Esempio n. 1
For contact author: tavoarcila at gmail dot com or info at gurusistemas dot com
include "phpmydatagrid.class.php";
$objGrid = new datagrid();
$objGrid->conectadb("", "phpclasses", "test", "guru");
$objGrid->buttons(true, false, true, false);
$objGrid->form('employee', true);
$objGrid->orderby("name", "ASC");
$objGrid->FormatColumn("id", "ID Employee", 5, 5, 1, "50", "center", "integer");
$objGrid->FormatColumn("name", "Name", 30, 30, 0, "150", "left");
$objGrid->FormatColumn("lastname", "Last name", 30, 30, 0, "150", "left");
$objGrid->FormatColumn("age", "Age", 5, 5, 0, "50", "right");
$objGrid->FormatColumn("afiliation", "Afiliation Date", 10, 10, 0, "100", "center", "date:dmy:/");
$objGrid->FormatColumn("status", "Status", 5, 5, 0, "60", "left", "select:1_Single:2_Married:3_Divorced");
$objGrid->FormatColumn("active", "Active", 2, 2, 0, "50", "center", "check:No:Yes");
$objGrid->FormatColumn("salary", "Salary", 10, 10, 0, "90", "right", "money:€");
$objGrid->FormatColumn("workeddays", "Work days", 5, 2, 0, "50", "right", "integer");
if (!isset($_REQUEST["DG_ajaxid"])) {
    // If we intercept an AJAX request from page
    // then do not display data below
$objGrid->form('employee', true);
//$objGrid -> linkparam("sess=".$_REQUEST["sess"]."&username="******"username"]);
/* Select the table to use */
$objGrid->buttons(true, true, true, true);
$objGrid->salt("Some Code4Stronger(Protection)");
$objGrid->TituloGrid("অভিযাত্রী সুজ বিক্রি তথ্য");
$objGrid->orderby("table_index", "DESC");
/* Define fields to show */
$objGrid->FormatColumn("genre", "জুতার ধরনের নং", 30, 30, 0, "150", "left");
$objGrid->FormatColumn("type", "জুতার ধরন", 30, 30, 0, "150", "left");

Esempio n. 3

include "phporadatagrid.class.php";
$objGrid = new datagrid();
$objGrid->buttons(true, true, true, false);
$objGrid->form('Add', true);
$objGrid->orderby("ID", "ASC");
$objGrid->FormatColumn("ID", "ID", 5, 5, 1, "50", "center", "integer");
$objGrid->FormatColumn("NAME", "Name", 30, 30, 0, "150", "left");
$objGrid->FormatColumn("LASTNAME", "Last Name", 30, 30, 0, "150", "left");
$objGrid->FormatColumn("AGE", "Age", 5, 5, 0, "50", "right");
$objGrid->FormatColumn("SALARY", "Salary", 10, 10, 0, "90", "right", "2");
echo '<div align="center"><br />';
echo '</div>';