extract($_POST); extract($_GET); $search = new search(); $obj_setting = new common(); $modelList = array(); $manf = $obj_setting->CustomQuery("SELECT * FROM `attribute_option_value` WHERE `attribute_id` = '2' ORDER BY `value`,`sort_order` ASC"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($manf)) { $modelList[] = $row; } /*Fetch welcome section content*/ $fetchSetting = $obj_setting->read('editor_rows', 'id = 1'); $getSetting = $db->fetchNextObject($fetchSetting); $content = $getSetting->content; /*Fetch rotating banner section content*/ $allBanner = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM rot_banner where status=1 order by id asc"); $totalBanners = mysql_num_rows($allBanner); /*Fetch about us section content*/ $fetchSetting = $obj_setting->read('editor_rows', 'id = 2'); $getSetting = $db->fetchNextObject($fetchSetting); $aboutUsContent = $getSetting->content; /*Fetch about us section content*/ $fetchSetting = $obj_setting->read('editor_rows', 'id = 3'); $getSetting = $db->fetchNextObject($fetchSetting); $realFactsContent = $getSetting->content; $realFactBackgroundImage = $getSetting->image; /*Fetch homepage review content*/ ///// $check_home_review_one = $obj_setting->getValueByField("superadmin_options", "option_name='HomeReviewOne'", "option_value"); $check_home_review_two = $obj_setting->getValueByField("superadmin_options", "option_name='HomeReviewTwo'", "option_value"); $check_home_review = $check_home_review_one . "','" . $check_home_review_two;
$obj_setting = new common(); if (!isset($_REQUEST['searchcombo'])) { $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('contact', 'type = 101'); //number of rows in pages table } else { if ($_REQUEST['searchtext'] == 'Search') { $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('contact', 'type = 101'); //number of rows in pages table } else { $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('contact', "type = 101 and `name` like '%" . addslashes($_REQUEST['searchtext']) . "%' OR `email` like '%" . addslashes($_REQUEST['searchtext']) . "%'"); //number of rows in pages table for perticular search criteria } } if (!isset($_REQUEST['searchcombo'])) { if ($searchword == "" && $type != "") { $all_pages = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM contact where type = 101 order by {$field} {$orderby} limit {$eu}, {$limit} "); } else { if ($searchword != "" && $type != "") { $all_pages = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM contact where type = 101 and name like '%" . addslashes($searchword) . "%' or `email` like '%" . addslashes($searchword) . "%' order by {$field} {$orderby} limit {$eu}, {$limit} "); } else { $all_pages = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM contact where type = 101 order by {$field} {$orderby} limit {$eu}, {$limit} "); } } } else { if ($_REQUEST['searchtext'] == 'Search') { $all_pages = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM contact where type = 101 and order by {$field} {$orderby} limit {$eu}, {$limit} "); } else { $all_pages = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM contact where type = 101 and `name` like '%" . addslashes($_REQUEST['searchtext']) . "%' OR `desc` like '%" . addslashes($_REQUEST['searchtext']) . "%' order by {$field} {$orderby} limit {$eu}, {$limit} "); //number of rows in pages table for perticular search criteria } }
<?php extract($_GET); extract($_POST); $obj_setting = new common(); if (isset($id) and $id != '' and isset($action) and $action == 'delete') { $obj_setting->delete('rot_banner', " id={$id}"); $_SESSION['success_msg'] = 'Banner deleted successfully.'; echo '<script>location.href="' . DEFAULT_ADMIN_URL . '/home/index.php' . '";</script>'; } $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('rot_banner', " id={$id}"); if ($total_rows > 0) { $singlePage = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT name FROM rot_banner where id='" . $id . "'"); $getPageName = $db->fetchNextObject($singlePage); $pageName = $getPageName->name; } else { $pageName = 'There is no banner exists with this page id.'; } unset($obj_setting);
