<?php echo html::anchor('http://wiki.2600hz.org/display/bluebox/Modifying+the+max+file+size', 'link'); ?> . </div> <?php echo form::close_section(); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo form::open_section('Media Information'); ?> <div class="field"> <label class="label">Path: </label> <span><?php echo $mediafile->filepath(TRUE, FALSE); ?> </span> </div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label(array('for' => 'sample_rates', 'hint' => 'Click to Download'), 'Sample Rates:'); ?> <span>
<h2><?php echo $title; ?> </h2> </div> <div id="locationmanager_update_form" class="update locationmanager"> <?php echo form::open(); ?> <?php echo form::open_section('Location Information'); ?> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('location[name]', 'Location Name:'); echo form::input('location[name]'); ?> </div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('location[domain]', 'Domain Name/Realm:'); echo form::input('location[domain]'); ?> </div>
<?php echo form::open_section('Options'); ?> <div class="field"> <label for="number{{number_id}}_registry_ringtype" class="label" id="label_number{{number_id}}_registry_ringtype"> <?php echo __('Ring Type'); ?> : </label> <select class="dropdown" name="number{{number_id}}[registry][ringtype]" id="number{{number_id}}_registry_ringtype"> <option value="ringing" {{#ringtype_ringing}}selected="selected"{{/ringtype_ringing}}><?php echo __('Ringing'); ?> </option> <option value="moh" {{#ringtype_moh}}selected="selected"{{/ringtype_moh}}><?php echo __('Hold Music'); ?> </option> </select> </div> <div class="field">
</div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('samples', 'Install Sample Data'); echo form::checkbox('samples'); ?> </div> <?php echo form::close_section(); ?> <?php echo form::open_section('Anonymous Usage Statistics'); ?> <p> <?php echo __('This option enables reporting on which modules you use. The data is sent to the Bluebox team via the Internet. We DO NOT transmit any configuration options or personally identifiable information. This feature ensures our focus remains on the modules people use most. Thank you for your support!'); ?> </p> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('collectStatistics', 'Allow Anonymous Statistic Collection'); echo form::checkbox('collectStatistics'); ?> </div>
<?php echo form::open_section('Active Feature Code'); ?> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('activefeaturecode[type]', 'Type:'); echo form::dropdown('activefeaturecode[type]', array('0' => 'None', 'transfer' => 'Transfer')); ?> </div> <div id="active_feature_code_options"> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('activefeaturecode[number]', 'Feature Code:'); echo form::input('activefeaturecode[number]'); ?> </div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('activefeaturecode[exten]', 'Destination: '); ?> <?php if (isset($activefeaturecode['exten'])) { $selectedClass = numbering::getAssignedPoolByNumber($activefeaturecode['exten']); } else { $selectedClass = NULL; } echo numbering::poolsDropdown(array('name' => 'activefeaturecode_class_type', 'forDependent' => TRUE), $selectedClass);
index.php/callcenter_tiers/updatequeuedropdownbylocation/'+locid, function(data) {$('#callcenter_tier_cct_ccq_id').html(data);}); } </script> <div id="callcenter_update_header" class="txt-center update callcenter module_header"> <h2><?php echo $mode == 'create' ? 'Create' : 'Edit'; ?> Tier</h2> </div> <div id="callcenter_update_form" class="update callcenter"> <?php echo form::open(); ?> <?php echo form::open_section(''); ?> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label(array('for' => 'location'), 'Location:'); echo form::dropdown(array('name' => 'location', 'onChange' => 'updateAgentsQueues(this.value)'), $locations, null, isset(Router::$arguments[0]) && Router::$arguments[0] != 'null' ? 'disabled' : ''); ?> </div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label(array('for' => 'callcenter_tier[cct_cca_id]'), 'Agent:'); echo form::dropdown(array('name' => 'callcenter_tier[cct_cca_id]'), $agentlist, null, isset(Router::$arguments[1]) && Router::$arguments[1] != 'null' ? 'onFocus="this.blur()"' : ''); ?> </div>
