Esempio n. 1
  * Add appropriate form elements to the criteria form
  * @param stdClass $data details of overall criterion
 public function config_form_criteria($data)
     global $OUTPUT;
     $prefix = 'criteria-' . $this->id;
     if (count($data->criteria) > 2) {
         echo $OUTPUT->box_start();
         if (!empty($this->description)) {
             $badge = new badge($this->badgeid);
             echo $OUTPUT->box(format_text($this->description, $this->descriptionformat, array('context' => $badge->get_context())), 'criteria-description');
         echo $OUTPUT->heading($this->get_title(), 2);
         $agg = $data->get_aggregation_methods();
         if (!$data->is_locked() && !$data->is_active()) {
             $editurl = new moodle_url('/badges/criteria_settings.php', array('badgeid' => $this->badgeid, 'edit' => true, 'type' => $this->criteriatype, 'crit' => $this->id));
             $editaction = $OUTPUT->action_icon($editurl, new pix_icon('t/edit', get_string('edit')), null, array('class' => 'criteria-action'));
             echo $OUTPUT->box($editaction, array('criteria-header'));
             $url = new moodle_url('criteria.php', array('id' => $data->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
             echo $OUTPUT->single_select($url, 'update', $agg, $data->get_aggregation_method($this->criteriatype), null, null, array('aria-describedby' => 'overall'));
             echo html_writer::span(get_string('overallcrit', 'badges'), '', array('id' => 'overall'));
         } else {
             echo $OUTPUT->box(get_string('criteria_descr_' . $this->criteriatype, 'badges', core_text::strtoupper($agg[$data->get_aggregation_method()])), 'clearfix');
         echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
 protected function check_table(xmldb_table $xmldb_table, array $metacolumns)
     global $DB;
     $o = '';
     $wrong_fields = array();
     // Get and process XMLDB fields
     if ($xmldb_fields = $xmldb_table->getFields()) {
         $o .= '<ul>';
         foreach ($xmldb_fields as $xmldb_field) {
             // Get the type of the column, we only will process CHAR (VARCHAR2) ones
             if ($xmldb_field->getType() != XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR) {
             $o .= '<li>' . $this->str['field'] . ': ' . $xmldb_field->getName() . ' ';
             // Get current semantic from dictionary, we only will process B (BYTE) ones
             // suplying the SQL code to change them to C (CHAR) semantic
             $params = array('table_name' => core_text::strtoupper($DB->get_prefix() . $xmldb_table->getName()), 'column_name' => core_text::strtoupper($xmldb_field->getName()), 'data_type' => 'VARCHAR2');
             $currentsemantic = $DB->get_field_sql('
                 SELECT char_used
                   FROM user_tab_columns
                  WHERE table_name = :table_name
                    AND column_name = :column_name
                    AND data_type = :data_type', $params);
             // If using byte semantics, we'll need to change them to char semantics
             if ($currentsemantic == 'B') {
                 $info = '(' . $this->str['expected'] . " 'CHAR', " . $this->str['actual'] . " 'BYTE')";
                 $o .= '<font color="red">' . $this->str['wrong'] . " {$info}</font>";
                 // Add the wrong field to the list
                 $obj = new stdClass();
                 $obj->table = $xmldb_table;
                 $obj->field = $xmldb_field;
                 $wrong_fields[] = $obj;
             } else {
                 $o .= '<font color="green">' . $this->str['ok'] . '</font>';
             $o .= '</li>';
         $o .= '</ul>';
     return array($o, $wrong_fields);
  * Add appropriate form elements to the criteria form
  * @param stdClass $data details of overall criterion
 public function config_form_criteria($data)
     global $OUTPUT;
     $prefix = 'criteria-' . $this->id;
     if (count($data->criteria) > 2) {
         echo $OUTPUT->box_start();
         echo $OUTPUT->heading($this->get_title(), 2);
         $agg = $data->get_aggregation_methods();
         if (!$data->is_locked() && !$data->is_active()) {
             $url = new moodle_url('criteria.php', array('id' => $data->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
             $table = new html_table();
             $table->attributes = array('class' => 'clearfix');
             $table->colclasses = array('', 'activatebadge');
             $table->data[] = array($OUTPUT->single_select($url, 'update', $agg, $data->get_aggregation_method($this->criteriatype), null), get_string('overallcrit', 'badges'));
             echo html_writer::table($table);
         } else {
             echo $OUTPUT->box(get_string('criteria_descr_' . $this->criteriatype, 'badges', core_text::strtoupper($agg[$data->get_aggregation_method()])), 'clearfix');
         echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
Esempio n. 4
  * Strtoupper multibyte wrapper function with HTML entities handling.
