  * Wraps a set of values for a model into JSON suitable for submission to the Indicia data services,
  * and also grabs the images and links them to the model.
  * @param array $values Array of form data (e.g. $_POST).
  * @param string $modelName Name of the model to wrap data for. If this is sample, occurrence or location
  * then custom attributes will also be wrapped. Furthermore, any attribute called $modelName:image can
  * contain an image upload (as long as a suitable entity is available to store the image in).
 public static function wrap_with_images($values, $modelName, $fieldPrefix = null)
     // Now search for an input controls with the name image_upload.
     // For example, this occurs on the taxon_image edit page of the Warehouse.
     // We do this first so the uploaded image path can be put into the submission
     if (array_key_exists('image_upload', $_FILES) && $_FILES['image_upload']['name']) {
         $file = $_FILES['image_upload'];
         // Get the original file's extension
         $parts = explode(".", $file['name']);
         $fext = array_pop($parts);
         // Generate a file id to store the image as
         $destination = time() . rand(0, 1000) . "." . $fext;
         $uploadpath = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/' . (isset(parent::$indicia_upload_path) ? parent::$indicia_upload_path : 'upload/');
         if (move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $uploadpath . $destination)) {
             // record the new file name, also note it in the $_POST data so it can be tracked after a validation failure
             $_FILES['image_upload']['name'] = $destination;
             $values['path'] = $destination;
             // This is the final file destination, so create the image files.
             Image::create_image_files($uploadpath, $destination);
     // Get the parent model into JSON
     $modelWrapped = self::wrap($values, $modelName, $fieldPrefix);
     // Build sub-models for the media files. Don't post to the warehouse until after validation success. This
     // also moves any simple uploaded files to the interim image upload folder.
     $media = data_entry_helper::extract_media_data($values, $modelName . '_medium', true, true);
     foreach ($media as $item) {
         $wrapped = self::wrap($item, $modelName . '_medium');
         $modelWrapped['subModels'][] = array('fkId' => $modelName . '_id', 'model' => $wrapped);
     return $modelWrapped;
 public static function build_three_level_sample_with_occ_submission($values, $website_id, $password, $gpxDataAttrId, $diveStartTimeAttrId, $exifDateTimeAttrId)
     $standardGridValues = array();
     //Create two different $values arrays.
     //The $standardGridValues array contains all the values you would expect from a normal species grid entry form. This contains the species grid we don't have images for.
     //The $values array contains the values from the form and only includes the other three level sample species grid
     foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
         if (strpos($key, 'sc:') === false || strpos($key, 'sc:') !== false && strpos($key, 'first-level-smp-occ-grid') !== false) {
             $standardGridValues[$key] = $values[$key];
         if (strpos($key, 'first-level-smp-occ-grid') !== false) {
     //Identify any occurrences which don't have images and will therefore be attached to the top level sample.
     $standardOccurrences = data_entry_helper::wrap_species_checklist($standardGridValues);
     $modelName = 'sample';
     //Wrap up the main parent sample
     $modelWrapped = data_entry_helper::wrap($values, $modelName, null);
     //2nd level samples are prefixed with the word new_sample_sub_sample:<num>: or existing_sample_sub_sample:<id>: in the name.
     //This function returns an array of possible sub-samples (habitats) which have been extracted from the values on the page by looking
     //for this text on the front of the keys in the values array.
     $possibleSubSampleModels = self::extract_sub_sample_data($values, $website_id, $password, $gpxDataAttrId);
     //Cycle through the sub-samples and then set them up as sub-samples of the main sample
     if (!empty($possibleSubSampleModels)) {
         foreach ($possibleSubSampleModels as $subSample) {
             $modelWrapped['subModels'][] = array('fkId' => 'sample_id', 'model' => $subSample);
     // Build sub-models for the sample media files. Also extract the image exif data
     $media = data_entry_helper::extract_media_data($values, $modelName . '_medium', true, true);
     if (function_exists('exif_read_data')) {
         $uploadpath = './sites/all/modules/iform/client_helpers/upload/';
         foreach ($media as $idx => $mediaItem) {
             if (file_exists($uploadpath . $mediaItem['path'])) {
                 $exif = exif_read_data($uploadpath . $mediaItem['path'], 0, true);
                 $media[$idx]['exif'] = json_encode($exif);
                 $strToTime = strtotime($exif['EXIF']['DateTimeOriginal']);
                 $time = explode(' ', $exif['EXIF']['DateTimeOriginal']);
                 //On the first tab (when we don't have a date field) then collect the date from the exif from the earliest photo
                 //and also set a default on the time field in the same way
                 //Cycle round the media items and only set the date/time if it is the smallest one so far.
                 if ((empty($smallestStrToTime) || $smallestStrToTime > $strToTime) && !empty($exif['EXIF']['DateTimeOriginal']) && empty($modelWrapped['fields']['sample:date']['value'])) {
                     $smallestStrToTime = $strToTime;
                     $gpsFromFirstExif = $exif['GPS'];
                     $modelWrapped['fields']['date']['value'] = date('d/m/Y', $smallestStrToTime);
                     $values['sample:date'] = date('d/m/Y', $smallestStrToTime);
                     $modelWrapped['fields']['smpAttr:' . $diveStartTimeAttrId]['value'] = $time[1];
                     $values['smpAttr:' . $diveStartTimeAttrid] = $time[1];
                 //Save the dates and times from the photos into an attribute for easy access by javascript, so contruct a string to save first.
