/** * Validates a number value. * * @param string $value The value to validate. * * @return bool|string Returns boolean TRUE upon successfull validation, and an error message string upon failure. */ public function validate(&$value) { $required = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'required', false) == 'required'; $integeronly = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'integeronly', false, array(true, false)); $msglbl = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'msglbl', get::array_def($this->attributes, 'name', $this->getId())); if ($required && (!isset($value) || strlen(trim($value)) < 1)) { return sprintf('"%s" is a required field.', $msglbl); } if (isset($value) && strlen(trim($value)) > 0) { $value = trim($value); $valid = $integeronly ? preg_match('/^[+-]?\\d+$/', $value) ? (int) $value : false : is::float($value); $errorText = $integeronly ? 'integer' : 'number'; $min = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'min', null); $max = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'max', null); if ($valid === false) { return sprintf('"%s" is not a valid %s.', $msglbl, $errorText); } elseif (isset($min) && $valid < $min) { return sprintf('"%s" is not allowed to be less than %s.', $msglbl, $min); } elseif (isset($max) && $valid > $max) { return sprintf('"%s" is not allowed to be greater than %s.', $msglbl, $max); } $value = $valid; } return true; }
/** * Injects csrf tokens into each form found on a webpage. * * @param string $data The page being output to the browser. * * @return string The modified page to output to the browser. */ public static function injector($data) { preg_match_all("/<form([^>]*)>(.*?)<\\/form>/is", $data, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); if (is_array($matches)) { self::removeExpiredTokens(); //page name - used to invalidate other csrf tokens on the same page //if( self::$pageName === null ) $name = self::generateName(); //uniqid("csrf_".md5(mt_rand()), true); foreach ($matches as $m) { if (preg_match("/<input\\s+[^>]*(?:name\\=[\"']csrf_token[\"'])[^>]*>/is", $m[2]) || strpos($m[1], 'nocsrf') !== false) { continue; } $token = self::generate_token($name); $data = str_replace($m[0], "<form{$m[1]}><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"csrf_token\" value=\"{$token}\" />{$m[2]}</form>", $data); } } preg_match_all("/<\\/body>/is", $data, $bmatches, PREG_SET_ORDER); if (is_array($bmatches)) { $kaTimeout = (self::$timeout - 30) * 1000; //generate keep alive javascript $js = sprintf('<script type="text/javascript"> function csrfKeepAlive(kurl, ktoken){ var config = {url: kurl,data: "token="+ktoken}; var req; try{ req = new XMLHttpRequest(); }catch(e){ req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } var change = function(){ if( req.readyState == 4 && req.responseText != "false" && req.responseText.length > 0 ){ csrfKeepAliveToken = req.responseText; setTimeout(function(){ csrfKeepAlive(csrfKeepAliveUrl, csrfKeepAliveToken); }, %1$d); } }; req.open("POST", config.url, true); req.setRequestHeader("X_REQUESTED_WITH", "XMLHttpRequest"); req.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); req.onreadystatechange = change; req.send(config.data); } var csrfKeepAliveUrl = "%2$s"; var csrfKeepAliveToken = "%3$s"; setTimeout(function(){ csrfKeepAlive(csrfKeepAliveUrl, csrfKeepAliveToken); }, %1$d); </script>', $kaTimeout, get::url('csrf/keepalive/' . self::generateName()), self::generate_keepAlive()); foreach ($bmatches as $m) { $data = str_replace($m[0], $js . '</body>', $data); } } return $data; }
/** * Validates a file value. * * @param string $value The value to validate. * * @return bool|string Returns boolean TRUE upon successfull validation, and an error message string upon failure. */ public function validate(&$value) { $required = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'required', false) == 'required'; $multiple = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'multiple', false) == 'multiple'; $msglbl = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'msglbl', get::array_def($this->attributes, 'name', $this->getId())); if ($required && (!isset($value) || $value['error'] == 4)) { return sprintf('"%s" is a required field.', $msglbl); } if (isset($value)) { if ($multiple) { foreach ($value as &$file) { $err = $this->checkFileForError($file); if ($err !== true) { return $err; } } } else { $err = $this->checkFileForError($value); if ($err !== true) { return $err; } } } return true; }