  * @param string $str Text to convert
  * @return string Converted text
 protected function strtoupper($str)
     return core_text::strtoupper($str);
Esempio n. 5
 * Draws the personalized header in a PDF
 * @param unknown $pdf            
 * @param unknown $stinfo            
 * @param unknown $examname            
 * @param unknown $pagenumber            
 * @param unknown $fileimgpath            
 * @param unknown $logofilepath            
 * @param unknown $course            
 * @param string $totalpages            
 * @param string $bottomqr            
 * @param string $isanswersheet            
 * @param number $attemptid            
function emarking_draw_header($pdf, $stinfo, $examname, $pagenumber, $fileimgpath, $logofilepath, $course, $totalpages = null, $bottomqr = true, $isanswersheet = false, $attemptid = 0)
    global $CFG;
    // If we have a log, it is drawn on the top left part
    if ($CFG->emarking_includelogo && $logofilepath) {
        $pdf->Image($logofilepath, 2, 8, 30);
    // Exam name
    $left = 58;
    $top = 8;
    $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 12);
    $pdf->SetXY($left, $top);
    $pdf->Write(1, core_text::strtoupper($examname));
    // Student name
    $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 9);
    $top += 5;
    $pdf->SetXY($left, $top);
    $pdf->Write(1, core_text::strtoupper(get_string('name') . ": " . $stinfo->name));
    $top += 4;
    // Student idnumber
    if ($stinfo->idnumber && strlen($stinfo->idnumber) > 0) {
        $pdf->SetXY($left, $top);
        $pdf->Write(1, get_string('idnumber', 'mod_emarking') . ": " . $stinfo->idnumber);
        $top += 4;
    // Course name
    $pdf->SetXY($left, $top);
    $pdf->Write(1, core_text::strtoupper(get_string('course') . ": " . $course->fullname));
    $top += 4;
    if (file_exists($stinfo->picture)) {
        $pdf->Image($stinfo->picture, 35, 8, 15, 15, "PNG", null, "T", true);
    // Page number and total pages
    if ($totalpages) {
        $totals = new stdClass();
        $totals->identified = $pagenumber;
        $totals->total = $totalpages;
        $pdf->SetXY($left, $top);
        $pdf->Write(1, core_text::strtoupper(get_string('page') . ": " . get_string('aofb', 'mod_emarking', $totals)));
    // Generate the QR images
    $qrstring = "{$stinfo->id}-{$course->id}-{$pagenumber}";
    // If the page is an answer sheets (has bubbles), add the attemptid
    if ($isanswersheet && $attemptid > 0) {
        $qrstring .= '-' . $attemptid . '-BB';
    list($img, $imgrotated) = emarking_create_qr_image($fileimgpath, $qrstring, $stinfo, $pagenumber);
    $pdf->Image($img, 176, 3, 34);
    if ($bottomqr) {
        $pdf->Image($imgrotated, 0, $pdf->getPageHeight() - 35, 34);
    // Delete QR images
Esempio n. 6
 * Returns an object containing the details from 'pages' and 'versions'
 * tables for the specified version of the specified (named) page, or false
 * if page/version does not exist.
