Esempio n. 1
  * @param array $params
  * @return bool
 public function update($params = array())
     // if not user id then we should not be doing anything here
     if (empty($params['user_id'])) {
         return false;
     $this->user_id = $params['user_id'];
     // check for a previous avatar otherwise set the default
     $this->image = $params['current_avatar'];
     if (empty($this->image)) {
         $this->image = URL_FULL . 'framework/modules/users/assets/images/avatar_not_found.jpg';
     if (!empty($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'])) {
         // if the user uploaded a new avatar lets save it!
         $info = expFile::getImageInfo($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name']);
         if ($info['is_image']) {
             // figure out the mime type and set the file extension and name
             $extinfo = explode('/', $info['mime']);
             $extension = $extinfo[1];
             $avatar_name = $this->user_id . '.' . $extension;
             // save the file to the filesystem
             $file = expFile::fileUpload('avatar', true, false, $avatar_name, 'files/avatars/');
             //save the file to the database
             $this->image = $file->url;
             $this->use_gravatar = false;
             // if we uploaded a file, we don't want to use gravatar
     } elseif (!empty($params['use_gravatar'])) {
         // if the user chose gravatar, create the link and save it!
         $this->use_gravatar = $params['use_gravatar'];
         $emailMD5 = md5(strtolower(trim(user::getEmailById($params['user_id']))));
         $this->image = "" . $emailMD5 . ".jpg";
Esempio n. 2
 public function update($params = array())
     if (is_array($params['config'])) {
         $params['config'] = serialize($params['config']);
Esempio n. 3
 public function __construct($params = null, $get_assoc = true, $get_attached = true)
     global $db;
     parent::__construct($params, $get_assoc, $get_attached);
     $this->timesImplemented = $db->countObjects('optiongroup', 'optiongroup_master_id=' . $this->id);
     if (!empty($this->id)) {
         usort($this->option_master, array("optiongroup_master", "sortOptions"));
Esempio n. 4
 public function __construct($params = array(), $get_assoc = false, $get_attached = false)
     parent::__construct($params, $get_assoc, $get_attached);
     // if this object is empty we'll treat it like a top level'
     if (empty($this->id)) {
         global $db;
         $this->lft = $db->min($this->table, 'lft');
         $this->rgt = $db->max($this->table, 'rgt');
Esempio n. 5
 public function __construct($params = null, $get_assoc = false, $get_attached = false)
     global $db;
     if (is_array($params) || is_numeric($params)) {
         parent::__construct($params, $get_assoc, $get_attached);
     } else {
         $id = $db->selectValue($this->table, 'id', "name='" . $params . "' OR code='" . $params . "'");
Esempio n. 6
 public function __construct($params = null, $get_assoc = true, $get_attached = true)
     parent::__construct($params, $get_assoc, $get_attached);
     // set the calculator
     if (!empty($this->calculator_name)) {
         $this->calculator = new $this->calculator_name();
     // grab the config data for this calculator
     $this->configdata = empty($this->config) ? array() : unserialize($this->config);
Esempio n. 7
 public function __construct($params = null, $get_assoc = false, $get_attached = false)
     global $db;
     parent::__construct($params, $get_assoc, $get_attached);
     if (!empty($this->state) && $this->state > 0) {
