# Convert a JPEG to DICOM format. $tags is a list of DICOM tags to use.
# The template is the output of dcm2xml. Put the tag you want to replace inside of () in the template file.
require_once '../class_dicom.php';
$d = new dicom_convert();
$d->jpg_file = 'test.jpg';
$d->template = 'jpg_to_dcm.xml';
$d->temp_dir = 'dcm_temp';
$tags = array('0008,0012' => date('Ymd'), '0008,0013' => date('Gis'), '0008,0050' => 'ACCESSION123', '0008,0080' => 'General Hospital', '0008,0090' => 'Dr. Dean', '0008,1030' => 'Study Description', '0008,103e' => 'Series Description', '0010,0010' => 'VAUGHAN^DEAN', '0010,0020' => 'ID12345', '0010,0030' => '19700303', '0010,0040' => 'M', '0010,21b0' => 'Patient History', '0010,4000' => 'Patient Comments', '0018,0015' => 'Head', '0020,000d' => '', '0020,000e' => '' . date('Ymd') . '.42', '0020,0011' => '1', '0020,0012' => '1', '0020,0013' => '1');
$dcm = $d->jpg_to_dcm($tags);
print "New file is {$dcm}\n";