Esempio n. 1
function emailAccountsDeleteCallback($id)
    global $cyrus_used;
    global $pro_mysql_pop_table;
    global $pro_mysql_fetchmail_table;
    updateUsingCron("gen_qmail='yes', qmail_newu='yes'");
    $q = "SELECT id, mbox_host, home FROM {$pro_mysql_pop_table} WHERE autoinc='{$id}';";
    $r = mysql_query($q) or die("Cannot query {$q} line: " . __LINE__ . " file " . __FILE__ . " sql said:" . mysql_error());
    $n = mysql_num_rows($r);
    if ($n != 1) {
        die("Cannot find created email line " . __LINE__ . " file " . __FILE__);
    $v = mysql_fetch_array($r);
    if ($cyrus_used) {
        # login to cyradm
        $cyr_conn = new cyradm();
        $error = $cyr_conn->imap_login();
        if ($error != 0) {
            die("imap_login Error {$error}");
        $result = $cyr_conn->deletemb("user/" . $v["id"] . "@" . $v["mbox_host"]);
    $cmd = "rm -rf " . $v["home"];
    exec($cmd, $exec_out, $return_val);
    $q = "DELETE FROM {$pro_mysql_fetchmail_table} WHERE domain_user='******' AND domain_name='" . $v["mbox_host"] . "';";
    $r = mysql_query($q) or die("Cannot query {$q} line: " . __LINE__ . " file " . __FILE__ . " sql said:" . mysql_error());
    return "";
ini_set('include_path', "{$elxPath}:" . ini_get('include_path'));
// script que se encarga de eliminar los mensajes viaejos de las carpetas de spam
require_once 'libs/misc.lib.php';
include_once "configs/email.conf.php";
include_once "libs/cyradm.php";
$days = trim($_SERVER['argv'][1]);
if (isset($days) & $days != "") {
    // Para silenciar avisos de fecha/hora
    if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_get')) {
    $today = date("d-M-Y");
    $sinceDate = date("d-M-Y", strtotime($today . " -{$days} day"));
    //realizamos la coneccion con cyrus
    global $CYRUS;
    $cyr_conn = new cyradm();
    $error_msg = "";
    $error = $cyr_conn->imap_login();
    if ($error === FALSE) {
        wlog("IMAP login error: {$error} <br>");
    //verificamos si el antispam esta activado
    exec("/etc/init.d/spamassassin status", $flag, $status);
    if ($status == 0) {
        //obtenemos las listas de correos
        $accounts = getListMailbox();
        if ($accounts != false) {
            foreach ($accounts as $email) {
                deleteSpamMessages(&$cyr_conn, $email, $sinceDate);
Esempio n. 3
function obtener_quota_usuario($username, $module_name)
    include_once "configs/email.conf.php";
    include_once "libs/cyradm.php";
    global $CYRUS;
    global $arrPermission;
    $cyr_conn = new cyradm();
    $edit_quota = _tr("Edit quota");
    $quota = $cyr_conn->getquota("user/" . $username);
    $tamano_usado = _tr("Could not query used disc space");
    if (is_array($quota) && count($quota) > 0) {
        if ($quota['used'] != "NOT-SET") {
            $q_used = $quota['used'];
            $q_total = $quota['qmax'];
            if (!$q_total == 0) {
                $q_percent = number_format(100 * $q_used / $q_total, 2);
                $q_usada = $q_used < 1024 ? "{$q_used} KB" : $q_used / 1024 . " MB ";
                $q_total = $q_total < 1024 ? "{$q_total} KB" : $q_total / 1024 . " MB ";
                      $tamano_usado=" $q_usada / <a href='#' onclick=changes_email_quota('$username') title='$edit_quota'> $q_total </a> ($q_percent%)";
                $tamano_usado = " {$q_usada} / {$q_total} ({$q_percent}%)";
            } else {
                $tamano_usado = _tr("Could not obtain used disc space");
        } else {
            $tamano_usado = _tr("Size is not set");
    return $tamano_usado;
Esempio n. 4
  * Actualizar la cuota del usuario indicado, tanto en cyrus como en la DB.
