/** * Display the detail page for the event occurrence. * * @param integer $rp_id ID of the repeat to display * @param string $query Optional query string, for highlighting * @param string $tpl Optional template filename, e.g. 'event_print' * @return string HTML for the page. */ public function Render($rp_id = 0, $query = '', $tpl = '') { global $_CONF, $_USER, $_EV_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG_EVLIST, $LANG_WEEK, $_SYSTEM; $retval = ''; $url = ''; $location = ''; $street = ''; $city = ''; $province = ''; $country = ''; $postal = ''; $name = ''; $email = ''; $phone = ''; if ($rp_id != 0) { $this->Read($rp_id); } if ($this->rp_id == 0) { return EVLIST_alertMessage($LANG_EVLIST['access_denied']); } //update hit count evlist_hit($this->ev_id); $template = 'event'; if (!empty($tpl)) { $template .= '_' . $tpl; } else { $template .= $_SYSTEM['framework'] == 'uikit' ? '.uikit' : ''; } $T = new Template(EVLIST_PI_PATH . '/templates/'); $T->set_file(array('event' => $template . '.thtml', 'datetime' => 'date_time.thtml', 'address' => 'address.thtml', 'contact' => 'contact.thtml')); // If plain text then replace newlines with <br> tags if ($this->Event->postmode == '1') { //plaintext $this->Event->Detail->summary = nl2br($this->Event->Detail->summary); $this->Event->Detail->full_description = nl2br($this->Event->Detail->full_description); $this->Event->Detail->location = nl2br($this->Event->Detail->location); } $title = $this->Event->Detail->title; if ($this->postmode != 'plaintext') { $summary = PLG_replaceTags($this->Event->Detail->summary); $fulldescription = PLG_replaceTags($this->Event->Detail->full_description); $location = $this->Event->Detail->location != '' ? PLG_replaceTags($this->Event->Detail->location) : ''; } else { $summary = $this->Event->Detail->summary; $fulldescription = $this->Event->Detail->full_description; $location = $this->Event->Detail->location; } if ($query != '') { $title = COM_highlightQuery($title, $query); if (!empty($summary)) { $summary = COM_highlightQuery($summary, $query); } if (!empty($fulldescription)) { $fulldescription = COM_highlightQuery($fulldescription, $query); } if (!empty($location)) { $location = COM_highlightQuery($location, $query); } } $date_start = EVLIST_formattedDate($this->date_start); if ($this->date_start != $this->date_end) { $date_end = EVLIST_formattedDate($this->date_end); } else { $date_end = ''; } if ($this->Event->allday == '1') { $allday = '<br />' . $LANG_EVLIST['all_day_event']; } else { $allday = ''; if ($this->time_start1 != '') { $time_start1 = EVLIST_formattedTime($this->time_start1); $time_end1 = EVLIST_formattedTime($this->time_end1); } else { $time_start1 = ''; $time_end1 = ''; } //$time_period = $time_start . $time_end; if ($this->Event->split == '1') { $time_start2 = EVLIST_formattedTime($this->time_start2); $time_end2 = EVLIST_formattedTime($this->time_end2); } } $url = $this->Event->Detail->url; $street = $this->Event->Detail->street; $city = $this->Event->Detail->city; $province = $this->Event->Detail->province; $postal = $this->Event->Detail->postal; $country = $this->Event->Detail->country; // Now get the text description of the recurring interval, if any if ($this->Event->recurring && $this->Event->rec_data['type'] < EV_RECUR_DATES) { $rec_data = $this->Event->rec_data; $rec_string = $LANG_EVLIST['recur_freq_txt'] . ' ' . $this->Event->RecurDescrip(); switch ($rec_data['type']) { case EV_RECUR_WEEKLY: // sequential days $weekdays = array(); if (is_array($rec_data['listdays'])) { foreach ($rec_data['listdays'] as $daynum) { $weekdays[] = $LANG_WEEK[$daynum]; } $days_text = implode(', ', $weekdays); } else { $days_text = ''; } $rec_string .= ' ' . sprintf($LANG_EVLIST['on_days'], $days_text); break; case EV_RECUR_DOM: $days = array(); foreach ($rec_data['interval'] as $key => $day) { $days[] = $LANG_EVLIST['rec_intervals'][$day]; } $days_text = implode(', ', $days) . ' ' . $LANG_WEEK[$rec_data['weekday']]; $rec_string .