Esempio n. 1

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: eric
 * Date: 8/29/2015
 * Time: 11:40 AM
$restaurantInfo = databaseController::getRestaurantList();
$groupInfo = databaseController::getGroupList();
$categoryInfo = databaseController::getCategoryList();

<link href="/menuCreator/css/menuitemStyling.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<section class="menuItemCreator menuCreator">

    <h2>Welcome To The Restaurant Creator</h2>
    <p>From here you can create a new Menu Item. Simply fill in the form below.</p>
    <p>In this tool, menu items are defined as the actual items people will order.</p>

    <form id="menuItem" name="menuItem" class="menuItem">
        <input type="hidden" name="creationType" value="menuitem" />
        <label for="associatedRestaurantName">Associated Restaurant Name: </label>
        <select id="associatedRestaurantName" class="associatedRestaurantName" name="associatedRestaurantName">
            <option value="">Select A Restaurant...</option>
foreach ($restaurantInfo as $restaurants) {
    echo '<option value="' . $restaurants["rid"] . '">' . $restaurants["rname"] . '</option>';