  * @param string    $username   Correo completo
  * @param int       $newquota   Nueva cuota de correo a asignar
  * @return bool     VERDADERO en caso de éxito, FALSO en caso de error.
 function setAccountQuota($username, $newquota)
     $this->errMsg = '';
     $bPostfixElastix2 = isPostfixToElastix2();
     $regexp = $bPostfixElastix2 ? '/^[a-z0-9]+([\\._\\-]?[a-z0-9]+[_\\-]?)*@[a-z0-9]+([\\._\\-]?[a-z0-9]+)*(\\.[a-z0-9]{2,6})+$/' : '/^([a-z0-9]+([\\._\\-]?[a-z0-9]+[_\\-]?)*)$/';
     if (!preg_match($regexp, $username)) {
         $this->errMsg = _tr('Username is not valid');
         return FALSE;
     $cyr_conn = new cyradm();
     if (!$cyr_conn->imap_login()) {
         $this->errMsg = _tr('Failed to login to IMAP');
         return NULL;
     $sPeticionSQL = 'UPDATE accountuser SET quota = ? WHERE username = ?';
     $bExito = $this->_DB->genQuery($sPeticionSQL, array($newquota, $username));
     if (!$bExito) {
         $this->errMsg = $this->_DB->errMsg;
     } else {
         $bExito = $cyr_conn->setmbquota('user/' . $username, $newquota);
         if (!$bExito) {
             $this->errMsg = $cyr_conn->getMessage();
     if ($bExito) {
     } else {
     return $bExito;
 function updateQuota($old_quota, $quota, $username)
     $bExito = true;
     if (!preg_match('/^[[:digit:]]+$/', "{$old_quota}")) {
         $this->errMsg = _tr("Quota must be numeric");
         $bExito = false;
     } elseif (!preg_match('/^[[:digit:]]+$/', "{$quota}")) {
         $this->errMsg = _tr("Quota must be numeric");
         $bExito = false;
     if ($old_quota != $quota) {
         $cyr_conn = new cyradm();
         $bContinuar = $cyr_conn->setmbquota("user" . "/" . $username, $quota);
         if (!$bContinuar) {
             $this->errMsg = _tr("Quota could not be changed.") . " " . $cyr_conn->getMessage();
             $bExito = FALSE;
     return $bExito;
Esempio n. 6
#!/usr/bin/env php

$base_path = dirname(__FILE__);
if ($_SERVER["argc"] < 1) {
    print "Syntax Error: " . $_SERVER["argv"][0] . " <root domain>\n";
$root_domain = $_SERVER["argv"][1];
require $base_path . '/../../shared/cyradm.php';
require $base_path . '/../../shared/cyrus.php';
# login to cyradm
$cyr_conn = new cyradm();
$error = $cyr_conn->imap_login();
if ($error != 0) {
    die("imap_login Error {$error}");
$result = $cyr_conn->createmb("user/root" . "@" . $root_domain);
Esempio n. 7
 function deleteSpamMessages($email, $dateSince)
     global $CYRUS;
     $cyr_conn = new cyradm();
     $error_msg = "";
     $error = $cyr_conn->imap_login();
     $dataEmail = explode("@", $email);
     if ($error === FALSE) {
         $error_msg = "IMAP login error: {$error} <br>";
     } else {
         $seperator = '/';
         $bValido = $cyr_conn->command(". select \"user" . $seperator . $dataEmail[0] . $seperator . "Spam@" . $dataEmail[1] . "\"");
         if (!$bValido) {
             $error_msg = "Error selected Spam folder:" . $cyr_conn->getMessage() . "<br>";
         } else {
             $bValido = $cyr_conn->command(". SEARCH NOT SINCE {$dateSince}");
             // busca los email que no empiecen desde la fecha dada
             if (!$bValido) {
                 $error_msg = "error cannot be added flags Deleted to the messages of Spam folder for {$email}:" . $cyr_conn->getMessage() . "<br>";
             } else {
                 $sal = explode("SEARCH", $bValido[0]);
                 $uids = trim($sal[1]);
                 //ids de mensajes
                 if ($uids != "") {
                     //$bValido=$cyr_conn->command(". store 1:* +flags \Deleted");
                     $uids = trim($uids);
                     $uids = str_replace(" ", ",", $uids);
                     if (strlen($uids) > 100) {
                         $arrID = explode(",", "{$uids}");
                         $size = count($arrID);
                         $limitID = $arrID[0] . ":" . $arrID[$size - 1];
                         $bValido = $cyr_conn->command(". store {$limitID} +flags \\Deleted");
                     } else {
                         $bValido = $cyr_conn->command(". store {$uids} +flags \\Deleted");
                     // messages $uids = 1 2 4 5 7 8
                     if (!$bValido) {
                         $error_msg = "error cannot be deleted the messages of Spam folder for {$email}:" . $cyr_conn->getMessage() . "<br>";
                     } else {
                         $bValido = $cyr_conn->command(". expunge");
                         if (!$bValido) {
                             $error_msg = "error cannot be deleted the messages of Spam folder for {$email}:" . $cyr_conn->getMessage() . "<br>";
                               $bValido=$cyr_conn->command(". noop");
                                   $error_msg = "error cannot be deleted the messages of Spam folder for $email:".$cyr_conn->getMessage()."<br>";
     return $error_msg;