Esempio n. 1
  * Traverses an array containing category data and returns a tree view
  * @param array $category_data
  * @return string
 private static function _generate_treeview_html($category_data)
     // To hold the treeview HTMl
     $tree_html = "";
     foreach ($category_data as $id => $category) {
         // Determine the category class
         $category_class = $category['parent_id'] > 0 ? " class=\"report-listing-category-child\"" : "";
         $category_image = $category['category_image_thumb'] ? html::image(array('src' => url::convert_uploaded_to_abs($category['category_image_thumb']), 'style' => 'float:left;padding-right:5px;')) : NULL;
         $tree_html .= "<li" . $category_class . ">" . "<a href=\"#\" class=\"cat_selected\" id=\"filter_link_cat_" . $id . "\" title=\"{$category['category_description']}\">" . "<span class=\"item-swatch\" style=\"background-color: #" . $category['category_color'] . "\">{$category_image}</span>" . "<span class=\"item-title\">" . html::strip_tags($category['category_title']) . "</span>" . "<span class=\"item-count\">" . $category['report_count'] . "</span>" . "</a></li>";
         $tree_html .= self::_generate_treeview_html($category['children']);
     // Return
     return $tree_html;
Esempio n. 2
if ($total_items == 0) {
										<td colspan="4" class="col">
    echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.no_results');
foreach ($incidents as $incident) {
    $incident_id = $incident->id;
    $incident_title = html::escape($incident->incident_title);
    $incident_description = text::limit_chars(html::strip_tags($incident->incident_description), 150, "...", true);
    $incident_date = $incident->incident_date;
    $incident_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($incident->incident_date));
    $incident_mode = $incident->incident_mode;
    // Mode of submission... WEB/SMS/EMAIL?
    //XXX incident_Mode will be discontinued in favour of $service_id
    if ($incident_mode == 1) {
        $submit_mode = "WEB";
        // Who submitted the report?
        if ($incident->incident_person->id) {
            // Report was submitted by a visitor
            $submit_by = $incident->incident_person->person_first . " " . $incident->incident_person->person_last;
        } else {
            if ($incident->user_id) {
                $submit_by = $incident->user->name;
            } else {
Esempio n. 3
										<td colspan="4" class="col">
        echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.no_results');
    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        $message_id = $message->id;
        $message_from = html::strip_tags($message->reporter->service_account);
        $message_to = html::strip_tags($message->message_to);
        $incident_id = $message->incident_id;
        $message_description = text::auto_link(html::strip_tags($message->message));
        $message_detail = nl2br(text::auto_link(html::strip_tags($message->message_detail)));
        $message_date = date('Y-m-d  H:i', strtotime($message->message_date));
        $message_type = $message->message_type;
        $message_level = $message->message_level;
        $latitude = $message->latitude;
        $longitude = $message->longitude;
        $level_id = $message->reporter->level_id;
									<tr <?php 
        if ($message_level == "99") {
            echo " class=\"spam_tr\"";
										<td class="col-1"><input name="message_id[]" id="message" value="<?php 
        echo $message_id;
Esempio n. 4
  * Read in new layer JSON from shared connection
  * @param int $sharing_id - ID of the new Share Layer
 public function index($sharing_id = FALSE)
     $json = '';
     $json_item = array();
     $json_features = array();
     $sharing_data = "";
     $clustering = Kohana::config('settings.allow_clustering');
     if ($sharing_id) {
         // Get This Sharing ID Color
         $sharing = ORM::factory('sharing')->find($sharing_id);
         if (!$sharing->loaded) {
             throw new Kohana_404_Exception();
         $sharing_url = sharing_helper::clean_url($sharing->sharing_url);
         $sharing_color = $sharing->sharing_color;
         if ($clustering) {
             // Database
             $db = new Database();
             // Start Date
             $start_date = (isset($_GET['s']) and !empty($_GET['s'])) ? (int) $_GET['s'] : "0";
             // End Date
             $end_date = (isset($_GET['e']) and !empty($_GET['e'])) ? (int) $_GET['e'] : "0";
             // SouthWest Bound
             $southwest = (isset($_GET['sw']) and !empty($_GET['sw'])) ? $_GET['sw'] : "0";
             $northeast = (isset($_GET['ne']) and !empty($_GET['ne'])) ? $_GET['ne'] : "0";
             // Get Zoom Level
             $zoomLevel = (isset($_GET['z']) and !empty($_GET['z'])) ? (int) $_GET['z'] : 8;
             //$distance = 60;
             $distance = (10000000 >> $zoomLevel) / 100000;
             $filter = "";
             $filter .= $start_date ? " AND incident_date >= '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $start_date) . "'" : "";
             $filter .= $end_date ? " AND incident_date <= '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $end_date) . "'" : "";
             if ($southwest and $northeast) {
                 list($latitude_min, $longitude_min) = explode(',', $southwest);
                 list($latitude_max, $longitude_max) = explode(',', $northeast);
                 $filter .= " AND latitude >=" . (double) $latitude_min . " AND latitude <=" . (double) $latitude_max;
                 $filter .= " AND longitude >=" . (double) $longitude_min . " AND longitude <=" . (double) $longitude_max;
             $filter .= " AND sharing_id = " . (int) $sharing_id;
             $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `" . $this->table_prefix . "sharing_incident` WHERE 1=1 {$filter} ORDER BY incident_id ASC ");
             $markers = $query->result_array(FALSE);
             $clusters = array();
             // Clustered
             $singles = array();
             // Non Clustered
             // Loop until all markers have been compared
             while (count($markers)) {
                 $marker = array_pop($markers);
                 $cluster = array();
                 // Compare marker against all remaining markers.