= ' ' . sprintf($LANG_EVLIST['on_the_days'], $days_text); break; } if ($this->Event->rec_data['stop'] != '' && $this->Event->rec_data['stop'] < EV_MAX_DATE) { $rec_string .= ' ' . sprintf($LANG_EVLIST['recur_stop_desc'], EVLIST_formattedDate($this->Event->rec_data['stop'])); } } else { $rec_string = ''; } $T->set_var(array('pi_url' => EVLIST_URL, 'webcal_url' => preg_replace('/^https?/', 'webcal', EVLIST_URL), 'rp_id' => $this->rp_id, 'ev_id' => $this->ev_id, 'title' => $title, 'summary' => $summary, 'full_description' => $fulldescription, 'can_edit' => $this->isAdmin ? 'true' : '', 'start_time1' => $time_start1, 'end_time1' => $time_end1, 'start_time2' => $time_start2, 'end_time2' => $time_end2, 'start_date' => $date_start, 'end_date' => $date_end, 'start_datetime1' => $date_start . $time_start, 'end_datetime1' => $date_end . $time_end, 'allday_event' => $this->Event->allday == 1 ? 'true' : '', 'is_recurring' => $this->Event->recurring, 'can_subscribe' => $this->Event->Calendar->cal_ena_ical, 'recurring_event' => $rec_string, 'owner_id' => $this->Event->owner_id, 'cal_name' => $this->Event->Calendar->cal_name, 'cal_id' => $this->Event->cal_id, 'site_name' => $_CONF['site_name'], 'site_slogan' => $_CONF['site_slogan'], 'more_info_link' => sprintf($LANG_EVLIST['click_here'], $url))); if ($_EV_CONF['enable_rsvp'] == 1 && $this->Event->options['use_rsvp'] > 0) { if ($this->Event->options['rsvp_cutoff'] > 0) { $dt = new Date($this->event->date_start1 . ' ' . $this->Event->time_start1, $_CONF['timezone']); if (time() > $dt->toUnix() - $this->Event->options['rsvp_cutoff'] * 86400) { $past_cutoff = false; } else { $past_cutoff = true; } } if (COM_isAnonUser()) { // Just show a must-log-in message $T->set_var('login_to_register', 'true'); } elseif (!$past_cutoff) { $num_free_tickets = $this->isRegistered(0, true); $total_tickets = $this->isRegistered(0, false); if ($num_free_tickets > 0) { // If the user is already registered for any free tickets, // show the cancel link $T->set_var(array('unregister_link' => 'true', 'num_free_reg' => $num_free_tickets)); } // Show the registration link if (($this->Event->options['max_rsvp'] == 0 || $this->Event->options['rsvp_waitlist'] == 1 || $this->Event->options['max_rsvp'] > $this->TotalRegistrations()) && ($this->Event->options['max_user_rsvp'] == 0 || $total_tickets < $this->Event->options['max_user_rsvp'])) { USES_evlist_class_tickettype(); $Ticks = evTicketType::GetTicketTypes(); if ($this->Event->options['max_user_rsvp'] > 0) { $T->set_block('event', 'tickCntBlk', 'tcBlk'); $T->set_var('register_multi', true); //$rsvp_user_count = ''; $avail_tickets = $this->Event->options['max_user_rsvp'] - $total_tickets; for ($i = 1; $i <= $avail_tickets; $i++) { $T->set_var('tick_cnt', $i); $T->parse('tcBlk', 'tickCntBlk', true); //$rsvp_user_count .= '<option value="'.$i.'">'.$i. // '</option>'.LB; } //$T->set_var('register_multi', $rsvp_user_count); } else { // max_rsvp == 0 indicates openended registration $T->set_var('register_unltd', 'true'); } $T->set_block('event', 'tickTypeBlk', 'tBlk'); foreach ($this->Event->options['tickets'] as $tick_id => $data) { /*$options .= '<option value="' . $tick_id . '">' . $Ticks[$tick_id]->description; if ($data['fee'] > 0) { $options .= ' - ' . COM_numberFormat($data['fee'], 2); } $options .= '</option>' . LB;*/ $status = LGLIB_invokeService('paypal', 'formatAmount', array('amount' => $data['fee']), $pp_fmt_amt, $svc_msg); $fmt_amt = $status == PLG_RET_OK ? $pp_fmt_amt : COM_numberFormat($data['fee'], 2); $T->set_var(array('tick_type' => $tick_id, 'tick_descr' => $Ticks[$tick_id]->description, 'tick_fee' => $data['fee'] > 0 ? $fmt_amt : 'FREE')); $T->parse('tBlk', 'tickTypeBlk', true); } $T->set_var(array('register_link' => 'true', 'ticket_options' => $options, 'ticket_types_multi' => count($this->Event->options['tickets']) > 1 ? 