<?php require_once '../_base.php'; gb::authenticate(); gb::$title[] = 'Posts'; include '../_header.php'; $unapproved_comments = gb::index('unapproved-comments', array()); ?> <div id="content" class="<?php echo gb_admin::$current_domid; ?> manage items"> <h2>Pending comments</h2> <table class="items comments"> <?php foreach ($unapproved_comments as $t) { list($comment, $post) = $t; ?> <?php $post_editurl = gb_admin::$url . 'edit/post.php?name=' . urlencode($post->name); ?> <tr class="<?php echo $comment->spam === true ? 'spam' : ''; ?> "> <td class="avatar"> <img src="<?php echo h($comment->avatarURL(48, gb_admin::$url . 'res/default-avatar.png')); ?> " alt="Avatar" width="48" height="48" /> </td>
<div id="sidebar"> <?php if ($recent_comments = gb::index('recent-comments')) { ?> <h2>Recent comments</h2> <ol class="recent-comments"> <?php foreach ($recent_comments as $tuple) { list($comment, $_post) = $tuple; ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo h($_post->url()); ?> #comment-<?php echo $comment->id; ?> "><?php echo h($comment->name); ?> on <em><?php echo h($_post->title); ?> </em></a> <small><?php echo $comment->date->age(); ?> </small> </li> <?php }
$post = GBPost::findByName($name, $status === 'deleted' ? null : 'work', false); if ($post) { if (!isset($muxed_posts[$post->name])) { $muxed_posts[$post->name] = array(); } $muxed_posts[$post->name][] = array($post, $stageflag . _mkflags($post, $status)); } } } } # Add dirty staged, unstaged and untracked files _add_posts_from_status($st, 'content/posts/', 'staged', st::STAGED); _add_posts_from_status($st, 'content/posts/', 'unstaged', st::UNSTAGED); _add_posts_from_status($st, 'content/posts/', 'untracked', st::UNTRACKED); # Add clean drafts foreach (gb::index('draft-posts') as $post) { if (!isset($muxed_posts[$post->name])) { $muxed_posts[$post->name] = array(); } $muxed_posts[$post->name][] = array($post, st::DRAFT); } function _post_tuple_sortfunc($a, $b) { return $b[0]->modified->time - $a[0]->modified->time; } function _muxed_posts_sortfunc($a, $b) { return $b[0][0]->modified->time - $a[0][0]->modified->time; } # Add published and scheduled posts $pageno = 0;
static function findByMetaIndex($tags, $indexname, $pageno) { $index = gb::index($indexname); $objs = self::_findByMetaIndex($tags, $index); if (!$objs) { return false; } $page = GBPagedObjects::split($objs, $pageno); if ($page !== false) { if ($pageno === null) { # no pageno specified returns a list of all pages foreach ($page as $p) { $p->posts = new GBLazyObjectsIterator($p->posts); } } else { # specific, single page $page->posts = new GBLazyObjectsIterator($page->posts); } } return $page; }
>Home</a></li> <!--li> <a href="<?php echo gb::url_to('/archive/'); ?> " <?php if (strpos(gb::url()->path, '/archive/') !== false) { echo 'class="current"'; } ?> >Archive</a> </li--> <li class="divider"></li> <?php foreach (gb::index('pages') as $page) { if ($page->hidden) { continue; } ?> <li class="page"> <a href="<?php echo h($page->url()); ?> " <?php echo $page->isCurrent() ? 'class="current"' : ''; ?> ><?php echo h($page->title); ?> </a>