function metaWeblog_newMediaObject($args) { global $DB; global $session; $out = array(); list($website_id, $username, $password, $file_struct) = $args; // check auth if (metaWeblog_userAllowed($username, $password, $website_id)) { $file_name_tmp = uniqid('metaweblog-upload-'); file_put_contents(NAVIGATE_PRIVATE . '/' . $website_id . '/files/' . $file_name_tmp, $file_struct['bits']); $file = file::register_upload($file_name_tmp, $file_struct['name'], 0, NULL, false); @unlink(AVIGATE_PRIVATE . '/' . $website_id . '/files/' . $file_name_tmp); // if everything goes fine, file is renamed, so cannot be deleted here $out = array('id' => $file->id, 'file' => $file->name, 'url' => file::file_url($file->id, 'inline'), 'type' => $file->mime); } else { $out = new IXR_Error(401, "User not allowed."); } return $out; }
$file->refresh(); $DB->disconnect(); core_terminate(); } } } } echo false; core_terminate(); } else { if ($_REQUEST['engine'] == 'tinymce') { $DB = new database(); $DB->connect(); $file = file::register_upload($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['file']['name'], 0, NULL, true); if (!empty($file)) { echo json_encode(array('location' => file::file_url($file->id))); } else { echo json_encode(false); } $DB->disconnect(); core_terminate(); } else { // plUpload engine if ($user->permission("files.upload") == "true") { // Get parameters $chunk = isset($_REQUEST["chunk"]) ? $_REQUEST["chunk"] : 0; $chunks = isset($_REQUEST["chunks"]) ? $_REQUEST["chunks"] : 0; $fileName = isset($_REQUEST["name"]) ? $_REQUEST["name"] : ''; // Clean the fileName for security reasons $fileName = base64_encode($fileName); // Remove old temp files
public function load_from_vimeo($reference, $cache = true) { global $website; if ($cache) { $cache = 30 * 24 * 60; } else { $cache = 0; } $info = nvweb_template_oembed_cache('vimeo', '' . $reference . '&format=json', $cache); if (empty($info)) { return false; } $this->id = 'vimeo#' . $reference; $this->type = 'video'; $this->name = $info->title; $this->size = NULL; $this->mime = 'video/vimeo'; $this->width = $info->width; $this->height = $info->height; $this->uploaded_by = $info->author_name; $this->access = 0; $this->permission = 0; $this->enabled = 1; $this->video_thumbnail_retrieve($info->thumbnail_url, "vimeo", $reference); $this->extra = array('reference' => $info->video_id, 'link' => '' . $reference, 'thumbnail_url' => str_replace('http://', 'https://', $info->thumbnail_url), 'thumbnail_big' => str_replace('http://', 'https://', $info->thumbnail_url), 'thumbnail_cache' => 'private/' . $website->id . '/thumbnails/video-vimeo-' . $reference, 'thumbnail_cache_absolute' => file::file_url('private/' . $website->id . '/thumbnails/video-vimeo-' . $reference) . '&type=image', 'duration' => '', 'embed_code' => '<iframe src="' . $reference . '?" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'); }
public static function generate_feed($id = NULL) { global $current; global $website; global $DB; if (empty($id)) { $id = $current['id']; } $item = new feed(); $item->load($id); $permission = nvweb_object_enabled($item); if (!$permission) { return; } $feed = new UniversalFeedCreator(); $feed->encoding = 'UTF-8'; $feed->title = $item->dictionary[$current['lang']]['title']; $feed->description = $item->dictionary[$current['lang']]['description']; $feed->link = $website->absolute_path(); $feed->syndicationURL = $website->absolute_path() . $item->paths[$current['lang']]; if (!empty($item->image)) { $image = new FeedImage(); $image->url = $website->absolute_path() . '/object?type=image&id=' . $item->image; $image->link = $website->absolute_path(); //$image->description = $vars['dictionary_description']; $feed->image = $image; } if (!empty($item->categories[0])) { $limit = intval($item->entries); if ($limit <= 0) { $limit = 10; } $DB->query(' SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, i.permission, i.date_published, i.date_unpublish, i.date_to_display, COALESCE(NULLIF(i.date_to_display, 