<style> .no_answer_accordion {width:55em; margin: 0 auto;} </style> <?php echo form::open_section('No Answer'); ?> <div id="number{{number_id}}_no_answer_accordion" class="no_answer_accordion"> <h3> <a href="#" rel="hangup"><?php echo __('Hangup'); ?> </a> </h3> <div style="text-align: center;"> <?php echo __('If this call is not answered hangup.'); ?> </div> <?php foreach ($terminators as $terminator) { echo new View($terminator, array('terminate' => $terminate, 'mustache_template' => FALSE)); }
<?php echo form::open_section('Master Administration Account'); ?> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('adminEmailAddress', 'Email Address:'); echo form::input('adminEmailAddress'); ?> </div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('adminPassword', 'Password:'******'adminPassword'); ?> </div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('adminConfirmPassword', 'Confirm Password:'******'adminConfirmPassword'); ?> </div> <?php echo form::close_section();
<div class="field"> <?php echo form::label(array( 'for' => 'callerid[external_number]', 'hint' => 'Used for outside calls', 'help' => 'Caller ID information used when calling phones outside this network.' ), 'External CID Number:' ); echo form::input('callerid[external_number]'); ?> </div> <?php echo form::close_section(); ?> <?php echo form::open_section('Call Routing'); ?> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('number[location_id]', 'Location:'); echo locations::dropdown('number[location_id]'); ?> </div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label(array( 'for' => 'device[context_id]', 'hint' => 'Default outbound call context', 'help' => 'This field determines the phone numbers a user can call. All phone numbers and SIP trunks associated with the selected context can be dialed by this user.<BR><BR>Note that, in most cases, the user\'s device must authenticate in order for this to work. Note that if this is not set, the context for the default interface a call is received on is used instead.' ),
echo $title; ?> </h2> </div> <div id="callcenter_settings_update_form" class="update callcenter"> <div class="sub_menu"><a class="qtipAjaxForm" href="/bluebox/index.php/callcenter_core/syncRunningConfig">Synchronize Configuration</a></div> <div class="sub_menu"><a class="qtipAjaxForm" href="/bluebox/index.php/callcenter_core/reload">Load/Reload Callcenter</a></div> <?php echo form::open(); ?> <?php echo form::open_section('Core Settings'); ?> <?php if (class_exists('OdbcManager')) { ?> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label(array('for' => 'callcenter_settings[cc_odbc_dsn]', 'hint' => 'DSN to use for Call Center Data', 'help' => 'Select an ODBC DSN to save the Call Center Data to an external database for clustering, reporting, external application integration, etc.'), 'DSN:'); echo OdbcManager::dsnSelector('callcenter_settings[cc_odbc_dsn]', empty($cc_odbc_dsn) ? NULL : $cc_odbc_dsn); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="field">
<?php echo form::open_section('Media Handling Option'); ?> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label(array('for' => 'mediaoption[bypass_media]', 'hint' => 'Try to connect the endpoint media directly', 'help' => 'When checked the switching system will attempt to connect the RTP/media path directly, without participating in the stream. This takes the server out of the audio stream, preventing touch tone detection, and also requires endpoint A and B to be able to reach each other directly. Endpoint A and B will see each other\'s IP addresses during SIP audio setup.<br><br>When unchecked (default), the switching system will stay in the RTP/media path for the duration of the call. This adds an extra hop for the audio to take, adding a delay, but can fix DTMF and Codec issues by allowing transcoding to occur on the switch side. In addition, you can also monitor the audio on the call for events such as touch-tones. <br><br>When enabled provides best call quality, reduces bandwidth consumption and processing overhead on the switching server. However, it is more complicated to get to work correctly.'), 'Enable RTP/Media Bypass Mode:'); echo form::checkbox('mediaoption[bypass_media]'); ?> </div> <?php echo form::close_section();