<?php extract($_GET); extract($_POST); $obj_setting = new common(); if (isset($pageid) and $pageid != '' and isset($action) and $action == 'delete') { if (isset($searchtext) and $searchtext != '') { $addToUrl = '?searchtext=' . $searchtext . '&searchcombo=' . $searchcombo; } else { $addToUrl = ''; } $obj_setting->delete('pages', " id={$pageid}"); $_SESSION['success_msg'] = 'Page deleted successfully.'; echo '<script>location.href="' . DEFAULT_ADMIN_URL . '/page/index.php' . $addToUrl . '";</script>'; } $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('pages', " id={$pageid}"); if ($total_rows > 0) { $singlePage = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT name FROM pages where id='" . $pageid . "'"); $getPageName = $db->fetchNextObject($singlePage); $pageName = $getPageName->name; } else { $pageName = 'There is no page exists with this page id.'; } unset($obj_setting);
<?php $obj_setting = new common(); $firstVid = $obj_setting->getValueByField("superadmin_options", "option_name='firstVid'", "option_value"); $secondVid = $obj_setting->getValueByField("superadmin_options", "option_name='secondVid'", "option_value"); if (isset($_POST) && $_POST['submit'] == 'submit') { foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if ($value != 'submit') { $checkExist = $obj_setting->getValueByField("superadmin_options", "option_name='" . trim($key) . "'", "option_value"); if ($checkExist) { $settings_save = $obj_setting->customQuery("UPDATE `superadmin_options` SET `option_name`='{$key}',`option_value`='{$value}' WHERE `option_name`='" . $key . "'"); } else { $settings_save = $obj_setting->customQuery("INSERT INTO `superadmin_options`(`option_name`, `option_value`) VALUES ('" . trim($key) . "' , '" . trim($value) . "')"); } } } if ($settings_save) { echo '<script>location.href = "' . DEFAULT_ADMIN_URL . '/car/productcars.php?response=success";</script>'; } else { echo '<script>location.href = "' . DEFAULT_ADMIN_URL . '/car/productcars.php?response=error";</script>'; } }
$field = 'name'; } if (isset($_GET['orderBy']) and $_GET['orderBy'] != '') { $orderby = $_GET['orderBy']; } else { $orderby = 'ASC'; } $obj_setting = new common(); if (!isset($_REQUEST['searchcombo'])) { $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('pages'); //number of rows in pages table } else { if ($_REQUEST['searchtext'] == 'Search') { $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('pages'); //number of rows in pages table } else { $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('pages', " `name` like '%" . addslashes($_REQUEST['searchtext']) . "%' OR `desc` like '%" . addslashes($_REQUEST['searchtext']) . "%'"); //number of rows in pages table for perticular search criteria } } if (!isset($_REQUEST['searchcombo'])) { $all_pages = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM pages order by {$field} {$orderby} limit {$eu}, {$limit} "); } else { if ($_REQUEST['searchtext'] == 'Search') { $all_pages = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM pages order by {$field} {$orderby} limit {$eu}, {$limit} "); } else { $all_pages = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM pages where `name` like '%" . addslashes($_REQUEST['searchtext']) . "%' OR `desc` like '%" . addslashes($_REQUEST['searchtext']) . "%' order by {$field} {$orderby} limit {$eu}, {$limit} "); //number of rows in pages table for perticular search criteria } } unset($obj_setting);
$searched .= " with price range <span class=\"searched\"> \$" . $price[0] * 1000 . " USD to \$" . $price[1] * 1000 . " USD </span>"; $dataArray['price'] = array('0' => (int) $price[0] * 1000, '1' => (int) $price[1] * 1000); } if (isset($filter) && $filter != '') { if ($filter == 1) { $val = array('FixedPrice', 'StoreInventory', 'AuctionWithBIN'); } else { $val = array('AuctionWithBIN', 'Auction'); } $filterarray[] = array('name' => 'ListingType', 'value' => $val, 'paramName' => '', 'paramValue' => ''); } else { $filterarray[] = array('name' => 'ListingType', 'value' => array('FixedPrice', 'StoreInventory', 'AuctionWithBIN', 'Auction'), 'paramName' => '', 'paramValue' => ''); } $userTblName = 'temp_' . $_SESSION['unique_id'][0]; if (!isset($_SESSION['announces'])) { $common->customQuery('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `' . $userTblName . '`'); $common->customQuery('CREATE TABLE `' . $userTblName . '` ( `type` int(10) NOT NULL, `itemId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `Price` float NOT NULL, `content` longtext ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1'); $common->customQuery('INSERT INTO master_temp (user_id, tbl_name, lastAct) VALUES ("' . $_SESSION['unique_id'][0] . '","' . $userTblName . '",' . getCurrentTimestamp() . ')'); $common->customQuery("DELETE FROM " . $userTblName); } if (!isset($_GET['page'])) { $_SESSION['announces'] = array(); $_SESSION['announces']['fill'] = true; $page = 1; $_SESSION['announces']['page'] = 8;