 * @param object $subwiki Current subwiki object
 * @param string $pagename Name of desired page or null for start
 * @return object $pageversion Version object
function ouwiki_get_page_version($subwiki, $pagename, $versionid)
    global $DB;
    $userfields = user_picture::fields('u', null, 'userid');
    $sql = "SELECT AS pageid, p.subwikiid, p.title, p.currentversionid,\n       AS versionid, v.xhtml, v.timecreated, v.userid, v.xhtmlformat,\n                v.deletedat, {$userfields},\n                v.wordcount\n            FROM {ouwiki_pages} p, {ouwiki_versions} v\n            LEFT JOIN {user} u ON v.userid =\n            WHERE p.subwikiid = ? AND = ? AND UPPER(p.title) = ?";
    $pagename = core_text::strtoupper($pagename);
    $pageversion = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, array($subwiki->id, $versionid, $pagename));
    $pageversion->recentversions = false;
    return $pageversion;
Esempio n. 7
 public function print_badge_criteria(badge $badge, $short = '')
     $output = "";
     $agg = $badge->get_aggregation_methods();
     if (empty($badge->criteria)) {
         return get_string('nocriteria', 'badges');
     } else {
         if (count($badge->criteria) == 2) {
             if (!$short) {
                 $output .= get_string('criteria_descr', 'badges');
         } else {
             $output .= get_string('criteria_descr_' . $short . BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_OVERALL, 'badges', core_text::strtoupper($agg[$badge->get_aggregation_method()]));
     $items = array();
     foreach ($badge->criteria as $type => $c) {
         if (count($c->params) == 1) {
             $items[] = get_string('criteria_descr_single_' . $short . $type, 'badges') . $c->get_details($short);
         } else {
             $items[] = get_string('criteria_descr_' . $short . $type, 'badges', core_text::strtoupper($agg[$badge->get_aggregation_method($type)])) . $c->get_details($short);
     $output .= html_writer::alist($items, array(), 'ul');
     return $output;
Esempio n. 8
  * Returns information about badge criteria in a list form.
  * @param badge $badge Badge objects
  * @param string $short Indicates whether to print full info about this badge
  * @return string $output HTML string to output
 public function print_badge_criteria(badge $badge, $short = '')
     $agg = $badge->get_aggregation_methods();
     if (empty($badge->criteria)) {
         return get_string('nocriteria', 'badges');
     $overalldescr = '';
     $overall = $badge->criteria[BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_OVERALL];
     if (!$short && !empty($overall->description)) {
         $overalldescr = $this->output->box(format_text($overall->description, $overall->descriptionformat, array('context' => $badge->get_context())), 'criteria-description');
     // Get the condition string.
     if (count($badge->criteria) == 2) {
         $condition = '';
         if (!$short) {
             $condition = get_string('criteria_descr', 'badges');
     } else {
         $condition = get_string('criteria_descr_' . $short . BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_OVERALL, 'badges', core_text::strtoupper($agg[$badge->get_aggregation_method()]));
     $items = array();
     // If only one criterion left, make sure its description goe to the top.
     if (count($badge->criteria) == 1) {
         $c = reset($badge->criteria);
         if (!$short && !empty($c->description)) {
             $overalldescr = $this->output->box(format_text($c->description, $c->descriptionformat, array('context' => $badge->get_context())), 'criteria-description');
         if (count($c->params) == 1) {
             $items[] = get_string('criteria_descr_single_' . $short . $c->criteriatype, 'badges') . $c->get_details($short);
         } else {
             $items[] = get_string('criteria_descr_' . $short . $c->criteriatype, 'badges', core_text::strtoupper($agg[$badge->get_aggregation_method($c->criteriatype)])) . $c->get_details($short);
     } else {
         foreach ($badge->criteria as $type => $c) {
             $criteriadescr = '';
             if (!$short && !empty($c->description)) {
                 $criteriadescr = $this->output->box(format_text($c->description, $c->descriptionformat, array('context' => $badge->get_context())), 'criteria-description');
             if (count($c->params) == 1) {
                 $items[] = get_string('criteria_descr_single_' . $short . $type, 'badges') . $c->get_details($short) . $criteriadescr;
             } else {
                 $items[] = get_string('criteria_descr_' . $short . $type, 'badges', core_text::strtoupper($agg[$badge->get_aggregation_method($type)])) . $c->get_details($short) . $criteriadescr;
