function applet_robots() { global $_LANG; global $adminAccess; if (!cmsUser::isAdminCan('admin/robots', $adminAccess)) { cpAccessDenied(); } cmsCore::c('page')->setTitle($_LANG['ROBOTS_TITLE']); cpAddPathway($_LANG['ROBOTS_TITLE']); $do = cmsCore::request('do', array('edit', 'save'), 'edit'); if (!file_exists(PATH . '/robots.txt')) { $fp = fopen(PATH . '/robots.txt', 'w'); fwrite($fp, str_replace(array('%domen%', '%host%'), array(str_replace(array('https://', 'http://'), '', cmsCore::c('config')->host), cmsCore::c('config')->host), file_get_contents(PATH . '/includes/default_robots.txt'))); fclose($fp); chmod(PATH . '/robots.txt', 0777); } if ($do == 'save') { if (!cmsUser::checkCsrfToken()) { cmsCore::error404(); } $data = cmsCore::request('robots', 'str'); $fp = fopen(PATH . '/robots.txt', 'w'); fwrite($fp, stripcslashes($data) . "\n"); fclose($fp); } $robots = file_get_contents(PATH . '/robots.txt'); cmsCore::c('page')->initTemplate('applets', 'robots')->assign('robots', $robots)->display(); }
function f_pages(&$text) { if (mb_strpos($text, 'pagebreak') === false) { return true; } $seolink = urldecode(cmsCore::request('seolink', 'str', '')); $seolink = preg_replace('/[^a-zа-я-яёіїєґА-ЯЁІЇЄҐ0-9_\\/\\-]/ui', '', $seolink); if (!$seolink) { return true; } $regex = '/{(pagebreak)\\s*(.*?)}/iu'; $pages = preg_split($regex, $text); $n = count($pages); if ($n <= 1) { return true; } else { $page = cmsCore::request('page', 'int', 1); $text = $pages[$page - 1]; if (!$text) { cmsCore::error404(); } cmsCore::loadModel('content'); $text .= cmsPage::getPagebar($n, $page, 1, cms_model_content::getArticleURL(null, $seolink, '%page%')); return true; } }
function mod_category($mod, $cfg) { $inDB = cmsDatabase::getInstance(); cmsCore::loadModel('content'); $model = new cms_model_content(); if (!isset($cfg['category_id'])) { $cfg['category_id'] = 0; } if (!isset($cfg['show_subcats'])) { $cfg['show_subcats'] = 1; } if (!isset($cfg['expand_all'])) { $cfg['expand_all'] = 1; } $rootcat = $inDB->getNsCategory('cms_category', $cfg['category_id']); if (!$rootcat) { return false; } $subcats_list = $model->getSubCats($rootcat['id'], $cfg['show_subcats'], $rootcat['NSLeft'], $rootcat['NSRight']); if (!$subcats_list) { return false; } $current_seolink = urldecode(cmsCore::request('seolink', 'str', '')); cmsPage::initTemplate('modules', $cfg['tpl'])->assign('cfg', $cfg)->assign('current_seolink', $current_seolink)->assign('subcats_list', $subcats_list)->display($cfg['tpl']); return true; }
function mod_category($mod, $cfg) { $cfg = array_merge( array( 'category_id' => 0, 'show_subcats' => 1, 'expand_all' => 1 ), $cfg ); $rootcat = cmsCore::c('db')->getNsCategory('cms_category', $cfg['category_id']); if (!$rootcat) { return false; } $subcats_list = cmsCore::m('content')->getSubCats($rootcat['id'], $cfg['show_subcats'], $rootcat['NSLeft'], $rootcat['NSRight']); if (!$subcats_list) { return false; } $current_seolink = urldecode(cmsCore::request('seolink', 'str', '')); cmsPage::initTemplate('modules', $cfg['tpl'])-> assign('cfg', $cfg)-> assign('current_seolink', $current_seolink)-> assign('subcats_list', $subcats_list)-> display(); return true; }
function subscribes(){ $inCore = cmsCore::getInstance(); $inUser = cmsUser::getInstance(); $do = $inCore->do; //========================================================================================================================// //========================================================================================================================// if ($do=='view'){ $subscribe = cmsCore::request('subscribe', 'int', 0); $target = cmsCore::request('target', 'str', ''); $target_id = cmsCore::request('target_id', 'int', 0); if (!$target_id || !$target){ cmsCore::error404(); } if ($inUser->id){ cmsUser::subscribe($inUser->id, $target, $target_id, $subscribe); } if(cmsCore::isAjax()){ cmsCore::jsonOutput(array('subscribe'=>$subscribe)); } else { cmsCore::redirectBack(); } } }
function polls() { $model = new cms_model_polls(); global $_LANG; $do = cmsCore::getInstance()->do; //========================================================================================================================// //========================================================================================================================// if ($do == 'view') { $answer = cmsCore::request('answer', 'str', ''); $poll_id = cmsCore::request('poll_id', 'int'); if (!$answer || !$poll_id) { if (cmsCore::isAjax()) { cmsCore::jsonOutput(array('error' => true, 'text' => $_LANG['SELECT_THE_OPTION'])); } else { cmsCore::error404(); } } $poll = $model->getPoll($poll_id); if (!$poll) { cmsCore::jsonOutput(array('error' => true, 'text' => '')); } if ($model->isUserVoted($poll_id)) { cmsCore::jsonOutput(array('error' => true, 'text' => '')); } if (!cmsUser::checkCsrfToken()) { cmsCore::halt(); } $model->votePoll($poll, $answer); cmsCore::jsonOutput(array('error' => false, 'text' => $_LANG['VOTE_ACCEPTED'])); } }
function applet_filters() { global $_LANG; global $adminAccess; if (!cmsUser::isAdminCan('admin/plugins', $adminAccess)) { cpAccessDenied(); } if (!cmsUser::isAdminCan('admin/filters', $adminAccess)) { cpAccessDenied(); } $GLOBALS['cp_page_title'] = $_LANG['AD_FILTERS']; cpAddPathway($_LANG['AD_FILTERS'], 'index.php?view=filters'); $do = cmsCore::request('do', 'str', 'list'); $id = cmsCore::request('id', 'int', -1); if ($do == 'hide') { dbHide('cms_filters', $id); echo '1'; exit; } if ($do == 'show') { dbShow('cms_filters', $id); echo '1'; exit; } if ($do == 'list') { $fields[] = array('title' => 'id', 'field' => 'id', 'width' => '30'); $fields[] = array('title' => $_LANG['TITLE'], 'field' => 'title', 'width' => '250'); $fields[] = array('title' => $_LANG['DESCRIPTION'], 'field' => 'description', 'width' => ''); $fields[] = array('title' => $_LANG['AD_ENABLE'], 'field' => 'published', 'width' => '100'); $actions = array(); cpListTable('cms_filters', $fields, $actions); } }
function applet_filters() { global $_LANG; global $adminAccess; if (!cmsUser::isAdminCan('admin/plugins', $adminAccess)) { cpAccessDenied(); } if (!cmsUser::isAdminCan('admin/filters', $adminAccess)) { cpAccessDenied(); } cmsCore::c('page')->setTitle($_LANG['AD_FILTERS']); cpAddPathway($_LANG['AD_FILTERS'], 'index.php?view=filters'); $do = cmsCore::request('do', 'str', 'list'); $id = cmsCore::request('id', 'int', -1); if ($do == 'hide') { cmsCore::c('db')->setFlag('cms_filters', $id, 'published', '0'); cmsCore::halt('1'); } if ($do == 'show') { cmsCore::c('db')->setFlag('cms_filters', $id, 'published', '1'); cmsCore::halt('1'); } if ($do == 'list') { $fields = array( array( 'title' => 'id', 'field' => 'id', 'width' => '40' ), array( 'title' => $_LANG['TITLE'], 'field' => 'title', 'width' => '250' ), array( 'title' => $_LANG['DESCRIPTION'], 'field' => 'description', 'width' => '' ), array( 'title' => $_LANG['AD_ENABLE'], 'field' => 'published', 'width' => '100' ) ); cpListTable('cms_filters', $fields, array()); } }
public function __construct(){ $this->config = cmsCore::getInstance()->loadComponentConfig('arhive'); cmsCore::loadLanguage('components/arhive'); $this->year = cmsCore::request('y', 'int', 'all'); $this->month = sprintf("%02d", cmsCore::request('m', 'int', 'all')); $this->day = sprintf("%02d", cmsCore::request('d', 'int', 'all')); $this->setSqlParams(); }
function applet_cache() { $target = cmsCore::request('target', 'str', ''); $target_id = cmsCore::request('id', 'int', 0); if (!$target || !$target_id) { cmsCore::error404(); } cmsCore::deleteCache($target, $target_id); cmsCore::redirectBack(); }
