$name = ucfirst(trim($data_keys[$i], '`'));
            if (isset($data_values[$i])) {
                echo $cF->displayDiv($name, '<span class="label2">' . $data_values[$i] . '</span>');
    echo '</div>';
$btnSubmit = '';
if ($rowDetail['action'] == 'update' || $rowDetail['action'] == 'delete') {
    if ($rowDetail['status'] == 1) {
        echo $cF->displayDiv('Date restore', '<b class="label2 adMessage">' . $c->viewDateTime($rowDetail['date_restore']) . '</b>');
        echo $cF->displayDiv('User restore', '<b class="label2 adMessage">' . $rowDetail['user_restore'] . '</b>');
    } else {
        $name = 'btnViewLog';
        $btnSubmit = $cF->inputButton($name, 'View log', 'adBtnLarge bgColorBlue1 corner8');
$name = 'btnRestore';
$btnRestore = $cF->inputButton($name, 'Phục hồi', 'adBtnLarge bgColorGreen corner8 tagsHidden');
$name = 'btnCancel';
$btnCancel = $cF->btnCancel($name, 'Back');
echo $cF->displayDiv(' ', $btnSubmit . $btnRestore . $btnCancel);

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
echo $cF->displayDiv('Thông báo trên web', $data);
$name = 'email';
$properties = array();
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '60');
$value = $rowDetail[$name];
$data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'ad_field adInput adTxtMedium', $properties);
echo $cF->displayDiv('Email thông báo BCC', $data);
//upload images
$data = ob_start();
include_once 'admin_upload.php';
$data = ob_get_clean();
echo $cF->displayDiv('Images', $data);
$name = 'btnCancel';
$btnCancel = $cF->btnCancel($name, 'Quay lại');
$name = 'btnSubmitTestMail';
$btnSubmitTestMail = $cF->inputButton($name, 'Test nội dung mail', 'adBtnLarge bgColorGreen corner8');
$name = 'btnSubmitAjax';
$btnSubmit = $cF->inputButton($name, $arrAction['lable'], 'adBtnLarge bgColorBlue1 corner8');
echo $cF->displayDiv(' ', $btnSubmit . $btnSubmitTestMail . $btnCancel);
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function(e) {
	function formType(){
		var type = $(".form_type:checked").val();
		var type_id = $(".form_type_id").html();
			url: 'ajax',
			type: 'post',
			data: {formType:1, type:type, type_id:type_id},
			success: function(data){
Esempio n. 3
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '200');
$others = $adA->messageChange(CONS_ADMIN_AUTO_TAGS);
if (!isset($_POST[$name])) {
    $value = $rowDetail[$name];
} else {
    $value = $_POST[$name];
$data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'input_medium', $properties, $others);
echo $cF->displayTable('Tags (keyword)', $data);
$name = 'order';
$properties = array();
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '3');
if (!isset($_POST[$name])) {
    $value = $rowDetail[$name];
} else {
    $value = $_POST[$name];
$data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'input_medium', $properties);
echo $cF->displayTable('Thứ tự', $data);
$name = 'lang';
$data = $cF->inputHidden($name, $lang);
echo $data;
$name = 'id';
$data = $cF->inputHidden($name, $rowDetail[$name]);
echo $data;
$name = 'btnCancel';
$btnCancel = $cF->inputButton($name, 'Cancel', 'submit');
$name = 'btnSubmit';
$btnSubmit = $cF->inputSubmit($name, $arrAction['lable'], 'submit');
echo $cF->displayTable('', $btnSubmit . $btnCancel);
echo '</table></form>';
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'check', 'value' => '3');
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'message', 'value' => 'Nhập số tiền');
$other = '<p class="adError error"></p>';
$value = $rowDetail[$name];
$data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'ad_field adInput adTxtMedium', $properties, $other);
echo $cF->displayDiv('Số tiền', $data);
$name = 'notes';
$properties = array();
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'spellcheck', 'value' => 'false');
$value = $rowDetail[$name];
$data = $cF->textArea($name, $value, 'ad_field adInput adTextArea', $properties);
echo $cF->displayDiv('Ghi chú', $data);
$name = 'btnCancel';
$btnCancel = $cF->btnCancel($name, 'Back');