<?php echo form::open_section('Softswitch Selection'); ?> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('tel_driver', 'Telephony Driver:'); echo form::dropdown('tel_driver', $drivers, $driver); ?> </div> <?php echo form::close_section(); ?> <?php // If the jquery exists use it to make it more interactive if (class_exists('jquery')) { jquery::addPlugin('blockUI'); jquery::addQuery('')->ajaxStop('$.unblockUI'); jquery::addQuery('#tel_driver')->change(' function () { $.blockUI({ message: \'<h2>' . __('Please Wait...') . '</h2>\' }); $(\'#installWizard\').submit(); return true; } '); }
echo form::label('autoattendant[extension_digits]', 'Maximum Extension Length:'); ?> <?php echo form::input('autoattendant[extension_digits]'); ?> <?php //javascript::codeBlock('$("#autoattendant_extension_digits").spinner({max: 9, min: 3});'); ?> </div> <?php echo form::close_section(); ?> <?php echo form::open_section('Key Mapping'); ?> <div id="auto_attendant_keymap"> </div> <div class="new_option_container"> <?php echo '<a href="' . url::current() . '" id="new_option" class="nxt_aval_link"><span>New Attendant Option</span></a>'; ?> </div> <?php echo form::close_section(); ?> <?php
<?php echo form::open_section('Number Pools'); ?> <p> <?php echo __('Used to signify what this number can be used for. Number pools allow you to keep similar types of numbers grouped together. For example, you can block out 2XXX for Devices, 30XX for Auto-Attendants, 31XX for Ring Groups, etc. Check the boxes below to specify what types of features can be assigned to this number.'); ?> </p> <ul> <?php foreach ($numberTypes['numberTypes'] as $numberType) { ?> <li> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('numberType_' . $numberType['number_type_id'], inflector::humanizeModelName(str_replace('Number', '', $numberType['class']))); ?> <?php echo form::checkbox(array('name' => 'number[NumberPool][][number_type_id]', 'id' => 'numberType_' . $numberType['number_type_id']), $numberType['number_type_id']); ?>
</div> <div id="<?php echo $baseModel; ?> _delete_form" class="delete <?php echo $baseModel; ?> "> <?php echo form::open(); ?> <?php echo form::open_section('Confirm'); ?> <div class="delete_warning"> <?php echo __('Are you sure you want to delete the ' . $baseModel . ' ' . $name . '?'); ?> </div> <?php echo form::close_section(); ?> <?php
?> </div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label(array('for' => 'sipinterface[registry][force_register_domain]', 'hint' => 'Equivalent to forcing rport', 'help' => 'All inbound registrations will be considered for this domain, ignoring the domain provided by the registration request. Setting this to none uses the domain specified in the registration.'), 'Force Registration Domain'); echo locations::dropdown(array('name' => 'sipinterface[registry][force_register_domain]', 'nullOption' => 'Auto (multitenant)', 'multitenancy' => FALSE)); ?> </div> <?php echo form::close_section(); ?> <?php echo form::open_section('Inbound Calls'); ?> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('sipinterface[context_id]', 'Default Incoming Context:'); echo numbering::selectContext(array('nullOption' => 'Auto (multitenant)', 'name' => 'sipinterface[context_id]', 'all' => TRUE), $sipinterface['context_id']); ?> </div> <?php echo form::close_section(); ?> <?php if (isset($views)) {
<style> ul.avaliable_numbers {font-family:helvetica,arial,sans-serif;margin:0;padding:0;} ul.avaliable_numbers li {margin:0;padding:5px; list-style:none;margin:0; border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;} ul.avaliable_numbers li a {text-decoration:none;display:block;padding:0.3em 0.5em;border:1px solid silver;color:#003;background:#fff;} ul.avaliable_numbers li a:hover {border:1px solid gray;color:#000;background:#efefef} .avaliable_numbers { margin: 10px; } #number_inventory .ui-tabs-panel { border:1px solid #CCCCCC !important; } #number_inventory .ui-widget-header { background:#FFFFFF !important; border:0 !important; } </style> <?php echo form::open_section('Number Assignments'); ?> <div id="number_inventory" style="border:0 !important;"> <ul> <?php foreach($numbers['assigned'] as $assigned): ?> <li> <a href="#assign_number_<?php echo $assigned['number_id']; ?>"><span><?php echo $assigned['number']; ?></span></a> </li> <?php endforeach; ?> <li><a href="#assign_new_number"><span><?php echo __('Add Assignment'); ?></span></a></li> </ul>
