Esempio n. 1
 function translate()
     $translate = array();
     if (!$this->saved_content['Text']) {
         $translate[] = 'Text';
     $trFrom = $trSect = $trText = array();
     if (!empty($translate)) {
         $newest = $DB->asArray("SELECT t1.section, t1.* FROM content AS t1\n                LEFT JOIN content t2 ON t1.section = t2.section\n                AND t1.language = t2.language\n                AND t1.revision < t2.revision\n                WHERE t2.section IS NULL\n                AND'" . Database::escape($id) . "'\n                AND (t1.section='" . implode("' OR t1.section='", Database::escape($translate, true)) . "')\n                ORDER BY t1.revision DESC", true);
         foreach ($newest as $s => $translation) {
             $trFrom[] = $translation['language'];
             $trText[] = $translation['content'];
             $trSect[] = $s;
     if (!$obj->Name && !$_POST['etitle']) {
         if ($info = $DB->metadata->getRow(array('id' => $obj->ID, 'field' => 'Name'), 'value, metameta')) {
             $trFrom[] = $info['metameta'];
             $trText[] = $info['value'];
             $trSect[] = 'Name';
     $translation = array();
     if (!empty($trText)) {
         $translation = @array_combine($trSect, google::translate($trText, $trFrom, $language));
     return $translation;
Esempio n. 2
    function viewRevisions($page, $l, $sectionMap = false)
        global $DB, $Controller;
        if (is_numeric($page)) {
            $page = $Controller->{(string) $page}(EDIT);
        $lang = google::languages($l);
        $revisions = array();
        $_REQUEST->setType('rev1', 'numeric', true);
        $_REQUEST->setType('rev2', 'numeric', true);
        //FIXME: Move to CSS
        Head::add('ins {background: lightgreen;}
del {background: pink;}
.revlegend {text-align: right;display:inline;margin: 0 0 0 45px;}
.revlegend ins,.revlegend del {margin: 0 5px;}', 'css-raw');
        $r1 = false;
        $r2 = false;
        $r = $DB->content->get(array('id' => $this->that->ID, 'language' => $l), false, false, 'revision DESC');
        while ($rev = Database::fetchAssoc($r)) {
            $revisions[$rev['section']][$rev['revision']] = strftime('%c', $rev['revision']);
            if ($_REQUEST['rev1'][$rev['section']] === $rev['revision']) {
                $r1[$rev['section']] = $rev;
            if ($_REQUEST['rev2'][$rev['section']] === $rev['revision']) {
                $r2[$rev['section']] = $rev;
        $revArray = array();
        if ($revisions) {
            foreach ($revisions as $sectionName => $sectContent) {
                $revArray[] = new Tab($sectionMap && isset($sectionMap[$sectionName]) ? $sectionMap[$sectionName] : $sectionName, new Li(new Select('View revision', 'rev1[' . $sectionName . ']', $sectContent, $_REQUEST['rev1'][$sectionName], false, __('None')), new Submit('Revert to this', 'revert1[' . $sectionName . ']')), new Li(new Select('Compare to', 'rev2[' . $sectionName . ']', $sectContent, $_REQUEST['rev2'][$sectionName], false, __('None')), new Submit('Revert to this', 'revert2[' . $sectionName . ']')), isset($r1[$sectionName]) ? '<div class="revlegend"><ins>' . strftime('%c', $r1[$sectionName]['revision']) . '</ins>' . (isset($r2[$sectionName]) ? '<del>' . strftime('%c', $r2[$sectionName]['revision']) . '</del></div>' . '<div id="revdiff">' . diff($r2[$sectionName]['content'], $r1[$sectionName]['content']) . '</div>' : '<div id="revdiff">' . strip_tags($r1[$sectionName]['content'], '<p><div>') . '</div>') : null);