$name = 'btnSubmitReceipt';
$btnSubmitReceipt = $cF->inputButton($name, 'In biên nhận', 'adBtnLarge bgColorGreen corner8');
$name = 'btnSubmitAjax';
$btnSubmit = $cF->inputButton($name, $arrAction['lable'], 'adBtnLarge bgColorBlue1 corner8');
echo $cF->displayDiv('<span class="adNotes" style="font-weight:100">Khi ấn thêm mới là sẽ tự động gửi mail thông báo cho khách hàng</span>', $btnSubmit . $btnSubmitReceipt . $btnCancel . '<p id="ajaxFee" style="clear:both; padding-top:10px"></p> <p class="adMessage" style="clear:both; padding-top:10px">"Add" rồi mới "In biên nhận"</p>');
$arr = array("select" => "*", "from" => "`web_sendmail`", "where" => "`_table`='{$rowDetail['_table']}' AND `table_id`='{$rowDetail['table_id']}' ", "order" => "`web_sendmail`.`id` DESC");
$data = $c->_model->_select($arr);
if (count($data) > 0) {
    foreach ($data as $row) {
        $str = '<p class="label2"><b>Date: ' . date('H:i d F Y', $row['datetime']) . '</b></p>
		<div style="height:150px; overflow:auto; padding:10px; border:solid 1px #CCC">' . $row['content'] . '</div>';
        echo $cF->displayDiv('Thông tin gửi mail', $str);
$name = 'subject';
$properties = array();
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '200');
$data = $cF->inputText($name, '', 'adInput adTxtMedium', $properties);
echo $cF->displayDiv('Subject', $data);
$name = 'content';
$others = $cF->ckeditorStandard($name);
$data = $cF->textArea($name, '', 'textarea', NULL, $others);
echo $cF->displayDiv('', $data);
$name = 'email_bcc';
$properties = array();
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '60');
$data = $cF->inputText($name, '', 'adInput adTxtMedium', $properties);
echo $cF->displayDiv('Email BCC', $data);
$name = 'btnSend';
$btnSend = $cF->inputButton($name, 'Gửi khảo sát', 'adBtnLarge bgColorBlue1 corner8');
echo $cF->displayDiv(' ', $btnSend);
    <div id="loadingIframe"><div class="loading"></div></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function(e) {
	function autoLoadBaoGia(){
		var fields = new Object();
		fields['loadFormTemplate'] = '1';
		fields['id'] = $("#type_id").val();
		fields['name'] = "<?php 
echo $rowDetail['name'];
$values = $c->contentReplace($rowEventForm['content'], $arr);
$name = 'content';
$others = $cF->ckeditorStandard($name);
$data = $cF->textArea($name, $values, 'textarea', NULL, $others);
echo $cF->displayDiv('', $data);
$cA = new modelAdmin();
$cF = new controlAdminForm();
echo $cF->displayDiv('Email nhận', '<b class="label2 adMessage" id="email">' . $rowContract['email'] . '</b>');
$name = 'email_bcc';
$values = $rowEventForm['email'];
$properties = array();
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '60');
$data = $cF->inputText($name, $values, 'adInput adTxtMedium', $properties);
echo $cF->displayDiv('Email BCC', $data);
$name = 'btnSend';
$btnSend = $cF->inputButton($name, 'Gửi hợp đồng', 'adBtnLarge bgColorBlue1 corner8');
echo $cF->displayDiv(' ', $btnSend);
    <div id="loadingIframe"><div class="loading"></div></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function(e) {
	$("#btnSend").live("click", function(){
		var fields = new Object();
		fields['sendMailContract'] = '1';
		fields['name'] = "<?php 
echo $rowContract['name'];
$valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name];
$data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'radio');
echo $cF->displayTable('Trạng thái', $data);
echo $cF->displayTable('Date create', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $rowDetail['datetime']));
echo $cF->displayTable('User create', $rowDetail['username']);
echo $cF->displayTable('Mô tả', $rowDetail['name']);
echo $cF->displayTable('Action', $rowDetail['action']);
echo $cF->displayTable('Table', $rowDetail['table']);
$btnSubmit = '';
if ($rowDetail['action'] == 'update' || $rowDetail['action'] == 'delete') {
    if ($rowDetail['status'] == 1) {
        echo $cF->displayTable('Date restore', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $rowDetail['date_restore']));