0), i.date_created) as pdate, d.text as title, i.position as position, i.galleries as galleries, i.template as template FROM nv_items i, nv_structure s, nv_webdictionary d WHERE i.category IN(' . implode(",", $item->categories) . ') AND = ' . $website->id . ' AND i.permission = 0 AND (i.date_published = 0 OR i.date_published < ' . core_time() . ') AND (i.date_unpublish = 0 OR i.date_unpublish > ' . core_time() . ') AND = i.category AND (s.date_published = 0 OR s.date_published < ' . core_time() . ') AND (s.date_unpublish = 0 OR s.date_unpublish > ' . core_time() . ') AND s.permission = 0 AND (s.access = 0) AND (i.access = 0) AND = AND d.node_type = "item" AND d.subtype = "title" AND d.node_id = AND d.lang = ' . protect($current['lang']) . ' ORDER BY pdate DESC LIMIT ' . $limit . ' OFFSET 0'); $rs = $DB->result(); for ($x = 0; $x < count($rs); $x++) { if (nvweb_object_enabled($rs[$x])) { $texts = webdictionary::load_element_strings('item', $rs[$x]->id); $paths = path::loadElementPaths('item', $rs[$x]->id); $fitem = new FeedItem(); $fitem->title = $texts[$current['lang']]['title']; $fitem->link = $website->absolute_path() . $paths[$current['lang']]; switch ($item->content) { case 'title': // no description break; case 'content': $fitem->description = $texts[$current['lang']]['section-main']; break; case 'summary': default: $fitem->description = $texts[$current['lang']]['section-main']; $fitem->description = str_replace(array('</p>', '<br />', '<br/>', '<br>'), array('</p>' . "\n", '<br />' . "\n", '<br/>' . "\n", '<br>' . "\n"), $fitem->description); $fitem->description = core_string_cut($fitem->description, 500, '…'); break; } $fitem->date = $rs[$x]->date_to_display; // find an image to attach to the item // A) first enabled image in item gallery // B) first image on properties $image = ''; if (!empty($rs[$x]->galleries)) { $galleries = mb_unserialize($rs[$x]->galleries); $photo = @array_shift(array_keys($galleries[0])); if (!empty($photo)) { $image = $website->absolute_path(false) . '/object?type=image&id=' . $photo; } } if (empty($image)) { // no image found on galleries, look for image properties $properties = property::load_properties("item", $rs[$x]->template, "item", $rs[$x]->id); for ($p = 0; $p < count($properties); $p++) { if ($properties[$p]->type == 'image') { if (!empty($properties[$p]->value)) { $image = $properties[$p]->value; } else { if (!empty($properties[$p]->dvalue)) { $image = $properties[$p]->dvalue; } } if (is_array($image)) { $image = array_values($image); $image = $image[0]; } if (!empty($image)) { $image = $website->absolute_path(false) . '/object?type=image&id=' . $image; } } // we only need the first image if (!empty($image)) { break; } } } if (!empty($image)) { $fitem->image = $image; // feedly will only display images of >450px --> if (strpos($item->format, 'RSS') !== false) { $fitem->description = '<img src="' . $image . '&width=640"><br />' . $fitem->description; } } //$item->author = $contents->rows[$x]->author_name; $feed->addItem($fitem); } } // valid format strings are: RSS0.91, RSS1.0, RSS2.0, PIE0.1 (deprecated), // MBOX, OPML, ATOM, ATOM10, ATOM0.3, HTML, JS //echo $rss->saveFeed("RSS1.0", "news/feed.xml"); } $xml = $feed->createFeed($item->format); if ($item->format == "RSS2.0") { // add extra tweaks to improve the feed $xml = str_replace('<rss ', '<rss xmlns:webfeeds="" ', $xml); // also available: // <webfeeds:cover image="" />\n // <webfeeds:accentColor>00FF00</webfeeds:accentColor> $xml = str_replace('<channel>', '<channel>' . "\n\t\t" . '<webfeeds:related layout="card" target="browser" />', $xml); $xml = str_replace('<channel>', '<channel>' . "\n\t\t" . '<webfeeds:logo>' . file::file_url($item->image) . '</webfeeds:logo>', $xml); $xml = str_replace('<channel>', '<channel>' . "\n\t\t" . '<webfeeds:icon>' . file::file_url($website->favicon) . '</webfeeds:icon>', $xml); } return $xml; }