'true' : '')); } } // If ticket printing is enabled for this event, see if the // current user has any tickets to print. if ($this->Event->options['rsvp_print'] > 0) { $paid = $this->Event->options['rsvp_print'] == 1 ? 'paid' : ''; USES_evlist_class_ticket(); $tickets = evTicket::GetTickets($this->ev_id, '', $this->uid, $paid); if (count($tickets) > 0) { $T->set_var('have_tickets', 'true'); } } } // if enable_rsvp if (!empty($date_start) || !empty($date_end)) { $T->parse('datetime_info', 'datetime'); } // Only process the location block if at least one element exists. // Don't want an empty block showing. if (!empty($location) || !empty($street) || !empty($city) || !empty($province) || !empty($postal)) { $T->set_var(array('location' => $location, 'street' => $street, 'city' => $city, 'province' => $province, 'country' => $country, 'postal' => $postal)); $T->parse('address_info', 'address'); // Get info from the Weather plugin, if configured and available // There has to be at least some location data for this to work. if ($_EV_CONF['use_weather']) { // The postal code works best, but not internationally. // Try the regular address first. $loc = ''; if (!empty($city) && !empty($province)) { $loc = $city . ', ' . $province . ' ' . $country; } if (!empty($postal)) { $loc .= ' ' . $postal; } if (!empty($loc)) { // Location info was found, get the weather LGLIB_invokeService('weather', 'embed', array('loc' => $loc), $weather, $svc_msg); if (!empty($weather)) { // Weather info was found $T->set_var('weather', $weather); } } } } // Get a map from the Locator plugin, if configured and available if ($_EV_CONF['use_locator'] == 1 && $this->Event->Detail->lat != 0 && $this->Event->Detail->lng != 0) { $status = LGLIB_invokeService('locator', 'getMap', array('lat' => $this->Event->Detail->lat, 'lng' => $this->Event->Detail->lng), $map, $svc_msg); if ($status == PLG_RET_OK) { $T->set_var(array('map' => $map, 'lat' => number_format($this->Event->Detail->lat, 8, '.', ''), 'lng' => number_format($this->Event->Detail->lng, 8, '.', ''))); } } //put contact info here: contact, email, phone# $name = $this->Event->Detail->contact != '' ? COM_applyFilter($this->Event->Detail->contact) : ''; if ($this->Event->Detail->email != '') { $email = COM_applyFilter($this->Event->Detail->email); $email = EVLIST_obfuscate($email); } else { $email = ''; } $phone = $this->Event->Detail->phone != '' ? COM_applyFilter($this->Event->Detail->phone) : ''; if (!empty($name) || !empty($email) || !empty($phone)) { $T->set_var(array('name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'phone' => $phone)); $T->parse('contact_info', 'contact'); } // TODO: Is the range needed? if (!empty($range)) { $andrange = '&range=' . $range; } else { $andrange = '&range=2'; } if (!empty($cat)) { $andcat = '&cat=' . $cat; } else { $andcat = ''; } $cats = $this->Event->GetCategories(); $catcount = count($cats); if ($catcount > 0) { $catlinks = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $catcount; $i++) { $catlinks[] = '<a href="' . COM_buildURL(EVLIST_URL . '/index.php?op=list' . $andrange . '&cat=' . $cats[$i]['id']) . '">' . $cats[$i]['name'] . '</a> '; } $catlink = join('| ', $catlinks); $T->set_var('category_link', $catlink, true); } // reminders must be enabled globally first and then per event in // order to be active if (!isset($_EV_CONF['reminder_days'])) { $_EV_CONF['reminder_days'] = 1; } $hasReminder = 0; if ($_EV_CONF['enable_reminders'] == '1' && $this->Event->enable_reminders == '1' && time() < strtotime("-" . $_EV_CONF['reminder_days'] . " days", strtotime($this->date_start))) { //form will not appear within XX days of scheduled event. $show_reminders = true; // Let's see if we have already asked for a reminder... if ($_USER['uid'] > 1) { $hasReminder = DB_count($_TABLES['evlist_remlookup'], array('eid', 'uid', 'rp_id'), array($this->ev_id, $_USER['uid'], $this->rp_id)); } } else { $show_reminders = false; } if ($this->Event->options['contactlink'] == 1) { $ownerlink = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/profiles.php?uid=' . $this->Event->owner_id; $ownerlink = sprintf($LANG_EVLIST['contact_us'], $ownerlink); } else { $ownerlink = ''; } $T->set_var(array('owner_link' => $ownerlink, 'reminder_set' => $hasReminder ? 