Esempio n. 1
  * Retrieves a value from the record and prepares it for output into html.
  * Below are the transformations performed:
  *  - **varchar, char, text**: will run through fHTML::prepare(), if `TRUE` is passed the text will be run through fHTML::convertNewLinks() and fHTML::makeLinks()
  *  - **boolean**: will return `'Yes'` or `'No'`
  *  - **integer**: will add thousands/millions/etc. separators
  *  - **float**: will add thousands/millions/etc. separators and takes 1 parameter to specify the number of decimal places
  *  - **date, time, timestamp**: `format()` will be called on the fDate/fTime/fTimestamp object with the 1 parameter specified
  *  - **objects**: the object will be converted to a string by `__toString()` or a `(string)` cast and then will be run through fHTML::prepare()
  * @param  string $column      The name of the column to retrieve
  * @param  mixed  $formatting  The formatting parameter, if applicable
  * @return string  The formatted value for the column specified
 protected function prepare($column, $formatting = NULL)
     $column_exists = array_key_exists($column, $this->values);
     $method_name = 'get' . fGrammar::camelize($column, TRUE);
     $method_exists = method_exists($this, $method_name);
     if (!$column_exists && !$method_exists) {
         throw new fProgrammerException('The column specified, %s, does not exist', $column);
     if ($column_exists) {
         $class = get_class($this);
         $table = fORM::tablize($class);
         $schema = fORMSchema::retrieve($class);
         $column_info = $schema->getColumnInfo($table, $column);
         $column_type = $column_info['type'];
         // Ensure the programmer is calling the function properly
         if ($column_type == 'blob') {
             throw new fProgrammerException('The column specified, %s, can not be prepared because it is a blob column', $column);
         if ($formatting !== NULL && in_array($column_type, array('integer', 'boolean'))) {
             throw new fProgrammerException('The column specified, %s, does not support any formatting options', $column);
         // If the column doesn't exist, we are just pulling the
         // value from a get method, so treat it as text
     } else {
         $column_type = 'text';
     // Grab the value for empty value checking
     $value = $this->{$method_name}();
     // Date/time objects
     if (is_object($value) && in_array($column_type, array('date', 'time', 'timestamp'))) {
         if ($formatting === NULL) {
             throw new fProgrammerException('The column specified, %s, requires one formatting parameter, a valid date() formatting string', $column);
         return $value->format($formatting);
     // Other objects
     if (is_object($value) && is_callable(array($value, '__toString'))) {
         $value = $value->__toString();
     } elseif (is_object($value)) {
         $value = (string) $value;
     // Ensure the value matches the data type specified to prevent mangling
     if ($column_type == 'boolean' && is_bool($value)) {
         return $value ? 'Yes' : 'No';
     if ($column_type == 'integer' && is_numeric($value)) {
         return number_format($value, 0, '', ',');
     if ($column_type == 'float' && is_numeric($value)) {
         // If the user passed in a formatting value, use it
         if ($formatting !== NULL && is_numeric($formatting)) {
             $decimal_places = (int) $formatting;
             // If the column has a pre-defined number of decimal places, use that
         } elseif ($column_info['decimal_places'] !== NULL) {
             $decimal_places = $column_info['decimal_places'];
             // This figures out how many decimal places are part of the current value
         } else {
             $value_parts = explode('.', $value);
             $decimal_places = !isset($value_parts[1]) ? 0 : strlen($value_parts[1]);
         return number_format($value, $decimal_places, '.', ',');
     // Turn line-breaks into breaks for text fields and add links
     if ($formatting === TRUE && in_array($column_type, array('varchar', 'char', 'text'))) {
         return fHTML::makeLinks(fHTML::convertNewlines(fHTML::prepare($value)));
     // Anything that has gotten to here is a string value, or is not the
     // proper data type for the column, so we just make sure it is marked
     // up properly for display in HTML
     return fHTML::prepare($value);