function applet_templates() { global $adminAccess; global $_LANG; if (!cmsUser::isAdminCan('admin/config', $adminAccess)) { cpAccessDenied(); } $do = cmsCore::request('do', array('config', 'save_config'), 'main'); cmsCore::c('page')->setTitle($_LANG['AD_TEMPLATES_SETTING']); cpAddPathway($_LANG['AD_TEMPLATES_SETTING'], 'index.php?view=templates'); if ($do == 'main') { cmsCore::c('page')->initTemplate('applets', 'templates')->assign('templates', cmsCore::getDirsList('/templates'))->display(); } if ($do == 'config') { $template = cmsCore::request('template', 'str', ''); cpAddPathway($_LANG['AD_TEMPLATE'] . ': ' . $template, 'index.php?view=templates&do=config&template=' . $template); if (!file_exists(PATH . '/templates/' . $template) || !file_exists(PATH . '/templates/' . $template . '/config.php')) { cmsCore::error404(); } include PATH . '/templates/' . $template . '/config.php'; if (function_exists('get_template_cfg_fields')) { $tpl_cfgs = get_template_cfg_fields(); if (!empty($tpl_cfgs)) { $tpl_cfgs_val = cmsCore::getTplCfg($template); cmsCore::c('page')->initTemplate('applets', 'templates')->assign('template', $template)->assign('form_gen_form', cmsCore::c('form_gen')->generateForm($tpl_cfgs, $tpl_cfgs_val))->display(); } else { cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_TEMPLATE_NO_CONFIG'], 'error'); cmsCore::redirectBack(); } } else { cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_TEMPLATE_CFG_ERROR'], 'error'); cmsCore::redirectBack(); } } if ($do == 'save_config') { $template = cmsCore::request('template', 'str', ''); if (!file_exists(PATH . '/templates/' . $template) || !file_exists(PATH . '/templates/' . $template . '/config.php') || !cmsUser::checkCsrfToken()) { cmsCore::error404(); } include PATH . '/templates/' . $template . '/config.php'; if (function_exists('get_template_cfg_fields')) { $tpl_cfgs = get_template_cfg_fields(); if (!empty($tpl_cfgs)) { $tpl_cfgs = cmsCore::c('form_gen')->requestForm($tpl_cfgs); cmsCore::saveTplCfg($tpl_cfgs, $template); cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_TEMPLATE_CFG_SAVED'], 'success'); cmsCore::redirect('/admin/index.php?view=templates'); } else { cmsCore::error404(); } } else { cmsCore::error404(); } } }
function applet_cache() { $component = cmsCore::request('component', 'str', ''); $target = cmsCore::request('target', 'str', ''); $target_id = cmsCore::request('target_id', 'str', ''); if (empty($component) || empty($target_id)) { cmsCore::error404(); } cmsCore::c('cache')->remove($component, $target_id, $target); cmsCore::redirectBack(); }
/** * Проверяет код каптчи * @return bool */ public function checkCaptcha() { $captcha_code = cmsCore::request('captcha_code', 'str', ''); $captcha_id = cmsCore::request('captcha_id', 'str', ''); if (!$captcha_id || empty($_SESSION['captcha'][$captcha_id]) || !$captcha_code) { return false; } $real_code = $_SESSION['captcha'][$captcha_id]; unset($_SESSION['captcha'][$captcha_id]); return $real_code === $captcha_code; }
function applet_arhive() { $inCore = cmsCore::getInstance(); global $_LANG; cmsCore::c('page')->setTitle($_LANG['AD_ARTICLES_ARCHIVE']); $cfg = $inCore->loadComponentConfig('content'); $cfg_arhive = $inCore->loadComponentConfig('arhive'); cpAddPathway($_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_SITE'], 'index.php?view=tree'); cpAddPathway($_LANG['AD_ARTICLES_ARCHIVE'], 'index.php?view=arhive'); $do = cmsCore::request('do', 'str', 'list'); $id = cmsCore::request('id', 'int', -1); if ($do == 'saveconfig') { if (!cmsUser::checkCsrfToken()) { cmsCore::error404(); } $cfg['source'] = cmsCore::request('source', 'str', ''); $inCore->saveComponentConfig('arhive', $cfg); cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_CONFIG_SAVE_SUCCESS'], 'success'); cmsCore::redirect('?view=arhive&do=config'); } if ($do == 'config') { $toolmenu = array(array('icon' => 'folders.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_LIST_OF_ARTICLES'], 'link' => '?view=arhive')); cpToolMenu($toolmenu); cpAddPathway($_LANG['AD_SETTINGS'], 'index.php?view=arhive&do=config'); cmsCore::c('page')->initTemplate('applets', 'arhive')->assign('cfg_arhive', $cfg_arhive)->display(); } if ($do == 'list') { $toolmenu = array(array('icon' => 'config.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_SETTINGS'], 'link' => '?view=arhive&do=config'), array('icon' => 'delete.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_DELETE_SELECTED'], 'link' => "javascript:checkSel('?view=arhive&do=delete&multiple=1');")); cpToolMenu($toolmenu); //TABLE COLUMNS $fields = array(array('title' => 'id', 'field' => 'id', 'width' => '40'), array('title' => $_LANG['AD_CREATE'], 'field' => 'pubdate', 'width' => '80', 'filter' => 15, 'fdate' => '%d/%m/%Y'), array('title' => $_LANG['TITLE'], 'field' => 'title', 'width' => '', 'link' => '?view=content&do=edit&id=%id%', 'filter' => 15), array('title' => $_LANG['AD_PARTITION'], 'field' => 'category_id', 'width' => '150', 'filter' => 1, 'prc' => 'cpCatById', 'filterlist' => cpGetList('cms_category'))); //ACTIONS $actions = array(array('title' => $_LANG['AD_TO_ARTICLES_CATALOG'], 'icon' => 'arhive_off.gif', 'link' => '?view=arhive&do=arhive_off&id=%id%'), array('title' => $_LANG['DELETE'], 'icon' => 'delete.gif', 'link' => '?view=content&do=delete&id=%id%', 'confirm' => $_LANG['AD_DELETE_MATERIALS'])); //Print table cpListTable('cms_content', $fields, $actions, 'is_arhive=1'); } if ($do == 'arhive_off') { if (cmsCore::inRequest('id')) { cmsCore::c('db')->setFlag('cms_content', $id, 'is_arhive', '0'); cmsCore::redirect('?view=arhive'); } } if ($do == 'delete') { if (!cmsCore::inRequest('item')) { if ($id >= 0) { cmsCore::m('content')->deleteArticle($id, $cfg['af_delete']); } } else { cmsCore::m('content')->deleteArticles(cmsCore::request('item', 'array_int'), $cfg['af_delete']); } cmsCore::redirect('?view=arhive'); } }
function files() { $inDB = cmsDatabase::getInstance(); global $_LANG; $do = cmsCore::getInstance()->do; $model = new cms_model_files(); //============================================================================// // Скачивание if ($do == 'view') { $fileurl = cmsCore::request('fileurl', 'html', ''); if (mb_strpos($fileurl, '-') === 0) { $fileurl = htmlspecialchars_decode(base64_decode(ltrim($fileurl, '-'))); } $fileurl = cmsCore::strClear($fileurl); if (!$fileurl || mb_strstr($fileurl, '..') || strpos($fileurl, '.') === 0) { cmsCore::error404(); } if (strpos($fileurl, 'http') === 0) { $model->increaseDownloadCount($fileurl); cmsCore::redirect($fileurl); } elseif (file_exists(PATH . $fileurl)) { $model->increaseDownloadCount($fileurl); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . basename($fileurl) . "\n"); header('Content-Type: application/x-force-download; name="' . $fileurl . '"' . "\n"); header('Location:' . $fileurl); cmsCore::halt(); } else { cmsCore::halt($_LANG['FILE_NOT_FOUND']); } } //============================================================================// if ($do == 'redirect') { $url = str_replace(array('--q--', ' '), array('?', '+'), cmsCore::request('url', 'str', '')); if (mb_strpos($url, '-') === 0) { $url = htmlspecialchars_decode(base64_decode(ltrim($url, '-'))); } $url = cmsCore::strClear($url); if (!$url || mb_strstr($url, '..') || strpos($url, '.') === 0) { cmsCore::error404(); } // кириллические домены $url_host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST); if (preg_match('/^[а-яё]+/iu', $url_host)) { cmsCore::loadClass('idna_convert'); $IDN = new idna_convert(); $host = $IDN->encode($url_host); $url = str_ireplace($url_host, $host, $url); } cmsCore::redirect($url); } //============================================================================// }
function applet_help() { $topic = cmsCore::request('topic', 'str', ''); $help_url = array('components' => '', 'modules' => '', 'plugins' => ''); $help_url['menu'] = ''; $help_url['content'] = ''; $help_url['cats'] = ''; $help_url['users'] = ''; $help_url['config'] = ''; if (isset($help_url[$topic])) { cmsCore::redirect($help_url[$topic]); } cmsCore::redirect(''); }
private function check_captcha() { $captcha_code = cmsCore::request('captcha_code', 'str', ''); $captcha_id = cmsCore::request('captcha_id', 'int', 0); if (empty($captcha_code) || empty($_SESSION['captcha'][$captcha_id])) { return false; } $result = $_SESSION['captcha'][$captcha_id] == $captcha_code; unset($_SESSION['captcha'][$captcha_id]); return $result; }
