Esempio n. 1
 function update_record($id_domain, $id_record, $record_name, $record_type, $record_content, $record_ttl, $record_prio)
     log_write("debug", "api_namedmanager", "Executing update_record( {$id_domain}, {$id_record}, {$record_name}, {$record_type}, {$record_content}, {$record_ttl}, {$record_prio} )");
     if ($this->auth_admin) {
         $obj_record = new domain_records();
         // validate record inpit
         $data = array();
         $data["id_domain"] = @security_script_input_predefined("int", $id_domain);
         $data["id_record"] = @security_script_input_predefined("int", $id_record);
         $data["record_name"] = @security_script_input_predefined("any", $record_name);
         $data["record_type"] = @security_script_input_predefined("any", $record_type);
         $data["record_content"] = @security_script_input_predefined("any", $record_content);
         $data["record_ttl"] = @security_script_input_predefined("int", $record_ttl);
         $data["record_prio"] = @security_script_input_predefined("int", $record_prio);
         foreach ($data as $value) {
             if ($value == "error" && $value != 0) {
                 throw new SoapFault("Sender", "INVALID_INPUT");
         if (!$data["id_domain"] || !$data["record_name"] || !$data["record_type"] || !$data["record_content"]) {
             throw new SoapFault("Sender", "INVALID_INPUT");
         // verify domain ID
         $obj_record->id = $data["id_domain"];
         if (!$obj_record->verify_id()) {
             throw new SoapFault("Sender", "INVALID_ID");
         // load domain and record data
         if ($data["id_record"]) {
             $obj_record->id_record = $data["id_record"];
             if (!$obj_record->verify_id_record()) {
                 // ID is invalid
                 // blank the ID and create a new record - we do this for apps like
                 // phpfreeradius, but it might not be the best approach long-term
                 $data["id_record"] = 0;
             } else {
         } else {
             // check if there is a record with the same values already - if so, we should
             // take it's ID.
             // TODO: turn this into a proper function
             $sql_obj = new sql_query();
             $sql_obj->string = "SELECT id FROM `dns_records` WHERE id_domain='" . $data["id_domain"] . "' AND name='" . $data["record_name"] . "' LIMIT 1";
             if ($sql_obj->num_rows()) {
                 $obj_record->id_record = $sql_obj->data[0]["id"];
         // apply changes
         $obj_record->data_record["name"] = $data["record_name"];
         $obj_record->data_record["type"] = $data["record_type"];
         $obj_record->data_record["content"] = $data["record_content"];
         $obj_record->data_record["ttl"] = $data["record_ttl"];
         $obj_record->data_record["prio"] = $data["record_prio"];
         if (!$data["record_ttl"]) {
             $obj_record->data_record["ttl"] = $obj_record->data["soa_default_ttl"];
         if ($obj_record->action_update_record()) {
             return $obj_record->id_record;
         } else {
             throw new SoapFault("Sender", "UNKNOWN_ERROR");
     } else {
         throw new SoapFault("Sender", "ACCESS_DENIED");
Esempio n. 2
 function execute()
      * Validate a POST (page navigation move will prompt this)
     if (isset($_POST['record_custom_page'])) {
         // fetch data from POST and validate - we then return values
         $data = stripslashes_deep($this->obj_domain->validate_custom_records());
         // validate the record_custom_page for returning the user to their page, default to page 1 if any errors in validating...
         $data['record_custom_page'] = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "record_custom_page", 1, "");
         			echo '<tr><td colspan="100%">post-validation POST data<pre>'; 
         			echo '<pre>';
         			echo '</pre>';
         			echo '</td></tr>';
         if (error_check()) {
             log_write("debug", "records-ajax", "POST records provided but error encountered, failing");
             $_SESSION["error"]["form"]["domain_records"] = "failed";
             $this->page = $data['record_custom_page'];
         } else {
             // no errors... set the records to the session
             $_SESSION['form']['domain_records'][$this->obj_domain->id][$data['record_custom_page']] = $data['records'];
     	Load domain data & records
     $this->num_records_custom_total = $this->obj_domain->data_record_custom_count();
     // if the data is present in the session then it has either changed and is awaiting submission
     // or the user has visited that page before during this edit session
     if (isset($_SESSION['form']['domain_records'][$this->obj_domain->id][$this->page]) && count($_SESSION['form']['domain_records'][$this->obj_domain->id][$this->page])) {
         log_debug("execute", 'Loading records from session as previous load or edit detected');
         $this->obj_domain->data['records'] = $_SESSION['form']['domain_records'][$this->obj_domain->id][$this->page];
         echo '<tr><td colspan="100%">from sesssion<pre>';
         echo '</td></tr>';
     } else {
         log_debug("execute", 'Loading records from db for page: ' . $this->page);
         $this->obj_domain->load_data_record_custom($this->offset, $GLOBALS["config"]['PAGINATION_DOMAIN_RECORDS']);
         echo '<tr><td colspan="100%">from db<pre>';
         echo '</td></tr>';
     // work out the IP for reverse domains