extract($_GET); extract($_POST); #getting array of ids from multiple checkbox and then imploding those ids with ',' to put in IN() $totalIds = implode("','", $allselect); $obj_setting = new common(); # Here we are deleting all selected pages if (isset($pageid) and $pageid != '' and isset($action) and $action == 'delete') { if (isset($searchtext) and $searchtext != '') { $addToUrl = '?searchtext=' . $searchtext . '&searchcombo=' . $searchcombo; } else { $addToUrl = ''; } $obj_setting->delete('contact', " id IN('{$pageid}')"); $_SESSION['success_msg'] = 'Enquiry deleted successfully.'; echo '<script>location.href="' . DEFAULT_ADMIN_URL . '/contact/consult/index.php' . $addToUrl . '";</script>'; } #taking imploded ids and checking if these ids exists in database or not #if not then we are showing error message and if found then we are fetching names #of those pages to show $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('contact', " id IN('{$totalIds}')"); if ($total_rows > 0) { $totalNames = array(); $singlePage = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM contact where id IN('{$totalIds}')"); while ($getPageName = $db->fetchNextObject($singlePage)) { $totalNames[] = $getPageName->name; } $pageName = implode(" , ", $totalNames); } else { $pageName = 'No Enquiry exists with these ids.'; } unset($obj_setting);
$pages->items_total = $total_rows; $pages->default_ipp = 15; $pages->paginate(); $cars = $search->attributeSearch($dataArray, 'fullName', 'ASC', $pages->limit); } } } } else { $total_rows = $common->numberOfRows("car", ''); $pages = new Paginator(); $pages->items_total = $total_rows; $pages->default_ipp = 15; $pages->paginate(); /*$dataArray = array( "manufacturer" => "64"); $cars = $search->attributeSearch($dataArray,'fullName','ASC',$pages->limit);*/ $result = $common->customQuery("select car_id from car " . $pages->limit); $car = array(); while ($res = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $cars[] = $res->car_id; } } if (isset($_POST) && isset($_POST["submit_inq"])) { global $db; $common_obj = new common(); $arr = array("car_id" => $_POST['car_id'], "name" => $_POST['name'], "email" => $_POST['email'], "phone" => $_POST['phone'], "message" => $_POST['message'], "address" => $_POST['address'], "type" => 0); $common_obj->save("contact", $arr); // Your subject $subject = 'Inquiry About Car'; // From $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
<?php extract($_POST); extract($_GET); $search = new search(); $obj_setting = new common(); $page_name = 'revue_automobiles'; /******************************************************/ //fetch all makes entered so far from the admin /*******************************************************/ $all_makes_query = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT make, make_name FROM reviews "); $all_makes = array(); while ($makerow = mysql_fetch_object($all_makes_query)) { $make_id = $makerow->make; $make_name = $makerow->make_name; $all_makes[$make_id] = $make_name; } $QueryString = ''; //$limit = PAGING_LIMIT; $limit = 1; if (strlen($start) > 0 and !is_numeric($start)) { $start = 0; } $eu = $start - 0; $this1 = $eu + $limit; $back = $eu - $limit; $next = $eu + $limit; if (strlen($startOld) > 0 and !is_numeric($startOld)) { $startOld = 0; } $euOld = $startOld - 0;
