  * put your comment there...
  * @param mixed $blocks
 protected function getBlocksIterator($blocks)
     // Import iterator class file!
     // Instantiate blocks iterator object!
     return new CJTInstallerBlocks02($blocks);
Esempio n. 2
  * put your comment there...
  * @param mixed $blockId
 public function create(&$pin = null)
     // Import dependecnes.
     // Change metabox status to be created.
     // Add post pin to pins table.
     $blockPinsTable = new CJTBlockPinsTable($this->dbDriver);
     // Pin data.
     $pin = (object) array();
     // Import CJTBlockModel class.
     /**	@todo Only temporary in version 6.0. Later versions should group all post types by post type name! */
     switch ($this->getPost()->post_type) {
         case 'page':
             $pin->pin = 'pages';
             $pin->flag = CJTBlockModel::PINS_PAGES_CUSTOM_PAGE;
             $pin->pin = 'posts';
             $pin->flag = CJTBlockModel::PINS_POSTS_CUSTOM_POST;
     $pin->value = $this->getPost()->ID;
     // Add pin record.
     $blockPinsTable->insertRaw($this->getMetaboxId(), array($pin));
     // Chains!
     return $this;
  * put your comment there...
 public function upgrade()
     // Save backup in backup table!
     $backup = $this->current();
     // Change 'time' field to 'created'!
     // Convert formatted date to mysal date!
     $backup['created'] = $backup['time'];
     // User author Id instead of name and change 'author' field to 'owner'!
     $backup['owner'] = get_user_by('login', $backup['author'])->ID;
     $backup['type'] = 'blocks';
     // For now we support only blocks backups!
     // Load blocks into blocks iterator before destroying deprectaed fields.
     $blocks = new CJTInstallerBlocks03($backup['data'], CJTInstallerBlocks03::BLOCK_TYPE_BACKUP);
     // Remove deprecated fields!
     $backup = array_diff_key($backup, array_flip(array('time', 'author', 'data')));
     /// Add backup and get its ID using OLD style table (not xTable)!!
     // Import dependecneis.
     // Insert backup record.
     $backupsTable = new CJTBackupsTable(cssJSToolbox::getInstance()->getDBDriver());
     $backupId = $backupsTable->getDBDriver()->processQueue()->getInsertId();
     // Insert all blocks!
     foreach ($blocks as &$block) {
         // Associate every block with the created backup!
         $block['backupId'] = $backupId;
         // Upgrade block!
     return $this;
  * put your comment there...
  * @param mixed $which
 function extra_tablenav($which)
     // Import dependencies.
     // Define filters.
     $filters = array();
     $filters['states'] = 'State';
     $filters['types'] = 'Type';
     $filters['authors'] = 'Author';
     $filters['versions'] = 'Version';
     $filters['creation-dates'] = 'Date Created';
     $filters['development-states'] = 'Release';
     $filters['last-modified-dates'] = 'Last Modified';
     // Get the HTML field for each filter antput the result.
     $filtersName = array();
     foreach ($filters as $name => $text) {
         // Output field markup.
         $fieldName = "filter_{$name}";
         $classes = "filter filter_{$name}";
         echo CJTListField::getInstance("template-{$name}", 'templates-manager', $fieldName, isset($_REQUEST[$fieldName]) ? $_REQUEST[$fieldName] : null, null, $classes, null, null, null, cssJSToolbox::getText($text))->getInput();
         // Complete list of filters names!
         $filtersName[] = $fieldName;
     if ($which == 'top') {
         // Output all filter names list!
         $filtersName = implode(',', $filtersName);
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='allFiltersName' value='{$filtersName}' />";
Esempio n. 5
  * put your comment there...
 protected function enableAction()
     // Initializing!
     $model = $this->model;
     $cjtWebServer = cssJSToolbox::getCJTWebSiteURL();
     $extensions =& CJTPlugin::getInstance()->extensions();
     // Get all CJT-Plugins (Include CJT Plugin itself + all its extensions) that has activate
     // license key!
     $activeLicenses = $model->getStatedLicenses();
     // Import EDD updater Class!