                 foreach ($markers as $key => $target) {
                     // This function returns the distance between two markers, at a defined zoom level.
                     // $pixels = $this->_pixelDistance($marker['latitude'], $marker['longitude'],
                     // $target['latitude'], $target['longitude'], $zoomLevel);
                     $pixels = abs($marker['longitude'] - $target['longitude']) + abs($marker['latitude'] - $target['latitude']);
                     // echo $pixels."<BR>";
                     // If two markers are closer than defined distance, remove compareMarker from array and add to cluster.
                     if ($pixels < $distance) {
                         $target['distance'] = $pixels;
                         $cluster[] = $target;
                 // If a marker was added to cluster, also add the marker we were comparing to.
                 if (count($cluster) > 0) {
                     $cluster[] = $marker;
                     $clusters[] = $cluster;
                 } else {
                     $singles[] = $marker;
             // Create Json
             foreach ($clusters as $cluster) {
                 // Calculate cluster center
                 $bounds = $this->calculate_center($cluster);
                 $cluster_center = array_values($bounds['center']);
                 $southwest = $bounds['sw']['longitude'] . ',' . $bounds['sw']['latitude'];
                 $northeast = $bounds['ne']['longitude'] . ',' . $bounds['ne']['latitude'];
                 // Number of Items in Cluster
                 $cluster_count = count($cluster);
                 $link = $sharing_url . "/reports/index/?c=0&sw=" . $southwest . "&ne=" . $northeast;
                 $item_name = $this->get_title(Kohana::lang('ui_main.reports_count', $cluster_count), $link);
                 $json_item = array();
                 $json_item['type'] = 'Feature';
                 $json_item['properties'] = array('name' => $item_name, 'link' => $link, 'category' => array(0), 'color' => $sharing_color, 'icon' => '', 'thumb' => '', 'timestamp' => 0, 'count' => $cluster_count);
                 $json_item['geometry'] = array('type' => 'Point', 'coordinates' => $cluster_center);
                 array_push($json_features, $json_item);
             foreach ($singles as $single) {
                 $link = $sharing_url . "/reports/view/" . $single['id'];
                 $item_name = $this->get_title(html::strip_tags($single['incident_title']), $link);
                 $json_item = array();
                 $json_item['type'] = 'Feature';
                 $json_item['properties'] = array('name' => $item_name, 'link' => $link, 'category' => array(0), 'color' => $sharing_color, 'icon' => '', 'timestamp' => 0, 'count' => 1);
                 $json_item['geometry'] = array('type' => 'Point', 'coordinates' => array($single['longitude'], $single['latitude']));
                 array_push($json_features, $json_item);
         } else {
             // Retrieve all markers
             $markers = ORM::factory('sharing_incident')->where('sharing_id', $sharing_id)->find_all();
             foreach ($markers as $marker) {
                 $link = $sharing_url . "/reports/view/" . $marker->incident_id;
                 $item_name = $this->get_title($marker->incident_title, $link);
                 $json_item = array();
                 $json_item['type'] = 'Feature';
                 $json_item['properties'] = array('id' => $marker->incident_id, 'name' => $item_name, 'link' => $link, 'color' => $sharing_color, 'icon' => '', 'timestamp' => strtotime($marker->incident_date));
                 $json_item['geometry'] = array('type' => 'Point', 'coordinates' => array($marker->longitude, $marker->latitude));
                 array_push($json_features, $json_item);
         Event::run('ushahidi_filter.json_share_features', $json_features);
         $json = json_encode(array("type" => "FeatureCollection", "features" => $json_features));
     header('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
     echo $json;
Esempio n. 5
  * Create a report and assign it to one or more categories and set verification
 public function __response_create_report($vars)
     $categories = array();
     if (isset($vars['add_category'])) {
         $categories = $vars['add_category'];
     $verify = 0;
