
require '../gapi.class.php';
require 'gManagementApi.class.php';
define('GA_EMAIL', 'myUsername');
define('GA_PASSWORD', 'mySecretPassword');
$ga = new gManagementApi(GA_EMAIL, GA_PASSWORD);
// Get all the accounts
// Get all web properties for all your accounts
// Get all web properties for specfically UA-12345-2
// To get all the profiles you have access to for web property under account 12345
$ga->requestAccountFeed('12345', '~all');
// To get the profiles for a specific web property UA-12345-2 under account 12345
$ga->requestAccountFeed('12345', 'UA-12345-2');
// To get all the goals for profile 6789 for web property UA-12345-2 under acount 12345
$ga->requestAccountFeed('12345', 'UA-12345-2', '~all');
// To get everything and the kitchen sink
$ga->requestAccountFeed('~all', '~all', '~all');
// To get all advanced segments