function __construct(cs_phpDB $db, $user, $location = null) { if (strlen($user) > 2) { parent::__construct($db); $criteria = array('isActive' => "t"); if (is_string($location) && strlen($location)) { $criteria['location'] = $location; } $uid = $this->get_uid($user); if (is_numeric($uid)) { $this->validBlogs = $this->get_blogs($criteria, 'last_post_timestamp DESC'); $permObj = new csb_permission($db); foreach ($this->validBlogs as $blogId => $data) { $obj = new csb_blog($this->db, $data['blog_name']); $canAccess = $permObj->can_access_blog($blogId, $uid); if (!$canAccess) { unset($this->validBlogs[$blogId]); } } } else { throw new exception(__METHOD__ . ": unable to retrieve uid for (" . $user . ")"); } } else { throw new exception(__METHOD__ . ": no username set (" . $user . ")"); } }
function __construct(cs_phpDB $db, $location) { parent::__construct($db); $loc = new csb_location($db); $location = $loc->fix_location($location); $criteria = array('isActive' => "t", 'location' => $location); try { $this->validBlogs = $this->get_blogs($criteria, 'blog_display_name DESC'); } catch (exception $e) { throw new exception(__METHOD__ . ": failed to retrieve any valid blogs for location=(" . $location . ")... " . "MORE INFO::: " . $e->getMessage()); } }
/** * The constructor. * * @param $blogName (str) name of blog (NOT the display name) * @param $dbType (str) Type of database (pgsql/mysql/sqlite) * * @return exception throws an exception on error. */ public function __construct(cs_phpDB $db, $blogName) { //TODO: put these in the constructor args, or require CONSTANTS. parent::__construct($db); if (!isset($blogName) || !strlen($blogName)) { throw new exception(__METHOD__ . ": invalid blog name (" . $blogName . ")"); } $this->blogName = $blogName; if (!defined('CSBLOG_SETUP_PENDING')) { //proceed normally... $this->initialize_locals($blogName); } }
/** * The constructor. * * @param $db (cs_phpDB) database object * @param $fullPermalink (str) FULL Permalink. * * @return exception throws an exception on error. */ public function __construct(cs_phpDB $db, $fullPermalink) { //TODO: put these in the constructor args, or require CONSTANTS. parent::__construct($db); if (isset($fullPermalink) && strlen($fullPermalink)) { $bits = $this->parse_full_permalink($fullPermalink); $this->blogLocation = $bits['location']; $this->blogName = $bits['blogName']; $this->permalink = $bits['permalink']; $data = $this->get_blog_entry($fullPermalink); $this->blogEntryId = $data['entry_id']; } else { throw new exception(__METHOD__ . ": invalid permalink (" . $fullPermalink . ")"); } }
public function __construct(cs_phpDB $db) { parent::__construct($db); $this->gfObj = new cs_globalFunctions(); }