function applet_robots() { global $_LANG; global $adminAccess; if (!cmsUser::isAdminCan('admin/robots', $adminAccess)) { cpAccessDenied(); } cmsCore::c('page')->setTitle($_LANG['ROBOTS_TITLE']); cpAddPathway($_LANG['ROBOTS_TITLE']); $do = cmsCore::request('do', array('edit', 'save'), 'edit'); if (!file_exists(PATH .'/robots.txt')) { $fp = fopen(PATH .'/robots.txt', 'w'); fwrite($fp, str_replace(array('%domen%', '%host%'), array(str_replace(array('https://', 'http://'), '', cmsCore::c('config')->host), cmsCore::c('config')->host), file_get_contents(PATH .'/includes/default_robots.txt'))); fclose ($fp); chmod(PATH .'/robots.txt', 0777); } if ($do == 'save') { if (!cmsUser::checkCsrfToken()) { cmsCore::error404(); } $data = cmsCore::request('robots', 'str'); $fp = fopen(PATH .'/robots.txt', 'w'); fwrite($fp, stripcslashes($data) ."\n"); fclose ($fp); } $robots = file_get_contents(PATH .'/robots.txt'); ?> <form action="" method="post"> <div style="width:650px;"> <input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="<?php echo cmsUser::getCsrfToken(); ?>" /> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $_LANG['ROBOTS_TXT_DATA']; ?></label> <textarea name="robots" class="form-control" style="height: 400px;"><?php echo $robots; ?></textarea> <div class="help-block"><?php echo $_LANG['ROBOTS_TXT_INFO']; ?></div> </div> <input type="hidden" name="do" value="save" /> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" name="save" value="<?php echo $_LANG['SAVE']; ?>" /> <input type="button" class="btn btn-default" name="back" value="<?php echo $_LANG['CANCEL']; ?>" onclick="window.history.back();" /> </div> </form> <?php }
function applet_help() { $topic = cmsCore::request('topic', 'str', ''); $help_url['menu'] = ''; $help_url['modules'] = ''; $help_url['content'] = ''; $help_url['cats'] = ''; $help_url['components'] = ''; $help_url['users'] = ''; $help_url['config'] = ''; if (isset($help_url[$topic])) { cmsCore::redirect($help_url[$topic]); } cmsCore::redirect(''); }
function applet_tree() { $inCore = cmsCore::getInstance(); cmsCore::loadLib('tags'); global $_LANG; global $adminAccess; if (!cmsUser::isAdminCan('admin/content', $adminAccess)) { cpAccessDenied(); } cmsCore::c('page')->setTitle($_LANG['AD_ARTICLES']); cpAddPathway($_LANG['AD_ARTICLES'], 'index.php?view=tree'); cmsCore::c('page')->addHeadJS('admin/js/content.js'); echo '<script>'; echo cmsPage::getLangJS('AD_NO_SELECTED_ARTICLES'); echo cmsPage::getLangJS('AD_DELETE_SELECTED_ARTICLES'); echo cmsPage::getLangJS('AD_PIECES'); echo cmsPage::getLangJS('AD_CATEGORY_DELETE'); echo cmsPage::getLangJS('AD_AND_SUB_CATS'); echo cmsPage::getLangJS('AD_DELETE_SUB_ARTICLES'); echo '</script>'; $do = cmsCore::request('do', 'str', 'tree'); if ($do == 'tree') { $toolmenu = array(array('icon' => 'config.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_SETUP_CATEGORY'], 'link' => '?view=components&do=config&link=content'), array('icon' => 'help.gif', 'title' => $_LANG['AD_HELP'], 'link' => '?view=components&do=config&link=content')); cpToolMenu($toolmenu); $only_hidden = cmsCore::request('only_hidden', 'int', 0); $category_id = cmsCore::request('cat_id', 'int', 0); $base_uri = 'index.php?view=tree'; $title_part = cmsCore::request('title', 'str', ''); $def_order = $category_id ? 'con.ordering' : 'pubdate'; $orderby = cmsCore::request('orderby', 'str', $def_order); $orderto = cmsCore::request('orderto', 'str', 'asc'); $page = cmsCore::request('page', 'int', 1); $perpage = 20; if ($category_id) { cmsCore::m('content')->whereCatIs($category_id); } if ($title_part) { cmsCore::c('db')->where('LOWER(con.title) LIKE \'%' . mb_strtolower($title_part) . '%\''); } if ($only_hidden) { cmsCore::c('db')->where('con.published = 0'); } cmsCore::c('db')->orderBy($orderby, $orderto); cmsCore::c('db')->limitPage($page, $perpage); $total = cmsCore::m('content')->getArticlesCount(false); cmsCore::c('page')->initTemplate('applets', 'tree')->assign('hide_cats', cmsCore::request('hide_cats', 'int', 0))->assign('only_hidden', $only_hidden)->assign('base_uri', $base_uri)->assign('category_id', $category_id)->assign('cats', cmsCore::m('content')->getCatsTree())->assign('orderto', $orderto)->assign('orderby', $orderby)->assign('title_part', $title_part)->assign('category_opt', $inCore->getListItemsNS('cms_category', $category_id))->assign('page', $page)->assign('total', $total)->assign('perpage', $perpage)->assign('pages', ceil($total / $perpage))->assign('items', cmsCore::m('content')->getArticlesList(false))->display(); } }
function banners() { $inCore = cmsCore::getInstance(); $model = new cms_model_banners(); $do = $inCore->do; $banner_id = cmsCore::request('id', 'int', 0); //======================================================================================================================// if ($do == 'view') { $banner = $model->getBanner($banner_id); if (!$banner || !$banner['published']) { cmsCore::error404(); } $model->clickBanner($banner_id); cmsCore::redirect($banner['link']); } }
function mod_invite($mod, $cfg) { global $_LANG; $errors = false; $is_redirect = false; // в модуле нельзя использовать cmsCore::redirectBack(), используем костыли ;) if (cmsCore::inRequest('send_invite_email')) { $is_redirect = true; $username = cmsCore::request('username', 'str', ''); $email = cmsCore::request('friend_email', 'email', ''); if (!$username && !cmsCore::c('user')->id) { cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['ERR_NEED_NAME'], 'error'); $errors = true; } if (cmsCore::c('user')->id) { $username = cmsCore::c('user')->nickname; } if (!$email) { cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['ERR_NEED_MAIL'], 'error'); $errors = true; } if (!$errors) { if (!cmsUser::checkCsrfToken()) { cmsCore::error404(); } $letter = cmsCore::getLanguageTextFile('mail_invite'); $letter = str_replace('{sitename}', cmsConfig::getConfig('sitename'), $letter); $letter = str_replace('{site_url}', HOST, $letter); $letter = str_replace('{username}', $username, $letter); cmsCore::mailText($email, sprintf($_LANG['INVITE_SUBJECT'], $username), $letter); cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['INVITE_SENDED'], 'success'); } } cmsPage::initTemplate('modules', $cfg['tpl'])-> assign('user_id', cmsCore::c('user')->id)-> assign('is_redirect', $is_redirect)-> display(); return true; }
function applet_config() { // получаем оригинальный конфиг $config = cmsConfig::getDefaultConfig(); global $_LANG; global $adminAccess; if (!cmsUser::isAdminCan('admin/config', $adminAccess)) { cpAccessDenied(); } cmsCore::c('page')->setTitle($_LANG['AD_SITE_SETTING']); cpAddPathway($_LANG['AD_SITE_SETTING'], 'index.php?view=config'); $do = cmsCore::request('do', 'str', 'list'); if ($do == 'save') { if (!cmsUser::checkCsrfToken()) { cmsCore::error404(); } $newCFG = cmsCore::getArrayFromRequest(array('scheme' => array('scheme', array('http', 'https'), ''), 'sitename' => array('sitename', 'str', ''), 'title_and_sitename' => array('title_and_sitename', 'int', 0), 'title_and_page' => array('title_and_page', 'int', 0), 'hometitle' => array('hometitle', 'str', ''), 'homecom' => array('homecom', 'str', ''), 'com_without_name_in_url' => array('com_without_name_in_url', 'str', ''), 'siteoff' => array('siteoff', 'int', 0), 'only_authorized' => array('only_authorized', 'int', 0), 'debug' => array('debug', 'int', 0), 'offtext' => array('offtext', 'str', ''), 'keywords' => array('keywords', 'str', ''), 'metadesc' => array('metadesc', 'str', ''), 'seourl' => array('seourl', 'int', 0), 'lang' => array('lang', 'str', 'ru'), 'is_change_lang' => array('is_change_lang', 'int', 0), 'sitemail' => array('sitemail', 'str', ''), 'sitemail_name' => array('sitemail_name', 'str', ''), 'wmark' => array('wmark', 'str', ''), 'template' => array('template', 'str', ''), 'admin_template' => array('admin_template', 'str', ''), 'cache' => array('cache', 'int', 0), 