         $stateObj = $db->selectObject('geo_region', 'id=' . $this->state);
         $this->statename = $stateObj->name;
         $this->state_code = $stateObj->code;
Esempio n. 8
 public function __construct($params = null, $get_assoc = true, $get_attached = true)
     parent::__construct($params, $get_assoc, $get_attached);
     if (!empty($this->publish)) {
         $this->publish_date = $this->publish;
     } elseif (!empty($this->edited_at)) {
         $this->publish_date = $this->edited_at;
     } elseif (!empty($this->created_at)) {
         $this->publish_date = $this->created_at;
Esempio n. 9
 public function __construct($params = null, $get_assoc = true, $get_attached = true)
     parent::__construct($params, $get_assoc, $get_attached);
     // grab the config data for this calculator
     $this->configdata = empty($this->config) ? array() : unserialize($this->config);
     if (file_exists(BASE . 'framework/modules/ecommerce/shippingcalculators/icons/' . $this->classname . '.gif')) {
         $this->icon = PATH_RELATIVE . 'framework/modules/ecommerce/shippingcalculators/icons/' . $this->classname . '.gif';
     } else {
         $this->icon = PATH_RELATIVE . 'framework/modules/ecommerce/shippingcalculators/icons/default.png';
Esempio n. 10
 public function __construct($params = null, $get_assoc = false, $get_attached = false)
     global $db;
     if (is_array($params) || is_numeric($params)) {
         parent::__construct($params, $get_assoc, $get_attached);
     } else {
         if (is_numeric($params)) {
             echo "true dude<Br>";
         $id = $db->selectValue($this->table, 'id', "name='" . $params . "' OR iso_code_2letter='" . $params . "' OR iso_code_3letter='" . $params . "'");
         parent::__construct($id, $get_assoc, $get_attached);
Esempio n. 11
 public function __construct($params = null, $get_assoc = true, $get_attached = true)
     global $db;
     parent::__construct($params, $get_assoc, $get_attached);
     $this->timesImplemented = $db->countObjects('optiongroup', 'optiongroup_master_id=' . $this->id);
     //sort the options based on the master sort order
     if (!empty($this->id)) {
         foreach ($this->option as &$opt) {
             $om = new option_master($opt->option_master_id);
             $opt->rank = $om->rank;
         usort($this->option, array("optiongroup_master", "sortOptions"));
Esempio n. 12
 public function update($params = array())
     //FJD: FIXME: this is here because expRecord throughs an error in the build function when trying to run
     //strip slashes on an array.  Should probably figure out a way to tell Exp if a field is supposed to be
     //serialized, and then we can handle it all in expRecord.
     $params['group_ids'] = serialize($params['group_ids']);
     $this->startdate = datetimecontrol::parseData('startdate', $params);
     $this->startdate_time = datetimecontrol::parseData('startdate_time', $params) + $this->startdate;
     $this->enddate = datetimecontrol::parseData('enddate', $params);
     $this->enddate_time = datetimecontrol::parseData('enddate_time', $params) + $this->enddate;
     //                   eDebug($_POST);
     //eDebug($this, true);
Esempio n. 13
 public function save($overrideUsername = false)
     global $db;
     if (empty($_POST['is_admin'])) {
         $this->is_admin = 0;
     if (empty($_POST['is_acting_admin'])) {
         $this->is_acting_admin = 0;
     // if someone is trying to make this user an admin, lets make sure they have permission to do so.
     // if the site is configured to use the email addy as the username we need to force the
     // the email address into the username field.
