#!/usr/bin/php <?php // See: http://deanvaughan.org/wordpress/2012/07/class_dicom-php-example-send-all-dicom-files-in-a-directory/ require_once 'class_dicom.php'; # WHERE YOUR DICOM FILES ARE $temp_dir = '../temp'; # WHERE YOU ARE SENDING THEM TO $target_host = 'kif.sxrmedical.com'; $target_port = '105'; $target_ae = 'BK'; $my_ae = 'BK'; if (!file_exists('bk')) { mkdir('bk'); } $d = new dicom_net(); if ($handle = opendir($temp_dir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { print "Sending {$file}...\n"; $d->file = "{$temp_dir}/{$file}"; $ret = $d->send_dcm($target_host, $target_port, $my_ae, $target_ae); if ($ret) { print "Send Error: {$ret}\n"; continue; } else { print "Good Send\n"; print "Moving {$temp_dir}/{$file}\n"; rename("{$temp_dir}/{$file}", "bk/{$file}"); } } }
#!/usr/bin/php <?php # # Starts a DICOM store service on port 104. Any images received are stored in ./dcm_temp and then ./store_server_handler.php is ran. # require_once '../class_dicom.php'; print "Starting server on localhost:104\n"; $d = new dicom_net(); $d->store_server(104, './dcm_temp', './store_server_handler.php', 'store_server_config.cfg', 1);
#!/usr/bin/php <?php # # Sends a DICOM file to localhost 104... what the store_server.php example defaults too # require_once '../class_dicom.php'; $file = isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : ''; if (!$file) { print "USAGE: ./send_dcm.php <FILE>\n"; exit; } if (!file_exists($file)) { print "{$file}: does not exist\n"; exit; } $d = new dicom_net(); $d->file = $file; print "Sending file...\n"; $out = $d->send_dcm('localhost', '104', 'DEANO', 'example'); if ($out) { print "{$out}\n\nSomething bad happened!\n"; exit; } print "Sent!\n";