body);"; $example_code .= "\n\$mail->AltBody = \$h2t->get_text();"; $mail->AddAttachment("images/aikido.gif", "aikido.gif"); // optional name $mail->AddAttachment("images/phpmailer.gif", "phpmailer.gif"); // optional name $example_code .= "\n\$mail->AddAttachment(\"images/aikido.gif\", \"aikido.gif\"); // optional name"; $example_code .= "\n\$mail->AddAttachment(\"images/phpmailer.gif\", \"phpmailer.gif\"); // optional name"; try { if (!$mail->Send()) { $error = "Unable to send to: " . $to . "<br />"; throw new phpmailerAppException($error); } else { $results_messages[] = "Message has been sent using " . strtoupper($_POST["test_type"]);
/** * Convert a HTML string into a text one using html2text * * @param string $html the tring to be converted * @return string the converted string * @access public * @static */ static function htmlToText($html) { require_once 'packages/html2text/'; $converter = new html2text($html); return $converter->get_text(); }
public function renderFormatedString($str, $format, $return = false) { if ($format == 'plain_text') { if (class_exists('html2text')) { $str = html2text::convert($str); } else { $str = strip_tags($str); } if ($return === false) { if (!headers_sent()) { header('Content-Type: text/plain'); } echo $str; } else { return $str; } } }
/** * Given HTML text, make it into plain text using external function * * @param string $html The text to be converted. * @param integer $width Width to wrap the text at. (optional, default 75 which * is a good value for email. 0 means do not limit line length.) * @param boolean $dolinks By default, any links in the HTML are collected, and * printed as a list at the end of the HTML. If you don't want that, set this * argument to false. * @return string plain text equivalent of the HTML. */ function html_to_text($html, $width = 75, $dolinks = true) { global $CFG; require_once $CFG->libdir . '/html2text.php'; $h2t = new html2text($html, false, $dolinks, $width); $result = $h2t->get_text(); return $result; }
$tplname = 'removelog_logowner'; } else { // we are the cache-owner $tplname = 'removelog_cacheowner'; if ($commit == 1) { //send email to logowner $email_content = read_file($stylepath . '/email/'); $message = isset($_POST['logowner_message']) ? $_POST['logowner_message'] : ''; if ($message != '') { //message to logowner $message = $removed_message_title . "\n" . $message . "\n" . $removed_message_end; } $logtext = $log_record['log_text']; if ($log_record['text_html'] != 0) { $logtext = html_entity_decode($logtext, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); $h2t = new html2text($logtext); $h2t->set_base_url($absolute_server_URI); $logtext = $h2t->get_text(); } $logtext = $removed_text_title . "\n" . trim($logtext) . "\n" . $removed_text_end; //get cache owner name $cache_owner_rs = sql("SELECT `username` FROM `user` WHERE `user_id`='&1'", $log_record['cache_owner_id']); $cache_owner_record = sql_fetch_array($cache_owner_rs); mysql_free_result($cache_owner_rs); //get email address of logowner $log_user_rs = sql("SELECT `email`, `username` FROM `user` WHERE `user_id`='&1'", $log_record['log_user_id']); $log_user_record = sql_fetch_array($log_user_rs); mysql_free_result($log_user_rs); // insert log data $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('%log_owner%', $log_user_record['username'], $email_content); $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('%cache_owner%', $cache_owner_record['username'], $email_content);