Esempio n. 1
  * @return Report
  * @throws \common_exception_Error
 public function runQueue()
     $count = 0;
     $statistics = array();
     $queue = $this->getServiceManager()->get(Queue::CONFIG_ID);
     $report = new Report(Report::TYPE_SUCCESS);
     $limit = $this->getLimit();
     foreach ($queue as $task) {
         $subReport = $this->runTask($task);
         $statistics[$subReport->getType()] = isset($statistics[$subReport->getType()]) ? $statistics[$subReport->getType()] + 1 : 1;
         if ($limit !== 0 && $count === $limit) {
     if (empty($statistics)) {
         $report = new Report(Report::TYPE_INFO, __('No tasks to run'));
     } else {
         if (isset($statistics[Report::TYPE_ERROR]) || isset($statistics[Report::TYPE_WARNING])) {
         $report->setMessage(__('Ran %s task(s):', array_sum($statistics)));
     return $report;
  * Compile an item.
  * @param core_kernel_file_File $destinationDirectory
  * @throws taoItems_models_classes_CompilationFailedException
  * @return tao_models_classes_service_ServiceCall
 public function compile()
     $destinationDirectory = $this->spawnPublicDirectory();
     $item = $this->getResource();
     $itemUri = $item->getUri();
     $report = new common_report_Report(common_report_Report::TYPE_SUCCESS, __('Published %s', $item->getLabel()));
     if (!taoItems_models_classes_ItemsService::singleton()->isItemModelDefined($item)) {
         return $this->fail(__('Item \'%s\' has no model', $item->getLabel()));
     $langs = $this->getContentUsedLanguages();
     foreach ($langs as $compilationLanguage) {
         $compiledFolder = $this->getLanguageCompilationPath($destinationDirectory, $compilationLanguage);
         if (!is_dir($compiledFolder)) {
             if (!@mkdir($compiledFolder)) {
                 common_Logger::e('Could not create directory ' . $compiledFolder, 'COMPILER');
                 return $this->fail(__('Could not create language specific directory for item \'%s\'', $item->getLabel()));
         $langReport = $this->deployItem($item, $compilationLanguage, $compiledFolder);
         if ($langReport->getType() == common_report_Report::TYPE_ERROR) {
     if ($report->getType() == common_report_Report::TYPE_SUCCESS) {
         $report->setData($this->createService($item, $destinationDirectory));
     } else {
         $report->setMessage(__('Failed to publish %s', $item->getLabel()));
     return $report;
  * Apply css to all instances of this class and its subclasses
  * @param \core_kernel_classes_Class $class
  * @param $destPath, optional
  * @return \common_report_Report
  * @throws \common_exception_Error
 public function applyToClass(\core_kernel_classes_Class $class, $destPath = null)
     $destPath = is_null($destPath) ? basename($this->cssFile) : $destPath;
     if (strtolower(substr(strrchr($destPath, '.'), 1)) !== 'css') {
         throw new \common_exception_Error($destPath . ' does not appear to be a stylesheet');
     $report = new \common_report_Report(\common_report_Report::TYPE_SUCCESS);
     $itemIterator = new \core_kernel_classes_ResourceIterator(array($class));
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($itemIterator as $item) {
         // is QTI?