     if (USER_REGISTRATION_USE_EMAIL == 1 && !empty($this->email) && $overrideUsername == false) {
         $this->username = $this->email;
Esempio n. 14
 public function save()
     global $db;
     if (isset($_POST['section'])) {
         // manipulate section & location_data to correct values
         $hlpsection = $db->selectObject('sectionref', 'module = "helpController" AND source = "' . $_POST['section'] . '"');
         $this->section = $hlpsection->section;
         $loc = null;
         $loc->mod = 'help';
         $loc->src = $_POST['section'];
         $loc->int = '';
         $this->location_data = serialize($loc);
     // circumvent the re-ranking problem
     //        $oldrank = $this->rank;
     //        if (empty($this->rank)) unset($this->rank);
     //        if (!empty($oldrank)) $this->rank = $oldrank;
     //        parent::save();
Esempio n. 15
 function __construct($params = null, $get_assoc = true, $get_attached = true)
     parent::__construct($params, $get_assoc, $get_attached);
     //check to see if this is a completed order and if so, add the items and shipping info
     if (!empty($this->purchased)) {
         // final the cart totals
         foreach ($this->orderitem as $items) {
             if ($items->product->requiresShipping) {
                 $this->shipping_required = true;
             if ($items->product->requiresBilling) {
                 $this->billing_required = true;
         //$this->shipping_total = 0;
         foreach ($this->getShippingMethods() as $smid) {
             $this->shippingmethods[$smid] = new shippingmethod($smid);
             $this->shippingmethods[$smid]->orderitem = $this->getOrderitemsByShippingmethod($smid);
             $requiresShipping = false;
             foreach ($this->shippingmethods[$smid]->orderitem as $oi) {
                 if ($oi->product->requiresShipping) {
                     $requiresShipping = true;
             /*if ($requiresShipping == true) {
                   $this->shipping_total += $this->shippingmethods[$smid]->shipping_cost;
               }  */
         // grab our tax zones
         $this->taxzones = taxclass::getCartTaxZones($this);
         /*$this->total = $this->getCartTotal();
           $this->grand_total = $this->total + $this->tax + $this->shipping_total;*/
         if (isset($this->order_status_changes)) {
             usort($this->order_status_changes, array("order", "sortStatuses"));
Esempio n. 16
 function __construct($params = array(), $get_assoc = true, $get_attached = false)
     global $db, $user;
     if (!empty($params['id']) || is_numeric($params)) {
         parent::__construct($params, $get_assoc, $get_attached);
         $prodtype = $this->product_type;
         $this->product = new $prodtype($this->product_id, false, true);
     } elseif (isset($params['product_id']) && isset($params['product_type'])) {
         // see if this is an existing item in the cart
         if (isset($params['orderid'])) {
             $order = new order($params['orderid']);
         } else {
             $order = order::getUserCart();
         //adding lookup on price to acocomdate quantity discounts
         $where = 'orders_id=' . $order->id . ' AND product_id=' . $params['product_id'] . ' AND products_price=' . $params['products_price'] . " AND product_type='" . $params['product_type'] . "'";
         $where .= empty($params['options']) ? '' : " AND options='" . $params['options'] . "'";
         $where .= empty($params['user_input_fields']) ? '' : " AND user_input_fields='" . $params['user_input_fields'] . "'";
         $item = $db->selectObject($this->table, $where);
         $this->product = new $params['product_type']($params['product_id'], false, true);
         if (empty($item)) {
             parent::__construct(array('orders_id' => $order->id, 'user_id' => $user->id, 'product_id' => $this->product->id, 'product_type' => $params['product_type'], 'products_name' => $this->product->title, 'products_price' => $this->product->getBasePrice()), $get_assoc, $get_attached);
         } else {
             parent::__construct($item->id, $get_assoc, $get_attached);
             //$this->quantity = $this->product->incrementQuantity($this->quantity);
     } else {
         parent::__construct(null, $get_assoc, $get_attached);
     if (isset($this->options)) {
         $this->opts = expUnserialize($this->options);
     if (!empty($this->user_input_fields)) {
         //$this->user_input_fields = expUnserialize($this->user_input_fields);
Esempio n. 17
 public function update($params = array())
     // eDebug($params, true);
Esempio n. 18
 public function __construct($params = null, $get_assoc = false, $get_attached = false)
     parent::__construct($params, $get_assoc, $get_attached);
Esempio n. 19
 public function __construct($params = array(), $get_assoc = true, $get_attached = true)
     global $db;
     parent::__construct($params, $get_assoc, $get_attached);
Esempio n. 20
 public function beforeSave()
     $this->module = expModules::getControllerName($this->module);
Esempio n. 21
 public function __construct($params = null, $get_assoc = true, $get_attached = true)
     global $db;
     parent::__construct($params, $get_assoc, $get_attached);
     $this->timesImplemented = $db->countObjects('option', 'enable=1 AND option_master_id=' . $this->id);
Esempio n. 22
  * Class constructor to create a File Class either from a database
  * record or from the File System.