     if (strpos($this->obj_domain->data["domain_name"], "")) {
         // IPv4
         $ip = explode(".", $this->obj_domain->data["domain_name"]);
         $this->obj_domain->data["domain_ip_prefix"] = $ip[2] . "." . $ip[1] . "." . $ip[0];
     } elseif (strpos($this->obj_domain->data["domain_name"], "")) {
         // IPv6
         $ip_reverse = substr($this->obj_domain->data["domain_name"], 0, strlen($this->obj_domain->data["domain_name"]) - 9);
         $ip_array = array();
         $i = 0;
         foreach (array_reverse(explode(".", $ip_reverse)) as $ip) {
             $ip_array[] = $ip;
             if ($i == 4) {
                 $i = 0;
                 $ip_array[] = ":";
         $this->obj_domain->data["domain_ip_prefix"] = implode("", $ip_array);
     	Define form structure
     $this->obj_form = new form_input();
     $this->obj_form->formname = "domain_records";
     $this->obj_form->language = $_SESSION["user"]["lang"];
     $this->obj_form->action = "domains/records-process.php";
     $this->obj_form->method = "post";
     	General Domain Info
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "domain_name";
     $structure["type"] = "message";
     $structure["options"]["css_row_class"] = "table_highlight";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = "<p><b>Domain " . $this->obj_domain->data["domain_name"] . " selected for adjustment</b></p>";
     	Define stucture for all other record types
     	This includes A, AAAA, PTR and other record types.
     // fetch all the known record types from the database
     $dns_record_types = sql_get_singlecol("SELECT type as value FROM `dns_record_types` WHERE user_selectable='1'");
     // unless there has been error data returned, fetch all the records
     // and work out the number of rows
     if (!isset($_SESSION["error"]["form"][$this->obj_form->formname])) {
         $this->num_records_custom = 1;
         foreach ($this->obj_domain->data["records"] as $record) {
             if (in_array($record["type"], $dns_record_types)) {
     } else {
         $this->num_records_custom = @security_script_input('/^[0-9]*$/', $_SESSION["error"]["num_records_custom"]);
     // ensure there are at least two rows, if more are needed when entering information,
     // then the javascript functions will provide.
     if ($this->num_records_custom < 2) {
         $this->num_records_custom = 2;
     // custom domain records
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num_records_custom; $i++) {
         // values
         $structure = NULL;
         $structure["fieldname"] = "record_custom_" . $i . "_id";
         $structure["type"] = "hidden";
         if (strpos($this->obj_domain->data["domain_name"], "arpa")) {
             $structure = NULL;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "record_custom_" . $i . "_type";
             $structure["type"] = "text";
             $structure["defaultvalue"] = "PTR";
         } else {
             $structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromdb("record_custom_" . $i . "_type", "SELECT type as label, type as id FROM `dns_record_types` WHERE user_selectable='1' AND is_standard='1'");
             $structure["defaultvalue"] = "A";
             $structure["options"]["width"] = "100";
         $structure = NULL;
         $structure["fieldname"] = "record_custom_" . $i . "_name";
         $structure["type"] = "input";
         if (strpos($this->obj_domain->data["domain_name"], "")) {
             $structure["options"]["width"] = "50";
             $structure["options"]["max_length"] = "3";
             $structure["options"]["prelabel"] = $this->obj_domain->data["domain_ip_prefix"] . ". ";
             $structure["options"]["help"] = "?";
         } elseif (strpos($this->obj_domain->data["domain_name"], "")) {
             $structure["options"]["width"] = "300";
             $structure["options"]["prelabel"] = " ";
             $structure["options"]["help"] = $this->obj_domain->data["domain_ip_prefix"] . "....";
             $structure["options"]["autofill"] = $this->obj_domain->data["domain_ip_prefix"];
         } else {
             $structure["options"]["width"] = "300";
             $structure["options"]["help"] = "Record name, eg www";
         $structure = NULL;
         $structure["fieldname"] = "record_custom_" . $i . "_content";
         $structure["type"] = "input";
         $structure["options"]["width"] = "300";
         if (strpos($this->obj_domain->data["domain_name"], "arpa")) {
             // both IPv4 and IPv6
             $structure["options"]["help"] = "Reverse record name, eg";
         } else {
             $structure["options"]["help"] = "Target IP, eg";
         $structure = NULL;
         $structure["fieldname"] = "record_custom_" . $i . "_ttl";
         $structure["type"] = "input";
         $structure["options"]["width"] = "80";
         $structure["defaultvalue"] = $this->obj_domain->data["soa_default_ttl"];
         $structure = NULL;
         $structure["fieldname"] = "record_custom_" . $i . "_delete_undo";
         $structure["type"] = "hidden";
         $structure["defaultvalue"] = "false";
         if (!strpos($this->obj_domain->data["domain_name"], "arpa")) {
             $structure = NULL;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "record_custom_" . $i . "_reverse_ptr";
             $structure["type"] = "checkbox";
             $structure["options"]["label"] = "";
             $structure = NULL;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "record_custom_" . $i . "_reverse_ptr_orig";