'cache_type' => array('cache_type', array('file', 'memcached'), ''), 'memcached_host' => array('memcached_host', 'str', ''), 'memcached_port' => array('memcached_port', 'int', 0), 'combine_css_enable' => array('combine_css_enable', 'int', 0), 'combine_css' => array('combine_css', 'html', ''), 'combine_js_enable' => array('combine_js_enable', 'int', 0), 'combine_js' => array('combine_js', 'html', ''), 'splash' => array('splash', 'int', 0), 'slight' => array('slight', 'int', 0), 'show_pw' => array('show_pw', 'int', 0), 'last_item_pw' => array('last_item_pw', 'int', 0), 'index_pw' => array('index_pw', 'int', 0), 'fastcfg' => array('fastcfg', 'int', 0), 'mailer' => array('mailer', 'str', ''), 'smtpsecure' => array('smtpsecure', 'str', ''), 'smtpauth' => array('smtpauth', 'int', 0), 'smtpuser' => array('smtpuser', 'str', $config['smtpuser']), 'smtppass' => array('smtppass', 'str', $config['smtppass']), 'smtphost' => array('smtphost', 'str', ''), 'smtpport' => array('smtpport', 'int', '25'), 'timezone' => array('timezone', 'str', $config['timezone']), 'user_stats' => array('user_stats', 'int', 0), 'seo_url_count' => array('seo_url_count', 'int', 0), 'max_pagebar_links' => array('max_pagebar_links', 'int', 0), 'allow_ip' => array('allow_ip', 'str', ''), 'iframe_enable' => array('iframe_enable', 'int', 0), 'vk_enable' => array('vk_enable', 'int', 0), 'vk_id' => array('vk_id', 'str', ''), 'vk_private_key' => array('vk_private_key', 'str', ''))); $newCFG['sitename'] = stripslashes($newCFG['sitename']); $newCFG['hometitle'] = stripslashes($newCFG['hometitle']); $newCFG['offtext'] = htmlspecialchars($newCFG['offtext'], ENT_QUOTES); $newCFG['db_host'] = $config['db_host']; $newCFG['db_base'] = $config['db_base']; $newCFG['db_user'] = $config['db_user']; $newCFG['db_pass'] = $config['db_pass']; $newCFG['db_prefix'] = $config['db_prefix']; if (cmsConfig::saveToFile($newCFG)) { cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_CONFIG_SAVE_SUCCESS'], 'success'); } else { cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_CONFIG_SITE_ERROR'], 'error'); } cmsCore::clearCache(); cmsCore::redirect('index.php?view=config'); } cpCheckWritable('/includes/config/'); $result = cmsCore::c('db')->query("SELECT (sum(data_length)+sum(index_length))/1024/1024 as size FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE table_schema = '" . $config['db_base'] . "'", true); if (!cmsCore::c('db')->error()) { $s = cmsCore::c('db')->fetch_assoc($result); } else { $s['size'] = 0; } cmsCore::c('page')->initTemplate('applets', 'config')->assign('config', $config)->assign('timezone_opt', cmsCore::getTimeZonesOptions($config['timezone']))->assign('admin_templates', cmsCore::getDirsList('/templates/admin'))->assign('templates', cmsCore::getDirsList('/templates'))->assign('tpl_info', cmsCore::c('page')->getTplInfo(cmsCore::c('page')->template))->assign('components_opt', cmsCore::getListItems('cms_components', $config['com_without_name_in_url'], 'title', 'ASC', 'internal=0', 'link'))->assign('homecom_opt', cmsCore::getListItems('cms_components', $config['homecom'], 'title', 'ASC', 'internal=0', 'link'))->assign('langs', cmsCore::getDirsList('/languages'))->assign('db_size', round($s['size'], 2))->display(); }
if ($do == 'insert') { cmsCore::loadLanguage('plugins/p_inser_video'); $cfg = $inCore->loadPluginConfig('p_insert_video'); $domains = explode(',', $cfg['PIV_DOMENS']); foreach ($domains as $k=>$v) { $v = trim($v); if (empty($v)) { unset($domains[$k]); } else { $domains[$k] = $v; } } $domains[] = cmsCore::getHost(); $code = cmsCore::request('code', 'html', ''); $code = str_replace('&', '&', $code); if (!empty($code)) { // Для очистки кода используем класс Jevix cmsCore::c('jevix')->cfgAllowTags(array('iframe','object','param','embed')); cmsCore::c('jevix')->cfgSetTagCutWithContent(array('script','style')); cmsCore::c('jevix')->cfgAllowTagParams('object', array('width' => '#int', 'height' => '#int', 'data' => array('#domain' => $domains))); cmsCore::c('jevix')->cfgAllowTagParams('param', array('name' => '#text', 'value' => '#text')); cmsCore::c('jevix')->cfgAllowTagParams('embed', array('src' => array('#domain' => $domains), 'type' => '#text', 'allowscriptaccess' => '#text', 'allowfullscreen' => '#text', 'width' => '#int', 'height' => '#int', 'flashvars' => '#text', 'wmode'=> '#text', 'quality' => '#text')); cmsCore::c('jevix')->cfgAllowTagParams('iframe', array('width' => '#int', 'frameborder' => '#int', 'allowfullscreen' => '#int', 'height' => '#int', 'src' => array('#domain' => $domains))); cmsCore::c('jevix')->cfgSetTagParamsRequired('iframe', 'src'); cmsCore::c('jevix')->cfgSetTagParamsRequired('object', 'data'); cmsCore::c('jevix')->cfgSetTagParamsRequired('embed', 'src');
function forms() { cmsCore::loadClass('form'); $do = cmsCore::getInstance()->do; global $_LANG; //========================================================================================================================// //========================================================================================================================// if ($do == 'view') { // Получаем форму $form = cmsForm::getFormData(cmsCore::request('form_id', 'int')); if (!$form) { cmsCore::error404(); } // Получаем данные полей формы $form_fields = cmsForm::getFormFields($form['id']); // Если полей нет, 404 if (!$form_fields) { cmsCore::error404(); } $errors = array(); $attachment = array(); // Получаем данные формы // Если не переданы, назад $form_input = cmsForm::getFieldsInputValues($form['id']); if (!$form_input) { $errors[] = $_LANG['FORM_ERROR']; } // Проверяем значения формы foreach ($form_input['errors'] as $field_error) { if ($field_error) { $errors[] = $field_error; } } // проверяем каптчу if (!cmsPage::checkCaptchaCode()) { $errors[] = $_LANG['ERR_CAPTCHA']; } if ($errors) { if (cmsCore::isAjax()) { cmsCore::jsonOutput(array('error' => true, 'text' => end($errors))); } else { foreach ($errors as $error) { cmsCore::addSessionMessage($error, 'error'); } cmsCore::redirectBack(); } } if (!cmsUser::checkCsrfToken()) { cmsCore::error404(); } // Подготовим начало письма $mail_message = '<h3>' . $_LANG['FORM'] . ': ' . $form['title'] . '</h3>'; // Добавляем заполненные поля в письмо foreach ($form_fields as $field) { // Значение поля $value = $form_input['values'][$field['id']]; if (!$value) { continue; } if (is_string($value)) { $mail_message .= '<h5>' . $field['title'] . '</h5><p>' . $value . '</p>'; } elseif (is_array($value)) { // если массив, значит к форме прикреплен файл if ($form['sendto'] == 'mail') { $attachment[] = !empty($value['url']) ? PATH . $value['url'] : ''; } elseif (!empty($value['url'])) { $mail_message .= '<h5>' . $field['title'] . '</h5><p><a href="' . $value['url'] . '">' . $value['name'] . '</a></p>'; } } } // Отправляем форму if ($form['sendto'] == 'mail') { $emails = explode(',', $form['email']); if ($emails) { foreach ($emails as $email) { cmsCore::mailText(trim($email), cmsConfig::getConfig('sitename') . ': ' . $form['title'], $mail_message, $attachment); } } // удаляем прикрепленные файлы foreach ($attachment as $attach) { @unlink($attach); } } else { cmsUser::sendMessage(-2, $form['user_id'], $mail_message); } cmsUser::sessionClearAll(); if (cmsCore::isAjax()) { cmsCore::jsonOutput(array('error' => false, 'text' => $_LANG['FORM_IS_SEND'])); } else { cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['FORM_IS_SEND'], 'info'); cmsCore::redirectBack(); } } //========================================================================================================================// }
$_SESSION['editlist'] = cmsCore::request('item', 'array_int', array()); } else { cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_NO_SELECT_OBJECTS'], 'error'); cmsCore::redirectBack(); } } $ostatok = ''; if (isset($_SESSION['editlist'])) { $item_id = array_shift($_SESSION['editlist']); if (sizeof($_SESSION['editlist']) == 0) { unset($_SESSION['editlist']); } else { $ostatok = '(' . $_LANG['AD_NEXT_IN'] . sizeof($_SESSION['editlist']) . ')'; } } else { $item_id = cmsCore::request('item_id', 'int', 0); } $mod = cms_model_banners::getBanner($item_id); if (!$mod) { cmsCore::error404(); } echo '<h3>' . $mod['title'] . ' ' . $ostatok . '</h3>'; cpAddPathway($mod['title']); } ?> <?php if ($opt == 'edit') { ?> <table width="625" border="0" cellspacing="5" class="proptable"> <tr> <td align="center">