public final function render() { $this->lf = $this->layout !== null ? get::mvc_file('layout', $this->layout) : false; if ($this->lf === false && $this->layout != 'default') { $this->lf = get::mvc_file('layout', 'default'); } $this->vf = $this->view !== null ? get::mvc_file('view', $this->view) : false; if ($this->lf === false) { throw new Exception('Unable to find layout: ' . $this->layout); } if ($this->vf === false) { throw new Exception('Unable to find view: ' . $this->view); } if (isset($this->params) && is_array($this->params) && is::assoc_array($this->params)) { extract($this->params); } $this->helpers = get::helpers('template'); extract($this->helpers); ob_start(); require $this->vf; $munla_view_data = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (!isset($page_title)) { $page_title = config::TITLE_DEFAULT; } if (!isset($page_class)) { $page_class = preg_replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9-_]', '', str_replace('/', '-', $this->view)); } require $this->lf; }
function __construct() { $this->session = session::getInstance(); $this->post = post::getInstance(); $this->get = get::getInstance(); $this->http = http::getInstance(); $this->file = file::getInstance(); $this->cookie = cookie::getInstance(); }
/** * Generates the HTML for the anchor element. * * @return string */ public function __toString() { $html = ''; //if( strlen((string)$this->content) > 0 ) $html = sprintf('<a%s>%s</a>', get::formattedAttributes($this->getAttributes()), $this->content); //else //$html = sprintf('<a%s />', get::formattedAttributes($this->getAttributes())); return $html; }
/** * Validates a checkbox value. * * @param string $value The value to validate. * * @return bool|string Returns boolean TRUE upon successfull validation, and an error message string upon failure. */ public function validate(&$value) { $required = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'required', false) == 'required'; $msglbl = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'msglbl', get::array_def($this->attributes, 'name', $this->getId())); if ($required && !isset($value)) { return sprintf('"%s" is a required field.', $msglbl); } return true; }
function __construct() { $this->session = session::getInstance(); $this->post = post::getInstance(); $this->get = get::getInstance(); $this->http = http::getInstance(); $this->file = new file(); $this->cookie = new cookie(config('cookie')); }
/** * Redirects the user to the requested page under the specified * security context (https or http). * * If the current context matches the requested context, then processing will * continue as normal. * * @param bool $ssl * A boolean indicating whether to switch to https or http. */ public static function ssl($ssl = true) { if (!is_bool($ssl)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid argument passed to go::ssl(). Must be a boolean value.'); } if (is::ssl() == $ssl) { return; } go::url(get::url($ssl)); }
/** * Generates the HTML for the form element. * * @return string */ public function __toString() { $this->attributes['id'] = $this->getId(); $this->attributes['name'] = $this->getName(); $this->attributes['type'] = $this->type; $html = sprintf('<input%s />', get::formattedAttributes($this->getAttributes())); if (is::existset($this->attributes, 'autofocus')) { $html .= $this->getAutoFocusScript($this->attributes['id']); } return $html; }
/** * Validates a text value. * * @param string $value The value to validate. * * @return bool|string Returns boolean TRUE upon successfull validation, and an error message string upon failure. */ public function validate(&$value) { $required = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'required', false) == 'required'; $maxlength = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'maxlength', 0); $msglbl = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'msglbl', get::array_def($this->attributes, 'name', $this->getId())); if ($required && (!isset($value) || strlen(trim($value)) < 1)) { return sprintf('"%s" is a required field.', $msglbl); } if ($maxlength > 0 && strlen(trim($value)) > $maxlength) { return sprintf('"%s" has to many characters - the max length is %s.', $msglbl, $maxlength); } return true; }
