function occindex($content = null)
     if (is_array($content)) {
         if ($content['nm']['rows']['delete']) {
             list($id) = each($content['nm']['rows']['delete']);
             if ($this->occ->delete(array('cp_occ_id' => $id))) {
                 $content['msg'] = lang('Occurence deleted');
             } else {
                 $content['msg'] = lang('Delete failed!');
     } else {
         $content['msg'] = $_GET['msg'];
     // initializing of thwe nextmatch widget, through reading of stored sessiondata
     $content['nm'] = $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('occ_session_data', 'courseprotocol');
     $content['nm'] = array('get_rows' => 'courseprotocol.uicourseprotocol.get_rows_occ', 'filter_label' => '', 'filter_help' => '', 'no_filter' => True, 'no_filter2' => True, 'never_hide' => True, 'lettersearch' => False, 'searchletter' => '', 'start' => 0, 'order' => 'cp_occ_date', 'sort' => 'DESC', 'col_filter' => array(), 'default_cols' => '!cp_occ_analy');
     $content['msg'] = $_GET['msg'];
     $this->tmpl->set_cell_attribute('debuginfo', 'disabled', !$debug);
     $this->tmpl->set_cell_attribute('myhrule', 'disabled', !$separator);
     $this->tmpl->exec('courseprotocol.uicourseprotocol.occindex', $content, array('cp_occ_type' => $this->oc_types), array(), $preserv);
     // the debug info will be displayed at the very end of the page
 function pre_process($name, &$value, &$cell, &$readonlys, &$extension_data, &$tmpl)
     $nm_global =& $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['nextmatch'];
     //echo "<p>nextmatch_widget.pre_process(name='$name',type='$cell[type]'): value = "; _debug_array($value);
     //echo "<p>nextmatch_widget.pre_process(name='$name',type='$cell[type]'): nm_global = "; _debug_array($nm_global);
     $extension_data = array('type' => $cell['type']);
     switch ($cell['type']) {
         case 'nextmatch-sortheader':
             $cell['type'] = 'button';
             $cell['onchange'] = True;
             if (!$cell['help']) {
                 $cell['help'] = 'click to order after that criteria';
             if ($this->last_part($name) == $nm_global['order']) {
                 $cell[1] = $cell;
                 $cell[1]['span'] .= ',activ_sortcolumn';
                 $cell[2] = $tmpl->empty_cell('image', $nm_global['sort'] != 'DESC' ? 'down' : 'up');
                 $cell['type'] = 'hbox';
                 $cell['size'] = '2,0,0';
                 $cell['name'] = $cell['label'] = '';
             } else {
                 $cell['span'] .= ',inactiv_sortcolumn';
             return True;
         case 'nextmatch-filterheader':
             $cell['type'] = 'select';
             if (!$cell['size']) {
                 $cell['size'] = 'All';
             if (!$cell['help']) {
                 $cell['help'] = 'select which values to show';
             $cell['onchange'] = True;
             $extension_data['old_value'] = $value = $nm_global['col_filter'][$this->last_part($name)];
             return True;
     list($app, $class, $method) = explode('.', $value['get_rows']);
     $obj = CreateObject($app . '.' . $class);
     if (!is_object($obj) || !method_exists($obj, $method)) {
         echo "<p>nextmatch_widget::pre_process({$name}): '{$value['get_rows']}' is no valid method !!!</p>\n";
     } else {
         $total = $value['total'] = $obj->{$method}($value, $value['rows'], $readonlys['rows']);
     if ($value['start'] > $total) {
         $value['start'] = 0;
         $total = $obj->{$method}($value, $value['rows'], $readonlys['rows']);
     list($template, $options) = explode(',', $cell['size']);
     if ($template) {
         $value['template'] = $template;
     if (!is_object($value['template'])) {
         $value['template'] = new etemplate($value['template'], $tmpl->as_array());
     if ($total < 1) {
         $value['template']->data[0]['h2'] = ',1';
         // disable the data row
     $max = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['maxmatchs'];
     if ($total <= $max && $options && $value['search'] == '' && ($value['no_cat'] || !$value['cat_id']) && ($value['no_filter'] || !$value['filter'] || $value['filter'] == 'none') && ($value['no_filter2'] || !$value['filter2'] || $value['filter2'] == 'none')) {
         // disable whole nextmatch line if no scrolling necessary
         if ($value['header_left'] || $value['header_right']) {