function nvweb_properties_render($property, $vars) { global $website; global $current; global $DB; global $session; global $theme; global $structure; $out = ''; setlocale(LC_ALL, $website->languages[$session['lang']]['system_locale']); // if this property is null (no value assigned (null), (empty) is a value!) // get the default value if (!isset($property->value)) { $property->value = $property->dvalue; } // check multilanguage properties, where the value can be saved in a language but may be (null) in another language if (in_array($property->type, array("text", "textarea", "rich_textarea", "link")) || $property->multilanguage == 'true') { // cast variable as array if (is_object($property->value)) { $property->value = (array) $property->value; } if (!isset($property->value) || !isset($property->value[$current['lang']])) { if (isset($property->dvalue->{$current['lang']})) { $property->value[$current['lang']] = $property->dvalue->{$current['lang']}; } else { if (!is_array($property->value)) { $property->value = array(); } $property->value[$current['lang']] = $property->dvalue; } } } switch ($property->type) { case 'value': $out = $property->value; break; case 'decimal': $out = $property->value; if (isset($vars['precision'])) { $out = number_format($property->value, $vars['precision']); } break; case 'boolean': $out = $property->value; break; case 'option': $options = mb_unserialize($property->options); $options = (array) $options; switch (@$vars['return']) { case 'value': $out = $property->value; break; default: $out = $theme->t($options[$property->value]); } break; case 'moption': $options = mb_unserialize($property->options); $selected = explode(",", $property->value); switch (@$vars['return']) { case 'value': case 'values': $out = $property->value; break; default: $buffer = array(); foreach ($selected as $seloption) { $buffer[] = '<span>' . $theme->t($options[$seloption]) . '</span>'; } $out .= implode(', ', $buffer); } break; case 'text': $out = htmlspecialchars($property->value[$current['lang']]); break; case 'textarea': $out = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($property->value[$current['lang']])); break; case 'rich_textarea': $out = $property->value[$current['lang']]; break; case 'source_code': if (@$property->multilanguage == 'true' || $property->multilanguage == '1') { $out = $property->value[$current['lang']]; } else { $out = $property->value; } break; case 'date': if (!empty($vars['format'])) { $out = Encoding::toUTF8(strftime($vars['format'], $property->value)); } else { $out = date($website->date_format, $property->value); } break; case 'datetime': if (!empty($vars['format'])) { $out = Encoding::toUTF8(strftime($vars['format'], $property->value)); } else { $out = date($website->date_format . ' H:i', $property->value); } break; case 'link': // split title and link $link = explode('##', $property->value[$current['lang']]); if (is_array($link)) { $target = @$link[2]; $title = @$link[1]; $link = $link[0]; if (empty($title)) { $title = $link; } } else { $title = $property->value[$current['lang']]; $link = $property->value[$current['lang']]; $target = '_self'; } if (strpos($link, '://') === false) { $link = $website->absolute_path() . $link; } if ($vars['link'] === 'false') { $out = $link; } else { if (isset($vars['return'])) { if ($vars['return'] == 'title') { $out = $title; } else { if ($vars['return'] == 'link' || $vars['return'] == 'url') { $out = $link; } else { if ($vars['return'] == 'target') { $out = $target; } } } } else { $out = '<a href="' . $link . '" target="' . $target . '">' . $title . '</a>'; } } break; case 'image': $add = ''; $extra = ''; if (@$property->multilanguage == 'true' || $property->multilanguage == '1') { $image_id = $property->value[$session['lang']]; } else { $image_id = $property->value; } if (isset($vars['width'])) { $add .= ' width="' . $vars['width'] . '" '; $extra .= '&width=' . $vars['width']; } if (isset($vars['height'])) { $add .= ' height="' . $vars['height'] . '" '; $extra .= '&height=' . $vars['height']; } if (isset($vars['border'])) { $extra .