            $rForm = new Form('revisionsForm', url(null, array('id', 'edit', 'view', 'lang'), false));
            return '<div class="nav">' . Short::backn() . '</div>' . $rForm->collection(new Hidden('lang', $l), new Tabber('r' . $l, $revArray));
        } else {
            return '<div class="nav">' . Short::backn() . '</div>' . __('There are no saved revisions for this page and language');
Esempio n. 3
 function selectLanguage()
     global $CONFIG;
     JS::raw("\$(function(){\$('#" . idfy('user_settings::language') . "').change(function(e){\$('form').submit();})});");
     echo Form::quick(url(null, true), false, new Select(false, 'user_settings::language', google::languages($CONFIG->Site->languages), @$_COOKIE['user_settings::language'], false, __('Choose language')));
Esempio n. 4
  * @return string
 private function mainView()
     global $USER, $CONFIG, $DB, $Controller;
     $form = new Form('newEvent');
     $calendarSettings = new Accordion(__('Calendar settings'), new Set(new Checkbox(__('Insert into calendar'), 'einscal'), Short::datetime(__('Starts'), 'cstart'), Short::datetime(__('Ends'), 'cend')));
     $calendarSettings->params = 'collapsible:true,active:false';
     return new Tabber('flows', __('New item'), $form->collection($calendarSettings, new Hidden('esave', 1), new Hidden('edit', $_REQUEST['edit'] ? $_REQUEST['edit'] : 'new'), new Set(new Select(__('Language'), 'lang', google::languages($CONFIG->Site->languages), $_POST['lang'] ? $_POST['lang'] : $USER->settings['language']), new Input(__('Title'), 'etitle', $_POST['etitle']), new ImagePicker(__('Image'), 'eimg'), new Li(Short::datetime(__('Publish'), 'estart', $_POST['estart']), $this->mayI(PUBLISH) ? new Minicheck(__('Activate post'), 'activated', true) : null), Short::datetime(__('Hide'), 'eend', $_POST['eend']), new TagInput(__('Flow'), 'flows', Flow::flows(), $_POST['flows'] ? $_POST['flows'] : '', true, false, 'required'), new htmlfield(_('Text'), 'etxt', $_POST['etxt']))), __('Flows'), $this->flowList());
Esempio n. 5
  * View the page for editing the user terms
  * @return string
 function changeTerms()
     global $CONFIG, $DB;
     $languages = google::languages((array) $CONFIG->Site->languages);
     $terms = $DB->{'aliases,content'}->asList(array('aliases.alias' => 'Terms', 'content.section' => 'Terms'), 'content.language,content.content', false, true);
     $norm = array('lang' => key($terms), 'text' => current($terms));
     $lTabs = array();
     foreach ($languages as $l => $lang) {
         $lTabs[] = new Tab($lang, new htmlfield(__('Terms'), 'terms[' . $l . ']', isset($terms[$l]) ? @$terms[$l] : google::translate(@$norm['text'], @$norm['lang'], $l)));
     $form = new Form('saveTerms');
     return '<div class="nav"><a href="' . url(null, 'id') . '">' . icon('small/arrow_left') . __('Back') . '</a></div>' . $form->collection(new Tabber('tT', $lTabs));
Esempio n. 6
  * Loads the contents of a page
  * @access public
  * @return void
 function loadContent($force = false, $prohibit_translation = false)
     if ($this->cLoaded && !$force) {
     global $DB, $USER, $Templates, $CONFIG;
     if ($this->ID == false) {
     if ($force) {
         $this->content = false;
     $this->cLoaded = true;
     if (is_array($this->content)) {
         $skip = array_keys($this->content);
         $m = $this->content;
     } else {
         $skip = $m = array();
     // READ THIS: This part is not obvious at all!