'true' : 'false', 'reminder_email' => isset($_USER['email']) ? $_USER['email'] : '', 'notice' => 1, 'rp_id' => $this->rp_id, 'eid' => $this->ev_id, 'show_reminderform' => $show_reminders ? 'true' : '')); USES_evlist_class_tickettype(); $tick_types = evTicketType::GetTicketTypes(); $T->set_block('event', 'registerBlock', 'rBlock'); if (is_array($this->Event->options['tickets'])) { foreach ($this->Event->options['tickets'] as $tic_type => $info) { $T->set_var(array('tic_description' => $tick_types[$tic_type]->description, 'tic_fee' => COM_numberFormat($info['fee'], 2))); $T->parse('rBlock', 'registerBlock', true); } } // Show the "manage reservations" link to the event owner if ($_EV_CONF['enable_rsvp'] == 1 && $this->Event->options['use_rsvp'] > 0) { if ($this->isAdmin) { $T->set_var('admin_rsvp', EVLIST_adminRSVP($this->rp_id)); } } $T->parse('output', 'event'); $retval .= $T->finish($T->get_var('output')); return $retval; }
/** * Return the display value for a ticket type field * * @param string $fieldname Name of the field * @param mixed $fieldvalue Value of the field * @param array $A Name-value pairs for all fields * @param array $icon_arr Array of system icons * @return string HTML to display for the field */ function EVLIST_admin_getListField_tickettypes($fieldname, $fieldvalue, $A, $icon_arr) { global $_CONF, $LANG_ADMIN, $LANG_EVLIST, $_TABLES; switch ($fieldname) { case 'edit': $retval = '<a href="' . EVLIST_ADMIN_URL . '/index.php?editticket=' . $A['id'] . '" title="' . $LANG_ADMIN['edit'] . '" />' . $icon_arr['edit'] . '</a>'; break; case 'enabled': case 'event_pass': if ($fieldvalue == '1') { $switch = EVCHECKED; $enabled = 1; } else { $switch = ''; $enabled = 0; } $retval .= "<input type=\"checkbox\" {$switch} value=\"1\" \n name=\"cat_check\" \n id=\"tog{$fieldname}{$A['id']}\"\n onclick='EVLIST_toggle(this,\"{$A['id']}\",\"{$fieldname}\"," . "\"tickettype\",\"" . EVLIST_ADMIN_URL . "\");' />" . LB; break; case 'delete': if (!evTicketType::isUsed($A['id'])) { $retval = COM_createLink($icon_arr['delete'], EVLIST_ADMIN_URL . '/index.php?deltickettype=' . $A['id'], array('onclick' => "return confirm('{$LANG_EVLIST['conf_del_item']}');", 'title' => $LANG_ADMIN['delete'])); } break; default: $retval = $fieldvalue; break; } return $retval; }
/** * Creates the edit form * @param integer $id Optional ID, current record used if zero * @return string HTML for edit form */ public function Edit($eid = '', $rp_id = 0, $saveaction = '') { global $_CONF, $_EV_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $LANG_EVLIST, $LANG_ADMIN, $_GROUPS, $LANG_ACCESS, $_SYSTEM; // If an eid is specified and this is an object, then read the // event data- UNLESS a repeat ID is given in which case we're // editing a repeat and already have the info we need. // This probably needs to change, since we should always read event // data during construction. if (!$this->isSubmitter) { // At least submit privilege required COM_404(); } elseif ($eid != '' && $rp_id == 0 && is_object($this)) { // If an id is passed in, then read that record if (!$this->Read($eid)) { return 'Invalid object ID'; } } elseif (isset($_POST['eid']) && !empty($_POST['eid'])) { // Returning to an existing form, probably due to errors $this->SetVars($_POST); // Make sure the current user has access to this event. if (!$this->hasAccess(3)) { COM_404(); } } $T = new Template($_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/evlist/templates/'); if ($_SYSTEM['disable_jquery_slimbox']) { $T->set_file('editor', 'editor.uikit.thtml'); } else { $T->set_file('editor', 'editor.thtml'); } // Basic tabs for editing both events and instances, show up on // all edit forms //$tabs = array('ev_info', 'ev_schedule', 'ev_location', 'ev_contact',); $tabs = array('ev_info', 'ev_location', 'ev_contact'); $rp_id = (int) $rp_id; if ($rp_id > 0) { // Make sure the current user has access to this event. if (!