        echo $cF->displayTable('User restore', $rowDetail['user_restore']);
    } else {
        $name = 'btn_view_log';
        $btnSubmit = $cF->inputButton($name, 'View log', 'submit');
} elseif ($rowDetail['action'] == 'status') {
    echo $cF->displayTable('Values', $rowDetail['content']);
$name = 'btnCancel';
$btnCancel = $cF->btnCancel($name);
echo $cF->displayTable('', $btnSubmit . $btnCancel);
echo '</table></form>';
<div id="view_log" style="display:none">
	<hr />
	<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" style="margin-bottom:50px">
$str = '';
$data = explode('fields%%%values', $rowDetail['content']);
$name = 'subject';
$properties = array();
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '200');
$data = $cF->inputText($name, '', 'adInput adTxtMedium', $properties);
echo $cF->displayDiv('Subject', $data);
$name = 'content';
$others = $cF->ckeditorStandard($name);
$data = $cF->textArea($name, '', 'textarea', NULL, $others);
echo $cF->displayDiv('', $data);
$name = 'email_bcc';
$properties = array();
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '60');
$data = $cF->inputText($name, '', 'adInput adTxtMedium', $properties);
echo $cF->displayDiv('Email BCC', $data);
$name = 'btnSend';
$btnSend = $cF->inputButton($name, 'Gửi báo giá', 'adBtnLarge bgColorBlue1 corner8');
echo $cF->displayDiv(' ', $btnSend);
    <div id="loadingIframe"><div class="loading"></div></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function(e) {
	function autoLoadBaoGia(){
		var fields = new Object();
		fields['loadFormTemplate'] = '1';
		fields['id'] = $("#type_id").val();
		fields['name'] = "<?php 
echo $rowDetail['name'];
$data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'adInput adTxtMedium', $properties);
echo $cF->displayDiv('Institution', $data);
$name = 'course_id';
$values = array();
$values[] = array('id' => '', 'name' => 'Đang tải khóa học từ Module..');
$valueCheck = '';
$data = $cF->select($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'adInput adTxtMedium');
echo $cF->displayDiv('ID k.học trên Module', $data);
$name = 'numberdate';
$properties = array();
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '3');
$value = '';
$data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'adInput adTxtMedium', $properties);
echo $cF->displayDiv('Số ngày', $data);
$name = 'btnSubmitAllocation';
$btnSubmit = $cF->inputButton($name, 'Cấp tài khoản', 'adBtnLarge bgColorBlue1 corner8');
echo $cF->displayDiv(' ', $btnSubmit);

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function(e) {
	function autoLoadCourseModule(){
			url: 'ajax',
			type: 'POST',
			data: {autoLoadCourseModule:1},
			cache: false,
			success: function(data){
				data = $.parseJSON(data);
				var str = '<option value="">-- chọn khóa học --</option>';
        } else {
            $code = '<span class="adError">FAIL</span>';
    } else {
        $code = 'NOT STARTED YET';
    $str .= '<p class="item">' . $i . '. ' . $row['name'] . ' - ' . $row['email'] . ' - ' . $row['phone'] . ' - ' . $code . '</p>';
$str = '<div id="listCustomer" class="label2">' . $str . '</div> <div class="clear10"></div> <div><b>TOTAL: ' . $total . ' poeple/class</b></div>';
$data = '<div class="seo">' . $cF->displayDiv(' ', $str) . '</div>';
echo $data;
$name = 'btnCancel';
$btnCancel = $cF->btnCancel($name, 'Back');
$name = 'viewFinalTest';
$viewFinalTest = $cF->inputButton($name, 'Final test', 'adBtnLarge bgColorPurple corner8');
$name = 'btnSubmitAjax';
$btnSubmit = $cF->inputButton($name, $arrAction['lable'], 'adBtnLarge bgColorBlue1 corner8');
echo $cF->displayDiv(' ', $btnSubmit . $viewFinalTest . $btnCancel . '<span id="ajaxFee"></span>');

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function(e) {
	$("#header_id").live("change", function(){
		var course = $("#header_id").val();
		var code = $("#code").val();
			return false;
			url: 'ajax',
    $rowInfo = $c->_model->_viewDetail($rowFee['_table'], $rowFee['table_id']);
    $name = $rowInfo['name'];