$sql = "SELECT id, filename FROM cms_user_files WHERE user_id = '{$id}' AND {$fsql}"; $result = $inDB->query($sql); if ($inDB->num_rows($result)) { while ($file = $inDB->fetch_assoc($result)) { @unlink(PATH . '/upload/userfiles/' . $id . '/' . $file['filename']); cmsActions::removeObjectLog('add_file', $file['id']); } $inDB->query("DELETE FROM cms_user_files WHERE user_id = '{$id}' AND {$fsql}"); } cmsCore::redirect('/users/' . $id . '/files.html'); } /////////////////////////////// MULTIPLE FILES PUBLISHING ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ($fdo == 'pubfilelist') { $files = cmsCore::request('files', 'array_int', array()); if (!$files) { cmsCore::error404(); } $allow = cmsCore::request('allow', 'str', 'nobody'); if (!$inUser->id || $inUser->id != $id && !$inUser->is_admin) { cmsCore::error404(); } $a_list = rtrim(implode(',', $files), ','); $fsql = ''; if ($a_list) { $fsql .= "id IN ({$a_list})"; } else { $fsql .= '1=0'; } $inDB->query("UPDATE cms_user_files SET allow_who = '{$allow}' WHERE user_id = '{$id}' AND {$fsql}"); cmsCore::redirect('/users/' . $id . '/files.html'); }
function applet_content() { $inCore = cmsCore::getInstance(); $inUser = cmsUser::getInstance(); $inDB = cmsDatabase::getInstance(); global $_LANG; //check access global $adminAccess; if (!cmsUser::isAdminCan('admin/content', $adminAccess)) { cpAccessDenied(); } $cfg = $inCore->loadComponentConfig('content'); cmsCore::loadModel('content'); $model = new cms_model_content(); $GLOBALS['cp_page_title'] = $_LANG['AD_ARTICLES']; cpAddPathway($_LANG['AD_ARTICLES'], 'index.php?view=tree'); $do = cmsCore::request('do', 'str', 'add'); $id = cmsCore::request('id', 'int', -1); if ($do == 'arhive_on') { $inDB->query("UPDATE cms_content SET is_arhive = 1 WHERE id = '{$id}'"); cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_ARTICLES_TO_ARHIVE'], 'success'); cmsCore::redirectBack(); } if ($do == 'move') { $item_id = cmsCore::request('id', 'int', 0); $cat_id = cmsCore::request('cat_id', 'int', 0); $dir = $_REQUEST['dir']; $step = 1; $model->moveItem($item_id, $cat_id, $dir, $step); echo '1'; exit; } if ($do == 'move_to_cat') { $items = cmsCore::request('item', 'array_int'); $to_cat_id = cmsCore::request('obj_id', 'int', 0); if ($items && $to_cat_id) { $last_ordering = (int) $inDB->get_field('cms_content', "category_id = '{$to_cat_id}' ORDER BY ordering DESC", 'ordering'); foreach ($items as $item_id) { $article = $model->getArticle($item_id); if (!$article) { continue; } $last_ordering++; $model->updateArticle($article['id'], array('category_id' => $to_cat_id, 'ordering' => $last_ordering, 'url' => $article['url'], 'title' => $inDB->escape_string($article['title']), 'id' => $article['id'], 'user_id' => $article['user_id'])); } cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_ARTICLES_TO'], 'success'); } cmsCore::redirect('?view=tree&cat_id=' . $to_cat_id); } if ($do == 'show') { if (!isset($_REQUEST['item'])) { if ($id >= 0) { dbShow('cms_content', $id); } echo '1'; exit; } else { dbShowList('cms_content', cmsCore::request('item', 'array_int')); cmsCore::redirectBack(); } } if ($do == 'hide') { if (!isset($_REQUEST['item'])) { if ($id >= 0) { dbHide('cms_content', $id); } echo '1'; exit; } else { dbHideList('cms_content', cmsCore::request('item', 'array_int')); cmsCore::redirectBack(); } } if ($do == 'delete') { if (!isset($_REQUEST['item'])) { if ($id >= 0) { $model->deleteArticle($id); cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_REMOVE'], 'success'); } } else { $model->deleteArticles(cmsCore::request('item', 'array_int')); cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_ARTICLES_REMOVE'], 'success'); } cmsCore::redirectBack(); } if ($do == 'update') { if (!cmsUser::checkCsrfToken()) { cmsCore::error404(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $id = cmsCore::request('id', 'int', 0); $article['category_id'] = cmsCore::request('category_id', 'int', 1); $article['title'] = cmsCore::request('title', 'str'); $article['url'] = cmsCore::request('url', 'str'); $article['showtitle'] = cmsCore::request('showtitle', 'int', 0); $article['description'] = cmsCore::request('description', 'html', ''); $article['description'] = $inDB->escape_string($article['description']); $article['content'] = cmsCore::request('content', 'html', ''); $article['content'] = $inDB->escape_string($article['content']); $article['for_img'] = cmsCore::request('for_img', 'html', ''); $article['for_img'] = $inDB->escape_string($article['for_img']); $article['published'] = cmsCore::request('published', 'int', 0); $article['showdate'] = cmsCore::request('showdate', 'int', 0); $article['showlatest'] = cmsCore::request('showlatest', 'int', 0); $article['show_in_new'] = cmsCore::request('show_in_new', 'int', 0); //new $article['show_in_footer'] = cmsCore::request('show_in_footer', 'int', 0); //new $article['showpath'] = cmsCore::request('showpath', 'int', 0); $article['comments'] = cmsCore::request('comments', 'int', 0); $article['canrate'] = cmsCore::request('canrate', 'int', 0); $article['add_text'] = cmsCore::request('add_text', 'str'); $enddate = explode('.', cmsCore::request('enddate', 'str')); $article['enddate'] = $enddate[2] . '-' . $enddate[1] . '-' . $enddate[0]; $article['is_end'] = cmsCore::request('is_end', 'int', 0); $article['pagetitle'] = cmsCore::request('pagetitle', 'str', ''); $article['tags'] = cmsCore::request('tags', 'str'); $olddate = cmsCore::request('olddate', 'str', ''); $pubdate = cmsCore::request('pubdate', 'str', ''); $article['user_id'] = cmsCore::request('user_id', 'int', $inUser->id); $article['tpl'] = cmsCore::request('tpl', 'str', 'com_content_read.tpl'); $date = explode('.', $pubdate); $article['pubdate'] = $date[2] . '-' . $date[1] . '-' . $date[0] . ' ' . date('H:i'); $autokeys = cmsCore::request('autokeys', 'int'); switch ($autokeys) { case 1: $article['meta_keys'] = $inCore->getKeywords($article['content']); $article['meta_desc'] = $article['title']; break; case 2: $article['meta_desc'] = strip_tags($article['description']); $article['meta_keys'] = $article['tags']; break; case 3: $article['meta_desc'] = cmsCore::request('meta_desc', 'str'); $article['meta_keys'] = cmsCore::request('meta_keys', 'str'); break; } $model->updateArticle($id, $article); if (!cmsCore::request('is_public', 'int', 0)) { $showfor = $_REQUEST['showfor']; cmsCore::setAccess($id, $showfor, 'material'); } else { cmsCore::clearAccess($id, 'material'); } if (isset($_SESSION['lang']) && $_SESSION['lang'] != 'ru') { $file = 'article' . $id . '_' . $_SESSION['lang'] . '.jpg'; } else { $file = 'article' . $id . '.jpg'; } //$file = 'article'.$id.'