     // Language list, NB: reverse preferred order, fallback languages starting with least preferred language first continued in increasing relevance and primary language last
     $languagelist = "'" . join("','", array_unique(array('en', $this->loadedLanguage))) . "'";
     $this->saved_content = array_merge($m, (array) @$DB->asList("\nSELECT t1.`section`,t1.`content`\nFROM\n        (\n            `content` AS t1\n            LEFT OUTER JOIN `content` t2 ON t1.`section` = t2.`section`\n            AND t1.`id` = t2.`id`\n            AND t1.`revision` < t2.`revision`\n            AND field( t1.`language` , " . $languagelist . " ) = field( t2.`language` , " . $languagelist . " )\n        )\n    LEFT OUTER JOIN\n        (\n            `content` AS t3\n            LEFT OUTER JOIN `content` t4 ON t3.`section` = t4.`section`\n            AND t3.`id` = t4.`id`\n            AND t3.`revision` < t4.`revision`\n            AND field( t3.`language` , " . $languagelist . " ) = field( t4.`language` , " . $languagelist . " )\n        )\n    ON t1.`section` = t3.`section`\n        AND t1.`id` = t3.`id`\n        AND field( t1.`language` , " . $languagelist . " ) < field( t3.`language` , " . $languagelist . " )\nWHERE t1.`id` = " . (int) $this->ID . "\n    AND IS NULL\n    AND IS NULL\n    AND IS NULL" . (empty($skip) ? '' : " AND t1.section NOT IN ('" . join("','", $skip) . "')"), true));
     if ($this->AutoTranslate && !$prohibit_translation && $USER->settings['language'] && $USER->settings['auto_Translate'] && $CONFIG->Site->auto_Translate === 'yes') {
         $diff = array_diff($Templates->current->sections, array_keys($this->content));
         if (!empty($diff)) {
             $c = $DB->content->asList(array("id" => $this->ID, 'section' => $diff), 'section,content,language', false, true, "revision DESC");
             $sections = $content = $languages = array();
             foreach ($c as $section => $data) {
                 if (!empty($data[0])) {
                     $sections[] = $section;
                     $content[] = $data[0];
                     $languages[] = $data[1];
             if (!empty($sections) && ($translation = google::translate($content, $languages, $this->loadedLanguage))) {
                 foreach ($translation as &$tr) {
                     $tr = '<div class="warn_autotranslate">' . __('Warning: auto-translated text') . '</div>' . $tr;
                 $this->content = array_combine($sections, $translation);
Esempio n. 7
require_once './flickrTagRelated.php';
require_once './googleDownloader.php';
$start = microtime(true);
$count1 = 0;
$count2 = 0;
$count3 = 0;
$count4 = 0;
global $imgid;
#   Initialize Classes
$downloadIMAGE = new downloadIMAGE();
$Flickr = new Flickr();
$TAG = new TAG();
$FlickrRelated = new FlickrRalated();
$google = new google();
#   Get images ids
/*$keywords = ['big+backpack','white+backpack','blue+bacpack'];
for ($c=0;$c<sizeof($keywords);$c++){
    $data = $google->queryengine($keywords[$c]);
    echo '<br/><br/>';

if (!empty($addMe)) {
    $info = $queryInput . '+' . $addMe;
} else {
    $info = $queryInput;
Esempio n. 8
  * execute function.
  * @access public
  * @return this object
 public function execute()
     if ($this->encodingState > -1) {
         switch ($this->audio_method) {
             case speech::METHOD_FESTIVAL:
                 $output = shell_exec("nice -n 19 /var/www/production/server-services/speech/tts/ {$this->scratch_path}{$this->uniqueID}.txt {$this->uniqueID} awb");
             case speech::METHOD_INSIPIO:
                 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/insipio.class.php";
                 $path = $this->output_path . "INSIPIO-TTS-" . $this->uniqueID . "-" . 0 . ".mp3";
                 $language = isset($_GET['l']) ? strtolower($_GET['l']) : "en";
                 $in = new insipio($this->decodedData, $path, $language, $this->voice);
                 $response = $in->send();
                 $this->chunks = 1;
                 // Flush any out of date fields.
             case speech::METHOD_GOOGLE:
                 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/google.class.php";
                 $path = $this->output_path . "GOOGLE-TTS-" . $this->uniqueID . "-" . 0 . ".mp3";
                 $language = isset($_GET['l']) ? strtolower($_GET['l']) : "en";
                 $google = new google($this->rawData, $path, $language);
                 $response = $google->send();
                 $this->chunks = 1;
                 // Flush any out of date fields.
             case speech::METHOD_ESPEAK:
                 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/espeak.class.php";
                 $path = $this->output_path . "ESPEAK-TTS-" . $this->uniqueID . "-" . 0 . ".mp3";
                 $language = isset($_GET['l']) ? strtolower($_GET['l']) : "en";
                 $in = new espeak($this->output_path . $this->uniqueID . ".txt", $path, $language, $this->voice);
                 $response = $in->send();
                 $this->chunks = 1;
                 // Flush any out of date fields.