     // Activate Automatic upgrade for all activated licenses/components!
     foreach ($activeLicenses as $name => $state) {
         // Get extension def doc.
         // Act only if extension has XMl DOC! This might happened i fthe extension
         // removed while its key still in the database
         if ($extDef = $extensions->getDefDoc(dirname($state['component']['pluginBase']))) {
             // Check CJT Server only if updateSrc points to Wordpress Repository
             $updateSrcServer = (string) $extDef->license->attributes()->updateSrc;
             if (!$updateSrcServer || $updateSrcServer == 'CJT') {
                 // Initializingn vars for a single state/component!
                 $pluginFile = ABSPATH . PLUGINDIR . '/' . $state['component']['pluginBase'];
                 // Stop using Cached Data as it causes issue, always
                 // get fresh plugin data.
                 $plugin = get_plugin_data($pluginFile);
                 $license =& $state['license'];
                 // Edd API parameter to be send along with he check!
                 $requestParams = array('version' => $plugin['Version'], 'author' => $plugin['AuthorName'], 'license' => $license['key'], 'item_name' => $name);
                 // Set EDD Automatic Updater!
                 $updated = new CJT_EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater($cjtWebServer, $pluginFile, $requestParams);
  * put your comment there...
 public function database()
     // Upgrade database tables.
     // Chaining.
     return $this;
  * put your comment there...
 public function finalize()
     // Upgrade database internal version number using
     // installer class.
     // Chaining.
     return $this;
Esempio n. 8
  * put your comment there...
  * @param mixed $blocks
  * @param mixed $type
  * @return CJTInstallerBlocks03
 public function __construct($blocks, $type = null)
     // Initialize object!
     $this->type = $type ? $type : self::BLOCK_TYPE_BLOCK;
     // Initialize block base iterator.
     // import dependencies.
Esempio n. 9
  * put your comment there...
 public function template()
     static $template = null;
     // Instantiate Template library only when used.
     if (!$template) {
         $template = new CJT_Framework_Developer_Lib_Template($this->source);
     return $template;
Esempio n. 10
  * put your comment there...
 public function __construct()
     // Import dependencies!
     cssJSToolbox::import('includes:installer:upgrade:block.class.php', 'includes:installer:upgrade:template.class.php');
     // Load blocks into installer iterator!
     $this->blocks = $this->getBlocksIterator(get_option(self::BLOCKS_POINTER));
     // Load templates into templates iterator!
     $driver = cssJSToolbox::getInstance()->getDBDriver();
     $templates = $driver->select('SELECT title as `name`, type, `code` FROM ' . self::TEMPLATES_TABLE . ';', ARRAY_A);
     $this->templates = new CJTInstallerTemplate($templates);
  * put your comment there...
 public static function uninstall()
     // For the uninstaller to be run eraseData setting must be enabled.
     $settings = new CJTSettingsUninstallPage();
     if ($settings->eraseData) {
         // Get the only instance we've for the main access point!
         $mainAccessPointObject = self::$instance;
         // Load default controller!
         $mainAccessPointObject->controllerName = 'default';
         $controller = $mainAccessPointObject->route(false)->setAction('uninstall')->_doAction();
  * put your comment there...
 public function __construct($type)
     // Save type data for later use!
     $this->type = cssJSToolbox::$config->templates->types[$type];
     $this->type->name = $type;
     // Get which Wordpress queue (wp_script, wp_styles) object to fetch data from.
     $wpQueueName = self::$typesMap[$type];
      * @var CJTCouplingModel
     $coupling = CJTModel::getInstance('coupling');
     // Initialize ArrayIterator with templates list!
     // Import dependencies!
Esempio n. 13
  * Do nothing!
 public function transit()
     // Initialize.
     $model = CJTModel::getInstance('template');
     $node = $this->getNode();
     $register = $this->register();
     // Prepare object + getting item to be saved into database.
     $template = $register['packageParser']->getItem($node);
     // Insert template only if not exists.
     if (!$model->exists($template['name'])) {
         // Import template(s) helper.
         // Set template revision.
