Esempio n. 1
 * Below here is a token payment
 * This makes the same payment as above, but shows how it can be made with Tokens
// Lets try and make a payment with a token
$sagepay2 = new dwmsw\sagepay\Direct();
// Set up the config
$vendorTxCode = 'TOK' . md5(rand(1, 1000) . date('U'));
// TX Specific bits
$sagepay2->setDescription('Test Payment');
// Set Addresses into the class
// New card instance
$card2 = new dwmsw\sagepay\Card();
$output = $sagepay2->register('PAYMENT');
print '<h2>TOKEN</h2>';
Esempio n. 2
$BillingAddress->setName('Test', 'Person');
$BillingAddress->setAddress('88', 'Street 2', 'City', 'GB', '412');
// Set Addresses into the class
// New card instance
$card = new dwmsw\sagepay\Card();
// Card details
$card->setCardHolder('Mr T Person');
$output = $sagepay->register('PAYMENT');
print '<h2>PAYMENT</h2>';
<form action="<?php 
echo $output['ACSURL'];
" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="MD" value="<?php 
echo $output['MD'];
    <input type="hidden" name="PaReq" value="<?php 
echo $output['PAReq'];