.jpg'; if (cmsCore::request('delete_image', 'int', 0)) { @unlink(PATH . "/images/photos/small/{$file}"); @unlink(PATH . "/images/photos/medium/{$file}"); } else { // Загружаем класс загрузки фото cmsCore::loadClass('upload_photo'); $inUploadPhoto = cmsUploadPhoto::getInstance(); // Выставляем конфигурационные параметры $inUploadPhoto->upload_dir = PATH . '/images/photos/'; $inUploadPhoto->small_size_w = $model->config['img_small_w']; $inUploadPhoto->medium_size_w = $model->config['img_big_w']; $inUploadPhoto->thumbsqr = $model->config['img_sqr']; $inUploadPhoto->is_watermark = $model->config['watermark']; $inUploadPhoto->input_name = 'picture'; $inUploadPhoto->filename = $file; // Процесс загрузки фото $inUploadPhoto->uploadPhoto(); } cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_SAVE'], 'success'); if (!isset($_SESSION['editlist']) || @sizeof($_SESSION['editlist']) == 0) { cmsCore::redirect('?view=tree&cat_id=' . $article['category_id']); } else { cmsCore::redirect('?view=content&do=edit'); } } } if ($do == 'submit') { if (!cmsUser::checkCsrfToken()) { cmsCore::error404(); } $article['category_id'] = cmsCore::request('category_id', 'int', 1); $article['title'] = cmsCore::request('title', 'str'); $article['url'] = cmsCore::request('url', 'str'); $article['showtitle'] = cmsCore::request('showtitle', 'int', 0); $article['description'] = cmsCore::request('description', 'html', ''); $article['description'] = $inDB->escape_string($article['description']); $article['content'] = cmsCore::request('content', 'html', ''); $article['content'] = $inDB->escape_string($article['content']); $article['for_img'] = cmsCore::request('for_img', 'html', ''); $article['for_img'] = $inDB->escape_string($article['for_img']); $article['published'] = cmsCore::request('published', 'int', 0); $article['showdate'] = cmsCore::request('showdate', 'int', 0); $article['showlatest'] = cmsCore::request('showlatest', 'int', 0); $article['show_in_new'] = cmsCore::request('show_in_new', 'int', 0); //new $article['show_in_footer'] = cmsCore::request('show_in_footer', 'int', 0); //new $article['showpath'] = cmsCore::request('showpath', 'int', 0); $article['comments'] = cmsCore::request('comments', 'int', 0); $article['canrate'] = cmsCore::request('canrate', 'int', 0); $article['add_text'] = cmsCore::request('add_text', 'str'); $enddate = explode('.', cmsCore::request('enddate', 'str')); $article['enddate'] = $enddate[2] . '-' . $enddate[1] . '-' . $enddate[0]; $article['is_end'] = cmsCore::request('is_end', 'int', 0); $article['pagetitle'] = cmsCore::request('pagetitle', 'str', ''); $article['tags'] = cmsCore::request('tags', 'str'); $article['pubdate'] = $_REQUEST['pubdate']; $date = explode('.', $article['pubdate']); $article['pubdate'] = $date[2] . '-' . $date[1] . '-' . $date[0] . ' ' . date('H:i'); $article['user_id'] = cmsCore::request('user_id', 'int', $inUser->id); $article['tpl'] = cmsCore::request('tpl', 'str', 'com_content_read.tpl'); $autokeys = cmsCore::request('autokeys', 'int'); switch ($autokeys) { case 1: $article['meta_keys'] = $inCore->getKeywords($article['content']); $article['meta_desc'] = $article['title']; break; case 2: $article['meta_desc'] = strip_tags($article['description']); $article['meta_keys'] = $article['tags']; break; case 3: $article['meta_desc'] = cmsCore::request('meta_desc', 'str'); $article['meta_keys'] = cmsCore::request('meta_keys', 'str'); break; } $article['id'] = $model->addArticle($article); if (!cmsCore::request('is_public', 'int', 0)) { $showfor = $_REQUEST['showfor']; if (sizeof($showfor) > 0 && !cmsCore::request('is_public', 'int', 0)) { cmsCore::setAccess($article['id'], $showfor, 'material'); } } $inmenu = cmsCore::request('createmenu', 'str', ''); if ($inmenu) { createMenuItem($inmenu, $article['id'], $article['title']); } // Загружаем класс загрузки фото cmsCore::loadClass('upload_photo'); $inUploadPhoto = cmsUploadPhoto::getInstance(); // Выставляем конфигурационные параметры $inUploadPhoto->upload_dir = PATH . '/images/photos/'; $inUploadPhoto->small_size_w = $model->config['img_small_w']; $inUploadPhoto->medium_size_w = $model->config['img_big_w']; $inUploadPhoto->thumbsqr = $model->config['img_sqr']; $inUploadPhoto->is_watermark = $model->config['watermark']; $inUploadPhoto->input_name = 'picture'; $inUploadPhoto->filename = 'article' . $article['id'] . '.jpg'; // Процесс загрузки фото $inUploadPhoto->uploadPhoto(); cmsCore::addSessionMessage($_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_ADD'], 'success'); cmsCore::redirect('?view=tree&cat_id=' . $article['category_id']); } if ($do == 'add' || $do == 'edit') { require '../includes/jwtabs.php'; $GLOBALS['cp_page_head'][] = jwHeader(); $toolmenu = array(); $toolmenu[0]['icon'] = 'save.gif'; $toolmenu[0]['title'] = $_LANG['SAVE']; $toolmenu[0]['link'] = 'javascript:document.addform.submit();'; $toolmenu[1]['icon'] = 'cancel.gif'; $toolmenu[1]['title'] = $_LANG['CANCEL']; $toolmenu[1]['link'] = 'javascript:history.go(-1);'; cpToolMenu($toolmenu); $menu_list = cpGetList('menu'); if ($do == 'add') { echo '<h3>' . $_LANG['AD_CREATE_ARTICLE'] . '</h3>'; cpAddPathway($_LANG['AD_CREATE_ARTICLE'], 'index.php?view=content&do=add'); $mod['category_id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['to']; $mod['showpath'] = 1; $mod['tpl'] = 'com_content_read.tpl'; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['item'])) { $_SESSION['editlist'] = $_REQUEST['item']; } $ostatok = ''; if (isset($_SESSION['editlist'])) { $id = array_shift($_SESSION['editlist']); if (sizeof($_SESSION['editlist']) == 0) { unset($_SESSION['editlist']); } else { $ostatok = '(' . $_LANG['AD_NEXT_IN'] . sizeof($_SESSION['editlist']) . ')'; } } else { $id = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; } $sql = "SELECT *, (TO_DAYS(enddate) - TO_DAYS(CURDATE())) as daysleft, DATE_FORMAT(pubdate, '%d.%m.%Y') as pubdate, DATE_FORMAT(enddate, '%d.%m.%Y') as enddate\n\t\t\t\t\t FROM cms_content\n\t\t\t\t\t WHERE id = {$id} LIMIT 1"; $result = $inDB->query($sql); if ($inDB->num_rows($result)) { $mod = $inDB->fetch_assoc($result); } echo '<h3>' . $_LANG['AD_EDIT_ARTICLE'] . $ostatok . '</h3>'; cpAddPathway($mod['title'], 'index.php?view=content&do=edit&id=' . $mod['id']); } ?> <form id="addform" name="addform" method="post" action="index.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="<?php echo cmsUser::getCsrfToken(); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="view" value="content" /> <table class="proptable" width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="2"> <tr> <!-- главная ячейка --> <td valign="top"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4" border="0"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <div><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_NAME']; ?> </strong></div> <div> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td><input name="title" type="text" id="title" style="width:100%" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($mod['title']); ?> " /></td> <td style="width:15px;padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;"> <input type="checkbox" title="<?php echo $_LANG['AD_VIEW_TITLE']; ?> " name="showtitle" <?php if ($mod['showtitle'] || $do == 'add') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> value="1"> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </td> <td width="130" valign="top"> <div><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PUBLIC_DATE']; ?> </strong></div> <div> <input name="pubdate" type="text" id="pubdate" style="width:100px" <?php if (@(!$mod['pubdate'])) { echo 'value="' . date('d.m.Y') . '"'; } else { echo 'value="' . $mod['pubdate'] . '"'; } ?> /> <input type="hidden" name="olddate" value="<?php echo @$mod['pubdate']; ?> " /> </div> </td> <td width="16" valign="bottom" style="padding-bottom:10px"> <input type="checkbox" name="showdate" id="showdate" title="<?php echo $_LANG['AD_VIEW_DATE_AND_AUTHOR']; ?> " value="1" <?php if ($mod['showdate'] || $do == 'add') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /> </td> <!-- <td width="160" valign="top"> <div><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_TEMPLATE']; ?> </strong></div> <div><input name="tpl" type="text" style="width:160px" value="<?php echo @$mod['tpl']; ?> "></div> </td> --> <td width="160" valign="top"> <div><strong>Шаблон статьи</strong></div> <?php $inConf = cmsConfig::getInstance(); //задаём имя директории $directory = PATH . "/templates/" . $inConf->template . "/components"; $scan_dir = scandir($directory); if (is_dir($directory)) { //проверяем наличие директории //директория существует echo '<select name="tpl">'; $scan_dir = scandir($directory); //сканируем (получаем массив файлов) array_shift($scan_dir); // удаляем из массива '.' array_shift($scan_dir); // удаляем из массива '..' for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($scan_dir); $i++) { $tpl = explode("_", $scan_dir[$i]); if ($_GET['view'] == $tpl['1']) { if ($_GET['view']) { //выводим все файлы if (@$mod["tpl"] == $scan_dir[$i]) { echo '<option selected>' . $scan_dir[$i] . '</option>'; } else { echo '<option>' . $scan_dir[$i] . '</option>'; } } } } echo '</select>'; } else { echo '<input name="tpl" type="text" style="width:160px" value="' . @$mod["tpl"] . '">'; } ?