             $structure["type"] = "hidden";
     // load in what data we have
     //disable invalid fields
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($this->obj_domain->data["records"] as $record) {
         if (in_array($record["type"], $dns_record_types)) {
             // special ID rules
             if ($record["id"]) {
                 $this->obj_form->structure["record_custom_" . $i . "_id"]["defaultvalue"] = $record["id"];
             } else {
                 $this->obj_form->structure["record_custom_" . $i . "_id"]["defaultvalue"] = $record["id_record"];
             // fetch data
             $this->obj_form->structure["record_custom_" . $i . "_type"]["defaultvalue"] = $record["type"];
             $this->obj_form->structure["record_custom_" . $i . "_prio"]["defaultvalue"] = $record["prio"];
             $this->obj_form->structure["record_custom_" . $i . "_name"]["defaultvalue"] = $record["name"];
             $this->obj_form->structure["record_custom_" . $i . "_content"]["defaultvalue"] = $record["content"];
             $this->obj_form->structure["record_custom_" . $i . "_ttl"]["defaultvalue"] = $record["ttl"];
             if ($record["type"] == "CNAME") {
                 // disable inappropate values for CNAME fields
                 $this->obj_form->structure["record_custom_" . $i . "_reverse_ptr"]["options"]["disabled"] = "yes";
                 $this->obj_form->structure["record_custom_" . $i . "_reverse_ptr_orig"]["options"]["disabled"] = "yes";
             } elseif ($record["type"] == "PTR") {
                 if (strpos($this->obj_domain->data["domain_name"], "")) {
                     // IPv6 PTR records are in ARPA format, we should convert it to something human readable
                     $this->obj_form->structure["record_custom_" . $i . "_name"]["defaultvalue"] = ipv6_convert_fromarpa($record["name"]);
             } elseif ($record["type"] != "PTR") {
                 if ($record["type"] == "A" || $record["type"] == "AAAA") {
                     // check if this record has a reverse PTR value
                     $obj_ptr = new domain_records();
                     if ($obj_ptr->id_record) {
                         if ($record["name"] == "@" || $record["name"] == "*" || preg_match("/^\\*\\.[A-Za-z0-9:._-]+\$/", $record["name"])) {
                             $record["name"] = $this->obj_domain->data["domain_name"];
                         if ($obj_ptr->data_record["content"] == $record["name"] || $obj_ptr->data_record["content"] == $record["name"] . "." . $this->obj_domain->data["domain_name"]) {
                             $this->obj_form->structure["record_custom_" . $i . "_reverse_ptr"]["defaultvalue"] = "on";
                             $this->obj_form->structure["record_custom_" . $i . "_reverse_ptr_orig"]["defaultvalue"] = "on";
                 } else {
                     // reverse PTR not valid for this record type
                     $this->obj_form->structure["record_custom_" . $i . "_reverse_ptr"]["options"]["disabled"] = "yes";
     // hidden
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "id_domain";
     $structure["type"] = "hidden";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = $this->obj_domain->id;
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "record_custom_page";
     $structure["type"] = "hidden";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = "{$this->page}";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "num_records_custom";
     $structure["type"] = "hidden";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = "{$this->num_records_custom}";
     // a record that can be set to determine the form status for final submit
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "record_custom_status";
     $structure["type"] = "hidden";
     // fetch data in event of an error
     if (error_check()) {
         $structure["defaultvalue"] = "0";
     } else {
         $structure["defaultvalue"] = "1";
Esempio n. 3
 	Update Domain
 log_write("debug", "process", "Updating main domain");
 // fetch all DNS records
 // update records
 foreach ($data["records"] as $record) {
     if (!empty($record["mode"])) {
         $obj_record = new domain_records();
         $obj_record->id = $obj_domain->id;
         $obj_record->data = $obj_domain->data;
         // copy domain data from existing object to save time & SQL queries
         $obj_record->id_record = $record["id"];
         // load record data
         if ($record["mode"] == "update") {
             // data sent through, we should update an existing record. But first, let's check if we actually need to
             // make a change or not.
             if ($obj_record->data_record["name"] != $record["name"] || $obj_record->data_record["type"] != $record["type"] || $obj_record->data_record["content"] != $record["content"] || $obj_record->data_record["ttl"] != (int) $record["ttl"] || $obj_record->data_record["prio"] != (int) $record["prio"] || $record["reverse_ptr"] != $record["reverse_ptr_orig"]) {
                 	Update record
                 log_write("debug", "process", "Updating record " . $record["id"] . " due to changed details");
                 $obj_record->data_record["name"] = $record["name"];
                 $obj_record->data_record["type"] = $record["type"];
                 $obj_record->data_record["content"] = $record["content"];
                 $obj_record->data_record["ttl"] = $record["ttl"];
                 $obj_record->data_record["prio"] = $record["prio"];