     return $overalldescr . $condition . html_writer::alist($items, array(), 'ul');
Esempio n. 9
     $ratingoptions->items = $allentries;
     $ratingoptions->aggregate = $glossary->assessed;
     //the aggregation method
     $ratingoptions->scaleid = $glossary->scale;
     $ratingoptions->userid = $USER->id;
     $ratingoptions->returnurl = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/glossary/view.php?id=' . $cm->id;
     $ratingoptions->assesstimestart = $glossary->assesstimestart;
     $ratingoptions->assesstimefinish = $glossary->assesstimefinish;
     $rm = new rating_manager();
     $allentries = $rm->get_ratings($ratingoptions);
 foreach ($allentries as $entry) {
     // Setting the pivot for the current entry
     $pivot = $entry->glossarypivot;
     $upperpivot = core_text::strtoupper($pivot);
     $pivottoshow = core_text::strtoupper(format_string($pivot, true, $fmtoptions));
     // Reduce pivot to 1cc if necessary
     if (!$fullpivot) {
         $upperpivot = core_text::substr($upperpivot, 0, 1);
         $pivottoshow = core_text::substr($pivottoshow, 0, 1);
     // if there's a group break
     if ($currentpivot != $upperpivot) {
         // print the group break if apply
         if ($printpivot) {
             $currentpivot = $upperpivot;
             echo '<div>';
             echo '<table cellspacing="0" class="glossarycategoryheader">';
             echo '<tr>';
             if (isset($entry->userispivot)) {
                 // printing the user icon if defined (only when browsing authors)
Esempio n. 10
             $where = "AND ({$searchcond})";
     case 'term':
         $params['hook2'] = $hook;
         $printpivot = 0;
         $sqlfrom .= " LEFT JOIN {glossary_alias} ga on = ga.entryid";
         $where = "AND (ge.concept = :hook OR ga.alias = :hook2) ";
     case 'entry':
         $printpivot = 0;
         $where = "AND = :hook";
     case 'letter':
         if ($hook != 'ALL' and $hook != 'SPECIAL' and $hookstrlen = core_text::strlen($hook)) {
             $params['hookup'] = core_text::strtoupper($hook);
             $where = "AND " . $DB->sql_substr("upper(concept)", 1, $hookstrlen) . " = :hookup";
         if ($hook == 'SPECIAL') {
             //Create appropiate IN contents
             $alphabet = explode(",", get_string('alphabet', 'langconfig'));
             list($nia, $aparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($alphabet, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, $start = 'a', false);
             $params = array_merge($params, $aparams);
             $where = "AND " . $DB->sql_substr("upper(concept)", 1, 1) . " {$nia}";
 $sqlwhere = "WHERE (ge.glossaryid = :gid1 or ge.sourceglossaryid = :gid2) AND\n                             (ge.approved <> 0 {$userid})\n                              {$where}";
 switch ($tab) {
         $sqlorderby = "ORDER BY {$sqlsortkey} {$sqlsortorder}";
Esempio n. 11
 * @param string The string being uppercased
 * @param string $encoding The encoding parameter is the character encoding.
 *                         If it is omitted, the internal character encoding
 *                         value will be used.
 * @return string The string with all alphabetic characters converted to uppercase.
function mb_strtoupper($str, $encoding = null)
    if ($encoding === null) {
        $encoding = mb_internal_encoding();
    return \core_text::strtoupper($str, $encoding);
  * Dispatch criteria rendering to an appropriate place.
  * Dispatch to a theme renderer method to output the details if one
  * exists -- that way we can make changes to the output.
 protected function print_badge_criteria_single($badge, $aggregationmethods, $type, $criteria, $short = '')
     switch ($type) {
             $details = $this->print_badge_criteria_activity($criteria, $short);
             $details = $this->print_badge_criteria_course($criteria, $short);
             $details = $this->print_badge_criteria_courseset($criteria, $short);
             $details = $criteria->get_details();
     if (count($criteria->params) === 1) {
         $stringname = 'criteria_descr_single_' . $short . $type;
         $title = static::string($stringname);
     } else {
         $stringname = 'criteria_descr_' . $short . $type;
         $count = core_text::strtoupper($aggregationmethods[$badge->get_aggregation_method($type)]);
         $title = static::string($stringname, $count);
     return $title . $details;
Esempio n. 13
  * Convenience method to transform a field into SQL statement.
  * @param string $field The field, or *.
  * @param string $table The table name, without the prefix 'glossary_'.