         // SCS fix 13/09/2011
         // Don't wait for output. Version 2 of the toolbar waits for a response, which will hang the UI unless this is run in the background.
         // Sending to /dev/null & achieves this. Left the old command above just incase we need to put back at a later point.
         //exec("nice -n 19 /var/scripts/ {$this->scratch_path}{$this->uniqueID}.txt {$this->uniqueID} awb > /dev/null &");
         if ($this->debug == 1) {
             file_put_contents($this->script_path . "debug/" . $this->uniqueID . ".txt", "execute:> Running generateAudio on dataset: {$this->clean}\n\n", FILE_APPEND);
         if ($this->debug == 1) {
             file_put_contents($this->script_path . "debug/" . $this->uniqueID . ".txt", "execute:> result: " . $output . "\n\n", FILE_APPEND);
         //file_put_contents($this->scratch_path . "chunks/clean-" . rand(0, 99) . ".txt", $this->returnClean() );
         //echo $output;
         //echo "Execution string: /var/scripts/ {$this->scratch_path}/{$this->uniqueID}.txt {$this->uniqueID} awb";
     return $this;
Esempio n. 9

require_once "db.php";
require_once "google.php";
$db = new db();
$google = new google();
if (isset($_POST['cities'])) {
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($_POST['cities'] as $city) {
        $id = $db->getLocationByName($city['citry']);
        if ($id == False) {
            list($lat, $long) = $google->getLocation($city['citry']);
            $do = new stdClass();
            $do->name = $city['citry'];
            $do->long = $long;
            $do->lat = $lat;
            $id = $db->insertLocations($do);
        } else {
            $id = $id[0]['id'];
        $db->insertDestination($id, $i);
        $i += 1;
Esempio n. 10
  * @return string
 private function mainView()
     global $USER, $CONFIG, $DB, $Controller;
     $aList = array();
     $total = $DB->getCell("SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(*) FROM updates AS t1 \n            LEFT JOIN spine sp ON =\n            LEFT JOIN updates t2 ON =\n            AND t1.edited < t2.edited\n            WHERE t2.edited IS NULL\n            AND sp.class = 'Article'\n            ORDER BY t1.edited DESC");
     $perpage = 20;
     $pager = Pagination::getRange($perpage, $total);
     $r = $DB->query("SELECT DISTINCT FROM updates AS t1 \n            LEFT JOIN spine sp ON =\n            LEFT JOIN updates t2 ON =\n            AND t1.edited < t2.edited\n            WHERE t2.edited IS NULL\n            AND sp.class = 'Article'\n            ORDER BY t1.edited DESC\n            LIMIT " . $pager['range']['start'] . ", " . $perpage);
     while (false !== ($article = $DB->fetchAssoc($r))) {
         $article = $Controller->{$article['id']};
         $aList[] = '<li><span class="fixed-width">' . $article->Name . '</span><div class="tools">' . icon('small/eye', __('View'), url(array('id' => $article->ID))) . icon('small/pencil', __('Edit'), url(array('edit' => $article->ID), array('id'))) . icon('small/delete', __('Delete'), url(array('del' => $article->ID), 'id')) . '</div></li>';
     $aList = listify($aList);
     if ($total > $perpage) {
         $aList .= $pager['links'];
     $form = new Form('newArticle');
     $calendarSettings->params = 'collapsible:true,active:false';
     return new Tabber('events', __('Article manager'), $aList, __('New article'), $form->collection(new Hidden('asave', 1), new Hidden('edit', $_REQUEST['edit'] ? $_REQUEST['edit'] : 'new'), new Set(new Select(__('Language'), 'lang', google::languages($CONFIG->Site->languages), $USER->settings['language']), new Input(__('Title'), 'atitle'), new Li(new Datepicker(__('Publish'), 'apubd'), new Timepickr(false, 'apubt')), new htmlfield(__('Text'), 'atxt'), new htmlfield(__('Preamble'), 'apre'))));