Esempio n. 1
File: index.php Progetto: truffo/eep
 private function trash_list()
     $params = false;
     $asCount = false;
     $trashObjects = eZContentObjectTrashNode::trashList($params, $asCount);
     eep::displayNodeList($trashObjects, "Garbage Nodes");
     * Regression test for issue #16737
     * 1) Test executing the sql and verify that it doesn't have database error.
     * 2) Test the sorting in class_name, class_name with contentobject_id
     * The test should pass in mysql, postgresql and oracle
    public function testIssue16737()

        //test generated result of createSortingSQLStrings
        $sortList = array( array( 'class_name', true ) );
        $result = eZContentObjectTreeNode::createSortingSQLStrings( $sortList );
        $this->assertEquals( ', as contentclass_name',
                            strtolower( $result['attributeTargetSQL'] ) );
        $this->assertEquals( 'contentclass_name asc', strtolower( $result['sortingFields'] ) );

        $sortListTwo = array( array( 'class_name', false ),
                              array( 'class_identifier', true ) );
        $result = eZContentObjectTreeNode::createSortingSQLStrings( $sortListTwo );
        $this->assertEquals( ', as contentclass_name',
                            strtolower( $result['attributeTargetSQL'] ));
        $this->assertEquals( 'contentclass_name desc, ezcontentclass.identifier asc',
                            strtolower( $result['sortingFields'] ) );

        //test trash node with classname
        $sortBy = array( array( 'class_name', true ),
                         array( 'contentobject_id', true ) );
        $params = array( 'SortBy', $sortBy );
        $result = eZContentObjectTrashNode::trashList( $params );
        $this->assertEquals( array(), $result );
        $result = eZContentObjectTrashNode::trashList( $params, true );
        $this->assertEquals( 0, $result );  //if there is an error, there will be fatal error message

        //test subtreenode with classname
        $parent = new ezpObject( 'folder', 1 );
        $parentNodeID = $parent->mainNode->node_id;

        $article = new ezpObject( 'article', $parentNodeID );

        $link = new ezpObject( 'link', $parentNodeID );

        $folder = new ezpObject( 'folder', $parentNodeID );

        $folder2 = new ezpObject( 'folder', $parentNodeID );

        $sortBy = array( array( 'class_name', false ) );
        $params = array( 'SortBy' => $sortBy );
        $result = eZContentObjectTreeNode::subTreeByNodeID( $params, $parentNodeID );
        $this->assertEquals( $article->mainNode->node_id, $result[count( $result )-1]->attribute( 'node_id' ) );