  * @return string SQL statement.
 protected static function resolve_field($field, $table)
     $prefix = constant(__CLASS__ . '::ALIAS_' . core_text::strtoupper($table));
     return sprintf('%s.%s', $prefix, $field);
 * Internal callback function.
function cc_process_template_callback($name, $description, $idnumber, $block)
    switch ($block[3]) {
        case 's':
            $repl = $name;
        case 'd':
            $repl = $description;
        case 'i':
            $repl = $idnumber;
            return $block[0];
    switch ($block[1]) {
        case '+':
            $repl = core_text::strtoupper($repl);
        case '-':
            $repl = core_text::strtolower($repl);
        case '~':
            $repl = core_text::strtotitle($repl);
    if (!empty($block[2])) {
        $repl = core_text::substr($repl, 0, $block[2]);
    return $repl;
Esempio n. 15
  * Callback used when generating a shortname based on a template.
  * @param string $fullname full name.
  * @param string $idnumber ID number.
  * @param array $block result from preg_replace_callback.
  * @return string
 public static function generate_shortname_callback($fullname, $idnumber, $block)
     switch ($block[3]) {
         case 'f':
             $repl = $fullname;
         case 'i':
             $repl = $idnumber;
             return $block[0];
     switch ($block[1]) {
         case '+':
             $repl = core_text::strtoupper($repl);
         case '-':
             $repl = core_text::strtolower($repl);
         case '~':
             $repl = core_text::strtotitle($repl);
     if (!empty($block[2])) {
         $repl = core_text::substr($repl, 0, $block[2]);
     return $repl;
Esempio n. 16
 * Internal callback function.
function uu_process_template_callback($username, $firstname, $lastname, $block)
    switch ($block[3]) {
        case 'u':
            $repl = $username;
        case 'f':
            $repl = $firstname;
        case 'l':
            $repl = $lastname;
            return $block[0];
    switch ($block[1]) {
        case '+':
            $repl = core_text::strtoupper($repl);
        case '-':
            $repl = core_text::strtolower($repl);
        case '~':
            $repl = core_text::strtotitle($repl);
    if (!empty($block[2])) {
        $repl = core_text::substr($repl, 0, $block[2]);
    return $repl;
    public function test_timezones() {
        global $CFG, $USER;

        // The timezones used in this test are chosen because they do not use DST - that would break the test.

        $currenttimezonephp = date_default_timezone_get();
        $currenttimezonecfg = null;
        if (!empty($CFG->timezone)) {
            $currenttimezonecfg = $CFG->timezone;
        $userstimezone = null;
        if (!empty($USER->timezone)) {
            $userstimezone = $USER->timezone;

        // We are testing a difference between $CFG->timezone and the php.ini timezone.
        // GMT+8.
        // GMT-04:30.
        $CFG->timezone = 'America/Caracas';

        $testclass = new \core\task\scheduled_test_task();

        // Scheduled tasks should always use servertime - so this is 03:30 GMT.

        // Next valid time should be 1am of the next day.
        $nexttime = $testclass->get_next_scheduled_time();

        // GMT+05:45.
        $USER->timezone = 'Asia/Kathmandu';
        $userdate = userdate($nexttime);

        // Should be displayed in user timezone.
        // I used
        // to verify this time.
        $this->assertContains('11:15 AM', core_text::strtoupper($userdate));

        $CFG->timezone = $currenttimezonecfg;
Esempio n. 18
function emarking_draw_header($pdf, $stinfo, $examname, $pagenumber, $fileimgpath, $logofilepath, $course, $totalpages = null, $bottomqr = true, $isanswersheet = false, $attemptid = 0)
    global $CFG;
    // For the QR string and get the images
    $qrstring = "{$stinfo->id}-{$course->id}-{$pagenumber}";
    if ($isanswersheet && $attemptid > 0) {
        $qrstring .= '-' . $attemptid . '-BB';
    list($img, $imgrotated) = emarking_create_qr_image($fileimgpath, $qrstring, $stinfo, $pagenumber);
    if ($CFG->emarking_includelogo && $logofilepath) {
        $pdf->Image($logofilepath, 2, 8, 30);
    $left = 38;
    $top = 8;
    $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 12);
    $pdf->SetXY($left, $top);
    $pdf->Write(1, core_text::strtoupper($examname));
    $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 9);
    $top += 5;
    $pdf->SetXY($left, $top);
    $pdf->Write(1, core_text::strtoupper($stinfo->name));
    $top += 4;
    if ($stinfo->idnumber && strlen($stinfo->idnumber) > 0) {
        $pdf->SetXY($left, $top);
        $pdf->Write(1, get_string('idnumber', 'mod_emarking') . ": " . $stinfo->idnumber);
        $top += 4;
    $pdf->SetXY($left, $top);
    $pdf->Write(1, core_text::strtoupper($stinfo->group));
    $top += 4;
    $pdf->SetXY($left, $top);
    $pdf->Write(1, core_text::strtoupper($course->fullname));
    $pdf->Image($img, 176, 3, 34);
    // y antes era -2
    if ($bottomqr) {
        $pdf->Image($imgrotated, 0, $pdf->getPageHeight() - 35, 34);
Esempio n. 19
  * Tests the static strtoupper.