  * Class will either: a) load an existing File Record
  *                    b) modify an existing File Record
  *                    c) create a new File Record
  * This will also handle any File System handling that is needed: copy,
  * move, create, delete, read and write.
  * @access public
  * @uses expRecord::__construct
  * @PHPUnit Not Defined
  * @param mixed $params  - If an INT is given, this assumes that it needs to
  *                         load an existing File Record.
  *                       - If an ARRAY is given, this assumes that the elements
  *                         of the array are values to the File table that need
  *                         to be modified or other processing.
  *                       - If NULL is given, an empty File Object is created
  * @param bool $get_assoc
  * @param bool $get_attached
  * @return \expFile Object@throws void
 public function __construct($params = array(), $get_assoc = false, $get_attached = false)
     // Set 'directory' as the default FILE location
     // This will be redefined if a FILE record is loaded
     // or a path is given to the Class
     $this->directory = UPLOAD_DIRECTORY_RELATIVE;
     // This will pull properties for class properties based upon
     // expRecord table definition
     parent::__construct($params, $get_assoc, $get_attached);
     // If the 'directory' is the same as the default path then a given,
     // or derived, filename can be added to pathing settings
     //if ( $this->directory == UPLOAD_DIRECTORY_RELATIVE ) {
     if (!stristr($this->directory, BASE)) {
         // Place system level web root
         $this->url = URL_FULL . $this->directory . $this->filename;
         // Place system level OS root
         $this->path = BASE . $this->directory . $this->filename;
         // Place system OS relative path
         $this->path_relative = PATH_RELATIVE . $this->directory . $this->filename;
     } else {
         // Otherwise, the URL is not set since we can't use it, nether is
         // RELATIVE, as 'directory' must be an absolute path in this instance
         // Place system level OS root
         $relpath = str_replace(BASE, '', $this->directory);
         $this->path = $this->directory . $this->filename;
         $this->url = URL_FULL . $relpath . $this->filename;
         $this->path_relative = $relpath . $this->filename;
     // If a file location was given, not derived from the database,
     // basic file information is needed
     if (empty($this->id) && !empty($this->filename)) {
         // File info
         $_fileInfo = self::getImageInfo($this->path);
         // Assign info back to class
         $this->is_image = $_fileInfo['is_image'];
         $this->filesize = $_fileInfo['fileSize'];
         if ($_fileInfo['is_image']) {
             $this->mimetype = $_fileInfo['mime'];
             $this->image_width = $_fileInfo[0];
             $this->image_height = $_fileInfo[1];
Esempio n. 23
 public function update($params = array())
     global $db;
     //Get the product
     $product = $db->selectObject('product', 'id =' . $params['id']);
     //Get product files
     $product->expFile = $this->getProductFiles($params['id']);
     // eDebug($product, true);
     $tab_loaded = $params['tab_loaded'];
     //check if we're saving a newly copied product and if we create children also
     $originalId = isset($params['original_id']) && isset($params['copy_children']) ? $params['original_id'] : 0;
     $originalModel = isset($params['original_model']) && isset($params['copy_children']) ? $params['original_model'] : 0;
     if (!empty($product->parent_id)) {
         $product->sef_url = '';
     //if child, set sef_url to nada
     //Tabs with not directly being saved in the product table and need some special operations
     $tab_exceptions = array('categories', 'options', 'related', 'userinput', 'extrafields', 'model', 'notes');
     foreach ($tab_loaded as $tab_key => $tab_item) {
         if (!in_array($tab_key, $tab_exceptions)) {
             foreach ($params[$tab_key] as $key => $item) {
                 $product->{$key} = $item;
     if (isset($tab_loaded['images'])) {
         $product->expFile = $params['expFile'];
     if ($params['shipping']['required_shipping_calculator_id'] > 0) {
         $product->required_shipping_method = $params['required_shipping_methods'][$params['shipping']['required_shipping_calculator_id']];
     if (isset($tab_loaded['categories'])) {