         $model->inputs['item']['revision']['code'] = $template['code'];
         // Set template main data.
         $model->inputs['item']['template'] = $template;
         /** Get template Type!
          * Get type from external file extension if
          * the template code was linked to file.
          * If the template code were inline
          * then the type must be provided under
          * TYPE element!
         // If no type specified get it from the external file extension
         if (!isset($model->inputs['item']['template']['type'])) {
             // @WARNING: Get locatted file!
             $codeFileName = (string) $node->code->attributes()->locatted;
             if ($codeFileName) {
                 // Get type from extension.
                 $fileComponent = pathinfo($codeFileName);
                 $model->inputs['item']['template']['type'] = CJTTemplates::getExtensionType($fileComponent['extension']);
         // Add template.
         $addedTemplate = $model->save();
         // Expose template fields to be by used by other objects.
         $register['templateId'] = $addedTemplate->templateId;
         $register['templateFile'] = $addedTemplate->file;
     // Chaining.
     return $this;
  * Wordpress do shortcode callback for
  * CJT Shortcodes ([cjtoolbox ....])! 
  * This method role is to load the shortcode routines
  * in order to handle the request.
  * It doesn't do anything except deferring the shortcode
  * codes from loaded until shortcode is really used!
  * @param mixed $attributes
 public function shortcode($attributes, $content)
     // Instantiate Shortcode handler class.
     $shortcode = new CJT_Controllers_Coupling_Shortcode($attributes, $content);
     // Return Shortcode replacement!
     return (string) $shortcode;
Esempio n. 15
  * Query Block based on the passed paramaters.
 public function getBlockBy()
     // import dependencies.
     return CJTxTable::getInstance('block')->set($this->inputs['filter']['field'], $this->inputs['filter']['value'])->load(array($this->inputs['filter']['field']))->getData();
  * Link external Resources (CSS, HTML, JS and PHP)
  * The action is to create external link as CJT template
  * and link it to the target block.
 protected function linkExternalAction()
     // Import dependencies.
     // Initialize response as successed until error occured!
     $this->response = array('code' => 0, 'message' => '');
     // List of all the external templates records to create!
     $externalTemplates = array();
     // Read inputs.
     $externals = explode(',', $_REQUEST['externals']);
     $blockId = (int) $_REQUEST['blockId'];
     // Add as templates.
     foreach ($externals as $externalResourceURI) {
         // Use URI base name as Template Name and the extension as Template Type.
         $externalPathInfo = pathinfo($externalResourceURI);
         // Template Item.
         $item = array();
         $item['template']['name'] = $externalPathInfo['basename'];
         $item['template']['type'] = CJTTemplates::getExtensionType($externalPathInfo['extension']);
         $item['template']['state'] = 'published';
         // Get external URI code!
         $externalResponse = wp_remote_get($externalResourceURI);
         if ($error = $externalResponse instanceof WP_Error) {
             // State an error!
             $this->response['code'] = $externalResponse->get_error_code();
             $this->response['message'] = $externalResponse->get_error_message($this->response['code']);
         } else {
             // Read code content.
             $item['revision']['code'] = wp_remote_retrieve_body($externalResponse);
             // Add to the save list!
             $externalTemplates[] = $item;
     // Save all templates if no error occured
     // Single error will halt all the linked externals! They all added as  a single transaction.
     if (!$this->response['code']) {
         // Instantiate Template Models.
         $modelLookup = CJTModel::getInstance('templates-lookup');
         $modelTemplate = CJTModel::getInstance('template');
         $modelBlockTemplates = CJTModel::getInstance('block-templates');
         // Add all templates.
         foreach ($externalTemplates as $item) {
             // Check existance.
             $modelTemplate->inputs['filter']['field'] = 'name';
             $modelTemplate->inputs['filter']['value'] = $item['template']['name'];
             if (!($existsItem = $modelTemplate->getTemplateBy()) || !property_exists($existsItem, 'id') || !$existsItem->id) {
                 // Create template.
                 $modelTemplate->inputs['item'] = $item;
                 $item = (array) $modelTemplate->save();
             } else {
                 // The returned item has 'id' field not 'templateId'!!
