Esempio n. 1
    $auth["type"] = 3;
    $auth["login"] = 1;
    // Load DB-Data after installwizard step 3
    if ($_GET["action"] == "wizard" and $_GET["step"] > 3) {
        $cfg = $func->read_db_config();
        // read Configtable
} else {
    ### Normal auth cycle and Database-init
    $IsAboutToInstall = 0;
    $translation->load_trans('db', $_GET['mod']);
    // DB-Mode on Running System
    // FIX : Add function to scan DB for correkt config and Tables (prefix etc.)
    // Reset DB-Success in Setup if no Adm.-Account was found, because a connection could work, but prefix is wrong
    if (!$func->admin_exists() and ($_GET["action"] == "wizard" and $_GET["step"] <= 3 or $_GET["action"] == "ls_conf")) {
        $db->success = 0;
    $cfg = $func->read_db_config();
    // Config-Tabelle aulesen
    // Set timezone info (php + mysql)
    if ($cfg['sys_timezone'] and function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) {
        #$db->qry('SET SESSION time_zone = %string%', $cfg['sys_timezone']);
        ##$db->qry('SET SESSION time_zone = \'+0:00\'');
    if (!$_GET['mod']) {
        $_GET['mod'] = 'home';
Esempio n. 2
$dsp->AddDoubleRow("", "<a href=\"index.php?mod=install&action=menu\"><img src=\"design/images/icon_tree.png\" border=\"0\" /> " . t('Navigationsmenü verwalten') . "</a>");
$dsp->AddDoubleRow("", "<a href=\"index.php?mod=install&action=translation\"><img src=\"design/images/icon_translate.png\" border=\"0\" /> " . t('Texte übersetzen') . "</a>");
#$dsp->AddDoubleRow("", "<a href=\"index.php?mod=install&action=adminaccount\"><img src=\"design/images/icon_add_user.png\" border=\"0\" /> ".t('Administrator Account anlegen')."</a>");
$dsp->AddFieldSetStart(t('System Zustand'));
$dsp->AddDoubleRow("", "<a href=\"index.php?mod=install&action=envcheck\"><img src=\"design/images/icon_help.png\" border=\"0\" /> " . t('Systemvoraussetzungen testen') . "</a>");
$dsp->AddDoubleRow("", "<a href=\"index.php?mod=install&action=log\"><img src=\"design/images/icon_save.png\" border=\"0\" /> " . t('Log File ansehen') . "</a>");
$dsp->AddDoubleRow("", "<a href=\"index.php?mod=install&action=sessions\"><img src=\"design/images/icon_generate.png\" border=\"0\" /> " . t('Aktuelle Sessions auflisten') . "</a>");
$dsp->AddFieldSetStart(t('Lansuite updaten / reparieren'));
$dsp->AddDoubleRow("", "<a href=\"index.php?mod=install&action=db\"><img src=\"design/images/icon_database.png\" border=\"0\" /> " . t('Datenbank updaten und verwalten (sollte nach jedem Lansuite-Update ausgeführt werden)') . "</a>");
$dsp->AddDoubleRow("", "<a href=\"index.php?mod=install&action=dbmenu\"><img src=\"design/images/icon_change.png\" border=\"0\" /> " . t('Menüeinträge neu schreiben') . "</a>");
$dsp->AddDoubleRow("", "<a href=\"index.php?mod=install&action=import\"><img src=\"design/images/icon_in.png\" border=\"0\" /> " . t('Daten-Import') . "</a>");
$dsp->AddDoubleRow("", "<a href=\"index.php?mod=install&action=export\"><img src=\"design/images/icon_forward.png\" border=\"0\" /> " . t('Daten-Export') . "</a>");
$dsp->AddDoubleRow("", "<a href=\"index.php?mod=install&action=mc_search\"><img src=\"design/images/icon_search.png\" border=\"0\" /> " . t('Kommentare aller Module durchsuchen') . "</a>");
if (!func::admin_exists()) {
    $func->information(t('<b>ACHTUNG</b>: Es existiert noch kein Admin-Account. Daher hat JEDER Benutzer Admin-Rechte. Lege unbedingt im Benutzermanager einen Superadmin an.'));
} else {
    $module_list = $db->qry("SELECT module.caption FROM %prefix%modules AS module\n            LEFT JOIN %prefix%menu AS menu ON menu.module =\n            LEFT JOIN %prefix%user_permissions AS perm ON ( = perm.module)\n            WHERE menu.file != '' and ISNULL(perm.module)\n            GROUP BY menu.module\n            ");
    if ($db->num_rows() > 0) {
        while ($row = $db->fetch_array($module_list)) {
            $mod_list .= "{$row["caption"]}, ";
        $mod_list = substr($mod_list, 0, strlen($mod_list) - 2);
        $func->information(t('Die folgenden Module haben noch keinen Admin und sind daher für jeden Admin änderbar:<br>%1', $mod_list), NO_LINK);