Esempio n. 1
 function mailorder($orderid = null)
     if (!$orderid) {
     global $mainframe;
     $cfg = new sc_configuration();
     $tsep = $cfg->get('thousand_sep');
     $dsep = $cfg->get('decimal_sep');
     $decs = $cfg->get('decimals');
     $currency = $cfg->get('currency');
     $curralign = $cfg->get('curralign');
     $dateformat = $cfg->get('dateformat');
     $timeformat = $cfg->get('timeformat');
     $mode = $cfg->get("emailhtml");
     $usecontentasemail = $cfg->get("usecidasemail");
     // create html orderheader
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $query = "select #__sc_orders.*, as gtotal from #__sc_orders where'{$orderid}' ";
     $header = $db->loadObject();
     echo $db->getErrorMsg();
     $hhtml = "";
     // header html
     $hhtml .= "\n<br />" . JText::_('SC_ORDER');
     $hhtml .= "\n<br />" . date("{$dateformat} {$timeformat}", $header->orderdt);
     $hhtml .= "\n<br />{$header->name}";
     $hhtml .= "\n<br />{$header->email}";
     $hhtml .= "\n<br />" . nl2br($header->address);
     $hhtml .= "\n<br />{$header->codepostal}";
     $hhtml .= "\n<br />{$header->city}";
     $hhtml .= "\n<br />{$header->telephone}";
     $hhtml .= "\n<br />{$orderid}";
     // now get the tax rate based on the shipping region in the header
     $taxes = new taxes();
     $taxrate = $taxes->getTax($header->shipRegion);
     // create html order details block
     $odetails = new orderdetail();
     $detailslist = $odetails->getDetailsByOrderId($orderid);
     $dhtml = "<p>";
     // detail html
     $dhtml .= "<table width='100%' border='1'>\n";
     $dhtml .= "<tr><th>" . JText::_('SC_CODE') . "</th><th>" . JText::_('SC_DESCRIPTION') . "</th><th>" . JText::_('SC_PRICE_PER_UNIT') . "</th><th>" . JText::_('SC_QUANTITY') . "</th><th>" . JText::_('SC_TOTAL') . "</th></tr>";
     foreach ($detailslist as $detail) {
         $dhtml .= "<tr><td>{$detail->prodcode}</td>\n";
         $dhtml .= "<td>{$detail->shorttext} - {$detail->option}</td>\n";
         $dhtml .= "<td>" . number_format($detail->unitprice, $decs, $dsep, $tsep) . "</td>\n";
         $dhtml .= "<td>{$detail->qty}</td>\n";
         $dhtml .= "<td><strong>" . number_format($detail->qty * $detail->unitprice, $decs, $dsep, $tsep) . "</strong></td>\n";
     if ($taxrate > 0) {
         $dhtml .= "<tr><td colspan='2'><td colspan='2'>" . JText::_('SC_TAX') . "</td><td>" . number_format($header->tax, $decs, $dsep, $tsep) . "</td>";
     $ship['enabled'] = $cfg->get('shippingenabled');
     if ($ship['enabled']) {
         $dhtml .= "<tr><td colspan='2'><td colspan='2'>" . JText::_('SC_SHIPPING_REGION') . "</td>";
         $dhtml .= "<td colspan='1'>" . $header->shipRegion . "</td></tr>";
         $dhtml .= "<tr><td colspan='2'><td colspan='2'>" . JText::_('SC_SHIPPING_COST') . "</td>";
         $dhtml .= "<td colspan='3'>" . $header->shipCost . "</td></tr>";
     $dhtml .= "<tr><td colspan='2'><td colspan='2'>" . JText::_('SC_TOTAL') . "</td>";
     $dhtml .= "<td>" . number_format($header->gtotal + $header->tax + $header->shipCost, $decs, $dsep, $tsep) . "</td></tr>\n";
     $dhtml .= "</table>\n";
     $dhtml .= "</p>";
     $emailsubject = JText::_('SC_ORDER') . " " . JText::_('SC_FOR') . " " . number_format($header->gtotal, $decs, $dsep, $tsep) . " " . JText::_('SC_FROM') . " " . $header->name;
     if ($usecontentasemail == 1) {
         $contentemail = $cfg->get("emailcid");
         $query = "select introtext from #__content where id = '{$contentemail}'";
         $emailcontent = $db->loadResult();
         $fields = new fields();
         $fieldslist = $fields->getPublishedFields();
         // the custom fields defined for this system
         $thefields = unserialize($header->customfields);
         // the fields filled by customers
         foreach ($fieldslist as $key => $customfield) {
             $emailcontent = str_replace("#" . $customfield->name . "#", $thefields[$customfield->name], $emailcontent);
             // replace custom tags with the field names
         $emailcontent = str_replace("#orderheading#", $hhtml, $emailcontent);
         // replace the headertag with header html
         $emailcontent = str_replace("#orderdetails#", $dhtml, $emailcontent);
         // replace detail tag with detail html
         $emailcontent = str_replace("#orderid#", $orderid, $emailcontent);
         // replace orderid tag with the order ID
         $emailbody = $emailcontent;
     } else {
         $emailbody = $hhtml . $dhtml;
         // simply add one after the other without processing anything else
     $mailengine = $cfg->get("mailengine");
     if ($mailengine == "alternative") {
         // some servers do NOT like to send to an array of addresses
         // so as an alternative way we send the emails one by one
         $from = $mainframe->getCfg('mailfrom');
         $fromname = $mainframe->getCfg('fromname');
         $recipient = trim($header->email);
         // customer email
         $subject = stripslashes($emailsubject);
         $body = $emailbody;
         $mode = $mode;
         // send to customer
         $rs = JUtility::sendMail($from, $fromname, $recipient, $subject, $body, $mode, $cc, $bcc, $attachment, $replyto, $replytoname);
         // now send the eventual copies
         $emailcopies = $cfg->get('email_copies');
         // the complete address list is already trimmed
         $aemailcopies = explode("\r\n", $emailcopies);
         foreach ($aemailcopies as $key => $emailaddress) {
             $copyrecipient = trim($emailaddress);
             // trim each address from any \n ...
             $rs = JUtility::sendMail($from, $fromname, $copyrecipient, $subject, $body, $mode, $cc, $bcc, $attachment, $replyto, $replytoname);
     } else {
         $mailer =& JFactory::getMailer();
         // Build e-mail message format
         $mailer->setSender(array($mainframe->getCfg('mailfrom'), $mainframe->getCfg('fromname')));
         $emailcopies = $cfg->get('email_copies');
         // the complete address list is already trimmed
         $aemailcopies = explode("\n", $emailcopies);
         // Add recipients
         // add the copies
         foreach ($aemailcopies as $key => $emailaddress) {
             // trim each address from any \n ...
         // Send the Mail
         $rs = $mailer->Send();
     return $rs;
Esempio n. 2
function checkerrors()
    $errors = 0;
    // this is a very simple check, you can add any kind of checking method to refine and enhance your security
    // first start by getting the published fields
    $fields = new fields();
    $fieldlist = $fields->getPublishedFields();
    // now check if they are required, and if so, check if they are filled
    // default function is "checkfilled" see below!
    foreach ($fieldlist as $field) {
        if ($field->required == 1) {
            // required field
            // now get the required function, this is set in the DB for each field
            if (function_exists($field->checkfunction)) {
                //check if you defined this function
                $errors = $errors + call_user_func($field->checkfunction, $field);
    return $errors;