 public function test_strtoupper()
     $str = "Žluťoučký koníček";
     $this->assertSame($up, core_text::strtoupper($str));
     $iso2 = pack("H*", "ae6c75bb6f75e86bfd206b6f6eede8656b");
     $this->assertSame(core_text::convert($up, 'utf-8', 'iso-8859-2'), core_text::strtoupper($iso2, 'iso-8859-2'));
     $win = pack("H*", "8e6c759d6f75e86bfd206b6f6eede8656b");
     $this->assertSame(core_text::convert($up, 'utf-8', 'cp1250'), core_text::strtoupper($win, 'cp1250'));
     $str = '言語設定';
     $this->assertSame($str, core_text::strtoupper($str));
     $str = '简体中文';
     $this->assertSame($str, core_text::strtoupper($str));
     $str = pack("H*", "1b24423840386c405f446a1b2842");
     // ISO-2022-JP
     $this->assertSame($str, core_text::strtoupper($str, 'ISO-2022-JP'));
     $str = pack("H*", "8cbe8cea90dd92e8");
     // SHIFT-JIS
     $this->assertSame($str, core_text::strtoupper($str, 'SHIFT-JIS'));
     $str = pack("H*", "bcf2cce5d6d0cec4");
     // GB2312
     $this->assertSame($str, core_text::strtoupper($str, 'GB2312'));
     $str = pack("H*", "bcf2cce5d6d0cec4");
     // GB18030
     $this->assertSame($str, core_text::strtoupper($str, 'GB18030'));
Esempio n. 20
function game_strtoupper($str)
    if (game_get_moodle_version() >= '02.08') {
        return core_text::strtoupper($str);
    if (game_get_moodle_version() >= '02.04') {
        return textlib::strtoupper($str);
    } else {
        if (game_get_moodle_version() >= '02.01') {
            return textlib_get_instance()->strtoupper($str);
        } else {
            return textlib_get_instance()->qstrtoupper($str);
Esempio n. 21
  * Browse a glossary entries using the search.
  * @param int $id The glossary ID.
  * @param string $query The search query.
  * @param bool $fullsearch Whether or not full search is required.
  * @param string $order The way to order the results.
  * @param string $sort The direction of the order.
  * @param int $from Start returning records from here.
  * @param int $limit Number of records to return.
  * @param array $options Array of options.
  * @return array Containing count, entries and warnings.
  * @since Moodle 3.1
  * @throws moodle_exception
  * @throws invalid_parameter_exception
 public static function get_entries_by_search($id, $query, $fullsearch, $order, $sort, $from, $limit, $options)
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_entries_by_search_parameters(), array('id' => $id, 'query' => $query, 'fullsearch' => $fullsearch, 'order' => core_text::strtoupper($order), 'sort' => core_text::strtoupper($sort), 'from' => $from, 'limit' => $limit, 'options' => $options));
     $id = $params['id'];
     $query = $params['query'];
     $fullsearch = $params['fullsearch'];
     $order = $params['order'];
     $sort = $params['sort'];
     $from = $params['from'];
     $limit = $params['limit'];
     $options = $params['options'];
     $warnings = array();
     if (!in_array($order, array('CONCEPT', 'CREATION', 'UPDATE'))) {
         throw new invalid_parameter_exception('invalidorder');
     } else {
         if (!in_array($sort, array('ASC', 'DESC'))) {
             throw new invalid_parameter_exception('invalidsort');
     // Get and validate the glossary.
     list($glossary, $context) = self::validate_glossary($id);
     // Fetching the entries.