/** * Generates the HTML for the form element. * * @return string */ public function __toString() { $this->attributes['id'] = $this->getId(); $this->attributes['name'] = $this->getName(); $this->attributes['value'] = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'value', ''); $this->attributes['type'] = $this->type; $content = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'content', $this->attributes['value']); $html = sprintf('<button%s>%s</button>', get::formattedAttributes($this->getAttributes()), $content); if (is::existset($this->attributes, 'autofocus')) { $html .= $this->getAutoFocusScript($this->attributes['id']); } return $html; }
/** * Creates the HTML for the datalist element. * * @return string */ public function __toString() { $html = sprintf('<datalist id="%s">', get::encodedAttribute($this->getId())); if (is::assoc_array($this->list)) { foreach ($this->list as $value => $lbl) { $html .= sprintf('<option label="%s" value="%s" />', get::encodedAttribute($lbl), get::encodedAttribute($value)); } } else { foreach ($this->list as $value) { $html .= sprintf('<option value="%s" />', get::encodedAttribute($value)); } } $html .= '</datalist>'; return $html; }
/** * Validates a text value. * * @param string $value The value to validate. * * @return bool|string Returns boolean TRUE upon successfull validation, and an error message string upon failure. */ public function validate(&$value) { $required = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'required', false) == 'required'; //$maxlength = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'maxlength', 0); //$pattern = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'pattern', null); $msglbl = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'msglbl', get::array_def($this->attributes, 'name', $this->getId())); if ($required && (!isset($value) || strlen(trim($value)) < 1)) { return sprintf('"%s" is a required field.', $msglbl); } //if( $maxlength > 0 && strlen(trim($value)) > $maxlength ) //return sprintf('"%s" has to many characters - the max length is %s.', $msglbl, $maxlength); //if( $pattern != null && isset($value) && strlen(trim($value)) > 0 && !preg_match('/^(?:'.$pattern.')$/', $value) ) //return sprintf('"%s" does not match the pattern defined for it.', $msglbl); return true; }
/** * Validates a url value. * * @param string $value The value to validate. * * @return bool|string Returns boolean TRUE upon successfull validation, and an error message string upon failure. */ public function validate(&$value) { $return = parent::validate($value); if ($return !== true) { return $return; } if (isset($value) && strlen(trim($value)) > 0) { $valid = is::url($value, true); if (!is_array($valid)) { $msglbl = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'msglbl', get::array_def($this->attributes, 'name', $this->getId())); return sprintf('"%s" has an invalid url. Urls start with http/https/ftp followed by "://" and then the domain and path.', $msglbl); } $value = $valid; } return true; }
/** * Validates a email value. * * @param string $value The value to validate. * * @return bool|string Returns boolean TRUE upon successfull validation, and an error message string upon failure. */ public function validate(&$value) { $return = parent::validate($value); if ($return !== true) { return $return; } if (isset($value) && strlen(trim($value)) > 0) { $valid = is::email($value, get::array_def($this->attributes, 'multiple', false) == 'multiple'); if (!is_object($valid) || !($valid instanceof emailAddressList || $valid instanceof emailAddress)) { $msglbl = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'msglbl', get::array_def($this->attributes, 'name', $this->getId())); return sprintf('"%s" has an invalid email address.', $msglbl); } $value = $valid; } return true; }
