function GenerateWebalizerStats() { global $zdbh; $sql = $zdbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM x_vhosts LEFT JOIN x_accounts ON x_vhosts.vh_acc_fk=x_accounts.ac_id_pk WHERE vh_deleted_ts IS NULL"); $sql->execute(); echo "Generating webalizer stats html..." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); while ($rowvhost = $sql->fetch()) { $basedir = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('MADmin_root') . "modules/webalizer_stats/stats/" . $rowvhost['ac_user_vc'] . "/" . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc']; if (!file_exists($basedir)) { @mkdir($basedir, 0755, TRUE); } /** set webalizer command dependant on OS */ if (sys_versions::ShowOSPlatformVersion() == "Windows") { $command = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('MADmin_root') . 'modules/webalizer_stats/bin/webalizer.exe'; } else { chmod(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('MADmin_root') . "modules/webalizer_stats/bin/webalizer", 4777); $command = "webalizer"; } /** all other args and flags are the same so keep them outsite to avoid duplication */ $flag = '-o'; $secondFlags = '-d -F clf -n'; $domain = $rowvhost['vh_name_vc']; $logFile = realpath(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('log_dir') . 'domains/' . $rowvhost['ac_user_vc'] . '/' . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . '-access.log'); $statsPath = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('MADmin_root') . "modules/webalizer_stats/stats/" . $rowvhost['ac_user_vc'] . '/' . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc']; /** build arg array, this is in the required order! do not just change the order of this array */ $args = array($logFile, $flag, $statsPath, $secondFlags, $domain); echo "Generating stats for: " . $rowvhost['ac_user_vc'] . "/" . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $returnValue = ctrl_system::systemCommand($command, $args); echo (0 === $returnValue ? 'Succeeded' : 'Failed') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } }
/** * @return bool */ public function writeToFile() { global $zdbh; $user = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail(); $line = ""; $sql = "SELECT * FROM x_cronjobs WHERE ct_deleted_ts IS NULL"; $numrows = $zdbh->query($sql); //common header whatever there are some cron task or not if ($this->getOsPlatformVersion() != "Windows") { $line .= 'SHELL=/bin/bash' . $this->newLine(); $line .= 'PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin' . $this->newLine(); $line .= 'HOME=/' . $this->newLine(); $line .= $this->newLine(); } $line .= $this->getCronFileHeader($user); //Write command lines in crontab, if any if ($numrows->fetchColumn() != 0) { $sql = $zdbh->prepare($sql); $sql->execute(); while ($rowcron = $sql->fetch()) { $fetchRows = $zdbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM x_accounts WHERE ac_id_pk=:userid AND ac_deleted_ts IS NULL"); $fetchRows->bindParam(':userid', $rowcron['ct_acc_fk']); $fetchRows->execute(); $rowclient = $fetchRows->fetch(); if ($rowclient && $rowclient['ac_enabled_in'] != 0) { $line .= $rowcron['ct_timing_vc'] . " " . $this->getRestrictions($rowclient['ac_user_vc']) . $rowcron['ct_fullpath_vc'] . " > " . $this->getSystemOption('hosted_dir') . $rowclient['ac_user_vc'] . "/logs/cron." . $rowcron['ct_id_pk'] . ".log 2>&1" . $this->newLine(); } } } if (fs_filehandler::UpdateFile($this->getSystemOption('cron_file'), 0644, $line)) { if ($this->getOsPlatformVersion() != "Windows") { $returnValue = ctrl_system::systemCommand($this->getSystemOption('zsudo'), array($this->getSystemOption('cron_reload_command'), $this->getSystemOption('cron_reload_flag'), $this->getSystemOption('cron_reload_user'), $this->getSystemOption('cron_reload_path'))); } return true; } return false; }
function WriteVhostConfigFile() { global $zdbh; //Get email for server admin of MADmin $getserveremail = $zdbh->query("SELECT ac_email_vc FROM x_accounts where ac_id_pk=1")->fetch(); $serveremail = $getserveremail['ac_email_vc'] != "" ? $getserveremail['ac_email_vc'] : "postmaster@" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('MADmin_domain'); $VHostDefaultPort = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('apache_port'); $customPorts = array(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('MADmin_port')); $portQuery = $zdbh->prepare("SELECT vh_custom_port_in FROM x_vhosts WHERE vh_deleted_ts IS NULL"); $portQuery->execute(); while ($rowport = $portQuery->fetch()) { $customPorts[] = empty($rowport['vh_custom_port_in']) ? $VHostDefaultPort : $rowport['vh_custom_port_in']; } $customPortList = array_unique($customPorts); /* * ############################################################################################################## * # * # Default Virtual Host Container * # * ############################################################################################################## */ $line = "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# Apache VHOST configuration file" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# Automatically generated by MADmin " . sys_versions::ShowMADminVersion() . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# Generated on: " . date(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('MADmin_df'), time()) . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "#==== YOU MUST NOT EDIT THIS FILE : IT WILL BE OVERWRITTEN ====" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# Use MADmin Menu -> Admin -> Module Admin -> Apache config" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine(); # NameVirtualHost is still needed for Apache 2.2 but must be removed for apache 2.3 if ((double) sys_versions::ShowApacheVersion() < 2.3) { foreach ($customPortList as $port) { $line .= "NameVirtualHost *:" . $port . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } } # Listen is mandatory for each port <> 80 (80 is defined in system config) foreach ($customPortList as $port) { $line .= "Listen " . $port . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# Configuration for MADmin control panel." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "<VirtualHost *:" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('MADmin_port') . ">" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerAdmin " . $serveremail . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= 'DocumentRoot "' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('MADmin_root') . '"' . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerName " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('MADmin_domain') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= 'ErrorLog "' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('log_dir') . 'MADmin-error.log" ' . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= 'CustomLog "' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('log_dir') . 'MADmin-access.log" ' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('access_log_format') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= 'CustomLog "' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('log_dir') . 'MADmin-bandwidth.log" ' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('bandwidth_log_format') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "AddType application/x-httpd-php .php" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= '<Directory "' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('MADmin_root') . '">' . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "Options +FollowSymLinks -Indexes" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " AllowOverride All" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); if ((double) sys_versions::ShowApacheVersion() < 2.4) { $line .= " Order allow,deny" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Allow from all" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } else { $line .= " Require all granted" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } $line .= "</Directory>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# Custom settings are loaded below this line (if any exist)" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // Global custom MADmin entry $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('global_zpcustom') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "</VirtualHost>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# MADmin generated VHOST configurations below....." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine(); /* * ############################################################################################################## * # * # All Virtual Host Containers * # * ############################################################################################################## */ // MADmin virtual host container configuration $sql = $zdbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM x_vhosts WHERE vh_deleted_ts IS NULL"); $sql->execute(); while ($rowvhost = $sql->fetch()) { // Grab some variables we will use for later... $vhostuser = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail($rowvhost['vh_acc_fk']); $bandwidth = ctrl_users::GetQuotaUsages('bandwidth', $vhostuser['userid']); $diskspace = ctrl_users::GetQuotaUsages('diskspace', $vhostuser['userid']); // Set the vhosts to "LIVE" $vsql = $zdbh->prepare("UPDATE x_vhosts SET vh_active_in=1 WHERE vh_id_pk=:id"); $vsql->bindParam(':id', $rowvhost['vh_id_pk']); $vsql->execute(); // Add a default email if no email found for client. $useremail = fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue($vhostuser['email']) ? "postmaster@" . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] : $vhostuser['email']; // Check if domain or subdomain to see if we add an alias with 'www' $serveralias = $rowvhost['vh_type_in'] == 2 ? '' : " www." . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc']; $vhostPort = fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue($rowvhost['vh_custom_port_in']) ? $VHostDefaultPort : $rowvhost['vh_custom_port_in']; $vhostIp = fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue($rowvhost['vh_custom_ip_vc']) ? "*" : $rowvhost['vh_custom_ip_vc']; //Domain is enabled //Line1: Domain enabled & Client also is enabled. //Line2: Domain enabled & Client may be disabled, but 'Allow Disabled' = 'true' in apache settings. if ($rowvhost['vh_enabled_in'] == 1 && ctrl_users::CheckUserEnabled($rowvhost['vh_acc_fk']) || $rowvhost['vh_enabled_in'] == 1 && ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('apache_allow_disabled') == strtolower("true")) { /* * ################################################## * # * # Disk Quotas Check * # * ################################################## */ //Domain is beyond its diskusage if ($vhostuser['diskquota'] != 0 && $diskspace > $vhostuser['diskquota']) { $line .= "# DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# THIS DOMAIN HAS BEEN DISABLED FOR QUOTA OVERAGE" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "<virtualhost " . $vhostIp . ":" . $vhostPort . ">" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerName " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerAlias www." . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerAdmin " . $useremail . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= 'DocumentRoot "' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('static_dir') . 'diskexceeded"' . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= '<Directory "' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('static_dir') . 'diskexceeded">' . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Options +FollowSymLinks -Indexes" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " AllowOverride All" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Order Allow,Deny" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Allow from all" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "</Directory>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('php_handler') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('dir_index') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "</virtualhost>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# END DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine(); if ($rowvhost['vh_portforward_in'] != 0) { $line .= BuildVhostPortForward($rowvhost['vh_name_vc'], $vhostPort, $useremail); } $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine(); /* * ################################################## * # * # Bandwidth Quotas Check * # * ################################################## */ //Domain is beyond its quota } elseif ($vhostuser['bandwidthquota'] != 0 && $bandwidth > $vhostuser['bandwidthquota']) { $line .= "# DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# THIS DOMAIN HAS BEEN DISABLED FOR BANDWIDTH OVERAGE" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "<virtualhost " . $vhostIp . ":" . $vhostPort . ">" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerName " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerAlias www." . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerAdmin " . $useremail . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= 'DocumentRoot "' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('static_dir') . 'bandwidthexceeded"' . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= '<Directory "' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('static_dir') . 'bandwidthexceeded">' . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Options +FollowSymLinks -Indexes" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " AllowOverride All" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Order Allow,Deny" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Allow from all" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "</Directory>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('php_handler') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('dir_index') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "</virtualhost>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# END DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine(); if ($rowvhost['vh_portforward_in'] != 0) { $line .= BuildVhostPortForward($rowvhost['vh_name_vc'], $vhostPort, $useremail); } $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine(); /* * ################################################## * # * # Parked Domain * # * ################################################## */ //Domain is a PARKED domain. } elseif ($rowvhost['vh_type_in'] == 3) { $line .= "# DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "<virtualhost " . $vhostIp . ":" . $vhostPort . ">" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerName " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerAlias www." . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerAdmin " . $useremail . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= 'DocumentRoot "' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('parking_path') . '"' . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= '<Directory "' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('parking_path') . '">' . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Options +FollowSymLinks -Indexes" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " AllowOverride All" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Order Allow,Deny" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Allow from all" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "</Directory>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('php_handler') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('dir_index') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# Custom Global Settings (if any exist)" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('global_vhcustom') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# Custom VH settings (if any exist)" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= $rowvhost['vh_custom_tx'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "</virtualhost>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# END DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine(); if ($rowvhost['vh_portforward_in'] != 0) { $line .= BuildVhostPortForward($rowvhost['vh_name_vc'], $vhostPort, $useremail); } $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine(); /* * ################################################## * # * # Regular or Sub domain * # * ################################################## */ //Domain is a regular domain or a subdomain. } else { $RootDir = '"' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('hosted_dir') . $vhostuser['username'] . '/public_html' . $rowvhost['vh_directory_vc'] . '"'; $line .