  * (called for each obj attribute)
 public function checkObjectAttribute(array $contentObjectAttribute)
     // we adopt the ez api instead of acting on raw data
     $contentObjectAttribute = new eZContentObjectAttribute($contentObjectAttribute);
     $handler = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute('content');
     $warnings = array();
     // do not check attributes which do not even contain images
     if ($handler->attribute('is_valid')) {
         // get path to original file
         $original = $handler->attribute('original');
         $filePath = $original['full_path'];
         // check if it is on fs (remember, images are clusterized)
         $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($filePath);
         if (!$file->exists()) {
             $warnings[] = array("Image file not found: {$filePath}" . $this->postfixErrorMsg($contentObjectAttribute));
         } else {
             // if it is, check its size as well
             if ($this->maxSize > 0) {
                 $maxSize = $this->maxSize * 1024 * 1024;
                 if ($file->size() > $maxSize) {
                     $warnings[] = "Image bigger than {$maxSize} bytes : " . $file->size() . $this->postfixErrorMsg($contentObjectAttribute);
         // check if it is in custom table in db
         $image = eZImageFile::fetchByFilepath($contentObjectAttribute->attribute('id'), $filePath, false);
         if (!$image) {
             $warnings[] = "Image not found in ezimagefile table: {$filePath}" . $this->postfixErrorMsg($contentObjectAttribute);
     } else {
         if (!$this->nullable) {
             $warnings[] = "Attribute is null and it should not be" . $this->postfixErrorMsg($contentObjectAttribute);
         // q: are these old images possibly tied to older versions of the content ?
         /*$db = eZDB::instance();
           $count = $db->arrayQuery('select count(*) as leftovers from ezimagefile where contentobject_attribute_id='.$contentObjectAttribute->attribute('id'));
               $warnings[] = "Leftovers in ezimageattribute table" . $this->postfixErrorMsg( $contentObjectAttribute );
     return $warnings;
Esempio n. 2
 function trashStoredObjectAttribute($contentObjectAttribute, $version = null)
     $contentObjectAttributeID = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("id");
     $imageHandler = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute('content');
     $imageFiles = eZImageFile::fetchForContentObjectAttribute($contentObjectAttributeID);
     foreach ($imageFiles as $imageFile) {
         if ($imageFile == null) {
         $existingFilepath = $imageFile;
         // Check if there are any other records in ezimagefile that point to that filename.
         $imageObjectsWithSameFileName = eZImageFile::fetchByFilepath(false, $existingFilepath);
         $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($existingFilepath);
         if ($file->exists() and count($imageObjectsWithSameFileName) <= 1) {
             $orig_dir = dirname($existingFilepath) . '/trashed';
             $fileName = basename($existingFilepath);
             // create dest filename in the same manner as eZHTTPFile::store()
             // grab file's suffix
             $fileSuffix = eZFile::suffix($fileName);
             // prepend dot
             if ($fileSuffix) {
                 $fileSuffix = '.' . $fileSuffix;
             // grab filename without suffix
             $fileBaseName = basename($fileName, $fileSuffix);
             // create dest filename
             $newFileBaseName = md5($fileBaseName . microtime() . mt_rand());
             $newFileName = $newFileBaseName . $fileSuffix;
             $newFilepath = $orig_dir . '/' . $newFileName;
             // rename the file, and update the database data
             $imageHandler->updateAliasPath($orig_dir, $newFileBaseName);
             if ($imageHandler->isStorageRequired()) {
 public function restoreTrashedObjectAttribute($contentObjectAttribute)
     $imageHandler = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("content");
     $originalAlias = $imageHandler->imageAlias("original");
     $originalPath = str_replace("/trashed", "", $originalAlias["dirpath"]);
     $originalName = $imageHandler->imageName($contentObjectAttribute, $contentObjectAttribute->objectVersion());
     $imageHandler->updateAliasPath($originalPath, $originalName);
     if ($imageHandler->isStorageRequired()) {
     // Now clean all other aliases, not cleanly registered within the attribute content
     // First get all remaining aliases full path to then safely remove them
     $aliasNames = array_keys($imageHandler->aliasList());
     $aliasesPath = array();
     foreach ($aliasNames as $aliasName) {
         if ($aliasName === "original") {
         $aliasesPath[] = "{$originalAlias["dirpath"]}/{$originalAlias["basename"]}_{$aliasName}.{$originalAlias["suffix"]}";
     if (empty($aliasesPath)) {
     $conds = array("contentobject_attribute_id" => $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("id"), "filepath" => array($aliasesPath));
     $remainingAliases = eZPersistentObject::fetchObjectList(eZImageFile::definition(), null, $conds);
     unset($conds, $remainingAliasesPath);
     if (!empty($remainingAliases)) {
         foreach ($remainingAliases as $remainingAlias) {
             $filename = basename($remainingAlias->attribute("filepath"));
             $newFilePath = $originalPath . "/" . $originalName . substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '_'));
             // $newFilePath might have already been processed in eZImageFile
             // If so, $remainingAlias is a duplicate. We can then remove it safely
             $imageFile = eZImageFile::fetchByFilepath(false, $newFilePath, false);
             if (empty($imageFile)) {
                 $remainingAlias->setAttribute("filepath", $newFilePath);
             } else {
Esempio n. 4
 static function removeFilepath( $contentObjectAttributeID, $filepath )
     if ( empty( $filepath ) )
         return false;
     $fileObject = eZImageFile::fetchByFilepath( $contentObjectAttributeID, $filepath );
     if ( !$fileObject )
         return false;
     return true;
  * Removes all the image aliases and their information.
