//Block outsourcing orders udpated to production $result['status'] = 'BADSTATUS'; $result['result_msg'] = oiErrorStatus('OUTSOURCING-2-PRODUCTION'); } else { //Handle update status $result['status'] = 'UPDATED'; $class_do->updateStatus($item_id, $status_new, $user_name); if ($status_current == '4' && $status_new == '5' && $item['prod_status'] != '') { tep_db_perform('depot_orders', array('prod_status' => ''), 'update', "depot_orders_id='{$item_id}'"); } if ($item['trans_type'] == 'SP' || $item['trans_type'] == 'JG') { $refill_qty_request = $item['quantity']; } if ($status_current == '4' && $status_new == '5' && $at_machine > 0) { //IF PRODUCT IS FINISH, ALSO SET ANTITARNISH USAGE $silver_usage = $class_do->calcSilverUsage($item_id); antitarnishUsageAdd($at_machine, $silver_usage); } } } } } } //Check if item is updated from Ready to Production if ($status_current == '3' && $status_new == '4') { $refill_type = depot_orders::AUTO_REFILL_ID_MTO; //CHECK IF NEED TO MAKE ELEMENTS ORDER if ($item['status'] == $status_current) { /* WE MOVE THIS PROCESS TO DAILY CRON elements-sourcing.php //Check if stock status is OK, NS or WP (wholesale) if($item['stock_status']=='R' || $item['stock_status']=='S' || $item['stock_status']=='W') {