    $phone = $rowInfo['phone'];
    $email = $rowInfo['email'];
    $total = number_format($rowFee['price'], 0, ',', '.');
    $balance_due = 0;
} else {
    if ($rowFee['_table'] == 'mn_contract') {
        $rowInfo = $c->_model->_viewDetail($rowFee['_table'], $rowFee['table_id']);
        $name = $rowInfo['name'];
        $phone = $rowInfo['phone'];
        $email = $rowInfo['email'];
        $total = number_format($rowInfo['price'], 0, ',', '.');
        $balance_due = $rowInfo['price'] - $rowFee['price'];
        $balance_due = number_format($balance_due, 0, ',', '.');
$arr = array('{_number}' => $number, '{_amount_received}' => number_format($rowFee['price'], 0, ',', '.'), '{_date}' => date('d F, Y', $rowFee['datetime']), '{_name}' => $name, '{_phone}' => $phone, '{_email}' => $email, '{_course}' => '', '{_course_vn}' => $rowCourse['name'], '{_total}' => $total, '{_balance_due}' => $balance_due);
$values = $c->contentReplace($rowEventForm['content'], $arr);
$name = 'content';
$others = $cF->ckeditorStandard($name);
$data = $cF->textArea($name, $values, 'textarea', NULL, $others);
echo $cF->displayDiv('', $data);
$name = 'btnPrint';
$properties = array();
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'onclick', 'value' => "ExecuteCommand('preview');");
$btnSend = $cF->inputButton($name, 'In biên nhận', 'adBtnLarge bgColorBlue1 corner8', $properties);
echo $cF->displayDiv('', $btnSend . '<span class="adNotes" style="line-height:45px">Ấn Ctrl + P để in</span>');
return true;
echo $cF->displayDiv('Upload file XML', $data);
$str = '';
$i = 0;
$arr = array("select" => "`mn_contract_customer`.`id`, `name`, `phone`, `email`", "from" => "`mn_contract_customer`, `mn_customer`", "where" => "`contract_id`='{$id}' AND `customer_id`=`mn_customer`.`id`");
$data = $c->_model->_select($arr);
foreach ($data as $row) {
    $str .= '<p class="item">' . $i . '. ' . $row['name'] . ' - ' . $row['email'] . ' - ' . $row['phone'] . '</p>';
$str = '<div id="listCustomer" class="label2">' . $str . '</div>';
$data = '<div class="seo">' . $cF->displayDiv('D.sách khách hàng', $str) . '</div>';
echo $data;
$name = 'btnCancel';
$btnCancel = $cF->btnCancel($name, 'Quay lại');
$name = 'btnViewAddCustomer';
$btnAddCustomer = $cF->inputButton($name, 'Đưa k.hàng vào HĐ', 'adBtnLarge bgColorOranges corner8');
$name = 'btnViewContract';
$btnViewContract = $cF->inputButton($name, 'Xem HĐ', 'adBtnLarge bgColorGreen corner8');
$name = 'btnSubmitAjax';
$btnSubmit = $cF->inputButton($name, $arrAction['lable'], 'adBtnLarge bgColorBlue1 corner8');
echo $cF->displayDiv(' ', $btnSubmit . $btnAddCustomer . $btnViewContract . $btnCancel);

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function(e) {
		var type = $("input[name=typeform]:checked").val();
Esempio n. 13
} else {
    $value = $_POST[$name];
if ($rowDetail[$name] != '') {
    $row = $adA->_model->_urlImageMenuType($table);
    $img = '<br /><span class="avarta"><img src="' . CONS_BASE_URL . '/' . $row['url_img_thumb'] . $rowDetail[$name] . '" /></span>';
} else {
    $img = '';
$data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'input_medium', $properties);
$name = 'btnBrowse';
$properties = array();
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'onclick', 'value' => "BrowseServer('Images:/', 'img')");
$message = '<br />Upload hình ảnh vào thư mục "<strong>articles</strong>"';
$others = $adA->messageChange($message . $img);
$data .= $cF->inputButton($name, 'Chọn file ảnh', 'button', $properties, $others);
echo $cF->displayTable('Ảnh đại diện', $data);
$name = 'description';
if (!isset($_POST[$name])) {
    $value = $rowDetail[$name];
} else {
    $value = $_POST[$name];
$data = $cF->textArea($name, $value, 'textarea');
echo $cF->displayTable('Description', $data);
$name = 'tags';
$properties = array();
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '200');
$others = $adA->messageChange(CONS_ADMIN_AUTO_TAGS);
if (!isset($_POST[$name])) {
    $value = $rowDetail[$name];
} else {
    $value = $_POST[$name];