$select20 = ""; break; } $start = $_GET['start']; if (strlen($start) > 0 and !is_numeric($start)) { $start = 0; } $eu = $start - 0; if (!$limit > 0) { // if limit value is not available then let us use a default value $limit = PAGING_LIMIT; // No of records to be shown per page by default. } $this1 = $eu + $limit; $back = $eu - $limit; $next = $eu + $limit; if (isset($_GET['field']) and $_GET['field'] != '') { $field = $_GET['field']; } else { $field = 'id'; } if (isset($_GET['orderBy']) and $_GET['orderBy'] != '') { $orderby = $_GET['orderBy']; } else { $orderby = 'ASC'; } $obj_setting = new common(); //number of rows in pages table $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('media'); $allMedia = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * from media order by {$field} {$orderby} limit {$eu}, {$limit}"); unset($obj_setting);
<?php extract($_GET); extract($_POST); $obj_setting = new common(); if (isset($id) and $id != '' and isset($action) and $action == 'delete') { $obj_setting->delete('content_page', " id={$id}"); $_SESSION['success_msg'] = 'Tab deleted successfully.'; echo '<script>location.href="' . DEFAULT_ADMIN_URL . '/logistique/index.php' . '";</script>'; } $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('content_page', " id={$id}"); if ($total_rows > 0) { $singlePage = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT tab_title FROM content_page where page_name='logistique' and id='" . $id . "'"); $getPageName = $db->fetchNextObject($singlePage); $pageName = $getPageName->tab_title; } else { $pageName = 'There is no Tab exists with this id.'; } unset($obj_setting);
$start = 0; } $eu = $start - 0; if (!$limit > 0) { // if limit value is not available then let us use a default value $limit = PAGING_LIMIT; // No of records to be shown per page by default. } $this1 = $eu + $limit; $back = $eu - $limit; $next = $eu + $limit; if (isset($_GET['field']) and $_GET['field'] != '') { $field = 'news_articles' . $_GET['field']; } else { $field = 'articles.id'; } if (isset($_GET['orderBy']) and $_GET['orderBy'] != '') { $orderby = $_GET['orderBy']; } else { $orderby = 'ASC'; } $obj_setting = new common(); //number of rows in pages table if ($_GET['cat_id'] != '') { $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('news_articles', "category_id='" . $_GET['cat_id'] . "'"); $allArticles = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT category.category_name,articles.id,articles.title FROM news_articles as articles LEFT JOIN news_category as category ON articles.category_id=category.id where articles.category_id='" . $_GET['cat_id'] . "' order by {$field} {$orderby} limit {$eu}, {$limit}"); } else { $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('news_articles'); $allArticles = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT category.category_name,articles.id,articles.title FROM news_articles as articles LEFT JOIN news_category as category ON articles.category_id=category.id order by {$field} {$orderby} limit {$eu}, {$limit}"); } unset($obj_setting);
$obj->add_fields($name, 'req', 'Please Enter Page Title'); $obj->add_fields($desc, 'req', 'Please Enter Description'); $error = $obj->validate(); if ($error) { $errorMsg = "<font color='#FF0000' family='verdana' size=2>Please fill all required fields.</font>"; } else { if (trim($slug)) { $slug = makeAlias($slug); } else { $slug = makeAlias($name); } if (trim($metatitle)) { $metatitle = $metatitle; } else { $metatitle = $name; } if (isset($searchtext) and $searchtext != '') { $addToUrl = '?searchtext=' . $searchtext . '&searchcombo=' . $searchcombo; } else { $addToUrl = ''; } $_SESSION['success_msg'] = 'Page has been edited successfully.'; $dataArr = array('name' => $name, 'slug' => $slug, 'desc' => $desc, 'publish' => $publish, 'metatitle' => $metatitle, 'metakeyword' => $metakeyword, 'metadescription' => $metadescription, 'can_delete' => $can_delete, 'page_cat' => $page_cat); $update_site = $obj_setting->update(TBL_PAGE, $dataArr, ' id=' . $id); echo '<script>location.href="' . DEFAULT_ADMIN_URL . '/page/index.php' . $addToUrl . '";</script>'; exit; } } $fetchPage_cat = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM pages where page_cat=0"); unset($obj_setting); unset($obj);