     $entries = array();
     list($records, $count) = glossary_get_entries_by_search($glossary, $context, $query, $fullsearch, $order, $sort, $from, $limit, $options);
     foreach ($records as $key => $record) {
         self::fill_entry_details($record, $context);
         $entries[] = $record;
     return array('count' => $count, 'entries' => $entries, 'warnings' => $warnings);
Esempio n. 22
  * Add appropriate criteria elements
  * @param stdClass $data details of various criteria
 public function config_form_criteria($data)
     global $OUTPUT;
     $agg = $data->get_aggregation_methods();
     $editurl = new moodle_url('/badges/criteria_settings.php', array('badgeid' => $this->badgeid, 'edit' => true, 'type' => $this->criteriatype, 'crit' => $this->id));
     $deleteurl = new moodle_url('/badges/criteria_action.php', array('badgeid' => $this->badgeid, 'delete' => true, 'type' => $this->criteriatype));
     $editaction = $OUTPUT->action_icon($editurl, new pix_icon('t/edit', get_string('edit')), null, array('class' => 'criteria-action'));
     $deleteaction = $OUTPUT->action_icon($deleteurl, new pix_icon('t/delete', get_string('delete')), null, array('class' => 'criteria-action'));
     echo $OUTPUT->box_start();
     if (!$data->is_locked() && !$data->is_active()) {
         echo $OUTPUT->box($deleteaction . $editaction, array('criteria-header'));
     echo $OUTPUT->heading($this->get_title() . $OUTPUT->help_icon('criteria_' . $this->criteriatype, 'badges'), 3, 'main help');
     if (!empty($this->description)) {
         $badge = new badge($this->badgeid);
         echo $OUTPUT->box(format_text($this->description, $this->descriptionformat, array('context' => $badge->get_context())), 'criteria-description');
     if (!empty($this->params)) {
         if (count($this->params) > 1) {
             echo $OUTPUT->box(get_string('criteria_descr_' . $this->criteriatype, 'badges', core_text::strtoupper($agg[$data->get_aggregation_method($this->criteriatype)])), array('clearfix'));
         } else {
             echo $OUTPUT->box(get_string('criteria_descr_single_' . $this->criteriatype, 'badges'), array('clearfix'));
         echo $OUTPUT->box($this->get_details(), array('clearfix'));
     echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
Esempio n. 23
  * Strtoupper multibyte wrapper function with HTML entities handling.
  * @param string $str Text to convert
  * @return string Converted text
 private function _strtoupper($str)
     $str = html_entity_decode($str, ENT_COMPAT, RCMAIL_CHARSET);
     if (class_exists('core_text')) {
         $str = core_text::strtoupper($str);
     } else {
         if (function_exists('mb_strtoupper')) {
             $str = mb_strtoupper($str);
         } else {
             $str = strtoupper($str);
     $str = htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_COMPAT, RCMAIL_CHARSET);
     return $str;
Esempio n. 24
 public function test_timezones()
     global $CFG, $USER;
     // The timezones used in this test are chosen because they do not use DST - that would break the test.
     $testclass = new \core\task\scheduled_test_task();
     // Scheduled tasks should always use servertime - so this is 03:30 GMT.
     // Next valid time should be 1am of the next day.
     $nexttime = $testclass->get_next_scheduled_time();
     // GMT+05:45.
     $USER->timezone = 'Asia/Kathmandu';
     $userdate = userdate($nexttime);
     // Should be displayed in user timezone.
     // I used
     // setting my location to Kathmandu to verify this time.