  * The stored images will also be removed if the attribute is the owner
  * of the images.
  * After the images are removed the attribute will containe an internal
  * structure with empty data
  * @param eZContentObjectAttribute $contentObjectAttribute
  *        Content object attribute to remove aliases for
  * @return void
 function removeAliases($contentObjectAttribute)
     $aliasList = $this->aliasList();
     $alternativeText = false;
     $contentObjectAttributeVersion = $this->ContentObjectAttributeData['version'];
     $contentObjectAttributeID = $this->ContentObjectAttributeData['id'];
     $isImageOwner = $this->isImageOwner();
     // We loop over each image alias, and look up the file in ezcontentobject_attribute
     // Only images referenced by one version will be removed
     foreach ($aliasList as $aliasName => $alias) {
         $dirpath = $alias['dirpath'];
         $doNotDelete = false;
         // Do not delete files from storage
         if ($aliasName == 'original') {
             $alternativeText = $alias['alternative_text'];
         if ($alias['is_valid']) {
             $filepath = $alias['url'];
              * If there are no ezimagefile references to this file with this content object attribute id,
              * we are dealing with an attribute that was copied from another content.
              * The image doesn't belong to us, and we just don't do anything.
              * See http://jira.ez.no/browse/EZP-21324
             if (!eZImageFile::fetchByFilepath($contentObjectAttributeID, $filepath)) {
             // Fetch ezimage attributes that use $filepath
             // Always returns current attribute (array of $contentObjectAttributeID and $contentObjectAttributeVersion)
             $dbResult = eZImageFile::fetchImageAttributesByFilepath($filepath, $contentObjectAttributeID);
             $dbResultCount = count($dbResult);
             // Check if there are the attributes.
             if ($dbResultCount > 0) {
                 $doNotDelete = true;
                 foreach ($dbResult as $res) {
                     // We only look results where the version matches
                     if ($res['version'] == $contentObjectAttributeVersion) {
                         // If more than one result has been returned, it means
                         // that another version is using the same image,
                         // and we should not delete this file
                         if ($dbResultCount > 1) {
                         } else {
                             $doNotDelete = false;
                     eZImageFile::appendFilepath($res['id'], $filepath, true);
             if (!$doNotDelete) {
                 eZImageFile::removeFilepath($contentObjectAttributeID, $filepath);
                 $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($filepath);
                 if ($file->exists()) {
                 } else {
                     eZDebug::writeError("Image file {$filepath} for alias {$aliasName} does not exist, could not remove from disk", __METHOD__);
     $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
     $imageNode = $doc->createElement("ezimage");
     $imageNode->setAttribute('serial_number', false);
     $imageNode->setAttribute('is_valid', false);
     $imageNode->setAttribute('filename', false);
     $imageNode->setAttribute('suffix', false);
     $imageNode->setAttribute('basename', false);
     $imageNode->setAttribute('dirpath', false);
     $imageNode->setAttribute('url', false);
     $imageNode->setAttribute('original_filename', false);
     $imageNode->setAttribute('mime_type', false);
     $imageNode->setAttribute('width', false);
     $imageNode->setAttribute('height', false);
     $imageNode->setAttribute('alternative_text', $alternativeText);
     $imageNode->setAttribute('alias_key', false);
     $imageNode->setAttribute('timestamp', false);
     $this->ContentObjectAttributeData['DataTypeCustom']['dom_tree'] = $doc;
     $this->storeDOMTree($doc, true, $contentObjectAttribute);