> </td> </tr> </table> <div><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_NOTICE']; ?> </strong></div> <div><?php $inCore->insertEditor('description', $mod['description'], '200', '100%'); ?> </div> <div><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_TEXT']; ?> </strong></div> <?php insertPanel(); ?> <div><?php $inCore->insertEditor('content', $mod['content'], '400', '100%'); ?> </div><!--Editor text in articles--> <div><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_IMG']; ?> </strong></div> <div><?php $inCore->insertEditor('for_img', $mod['for_img'], '200', '100%'); ?> </div> <div><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_ADD_TEXT']; ?> </strong></div> <div><input name="add_text" type="text" id="add_text" style="width:99%" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($mod['add_text']); ?> " /></div> <div><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_TAGS']; ?> </strong></div> <div><input name="tags" type="text" id="tags" style="width:99%" value="<?php if (isset($mod['id'])) { echo cmsTagLine('content', $mod['id'], false); } ?> " /></div> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="checklist"> <tr> <td width="20"> <input type="radio" name="autokeys" id="autokeys1" <?php if ($do == 'add' && $cfg['autokeys']) { ?> checked="checked"<?php } ?> value="1"/> </td> <td> <label for="autokeys1"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_AUTO_GEN_KEY']; ?> </strong></label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20"> <input type="radio" name="autokeys" id="autokeys2" value="2"/> </td> <td> <label for="autokeys2"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_TAGS_AS_KEY']; ?> </strong></label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20"> <input type="radio" name="autokeys" id="autokeys3" value="3" <?php if ($do == 'edit' || !$cfg['autokeys']) { ?> checked="checked"<?php } ?> /> </td> <td> <label for="autokeys3"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_MANUAL_KEY']; ?> </strong></label> </td> </tr> <?php if ($cfg['af_on'] && $do == 'add') { ?> <tr> <td width="20"><input type="checkbox" name="noforum" id="noforum" value="1" /> </td> <td><label for="noforum"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_NO_CREATE_THEME']; ?> </strong></label></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </td> <!-- боковая ячейка --> <td width="300" valign="top" style="background:#ECECEC;"> <?php ob_start(); ?> {tab=<?php echo $_LANG['AD_TAB_PUBLISH']; ?> } <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="checklist"> <tr> <td width="20"><input type="checkbox" name="published" id="published" value="1" <?php if ($mod['published'] || $do == 'add') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /></td> <td><label for="published"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PUBLIC_ARTICLE']; ?> </strong></label></td> </tr> </table> <div style="margin-top:7px"> <select name="category_id" size="10" id="category_id" style="width:99%;height:200px"> <option value="1" <?php if (@$mod['category_id'] == 1 || !isset($mod['category_id'])) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ROOT_CATEGORY']; ?> </option> <?php if (isset($mod['category_id'])) { echo $inCore->getListItemsNS('cms_category', $mod['category_id']); } else { echo $inCore->getListItemsNS('cms_category'); } ?> </select> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:10px"> <select name="showpath" id="showpath" style="width:99%"> <option value="0" <?php if (@(!$mod['showpath'])) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PATHWAY_NAME_ONLY']; ?> </option> <option value="1" <?php if (@$mod['showpath']) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PATHWAY_FULL']; ?> </option> </select> </div> <div style="margin-top:15px"> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_URL']; ?> </strong><br/> <div style="color:gray"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_IF_UNKNOWN']; ?> </div> </div> <div> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td><input type="text" name="url" value="<?php echo $mod['url']; ?> " style="width:100%"/></td> <td width="40" align="center">.html</td> </tr> </table> </div> <div style="margin-top:10px"> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_AUTHOR']; ?> </strong> </div> <div> <select name="user_id" id="user_id" style="width:99%"> <?php if (isset($mod['user_id'])) { echo $inCore->getListItems('cms_users', $mod['user_id'], 'nickname', 'ASC', 'is_deleted=0 AND is_locked=0', 'id', 'nickname'); } else { echo $inCore->getListItems('cms_users', $inUser->id, 'nickname', 'ASC', 'is_deleted=0 AND is_locked=0', 'id', 'nickname'); } ?> </select> </div> <div style="margin-top:12px"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PHOTO']; ?> </strong></div> <div style="margin-bottom:10px"> <?php if ($do == 'edit') { if (isset($_SESSION['lang']) && $_SESSION['lang'] != 'ru') { $mod_id = $mod['id'] . '_' . $_SESSION['lang']; $id_art = $mod['id'] . '_' . $_SESSION['lang']; } else { $mod_id = $mod['id']; $id_art = $id; } //if (file_exists(PATH.'/images/photos/small/article'.$mod['id'].'.jpg')){ if (file_exists(PATH . '/images/photos/small/article' . $mod_id . '.jpg')) { ?> <div style="margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;padding:10px;border:solid 1px gray;text-align:center"> <?/*php<img src="/images/photos/small/article<?php echo $id; ?> .jpg" border="0" />*/?> <img src="/images/photos/small/article<?php echo $id_art; ?> .jpg" border="0" /> </div> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td width="16"><input type="checkbox" id="delete_image" name="delete_image" value="1" /></td> <td><label for="delete_image"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PHOTO_REMOVE']; ?> </label></td> </tr> </table> <?php } } ?> <input type="file" name="picture" style="width:100%" /> </div> <div style="margin-top:25px"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PUBLIC_PARAMETRS']; ?> </strong></div> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="checklist"> <tr> <td width="20"><input type="checkbox" name="show_in_new" id="show_in_new" value="1" <?php if ($mod['show_in_new'] || $do == 'add') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /></td> <td><label for="show_in_new"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_VIEW_NEW_CATS']; ?> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20"><input type="checkbox" name="show_in_footer" id="show_in_footer" value="1" <?php if ($mod['show_in_footer'] || $do == 'add') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /></td> <td><label for="show_in_footer"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_VIEW_FOOTER']; ?> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20"><input type="checkbox" name="showlatest" id="showlatest" value="1" <?php if ($mod['showlatest'] || $do == 'add') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /></td> <td><label for="showlatest"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_VIEW_NEW_ARTICLES']; ?> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20"><input type="checkbox" name="comments" id="comments" value="1" <?php if ($mod['comments'] || $do == 'add') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /></td> <td><label for="comments"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ENABLE_COMMENTS']; ?> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20"><input type="checkbox" name="canrate" id="canrate" value="1" <?php if ($mod['canrate']) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /></td> <td><label for="canrate"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ENABLE_RATING']; ?