Esempio n. 1
 public static function save()
     if (!security::isLogged() || !USER_IS_ADMIN) {
     $status = f::getParam("status");
     $clientId = f::getParam("client_id");
     $name = f::getParam("name");
     if ($status != 1 && $status != 0) {
         f::setError(400, "Invalid Client Status");
     if (!$clientId && !$name) {
         f::setError(400, "Invalid Client Name");
     $clientExists = f::dbRes("select 1 from fm_clients where id = {p:client_id}") == 1;
     if ($clientId && !$clientExists) {
         f::setError(400, "Invalid Client Id");
     if (!f::hasErrors()) {
         if ($clientId) {
             f::dbQuery("update fm_clients set status = {p:status} where id = {p:client_id}");
         } else {
             f::dbQuery("insert into fm_clients set name = {p:name}, status = {p:status}");
         f::setResponseJson(array("ok" => 1));
Esempio n. 2
 public static function edit()
     if (!security::isLogged() || !USER_IS_ADMIN) {
     $name = f::getParam("name");
     $availableFrom = f::date2sql(f::getParam("available_from"));
     $availableTo = f::date2sql(f::getParam("available_to"));
     $status = f::getParam("status");
     if ($status != 1 && $status != 0 && $status != 2) {
         f::setError(400, "Wrong Status");
     if (!$name) {
         f::setError(400, "Invalid form name");
     $clientExists = f::dbRes("select 1 from fm_clients where id = {p:client_id}");
     if (!$clientExists) {
         f::setError(400, "Client does not Exist");
     if (!f::hasErrors()) {
         if (f::getParam("form_id")) {
             f::dbQuery("insert into fm_forms_log (created_date, form_id, client_id, name, enabled_domains, detail, available_from, available_to, status, description)\n\t\t\t\t\tselect now(), id, client_id, name, enabled_domains, detail, available_from, available_to, status, description from fm_forms where id = {p:form_id}");
             f::dbQuery("update fm_forms set name = {p:name}, detail = {p:detail}, available_from = {availableFrom}, available_to = {availableTo}, status = {p:status} where id = {p:form_id}", array("availableFrom" => $availableFrom, "availableTo" => $availableTo));
         } else {
             f::dbQuery("insert into fm_forms set client_id = {p:client_id}, name = {p:name}, detail = {p:detail}, available_from = {availableFrom}, available_to = {availableTo}, status = {p:status} ", array("availableFrom" => $availableFrom, "availableTo" => $availableTo));
         f::setResponseJson(array("ok" => 1));
Esempio n. 3
 public static function post()
     $token = f::getParam("_api_key");
     $userIp = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
     $sessionId = f::dbRes("select id from ge_sessions where user_ip='{$userIp}' and token='{$token}' and status=1");
     if ($sessionId) {
         if (defined("DELETE_SESSIONS")) {
             f::dbQuery("delete from ge_sessions where id='{$sessionId}'");
         } else {
             f::dbQuery("update ge_sessions set status=0 where id='{$sessionId}'");
         f::setResponseJson(array("ok" => 1));
     } else {
         f::setError(400, "Sesion invalida");
Esempio n. 4
 public static function get()
     $form = f::dbFirstRow("select enabled_domains, detail \n\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom fm_forms \n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere id = {p:form_id} \n\t\t\t\t\t\tand client_id = {p:client_id} \n\t\t\t\t\t\tand (available_from = '' or available_from <= curdate()) \n\t\t\t\t\t\tand (available_to = '' or available_to >= curdate()) \n\t\t\t\t\t\tand status = 1");
     if (!$form) {
         f::setError(400, "Form not found");
     } else {
         if (!self::checkDomain($form)) {
             f::setError(400, "Hostname not allowed");
     if (f::hasErrors()) {
     $formDetail = json_decode($form["detail"], true);
     $uniqId = sha1(uniqid());
     $captcha = f::getCaptcha();
     f::setResponseJson(array("id" => $uniqId, "captcha" => $captcha, "form" => $formDetail));
Esempio n. 5
 public static function post()
     $user = f::getParam("user");
     $pass = f::getParam("pass");
     $userId = f::dbRes("select id from fm_users where email='{$user}' and (password='******' or password='******') and status=1");
     $userIp = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
     if (!$userId) {
         f::setError(400, "Invalid user");
     } else {
         // create token
         $token = md5(uniqid($userId, true)) . md5(uniqid());
     if (!f::hasErrors()) {
         $userName = f::dbRes("select name from fm_users where id='{$userId}'");
         $isAdmin = f::dbRes("select is_admin from fm_users where id='{$userId}'") == 1;