     $this->assertContains('2:15 AM', core_text::strtoupper($userdate));
Esempio n. 25
  * Prints the page list tab content
 private function print_page_list_content()
     global $OUTPUT;
     $page = $this->page;
     if ($page->timerendered + WIKI_REFRESH_CACHE_TIME < time()) {
         $fresh = wiki_refresh_cachedcontent($page);
         $page = $fresh['page'];
     $pages = wiki_get_page_list($this->subwiki->id);
     $stdaux = new stdClass();
     $strspecial = get_string('special', 'wiki');
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         // We need to format the title here to account for any filtering
         $letter = format_string($page->title, true, array('context' => $this->modcontext));
         $letter = core_text::substr($letter, 0, 1);
         if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]$/', $letter)) {
             $letter = core_text::strtoupper($letter);
             $stdaux->{$letter}[] = wiki_parser_link($page);
         } else {
             $stdaux->{$strspecial}[] = wiki_parser_link($page);
     $table = new html_table();
     $table->head = array(get_string('pagelist', 'wiki') . $OUTPUT->help_icon('pagelist', 'wiki'));
     $table->attributes['class'] = 'wiki_editor generalbox';
     $table->align = array('center');
     foreach ($stdaux as $key => $elem) {
         $table->data[] = array($key);
         foreach ($elem as $e) {
             $table->data[] = array(html_writer::link($e['url'], format_string($e['content'], true, array('context' => $this->modcontext))));
     echo html_writer::table($table);
Esempio n. 26
function emarking_create_printform($context, $exam, $userrequests, $useraccepts, $category, $totalpages, $course)
    global $CFG;
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . "/mod/assign/feedback/editpdf/fpdi/fpdi2tcpdf_bridge.php";
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . "/mod/assign/feedback/editpdf/fpdi/fpdi.php";
    $cantsheets = $totalpages / ($exam->totalstudents + $exam->extraexams);
    $totalextraexams = $exam->totalstudents + $exam->extraexams;
    $canttotalpages = $cantsheets * $totalextraexams;
    $pdf = new FPDI();
    $cp = $pdf->setSourceFile($CFG->dirroot . "/mod/emarking/img/printformtemplate.pdf");
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $cp; $i++) {
        // Agrega una nueva página
        if ($i <= $cp) {
            $tplIdx = $pdf->importPage($i);
            // Se importan las páginas del documento pdf.
            $pdf->useTemplate($tplIdx, 0, 0, 0, 0, $adjustPageSize = true);
            // se inserta como template el archivo pdf subido
            // Copia/Impresión/Plotteo
            $pdf->SetXY(32, 48.5);
            $pdf->Write(1, "x");
            // Fecha día
            $pdf->SetXY(153, 56);
            $pdf->Write(1, core_text::strtoupper(date('d')));
            // Fecha mes
            $pdf->SetXY(163, 56);
            $pdf->Write(1, core_text::strtoupper(date('m')));
            // Fecha año
            $pdf->SetXY(173, 56);
            $pdf->Write(1, core_text::strtoupper(date('Y')));
            // Solicitante
            $pdf->SetXY(95, 69);
            $pdf->Write(1, core_text::strtoupper($useraccepts->firstname . " " . $useraccepts->lastname));
            // Centro de Costo
            $pdf->SetXY(95, 75.5);
            $pdf->Write(1, core_text::strtoupper($category->idnumber));
            // Campus UAI
            $pdf->SetXY(95, 80.8);
            $pdf->Write(1, core_text::strtoupper(""));
            // Número originales
            $pdf->SetXY(35, 106.5);
            $pdf->Write(1, core_text::strtoupper($cantsheets));
            // Número copias
            $pdf->SetXY(60, 106.5);
            $pdf->Write(1, core_text::strtoupper("--"));
            // Número impresiones
            $pdf->SetXY(84, 106.5);
            $pdf->Write(1, core_text::strtoupper($totalextraexams));
            // BN
            $pdf->SetXY(106, 106.5);
            $pdf->Write(1, "x");
            // Páginas totales
            $pdf->SetXY(135, 106.5);
            $pdf->Write(1, core_text::strtoupper($canttotalpages));
            // Número impresiones Total
            $pdf->SetXY(84, 133.8);
            $pdf->Write(1, core_text::strtoupper(""));
            // Páginas totales Total
            $pdf->SetXY(135, 133.8);
            $pdf->Write(1, core_text::strtoupper(""));
            // Páginas totales Total
            $pdf->SetXY(43, 146);
            $pdf->Write(1, core_text::strtoupper($course->fullname . " , " . $exam->name));
            // Recepcionado por Nombre
            $pdf->SetXY(30, 164.5);
            $pdf->Write(1, core_text::strtoupper(""));
            // Recepcionado por RUT
            $pdf->SetXY(127, 164.5);
            $pdf->Write(1, core_text::strtoupper(""));
    $pdf->Output("PrintForm" . $exam->id . ".pdf", "I");
    // se genera el nuevo pdf