                 $item = array('templateId' => $existsItem->id);
             // Link only if not already linked!
             if (!$modelBlockTemplates->isLinked($blockId, $item['templateId'])) {
                 // Link template to the block.
                 $modelLookup->inputs['templateId'] = $item['templateId'];
                 $modelLookup->inputs['blockId'] = $blockId;

// Import dependencies.
cssJSToolbox::import('framework:html:list.php', 'framework:db:mysql:xtable.inc.php');
class CJTTemplateCreationDatesField extends CJTListField
     * put your comment there...
    protected function prepareItems()
        $internalAuthorsFlag = CJTAuthorTable::FLAG_SYS_AUTHOR;
        // Query all dates (without time!) or internal authors.
        $query = " SELECT DISTINCT(DATE(t.creationDate)) `text`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM #__cjtoolbox_templates t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN #__cjtoolbox_authors a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON  t.authorId = a.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE (a.attributes & {$internalAuthorsFlag}) = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY `text`;";
        $this->items = cssJSToolbox::getInstance()->getDBDriver()->select($query);
// End class.
  * put your comment there...
 public function wordpressTemplates()
     // Dependencies!
     cssJSToolbox::import('framework:db:mysql:xtable.inc.php', 'includes:installer:installer::includes:templates:wordpress-queue.inc.php');
     // Install Wordpress build-in templates (scripts shipped out with Wordpress installation)!
     foreach (array('javascript', 'css') as $type) {
         $wpTemplates = new CJTInstallerWordpressQueueTemplates($type);
         foreach ($wpTemplates as $wpTemplate) {
             // Just install not custom updates needed!
     return $this;
Esempio n. 19
  * put your comment there...
  * @param mixed
 public static function import($type)
     // Filtering parameters!
     extract(self::trigger('CJTxTable.import', compact('type')));
     // Implort table file.
Esempio n. 20
  * put your comment there...
 public function __toString()
     // Initialize.
     $replacement = '';
     $model = CJTModel::getInstance('coupling');
     // Get shortcode options.
     $this->options = array_merge($this->options, array_intersect_key($this->attributes, $this->options));
     // Get shortcode parameters.
     $this->parameters = array_diff_key($this->attributes, array_flip(array('force', 'tag', 'name', 'id')));
     // Get Block fields to be used to query the block.
     $blockQueryFields = array_intersect_key($this->attributes, array_flip(array('id', 'name')));
     $coupling =& CJTBlocksCouplingController::theInstance();
     // Import dependecies.
     cssJSToolbox::import('framework:db:mysql:xtable.inc.php', 'framework:php:evaluator:evaluator.inc.php');
     // Query block.
     $block = CJTxTable::getInstance('block')->setData($blockQueryFields)->load(array_keys($blockQueryFields));
     // Load using Creteria fields.
     // Get block code if exists and is active block.
     if ($block->get('id')) {
         if ($block->get('state') == 'active') {
             // Get stdCLass copy.
             $block = $block->getData();
             // Output block if 'force="true" or only if it wasn't already in the header/footer!
             if ($this->options['force'] == 'true' || !in_array($block->id, $coupling->getOnActionIds())) {
                 // Id is being used!
                 $coupling->addOnActionIds((int) $block->id);
                 // Retrieve block code-files.
                 $block->code = $model->getBlockCode($block->id);
                 // Import Executable (PHP and HTML) templates.
                 $block->code = $block->code . $model->getExecTemplatesCode($block->id);
                 // CJT Block Standard Parameters object.
                 $spi = new CJT_Framework_Developer_Interface_Block_Shortcode_Shortcode($block, $this->parameters, $this->content);
                 // Get block code, execute it as PHP!
                 $blockCode = CJTPHPCodeEvaluator::getInstance($block)->exec(array('cb' => $spi))->getOutput();
                 // CJT Shortcode markup interface (CSMI)!
                 // CSMI is HTML markup to identify the CJT block Shortcode replacement.
