Esempio n. 1
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Retry")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Expire")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Min. TTL")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, textbr(my_("Last modified")));
insert($c, text(my_("Last exported")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Changed by")));
insert($t, $ck = cell());
insert($ck, text(my_("Action")));
// capture data for the export view functionality
$export = new exportForm();
$export->addRow(array("domain", "primary_DNS", "secondary_DNS", "serial_date", "ttl", "refresh", "retry", "expire", "minimum_ttl", "last_modified", "last_exported", "changed_by"));
$cnt = 0;
while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
    setdefault("cell", array("class" => color_flip_flop()));
    insert($t, $c = cell());
    // have zone records been modified
    if ($row["error_message"] == "E") {
        insert($c, textb($row["domain"]));
        insert($c, block(" ‡"));
    } else {
        insert($c, text($row["domain"]));
    if ($row["slaveonly"] == "Y") {
        insert($c, span(my_("Slave zone"), array("class" => "textSmall")));
Esempio n. 2
insert($c, text(my_("Subnet size")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Subnet mask")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Description")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Last modified")));
insert($t, $ck = cell());
insert($ck, text(my_("Changed by")));
    insert($t, $ck = cell());
    insert($ck, text(my_("Update sent")));
//capture data for the export view functionality
$export = new exportForm();
$export->addRow(array("subnet_addr", "subnet_size", "subnet_mask", "description", "last_modified", "changed_by", "update_sent"));
$cnt = 0;
$prevrow = "";
while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
    setdefault("cell", array("class" => color_flip_flop()));
    // customer is 0, display all customers with customer description
    // on customer change
    if ($cust == 0 and $row["custdescrip"] != $prevrow) {
        if (REGENABLED) {
            insert($t, $c = cell(array("colspan" => "7")));
        } else {
            insert($t, $c = cell(array("colspan" => "6")));
        insert($c, generic("b"));
Esempio n. 3
// create a table
insert($w, $t = table(array("cols" => "2", "class" => "outputtable")));
// draw heading
setdefault("cell", array("class" => "heading"));
insert($t, $c = cell());
if (!empty($vars)) {
    insert($c, anchor($vars, "<<"));
insert($c, text(my_("Timestamp")));
insert($t, $ck = cell());
insert($ck, text(my_("Action")));
//capture data for the export view functionality
$export = new exportForm();
$export->addRow(array("timestamp", "action"));
$cnt = 0;
while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
    setdefault("cell", array("class" => color_flip_flop()));
    insert($t, $c = cell());
    insert($c, block($result->UserTimeStamp($row["newdt"], "M d Y H:i:s")));
    insert($t, $c = cell());
    insert($c, text($row["action"]));
    if ($totcnt % MAXTABLESIZE == MAXTABLESIZE - 1) {
Esempio n. 4
     insert($c, anchor($vars, "<<"));
 insert($c, text(my_("Customer description")));
 insert($t, $c = cell());
 insert($c, text(my_("Request description")));
 insert($t, $c = cell());
 insert($c, text(my_("User")));
 insert($t, $c = cell());
 insert($c, text(my_("User description")));
 insert($t, $c = cell());
 insert($c, text(my_("Request date")));
 insert($t, $ck = cell());
 insert($ck, text(my_("Action")));
 //capture data for the export view functionality
 $export = new exportForm();
 $export->addRow(array("customer_description", "request_description", "user", "user_description", "request_date"));
 $cnt = 0;
 while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
     setdefault("cell", array("class" => color_flip_flop()));
     insert($t, $c = cell());
     insert($c, text($row["custdescrip"]));
     insert($t, $c = cell());
     insert($c, text($row["requestdesc"]));
     insert($t, $c = cell());
     insert($c, text($row["userinf"]));
     insert($t, $c = cell());
Esempio n. 5
insert($c, selectbox($years, array("name" => "expireyear"), $expireyear));
insert($f, $con = container("fieldset", array("class" => "fieldset")));
insert($con, $legend = container("legend", array("class" => "legend")));
if ($action == "add") {
    insert($legend, text(my_("Zone SOA information if zone not created via zone transfer")));
} else {
    insert($legend, text(my_("Zone SOA information")));
$i = 1;
while ($row2 = $result2->FetchRow()) {
    $hname[$row2["horder"]] = $row2["hname"];
// capture data for the export view functionality
$export = new exportForm();
$export->addRow(array("name_server_1", "name_server_2", "name_server_3", "name_server_4", "name_server_5", "name_server_6", "name_server_7", "name_server_8", "name_server_9", "name_server_10"));