         $model = \taoItems_models_classes_ItemsService::singleton()->getItemModel($item);
         if (!is_null($model) && $model->getUri() == TAO_ITEM_MODEL_QTI) {
             $subReport = $this->applyToItem($item, $destPath);
             if ($subReport->getType() == \common_report_Report::TYPE_SUCCESS) {
             } else {
     $report->setMessage($count > 0 ? __('%1s has been applied to %2s items', basename($destPath), $count) : __('CSS was not applied to any items'));
     return $report;
  * @param core_kernel_classes_Resource $instance
  * @param $tmpFile
  * @return \common_report_Report
 public function updateInstanceAttachment($instance, $tmpFile)
     $report = new \common_report_Report(\common_report_Report::TYPE_SUCCESS);
     $fileResource = StorageService::storeFile($tmpFile);
     $property = new \core_kernel_classes_Property(self::PROPERTY_FILE_CONTENT);
     $instance->editPropertyValues($property, $fileResource);
     $report->setMessage(__('%s updated', $instance->getLabel()));
     return $report;
Esempio n. 5
 public function __invoke($params)
     $tasksRun = 0;
     $queue = $this->getServiceManager()->get(Queue::CONFIG_ID);
     $runner = new TaskRunner();
     $report = new \common_report_Report(\common_report_Report::TYPE_SUCCESS);
     foreach ($queue as $task) {
         $subReport = $runner->run($task);
     $report->setMessage(__('Successfully ran %s tasks:', $tasksRun));
     return $report;
Esempio n. 6
 public function __invoke($params)
     $statistics = array();
     $queue = $this->getServiceManager()->get(Queue::CONFIG_ID);
     $runner = new TaskRunner();
     $report = new Report(Report::TYPE_SUCCESS);
     foreach ($queue as $task) {
         $subReport = $runner->run($task);
         $statistics[$subReport->getType()] = isset($statistics[$subReport->getType()]) ? $statistics[$subReport->getType()] + 1 : 1;
     if (empty($statistics)) {
         $report = new Report(Report::TYPE_INFO, __('No tasks to run'));
     } else {
         if (isset($statistics[Report::TYPE_ERROR]) || isset($statistics[Report::TYPE_WARNING])) {
         $report->setMessage(__('Ran %s task(s):', array_sum($statistics)));
     return $report;
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see tao_models_classes_Compiler::compile()
 public function compile()
     $report = new common_report_Report(common_report_Report::TYPE_SUCCESS, __('Published test "%s"', $this->getResource()->getLabel()));
     // loads the extension
     $test = $this->getResource();
     common_Logger::i('Compiling test ' . $test->getLabel() . ' items');
     $process = $test->getUniquePropertyValue(new core_kernel_classes_Property(TEST_TESTCONTENT_PROP));
     if (count(wfEngine_models_classes_ProcessDefinitionService::singleton()->getAllActivities($process)) == 0) {
         return new common_report_Report(common_report_Report::TYPE_ERROR, __('An empty test cannot be published.'));
     $processCloner = new wfAuthoring_models_classes_ProcessCloner();
     try {
         $processClone = $processCloner->cloneProcess($process);
         $report->add(new common_report_Report(common_report_Report::TYPE_SUCCESS, __('Cloned the process %s', $process->getLabel())));
         $itemsServiceReport = $this->process($processClone);
         foreach ($itemsServiceReport as $subReport) {
         if ($itemsServiceReport->getType() == common_report_Report::TYPE_SUCCESS) {
             $serviceCall = new tao_models_classes_service_ServiceCall(new core_kernel_classes_Resource(INSTANCE_SERVICE_PROCESSRUNNER));
             $param = new tao_models_classes_service_ConstantParameter(new core_kernel_classes_Resource(INSTANCE_FORMALPARAM_PROCESSDEFINITION), $processClone->getUri());
         } else {
     } catch (common_Exception $e) {
         $report->add(new common_report_Report(common_report_Report::TYPE_ERROR, __('Failed to clone the process')));
     if ($report->getType() != common_report_Report::TYPE_SUCCESS) {
         $report->setMessage(__('Failed to publish test "%s".', $this->getResource()->getLabel()));
     return $report;
  * Compile the items referended by $compactDoc.
  * @param XmlCompactDocument $compactDoc An XmlCompactDocument object referencing the items of the test.
  * @throws taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestCompilationFailedException If the test does not refer to at least one item.
  * @return common_report_Report
 protected function compileItems(XmlCompactDocument $compactDoc)
     $report = new common_report_Report(common_report_Report::TYPE_SUCCESS, __('Items Compilation'));
     $iterator = new QtiComponentIterator($compactDoc->getDocumentComponent(), array('assessmentItemRef'));
     $itemCount = 0;
     foreach ($iterator as $assessmentItemRef) {
         // Each item could take some time to be compiled, making the request to timeout.