<table style="float:right"> <tr> <td><input class="inp-form" type="text" name="searchcar" id="searchcar" value="<?php echo $searchcar; ?> " /></td> <td><?php //echo $searchattr; if (isset($searchattr)) { $sel = explode("~", $searchattr); } ?> <select class="select-form" name="searchattr"> <?php $objcommon = new common(); $result = $objcommon->customQuery("Select attribute_id, frontend_label,backend_type,frontend_type From attribute where searchable = '1' order by frontend_label ASC"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $row[attribute_id] . "~" . $row[backend_type] . "~" . $row[frontend_type]; ?> " <?php if ($sel[0] == $row[attribute_id]) { ?> selected="selected"<?php } ?> ><?php echo $row[frontend_label]; ?> </option>
} if (isset($_GET['media']) && $_GET['media'] == 'photo') { $pagesnum = 1; $pagesPhotonum = $_GET['page']; } if (isset($_GET['media']) && $_GET['media'] == 'video') { $pagesPhotonum = 1; $pagesnum = $_GET['page']; } $pagesPhoto = new Paginator(); $pagesPhoto->default_ipp = 8; $total_rows = $common->numberOfRows('media', "type='1'"); $pagesPhoto->items_total = $total_rows; $pagesPhoto->extraParam = 'photo'; $pagesPhoto->paginate(); $limit = 8; $eu = $limit * ($pagesPhotonum - 1); $allMedia = $common->customQuery("SELECT * FROM media where type = '1' ORDER BY id ASC limit {$eu}, {$limit}"); $pages = new Paginator(); $pages->default_ipp = 8; $totalVideos = $common->numberOfRows('media', "type='0'"); $pages->items_total = $totalVideos; $pages->extraParam = 'video'; $pages->paginate(); $limit = 8; $eu = $limit * ($pagesnum - 1); $allVideo = $common->customQuery("SELECT * FROM media where type = '0' ORDER BY id ASC limit {$eu}, {$limit}"); $fetchSetting = $common->read('content_page', 'id = 16'); $getSetting = $db->fetchNextObject($fetchSetting); $bannerImage = $getSetting->banner_image; $content = $getSetting->content;
extract($_GET); extract($_POST); #getting array of ids from multiple checkbox and then imploding those ids with ',' to put in IN() $totalIds = implode("','", $allselect); $obj_setting = new common(); # Here we are deleting all selected pages if (isset($pageid) and $pageid != '' and isset($action) and $action == 'delete') { if (isset($searchtext) and $searchtext != '') { $addToUrl = '?searchtext=' . $searchtext . '&searchcombo=' . $searchcombo; } else { $addToUrl = ''; } $obj_setting->delete('email_log', " id IN('{$pageid}')"); $_SESSION['success_msg'] = 'Enquiry deleted successfully.'; echo '<script>location.href="' . DEFAULT_ADMIN_URL . '/contact/log/index.php' . $addToUrl . '";</script>'; } #taking imploded ids and checking if these ids exists in database or not #if not then we are showing error message and if found then we are fetching names #of those pages to show $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('contact', " id IN('{$totalIds}')"); if ($total_rows > 0) { $totalNames = array(); $singlePage = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM email_log where id IN('{$totalIds}')"); while ($getPageName = $db->fetchNextObject($singlePage)) { $totalNames[] = $getPageName->name; } $pageName = implode(" , ", $totalNames); } else { $pageName = 'No Enquiry exists with these ids.'; } unset($obj_setting);
$obj_search = new search(); if (isset($_GET['field']) and $_GET['field'] != '') { $field = $_GET['field']; } else { $field = 'car_id'; } if (isset($_GET['orderBy']) and $_GET['orderBy'] != '') { $orderby = $_GET['orderBy']; } else { $orderby = 'ASC'; } $addCarToQuery = ''; $dataArr = array("featured" => 169); if ($submitcar == 'Search') { $backtype = explode("~", $searchattr); if ($backtype[2] == "select" or $backtype[2] == "radio" or $backtype[2] == "multiselect" or $backtype[2] == "checkbox") { $value_id = $obj_setting->customQuery("select value_id from attribute_option_value where attribute_id = '" . $backtype['0'] . "' and value like '" . "%" . $searchcar . "%" . "' "); $value_id = mysql_fetch_object($value_id); $value = $value_id->value_id; } else { $value = $searchcar; } $attribute_code = $obj_setting->customQuery("select attribute_code from attribute where attribute_id = " . $backtype['0']); $attribute_code = mysql_fetch_object($attribute_code); $dataArr[$attribute_code->attribute_code] = $value; } $pages->items_total = $obj_search->attributeSearchCount($dataArr); $total_rows = $pages->items_total; $pages->paginate(); $all_car = $obj_search->attributeSearch($dataArr, "fullName", "ASC", $pages->limit); $all_car = $obj_setting->CarAttributesFromID($all_car);