if ($rowDetail[$name] != '') {
    $row = $c->_model->_urlImageMenuType($table);
    $img = '<br /><span class="avarta"><img src="' . CONS_BASE_URL . '/' . $row['url_img_thumb'] . $rowDetail[$name] . '" /></span>';
} else {
    $img = '';
$data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'input_medium', $properties);
$name = 'btnBrowse';
$properties = array();
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'onclick', 'value' => "BrowseServer('Images:/', 'img')");
$message = '<br />Upload hình ảnh vào thư mục "<strong>photos</strong>"';
$others = $c->messageChange($message . $img);
$data .= $cF->inputButton($name, 'Chọn file ảnh', 'button', $properties, $others);
echo $cF->displayTable('Ảnh đại diện', $data);
$name = 'order';
$properties = array();
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '3');
if (!isset($_POST[$name])) {
    $value = $rowDetail[$name];
} else {
    $value = $_POST[$name];
$data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'input_medium', $properties);
echo $cF->displayTable('Thứ tự', $data);
$name = 'lang';
$data = $cF->inputHidden($name, $lang);
echo $data;
$name = 'id';
$name = 'price';
$properties = array();
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '10');
$value = $rowDetail[$name];
$data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'ad_field adInput adTxtMedium', $properties);
echo $cF->displayDiv('Price', $data);
$name = 'info';
$properties = array();
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '150');
$value = $rowDetail[$name];
$data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'ad_field adInput adTxtMedium', $properties);
echo $cF->displayDiv('Thông tin', $data);
$name = 'btnCancel';
$btnCancel = $cF->btnCancel($name, 'Back');
$name = 'btnSendMail';
$btnSendMail = $cF->inputButton($name, 'Gửi mail', 'adBtnLarge bgColorGreen corner8');
$name = 'btnSubmitAjax';
$btnSubmit = $cF->inputButton($name, $arrAction['lable'], 'adBtnLarge bgColorBlue1 corner8');
echo $cF->displayDiv(' ', $btnSubmit . $btnSendMail . $btnCancel);

<div id="ajaxPayment"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function(e) {
	$("#btnSendMail").live("click", function(){
		var code = $("#code").val();
		var name = $("#name").val();
		var email = $("#email").val();
		var price = $("#price").val();
		var info = $("#info").val();
		if(code=='' || name=='' || email=='' || price=='') return false;
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '15');
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'check', 'value' => '14');
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'message', 'value' => '**Upload hình ảnh');
$other = '<span class="error adError"></span>';
$value = $rowDetail[$name];
$data = $cF->inputHidden($name, $value, 'ad_field', $properties, $other);
$viewImg = '';
$optionImg = '';
if ($rowDetail[$name] != '') {
    $viewImg = '<div class="item"><div class="img"><img src="' . IMAGE_URL_THUMB . $rowDetail['img'] . '"/></div></div>';
} else {
    $name = 'original';
    $values = array();
    $values[] = array('name' => 'Yes', 'id' => '1');
    $values[] = array('name' => 'No', 'id' => '0');
    $valueCheck = 1;
    $optionImg .= '<div class="checkbox"><span class="b">Tự xử lý hình ảnh: </span>';
    $optionImg .= $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'adRadio');
    $optionImg .= '</div> <div class="clear1"></div>
		<div id="imageloadstatus"><img src="themes/admin2/img/loader.gif" alt="Uploading..." /></div>
		<div id="imageloadbutton"><input type="file" name="photos[]" id="uploadWebPicture" /></div>';
$data = '<div id="optionImg">' . $optionImg . '</div>' . $data . '<div id="imageUpload">' . $viewImg . '</div>';
echo $cF->displayDiv('Upload ảnh', $data);
$name = 'btnCancel';
$btnCancel = $cF->btnCancel($name, 'Quay lại');
$name = 'btnSubmitAjax';
$btnSubmit = $cF->inputButton($name, $arrAction['lable'], 'adBtnLarge bgColorBlue1 corner8');
echo $cF->displayDiv(' ', $btnSubmit . $btnCancel);
$name = 'baby';
if ($rowDetail[$name] != '') {