         $this->saveCategories($params['storeCategory'], null, $params['id'], $this->classname);
     if (isset($tab_loaded['options'])) {
         //Option Group Tab
         if (!empty($params['optiongroups'])) {
             foreach ($params['optiongroups'] as $title => $group) {
                 if (isset($this->params['original_id']) && $params['original_id'] != 0) {
                     $group['id'] = '';
                 //for copying products
                 $optiongroup = new optiongroup($group);
                 $optiongroup->product_id = $product->id;
                 foreach ($params['optiongroups'][$title]['options'] as $opt_title => $opt) {
                     if (isset($params['original_id']) && $params['original_id'] != 0) {
                         $opt['id'] = '';
                     //for copying products
                     $opt['product_id'] = $product->id;
                     $opt['is_default'] = false;
                     $opt['title'] = $opt_title;
                     $opt['optiongroup_id'] = $optiongroup->id;
                     if (isset($params['defaults'][$title]) && $params['defaults'][$title] == $opt['title']) {
                         $opt['is_default'] = true;
                     $option = new option($opt);
     if (isset($tab_loaded['related'])) {
         //Related Products Tab
         if (!empty($tab_loaded['related']) && (empty($originalId) || !empty($params['copy_related']))) {
             $relprods = $db->selectObjects('crosssellItem_product', "product_id=" . $product->id);
             $db->delete('crosssellItem_product', 'product_id=' . $product->id);
             foreach ($params['relatedProducts'] as $key => $prodid) {
                 $ptype = new product($prodid);
                 $tmp->product_id = $product->id;
                 $tmp->crosssellItem_id = $prodid;
                 $tmp->product_type = $ptype->product_type;
                 $db->insertObject($tmp, 'crosssellItem_product');
                 if (isset($params['relateBothWays'][$prodid])) {
                     $tmp->crosssellItem_id = $product->id;
                     $tmp->product_id = $prodid;
                     $tmp->product_type = $ptype->product_type;
                     $db->insertObject($tmp, 'crosssellItem_product');
     if (isset($tab_loaded['userinput'])) {
         //User Input fields Tab
         if (isset($params['user_input_use']) && is_array($params['user_input_use'])) {
             foreach ($params['user_input_use'] as $ukey => $ufield) {
                 $user_input_fields[] = array('use' => $params['user_input_use'][$ukey], 'name' => $params['user_input_name'][$ukey], 'is_required' => $params['user_input_is_required'][$ukey], 'min_length' => $params['user_input_min_length'][$ukey], 'max_length' => $params['user_input_max_length'][$ukey], 'description' => $params['user_input_description'][$ukey]);
             $product->user_input_fields = serialize($user_input_fields);
         } else {
             $product->user_input_fields = serialize(array());
     if (isset($tab_loaded['extrafields'])) {
         //Extra Field Tab
         foreach ($params['extra_fields_name'] as $xkey => $xfield) {
             if (!empty($xfield)) {
                 $extra_fields[] = array('name' => $xfield, 'value' => $params['extra_fields_value'][$xkey]);
         if (is_array($extra_fields)) {
             $product->extra_fields = serialize($extra_fields);
         } else {
     //Adjusting Children Products
     if (!empty($originalId) && !empty($this->params['copy_children'])) {
         $origProd = new $product_type($originalId);
         $children = $origProd->find('all', 'parent_id=' . $originalId);
         foreach ($children as $child) {
             $child->parent_id = $product->id;
             $child->title = $product->title;
             $child->sef_url = '';
             if (isset($this->params['adjust_child_price']) && isset($this->params['new_child_price']) && is_numeric($this->params['new_child_price'])) {
                 $child->base_price = $this->params['new_child_price'];
             if (!empty($originalModel)) {
                 $child->model = str_ireplace($originalModel, $product->model, $child->model);
     //Check if we are copying and not just editing product
     if (isset($params['original_id'])) {
         // eDebug($product->id, true);
         $product->original_id = $params['original_id'];
         // eDebug($product, true);