// space for 10 reverse entries
for ($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++) {
    insert($con, textbr(sprintf(my_("Name server %u:"), $i)));
    insert($con, input_text(array("name" => "hname[" . $i . "]", "value" => isset($hname[$i]) ? $hname[$i] : "", "size" => "80", "maxlength" => "100")));
    insert($con, textbr());
    $export->addCell(isset($hname[$i]) ? $hname[$i] : "");
insert($f, $con = container("fieldset", array("class" => "fieldset")));
insert($con, $legend = container("legend", array("class" => "legend")));
insert($legend, text(my_("Forward zone SOA header information")));
insert($con, textbr(my_("Technical contact email address")));
insert($con, span(my_("No @ allowed - replace with ."), array("class" => "textSmall")));
Esempio n. 6
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Description")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Action")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Range address")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Range size")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Range mask")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Description")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Action")));
$export = new exportForm();
$export->addRow(array("area_addr", "area_description", "range_addr", "range_size", "range_mask", "range_description"));
$cnt = 0;
$savearea = 0;
while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
    setdefault("cell", array("class" => color_flip_flop()));
    // first record could be NULL due to left join
    if ($savearea == $row["areaaddr"] and $cnt != 0) {
        insert($t, $c = cell());
        insert($t, $c = cell());
        insert($t, $c = cell());
    } else {
        if (is_numeric($row["areaaddr"])) {
Esempio n. 7
setdefault("cell", array("class" => "heading"));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Base address")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Subnet size")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Subnet mask")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Description")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Utilization")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Barchart")));
//capture data for the export view functionality
$export = new exportForm();
$export->addRow(array("subnet_addr", "subnet_size", "subnet_mask", "description", "utilization"));
for ($i = 0; $i < $maxcnt; $i++) {
    setdefault("cell", array("class" => color_flip_flop()));
    if (substr(strtolower($arr[$i]["descrip"]), 0, 4) == "free" or substr(strtolower($arr[$i]["descrip"]), 0, 5) == "spare") {
        $free = 1;
    } else {
        $free = 0;
        // don't display anything if only unassigned is selected
        if ($showused == 2) {
    // handle beginning of range
Esempio n. 8
if ($showactive and NMAP != "") {
    $nmapstart = inet_ntoa($baseaddr + $block * MAXTABLESIZE);
    if ($maxcnt > MAXTABLESIZE) {
        $nmapend = inet_ntoa($baseaddr + $block * MAXTABLESIZE + MAXTABLESIZE - 1);
    } else {
        $nmapend = inet_ntoa($baseaddr + $maxcnt - 1);
    $ipscan = NmapScan(NmapRange($nmapstart, $nmapend));
    // nmap had error due to safe mode?
    if ($ipscan === FALSE) {
        $showactive = 0;
//capture data for the export view functionality
$export = new exportForm();
$export->addRow(array("ip_addr", "user", "location", "description", "hostname", TELNO ? "telephone" : "mac_address", "last_polled", "last_modified", "changed_by"));
$pollcnt = array("d" => 0, "w" => 0, "m" => 0, "y" => 0);
// note for translations to work here, the next field should have exactly 4x elements
$pollflag = split(":", my_("D:W:M:Y"));
$pollflag["d"] = $pollflag[0];
$pollflag["w"] = $pollflag[1];
$pollflag["m"] = $pollflag[2];
$pollflag["y"] = $pollflag[3];
$cnt = 0;
$lst = array();
while ($row = $rr->FetchRow()) {
    setdefault("cell", array("class" => color_flip_flop()));
    // work out inet_ntoa once as it is slow!
    $ip = inet_ntoa($row["ipaddr"]);
Esempio n. 9
insert($t, $c = cell());
if (!empty($vars)) {
    insert($c, anchor($vars, "<<"));
insert($c, text(my_("Customer description")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("CRM")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Group name")));
insert($t, $ck = cell());
insert($ck, text(my_("Action")));
// do this here else will do extra queries for every customer
$adminuser = $ds->TestGrpsAdmin($grps);
//capture data for the export view functionality
$export = new exportForm();
$export->addRow(array("customer_description", "CRM", "group_name"));
$cnt = 0;
while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
    setdefault("cell", array("class" => color_flip_flop()));
    // strip out customers user may not see due to not being member
    // of customers admin group. $grps array could be empty if anonymous
    // access is allowed!