= "# DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "<virtualhost " . $vhostIp . ":" . $vhostPort . ">" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); /* * todo */ // Bandwidth Settings //$line .= "Include C:/MADmin/bin/apache/conf/mod_bw/mod_bw/mod_bw_Administration.conf" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // Server name, alias, email settings $line .= "ServerName " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); if (!empty($serveralias)) { $line .= "ServerAlias " . $serveralias . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } $line .= "ServerAdmin " . $useremail . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // Document root $line .= 'DocumentRoot ' . $RootDir . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // Get Package openbasedir and suhosin enabled options if (ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('use_openbase') == "true") { if ($rowvhost['vh_obasedir_in'] != 0) { $line .= 'php_admin_value open_basedir "' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('hosted_dir') . $vhostuser['username'] . "/public_html" . $rowvhost['vh_directory_vc'] . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('openbase_seperator') . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('openbase_temp') . '"' . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } } if (ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('use_suhosin') == "true") { if ($rowvhost['vh_suhosin_in'] != 0) { $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('suhosin_value') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } } // Logs if (!is_dir(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('log_dir') . "domains/" . $vhostuser['username'] . "/")) { fs_director::CreateDirectory(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('log_dir') . "domains/" . $vhostuser['username'] . "/"); } $line .= 'ErrorLog "' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('log_dir') . "domains/" . $vhostuser['username'] . "/" . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . '-error.log" ' . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= 'CustomLog "' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('log_dir') . "domains/" . $vhostuser['username'] . "/" . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . '-access.log" ' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('access_log_format') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= 'CustomLog "' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('log_dir') . "domains/" . $vhostuser['username'] . "/" . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . '-bandwidth.log" ' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('bandwidth_log_format') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // Directory options $line .= '<Directory ' . $RootDir . '>' . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Options +FollowSymLinks -Indexes" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " AllowOverride All" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Order Allow,Deny" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Allow from all" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "</Directory>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // Enable Gzip until we set this as an option , we might commenbt this too and allow manual switch $line .= "AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css text/javascript application/javascript" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // Get Package php and cgi enabled options $rows = $zdbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM x_packages WHERE pk_id_pk=:packageid AND pk_deleted_ts IS NULL"); $rows->bindParam(':packageid', $vhostuser['packageid']); $rows->execute(); $packageinfo = $rows->fetch(); if ($packageinfo['pk_enablephp_in'] != 0) { $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('php_handler') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } # curently disabled because un secure # need correct cleaning in interface for full removal or in comment here until restoration # if ( $packageinfo[ 'pk_enablecgi_in' ] <> 0 ) { # $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'cgi_handler' ) . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); # if ( !is_dir( ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'hosted_dir' ) . $vhostuser[ 'username' ] . "/public_html" . $rowvhost[ 'vh_directory_vc' ] . "/_cgi-bin" ) ) { # fs_director::CreateDirectory( ctrl_options::GetSystemOption( 'hosted_dir' ) . $vhostuser[ 'username' ] . "/public_html" . $rowvhost[ 'vh_directory_vc' ] . "/_cgi-bin" ); # } # } // Error documents:- Error pages are added automatically if they are found in the _errorpages directory // and if they are a valid error code, and saved in the proper format, i.e. <error_number>.html $errorpages = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('hosted_dir') . $vhostuser['username'] . "/public_html" . $rowvhost['vh_directory_vc'] . "/_errorpages"; if (is_dir($errorpages)) { if ($handle = opendir($errorpages)) { while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $page = explode(".", $file); if (!fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue(CheckErrorDocument($page[0]))) { $line .= "ErrorDocument " . $page[0] . " /_errorpages/" . $page[0] . ".html" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } } } closedir($handle); } } // Directory indexes $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('dir_index') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // Global custom global vh entry $line .= "# Custom Global Settings (if any exist)" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('global_vhcustom') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // Client custom vh entry $line .= "# Custom VH settings (if any exist)" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= $rowvhost['vh_custom_tx'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // End Virtual Host Settings $line .= "</virtualhost>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# END DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine(); if ($rowvhost['vh_portforward_in'] != 0) { $line .= BuildVhostPortForward($rowvhost['vh_name_vc'], $vhostPort, $useremail); } $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } /* * ################################################## * # * # Disabled domain * # * ################################################## */ } else { //Domain is NOT enabled $line .= "# DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# THIS DOMAIN HAS BEEN DISABLED" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "<virtualhost " . $vhostIp . ":" . $vhostPort . ">" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerName " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerAlias www." . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerAdmin " . $useremail . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= 'DocumentRoot "' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('static_dir') . 'disabled"' . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= '<Directory "' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('static_dir') . 'disabled">' . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Options +FollowSymLinks -Indexes" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " AllowOverride All" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Order Allow,Deny" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Allow from all" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "</Directory>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('dir_index') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "</virtualhost>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# END DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } } /* * ############################################################################################################## * # * # Write vhost file to disk * # * ############################################################################################################## */ // write the vhost config file $vhconfigfile = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('apache_vhost'); if (fs_filehandler::UpdateFile($vhconfigfile, 0777, $line)) { // Reset Apache settings to reflect that config file has been written, until the next change. $time = time(); $vsql = $zdbh->prepare("UPDATE x_settings\n SET so_value_tx=:time\n WHERE so_name_vc='apache_changed'"); $vsql->bindParam(':time', $time); $vsql->execute(); echo "Finished writting Apache Config... Now reloading Apache..." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $returnValue = 0; if (sys_versions::ShowOSPlatformVersion() == "Windows") { system("" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('httpd_exe') . " " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('apache_restart') . "", $returnValue); } else { $command = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('zsudo'); $args = array("service", ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('apache_sn'), ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('apache_restart')); $returnValue = ctrl_system::systemCommand($command, $args); } echo "Apache reload " . (0 === $returnValue ? "suceeded" : "failed") . "." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } else { return false; } }