         $itemToCompile = new core_kernel_classes_Resource($assessmentItemRef->getHref());
         $subReport = $this->subCompile($itemToCompile);
         if ($subReport->getType() == common_report_Report::TYPE_SUCCESS) {
             $itemService = $subReport->getdata();
             $inputValues = tao_models_classes_service_ServiceCallHelper::getInputValues($itemService, array());
             $assessmentItemRef->setHref($inputValues['itemUri'] . '|' . $inputValues['itemPath'] . '|' . $inputValues['itemDataPath']);
         } else {
         // Count the item even if it fails to avoid false "no item" error.
         common_Logger::t("QTI Item successfully compiled and registered as a service call in the QTI Test Definition.");
     if ($itemCount === 0) {
         $report->setMessage(__("A QTI Test must contain at least one QTI Item to be compiled. None found."));
     return $report;
 protected function removeDeliveryExecutions()
     $report = new \common_report_Report(\common_report_Report::TYPE_SUCCESS);
     // deliveryExecutions
     $extension = \common_ext_ExtensionsManager::singleton()->getExtensionById('taoDelivery');
     $deliveryService = $extension->getConfig('execution_service');
     if ($deliveryService instanceof \taoDelivery_models_classes_execution_KeyValueService) {
         $persistenceOption = $deliveryService->getOption(\taoDelivery_models_classes_execution_KeyValueService::OPTION_PERSISTENCE);
         $persistence = \common_persistence_KeyValuePersistence::getPersistence($persistenceOption);
         $count = 0;
         foreach ($persistence->keys('kve_*') as $key) {
             if (substr($key, 0, 4) == 'kve_') {
         $report->setMessage('Removed ' . $count . ' key-value delivery executions');
     } elseif ($deliveryService instanceof \taoDelivery_models_classes_execution_OntologyService) {
         $count = 0;
         $deliveryExecutionClass = new \core_kernel_classes_Class(\taoDelivery_models_classes_execution_OntologyDeliveryExecution::CLASS_URI);
         $deliveryExecutions = $deliveryExecutionClass->getInstances();
         /** @var  \core_kernel_classes_Class $deliveryExecution */
         foreach ($deliveryExecutions as $deliveryExecution) {
         $report->setMessage('Removed ' . $count . ' ontology delivery executions');
     } else {
         $report->setMessage('Cannot cleanup delivery executions from ' . get_class($deliveryService));
  * Import a QTI Test Package containing one or more QTI Test definitions.
  * @param core_kernel_classes_Class $targetClass The Target RDFS class where you want the Test Resources to be created.
  * @param string $file The path to the IMS archive you want to import tests from.
  * @return common_report_Report An import report.
 public function importMultipleTests(core_kernel_classes_Class $targetClass, $file)
     $testClass = $targetClass;
     $report = new common_report_Report(common_report_Report::TYPE_INFO);
     $validPackage = false;
     $validManifest = false;
     $testsFound = false;
     // Validate the given IMS Package itself (ZIP integrity, presence of an 'imsmanifest.xml' file.
     $invalidArchiveMsg = __("The provided archive is invalid. Make sure it is not corrupted and that it contains an 'imsmanifest.xml' file.");
     try {
         $qtiPackageParser = new taoQtiTest_models_classes_PackageParser($file);
         $validPackage = true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     // Validate the manifest (well formed XML, valid against the schema).
     if ($validPackage === true) {
         $folder = $qtiPackageParser->extract();
         if (is_dir($folder) === false) {
         } else {
             $qtiManifestParser = new taoQtiTest_models_classes_ManifestParser($folder . 'imsmanifest.xml');
             if ($qtiManifestParser->isValid() === true) {
                 $validManifest = true;
                 $tests = array();
                 foreach (Resource::getTestTypes() as $type) {
                     $tests = array_merge($tests, $qtiManifestParser->getResources($type));
                 $testsFound = count($tests) !== 0;
                 if ($testsFound !== true) {
                     $report->add(common_report_Report::createFailure(__("Package is valid but no tests were found. Make sure that it contains valid QTI tests.")));
                 } else {
                     foreach ($tests as $qtiTestResource) {
                         $report->add($this->importTest($testClass, $qtiTestResource, $qtiManifestParser, $folder));
             } else {
                 $msg = __("The 'imsmanifest.xml' file found in the archive is not valid.");
             // Cleanup the folder where the archive was extracted.
     if ($report->containsError() === true) {
         $report->setMessage(__('The IMS QTI Test Package could not be imported.'));
     } else {
         $report->setMessage(__('IMS QTI Test Package successfully imported.'));
     if ($report->containsError() === true && $validPackage === true && $validManifest === true && $testsFound === true) {
         // We consider a test package as an atomic component, we then rollback it.