/** * Validates a text value. * * @param string $value The value to validate. * * @return bool|string Returns boolean TRUE upon successfull validation, and an error message string upon failure. */ public function validate(&$value) { $return = parent::validate($value); if ($return !== true) { return $return; } $maxlength = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'maxlength', 0); $pattern = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'pattern', null); $msglbl = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'msglbl', get::array_def($this->attributes, 'name', $this->getId())); if ($maxlength > 0 && strlen(trim($value)) > $maxlength) { return sprintf('"%s" has to many characters - the max length is %s.', $msglbl, $maxlength); } if ($pattern != null && isset($value) && strlen(trim($value)) > 0 && !preg_match('/^(?:' . $pattern . ')$/', $value)) { return sprintf('"%s" does not match the pattern defined for it.', $msglbl); } return true; }
/** * Validates a telephone value. * * @param string $value The value to validate. * * @return bool|string Returns boolean TRUE upon successfull validation, and an error message string upon failure. */ public function validate(&$value) { $return = parent::validate($value); if ($return !== true) { return $return; } $mode = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'validatemode', 'none'); if (isset($value) && strlen(trim($value)) > 0 && $mode != 'none') { if (strtolower($mode) == 'us') { $return = false; if (preg_match('/^[\\(]?(\\d{0,3})[\\)]?[\\s]?[\\-]?(\\d{3})[\\s]?[\\-]?(\\d{4})([x\\s]{1,}(\\d*))?$/', trim($value), $matches)) { $phoneNumber = ''; // we have a match, dump sub-patterns to $matches $phone_number = $matches[0]; // original number $area_code = $matches[1]; // 3-digit area code $exchange = $matches[2]; // 3-digit exchange $number = $matches[3]; // 4-digit number $return = new phoneNumber(); $return->original = $matches[0]; if (isset($matches[1]) && strlen(trim($matches[1])) > 0) { $return->areacode = trim($matches[1]); $return->formatted .= '(' . $return->areacode . ') '; } $return->exchange = $matches[2]; $return->number = $matches[3]; $return->formatted .= $return->exchange . '-' . $return->number; if (isset($matches[4]) && strlen(trim($matches[4])) > 0) { $return->extension = trim($matches[5]); $return->xformatted = $return->formatted . ' x' . $return->extension; } } if ($return === false) { $msglbl = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'msglbl', get::array_def($this->attributes, 'name', $this->getId())); return sprintf('"%s" has an invalid phone format (###-#### with optional 3 digit area code, and/or extension).', $msglbl); } $value = $return; } } return true; }
/** * Validates a color value. According to the W3C this field should ALWAYS have a value. * * @param string $value The value to validate. * * @return bool|string Returns boolean TRUE upon successfull validation, and an error message string upon failure. */ public function validate(&$value) { $return = parent::validate($value); if ($return !== true) { return $return; } if (!isset($value) || strlen(trim($value)) < 1) { $value = '#000000'; } if (isset($value) && strlen(trim($value)) > 0) { $valid = is::color($value); if ($valid === false) { $msglbl = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'msglbl', get::array_def($this->attributes, 'name', $this->getId())); return sprintf('"%s" has an invalid color (ex. #FFFFFF).', $msglbl); } $value = $valid; } return true; }
public static function init($paginationClass = "pagination", $pagiClass = "pagi") { self::$file = "app/Views/css/pagination.css"; self::$init = true; self::$url = get::variable("url"); self::$paginationClass = $paginationClass; self::$pClass = $pagiClass; add_action("include_style", "include_pagination_css_file"); if (self::$url[0] == "") { self::$url = array('index', 1); } else { } if (count(self::$url) > 2) { $page = self::$url[2]; } elseif (count(self::$url) == 2) { $page = self::$url[1]; } else { $page = 1; } self::$activePage = $page; }