$old_new = $getSetting->old_new; $make = $getSetting->make; $model = $getSetting->model; $pdsf = $getSetting->pdsf; $mpg = $getSetting->mpg; $make_name = $getSetting->make_name; $model_name = $getSetting->model_name; $year = $getSetting->year; $expert = $getSetting->expert; $ensemble = $getSetting->ensemble; $ensemble = $getSetting->ensemble; $characteristique = $getSetting->characteristique; $image = $getSetting->image; $title = $make_name . ' ' . $model_name . ' ' . $year; $currentUrl = DEFAULT_URL . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $all_media_query = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM reviews_media WHERE review_id=" . $id); $all_media = array(); while ($mediaRow = mysql_fetch_object($all_media_query)) { $mediaid = $mediaRow->id; $review_id = $mediaRow->review_id; $media_type = $mediaRow->media_type; $media_name = $mediaRow->media_name; $order_id = $mediaRow->order_id; if ($media_type == 'video') { $Exploded = explode('-', $media_name); $video_thumb = DEFAULT_ADMIN_URL_REVIEW_IMAGEPATH . '/' . $Exploded[0] . '.jpg'; } else { if ($media_type == 'youtube_link') { $Exploded = explode('=', $media_name); $video_thumb = 'http://img.youtube.com/vi/' . $Exploded[1] . '/0.jpg'; } else {
$error = $obj->validate(); if ($error) { $errorMsg = "<font color='#FF0000' family='verdana' size=2>" . $error . "</font>"; } else { /*save category*/ $slug = str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($title)); $dataArr = array('category_id' => $category_id, 'title' => $title, 'content' => $content, 'slug' => $slug); if ($id == "") { $categoryInsert = $obj_setting->save('news_articles', $dataArr); } else { $categoryInsert = $obj_setting->update('news_articles', $dataArr, "id=" . $id); } $_SESSION['success_msg'] = 'Successfully Saved'; echo '<script>location.href="' . DEFAULT_URL . '/superadmin/page/articles.php";</script>'; exit; } } /*Fetch banner section content*/ if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $fetchSetting = $obj_setting->read('news_articles', 'id = ' . $_GET['id']); $getSetting = $db->fetchNextObject($fetchSetting); $id = $getSetting->id; $categoryId = $getSetting->category_id; $title = $getSetting->title; $content = $getSetting->content; $heading = "Edit"; } else { $heading = "Add New"; } $allCategories = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT id,category_name FROM news_category order by category_name ASC");
<?php extract($_GET); extract($_POST); $obj_setting = new common(); if (isset($id) and $id != '' and isset($action) and $action == 'delete') { if (isset($searchtext) and $searchtext != '') { $addToUrl = '?searchtext=' . $searchtext . '&searchcombo=' . $searchcombo; } else { $addToUrl = ''; } $obj_setting->delete('newsletter_subscriber', " id={$id}"); $_SESSION['success_msg'] = 'Enquiry deleted successfully.'; echo '<script>location.href="' . DEFAULT_ADMIN_URL . '/contact/newsletter/index.php' . $addToUrl . '";</script>'; } $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('newsletter_subscriber', " id={$id}"); if ($total_rows > 0) { $singlePage = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM newsletter_subscriber where id='" . $id . "'"); $getPageName = $db->fetchNextObject($singlePage); $pageName = $getPageName->name; } else { $pageName = 'No enquiry exists with this id.'; } unset($obj_setting);
<?php extract($_GET); extract($_POST); $obj_setting = new common(); if (isset($id) and $id != '' and isset($action) and $action == 'delete') { if (isset($searchtext) and $searchtext != '') { $addToUrl = '?searchtext=' . $searchtext . '&searchcombo=' . $searchcombo; } else { $addToUrl = ''; } $obj_setting->delete('car_inquiry', " id={$id}"); $_SESSION['success_msg'] = 'Enquiry deleted successfully.'; echo '<script>location.href="' . DEFAULT_ADMIN_URL . '/contact/guest/index.php' . $addToUrl . '";</script>'; } $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('car_inquiry', " id={$contactid}"); if ($total_rows > 0) { $singlePage = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM car_inquiry where id='" . $id . "'"); $getPageName = $db->fetchNextObject($singlePage); $pageName = $getPageName->name; } else { $pageName = 'No enquiry exists with this id.'; } unset($obj_setting);