             $nextmatch = new etemplate('etemplate.nextmatch_widget.header_only');
             $cell['size'] = $cell['name'];
             $cell['obj'] =& $nextmatch;
             $cell['name'] = $nextmatch->name;
         } else {
             $cell['size'] = $cell['name'] . '[rows]';
             $cell['obj'] =& $value['template'];
             $cell['name'] = $value['template']->name;
     } else {
         $nextmatch = new etemplate('etemplate.nextmatch_widget');
         if ($value['no_cat']) {
         if ($value['no_filter']) {
         if ($value['no_filter2']) {
         $start = $value['start'];
         $end = $start + $max > $total ? $total : $start + $max;
         $value['range'] = $total ? 1 + $start . ' - ' . $end : '0';
         $nextmatch->set_cell_attribute('first', 'readonly', $start <= 0);
         $nextmatch->set_cell_attribute('left', 'readonly', $start <= 0);
         $nextmatch->set_cell_attribute('right', 'readonly', $start + $max >= $total);
         $nextmatch->set_cell_attribute('last', 'readonly', $start + $max >= $total);
         $cell['size'] = $cell['name'];
         $cell['obj'] =& $nextmatch;
         $cell['name'] = $nextmatch->name;
     $cell['type'] = 'template';
     $cell['label'] = $cell['help'] = '';
     // save values in persistent extension_data to be able use it in post_process
     $extension_data += $value;
     foreach (array('sort', 'order', 'col_filter') as $n) {
         $nm_global[$n] = $value[$n];
     $value['bottom'] = $value;
     // copy the values for the bottom-bar
     return False;
     // NO extra Label
 function pre_process($form_name, &$value, &$cell, &$readonlys, &$extension_data, &$tmpl)
     $dom_enabled = 0;
     $labels = explode('|', $cell['label']);
     $helps = explode('|', $cell['help']);
     $names = explode('|', $cell['name']);
     $tab = new etemplate('' . ($dom_enabled ? '_dom' : ''));
     $tab_active = new etemplate('etemplate.tab_widget.tab_active');
     $tabs = new etemplate();
     $tabs->init('*** generated tabs', '', '', 0, '', 0, 0);
     // make an empty template
     foreach ($names as $k => $name) {
         if (!strstr($name, '.')) {
             $name = $names[$k] = $tmpl->name . '.' . $name;
         if ($extension_data == $name) {
             $selected_tab = $name;
     if (empty($selected_tab)) {
         $extension_data = $selected_tab = $names[0];
     $tab_row = array();
     // generate the tab row
     while (list($k, $name) = each($names)) {
         if (!strstr($name, '.')) {
             $name = $names[$k] = $tmpl->name . '.' . $name;
         $tcell = $tabs->empty_cell();
         if ($extension_data == $name) {
             // save selected tab in persistent extension_data to use it in post_process
             $selected_tab = $name;
             $tcell['obj'] = $tab_active;
             $tcell['name'] = $tab_active->name;
         } else {
             $tcell['obj'] = $tab;
             $tcell['name'] = $tab->name;
         if ($dom_enabled) {
             $tcell['obj']->set_cell_attribute('tab', 'onclick', "activate_tab('{$name}','{$cell['name']}');");
             $tcell['obj']->set_cell_attribute('tab', 'id', $name . '-tab');
         $tcell['type'] = 'template';
         $tcell['size'] = $cell['name'] . '[' . $name . ']';
         $value[$name] = array('name' => $name, 'label' => $labels[$k], 'help' => $helps[$k]);
         $tab_row[$tabs->num2chrs($k)] = $tcell;
     // add one empty cell to take all the space of the row
     $tab_row[$k = $tabs->num2chrs(sizeof($tab_row))] = $tabs->empty_cell();
     $tabs->data[0][$k] = '99%';
     // width
     $tabs->data[0]['c1'] = ',bottom';
     $tabs->data[1] = $tab_row;
     $tabs->size = "{$cell['width']},,,0,0";
     $tab_widget = new etemplate('etemplate.tab_widget');
     $tab_widget->set_cell_attribute('@tabs', 'obj', $tabs);
     if ($dom_enabled) {
         $tab_widget->set_cell_attribute('@body', 'type', 'deck');
         $tab_widget->set_cell_attribute('@body', 'width', $cell['width']);
         $tab_widget->set_cell_attribute('@body', 'height', $cell['height']);
         $tab_widget->set_cell_attribute('@body', 'size', count($names));
         $tab_widget->set_cell_attribute('@body', 'class', $cell['class']);
         foreach ($names as $n => $name) {
             $bcell = $tab_widget->empty_cell();
             $bcell['type'] = 'template';