/** * Triggers an error * * Serializes data to be passed to the error handler, such as message, file and line number. * That data is then submitted to trigger_error - and the serialized message must be under 1024 bytes. * Long messages/file names could cause problems - though situations like that are not common. * * @param int $level The designated error type for this error (use E_USER family of constants). * @param string $message The error message for this error (limited to 1024 bytes) * * @return void */ protected static function trigger_error($level, $message) { if (!config::DEBUG_MODE && in_array($level, array(E_USER_WARNING, E_USER_NOTICE))) { return; } if (!is_string($message)) { ob_start(); var_dump($message); $message = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } $caller = null; $nonLog = null; $nonMunla = null; $stack = debug_backtrace(); next($stack); list($k, $v) = each($stack); do { if (!isset($v['file'])) { continue; } if (!isset($caller)) { $caller = $v; } if (!isset($nonLog) && $v['file'] != __FILE__ && (!array_key_exists('class', $v) || $v['class'] != 'log') && !in_array($v['function'], array('error', 'warning', 'notice', 'debug'))) { $nonLog = $v; } if (!isset($nonMunla) && strtolower(substr($v['file'], 0, strlen(MUNLA_CORE_DIR))) != MUNLA_CORE_DIR) { $nonMunla = $v; break; } } while (list($k, $v) = each($stack)); $caller = get::notnull($nonMunla, $nonLog, $caller); //get::notnull($nonMunla, $nonLog, $caller); if (!isset($caller) && count($stack) > 0) { $caller = count($stack) > 1 ? $stack[1] : $stack[0]; } elseif (!isset($caller)) { $caller = array('file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__); } //$errorMessage = serialize(array('message' => $message, 'file' => $caller['file'], 'line' => $caller['line'])); //trigger_error($errorMessage, $level); self::error_handler($level, $message, $caller['file'], $caller['line'], true); }
public function __toString() { if (isset($this->params) && is_array($this->params) && is::assoc_array($this->params)) { extract($this->params); } $this->helpers = get::helpers('template'); if (count($this->helpers) > 0) { extract($this->helpers); } ob_start(); require $this->file; $data = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $data; }
/** * Attempts to get the file path of the given directory (as relative to the URL). * * @param string $file The relative path of the directory to find. * * @return string|bool Returns the path to the local directory, or boolean FALSE on failure. */ public static function cache_dir_path($file) { $docroot = strtr($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '\\', '/'); $self = strtr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '\\', '/'); if (substr($docroot, -1) != '/') { $docroot .= '/'; } if (substr($self, 0, 1) == '/') { $self = substr($self, 1); } $base_dir = get::dirname($docroot . $self); if (substr($base_dir, -1) != '/') { $base_dir .= '/'; } if (strlen($file) > strlen($docroot) && strtolower(substr($file, 0, strlen($docroot))) == strtolower($docroot)) { $file = substr($file, strlen($docroot)); } //try relative (from basename of URL file, and server docroot) if (file_exists($base_dir . $file) && is_dir($base_dir . $file)) { $path = get::realpath($base_dir . $file); if ($path !== false && strtolower(substr($path, 0, strlen($docroot))) == strtolower($docroot)) { //file is within the website return $path; } } if (file_exists($docroot . $file) && is_dir($docroot . $file)) { $path = get::realpath($docroot . $file); if ($path !== false && strtolower(substr($path, 0, strlen($docroot))) == strtolower($docroot)) { //file is within the website return $path; } } //file is outside of the website - hacking attempt (or doesn't exist) return false; }
exit(0); } /** * moaDB front-end view-element */ //Change to local path or url $headerArgs = ['title' => 'MoaDB', 'css' => ['//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css', './resources/css/base.css', '//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/3.2.1/css/font-awesome.min.css', 'http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Exo:900'], 'js' => ['//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.0.0/js/bootstrap.min.js', './resources/js/main.js', './resources/js/classyWiggle.js']]; //Load Google jQuery from URL. echo $html->jsLoad(array('jquery', 'jqueryui')); echo $html->header($headerArgs); $baseUrl = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $db = isset($_GET['db']) ? $_GET['db'] : (isset($_POST['db']) ? $_POST['db'] : 'admin'); //admin is in every Mongo DB $dbUrl = urlencode($db); if (isset($_GET['collection'])) { $collection = get::htmlentities($_GET['collection']); unset($_GET['collection']); } $showUserPassword = false; if (isset($accessControl) && !isset($_SESSION['user'])) { if (isset($_POST['username'])) { $_POST = array_map('trim', $_POST); if (isset($accessControl[$_POST['username']]) && $accessControl[$_POST['username']] == $_POST['password']) { $_SESSION['user'] = $_POST['username']; } else { $_POST['errors']['username'] = '******'; } } if (!isset($_SESSION['user'])) { $showUserPassword = true; }