static function CheckZoneRecord($domainID) { global $zdbh; $hasrecords = false; $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM x_dns WHERE dn_vhost_fk=:domainID AND dn_deleted_ts IS NULL'; $numrows = $zdbh->prepare($sql); $numrows->bindParam(':domainID', $domainID); if ($numrows->execute()) { if ($numrows->fetchColumn() != 0) { $hasrecords = true; $sql = $zdbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM x_dns WHERE dn_vhost_fk=:domainID AND dn_deleted_ts IS NULL ORDER BY dn_type_vc"); $sql->bindParam(':domainID', $domainID); $sql->execute(); $numrows = $zdbh->prepare("SELECT dn_name_vc FROM x_dns WHERE dn_vhost_fk=:domainID AND dn_deleted_ts IS NULL"); $numrows->bindParam(':domainID', $domainID); $numrows->execute(); $domain = $numrows->fetch(); $zonecheck_file = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('temp_dir') . $domain['dn_name_vc'] . ".txt"; $checkline = "\$" . "TTL 10800" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $checkline .= "@ IN SOA " . $domain['dn_name_vc'] . ". "; $checkline .= "postmaster." . $domain['dn_name_vc'] . ". (" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $checkline .= " " . date("Ymdt") . " ;serial" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $checkline .= " " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('refresh_ttl') . " ;refresh after 6 hours" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $checkline .= " " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('retry_ttl') . " ;retry after 1 hour" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $checkline .= " " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('expire_ttl') . " ;expire after 1 week" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $checkline .= " " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('minimum_ttl') . " ) ;minimum TTL of 1 day" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); while ($rowdns = $sql->fetch()) { if ($rowdns['dn_type_vc'] == "A") { $checkline .= $rowdns['dn_host_vc'] . " " . $rowdns['dn_ttl_in'] . " IN A " . $rowdns['dn_target_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } if ($rowdns['dn_type_vc'] == "AAAA") { $checkline .= $rowdns['dn_host_vc'] . " " . $rowdns['dn_ttl_in'] . " IN AAAA " . $rowdns['dn_target_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } if ($rowdns['dn_type_vc'] == "CNAME") { $checkline .= $rowdns['dn_host_vc'] . " " . $rowdns['dn_ttl_in'] . " IN CNAME " . $rowdns['dn_target_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } if ($rowdns['dn_type_vc'] == "MX") { $checkline .= $rowdns['dn_host_vc'] . " " . $rowdns['dn_ttl_in'] . " IN MX " . $rowdns['dn_priority_in'] . " " . $rowdns['dn_target_vc'] . "." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } if ($rowdns['dn_type_vc'] == "TXT") { $checkline .= $rowdns['dn_host_vc'] . " " . $rowdns['dn_ttl_in'] . " IN TXT \"" . stripslashes($rowdns['dn_target_vc']) . "\"" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } if ($rowdns['dn_type_vc'] == "SRV") { $checkline .= $rowdns['dn_host_vc'] . " " . $rowdns['dn_ttl_in'] . " IN SRV " . $rowdns['dn_priority_in'] . " " . $rowdns['dn_weight_in'] . " " . $rowdns['dn_port_in'] . " " . $rowdns['dn_target_vc'] . "." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } if ($rowdns['dn_type_vc'] == "SPF") { $checkline .= $rowdns['dn_host_vc'] . " " . $rowdns['dn_ttl_in'] . " IN SPF \"" . stripslashes($rowdns['dn_target_vc']) . "\"" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } if ($rowdns['dn_type_vc'] == "NS") { $checkline .= $rowdns['dn_host_vc'] . " " . $rowdns['dn_ttl_in'] . " IN NS " . $rowdns['dn_target_vc'] . "." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } } fs_filehandler::UpdateFile($zonecheck_file, 0777, $checkline); } } if ($hasrecords == true) { //Check the temp zone record for errors if (file_exists($zonecheck_file)) { ob_start(); $command = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('named_checkzone'); $args = array($domain['dn_name_vc'], $zonecheck_file); $retval = ctrl_system::systemCommand($command, $args); $content_grabbed = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); unlink($zonecheck_file); if ($retval == 0) { //Syntax check passed. return $content_grabbed; } else { //Syntax ERROR. return $content_grabbed; } } } }
static function ReloadBind() { if (sys_versions::ShowOSPlatformVersion() == "Windows") { /** @todo this needs changing to use the system command */ $reload_bind = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('bind_dir') . 'rndc.exe reload'; pclose(popen($reload_bind, 'r')); } else { $out = ctrl_system::systemCommand(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('zsudo'), array('service', ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('bind_service'), 'reload')); } }
function WriteDNSNamedHook() { global $zdbh; $domains = array(); //Get all the domain ID's we need and put them in an array. $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM x_dns WHERE dn_deleted_ts IS NULL"; if ($numrows = $zdbh->query($sql)) { if ($numrows->fetchColumn() != 0) { $sql = $zdbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM x_dns WHERE dn_deleted_ts IS NULL GROUP BY dn_vhost_fk"); $sql->execute(); while ($rowdns = $sql->fetch()) { $domains[] = $rowdns['dn_name_vc']; } } } // Create named directory if it doesnt exists... if (!is_dir(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('named_dir'))) { fs_director::CreateDirectory(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('named_dir')); fs_director::SetFileSystemPermissions(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('named_dir')); } $named_file = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('named_dir') . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('named_conf'); echo "Updating " . $named_file . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // Now we have all domain ID's, loop through them and find records for each zone file. $line = ""; foreach ($domains as $domain) { echo "CHECKING ZONE FILE: " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('zone_dir') . $domain . ".txt..." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $command = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('named_checkzone'); $args = array($domain, ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('zone_dir') . $domain . ".txt"); $retval = ctrl_system::systemCommand($command, $args); if ($retval == 0) { echo "Syntax check passed. Adding zone to " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('named_conf') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "zone \"" . $domain . "\" IN {" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "\ttype master;" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "\tfile \"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('zone_dir') . $domain . ".txt\";" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "\tallow-transfer { " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('allow_xfer') . "; };" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "};" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } else { echo "Syntax ERROR. Skipping zone record." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } } fs_filehandler::UpdateFile($named_file, 0777, $line); }