                 $replacement = "<{$this->options['tag']} id='{$spi->containerElementId()}' class='csmi csmi-bid-{$block->id} csmi-{$block->name}'>{$this->content}{$blockCode}</{$this->options['tag']}>";
                 // Get linked templates.
                 $linkedStylesheets = '';
                 $templates = $model->getLinkedTemplates($block->id);
                 $reverseTypes = array_flip(CJTCouplingModel::$templateTypes);
                 // Enqueue all scripts & Direct Output for all Style Sheets!
                 foreach ($templates as $template) {
                     // Get Template type name.
                     $typeName = $reverseTypes[$template->type];
                      * @var WP_Dependencies
                     $queue = $model->getQueueObject($typeName);
                     if (!in_array($template->queueName, $queue->done)) {
                         if (!isset($queue->registered[$template->queueName])) {
                             $queue->add($template->queueName, "/{$template->file}", null, $template->version, 1);
                         // Enqueue template!
                 // Prepend linked Stylesheets to the replacement.
                 if (isset($linkedStylesheets)) {
                     $replacement = "<style type='text/css'>{$linkedStylesheets}</style>{$replacement}";
     } else {
         // Invalid Shortcode block query!
         $replacement = cssJSToolbox::getText('Could not find block specified! Please check out the Shortcode parameters.');
     // Return shortcode replacement string.
     return $replacement;
     * put your comment there...
    public function getItemsQuery()
        // Import dependencies.
        // From clause.
        $query['from'] = ' FROM #__cjtoolbox_templates t
													LEFT JOIN #__cjtoolbox_template_revisions r ON t.id = r.templateId
													LEFT JOIN #__cjtoolbox_authors a ON t.authorId = a.id';
        // Always get only the last revision.
        $where[] = '(r.attributes & ' . CJTTemplateRevisionTable::FLAG_LAST_REVISION . ')';
        // For version 6 don't display Internal/System (e.g Wordpress, ) Authors templates
        $where[] = '((a.attributes & ' . CJTAuthorTable::FLAG_SYS_AUTHOR . ') = 0)';
        // Build where clause based on the given filters!
        $filters = array('types' => array('table' => 't', 'name' => 'type'), 'authors' => array('table' => 't', 'name' => 'authorId'), 'version' => array('table' => 'r', 'name' => 'version'), 'creation-dates' => array('name' => 'DATE(creationDate)'), 'last-modified-dates' => array('name' => 'DATE(dateCreated)'), 'states' => array('table' => 't', 'name' => 'state'), 'development-state' => array('table' => 'r', 'name' => 'state'));
        foreach ($filters as $name => $field) {
            $filterName = "filter_{$name}";
            // Add filter only if there is a value specified.
            if (!empty($this->inputs[$filterName])) {
                $value = $this->inputs[$filterName];
                if (!is_numeric($value)) {
                    $value = "'{$value}'";
                $field['table'] = isset($field['table']) ? "{$field['table']}." : '';
                $where[] = "{$field['table']}{$field['name']} = {$value} ";
        $query['where'] = ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where);
        return $query;
Esempio n. 22
     * put your comment there...
     * @param mixed $blocks
     * @param mixed $types
    public function getLinkedTemplates($blocks, $types = array('javascript', 'css'))
        // Accept single id too!
        $blocks = (array) $blocks;
        // Import dependencies!
        cssJSToolbox::import('framework:db:mysql:xtable.inc.php', 'tables:template-revision.php');
        // Initialize vars.
        $templates = array();
        $query['select'] = 'SELECT t.id, t.type, t.queueName, r.version, r.file, bt.blockId';
        $query['from'] = 'FROM #__cjtoolbox_block_templates bt LEFT JOIN #__cjtoolbox_templates t
																				ON bt.templateId = t.id
																				LEFT JOIN #__cjtoolbox_template_revisions r
																				ON bt.templateId = r.templateId';
        // Filter by blocks ids and getting the last revision of the template!
        $query['where']['blocks'] = implode(',', $blocks);
        $query['where']['attributes'] = CJTTemplateRevisionTable::FLAG_LAST_REVISION;
        // Filter by type.