$this->hasAccess(3)) { COM_404(); } if ($saveaction == 'savefuturerepeat') { $alert_msg = EVLIST_alertMessage($LANG_EVLIST['editing_future'], 'warning'); } else { $alert_msg = EVLIST_alertMessage($LANG_EVLIST['editing_instance'], 'info'); } //$T->clear_var('contact_section'); $T->clear_var('category_section'); $T->clear_var('permissions_editor'); // Set the static calendar name for the edit form. Can't // change it for a single instance. $cal_name = DB_getItem($_TABLES['evlist_calendars'], 'cal_name', "cal_id='" . (int) $this->cal_id . "'"); $T->set_var(array('contact_section' => 'true', 'is_repeat' => 'true', 'cal_name' => $cal_name)); // Override our dates & times with those from the repeat. // $rp_id is passed when this is called from class evRepeat. // Maybe that should pass in the repeat's data instead to avoid // another DB lookup. An array of values could be used. $Rep = DB_fetchArray(DB_query("SELECT * \n FROM {$_TABLES['evlist_repeat']}\n WHERE rp_id='{$rp_id}'"), false); if ($Rep) { $this->date_start1 = $Rep['rp_date_start']; $this->date_end1 = $Rep['rp_date_end']; $this->time_start1 = $Rep['rp_time_start1']; $this->time_end1 = $Rep['rp_time_end1']; $this->time_start2 = $Rep['rp_time_start2']; $this->time_end2 = $Rep['rp_time_end2']; } } else { // Editing the main event record if ($this->id != '' && $this->recurring == 1) { $alert_msg = EVLIST_alertMessage($LANG_EVLIST['editing_series'], 'error'); } if ($this->isAdmin) { $tabs[] = 'ev_perms'; // Add permissions tab, event edit only $T->set_var('permissions_editor', 'true'); } $T->set_var(array('contact_section' => 'true', 'category_section' => 'true', 'upcoming_chk' => $this->show_upcoming ? EVCHECKED : '')); } $action_url = EVLIST_URL . '/event.php'; $delaction = 'delevent'; if (isset($_GET['from']) && $_GET['from'] == 'admin') { $cancel_url = EVLIST_ADMIN_URL . '/index.php'; } else { $cancel_url = EVLIST_URL . '/index.php'; } switch ($saveaction) { case 'saverepeat': case 'savefuturerepeat': case 'saveevent': break; case 'moderate': // Approving a submission $saveaction = 'approve'; $delaction = 'disapprove'; $action_url = EVLIST_ADMIN_URL . '/index.php'; $cancel_url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/moderation.php'; break; default: $saveaction = 'saveevent'; break; } $retval = ''; //$recinterval = ''; $recweekday = ''; $ownerusername = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'username', "uid='{$this->owner_id}'"); $retval .= COM_startBlock($LANG_EVLIST['event_editor']); $summary = $this->Detail->summary; $full_description = $this->Detail->full_description; $location = $this->Detail->location; if (($this->isAdmin || $_EV_CONF['allow_html'] == '1' && $_USER['uid'] > 1) && $A['postmode'] == 'html') { $postmode = '2'; //html } else { $postmode = '1'; //plaintext $summary = htmlspecialchars(COM_undoClickableLinks(COM_undoSpecialChars($this->Detail->summary))); $full_description = htmlspecialchars(COM_undoClickableLinks(COM_undoSpecialChars($this->Detail->full_description))); $location = htmlspecialchars(COM_undoClickableLinks(COM_undoSpecialChars($this->Detail->location))); } $starthour2 = ''; $startminute2 = ''; $endhour2 = ''; $endminute2 = ''; if ($this->date_end1 == '' || $this->date_end1 == '0000-00-00') { $this->date_end1 = $this->date_start1; } if ($this->date_start1 != '' && $this->date_start1 != '0000-00-00') { list($startmonth1, $startday1, $startyear1, $starthour1, $startminute1) = $this->DateParts($this->date_start1, $this->time_start1); } else { list($startmonth1, $startday1, $startyear1, $starthour1, $startminute1) = $this->DateParts(date('Y-m-d', time()), date('H:i:s', time())); } // The end date can't be before the start date if ($this->date_end1 >= $this->date_start1) { list($endmonth1, $endday1, $endyear1, $endhour1, $endminute1) = $this->DateParts($this->date_end1, $this->time_end1); $days_interval = Date_Calc::dateDiff($endday1, $endmonth1, $endyear1, $startday1, $startmonth1, $startyear1); } else { $days_interval = 0; $endmonth1 = $startmonth1; $endday1 = $startday1; $endyear1 = $startyear1; $endhour1 = $starthour1; $endminute1 = $startminute1; } if ($this->recurring != '1') { $T->set_var(array('recurring_show' => ' style="display:none;"', 'format_opt' => '0')); //for ($i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++) { // $T->set_var('format' . $i . 'show', ' style="display:none;"'); //} } else { $option = empty($this->rec_data['type']) ? '0' : (int) $this->rec_data['type']; $T->set_var(array('recurring_show' => '', 'recurring_checked' => EVCHECKED, 'format_opt' => $option)); } if (isset($this->rec_data['stop']) && !empty($this->rec_data['stop'])) { $T->set_var(array('stopdate' => $this->rec_data['stop'], 'd_stopdate' => EVLIST_formattedDate($this->rec_data['stop']))); } if (!empty($this->rec_data['skip'])) { $T->set_var("skipnext{$this->rec_data['skip']}_checked", EVCHECKED); } if (!empty($this->rec_data['freq'])) { $freq = (int) $this->rec_data['freq']; if ($freq < 1) { $freq = 1; } } else { $freq = 1; } $T->set_var(array('freq_text' => $LANG_EVLIST['rec_periods'][$this->rec_data['type']] . '(s)', 'rec_freq' => $freq)); foreach ($LANG_EVLIST['rec_intervals'] as $key => $str) { $T->set_var('dom_int_txt_' . $key, $str); if (is_array($this->rec_data['interval'])) { if (in_array($key, $this->rec_data['interval'])) { $T->set_var('dom_int_chk_' . $key, EVCHECKED); } } } // Set up the recurring options needed for the current event switch ($option) { case 0: break; case EV_RECUR_MONTHLY: if (is_array($this->rec_data['listdays'])) { foreach ($this->rec_data['listdays'] as $mday) { $T->set_var('mdchk' . $mday, EVCHECKED); } } break; case EV_RECUR_WEEKLY: $T->set_var('listdays_val', COM_stripslashes($rec_data[0])); if (is_array($this->rec_data['listdays']) && !empty($this->rec_data['listdays'])) { foreach ($this->rec_data['listdays'] as $day) { $day = (int) $day; if ($day > 0 && $day < 8) { $T->set_var('daychk' . $day, EVCHECKED); } } } break; case EV_RECUR_DOM: $recweekday = $this->rec_data['weekday']; break; case EV_RECUR_DATES: $T->set_var(array('stopshow' => 'style="display:none;"', 'custom_val' => implode(',', $this->rec_data['custom']))); break; } $start1 = EVLIST_TimeSelect('start1', $this->time_start1); $start2 = EVLIST_TimeSelect('start2', $this->time_start2); $end1 = EVLIST_TimeSelect('end1', $this->time_end1); $end2 = EVLIST_TimeSelect('end2', $this->time_end2); $cal_select = COM_optionList($_TABLES['evlist_calendars'], 'cal_id,cal_name', $this->cal_id, 1, 'cal_status = 1 ' . COM_getPermSQL('AND', 0, 2)); USES_class_navbar(); $navbar = new navbar(); $cnt = 0; foreach ($tabs as $id) { $navbar->add_menuitem($LANG_EVLIST[$id], 'showhideEventDiv("' . $id . '",' . $cnt . ');return false;', true); $cnt++; } $navbar->set_selected($LANG_EVLIST['ev_info']); if ($this->AdminMode) { $action_url .= '?admin=true'; } $T->set_var(array('action_url' => $action_url, 'navbar' => $navbar->generate(), 'alert_msg' => $alert_msg, 'cancel_url' => $cancel_url, 'eid' => $this->id, 'rp_id' => $rp_id, 'title' => $this->Detail->title, 'summary' => $summary, 'description' => $full_description, 'location' => $location, 'status_checked' => $this->status == 1 ? EVCHECKED : '', 'url' => $this->Detail->url, 'street' => $this->Detail->street, 'city' => $this->Detail->city, 'province' => $this->Detail->province, 'country' => $this->Detail->country, 'postal' => $this->Detail->postal, 'contact' => $this->Detail->contact, 'email' => $this->Detail->email, 'phone' => $this->Detail->phone, 'startdate1' => $this->date_start1, 'enddate1' => $this->date_end1, 'd_startdate1' => EVLIST_formattedDate($this->date_start1), 'd_enddate1' => EVLIST_formattedDate($this->date_end1), 