     if (isset($vars['verify'])) {
         $verify = (int) $vars['verify'];
     $approve = 0;
     if (isset($vars['approve'])) {
         $approve = (int) $vars['approve'];
     // Grab the location_id or create one if we can
     $location_id = 0;
     if (isset($this->data->location_id)) {
         $location_id = $this->data->location_id;
     } elseif (isset($this->data->latitude) and isset($this->data->longitude)) {
         $location_name = map::reverse_geocode($this->data->latitude, $this->data->longitude);
         // In case our location name is too long, chop off the end
         $location_name = substr_replace($location_name, '', 250);
         $location_data = (object) array('location_name' => $location_name, 'latitude' => $this->data->latitude, 'longitude' => $this->data->longitude);
         $location = new Location_Model();
         reports::save_location($location_data, $location);
         $location_id = $location->id;
     // We can only create reports if we have location.
     if ($location_id == FALSE or $location_id == 0) {
         return false;
     // Build title
     // Build title & description
     // If this is a message
     if (isset($this->data->message)) {
         $incident_title = $this->data->message;
         $incident_description = $this->data->message;
         $incident_date = $this->data->message_date;
         // If we're got more message detail, make that the description
         if (!empty($message->message_detail)) {
             $incident_description = $this->data->message_detail;
     } elseif (isset($this->data->item_title)) {
         $incident_title = html::strip_tags(html_entity_decode(html_entity_decode($this->data->item_title, ENT_QUOTES)));
         $incident_description = html::clean(html_entity_decode($this->data->item_description, ENT_QUOTES));
         $incident_date = $this->data->item_date;
     // Override title from action options
     if (!empty($vars['report_title'])) {
         $incident_title = $vars['report_title'];
     // Save Incident
     $incident = new Incident_Model();
     $incident->location_id = $location_id;
     $incident->incident_title = $incident_title;
     $incident->incident_description = $incident_description;
     $incident->incident_date = $incident_date;
     $incident->incident_active = $approve;
     $incident->incident_verified = $verify;
     $incident->incident_dateadd = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
     // Conflicted.. do I run report add here? Potential to create a mess with action triggers?
     //Event::run('ushahidi_action.report_add', $incident);
     // Save media
     if (isset($this->data->item_title)) {
         $news = new Media_Model();
         $news->location_id = $incident->location_id;
         $news->incident_id = $incident->id;
         $news->media_type = 4;
         // News
         $news->media_link = $this->data->item_link;
         $news->media_date = $this->data->item_date;
     $incident_id = $incident->id;
     foreach ($categories as $category_id) {
         // Assign Category
         Incident_Category_Model::assign_category_to_incident($incident_id, $category_id);
     // Link message with incident?
     if (isset($this->data->message) and isset($this->data->id)) {
         $message = new Message_Model($this->data->id);
         $message->incident_id = $incident_id;
     } elseif (isset($this->data->item_title) and isset($this->data->id)) {
         $item = new Feed_Item_Model($this->data->id);
         $item->incident_id = $incident_id;
     return TRUE;
Esempio n. 6
if ($incidents->count() == 0) {
			<tr><td colspan="3"><?php 
    echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.no_reports');
foreach ($incidents as $incident) {
    $incident_id = $incident->id;
    $incident_title = text::limit_chars(html::strip_tags($incident->incident_title), 40, '...', True);
    $incident_date = $incident->incident_date;
    $incident_date = date('M j Y', strtotime($incident->incident_date));
    $incident_location = $incident->location->location_name;
			<td><a href="<?php 
    echo url::site() . 'reports/view/' . $incident_id;
"> <?php 
    echo $incident_title;
    echo html::escape($incident_location);
  * Submit comments
  * @return int
 private function _add_comment()
     $api_akismet = Kohana::config('settings.api_akismet');
     // Comment Post?