         $itemService = taoItems_models_classes_ItemsService::singleton();
         foreach ($report as $r) {
             $data = $r->getData();
             // Delete all imported items.
             foreach ($data->items as $item) {
                 common_Logger::i("Rollbacking item '" . $item->getLabel() . "'...");
             // Delete the target Item RDFS class.
             common_Logger::i("Rollbacking Items target RDFS class '" . $data->itemClass->getLabel() . "'...");
             // Delete test definition.
             common_Logger::i("Rollbacking test '" . $data->rdfsResource->getLabel() . "...");
             if (count($data->items) > 0) {
                 $msg = __("The resources related to the IMS QTI Test referenced as \"%s\" in the IMS Manifest file were rolled back.", $data->manifestResource->getIdentifier());
                 $report->add(new common_report_Report(common_report_Report::TYPE_WARNING, $msg));
     return $report;
Esempio n. 11
  * Imports the currently loaded CsvFile into the destination Class.
  * The map should be set in the options before executing it.
  * @access public
  * @author Jerome Bogaerts, <*****@*****.**>
  * @param  string $source
  * @param  core_kernel_classes_Class $destination
  * @return common_report_Report
 public function import($source, core_kernel_classes_Class $destination = null)
     if (!isset($this->options['map'])) {
         throw new BadFunctionCallException("import map not set");
     if (is_null($destination)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("{$destination} must be a valid core_kernel_classes_Class");
     $csvData = $this->load($source);
     $createdResources = 0;
     $toImport = $csvData->count();
     $rangeProperty = new core_kernel_classes_Property(RDFS_RANGE);
     $report = new common_report_Report(common_report_Report::TYPE_ERROR, __('Data not imported. All records are invalid.'));
     for ($rowIterator = 0; $rowIterator < $csvData->count(); $rowIterator++) {
         common_Logger::d("CSV - Importing CSV row {$rowIterator}.");
         $resource = null;
         $csvRow = $csvData->getRow($rowIterator);
         try {
             // default values
             $evaluatedData = $this->options['staticMap'];
             // validate csv values
             foreach ($this->options['map'] as $propUri => $csvColumn) {
                 $this->validate($destination, $propUri, $csvRow, $csvColumn);
             // evaluate csv values
             foreach ($this->options['map'] as $propUri => $csvColumn) {
                 if ($csvColumn != 'csv_null' && $csvColumn != 'csv_select') {
                     // process value
                     if (isset($csvRow[$csvColumn]) && !is_null($csvRow[$csvColumn])) {
                         $property = new core_kernel_classes_Property($propUri);
                         $evaluatedData[$propUri] = $this->evaluateValues($csvColumn, $property, $csvRow[$csvColumn]);
             // create resource
             $resource = $destination->createInstanceWithProperties($evaluatedData);
             // Apply 'resourceImported' callbacks.
             foreach ($this->resourceImported as $callback) {
             $report->add(new common_report_Report(common_report_Report::TYPE_SUCCESS, __('Imported resource "%s"', $resource->getLabel()), $resource));
         } catch (ValidationException $valExc) {
             $failure = common_report_Report::createFailure(__('Row %s', $rowIterator + 1) . ' ' . $valExc->getProperty()->getLabel() . ': ' . $valExc->getUserMessage() . ' "' . $valExc->getValue() . '"');
     $this->addOption('to_import', $toImport);
     $this->addOption('imported', $createdResources);
     if ($createdResources == $toImport) {
         $report->setMessage(__('Imported %d resources', $toImport));
     } elseif ($createdResources > 0) {
         $report->setMessage(__('Imported %1$d/%2$d. Some records are invalid.', $createdResources, $toImport));
     return $report;