         f::dbQuery("insert into fm_sessions set user_id='{$userId}', user_ip='{$userIp}', token='{$token}', status=1, created_date=now()");
         f::setResponseJson(array("userName" => $userName, "_api_key" => $token, "isAdmin" => $isAdmin));
Esempio n. 6
 private static function validateForm($form)
     if (!$form) {
         f::setError(400, "Form not found");
     } else {
         if ($form["enabled_domains"]) {
             $enabledDomains = explode(",", $form["enabled_domains"]);
             $host = f::strtoken($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], 1, ":");
             $host2 = f::strtoken($_SERVER["X-Forwarded-For"], 1, ":");
             $hostOk = false;
             foreach ($enabledDomains as $enabledDomain) {
                 $enabledDomain = trim($enabledDomain);
                 if ($enabledDomain && ($enabledDomain == $host || $enabledDomain == $host2)) {
                     $hostOk = true;
             if (!$hostOk) {
                 f::setError(400, "Hostname not allowed");
Esempio n. 7
 public static function get()
     if (!security::isLogged()) {
     $formAllowed = f::dbRes("select 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t from fm_forms f\n\t\t\t\t\t\t join fm_clients c on ( = f.client_id)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t join fm_users_clients uc on (uc.client_id =\n\t\t\t\t\t\t where = {p:form_id} \n\t\t\t\t\t\t and c.status = 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t and uc.user_id = {userId}", array("userId" => USER_ID));
     if (!$formAllowed) {
         f::setError(401, "Not authorized");
     if (f::hasErrors()) {
     // set pagination
     $rowsPerPage = 50;
     $page = max(f::getParam("page"), 1);
     $start = ($page - 1) * $rowsPerPage;
     $previousPage = $page - 1;
     $nextPage = $page + 1;
     // END set pagination
     $outData = array("start" => $start + 1, "previousPage" => $previousPage, "nextPage" => $nextPage, "page" => $page);
     self::step2($page, $start, $rowsPerPage, $outData);
Esempio n. 8
 public static function isLogged()
     $token = f::getParam("_api_key");
     $userIp = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
     $session = f::dbFirstRow("select user_id from fm_sessions where user_ip = {userIp} and token = {token} and status=1 ", array("userIp" => $userIp, "token" => $token));
     $userId = isset($session["user_id"]) ? $session["user_id"] : 0;
     if ($userId) {
         $userName = f::dbRes("select name from fm_users where id='{$userId}'");
         $isAdmin = f::dbRes("select is_admin from fm_users where id='{$userId}'") == 1;
         if (!defined("USER_ID")) {
             define("USER_ID", $userId);
             define("USER_NAME", $userName);
             define("USER_IS_ADMIN", $isAdmin);
         return true;
     } else {
         define("USER_ID", "");
         define("USER_NAME", "");
         define("USER_IS_ADMIN", "");
         f::setError(401, "Unauthenticated");
         return false;
Esempio n. 9
 public static function add()
     if (!security::isLogged() || !USER_IS_ADMIN) {
     $status = f::getParam("status");
     $name = f::getParam("name");
     $email = f::getParam("email");
     $password1 = trim(f::getParam("password1"));
     $password2 = trim(f::getParam("password2"));
     $exists = f::dbRes("select 1 from fm_users where name = {name}", array("name" => $name));
     if (!$email) {
         f::setError(400, "Email field is missing");
     } else {
         if (!$name) {
             f::setError(400, "Name field is missing");
         } else {
             if ($exists) {
                 f::setError(400, "Failed, user already exists.");
     if ($status != 1 && $status != 0) {
         f::setError(400, "Incorrect Status");
     if ($password1 && $password1 != $password2) {
         f::setError(400, "Incorrect Password");
     if (!f::hasErrors()) {
         $userId = f::dbInsert("insert into fm_users set email = {email}, name = {name}, status = {status} ", array("email" => $email, "name" => $name, "status" => $status));
         if ($password1 && $password1 == $password2) {
             f::dbQuery("update fm_users set password = {pwd} where id = {userId}", array("pwd" => md5($password1), "userId" => $userId));
         $userClients = f::getParam("userClients");
         f::dbQuery("delete from fm_users_clients where user_id = {userId}");
         foreach ($userClients as $clientId => $value) {
             f::dbQuery("insert into fm_users_clients set user_id = {userId}, client_id = {clientId}", array("userId" => $userId, "clientId" => $clientId));
         f::setResponseJson(array("userId" => $userId));