     // Setup and initialize form field names
     $form = array('incident_id' => '', 'comment_author' => '', 'comment_description' => '', 'comment_email' => '');
     $captcha = Captcha::factory();
     $errors = $form;
     $form_error = FALSE;
     $ret_value = 0;
     // Check, has the form been submitted, if so, setup validation
     if ($_POST and Kohana::config('settings.allow_comments')) {
         // Instantiate Validation, use $post, so we don't overwrite $_POST fields with our own things
         $post = Validation::factory($_POST);
         // Add some filters
         $post->pre_filter('trim', TRUE);
         // Add some rules, the input field, followed by a list of checks, carried out in order
         // We can have either a checkin id or an incident id
         if (isset($post->checkin_id)) {
             $post->add_rules('checkin_id', 'required');
         } else {
             $post->add_rules('incident_id', 'required');
         // If the user isn't posting an email and author name, then they need to log in
         if (empty($post->comment_author) or empty($post->comment_email)) {
             if (!$this->api_service->_login()) {
         // Grab variables for a logged in user
         $auth = Auth::instance();
         // Is user previously authenticated?
         if ($auth->logged_in()) {
             $user_id = $auth->get_user()->id;
         } else {
             $user_id = NULL;
             $post->add_rules('comment_author', 'required', 'length[3,100]');
             $post->add_rules('comment_email', 'required', 'email', 'length[4,100]');
         $post->add_rules('comment_description', 'required');
         // Test to see if things passed the rule checks
         if ($post->validate(FALSE)) {
             // Yes! everything is valid
             $incident_id = NULL;
             $checkin_id = NULL;
             if (isset($post->checkin_id)) {
                 $checkin = ORM::factory('checkin')->where('id', $post->checkin_id)->find();
                 if ($checkin->id == 0) {
                     return $this->response(1, "No checkins with that ID");
                 $checkin_id = $post->checkin_id;
                 $comment_url = '';
                 $comment_title = $checkin->checkin_description;
             } else {
                 $incident = ORM::factory('incident')->where('id', $post->incident_id)->where('incident_active', 1)->find();
                 if ($incident->id == 0) {
                     return $this->response(1, "No incidents with that ID");
                 $incident_id = $post->incident_id;
                 $comment_url = url::base() . 'reports/view/' . $post->incident_id;
                 $comment_title = $incident->incident_title;
             if ($user_id == NULL) {
                 $comment_author = $post->comment_author;
                 $comment_email = $post->comment_email;
             } else {
                 $comment_author = $auth->get_user()->name;
                 $comment_email = $auth->get_user()->email;
             if ($api_akismet != "") {
                 // Run Akismet Spam Checker
                 $akismet = new Akismet();
                 // Comment data
                 $comment = array('author' => $comment_author, 'email' => $comment_email, 'website' => "", 'body' => $post->comment_description, 'user_ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
                 $config = array('blog_url' => url::site(), 'api_key' => $api_akismet, 'comment' => $comment);
                 if ($akismet->errors_exist()) {
                     if ($akismet->is_error('AKISMET_INVALID_KEY')) {
                         // throw new Kohana_Exception('akismet.api_key');
                     } elseif ($akismet->is_error('AKISMET_RESPONSE_FAILED')) {
                         // throw new Kohana_Exception('akismet.server_failed');
                     } elseif ($akismet->is_error('AKISMET_SERVER_NOT_FOUND')) {
                         // throw new Kohana_Exception('akismet.server_not_found');
                     // If the server is down, we have to post
                     // the comment :(
                     // $this->_post_comment($comment);
                     $comment_spam = 0;
                 } else {
                     $comment_span = $akismet->is_spam() ? 1 : 0;
             } else {
                 // No API Key!!