/** * Validates a datetime value. * * @param string $value The value to validate. * * @return bool|string Returns boolean TRUE upon successfull validation, and an error message string upon failure. */ public function validate(&$value) { $return = parent::validate($value); if ($return !== true) { return $return; } if (isset($value) && strlen(trim($value)) > 0) { $msglbl = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'msglbl', get::array_def($this->attributes, 'name', $this->getId())); $valid = is::datetime($value); if ($valid === false) { return sprintf('"%s" does not have a valid date/time. The format is YYYY-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.fff. "T" is a literal separator.', $msglbl); } $mode = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'datemode', 'html'); $min = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'min', false); if (is_object($min) && $min instanceof cDateTime) { if ($valid->lessThan($min)) { switch ($mode) { case 'html': break; case 'us': $min = $min->format_us(); break; default: $min = $min->format($mode); break; } return sprintf('"%s" cannot be before "%s".', $msglbl, $min); } } $max = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'max', false); if (is_object($max) && $max instanceof cDateTime) { if ($max->lessThan($valid)) { switch ($mode) { case 'html': break; case 'us': $max = $max->format_us(); break; default: $max = $max->format($mode); break; } return sprintf('"%s" cannot be after "%s".', $msglbl, $max); } } $value = $valid; } return true; }
<section> <div class="main"> <a href="<?php echo get::site(); ?> /BlogTest/Admin"><<</a> <form action="" method="post"> <input type="text" name="yeni"/> <select name="alt"> <option value="0">Alt Kategoriyi Seçin</option> <?php foreach ($Kategoriler as $kat) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $kat["CategoryId"]; ?> "><?php echo $kat["CategoryName"]; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> <input type="submit" value="Kaydet"/> </form> <form action="" method="post"> <select name="sil"> <option value="0">Silinecek Kategoriyi Seçin</option> <?php foreach ($Kategoriler as $kat) {
/** * Returns a set of radio form elements * * array( * 'name' => '', * 'value' => '', * 'id' => '', * 'legend' => '', * 'options' => array('value1' => 'text1', 'value2' => 'text2', 'value3' => 'text3'), * 'options' => array('text1', 'text2', 'text3'), //also acceptable (cannot do half this, half above syntax) * ) * * @param array $args * @return str */ public function radios(array $args) { $id = isset($args['id']) ? $args['id'] : $args['name']; $properties = $this->_getProperties($args); if (isset($properties['value'])) { $checked = $properties['value']; unset($properties['value']); } $properties['type'] = isset($args['type']) ? $args['type'] : 'radio'; $useValues = key($args['options']) !== 0 || isset($args['useValue']) && $args['useValue']; foreach ($args['options'] as $value => $text) { if (!$useValues) { $value = $text; } $properties['id'] = $id . '_' . preg_replace('/\\W/', '', $value); $properties['value'] = $value; if (isset($checked) && (($properties['type'] == 'radio' || !is_array($checked)) && $value == $checked || $properties['type'] == 'checkbox' && is_array($checked) && in_array((string) $value, $checked))) { $properties['checked'] = 'checked'; $rowClass = !isset($properties['class']) ? 'checked' : $properties['class'] . ' checked'; } $labelFirst = isset($args['labelFirst']) ? $args['labelFirst'] : false; $labelArgs = array('label' => $text, 'id' => $properties['id'], 'labelFirst' => $labelFirst); $input = '<input ' . htmlHelper::formatProperties($properties) . ' />'; $row = $this->_getLabel($labelArgs, $input); if (isset($rowClass)) { $row = '<span class="' . $rowClass . '">' . $row . '</span>'; } $radios[] = $row; unset($properties['checked'], $rowClass); } $this->{$properties['type'] == 'radio' ? 