static function WriteCronFile() { global $zdbh; $currentuser = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail(); $line = ""; $sql = "SELECT * FROM x_cronjobs WHERE ct_deleted_ts IS NULL"; $numrows = $zdbh->query($sql); //common header whatever there are some cron task or not if (sys_versions::ShowOSPlatformVersion() != "Windows") { $line .= 'SHELL=/bin/bash' . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= 'PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin' . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= 'HOME=/' . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } $restrictinfos = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('php_exer') . " -d suhosin.executor.func.blacklist=\"passthru, show_source, shell_exec, system, pcntl_exec, popen, pclose, proc_open, proc_nice, proc_terminate, proc_get_status, proc_close, leak, apache_child_terminate, posix_kill, posix_mkfifo, posix_setpgid, posix_setsid, posix_setuid, escapeshellcmd, escapeshellarg, exec\" -d open_basedir=\"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('hosted_dir') . $currentuser['username'] . "/" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('openbase_seperator') . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('openbase_temp') . "\" "; $line .= "#################################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# CRONTAB FOR MADmin CRON MANAGER MODULE " . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# Module Developed by Bobby Allen, 17/12/2009 " . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# File automatically generated by MADmin " . sys_versions::ShowMADminVersion() . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); if (sys_versions::ShowOSPlatformVersion() == "Windows") { $line .= "# Cron Debug infomation can be found in file C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\crontab.txt " . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "#################################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('daemon_timing') . " " . $restrictinfos . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('daemon_exer') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } $line .= "#################################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# NEVER MANUALLY REMOVE OR EDIT ANY OF THE CRON ENTRIES FROM THIS FILE, " . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# -> USE MADmin INSTEAD! (Menu -> Advanced -> Cron Manager) " . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "#################################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); //Write command lines in crontab, if any if ($numrows->fetchColumn() != 0) { $sql = $zdbh->prepare($sql); $sql->execute(); while ($rowcron = $sql->fetch()) { $fetchRows = $zdbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM x_accounts WHERE ac_id_pk=:userid AND ac_deleted_ts IS NULL"); $fetchRows->bindParam(':userid', $rowcron['ct_acc_fk']); $fetchRows->execute(); $rowclient = $fetchRows->fetch(); if ($rowclient && $rowclient['ac_enabled_in'] != 0) { $line .= "# CRON ID: " . $rowcron['ct_id_pk'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= $rowcron['ct_timing_vc'] . " " . $restrictinfos . $rowcron['ct_fullpath_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# END CRON ID: " . $rowcron['ct_id_pk'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } } } if (fs_filehandler::UpdateFile(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('cron_file'), 0644, $line)) { if (sys_versions::ShowOSPlatformVersion() != "Windows") { $returnValue = ctrl_system::systemCommand(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('zsudo'), array(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('cron_reload_command'), ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('cron_reload_flag'), ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('cron_reload_user'), ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('cron_reload_path'))); } return true; } else { return false; } }
static function WriteCronFile() { global $zdbh; $currentuser = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail(); $line = ""; $sql = "SELECT * FROM x_cronjobs WHERE ct_deleted_ts IS NULL"; $numrows = $zdbh->query($sql); if ($numrows->fetchColumn() != 0) { $sql = $zdbh->prepare($sql); $sql->execute(); $line .= "#################################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# CRONTAB FOR ZPANEL CRON MANAGER MODULE " . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# Module Developed by Bobby Allen, 17/12/2009 " . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# Automatically generated by Sentora " . sys_versions::ShowSentoraVersion() . " " . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "#################################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# WE DO NOT RECOMMEND YOU MODIFY THIS FILE DIRECTLY, PLEASE USE ZPANEL INSTEAD! " . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "#################################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); if (sys_versions::ShowOSPlatformVersion() == "Windows") { $line .= "# Cron Debug infomation can be found in this file here:- " . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\crontab.txt " . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "#################################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // removed openbase_dir and suhosin directives from daemon run - daemon now runs just fine on windows //$line .= "" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('daemon_timing') . " " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('php_exer') . " -d suhosin.executor.func.blacklist=\"passthru, show_source, shell_exec, system, pcntl_exec, popen, pclose, proc_open, proc_nice, proc_terminate, proc_get_status, proc_close, leak, apache_child_terminate, posix_kill, posix_mkfifo, posix_setpgid, posix_setsid, posix_setuid, escapeshellcmd, escapeshellarg, exec\" -d open_basedir=\"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('hosted_dir') . $currentuser['username'] . "/" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('openbase_seperator') . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('openbase_temp') . "\" " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('daemon_exer') . "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('daemon_timing') . " " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('php_exer') . " " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('daemon_exer') . "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "#################################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } $line .= "# DO NOT MANUALLY REMOVE ANY OF THE CRON ENTRIES FROM THIS FILE, USE ZPANEL " . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# INSTEAD! THE ABOVE ENTRIES ARE USED FOR ZPANEL TASKS, DO NOT REMOVE THEM! " . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "#################################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); while ($rowcron = $sql->fetch()) { $fetchRows = $zdbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM x_accounts WHERE ac_id_pk=:userid AND ac_deleted_ts IS NULL"); $fetchRows->bindParam(':userid', $rowcron['ct_acc_fk']); $fetchRows->execute(); $rowclient = $fetchRows->fetch(); if ($rowclient && $rowclient['ac_enabled_in'] != 0) { $line .= "# CRON ID: " . $rowcron['ct_id_pk'] . "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // removed openbase_dir and suhosin directives - allows proper running of jobs on Windows //$line .= "" . $rowcron['ct_timing_vc'] . " " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('php_exer') . " -d suhosin.executor.func.blacklist=\"passthru, show_source, shell_exec, system, pcntl_exec, popen, pclose, proc_open, proc_nice, proc_terminate, proc_get_status, proc_close, leak, apache_child_terminate, posix_kill, posix_mkfifo, posix_setpgid, posix_setsid, posix_setuid, escapeshellcmd, escapeshellarg, exec\" -d open_basedir=\"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('hosted_dir') . $currentuser['username'] . "/" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('openbase_seperator') . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('openbase_temp') . "\" " . $rowcron['ct_fullpath_vc'] . "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "" . $rowcron['ct_timing_vc'] . " " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('php_exer') . " " . $rowcron['ct_fullpath_vc'] . "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# END CRON ID: " . $rowcron['ct_id_pk'] . "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } } if (fs_filehandler::UpdateFile(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('cron_file'), 0644, $line)) { if (sys_versions::ShowOSPlatformVersion() != "Windows") { $returnValue = ctrl_system::systemCommand(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('zsudo'), array(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('cron_reload_command'), ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('cron_reload_flag'), ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('cron_reload_user'), ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('cron_reload_path'))); //var_dump( $returnValue ); } return true; } else { return false; } } else { $line .= "#################################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# CRONTAB FOR ZPANEL CRON MANAGER MODULE " . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# Module Developed by Bobby Allen, 17/12/2009 " . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# Automatically generated by Sentora " . sys_versions::ShowSentoraVersion() . " " . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "#################################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# WE DO NOT RECOMMEND YOU MODIFY THIS FILE DIRECTLY, PLEASE USE ZPANEL INSTEAD! " . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "#################################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); if (sys_versions::ShowOSPlatformVersion() == "Windows") { $line .= "# Cron Debug infomation can be found in this file here:- " . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\crontab.txt " . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "#################################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('daemon_timing') . " " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('php_exer') . " " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('daemon_exer') . "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "#################################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } $line .= "# DO NOT MANUALLY REMOVE ANY OF THE CRON ENTRIES FROM THIS FILE, USE ZPANEL " . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# INSTEAD! THE ABOVE ENTRIES ARE USED FOR ZPANEL TASKS, DO NOT REMOVE THEM! " . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "#################################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); if (fs_filehandler::UpdateFile(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('cron_file'), 0644, $line)) { if (sys_versions::ShowOSPlatformVersion() != "Windows") { $returnValue = ctrl_system::systemCommand(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('zsudo'), array(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('cron_reload_command'), ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('cron_reload_flag'), ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('cron_reload_user'), ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('cron_reload_path'))); //var_dump( $returnValue ); } return true; } else { return false; } } }
function WriteVhostConfigFile() { global $zdbh; //Get email for server admin of zpanel $getserveremail = $zdbh->query("SELECT ac_email_vc FROM x_accounts where ac_id_pk=1")->fetch(); if ($getserveremail['ac_email_vc'] != "") { $serveremail = $getserveremail['ac_email_vc']; } else { $serveremail = "postmaster@" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('zpanel_domain'); } $customPorts = array(); $portQuery = $zdbh->prepare("SELECT vh_custom_port_in, vh_deleted_ts FROM zpanel_core.x_vhosts WHERE vh_custom_port_in IS NOT NULL AND vh_deleted_ts IS NULL"); $portQuery->execute(); while ($rowport = $portQuery->fetch()) { $customPorts[] = $rowport['vh_custom_port_in']; } $customPortList = array_unique($customPorts); /* * ############################################################################################################## * # * # Default Virtual Host Container * # * ############################################################################################################## */ $line = "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# Apache VHOST configuration file" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# Automatically generated by ZPanel " . sys_versions::ShowZpanelVersion() . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# Generated on: " . date(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('zpanel_df'), time()) . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); /** * NameVirtualHost is still needed for Apache 2.2 * @todo conditionally run this for apache version > 2.2 * warning apache verion not available in php functions when running over cli */ $line .= "NameVirtualHost *:" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('apache_port') . "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); foreach ($customPortList as $port) { $line .= "NameVirtualHost *:" . $port . "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } $line .= "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# Configuration for ZPanel control panel." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "<VirtualHost *:" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('sentora_port') . ">" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerAdmin " . $serveremail . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "DocumentRoot \"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('zpanel_root') . "\"" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerName " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('zpanel_domain') . "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "AddType application/x-httpd-php .php" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "<Directory \"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('zpanel_root') . "\">" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "Options +FollowSymLinks -Indexes" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " AllowOverride All" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Order allow,deny" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Allow from all" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "</Directory>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# Custom settings are loaded below this line (if any exist)" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // Global custom zpanel entry $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('global_zpcustom') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "</VirtualHost>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# ZPanel generated VHOST configurations below....." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); /* * ############################################################################################################## * # * # All Virtual Host Containers * # * ############################################################################################################## */ // Zpanel virtual host container configuration $sql = $zdbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM x_vhosts WHERE vh_deleted_ts IS NULL"); $sql->execute(); while ($rowvhost = $sql->fetch()) { // Grab some variables we will use for later... $vhostuser = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail($rowvhost['vh_acc_fk']); $bandwidth = ctrl_users::GetQuotaUsages('bandwidth', $vhostuser['userid']); $diskspace = ctrl_users::GetQuotaUsages('diskspace', $vhostuser['userid']); // Set the vhosts to "LIVE" $vsql = $zdbh->prepare("UPDATE x_vhosts SET vh_active_in=1 WHERE vh_id_pk=:id"); $vsql->bindParam(':id', $rowvhost['vh_id_pk']); $vsql->execute(); // Add a default email if no email found for client. if (fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue($vhostuser['email'])) { $useremail = "postmaster@" . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc']; } else { $useremail = $vhostuser['email']; } // Check if domain or subdomain to see if we add an alias with 'www' if ($rowvhost['vh_type_in'] == 2) { $serveralias = $rowvhost['vh_name_vc']; } else { $serveralias = $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . " www." . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc']; } if (fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue($rowvhost['vh_custom_port_in'])) { $vhostPort = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('apache_port'); } else { $vhostPort = $rowvhost['vh_custom_port_in']; } if (fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue($rowvhost['vh_custom_ip_vc'])) { $vhostIp = "*"; } else { $vhostIp = $rowvhost['vh_custom_ip_vc']; } //Domain is enabled //Line1: Domain enabled - Client also is enabled. //Line2: Domain enabled - Client may be disabled, but 'Allow Disabled' = 'true' in apache settings. if ($rowvhost['vh_enabled_in'] == 1 && ctrl_users::CheckUserEnabled($rowvhost['vh_acc_fk']) || $rowvhost['vh_enabled_in'] == 1 && ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('apache_allow_disabled') == strtolower("true")) { /* * ################################################## * # * # Disk Quotas Check * # * ################################################## */ //Domain is beyond its diskusage if ($vhostuser['diskquota'] != 0 && $diskspace > $vhostuser['diskquota']) { $line .= "# DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# THIS DOMAIN HAS BEEN DISABLED FOR QUOTA OVERAGE" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "<virtualhost " . $vhostIp . ":" . $vhostPort . ">" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerName " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerAlias " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . " www." . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerAdmin " . $useremail . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "DocumentRoot \"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('static_dir') . "diskexceeded\"" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "<Directory />" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Options +FollowSymLinks -Indexes" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " AllowOverride All" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Order Allow,Deny" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Allow from all" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "</Directory>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('php_handler') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('dir_index') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "</virtualhost>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# END DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine(); if ($rowvhost['vh_portforward_in'] != 0) { $line .= BuildVhostPortForward($rowvhost['vh_name_vc'], $vhostPort, $useremail); } $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine(); /* * ################################################## * # * # Bandwidth Quotas Check * # * ################################################## */ //Domain is beyond its quota } elseif ($vhostuser['bandwidthquota'] != 0 && $bandwidth > $vhostuser['bandwidthquota']) { $line .= "# DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# THIS DOMAIN HAS BEEN DISABLED FOR BANDWIDTH OVERAGE" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "<virtualhost " . $vhostIp . ":" . $vhostPort . ">" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerName " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerAlias " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . " www." . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerAdmin " . $useremail . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "DocumentRoot \"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('static_dir') . "bandwidthexceeded\"" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "<Directory />" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Options +FollowSymLinks -Indexes" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " AllowOverride All" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Order Allow,Deny" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Allow from all" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "</Directory>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('php_handler') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('dir_index') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "</virtualhost>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# END DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine(); if ($rowvhost['vh_portforward_in'] != 0) { $line .= BuildVhostPortForward($rowvhost['vh_name_vc'], $vhostPort, $useremail); } $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine(); /* * ################################################## * # * # Parked Domain * # * ################################################## */ //Domain is a PARKED domain. } elseif ($rowvhost['vh_type_in'] == 3) { $line .= "# DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "<virtualhost " . $vhostIp . ":" . $vhostPort . ">" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerName " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerAlias " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . " www." . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerAdmin " . $useremail . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "DocumentRoot \"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('parking_path') . "\"" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "<Directory />" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Options +FollowSymLinks -Indexes" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " AllowOverride All" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Order Allow,Deny" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Allow from all" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "</Directory>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('php_handler') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('dir_index') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# Custom Global Settings (if any exist)" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('global_vhcustom') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# Custom VH settings (if any exist)" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= $rowvhost['vh_custom_tx'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "</virtualhost>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# END DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine(); if ($rowvhost['vh_portforward_in'] != 0) { $line .= BuildVhostPortForward($rowvhost['vh_name_vc'], $vhostPort, $useremail); } $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine(); /* * ################################################## * # * # Regular or Sub domain * # * ################################################## */ //Domain is a regular domain or a subdomain. } else { $line .= "# DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "<virtualhost " . $vhostIp . ":" . $vhostPort . ">" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); /* * todo */ // Bandwidth Settings //$line .= "Include C:/ZPanel/bin/apache/conf/mod_bw/mod_bw/mod_bw_Administration.conf" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // Server name, alias, email settings $line .= "ServerName " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerAlias " . $serveralias . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerAdmin " . $useremail . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // Document root $line .= "DocumentRoot \"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('hosted_dir') . $vhostuser['username'] . "/public_html" . $rowvhost['vh_directory_vc'] . "\"" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // Get Package openbasedir and suhosin enabled options if (ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('use_openbase') == "true") { if ($rowvhost['vh_obasedir_in'] != 0) { $line .= "php_admin_value open_basedir \"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('hosted_dir') . $vhostuser['username'] . "/public_html" . $rowvhost['vh_directory_vc'] . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('openbase_seperator') . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('openbase_temp') . "\"" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } } if (ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('use_suhosin') == "true") { if ($rowvhost['vh_suhosin_in'] != 0) { $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('suhosin_value') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } } // Logs if (!is_dir(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('log_dir') . "domains/" . $vhostuser['username'] . "/")) { fs_director::CreateDirectory(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('log_dir') . "domains/" . $vhostuser['username'] . "/"); } $line .= "ErrorLog \"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('log_dir') . "domains/" . $vhostuser['username'] . "/" . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . "-error.log\" " . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "CustomLog \"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('log_dir') . "domains/" . $vhostuser['username'] . "/" . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . "-access.log\" " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('access_log_format') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "CustomLog \"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('log_dir') . "domains/" . $vhostuser['username'] . "/" . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . "-bandwidth.log\" " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('bandwidth_log_format') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // Directory options $line .= "<Directory />" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Options +FollowSymLinks -Indexes" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " AllowOverride All" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Order Allow,Deny" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Allow from all" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "</Directory>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // Get Package php and cgi enabled options $rows = $zdbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM x_packages WHERE pk_id_pk=:packageid AND pk_deleted_ts IS NULL"); $rows->bindParam(':packageid', $vhostuser['packageid']); $rows->execute(); $packageinfo = $rows->fetch(); if ($packageinfo['pk_enablephp_in'] != 0) { $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('php_handler') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } if ($packageinfo['pk_enablecgi_in'] != 0) { $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('cgi_handler') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); if (!is_dir(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('hosted_dir') . $vhostuser['username'] . "/public_html" . $rowvhost['vh_directory_vc'] . "/_cgi-bin")) { fs_director::CreateDirectory(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('hosted_dir') . $vhostuser['username'] . "/public_html" . $rowvhost['vh_directory_vc'] . "/_cgi-bin"); } } // Error documents:- Error pages are added automatically if they are found in the _errorpages directory // and if they are a valid error code, and saved in the proper format, i.e. <error_number>.html $errorpages = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('hosted_dir') . $vhostuser['username'] . "/public_html" . $rowvhost['vh_directory_vc'] . "/_errorpages"; if (is_dir($errorpages)) { if ($handle = opendir($errorpages)) { while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $page = explode(".", $file); if (!fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue(CheckErrorDocument($page[0]))) { $line .= "ErrorDocument " . $page[0] . " /_errorpages/" . $page[0] . ".html" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } } } closedir($handle); } } // Directory indexes $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('dir_index') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // Global custom global vh entry $line .= "# Custom Global Settings (if any exist)" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('global_vhcustom') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // Client custom vh entry $line .= "# Custom VH settings (if any exist)" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= $rowvhost['vh_custom_tx'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); // End Virtual Host Settings $line .= "</virtualhost>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# END DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine(); if ($rowvhost['vh_portforward_in'] != 0) { $line .= BuildVhostPortForward($rowvhost['vh_name_vc'], $vhostPort, $useremail); } $line .= fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } /* * ################################################## * # * # Disabled domain * # * ################################################## */ } else { //Domain is NOT enabled $line .= "# DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# THIS DOMAIN HAS BEEN DISABLED" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "<virtualhost " . $vhostIp . ":" . $vhostPort . ">" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerName " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerAlias " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . " www." . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "ServerAdmin " . $useremail . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "DocumentRoot \"" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('static_dir') . "disabled\"" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "<Directory />" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Options +FollowSymLinks -Indexes" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " AllowOverride All" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Order Allow,Deny" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= " Allow from all" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "</Directory>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('dir_index') . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "</virtualhost>" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "# END DOMAIN: " . $rowvhost['vh_name_vc'] . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $line .= "################################################################" . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } } /* * ############################################################################################################## * # * # Write vhost file to disk * # * ############################################################################################################## */ // write the vhost config file $vhconfigfile = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('apache_vhost'); if (fs_filehandler::UpdateFile($vhconfigfile, 0777, $line)) { // Reset Apache settings to reflect that config file has been written, until the next change. $time = time(); $vsql = $zdbh->prepare("UPDATE x_settings\n SET so_value_tx=:time\n WHERE so_name_vc='apache_changed'"); $vsql->bindParam(':time', $time); $vsql->execute(); echo "Finished writting Apache Config... Now reloading Apache..." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); $returnValue = 0; if (sys_versions::ShowOSPlatformVersion() == "Windows") { system("" . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('httpd_exe') . " " . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('apache_restart') . "", $returnValue); } else { $command = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('zsudo'); $args = array("service", ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('apache_sn'), ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('apache_restart')); $returnValue = ctrl_system::systemCommand($command, $args); } echo "Apache reload " . (0 === $returnValue ? "suceeded" : "failed") . "." . fs_filehandler::NewLine(); } else { return false; } }
/** * Returns the Linux operating system (distrubution) name. * @author Bobby Allen ( * @return string The OS/Distrib name. */ static function ShowOSName() { $os = runtime_outputbuffer::Capture(function () { ctrl_system::systemCommand('lsb_release', '-si'); }); if (!empty($os)) { return $os; } return "Unknown"; }