= '&border=' . $vars['border']; } if (isset($vars['quality'])) { $extra .= '&quality=' . $vars['quality']; } $img_url = NVWEB_OBJECT . '?type=image&id=' . $image_id . $extra; if (empty($image_id)) { $out = ''; } else { if ($vars['return'] == 'url') { $out = $img_url; } else { // retrieve additional info (title/alt), if available if (is_numeric($image_id)) { $f = new file(); $f->load($image_id); $ftitle = $f->title[$current['lang']]; $falt = $f->description[$current['lang']]; if (!empty($ftitle)) { $add .= ' title="' . $ftitle . '" '; } if (!empty($falt)) { $add .= ' alt="' . $falt . '" '; } } $out = '<img class="' . $vars['class'] . '" src="' . $img_url . '" ' . $add . ' />'; } } break; case 'file': if (!empty($property->value)) { $file = $DB->query_single('name', 'nv_files', ' id = ' . protect($property->value) . ' AND website = ' . $website->id); if ($vars['return'] == 'url' || $vars['return'] == 'url-download') { $out = NVWEB_OBJECT . '?type=file&id=' . $property->value . '&disposition=attachment'; } else { if ($vars['return'] == 'url-inline') { $out = NVWEB_OBJECT . '?type=file&id=' . $property->value . '&disposition=inline'; } else { $out = '<a href="' . NVWEB_OBJECT . '?type=file&id=' . $property->value . '&disposition=attachment">' . $file . '</a>'; } } } break; case 'comment': $out = $property->value; break; case 'coordinates': $coordinates = explode('#', $property->value); $out = implode(',', $coordinates); break; case 'rating': // half stars are always enabled (ratings fixed to 0..10) $out = $property->value; // we want nearest integer down if ($vars['option'] == 'floor') { $out = floor($out / 2); } break; case 'color': $out = $property->value; break; case 'video': // value may be a numeric file ID or a provider#id structure, f.e. youtube#3MteSlpxCpo // compatible providers: file,youtube,vimeo if (@$property->multilanguage == 'true' || $property->multilanguage == '1') { $video_id = $property->value[$session['lang']]; } else { $video_id = $property->value; } $provider = ''; $reference = ''; $add = ''; if (isset($vars['width'])) { $add .= ' width="' . $vars['width'] . '" '; } if (isset($vars['height'])) { $add .= ' height="' . $vars['height'] . '" '; } $url_add = '&type=image'; if (isset($vars['width'])) { $url_add .= '&width=' . $vars['width'] . ''; } if (isset($vars['height'])) { $url_add .= '&height=' . $vars['height'] . ''; } if (isset($vars['border'])) { $url_add .= '&border=' . $vars['border'] . ''; } if (strpos($video_id, '#') !== false) { list($provider, $reference) = explode("#", $video_id); } if ($provider == 'file') { $video_id = $reference; } $file = new file(); if (is_numeric($video_id)) { $file->load($video_id); $embed = file::embed('file', $file, $add); } else { if ($provider == 'youtube') { $embed = file::embed('youtube', $reference, $add); if (!empty($vars['part']) || $vars['part'] != 'embed') { $file->load_from_youtube($reference); } } else { if ($provider == 'vimeo') { $embed = file::embed('vimeo', $reference, $add); if (!empty($vars['part']) || $vars['part'] != 'embed') { $file->load_from_vimeo($reference); } } } } switch (@$vars['return']) { case 'title': $out = $file->title; break; case 'mime': $out = $file->mime; break; case 'author': if (is_numeric($file->uploaded_by)) { $out = $website->name; } else { $out = $file->uploaded_by; } break; case 'path': case 'url': $out = $file->extra['link']; break; case 'thumbnail_url': $out = file::file_url($file->extra['thumbnail_cache']) . $url_add; break; case 'thumbnail': $out = '<img src="' . file::file_url($file->extra['thumbnail_cache']) . $url_add . '" class="' . $vars['class'] . '" ' . $add . ' />'; break; case 'reference': $out = $reference; break; case 'provider': $out = $provider; break; case 'embed': default: $out = $embed; } break; case 'article': // TO DO break; case 'category': $return = @$vars['return']; switch ($return) { case 'title': case 'name': nvweb_menu_load_dictionary(); $out = $structure['dictionary'][$property->value]; break; case 'url': case 'link': $out = nvweb_source_url('structure', $property->value); break; default: $out = $property->value; } break; case 'categories': $return = @$vars['return']; $value = explode(",", $property->value); $position = intval(@vars['position']) + 0; switch ($return) { case 'title': case 'name': nvweb_menu_load_dictionary(); $out = $structure['dictionary'][$value[$position]]; break; case 'url': case 'link': $out = nvweb_source_url('structure', $value[$position]); break; default: $out = $property->value; } break; case 'country': $return = @$vars['return']; switch ($return) { case 'name': $countries = property::countries(); $out = $countries[$property->value]; break; case 'id': case 'code': default: $out = $property->value; break; } break; case 'elements': $out = $property->value; break; case 'element': case 'item': // deprecated $return = @$vars['return']; switch ($return) { case 'title': $item = new item(); $item->load($property->value); $out = $item->dictionary[$current['lang']]['title']; break; case 'url': case 'path': $out = nvweb_source_url('item', $property->value, $current['lang']); break; case 'section': $item = new item(); $item->load($property->value); $out = $item->dictionary[$current['lang']]['section-' . $vars['section']]; break; case 'property': $params = array(); foreach ($vars as $attr_name => $attr_value) { if (strpos($attr_name, 'element-property-') === 0) { $attr_name = str_replace('element-property-', '', $attr_name); $params[$attr_name] = $attr_value; } else { if ($attr_name == 'element-property') { $params['property'] = $attr_value; } } } // default parameters $params['mode'] = 'item'; $params['id'] = $property->value; $out = nvweb_properties($params); break; case 'id': default: $out = $property->value; break; } break; default: } return $out; }
function run() { global $user; global $layout; global $DB; global $website; $out = ''; $item = new file(); switch ($_REQUEST['act']) { case 1: // json retrieval & operations // json retrieval & operations case "json": if ($_REQUEST['op'] == 'upload') { $tmp_name = $_REQUEST['tmp_name']; if ($tmp_name == "{{BASE64}}") { $tmp_name = base64_encode($_REQUEST['name']); } $file = file::register_upload($tmp_name, $_REQUEST['name'], $_REQUEST['parent']); if (!empty($file)) { echo json_encode(array('id' => $file->id, 'name' => $file->name)); } else { echo json_encode(false); } } switch ($_REQUEST['op']) { case 'create_folder': file::create_folder($_REQUEST['name'], $_REQUEST['mime'], $_REQUEST['parent']); echo json_encode(true); break; case 'edit_folder': $f = new file(); $f->load(intval($_REQUEST['id'])); $f->name = $_REQUEST['name']; $f->mime = $_REQUEST['mime']; $ok = $f->save(); echo json_encode($ok); break; case 'edit_file': $f = new file(); $f->load(intval($_REQUEST['id'])); $f->name = $_REQUEST['name']; $ok = $f->save(); echo json_encode($ok); break; case 'duplicate_file': //error_reporting(~0); //ini_set('display_errors', 1); $status = false; $f = new file(); $f->load(intval($_REQUEST['id'])); $f->id = 0; $f->insert(); if (!empty($f->id)) { $done = copy(NAVIGATE_PRIVATE . '/' . $website->id . '/files/' . intval($_REQUEST['id']), NAVIGATE_PRIVATE . '/' . $website->id . '/files/' . $f->id); $status = "true"; if (!$done) { $f->delete(); $status = t(56, "Unexpected error"); } } echo $status; break; case 'move': if (is_array($_REQUEST['item'])) { $ok = true; for ($i = 0; $i < count($_REQUEST['item']); $i++) { unset($item); $item = new file(); $item->load($_REQUEST['item'][$i]); $item->parent = $_REQUEST['folder']; $ok = $ok & $item->update(); } echo json_encode($ok ? true : false); } else { $item->load($_REQUEST['item']); $item->parent = $_REQUEST['folder']; echo json_encode($item->update()); } break; case 'delete': try { $item->load($_REQUEST['id']); $status = $item->delete(); echo json_encode($status); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } break; case 'permissions': $item->load($_REQUEST['id']); if (!empty($_POST)) { $item->access = intval($_POST['access']); $item->permission = intval($_POST['permission']); $item->enabled = intval($_POST['enabled']); $item->groups = $_POST['groups']; if ($item->access < 3) { $item->groups = array(); } $status = $item->save(); echo json_encode($status); } else { echo json_encode(array('access' => $item->access, 'groups' => $item->groups, 'permission' => $item->permission, 'enabled' => $item->enabled)); } break; case 'description': $item->load($_REQUEST['id']); if (!empty($_POST)) { $item->title = array(); $item->description = array(); foreach ($website->languages as $language) { $lcode = $language['code']; if (!isset($_REQUEST['titles'][$lcode])) { break; } $item->title[$lcode] = $_REQUEST['titles'][$lcode]; $item->description[$lcode] = $_REQUEST['descriptions'][$lcode]; } $status = $item->save(); echo json_encode($status); } else { // return file title and description (alt) $data = array('title' => $item->title, 'description' => $item->description); echo json_encode($data); } break; case 'focalpoint': $item->load($_REQUEST['id']); if (!empty($_POST)) { $item->focalpoint = $_REQUEST['top'] . '#' . $_REQUEST['left']; $status = $item->save(); // remove cached thumbnails file::thumbnails_remove($item->id); echo json_encode($status); } else { if (empty($item->focalpoint)) { $item->focalpoint = '50#50'; $item->save(); // remove cached thumbnails file::thumbnails_remove($item->id); } echo $item->focalpoint; } break; case 'video_info': if ($_REQUEST['provider'] == 'youtube') { $item->load_from_youtube($_REQUEST['reference'], false); // force cache reload } else { if ($_REQUEST['provider'] == 'vimeo') { $item->load_from_vimeo($_REQUEST['reference'], false); // force cache reload } else { if (!empty($_REQUEST['reference']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['reference'])) { $item->load($_REQUEST['reference']); } else { if (is_numeric($_REQUEST['provider'])) { $item->load($_REQUEST['provider']); } else { unset($item); } } if (!empty($item)) { // add some extra data $item->extra = array('reference' => $item->id, 'link' => '', 'thumbnail' => 'img/icons/ricebowl/mimetypes/video.png', 'thumbnail_big' => 'img/icons/ricebowl/mimetypes/video.png', 'thumbnail_url' => 'img/icons/ricebowl/mimetypes/video.png', 'duration' => '', 'embed_code' => '<video src="' . file::file_url($item->id, 'inline') . '></video>'); } } } if (!empty($item)) { echo json_encode($item); } else { echo false; } break; } session_write_close(); $DB->disconnect(); exit; break; case 2: // show/edit item properties // show/edit item properties case "edit": $item->load($_REQUEST['id']); if (isset($_REQUEST['form-sent'])) { $item->load_from_post(); try { $item->save(); unset($item); $item = new file(); $item->load($_REQUEST['id']); $layout->navigate_notification(t(53, "Data saved successfully."), false, false, 'fa fa-check'); } catch (Exception $e) { $layout->navigate_notification($e->getMessage(), true, true); } } $out = files_item_properties($item); break; case 10: case 'media_browser': files_media_browser($_GET['limit'], $_GET['offset']); break; case 92: // pixlr (image editor) overlay remover // pixlr (image editor) overlay remover case 'pixlr_exit': ob_clean(); file::thumbnails_remove(intval($_GET['id'])); echo ' <html> <head></head> <body> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> //window.parent.eval("$(\'#thumbnail-cache\').attr(\'src\', $(\'#thumbnail-cache\').attr(\'src\') + \'&refresh=\' + new Date().getTime());"); window.parent.eval(\'$("#image-preview").attr("src", $("#image-preview").attr("src") + "&refresh=" + new Date().getTime());\'); window.parent.eval("pixlr.overlay.hide();"); </script> </body> </html> '; core_terminate(); break; /* case 91: // picnik editing ob_clean(); // $strPicnikUrl is the URL that we use to launch Picnik. $strPicnikUrl = ""; // $aPicnikParams collects together all the params we'll give Picnik. Start with an API key $aPicnikParams['_apikey'] = $website->picnik_api_key; // tell Picnik where to send the exported image $aPicnikParams['_export'] = NAVIGATE_URL.'