        $query['where']['types'] = '"' . implode('","', $types) . '"';
        // Where clause.
        $query['where'] = "WHERE bt.blockId IN ({$query['where']['blocks']}) AND \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(r.attributes & {$query['where']['attributes']}) AND \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tt.type IN ({$query['where']['types']})";
        // Filering!
        $query = $this->onquerylinkedtemplates($query);
        $query = "{$query['select']} {$query['from']} {$query['where']}";
        $templates = cssJSToolbox::getInstance()->getDBDriver()->select($query);
        return $templates;
Esempio n. 23

// No direct access.
defined('ABSPATH') or die('Access denied');
// Import dependencies.
class CJTTinymceBlocksController extends CJTAjaxController
     * put your comment there...
     * @var mixed
    protected $controllerInfo = array('model' => 'tinymce-blocks');
     * put your comment there...
    public function __construct($hasView = null, $request = null)
        // Initialize parent!
        parent::__construct($hasView, $request);
        // Register actions!
Esempio n. 24
  * put your comment there...
  * @param mixed $type
  * @param mixed $form
  * @param mixed $name
  * @param mixed $value
  * @param mixed $id
  * @param mixed $classesList
  * @param mixed $propText
  * @param mixed $propValue
  * @param mixed $moreIntoTag
 public static function getInstance($type, $form, $name, $value, $id = null, $classesList = '', $propText = 'text', $propValue = null, $moreIntoTag = null, $optional = null)
     /* * @ todo Code to importing file and instantiating class should be in CJTHTMLField class not here!! */
     // Import field file.
     // Create an instance.
     $type = str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace(array('-', '_'), ' ', $type)));
     $className = "CJT{$type}Field";
     return new $className($form, $name, $value, $id, $classesList, $propText, $propValue, $moreIntoTag, $optional);
Esempio n. 25

// Disallow direct access.
defined('ABSPATH') or die("Access denied");
// Import dependencies.
class CJTBackupsTable extends CJTTable
     * put your comment there...
    public function __construct($dbDriver)
        parent::__construct($dbDriver, cssJSToolbox::$config->database->tables->backups);
     * put your comment there...
     * @param mixed $key
    public function delete($key)
        // Where clause filters.
        $where = '';
Esempio n. 26
  * Allow executing of a single installation operation!
  * Both Install and Upgrade operations can be executed throught here
  * @return void
 public function install()
     // Initialize.
     $result = FALSE;
     // Read input!
     $rOperation = $this->input['operation'];
     $type = $rOperation['type'];
     // Get allowed operations with their state!
     $operations = (array) get_option(self::INSTALLATION_STATE);
     $vOperations =& $operations[CJTPlugin::DB_VERSION];
     // Invalid operation!
     if (!isset($vOperations['operations'][$type][$rOperation['name']])) {
         throw new Exception('Invalid operation');
     } else {
         // Install only if not installed!
         $operation =& $vOperations['operations'][$type][$rOperation['name']];
         if (!isset($operation['state']) || $operation['state'] != self::OPERATION_STATE_INSTALLED) {
             // Import installer and get installer object!
             switch ($type) {
                 case 'install':
                     $installer = CJTInstaller::getInstance();
                 case 'upgrade':
                     $upgrader = $vOperations['upgrader'];
                     $installer = new $upgrader['class']();
             // Execute the requested operation, save state only when succesed!
             if ($installer->{$rOperation['name']}()) {
                 $operation['state'] = self::OPERATION_STATE_INSTALLED;
                 // Update operations cache to reflect the new state!
                 update_option(self::INSTALLATION_STATE, $operations);
                 // Say OK!
                 $result = array('state' => self::OPERATION_STATE_INSTALLED);
     return $result;
Esempio n. 27
  * put your comment there...
 public function save()
     // import libraries.
     // Initialize vars.
     $fSConfig = cssJSToolbox::$config->fileSystem;
     $currentUser = get_userdata(get_current_user_id());
     $dbDriver = cssJSToolbox::getInstance()->getDBDriver();
     $saveId = isset($this->inputs['item']['template']['id']) ? $this->inputs['item']['template']['id'] : null;
     // Load template data is exists (load), change values (setData).