             $bcell['obj'] = new etemplate($name, $tmpl->as_array());
             $bcell['name'] = $name;
             $tab_widget->set_cell_attribute('@body', $n + 1, $bcell);
         $tab_widget->set_cell_attribute('@body', 'name', $cell['name']);
     } else {
         $stab = new etemplate($selected_tab, $tmpl->as_array());
         $options = array_pad(explode(',', $stab->size), 3, '');
         $options[3] = ($options[3] != '' ? $options[3] . ' ' : '') . 'tab_body';
         $stab->size = implode(',', $options);
         $tab_widget->set_cell_attribute('@body', 'obj', $stab);
     $tab_widget->set_cell_attribute('@body', 'name', $selected_tab);
     $cell['type'] = 'template';
     $cell['obj'] =& $tab_widget;
     $cell['label'] = $cell['help'] = '';
     return False;
     // NO extra Label
 function pre_process($name, &$value, &$cell, &$readonlys, &$extension_data, &$tmpl)
     if ($cell['type'] == 'link-to' && ($cell['readonly'] || $readonlys)) {
         // readonly ==> omit the whole widget
         $cell = $tmpl->empty_cell();
     if ($cell['type'] == 'link-string') {
         $str = '';
         if (is_array($value)) {
             foreach ($value as $link) {
                 $str .= ($str !== '' ? ', ' : '') . $tmpl->html->a_href($tmpl->html->htmlspecialchars($this->link->title($link['app'], $link['id'])), $this->link->view($link['app'], $link['id'], $link));
         $cell['type'] = 'html';
         $cell['readonly'] = True;
         // is allways readonly
         $value = $str;
         return True;
     if (!is_array($value)) {
         $value = array('to_id' => $value, 'to_app' => $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['currentapp']);
     if ($this->debug) {
         echo "<p>start: {$cell['type']}[{$name}]::pre_process: value =";
         echo "extension_data[{$cell['type']}][{$name}] =";
     switch ($type = $cell['type']) {
         case 'link-to':
             if ($value['button'] == 'upload' && !empty($value['file']) && $value['file']['tmp_name'] != 'none') {
                 $value = $extension_data;
                 $value['remark'] = '';
                 $tpl = new etemplate('etemplate.link_widget.attach');
             } elseif ($value['button'] == 'search' && count($ids = $this->link->query($value['app'], $value['query']))) {
                 $extension_data['app'] = $value['app'];
                 $value = $extension_data;
                 $value['options-id'] = $ids;
                 $value['remark'] = '';
                 $tpl = new etemplate('etemplate.link_widget.create');
             } else {
                 if (!$value['button']) {
                     $extension_data = $value;
                 $value = array_merge($extension_data, $value);
                 $value['options-app'] = $this->link->app_list();
                 $tpl = new etemplate('');
                 $tpl->set_cell_attribute('msg', 'disabled', $value['button'] != 'search');
         case 'link-list':
             $app = $value['to_app'];
             $id = isset($extension_data['to_id']) ? $extension_data['to_id'] : $value['to_id'];
             if ($this->debug) {
                 echo "<p>link-list-widget[{$name}].preprocess: value=";
             if (!isset($value['title'])) {
                 $value['title'] = $this->link->title($app, $id);
             $links = $this->link->get_links($app, $id);
             $value['anz_links'] = count($links);
             $extension_data = $value;
             if (!count($links)) {
                 $cell = $tmpl->empty_cell();
                 $value = '';
                 return True;
             $tpl = new etemplate('etemplate.link_widget.list');
             $tpl->data[0]['A'] = $tmpl->data[0]['A'];
             // set width of first col like the tmpl. calling us
             for ($row = $tpl->rows - 1; list(, $link) = each($links); ++$row) {
                 $value[$row] = $link;
                 $value[$row]['title'] = $this->link->title($link['app'], $link['id'], $link);
                 if (!is_array($link['id'])) {
                     $value[$row]['view'] = $this->link->view($link['app'], $link['id'], $link);
     $cell['size'] = $cell['name'];
     $cell['type'] = 'template';
     $cell['name'] = $tpl->name;
     $cell['obj'] =& $tpl;
     if ($this->debug) {
         echo "<p>end: {$type}" . "[{$name}]::pre_process: value =";
     return True;
     // extra Label is ok