/navigate_upload.php?wid='.$website->id.'&engine=picnik&id='.$_REQUEST['id'].'&engine=picnik&session_id='.session_id(); // give the export button a title $aPicnikParams['_export_title'] = t(34, 'Save'); // turn on the close button, and tell it to come back here //$aPicnikParams['_close_target'] = $strRoot; // send in the previous "king" image in case the user feels like decorating it $aPicnikParams['_import'] = NAVIGATE_DOWNLOAD.'?wid='.$website->id.'&id='.$_REQUEST['id'].'&disposition=attachment&sid='.session_id(); // tell Picnik to redirect the user to the following URL after the HTTP POST instead of just redirecting to _export $aPicnikParams['_redirect'] = NAVIGATE_DOWNLOAD.'?wid='.$website->id.'&id='.$_REQUEST['id'].'&disposition=inline&ts='.core_time(); //'javascript: return false;'; // tell Picnik our name. It'll use it in a few places as appropriate $aPicnikParams['_host_name'] = 'Navigate'; // turn off the "Save & Share" tab so users don't get confused $aPicnikParams['_exclude'] = "out"; echo '<html><head></head><body>'; echo '<form id="picnik_form" method="POST" action="'.$strPicnikUrl.'" style=" visibility: hidden; ">'; // put all the API parameters into the form as hidden inputs foreach( $aPicnikParams as $key => $value ) { echo "<input type='hidden' name='$key' value='$value'/>\n"; } //echo "<input type='text' name='address' value='Your Majesty'/>\n"; echo "<input type='submit' value='Picnik'/>\n"; echo "</form>"; echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> document.forms[0].submit(); </script>'; echo '</body></html>'; core_terminate(); break; */ /* case 91: // picnik editing ob_clean(); // $strPicnikUrl is the URL that we use to launch Picnik. $strPicnikUrl = ""; // $aPicnikParams collects together all the params we'll give Picnik. Start with an API key $aPicnikParams['_apikey'] = $website->picnik_api_key; // tell Picnik where to send the exported image $aPicnikParams['_export'] = NAVIGATE_URL.'/navigate_upload.php?wid='.$website->id.'&engine=picnik&id='.$_REQUEST['id'].'&engine=picnik&session_id='.session_id(); // give the export button a title $aPicnikParams['_export_title'] = t(34, 'Save'); // turn on the close button, and tell it to come back here //$aPicnikParams['_close_target'] = $strRoot; // send in the previous "king" image in case the user feels like decorating it $aPicnikParams['_import'] = NAVIGATE_DOWNLOAD.'?wid='.$website->id.'&id='.$_REQUEST['id'].'&disposition=attachment&sid='.session_id(); // tell Picnik to redirect the user to the following URL after the HTTP POST instead of just redirecting to _export $aPicnikParams['_redirect'] = NAVIGATE_DOWNLOAD.'?wid='.$website->id.'&id='.$_REQUEST['id'].'&disposition=inline&ts='.core_time(); //'javascript: return false;'; // tell Picnik our name. It'll use it in a few places as appropriate $aPicnikParams['_host_name'] = 'Navigate'; // turn off the "Save & Share" tab so users don't get confused $aPicnikParams['_exclude'] = "out"; echo '<html><head></head><body>'; echo '<form id="picnik_form" method="POST" action="'.$strPicnikUrl.'" style=" visibility: hidden; ">'; // put all the API parameters into the form as hidden inputs foreach( $aPicnikParams as $key => $value ) { echo "<input type='hidden' name='$key' value='$value'/>\n"; } //echo "<input type='text' name='address' value='Your Majesty'/>\n"; echo "<input type='submit' value='Picnik'/>\n"; echo "</form>"; echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> document.forms[0].submit(); </script>'; echo '</body></html>'; core_terminate(); break; */ case 0: // list / search result // list / search result default: // show requested folder or search $out = files_browser($_REQUEST['parent'], $_REQUEST['navigate-quicksearch']); users_log::action($_REQUEST['fid'], intval($_REQUEST['parent']), 'list', '', json_encode($_REQUEST)); break; } return $out; }