'radios' : 'checkboxes'} = $radios; $break = !isset($args['optionBreak']) ? '<br />' : $args['optionBreak']; $addFieldset = isset($args['addFieldset']) ? $args['addFieldset'] : isset($args['label']) && $args['label'] || count($args['options']) > 1; if ($addFieldset) { $return = '<fieldset id="' . $id . '">'; if (isset($args['label'])) { $return .= '<legend>' . get::htmlentities($args['label']) . '</legend>'; } $return .= implode($break, $radios) . '</fieldset>'; } else { $return = implode($break, $radios); } if (isset($_POST['errors']) && isset($_POST['errors'][$id])) { $return = $this->getErrorMessageContainer($id, $_POST['errors'][$id]) . $return; } return $return; }
</div> <div id="new-database" class="hidden"> <form method = "POST" data-type="database"> <input type="hidden" name="db" value="new.database" /> <input type="text" name="newdb" class="form-control input-lg" placeholder="Database name" /> </form> </div> <ul id="export" class="hidden"> <div> <?php echo $html->link(get::url(array('get' => true)) . '&export=limited', '<icon class="icon-download"></icon> Export exactly the results visible on this page', ['class' => "btn btn-success btn-lg btn-block"]); ?> <?php echo $html->link(get::url(array('get' => true)) . '&export=nolimit', '<icon class="icon-cloud-download"></icon> Export full results of this query <small>(ignoring limit and skip clauses)</small>', ['class' => "btn btn-default btn-lg btn-block"]); ?> </div> </ul> <div id="import" class="hidden"> <?php echo $form->open(['upload' => true, 'role' => 'form']); ?> <fieldset> <div class="form-group"> <label for="exampleInputFile">Browse / Choose your file</label> <input type="file" name="import" accept="application/json"> <p class="help-block"><small>File ending with ".json".</small></p> </div> <div id="importmethod">
/** * Generates an image element. * * @param string $src The path to the image. * @param string $alt * @param int $width * @param int $height * @param string $class * @param array $attributes,... OPTIONAL Any number of associative arrays containing html attributes as the keys. */ public function img($src) { if (!is_string($src)) { throw new Exception('First parameter expected to be a path string.'); } $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); $attributes = array(); if (count($args) > 0) { $allowed = he_img::acceptedAttributes(); // alt, width, height, class, attributes //string, int, int, string, array $argPos = 0; while (count($args) > 0) { $arg = array_shift($args); if (is_string($arg)) { if ($argPos < 1) { $attributes['alt'] = $arg; $argPos = 1; continue; } if ($argPos > 1) { $attributes['class'] = $arg; $argPos = 4; continue; } } if (is_int($arg)) { if ($argPos < 2) { $attributes['width'] = $arg; $argPos = 2; continue; } if ($argPos == 2) { $attributes['height'] = $arg; $argPos = 3; continue; } } if (is_array($arg)) { if ($this->hasHtmlAttributes($arg, $allowed)) { foreach ($arg as $n => $v) { $n = strtolower($n); if (!array_key_exists($n, $attributes)) { if (array_key_exists($n, htmlElement::$enumAttributes) && !in_array($v, htmlElement::$enumAttributes[$n]) && array_key_exists($v, htmlElement::$enumAttributes[$n])) { $v = htmlElement::$enumAttributes[$n][$v]; } elseif (in_array($n, htmlElement::$boolAttributes)) { if (is_bool($v) && !$v || !is_bool($v) && $v !== 'true') { continue; } $v = $n; } $attributes[$n] = $v; } } } } } } //get url $attributes['src'] = get::file_url($src); $e = new he_img($attributes); if (!$this->echoOff) { echo $e; } return $e; }
<?php foreach ($Post as $p) { extract($p); $Images = $PostObject->GetPostImages($PostId); $Tags = $PostObject->GetPostTags($PostId); ?> <h2><?php echo $PostTitle; ?> </h2> <p><?php echo $Post; ?> </p> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <div class="tags"> <?php $Ekle = ""; foreach ($Tags as $t) { $Ekle .= '<a href="' . get::site() . '/BlogTest/Tag/' . $t["Tag"] . '">' . $t["Tag"] . '</a>,'; } echo trim($Ekle, ","); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </section>