                 $comment_spam = 0;
             $comment = new Comment_Model();
             $comment->incident_id = intval($incident_id);
             $comment->checkin_id = intval($checkin_id);
             $comment->comment_author = html::strip_tags($comment_author, FALSE);
             $comment->comment_description = html::strip_tags($post->comment_description, FALSE);
             $comment->comment_email = html::strip_tags($comment_email, FALSE);
             $comment->comment_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
             $comment->comment_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
             // Activate comment for now
             if ($comment_spam == 1) {
                 $comment->comment_spam = 1;
                 $comment->comment_active = 0;
             } else {
                 $comment->comment_spam = 0;
                 // 1 - Auto-approve, 0 - Manually approve
                 $comment->comment_active = Kohana::config('settings.allow_comments') == 1 ? 1 : 0;
             // Notify Admin Of New Comment
             $send = notifications::notify_admins("[" . Kohana::config('settings.site_name') . "] " . Kohana::lang('notifications.admin_new_comment.subject'), Kohana::lang('notifications.admin_new_comment.message') . "\n\n'" . $comment_title . "'" . "\n" . $comment_url . "\n\n" . strip_tags($post->comment_description));
         } else {
             // No! We have validation errors, we need to show the form again, with the errors
             // Repopulate the form fields
             $form = arr::overwrite($form, $post->as_array());
             // Populate the error fields, if any
             $errors = arr::overwrite($errors, $post->errors('comments'));
             foreach ($errors as $error_item => $error_description) {
                 if (!is_array($error_description)) {
                     $this->error_messages .= $error_description;
                     if ($error_description != end($errors)) {
                         $this->error_messages .= " - ";
             $ret_value = 1;
             // Validation error
     } else {
         $ret_value = 3;
     return $this->response($ret_value, $this->error_messages);
Esempio n. 8
foreach ($checkins as $checkin) {
    $checkin_id = $checkin->id;
    $incident_id = $checkin->incident_id;
    $location = $checkin->location->location_name;
    $latitude = $checkin->location->latitude;
    $longitude = $checkin->location->longitude;
    $description = $checkin->checkin_description;
    $preview = text::limit_chars(html::strip_tags($description), 150, "...", true);
    $checkin_date = date('Y-m-d h:i', strtotime($checkin->checkin_date));
    $auto_checkin = $checkin->checkin_auto ? "YES" : "NO";
						<td class="col-1"><input name="checkin_id[]" id="checkin" value="<?php 
    echo $checkin_id;
" type="checkbox" class="check-box"/></td>
						<td class="col-2">
							<div class="post">
    echo $preview;
								<p><a href="javascript:showCheckin('checkin_preview_<?php 
Esempio n. 9
<div class="report-comments">

    echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.comments');

    foreach ($incident_comments as $comment) {
		<div class="report-comment-box">

        echo html::strip_tags($comment->comment_author);
        echo date('M j Y', strtotime($comment->comment_date));

        echo html::escape($comment->comment_description);

Esempio n. 10
foreach ($messages as $priv_message) {
    $message_id = $priv_message->id;
    $parent_id = $priv_message->parent_id ? $priv_message->parent_id : $message_id;
    if ($priv_message->user_id == $user_id) {
        $message_from_user = ORM::factory("user", $priv_message->from_user_id);
    } else {
        $message_from_user = ORM::factory("user", $priv_message->user_id);
    if ($message_from_user->loaded) {
        $message_from = $message_from_user->name;
    } else {
        $message_from = Kohana::lang('ui_admin.unknown');
    $subject = $priv_message->private_subject;
    $message = text::auto_link($priv_message->private_message);
    $message_preview = text::limit_chars(html::strip_tags($message), 150, "...", true);
    $message_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($priv_message->private_message_date));
    $message_new = $priv_message->private_message_new;
										<td class="col-1"><input name="message_id[]" id="message" value="<?php 
    echo $message_id;
" type="checkbox" class="check-box"/></td>
										<td class="col-2">
											<div class="post">
    echo $subject;
												<p><a href="javascript:preview('message_preview_<?php 
    // How the person feels is a concat of categories on the report
    $how_feel = '';
    foreach ($incident->category as $category) {
        $how_feel .= $category->category_title . ', ';
    $how_feel = trim($how_feel, ', ');
    // Why they feel this way and how they would change it are custom form fields
    $why_feel = '';
    $change_place = '';
    $custom_data = customforms::get_custom_form_fields($incident_id);
    foreach ($custom_data as $custom) {
        switch ($custom['field_id']) {
            case '1':
                $why_feel = text::limit_chars(html::strip_tags($custom['field_response']), 100, '...', True);
            case '2':
                $change_place = text::limit_chars(html::strip_tags($custom['field_response']), 100, '...', True);
    $incident_image = false;
    foreach ($incident->media as $media) {
        if ($media->media_type == 1) {
            $incident_image = url::convert_uploaded_to_abs($media->media_thumb);
			<td><a href="<?php 
    echo url::site() . 'reports/view/' . $incident_id;
"> <?php 
    echo $incident_title;
Esempio n. 12
    $page_id = $page->id;
    $page_title = $page->page_title;
    $page_tab = $page->page_tab;
    $page_description = $page->page_description;
    $page_active = $page->page_active;
											<td class="col-1">&nbsp;</td>
											<td class="col-2">
												<div class="post">
    echo html::escape($page_title);
    echo text::limit_chars(html::strip_tags($page_description), "100", "...");
											<td class="col-4">
													<li class="none-separator"><a href="#add" onClick="fillFields(
    echo rawurlencode($page_id);
    echo base64_encode($page_title);
Esempio n. 13
  * Get messages according to a search criteria
  * @param	string	search criteria (RFC2060, sec. 6.4.4). Set to "UNSEEN" by default
  *					NB: Search criteria only affects IMAP mailboxes.