    if (!$adminuser) {
        if (!empty($grps)) {
            if (!in_array($row["admingrp"], $grps)) {
Esempio n. 10
 insert($con, textbrbr(my_("Street:")));
 insert($con, input_text(array("name" => "street", "value" => "{$street}", "size" => "80", "maxlength" => "255")));
 insert($con, textbrbr(my_("City:")));
 insert($con, input_text(array("name" => "city", "value" => "{$city}", "size" => "80", "maxlength" => "80")));
 insert($con, textbrbr(my_("State:")));
 insert($con, selectbox($statecodes, array("name" => "state"), $state));
 insert($con, textbrbr(my_("Zipcode:")));
 insert($con, input_text(array("name" => "zipcode", "value" => "{$zipcode}", "size" => "10", "maxlength" => "10")));
 insert($con, textbrbr(my_("Country:")));
 insert($con, selectbox($countrycodes, array("name" => "cntry"), $cntry));
 insert($f, $con = container("fieldset", array("class" => "fieldset")));
 insert($con, $legend = container("legend", array("class" => "legend")));
 insert($legend, text(my_("Reverse DNS information (optional)")));
 //capture data for the export view functionality
 $export = new exportForm();
 $export->addRow(array("hostname_1", "ip_addr_1", "hostname_2", "ip_addr_2", "hostname_3", "ip_addr_3", "hostname_4", "ip_addr_4", "hostname_5", "ip_addr_5", "hostname_6", "ip_addr_6", "hostname_7", "ip_addr_7", "hostname_8", "ip_addr_8", "hostname_9", "ip_addr_9", "hostname_10", "ip_addr_10"));
 // space for 10 reverse entries
 for ($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++) {
     insert($con, textbrbr(sprintf(my_("Hostname %u:"), $i)));
     insert($con, input_text(array("name" => "hname[" . $i . "]", "value" => isset($hname[$i]) ? $hname[$i] : "", "size" => "80", "maxlength" => "80")));
     $export->addCell(isset($hname[$i]) ? $hname[$i] : " ");
     insert($con, textbrbr(sprintf(my_("IP address %u:"), $i)));
     insert($con, input_text(array("name" => "ipaddr[" . $i . "]", "value" => isset($ipaddr[$i]) ? $ipaddr[$i] : "", "size" => "15", "maxlength" => "15")));
     $export->addCell(isset($ipaddr[$i]) ? $ipaddr[$i] : " ");
 insert($f, $con = container("fieldset", array("class" => "fieldset")));
 insert($con, $legend = container("legend", array("class" => "legend")));
 insert($legend, text(my_("Technical contact information (optional)")));
 insert($con, textbr(my_("Nickname/handle:")));
Esempio n. 11
insert($c, text(my_("Sort-Order")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Host")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Record Type")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("IP/Hostname")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Last modified")));
insert($t, $c = cell());
insert($c, text(my_("Changed by")));
insert($t, $ck = cell());
insert($ck, text(my_("Action")));
//capture data for the export view functionality
$export = new exportForm();
$export->addRow(array("sort_order", "host", "record_type", "ip_hostname", "last_modified", "changed_by"));
$cnt = 0;
while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
    setdefault("cell", array("class" => color_flip_flop()));
    $temphost = $row["host"];
    $tempiphostname = $row["ip_hostname"];
    if ($row["recordtype"]=="MX") {
        $tempiphostname=$temphost . " " . $tempiphostname;
    if ($row["recordtype"]=="@") {
Esempio n. 12
insert($fdel, hidden(array("name" => "baseindex", "value" => "{$baseindex}")));
insert($fdel, hidden(array("name" => "ip", "value" => "{$ip}")));
insert($fdel, hidden(array("name" => "subnetsize", "value" => "{$subnetsize}")));
insert($fdel, hidden(array("name" => "action", "value" => "delete")));
insert($fdel, hidden(array("name" => "block", "value" => "{$block}")));
insert($fdel, hidden(array("name" => "search", "value" => "{$search}")));
insert($fdel, hidden(array("name" => "expr", "value" => "{$expr}")));
insert($fdel, hidden(array("name" => "md5str", "value" => "{$md5str}")));
insert($fdel, hidden(array("name" => "close", "value" => "{$close}")));
insert($fdel, submit(array("value" => my_("Delete record"))));
insert($fdel, text(my_("WARNING: Deleting an entry does not preserve the last modified information as the record is completely removed from the database to conserve space. ")));
if (is_array($files)) {
    myError($fdel, $p, my_("Deleting this record will delete all associated uploaded files!") . "\n", FALSE);
// end of delete form
// dummy form for "follow" function
$settings = array("name" => "DUMMY", "method" => "get", "action" => "displaybase.php");
insert($w, $f = form($settings));
insert($f, hidden(array("name" => "ipaddr", "value" => $lnk)));
insert($f, hidden(array("name" => "cust", "value" => $cust)));
insert($f, hidden(array("name" => "searchin", "value" => "1")));
insert($f, hidden(array("name" => "jump", "value" => "1")));
// create the export view form
$export = new exportForm();
$export->addRow(array("user", "location", "description", "hostname", "telephone", "mac_addr", "linked_addr"));
$export->addRow(array($userinf, $location, $descrip, $hname, $telno, $macaddr, $lnk));
$export->setInfo(array(array("subnet_ID", "subnet_addr", "subnet_mask", "subnet_description", "ip_address"), array($baseindex, inet_ntoa($baseaddr), inet_ntoa(inet_aton(ALLNETS) + 1 - $subnetsize) . "/" . inet_bits($subnetsize), $netdescrip, $ip)));
$export->createExportForm($w, $template);