$data["date_period_first"] = @security_form_input_predefined("date", "date_period_first", 1, "");
     $data["date_period_next"] = $data["date_period_first"];
     $data["description"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "description", 0, "");
     // special migration stuff
     if (sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT value FROM config WHERE name='SERVICE_MIGRATION_MODE'") == 1) {
         $data["migration_date_period_usage_override"] = @security_form_input_predefined("any", "migration_date_period_usage_override", 1, "");
         if ($data["migration_date_period_usage_override"] == "migration_use_usage_date") {
             $data["migration_date_period_usage_first"] = @security_form_input_predefined("date", "migration_date_period_usage_first", 1, "");
 	Verify Data
 // check that the specified customer actually exists
 if (!$obj_customer->verify_id()) {
     log_write("error", "process", "The customer you have attempted to edit - " . $obj_customer->id . " - does not exist in this system.");
 } else {
     if ($obj_customer->id_service_customer) {
         // are we editing an existing service? make sure it exists and belongs to this customer
         if (!$obj_customer->verify_id_service_customer()) {
             log_write("error", "process", "The service you have attempted to edit - " . $obj_customer->id_service_customer . " - does not exist in this system.");
         } else {
 // verify the service ID is valid
 if (!$obj_customer->id_service_customer) {
     $obj_customer->obj_service->id = $data["serviceid"];