                 //Note I didn't use json as that dates include colons. So the format is date,time;date,time;date,time;date,time;date,time;
                 if (!empty($mediaDates)) {
                     $mediaDates = $mediaDates . ';' . date('d/m/Y', $strToTime) . ',' . $time[1];
                 } else {
                     $mediaDates = date('d/m/Y', $strToTime) . ',' . $time[1];
         //When the images are first loaded, we don't have a spatial reference to create the main sample with, so try to read one from the earliest picture exif data
         if (!empty($gpsFromFirstExif['GPSLatitude']) && !empty($gpsFromFirstExif['GPSLongitude']) && !empty($gpsFromFirstExif['GPSLatitudeRef']) && !empty($gpsFromFirstExif['GPSLongitudeRef'])) {
             //Read from exif, concert from degrees, minutes, seconds to decimal degrees
             $gpsLat0 = explode('/', $gpsFromFirstExif['GPSLatitude'][0]);
             $gpsLat0 = doubleval($gpsLat0[0]) / doubleval($gpsLat0[1]);
             $gpsLat1 = explode('/', $gpsFromFirstExif['GPSLatitude'][1]);
             $gpsLat1 = doubleval($gpsLat1[0]) / doubleval($gpsLat1[1]) / 60;
             $gpsLat2 = explode('/', $gpsFromFirstExif['GPSLatitude'][2]);
             $gpsLat2 = doubleval($gpsLat2[0]) / doubleval($gpsLat2[1]) / 3600;
             $gpsLon0 = explode('/', $gpsFromFirstExif['GPSLongitude'][0]);
             $gpsLon0 = doubleval($gpsLon0[0]) / doubleval($gpsLon0[1]);
             $gpsLon1 = explode('/', $gpsFromFirstExif['GPSLongitude'][1]);
             $gpsLon1 = doubleval($gpsLon1[0]) / doubleval($gpsLon1[1]) / 60;
             $gpsLon2 = explode('/', $gpsFromFirstExif['GPSLongitude'][2]);
             $gpsLon2 = doubleval($gpsLon2[0]) / doubleval($gpsLon2[1]) / 3600;
             $lat = (string) floatval($gpsLat0 + $gpsLat1 + $gpsLat2);
             $lon = (string) floatval($gpsLon0 + $gpsLon1 + $gpsLon2);
             //Convert back into format that is acceptable to the seasearch on screen spatial reference extension which is again in degrees, minutes
             $latArray = explode('.', $lat);
             $lat = $latArray[0] . ':' . round(floatval('0.' . $latArray[1]) * 60, 4);
             $lonArray = explode('.', $lon);
             $lon = $lonArray[0] . ':' . round(floatval('0.' . $lonArray[1]) * 60, 4);
             $gpsFromFirstExif = $lat . $gpsFromFirstExif['GPSLatitudeRef'] . ' ' . $lon . $gpsFromFirstExif['GPSLongitudeRef'];
             $modelWrapped['fields']['entered_sref']['value'] = $gpsFromFirstExif;
             $values['sample:entered_sref'] = $gpsFromFirstExif;
             $modelWrapped['fields']['entered_sref_system']['value'] = '4277';
             $values['sample:entered_sref_system'] = '4277';
     if (!empty($mediaDates)) {
         //Need to find the attribute that starts with smpAttr:<exifDateTimeAttrId> as in edit mode it will also have the sample_attribute_value on the end so in that
         //case we need to overwrite existing value instead of creating new one.
         foreach ($values as $theKey => $theValue) {
             if (substr($theKey, 0, strlen('smpAttr:' . $exifDateTimeAttrId)) === 'smpAttr:' . $exifDateTimeAttrId) {
                 $modelWrapped['fields'][$theKey]['value'] = $mediaDates;
                 $values[$theKey] = $mediaDates;
     foreach ($media as $item) {
         //Only add media to the main sample if it isn't already contained in any sub-sample
         if (empty($values['sample_medium:' . $item['id'] . ':sample_id']) || $values['sample_medium:' . $item['id'] . ':sample_id'] == $modelWrapped['fields']['id']['value']) {
             $wrapped = data_entry_helper::wrap($item, $modelName . '_medium');
             $modelWrapped['subModels'][] = array('fkId' => $modelName . '_id', 'model' => $wrapped);
     // Put any extra occurrences (without images)
     // the user has identified onto the end of the main sample model.