  * @param	string	date format. Set to "Y-m-d H:i:s" by default
  * @return	mixed	array containing messages
 public function get_messages($search_criteria = "UNSEEN", $date_format = "Y-m-d H:i:s")
     global $htmlmsg, $plainmsg, $attachments;
     // If our imap connection failed earlier, return no messages
     if ($this->imap_stream == false) {
         return array();
     // Use imap_search() to find the 'UNSEEN' messages.
     // This is more efficient than previous code using imap_num_msg()
     $new_msgs = imap_search($this->imap_stream, 'UNSEEN');
     $max_imap_messages = Kohana::config('email.max_imap_messages');
     if ($new_msgs == null) {
         return array();
     // Check to see if the number of messages we want to sort through is greater than
     //   the number of messages we want to allow. If there are too many messages, it
     //   can fail and that's no good.
     $msg_to_pull = sizeof($new_msgs);
     // This check has had problems in the past
     if ($msg_to_pull > $max_imap_messages) {
         $msg_to_pull = $max_imap_messages;
     $messages = array();
     for ($msgidx = 0; $msgidx < $msg_to_pull; $msgidx++) {
         $msgno = $new_msgs[$msgidx];
         $header = imap_headerinfo($this->imap_stream, $msgno);
         if (!isset($header->message_id) or !isset($header->udate)) {
         // Skip messages that aren't new/unseen
         // not sure we need this check now we use imap_search to pull only UNSEEN
         if ($header->Unseen != 'U' and $header->Recent != 'N') {
         $message_id = $header->message_id;
         $date = date($date_format, $header->udate);
         if (isset($header->from)) {
             $from = $header->from;
         } else {
             $from = FALSE;
         $fromname = "";
         $fromaddress = "";
         $subject = "";
         $body = "";
         $attachments = "";
         if ($from != FALSE) {
             foreach ($from as $id => $object) {
                 if (isset($object->personal)) {
                     $fromname = $object->personal;
                 if (isset($object->mailbox) and isset($object->host)) {
                     $fromaddress = $object->mailbox . "@" . $object->host;
                 if ($fromname == "") {
                     // In case from object doesn't have Name
                     $fromname = $fromaddress;
         if (isset($header->subject)) {
             $subject = $this->_mime_decode($header->subject);
         // Fetch Body
         $this->_getmsg($this->imap_stream, $msgno);
         if ($htmlmsg) {
             // Convert HTML to Text
             $html2text = new Html2Text($htmlmsg);
             $htmlmsg = $html2text->get_text();
         $body = $plainmsg ? $plainmsg : $htmlmsg;
         // Fetch Attachments
         $attachments = $this->_extract_attachments($this->imap_stream, $msgno);
         // This isn't the perfect solution but windows-1256 encoding doesn't work with mb_detect_encoding()
         //   so if it doesn't return an encoding, lets assume it's arabic. (sucks)
         if (mb_detect_encoding($body, 'auto', TRUE) == '') {
             $body = iconv("windows-1256", "UTF-8", $body);
         // Convert to valid UTF8
         $detected_encoding = mb_detect_encoding($body, "auto");
         if ($detected_encoding == 'ASCII') {
             $detected_encoding = 'iso-8859-1';
         $body = mb_convert_encoding($body, $detected_encoding, 'UTF-8');
         $body = html::escape($body);
         $subject = html::strip_tags($subject);
         array_push($messages, array('message_id' => $message_id, 'date' => $date, 'from' => $fromname, 'email' => $fromaddress, 'subject' => $subject, 'body' => $body, 'attachments' => $attachments));
         // Mark Message As Read
         imap_setflag_full($this->imap_stream, $msgno, "\\Seen");
     return $messages;