function AdminSearch($text) { $common = new common(); $result = $common->customQuery("select car_id from car_varchar where attribute_id=22 and value like '" . "%" . $text . "%" . "' "); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $carID[] = $row['car_id']; } return $carID; }
$obj_setting = new common(); if (!isset($_REQUEST['searchcombo'])) { $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('car_inquiry'); //number of rows in pages table } else { if ($_REQUEST['searchtext'] == 'Search') { $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('car_inquiry'); //number of rows in pages table } else { $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('car_inquiry', " `name` like '%" . addslashes($_REQUEST['searchtext']) . "%' OR `email` like '%" . addslashes($_REQUEST['searchtext']) . "%'"); //number of rows in pages table for perticular search criteria } } if (!isset($_REQUEST['searchcombo'])) { if ($searchword == "" && $type != "") { $all_pages = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM car_inquiry where type = {$type} order by {$field} {$orderby} limit {$eu}, {$limit} "); } else { if ($searchword != "" && $type != "") { $all_pages = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM car_inquiry where type = {$type} and name like '%" . addslashes($searchword) . "%' or `email` like '%" . addslashes($searchword) . "%' order by {$field} {$orderby} limit {$eu}, {$limit} "); } else { $all_pages = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM car_inquiry order by {$field} {$orderby} limit {$eu}, {$limit} "); } } } else { echo "hii"; die; if ($_REQUEST['searchtext'] == 'Search') { $all_pages = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM car_inquiry order by {$field} {$orderby} limit {$eu}, {$limit} "); } else { $all_pages = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM car_inquiry where `name` like '%" . addslashes($_REQUEST['searchtext']) . "%' OR `desc` like '%" . addslashes($_REQUEST['searchtext']) . "%' order by {$field} {$orderby} limit {$eu}, {$limit} "); //number of rows in pages table for perticular search criteria
<?php /************************************************************************************************************* #Coder : Kapil Verma #Description : This Code is used to manage general settings *************************************************************************************************************/ extract($_GET); extract($_POST); $obj_setting = new common(); $obj = new validation(); /* Get Current Date Time Stamp */ $currentTimestamp = getCurrentTimestamp(); $adminSql = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT logo FROM " . TBL_ADMIN . " where id='" . $_SESSION['LoggedInId'] . "'"); $adminResult = $db->fetchNextObject($adminSql); $oldImageNameName = $adminResult->logo; $imageName = $oldImageNameName; #predefined so if no image name found then it will take image name from datsabase table if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { #checking if image uploaded or not if (isset($_FILES['logo_header']['tmp_name']) and $_FILES['logo_header']['tmp_name'] != '') { $imageTypes = array('image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg'); $imageName = $currentTimestamp . '_' . $_FILES['logo_header']['name']; $successstatus = fileUpload(LIST_ROOT_ADMIN . '/images/logo_header/', $imageName, 'logo_header', $imageTypes, 200, $oldImageNameName, 'header_logo.jpg'); switch ($successstatus) { case 0: $imageName = $oldImageNameName; break; case 1: $imageName = $imageName; break; case 2:
<?php $userTblName = "wishlist"; $common = new common(); if (!isset($_GET['page'])) { $page = 1; } if ($_SESSION['User']['id'] != "") { $userid = $_SESSION['User']['id']; $list = $common->customQuery("SELECT * FROM " . $userTblName . " where user_id = " . $userid . " ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 0 ,25"); }