     $template = CJTxTable::getInstance('template');
     if ($saveId) {
         $template->set('id', $saveId)->load();
     $templateDirName = $template->get('queueName');
     $templateDir = "wp-content/{$fSConfig->contentDir}/{$fSConfig->templatesDir}/{$templateDirName}";
     if (!$template->get('id')) {
         // Add new Template
         // Search for author for the current local Wordpress user.
         // If not created in the Authors table create one! If created get the ID!
         $author = CJTxTable::getInstance('author', null, "SELECT * FROM #__cjtoolbox_authors \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE name = '{$currentUser->user_login}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND (attributes & 2);");
         // Create Wordpress user in Authors table.
         if (!$author->get('id')) {
             $author->setData(array('name' => $currentUser->user_login, 'email' => $currentUser->user_email, 'url' => $currentUser->user_url, 'attributes' => 2))->save();
         // Set template data
         $template->set('ownerId', $currentUser->ID)->set('creationDate', current_time('mysql'))->set('authorId', $author->get('id'));
     // Make sure directory created even if updating templats.
     // This case is needed when revisioned built-in templates (e.g jquery)!!
     if (!file_exists(ABSPATH . "/{$templateDir}")) {
         mkdir(ABSPATH . "/{$templateDir}", 0755);
     // Save template.
     if (!$template->save()->get('id')) {
         throw new Exception('Error saving template into database!!!');
     /// Always create new revision. ///
     // Get last used Revision Number!
     $lastRevisionNo = (int) $dbDriver->getRow("SELECT max(revisionNo) revisionNo\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM #__cjtoolbox_template_revisions\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE templateId = {$template->get('id')}")->revisionNo;
     // Checki if there is a previous revision and if there is changes!!
     $lastRevision = CJTxTable::getInstance('template-revision', null, "SELECT * \n\t\t\t FROM #__cjtoolbox_template_revisions \n\t\t\t WHERE templateId = {$template->get('id')} AND revisionNo = {$lastRevisionNo}");
     // Only add Revision if it has any field changed!
     $revisionData = $this->inputs['item']['revision'];
     $lastRevisionCode = $lastRevision->get('id') ? file_get_contents(ABSPATH . "/{$lastRevision->get('file')}") : null;
     $revisionHasChanges = $lastRevisionCode !== $revisionData['code'] || $lastRevision->get('state') !== $revisionData['state'] || $lastRevision->get('version') !== $revisionData['version'] || $lastRevision->get('changeLog') !== $revisionData['changeLog'];
     if ($revisionHasChanges) {
         $templateType = $template->get('type');
         // New added revision number!
         $revisionNo = $lastRevisionNo + 1;
         // Get template revision extension.
         $extension = cssJSToolbox::$config->templates->types[$templateType]->extension;
         // Remove fields that not part of the revision table!
         $code = $this->inputs['item']['revision']['code'];
         // Creae revision object.
         $revision = CJTxTable::getInstance('template-revision')->setData($this->inputs['item']['revision'])->set('templateId', $template->get('id'))->set('revisionNo', $revisionNo)->set('dateCreated', current_time('mysql'))->set('attributes', CJTTemplateRevisionTable::FLAG_LAST_REVISION)->set('file', "{$templateDir}/{$revisionNo}.{$extension}")->save();
         // Encrypt PHP codes!
         if ($templateType == 'php') {
             $code = $this->encryptCode($code);
         // Write revision content into Disk File!
         file_put_contents(ABSPATH . "/{$revision->get('file')}", $code);
         // Remove  FLAG_LAST_REVISION flag from last revision so
         // our new revision will be the last one!!
         if ($lastRevision->get('id')) {
             $flagsOff = $lastRevision->get('attributes') & ~CJTTemplateRevisionTable::FLAG_LAST_REVISION;
             $lastRevision->set('attributes', $flagsOff)->save();
     } else {
         // Return last Revision!
         $revision = $lastRevision;
     // Return revision object.
     return $revision->getData();