<?php echo form::open_section('Fax Autodetect'); ?> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label(array('for' => 'fax[autodetect]', 'hint' => 'Enable fax autodetect on this number.', 'help' => 'If enabled, the system will attempt to autodetect inbound faxes and transfer to the chosen extension if the inbound fax tone is detected.'), 'Enable Autodetection:'); echo form::checkbox('fax[autodetect]'); ?> </div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label(array('for' => 'fax[autodetect_number]', 'hint' => 'Transfer to this number on fax autodetect.', 'help' => 'The system will attempt to transfer the call to this extension if fax autodetect is enabled and the inbound fax tone is detected.'), 'Autodetection Transfer Number:'); echo numbering::numbersDropdown(array('name' => 'fax[autodetect_number]', 'classType' => 'FaxProfileNumber', 'optGroups' => FALSE)); ?> </div> <?php echo form::close_section();
<div id="odbc_update_header" class="update odbc module_header"> <h2><?php echo $title; ?> </h2> </div> <div id="odbc_update_form" class="update odbc"> <?php echo form::open(); ?> <?php echo form::open_section('Connection Information'); ?> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('odbc[dsn_name]', 'DSN Name'); echo form::input('odbc[dsn_name]'); ?> </div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('odbc[database]', 'Database'); echo form::input('odbc[database]'); ?> </div>
<?php echo form::open_section('Address Information'); ?> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('address[address]', 'Address:'); echo form::input('address[address]'); ?> </div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('address[city]', 'City:'); echo form::input('address[city]'); ?> </div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('address[state]', 'State:'); echo form::dropdown('address[state]', $states); ?> </div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('address[zip]', 'Zip:'); echo form::input('address[zip]'); ?>
<?php echo form::open_section('Auto-Provisioning'); ?> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('endpointmanager[mac_address]', 'MAC Address:'); echo form::dropdown('endpointmanager[mac_address]', $mac_addresses); ?> </div> <?php echo form::close_section();
<h2><?php echo $title; ?> </h2> </div> <div id="contextmanager_update_form" class="update contextmanager"> <?php echo form::open(); ?> <?php echo form::open_section('Context Entry'); ?> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('context[name]', 'Context Name:'); echo form::input('context[name]'); ?> </div> <?php echo form::close_section(); ?> <?php if (isset($views)) {
?> </div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('simpleroute[type]', 'Type:'); echo form::dropdown('simpleroute[type]', $types); ?> </div> <?php echo form::close_section(); ?> <?php echo form::open_section('Patterns'); ?> <div id="simple_route_patterns"> <?php foreach ($simpleroute['patterns'] as $key => $pattern) { ?> <?php echo new View('simpleroute/pattern.mus', array('patternCount' => $key, 'pattern' => $pattern, 'displayCount' => $key + 1)); ?> <?php } ?> </div>
<style> ul.media_tabs {font-family:helvetica,arial,sans-serif;margin:0;padding:0;} ul.media_tabs li {margin:0;padding:5px; list-style:none;margin:0; border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;} ul.media_tabs li a {text-decoration:none;display:block;padding:0.3em 0.5em;border:1px solid silver;color:#003;background:#fff;} ul.media_tabs li a:hover {border:1px solid gray;color:#000;background:#efefef} #media_tabs { border:0 !important; } #media_tabs .ui-tabs-panel { border:1px solid #CCCCCC !important; } #media_tabs .ui-widget-header { background:#FFFFFF !important; border:0 !important; } </style> <?php echo form::open_section('Media'); ?> <div id="media_tabs"> <ul> <?php foreach ($components as $name => $view) { ?> <?php echo sprintf('<li><a href="#%s">%s</a></li>', html::token($name), $name); ?> <?php } ?>
<?php echo form::checkbox('simpleroute[contexts][' . $context['context_id'] . ']', NULL, $default); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php echo form::close_section(); ?> <?php echo form::open_section('Default Settings'); ?> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('simpleroute[caller_id_name]', 'Caller ID Name:'); echo form::input('simpleroute[caller_id_name]'); ?> </div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('simpleroute[caller_id_number]', 'Caller ID Number:'); echo form::input('simpleroute[caller_id_number]'); ?> </div>