        $sortBy = array( array( 'class_name', false ),
                         array( 'contentobject_id', false ) );
        $params = array( 'SortBy' => $sortBy );
        $result = eZContentObjectTreeNode::subTreeByNodeID( $params, $parentNodeID );
        $this->assertEquals( $folder2->mainNode->node_id, $result[1]->attribute( 'node_id' ) );
  * Unit test for eZContentObject::relatedObjectCount()
  * Outline:
  * 1) Create a content class with ezobjectrelation and ezobjectrelationlist
  *    attributes
  * 2) Create objects and relate them to each of these attributes and to the
  *    object itself (common)
  * 3) Check that attribute count is correct on each attribute and globally
 public function testRelatedObjectCount()
     // Create a test content class
     $class = new ezpClass(__FUNCTION__, __FUNCTION__, 'name');
     $class->add('Name', 'name', 'ezstring');
     $attributes['single_relation_1'] = $class->add('Single relation #1', 'single_relation_1', 'ezobjectrelation')->attribute('id');
     $attributes['single_relation_2'] = $class->add('Single relation #2', 'single_relation_2', 'ezobjectrelation')->attribute('id');
     $attributes['multiple_relations_1'] = $class->add('Multiple relations #1', 'multiple_relations_1', 'ezobjectrelationlist')->attribute('id');
     $attributes['multiple_relations_2'] = $class->add('Multiple relations #2', 'multiple_relations_2', 'ezobjectrelationlist')->attribute('id');
     // create a few articles we will relate our object to
     $relatedObjects = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
         $article = new ezpObject('article', 2);
         $article->title = "Related object #'{$i} for " . __FUNCTION__;
         $relatedObjects[] = $article->attribute('id');
     // Create a test object with various relations (some objects are related
     // to multiple attributes in order to test reverse relations):
     // - 1 relation (IDX 0) on single_relation_1
     // - 1 relation (IDX 1) on single_relation_2
     // - 2 relations (IDX 2, 3) on multiple_relations_1
     // - 2 relations (IDX 4, 5) on multiple_relations_2
     // - 6 object level relations ((IDX 6, 7, 8, 9)
     $object = new ezpObject(__FUNCTION__, 2);
     $object->name = __FUNCTION__;
     $object->single_relation_1 = $relatedObjects[0];
     $object->single_relation_2 = $relatedObjects[1];
     $object->multiple_relations_1 = array($relatedObjects[0], $relatedObjects[2], $relatedObjects[3]);
     $object->multiple_relations_2 = array($relatedObjects[1], $relatedObjects[4], $relatedObjects[5]);
     // Create 2 more objects with relations to $relatedObjects[9]
     // in order to test reverse related objects
     $otherObject1 = new ezpObject(__FUNCTION__, 2);
     $otherObject1->name = "Reverse test object #1 for " . __FUNCTION__;
     $otherObject1->single_relation_1 = $relatedObjects[9];
     $otherObject2 = new ezpObject(__FUNCTION__, 2);
     $otherObject2->name = "Reverse test object #2 for " . __FUNCTION__;
     $otherObject2->single_relation_2 = $relatedObjects[9];
     $contentObject = eZContentObject::fetch($object->attribute('id'));
     $paramAllRelations = array('AllRelations' => true);
     $paramAttributeRelations = array('AllRelations' => eZContentObject::RELATION_ATTRIBUTE);
     $paramCommonRelations = array('AllRelations' => eZContentObject::RELATION_COMMON);
     // Test overall relation count
     $this->assertEquals(14, $contentObject->relatedObjectCount(false, false, false, $paramAllRelations), "Overall relation count should be 14");
     // Test relation count for each attribute
     $this->assertEquals(1, $contentObject->relatedObjectCount(false, $attributes['single_relation_1'], false, $paramAttributeRelations), "Relation count on attribute single_relation_1 should be 1");
     $this->assertEquals(1, $contentObject->relatedObjectCount(false, $attributes['single_relation_2'], false, $paramAttributeRelations), "Relation count on attribute single_relation_2 should be 1");
     $this->assertEquals(3, $contentObject->relatedObjectCount(false, $attributes['multiple_relations_1'], false, $paramAttributeRelations), "Relation count on attribute multiple_relations_1 should be 3");
     $this->assertEquals(3, $contentObject->relatedObjectCount(false, $attributes['multiple_relations_2'], false, $paramAttributeRelations), "Relation count on attribute multiple_relations_2 should be 3");
     // Test common level relation count
     $this->assertEquals(6, $contentObject->relatedObjectCount(false, false, false, $paramCommonRelations), "Common relations count should be 6");
     // Test reverse relation count on $relatedObject[9]
     // This object is related to:
     // - the main $object on common level
     // - one object on single_relation_1
     // - another object on single_relation_2
     $relatedContentObject = eZContentObject::fetch($relatedObjects[9]);
     $this->assertEquals(3, $relatedContentObject->relatedObjectCount(false, false, true, $paramAllRelations), "Overall reverse relation count should be 3");
     $this->assertEquals(1, $relatedContentObject->relatedObjectCount(false, false, true, $paramCommonRelations), "Common reverse relation count should be 1");
     $this->assertEquals(1, $relatedContentObject->relatedObjectCount(false, $attributes['single_relation_1'], true, $paramAttributeRelations), "Attribute reverse relation count on single_relation_1 should be 1");
     $this->assertEquals(1, $relatedContentObject->relatedObjectCount(false, $attributes['single_relation_2'], true, $paramAttributeRelations), "Attribute reverse relation count on single_relation_2 should be 1");
     // Test that trashed objects are not counted as related (issue #15142)
     $trashObject = eZContentObject::fetch($relatedObjects[9]);
     $this->assertEquals(13, $contentObject->relatedObjectCount(false, false, false, $paramAllRelations), "Relation count after move to trash should be 13");
     // Empty the trash
     foreach (eZContentObjectTrashNode::trashList() as $node) {
 public static function fetchTrashObjectList($offset, $limit, $objectNameFilter, $attributeFilter = false, $sortBy = false, $asObject = true)
     $params = array();
     if ($objectNameFilter !== false) {
         $params['ObjectNameFilter'] = $objectNameFilter;
     $params['Limit'] = $limit;
     $params['Offset'] = $offset;
     $params['AttributeFilter'] = $attributeFilter;
     $params['SortBy'] = $sortBy;
     $params['AsObject'] = $asObject;
     $trashNodesList = eZContentObjectTrashNode::trashList($params, false);
     return array('result' => $trashNodesList);
  * Returns the number of nodes in the trash
  * @param array|bool $params
  * @return int
 static function trashListCount($params = false)
     return eZContentObjectTrashNode::trashList($params, true);
  * Executes the purge operation
  * @param int|null $iterationLimit Number of trashed objects to treat per iteration, use null to use a default value.
  * @param int|null $sleep Number of seconds to sleep between two iterations, use null to use a default value.
  * @return bool True if the operation succeeded.
 public function run($iterationLimit = 100, $sleep = 1)
     if ($iterationLimit === null) {
         $iterationLimit = 100;
     if ($sleep === null) {
         $sleep = 1;
     if ($this->memoryMonitoring) {
         $this->cli->output("Logging memory usage to {$this->logFile}");
     $this->cli->output("Purging trash items:");
     $db = eZDB::instance();
     // Get user's ID who can remove subtrees. (Admin by default with userID = 14)
     $userCreatorID = eZINI::instance()->variable("UserSettings", "UserCreatorID");
     $user = eZUser::fetch($userCreatorID);
     if (!$user) {
         $this->cli->error("Cannot get user object with userID = '{$userCreatorID}'.\n(See site.ini[UserSettings].UserCreatorID)");
         return false;
     eZUser::setCurrentlyLoggedInUser($user, $userCreatorID);
     $trashCount = eZContentObjectTrashNode::trashListCount(false);
     if (!$this->quiet) {
         $this->cli->output("Found {$trashCount} object(s) in trash.");
     if ($trashCount == 0) {
         return true;
     if ($this->script !== null) {
     while ($trashCount > 0) {
         $this->monitor("iteration start");
         $trashList = eZContentObjectTrashNode::trashList(array('Limit' => $iterationLimit), false);
         foreach ($trashList as $trashNode) {
             $object = $trashNode->attribute('object');
             if ($this->script !== null) {
                 $this->script->iterate($this->cli, true);
         if (!$db->commit()) {
             $this->cli->error('Trash has not been emptied, impossible to commit the whole transaction');
             return false;
         $trashCount = eZContentObjectTrashNode::trashListCount(false);
         if ($trashCount > 0) {
             if ($sleep > 0) {
         $this->monitor("iteration end");
     if (!$this->quiet) {
         $this->cli->output('Trash successfully emptied');
     return true;