> </label></td> </tr> </table> <?php if ($do == 'add') { ?> <div style="margin-top:25px"> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_CREATE_LINK']; ?> </strong> </div> <div> <select name="createmenu" id="createmenu" style="width:99%"> <option value="0" selected="selected"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_DONT_CREATE_LINK']; ?> </option> <?php foreach ($menu_list as $menu) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $menu['id']; ?> "> <?php echo $menu['title']; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> </div> <?php } ?> {tab=<?php echo $_LANG['AD_DATE']; ?> } <div style="margin-top:5px"> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_ARTICLE_TIME']; ?> </strong> </div> <div> <select name="is_end" id="is_end" style="width:99%" onchange="if($(this).val() == 1){ $('#final_time').show(); }else {$('#final_time').hide();}"> <option value="0" <?php if (@(!$mod['is_end'])) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php echo $_LANG['AD_UNLIMITED']; ?> </option> <option value="1" <?php if (@$mod['is_end']) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php echo $_LANG['AD_TO_FINAL_TIME']; ?> </option> </select> </div> <div id="final_time" <?php if (@(!$mod['is_end'])) { echo 'style="display: none"'; } ?> > <div style="margin-top:20px"> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_FINAL_TIME']; ?> </strong><br/> <span class="hinttext"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_CALENDAR_FORMAT']; ?> </span> </div> <div><input name="enddate" type="text" style="width:80%" <?php if (@(!$mod['is_end'])) { echo 'value="' . date('d.m.Y') . '"'; } else { echo 'value="' . $mod['enddate'] . '"'; } ?> id="enddate" /></div></div> {tab=SEO} <div style="margin-top:5px"> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_PAGE_TITLE']; ?> </strong><br/> <span class="hinttext"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_IF_UNKNOWN_PAGETITLE']; ?> </span> </div> <div> <input name="pagetitle" type="text" id="pagetitle" style="width:99%" value="<?php if (isset($mod['pagetitle'])) { echo htmlspecialchars($mod['pagetitle']); } ?> " /> </div> <div style="margin-top:20px"> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['KEYWORDS']; ?> </strong><br/> <span class="hinttext"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_FROM_COMMA']; ?> </span> </div> <div> <textarea name="meta_keys" style="width:97%" rows="4" id="meta_keys"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($mod['meta_keys']); ?> </textarea> </div> <div style="margin-top:20px"> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['DESCRIPTION']; ?> </strong><br/> <span class="hinttext"><?php echo $_LANG['AD_LESS_THAN']; ?> </span> </div> <div> <textarea name="meta_desc" style="width:97%" rows="6" id="meta_desc"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($mod['meta_desc']); ?> </textarea> </div> {tab=<?php echo $_LANG['AD_TAB_ACCESS']; ?> } <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="checklist" style="margin-top:5px"> <tr> <td width="20"> <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM cms_user_groups"; $result = $inDB->query($sql); $style = 'disabled="disabled"'; $public = 'checked="checked"'; if ($do == 'edit') { $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM cms_content_access WHERE content_id = " . $mod['id'] . " AND content_type = 'material'"; $result2 = $inDB->query($sql2); $ord = array(); if ($inDB->num_rows($result2)) { $public = ''; $style = ''; while ($r = $inDB->fetch_assoc($result2)) { $ord[] = $r['group_id']; } } } ?> <input name="is_public" type="checkbox" id="is_public" onclick="checkGroupList()" value="1" <?php echo $public; ?> /> </td> <td><label for="is_public"><strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_SHARE']; ?> </strong></label></td> </tr> </table> <div style="padding:5px"> <span class="hinttext"> <?php echo $_LANG['AD_IF_NOTED']; ?> </span> </div> <div style="margin-top:10px;padding:5px;padding-right:0px;" id="grp"> <div> <strong><?php echo $_LANG['AD_GROUPS_VIEW']; ?> </strong><br /> <span class="hinttext"> <?php echo $_LANG['AD_SELECT_MULTIPLE_CTRL']; ?> </span> </div> <div> <?php echo '<select style="width: 99%" name="showfor[]" id="showin" size="6" multiple="multiple" ' . $style . '>'; if ($inDB->num_rows($result)) { while ($item = $inDB->fetch_assoc($result)) { echo '<option value="' . $item['id'] . '"'; if ($do == 'edit') { if (inArray($ord, $item['id'])) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } } echo '>'; echo $item['title'] . '</option>'; } } echo '</select>'; ?> </div> </div> {/tabs} <?php echo jwTabs(ob_get_clean()); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <p> <input name="add_mod" type="submit" id="add_mod" <?php if ($do == 'add') { echo 'value="' . $_LANG['AD_CREATE_CONTENT'] . '"'; } else { echo 'value="' . $_LANG['AD_SAVE_CONTENT'] . '"'; } ?> /> <input name="back" type="button" id="back" value="<?php echo $_LANG['CANCEL']; ?> " onclick="window.history.back();"/> <input name="do" type="hidden" id="do" <?php if ($do == 'add') { echo 'value="submit"'; } else { echo 'value="update"'; } ?> /> <?php if ($do == 'edit') { echo '<input name="id" type="hidden" value="' . $mod['id'] . '" />'; } ?> </p> </form> <?php } }
if (!cmsCore::inRequest('submit')) { $inPage->initAutocomplete(); $autocomplete_js = $inPage->getAutocompleteJS('tagsearch', 'tags'); cmsPage::initTemplate('components', 'com_photos_add1')->assign('no_tags', false)->assign('is_admin', $inUser->is_admin)->assign('cfg', $model->config)->assign('autocomplete_js', $autocomplete_js)->display('com_photos_add1.tpl'); } if (cmsCore::inRequest('submit')) { $mod = array(); $mod['title'] = cmsCore::request('title', 'str', ''); $mod['description'] = cmsCore::request('description', 'str'); $mod['is_multi'] = cmsCore::request('only_mod', 'int', 0); $mod['tags'] = cmsCore::request('tags', 'str'); $mod['comments'] = $inUser->is_admin ? cmsCore::request('comments', 'int') : 1; if ($model->config['seo_user_access'] || $inUser->is_admin) { $mod['pagetitle'] = cmsCore::request('pagetitle', 'str', ''); $mod['meta_keys'] = cmsCore::request('meta_keys', 'str', ''); $mod['meta_desc'] = cmsCore::request('meta_desc', 'str', ''); } cmsUser::sessionPut('mod', $mod); cmsCore::redirect('/photos/' . $album['id'] . '/submit_photo.html'); } } ////////////////// форма загрузки фотографий 2 шаг ///////////////////////////// if ($do_photo == 'submit_photo') { $mod = cmsUser::sessionGet('mod'); if (!$mod) { cmsCore::error404(); } $inPage->addPathway($_LANG['ADD_PHOTO'] . ': ' . $_LANG['STEP_2']); $inPage->setTitle($_LANG['ADD_PHOTO'] . ': ' . $_LANG['STEP_2']); if ($album['uplimit'] && !$inUser->is_admin) { $max_limit = true;
/** * Печатает головную область страницы */ public function printHead() { $this->addHeadJsLang(array('SEND', 'CONTINUE', 'CLOSE', 'SAVE', 'CANCEL', 'ATTENTION', 'CONFIRM', 'LOADING', 'ERROR', 'ADD', 'SELECT_CITY', 'SELECT')); $this->page_head = cmsCore::callEvent('PRINT_PAGE_HEAD', $this->page_head); // Если есть пагинация и страница больше первой, добавляем "страница №" if ($this->site_cfg->title_and_page) { $page = cmsCore::request('page', 'int', 1); if ($page > 1) { global $_LANG; $this->title = $this->title . ' — ' . $_LANG['PAGE'] . ' №' . $page; } } // Заголовок страницы echo '<title>', htmlspecialchars($this->title), '</title>', "\n"; // Ключевые слова echo '<meta name="keywords" content="', htmlspecialchars($this->page_keys), '" />', "\n"; // Описание echo '<meta name="description" content="', htmlspecialchars($this->page_desc), '" />', "\n"; // Изображение if ($this->page_img) { echo '<link rel="image_src" href="', htmlspecialchars($this->page_img), '" />', "\n"; } //Оставшиеся теги foreach ($this->page_head as $value) { echo $value, "\n"; } // LANG переменные echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; foreach ($this->page_lang as $value) { echo $value; } echo '</script>', "\n"; }