<?php echo form::open_section('Encryption'); ?> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label(array('for' => 'sipencryption[enable]', 'hint' => 'Check to enable', 'help' => 'If enabled, media will be encrypted if the device registered using TLS.'), 'Enabled:'); echo form::checkbox('sipencryption[enable]', 'TRUE'); ?> </div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label(array('for' => 'sipencryption[type]', 'hint' => 'Encryption Type', 'help' => 'Use either TLSv1 or SSLv23.'), 'Encryption Type:'); echo form::dropdown('sipencryption[type]', array('tlsv1' => 'TLSv1', 'sslv23' => 'SSLv23')); ?> </div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label(array('for' => 'sipencryption[port]', 'hint' => 'Port to listen on. ex. 5061', 'help' => 'Port for daemon to listen on for encrypted connections. Normally one port above the non-encrypted port.'), 'SSL/TLS Port:'); echo form::input('sipencryption[port]'); ?> </div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label(array('for' => 'sipencryption[certdir]', 'hint' => 'Certificate Storage Directory', 'help' => 'Directory that the certificates are stored in. It must contain the CA certificate in \'CA/cacert.pem\' and the server certificate in \'agent.pem\''), 'SSL/TLS Certificate Directory:'); echo form::input('sipencryption[certdir]', '$${base_dir}/conf/ssl'); ?> </div> <?php echo form::close_section();
<?php echo form::open_section('Welcome Mail'); ?> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label(array('for' => 'welcomemail[flag]'), 'Send welcome email'); echo form::checkbox(array('class' => 'determinant agent_for_welcomemail', 'name' => 'welcomemail[flag]')); ?> </div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label(array('for' => 'welcomemail[address]'), 'Email address'); echo form::input(array('class' => 'dependent_positive rely_on_welcomemail', 'name' => 'welcomemail[emailaddress]')); ?> </div> <?php echo form::close_section();
$selectedClass = NULL; } echo numbering::poolsDropdown(array('name' => 'during_class_type', 'forDependent' => TRUE), $selectedClass); echo " named "; echo numbering::numbersDropdown(array('id' => 'timeofday_during', 'name' => 'timeofday[during_number_id]', 'useNames' => TRUE, 'optGroups' => FALSE, 'forDependent' => TRUE), isset($timeofday['during_number_id']) ? $timeofday['during_number_id'] : NULL); jquery::addQuery('#timeofday_during')->dependent('{ parent: \'during_class_type\', group: \'common_class\' }'); ?> </div> <?php echo form::close_section(); ?> <?php echo form::open_section('Outside this Range'); ?> <div class="field" style="text-align: center;"> During all other times route calls to a <?php if (isset($timeofday['outside_number_id'])) { $selectedClass = numbering::getAssignedPoolByNumber($timeofday['outside_number_id']); } else { $selectedClass = NULL; } echo numbering::poolsDropdown(array('name' => 'outside_class_type', 'forDependent' => TRUE), $selectedClass); echo " named "; echo numbering::numbersDropdown(array('id' => 'timeofday_outside', 'name' => 'timeofday[outside_number_id]', 'useNames' => TRUE, 'optGroups' => FALSE, 'forDependent' => TRUE), isset($timeofday['outside_number_id']) ? $timeofday['outside_number_id'] : NULL);
echo form::open_section('Telephony Configuration'); ?> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('ast_root', 'Conf Directory:'); echo form::input('ast_root'); ?> </div> <?php echo form::close_section(); ?> <?php echo form::open_section('Manger API'); ?> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('ami_host', 'Manager Host:'); echo form::input('ami_host'); ?> </div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('ami_port', 'Manager Port:'); echo form::input('ami_port'); ?> </div>
<div id="mediamanager_upload_header" class="mediamanager add upload module_header"> <h2><span class="helptip"></span><?php echo __($title); ?> </h2> </div> <div id="mediamanager_upload_form" class="mediamanager add"> <?php echo form::open_multipart(); ?> <?php echo form::open_section('Select a file to upload'); ?> <p> <?php echo $maxUpload; ?> </p> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('upload', 'File Selection'); echo form::upload('upload', ''); ?> </div> <div class="field"> <?php