    $properties = array();
    $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '2');
    $value = $rowDetail[$name];
    $data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'ad_field adInput adTxtMedium', $properties);
    echo $cF->displayDiv('Trẻ nhỏ', $data);
$name = 'message';
if ($rowDetail[$name] != '') {
    if (isset($rowDetail[$name])) {
        $value = $rowDetail[$name];
    } else {
        $value = '';
    $name = 'ckeditor_message';
    $others = $cF->ckeditorBasic($name);
    $data = $cF->textArea($name, $value, 'textarea', NULL, $others);
    echo $cF->displayDiv('Lời nhắn', $data);
$name = 'lang';
$data = $cF->inputHidden($name, $lang, 'ad_field');
echo $data;
$name = 'btnCancel';
$btnCancel = $cF->btnCancel($name, 'Quay lại');
$name = 'btnActionAjax';
$btnActionAjax = $cF->inputButton($name, 'Tương tác với khách hàng', 'adBtnLarge bgColorGreen corner8');
$name = 'btnSubmitAjax';
$btnSubmit = $cF->inputButton($name, $arrAction['lable'], 'adBtnLarge bgColorBlue1 corner8');
echo $cF->displayDiv(' ', $btnSubmit . $btnCancel);
    $rate += $row['rate'];
    $str .= '<p class="item">' . $i . '. ' . $row['name'] . ' <b>(Mức ' . $row['rate'] . ')</b></p>';
if ($i != 0) {
    $rate = round($rate / $i, 2);
    $rate = '<p class="item">Điểm trung bình: <b>' . $rate . '</b></p>';
} else {
    $rate = '';
$str = '<div id="listCustomer" class="label2">' . $str . $rate . '</div>';
$data = '<div class="seo">' . $cF->displayDiv('D.sách đánh giá', $str) . '</div>';
echo $data;
$name = 'btnCancel';
$btnCancel = $cF->btnCancel($name, 'Quay lại');
$name = 'btnAddRate';
$btnAddRate = $cF->inputButton($name, 'Đánh giá', 'adBtnLarge bgColorOranges corner8');
$name = 'btnSubmitAjax';
$btnSubmit = $cF->inputSubmit($name, $arrAction['lable'], 'adBtnLarge bgColorBlue1 corner8');
echo $cF->displayDiv(' ', $btnSubmit . $btnAddRate . $btnCancel);

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function(e) {
		var str = '<?php 
$name = 'class_id';
$properties = array();
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '10');
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'placeholder', 'value' => 'ID lớp học');
$data = $cF->inputText($name, '', 'adInput adTxtMedium value_id', $properties) . '<div class="clear10"></div>';
$name = 'class_name';
if ($rowDetail[$name] != '') {
    $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name];
} else {
    $valueCheck = 0;
$properties = array();
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'check', 'value' => '1');
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'message', 'value' => 'Chọn khóa học');
$other = '<p class="adError error"></p>';
$data = $cF->select($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'ad_field adInput adTxtMedium', $properties, $other);
echo $cF->displayDiv('Khóa học', $data);
$name = 'codeAuto';
$properties = array();
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'style', 'value' => 'float:none; margin-left:5px');
$btnCodeAuto = $cF->inputButton($name, 'Lấy mã khóa học', 'adBtnSmall bgColorOranges', $properties);
$name = 'code';
$properties = array();
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '20');
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'check', 'value' => '2');
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'message', 'value' => 'Nhập mã lớp');
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'placeholder', 'value' => 'Nhập mã cty OR public');
$value = $rowDetail[$name];
$other = $btnCodeAuto . '<span class="adNotes">Khóa học - Năm - Cty or public - Thứ tự</span> <p class="adError error"></p>';
$data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'ad_field adInput adTxtMedium', $properties, $other);
echo $cF->displayDiv('Mã lớp', $data);
$name = 'name';
$properties = array();
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '150');
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'check', 'value' => '2');
$properties[] = array('propertie' => 'message', 'value' => 'Nhập tên lớp');