extract($_POST); #getting array of ids from multiple checkbox and then imploding those ids with ',' to put in IN() $totalIds = implode(",", $allselect); $obj_setting = new common(); # Here we are deleting all selected pages if ($totalIds != '' and isset($action) and $action == 'delete') { if (isset($searchtext) and $searchtext != '') { $addToUrl = '?searchtext=' . $searchtext . '&searchcombo=' . $searchcombo; } else { $addToUrl = ''; } $obj_setting->delete('car', " car_id IN ({$totalIds})"); $obj_setting->delete('contact', " car_id IN ({$totalIds})"); $_SESSION['success_msg'] = 'Cars deleted successfully.'; echo '<script>location.href="' . DEFAULT_ADMIN_URL . '/car/index.php' . $addToUrl . '";</script>'; } #taking imploded ids and checking if these ids exists in database or not #if not then we are showing error message and if found then we are fetching names #of those pages to show $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('pages', " id IN('{$totalIds}')"); if ($total_rows > 0) { $totalNames = array(); $singlePage = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT name FROM pages where id IN('{$totalIds}')"); while ($getPageName = $db->fetchNextObject($singlePage)) { $totalNames[] = $getPageName->name; } $pageName = implode(" , ", $totalNames); } else { $pageName = 'There are no cars exists with these car ids.'; } unset($obj_setting);
$obj_setting = new common(); if (!isset($_REQUEST['searchcombo'])) { $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('email_log'); //number of rows in pages table } else { if ($_REQUEST['searchtext'] == 'Search') { $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('email_log'); //number of rows in pages table } else { $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('email_log', " `email` like '%" . addslashes($_REQUEST['searchtext']) . "%'"); //number of rows in pages table for perticular search criteria } } if (!isset($_REQUEST['searchcombo'])) { if ($searchword == "" && $type != "") { $all_pages = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM email_log order by {$field} {$orderby} limit {$eu}, {$limit} "); } else { if ($searchword != "" && $type != "") { $all_pages = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM email_log where `email` like '%" . addslashes($searchword) . "%' order by {$field} {$orderby} limit {$eu}, {$limit} "); } else { $all_pages = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM email_log order by {$field} {$orderby} limit {$eu}, {$limit} "); } } } else { if ($_REQUEST['searchtext'] == 'Search') { $all_pages = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM email_log order by {$field} {$orderby} limit {$eu}, {$limit} "); } else { $all_pages = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM email_log where `email` like '%" . addslashes($_REQUEST['searchtext']) . "%' order by {$field} {$orderby} limit {$eu}, {$limit} "); //number of rows in pages table for perticular search criteria } }
<?php extract($_GET); extract($_POST); $obj_setting = new common(); if (isset($id) and $id != '' and isset($action) and $action == 'delete') { if (isset($searchtext) and $searchtext != '') { $addToUrl = '?searchtext=' . $searchtext . '&searchcombo=' . $searchcombo; } else { $addToUrl = ''; } $obj_setting->delete('faq', " id={$id}"); $_SESSION['success_msg'] = 'FAQ deleted successfully.'; echo '<script>location.href="' . DEFAULT_ADMIN_URL . '/faq/index.php' . $addToUrl . '";</script>'; } $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('faq', " id={$contactid}"); if ($total_rows > 0) { $singlePage = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT * FROM faq where id='" . $id . "'"); $getPageName = $db->fetchNextObject($singlePage); $pageName = $getPageName->name; } else { $pageName = 'No FAQ exists with this id.'; } unset($obj_setting);
<?php extract($_GET); extract($_POST); $obj_setting = new common(); if (isset($id) and $id != '' and isset($action) and $action == 'delete') { $obj_setting->delete('news_category', "id={$id}"); $obj_setting->delete('news_articles', "category_id={$id}"); $_SESSION['success_msg'] = 'Category and its associated articles deleted successfully.'; echo '<script>location.href="' . DEFAULT_ADMIN_URL . '/page/news_category.php' . '";</script>'; } $total_rows = $obj_setting->numberOfRows('news_category', "id={$id}"); if ($total_rows > 0) { $singlePage = $obj_setting->customQuery("SELECT category_name FROM news_category id='" . $id . "'"); $getPageName = $db->fetchNextObject($singlePage); $pageName = $getPageName->tab_title; } else { $pageName = 'There is no Category exists with this id.'; } unset($obj_setting);