     if (array_key_exists('subModels', $modelWrapped)) {
         $modelWrapped['subModels'] = array_merge($modelWrapped['subModels'], $standardOccurrences);
     } else {
         $modelWrapped['subModels'] = $standardOccurrences;
     //Create the third level samples with occurrences
     $modelWrapped = self::create_third_level_sample_model($modelWrapped, $values, $website_id, $password, $gpxDataAttrId);
     //The user is can rearrange which third level sample points to which second level sample. When the user does this we just need to attach the
     //change to the parent_id to the end of the submission model
     $thirdLevelSampleShiftModel = array();
     foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
         //TODO I think this name is misleading, as it isn't the sample_id for the occurrence, it is the sample_id for the occurrence sample's parent sample.
         //Maybe change name at some point.
         if (strpos($key, 'occurrence_medium') !== false && strpos($key, ':sample_id') !== false) {
             $splitKey = explode(':', $key);
             $thirdLevelSampleShiftModel['id'] = 'sample';
             $thirdLevelSampleShiftModel['fields']['id']['value'] = $splitKey[3];
             $thirdLevelSampleShiftModel['fields']['parent_id']['value'] = $value;
             if (!empty($modelWrapped['submission_list']['entries'])) {
                 $modelWrapped['submission_list']['entries'][] = $thirdLevelSampleShiftModel;
             } else {
                 $multiSubmission['id'] = 'sample';
                 $multiSubmission['submission_list']['entries'][0] = $modelWrapped;
                 $multiSubmission['submission_list']['entries'][1] = $thirdLevelSampleShiftModel;
                 $modelWrapped = $multiSubmission;
     return $modelWrapped;
  * Wraps a set of values for a model into JSON suitable for submission to the Indicia data services,
  * and also grabs the images and links them to the model.
  * @param array $values Array of form data (e.g. $_POST).
  * @param string $modelName Name of the model to wrap data for. If this is sample, occurrence or location
  * then custom attributes will also be wrapped. Furthermore, any attribute called $modelName:image can
  * contain an image upload (as long as a suitable entity is available to store the image in).
 public static function wrap_with_images($values, $modelName, $fieldPrefix = null)
     // Now search for an input control values which imply that an image file will need to be
     // either moved to the warehouse, or if already on the warehouse, processed to create
     // thumbnails.
     foreach ($_FILES as $fieldname => &$file) {
         if ($file['name']) {
             // Get the original file's extension
             $parts = explode(".", $file['name']);
             $fext = array_pop($parts);
             // Generate a file id to store the image as
             $filename = time() . rand(0, 1000) . "." . strtolower($fext);
             if ($fieldname === 'image_upload') {
                 // image_upload is a special case only used on the warehouse, so can move the file directly to its final place
                 // @todo: Should this special case exist?
                 $uploadpath = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/' . (isset(parent::$indicia_upload_path) ? parent::$indicia_upload_path : 'upload/');
                 if (move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $uploadpath . $filename)) {
                     // record the new file name, also note it in the $_POST data so it can be tracked after a validation failure
                     $file['name'] = $filename;
                     $values['path'] = $filename;
                     // This is the final file destination, so create the image files.
                     Image::create_image_files($uploadpath, $filename);
             } elseif (preg_match('/^(' . $modelName . ':)?[a-z_]+_path$/', $fieldname)) {
                 // image fields can be of form {model}:{qualifier}_path (e.g. group:logo_path) if they are
                 // directly embedded in the entity, rather than in a child media entity. These files need
                 // to be moved to interim upload folder and will be sent to the warehouse after a successful
                 // save.
                 $values[$fieldname] = $filename;
                 $interim_image_folder = isset(parent::$interim_image_folder) ? parent::$interim_image_folder : 'upload/';
                 $uploadpath = $uploadpath = helper_base::relative_client_helper_path() . $interim_image_folder;
                 $tempFile = isset($file['tmp_name']) ? $file['tmp_name'] : '';
                 if (!move_uploaded_file($tempFile, $uploadpath . $filename)) {
                     throw new exception('Failed to move uploaded file from temporary location');
                 $file['name'] = $filename;
     // Get the parent model into JSON
     $modelWrapped = self::wrap($values, $modelName, $fieldPrefix);
     // Build sub-models for the media files. Don't post to the warehouse until after validation success. This
     // also moves any simple uploaded files to the interim image upload folder.
     $media = data_entry_helper::extract_media_data($values, $modelName . '_medium', true, true);
     foreach ($media as $item) {
         $wrapped = self::wrap($item, $modelName . '_medium');
         $modelWrapped['subModels'][] = array('fkId' => $modelName . '_id', 'model' => $wrapped);
     return $modelWrapped;