'start_hour_options1' => $start1['hour'], 'start_minute_options1' => $start1['minute'], 'startdate1_ampm' => $start1['ampm'], 'end_hour_options1' => $end1['hour'], 'end_minute_options1' => $end1['minute'], 'enddate1_ampm' => $end1['ampm'], 'start_hour_options2' => $start2['hour'], 'start_minute_options2' => $start2['minute'], 'startdate2_ampm' => $start2['ampm'], 'end_hour_options2' => $end2['hour'], 'end_minute_options2' => $end2['minute'], 'enddate2_ampm' => $end2['ampm'], 'recurring_format_options' => EVLIST_GetOptions($LANG_EVLIST['rec_formats'], $option), 'recurring_weekday_options' => EVLIST_GetOptions(Date_Calc::getWeekDays(), $recweekday, 1), 'dailystop_label' => sprintf($LANG_EVLIST['stop_label'], $LANG_EVLIST['day_by_date'], ''), 'monthlystop_label' => sprintf($LANG_EVLIST['stop_label'], $LANG_EVLIST['year_and_month'], $LANG_EVLIST['if_any']), 'yearlystop_label' => sprintf($LANG_EVLIST['stop_label'], $LANG_EVLIST['year'], $LANG_EVLIST['if_any']), 'listdays_label' => sprintf($LANG_EVLIST['custom_label'], $LANG_EVLIST['days_of_week'], ''), 'listdaystop_label' => sprintf($LANG_EVLIST['stop_label'], $LANG_EVLIST['date_l'], $LANG_EVLIST['if_any']), 'intervalstop_label' => sprintf($LANG_EVLIST['stop_label'], $LANG_EVLIST['year_and_month'], $LANG_EVLIST['if_any']), 'custom_label' => sprintf($LANG_EVLIST['custom_label'], $LANG_EVLIST['dates'], ''), 'datestart_note' => $LANG_EVLIST['datestart_note'], 'src' => isset($_GET['src']) && $_GET['src'] == 'a' ? '1' : '0', 'rem_status_checked' => $this->enable_reminders == 1 ? EVCHECKED : '', 'del_button' => $this->id == '' ? '' : 'true', 'saveaction' => $saveaction, 'delaction' => $delaction, 'owner_id' => $this->owner_id, 'enable_reminders' => $_EV_CONF['enable_reminders'], 'iso_lang' => EVLIST_getIsoLang(), 'hour_mode' => $_CONF['hour_mode'], 'days_interval' => $days_interval, 'display_format' => $_CONF['shortdate'], 'ts_start' => strtotime($this->date_start1), 'ts_end' => strtotime($this->date_end1), 'cal_select' => $cal_select, 'contactlink_chk' => $this->options['contactlink'] == 1 ? EVCHECKED : '', 'lat' => $this->Detail->lat, 'lng' => $this->Detail->lng, 'perm_msg' => $LANG_ACCESS['permmsg'], 'last' => $LANG_EVLIST['rec_intervals'][5], 'doc_url' => EVLIST_getDocURL('event.html'), 'mootools' => $_SYSTEM['disable_mootools'] ? '' : 'true')); if ($_EV_CONF['enable_rsvp']) { USES_evlist_class_tickettype(); $TickTypes = evTicketType::GetTicketTypes(); //$T->set_block('editor', 'Tickets', 'tTypes'); $tick_opts = ''; foreach ($TickTypes as $tick_id => $tick_obj) { // Check enabled tickets. Ticket type 1 enabled by default if (isset($this->options['tickets'][$tick_id]) || $tick_id == 1) { $checked = 'checked="checked"'; $fee = (double) $this->options['tickets'][$tick_id]['fee']; } else { $checked = ''; $fee = 0; } $tick_opts .= '<tr><td><input name="tickets[' . $tick_id . ']" type="checkbox" ' . $checked . ' value="' . $tick_id . '" /></td>' . '<td>' . $tick_obj->description . '</td>' . '<td><input type="text" name="tick_fees[' . $tick_id . ']" value="' . $fee . '" size="8" /></td></tr>' . LB; /*$T->set_var(array( 'tick_id' => $tic['id'], 'tick_desc' => $tic['description'], 'tick_fee' => $fee, 'tick_enabled' => $enabled ? 'checked="checked"' : '', ) ) ; //$T->parse('tTypes', 'Tickets', true);*/ } if ($_EV_CONF['rsvp_print'] > 0) { $rsvp_print_chk = 'rsvp_print_chk' . $this->options['rsvp_print']; $rsvp_print = 'true'; } else { $rsvp_print = ''; $rsvp_print_chk = 'no_rsvp_print'; } $T->set_var(array('enable_rsvp' => 'true', 'reg_chk' . $this->options['use_rsvp'] => EVCHECKED, 'rsvp_wait_chk' => $this->options['rsvp_waitlist'] == 1 ? EVCHECKED : '', 'max_rsvp' => $this->options['max_rsvp'], 'max_user_rsvp' => $this->options['max_user_rsvp'], 'rsvp_cutoff' => $this->options['rsvp_cutoff'], 'use_rsvp' => $this->options['use_rsvp'], 'rsvp_waitlist' => $this->options['rsvp_waitlist'], 'tick_opts' => $tick_opts, 'rsvp_print' => $rsvp_print, $rsvp_print_chk => 'checked="checked"')); } // if rsvp_enabled // Split & All-Day settings if ($this->allday == 1) { // allday, can't be split, no times $T->set_var(array('starttime1_show' => 'style="display:none;"', 'endtime1_show' => 'style="display:none;"', 'datetime2_show' => 'style="display:none;"', 'allday_checked' => EVCHECKED, 'split_checked' => '', 'split_show' => 'style="display:none;"')); } elseif ($this->split == '1') { $T->set_var(array('split_checked' => EVCHECKED, 'allday_checked' => '', 'allday_show' => 'style="display:none"')); } else { $T->set_var(array('datetime2_show' => 'style="display:none;"')); } // Category fields. If $_POST['categories'] is set, then this is a // form re-entry due to an error saving. Populate checkboxes from the // submitted form. Include the user-added category, if any. // If not from a form re-entry, get the checked categories from the // evlist_lookup table. if ($_EV_CONF['enable_categories'] == '1') { $cresult = DB_query("SELECT tc.id, tc.name\n FROM {$_TABLES['evlist_categories']} tc \n WHERE tc.status='1' ORDER BY tc.name"); while ($A = DB_fetchArray($cresult, false)) { if (isset($_POST['categories']) && is_array($_POST['categories'])) { // Coming from a form re-entry $chk = in_array($A['id'], $_POST['categories']) ? EVCHECKED : ''; } else { $chk = in_array($A['id'], $this->categories) ? EVCHECKED : ''; } $catlist .= '<input type="checkbox" name="categories[]" ' . 'value="' . $A['id'] . '" ' . $chk . ' />' . ' ' . $A['name'] . ' '; } $T->set_var('catlist', $catlist); if (isset($_POST['newcat'])) { $T->set_var('newcat', $_POST['newcat']); } if ($_USER['uid'] > 1 && $rp_id == 0) { $T->set_var('category_section', 'true'); $T->set_var('add_cat_input', 'true'); } } // Enable the post mode selector if we allow HTML and the user is // logged in, or if this user is an authorized editor if ($this->isAdmin || $_EV_CONF['allow_html'] == '1' && $_USER['uid'] > 1) { $T->set_var(array('postmode_options' => EVLIST_GetOptions($LANG_EVLIST['postmodes'], $postmode), 'allowed_html' => COM_allowedHTML('evlist.submit'))); if ($postmode == 'plaintext') { // plaintext, hide postmode selector $T->set_var('postmode_show', ' style="display:none"'); } $T->parse('event_postmode', 'edit_postmode'); } if ($this->isAdmin) { $T->set_var(array('owner_username' => COM_stripslashes($ownerusername), 'owner_dropdown' => COM_optionList($_TABLES['users'], 'uid,username', $this->owner_id, 1, "uid <> 1"), 'group_dropdown' => SEC_getGroupDropdown($this->group_id, 3))); if ($rp_id == 0) { // can only change permissions on main event $T->set_var('permissions_editor', SEC_getPermissionsHTML($this->perm_owner, $this->perm_group, $this->perm_members, $this->perm_anon)); } } else { $T->set_var('group_id', $this->group_id); } // Latitude & Longitude part of location, if Location plugin is used if ($_EV_CONF['use_locator']) { $T->set_var(array('use_locator' => 'true', 'loc_selection' => GEO_optionList())); } $T->parse('output', 'editor'); $retval .= $T->finish($T->get_var('output')); $retval .= COM_endBlock(); return $retval; }
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <info>'. "\n"; echo "<newval>$newval</newval>\n"; echo "<id>{$_REQUEST['id']}</id>\n"; echo "<type>{$_REQUEST['type']}</type>\n"; echo "<component>{$_REQUEST['component']}</component>\n"; echo "<baseurl>" . EVLIST_ADMIN_URL . "</baseurl>\n"; echo "</info>\n";*/ break; case 'tickettype': USES_evlist_class_tickettype(); switch ($_GET['type']) { case 'enabled': case 'event_pass': $newval = evTicketType::Toggle($_GET['type'], $_REQUEST['oldval'], $_REQUEST['id']); break; default: exit; } break; default: exit; } $response = array('newval' => $newval, 'id' => $_REQUEST['id'], 'type' => $_REQUEST['type'], 'component' => $_REQUEST['component'], 'baseurl' => EVLIST_ADMIN_URL); echo json_encode($response); break; /* header('Content-Type: text/xml'); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); //A date in the past