Esempio n. 1
 * Used by course/lib.php to display a few sessions besides the
 * facetoface activity on the course page
 * @param object $cm the cm_info object for the F2F instance
 * @global class $USER used to get the current userid
 * @global class $CFG used to get the path to the module
function facetoface_cm_info_view(cm_info $cm)
    global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT;
    $contextmodule = context_module::instance($cm->id);
    if (!has_capability('mod/facetoface:view', $contextmodule)) {
        return '';
        // Not allowed to view this activity.
    $timenow = time();
    $facetoface = $DB->get_record('facetoface', array('id' => $cm->instance));
    if (!$facetoface) {
        error_log("mod/facetoface: ask to print coursemodule info for a non-existent activity ({$cm->instance})");
        return '';
    // View all sessions link.
    $htmlviewallsessions = html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/mod/facetoface/view.php', array('f' => $facetoface->id)), get_string('viewallsessions', 'facetoface'), array('class' => 'f2fsessionlinks f2fviewallsessions', 'title' => get_string('viewallsessions', 'facetoface')));
    $table = new html_table();
    $table->attributes['class'] = 'table90 inlinetable';
    $table->data[] = array(html_writer::empty_tag('hr'));
    if ($submissions = facetoface_get_user_submissions($facetoface->id, $USER->id)) {
        $submission = array_shift($submissions);
        // First submission.
        // User has signedup for the instance.
        if ($session = facetoface_get_session($submission->sessionid)) {
            $sessiondate = '';
            $sessiontime = '';
            if ($session->datetimeknown) {
                foreach ($session->sessiondates as $date) {
                    if (!empty($sessiondate)) {
                        $sessiondate .= html_writer::empty_tag('br');
                    $sessiondate .= userdate($date->timestart, get_string('strftimedate'));
                    if (!empty($sessiontime)) {
                        $sessiontime .= html_writer::empty_tag('br');
                    $sessiontime .= userdate($date->timestart, get_string('strftimetime')) . ' - ' . userdate($date->timefinish, get_string('strftimetime'));
            } else {
                $sessiondate = get_string('wait-listed', 'facetoface');
                $sessiontime = get_string('wait-listed', 'facetoface');
            $location = ' ';
            $customfielddata = facetoface_get_customfielddata($session->id);
            if (!empty($customfielddata['location'])) {
                $location = ' ' . $customfielddata['location']->data;
            $venue = ' ';
            if (!empty($customfielddata['venue'])) {
                $venue = ' ' . $customfielddata['venue']->data;
            // Don't include the link to view attendees if user is lacking capability.
            $attendeeslink = '';
            if (has_capability('mod/facetoface:viewattendees', context_course::instance($cm->course))) {
                $strattendees = get_string('seeattendees', 'facetoface');
                $attendeesurl = new moodle_url('/mod/facetoface/attendees.php', array('s' => $session->id));
                $attendeeslink = ' ' . html_writer::link($attendeesurl, $strattendees, array('class' => 'f2fsessionlinks f2fviewattendees', 'title' => $strattendees));
            // Don't include the link to cancel a session if it has already occurred.
            $cancellink = '';
            if (!facetoface_has_session_started($session, $timenow)) {
                $strcancel = get_string('cancelbooking', 'facetoface');
                $cancelurl = new moodle_url('/mod/facetoface/cancelsignup.php', array('s' => $session->id));
                $cancellink = ' ' . html_writer::link($cancelurl, $strcancel, array('class' => 'f2fsessionlinks f2fcancel', 'title' => $strcancel));
            // Add table data.
            $table->data[] = array(get_string('bookingstatus', 'facetoface') . ': ');
            $table->data[] = array($location, $venue, $sessiondate, $sessiontime);
            $table->data[] = array(html_writer::tag('span', get_string('options', 'facetoface') . ': ' . html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/mod/facetoface/signup.php', array('s' => $session->id)), get_string('moreinfo', 'facetoface'), array('class' => 'f2fsessionlinks f2fsessioninfolink', 'title' => get_string('moreinfo', 'facetoface'))) . "{$attendeeslink}{$cancellink}"));
            $table->data[] = array($htmlviewallsessions);
    } else {
        if ($facetoface->display > 0 && ($sessions = facetoface_get_sessions($facetoface->id))) {
            $table->data[] = array(get_string('signupforsession', 'facetoface'));
            $count = 0;
            foreach ($sessions as $session) {
                // Don't display past or in-progress sessions.
                if ($session->datetimeknown && facetoface_has_session_started($session, $timenow)) {
                // Don't diisplay full sessions.
                if (!facetoface_session_has_capacity($session, $contextmodule)) {
                // Check display count.
                if ($count > $facetoface->display) {
                $multiday = '';
                $sessiondate = '';
                $sessiontime = '';
                if ($session->datetimeknown) {
                    if (empty($session->sessiondates)) {
                        $sessiondate = get_string('unknowndate', 'facetoface');
                        $sessiontime = get_string('unknowntime', 'facetoface');
                    } else {
                        $sessiondate = userdate($session->sessiondates[0]->timestart, get_string('strftimedate'));
                        $sessiontime = userdate($session->sessiondates[0]->timestart, get_string('strftimetime')) . ' - ' . userdate($session->sessiondates[0]->timefinish, get_string('strftimetime'));
                        if (count($session->sessiondates) > 1) {
                            $multiday = ' (' . get_string('multiday', 'facetoface') . ')';
                } else {
                    $sessiondate = get_string('wait-listed', 'facetoface');
                $locationstr = '';
                $customfielddata = facetoface_get_customfielddata($session->id);
                if (!empty($customfielddata['location']) && trim($customfielddata['location']->data) != '') {
                    $locationstr = $customfielddata['location']->data . ', ';
                if ($cm->uservisible) {
                    $signupurl = new moodle_url('/mod/facetoface/signup.php', array('s' => $session->id));
                    $row = array(html_writer::link($signupurl, "{$locationstr} {$sessiondate} {$sessiontime} {$multiday}", array('class' => 'f2fsessiontime')));
                } else {
                    $row = array(html_writer::tag('span', "{$locationstr} {$sessiondate} {$sessiontime} {$multiday}", array('class' => 'f2fsessiontime')));
                // Add to table.
                $table->data[] = $row;
            if ($cm->uservisible) {
                $table->data[] = array($htmlviewallsessions);
            } else {
                $table->data[] = array($strviewallsessions);
        } else {
            // Nothing to display to this user.
Esempio n. 2
function opencast_cm_info_view(cm_info $cm) {
    $details = $cm->customdata;
    if ($details) {
        $cm->set_after_link(' ' . html_writer::tag('span', $details,
                array('class' => 'resourcelinkdetails')));
Esempio n. 3
 * This will provide summary info about the user's grade in the subcourse below the link on
 * the course/view.php page
 * @param cm_info $cm
 * @return void
function mod_subcourse_cm_info_view(cm_info $cm)
    global $USER, $CFG;
    $html = '';
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/grade/querylib.php';
    $currentgrade = grade_get_course_grade($USER->id, $cm->course);
    $html .= html_writer::empty_tag('br');
    $html .= html_writer::start_tag('span');
    $html .= get_string('currentgrade', 'subcourse') . ' ' . $currentgrade->str_grade;
    $html .= html_writer::end_tag('span');
Esempio n. 4
 * Adds information about unread messages, that is only required for the course view page (and
 * similar), to the course-module object.
 * @param cm_info $cm Course-module object
function dialogue_cm_info_view(cm_info $cm)
    global $CFG;
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/dialogue/locallib.php';
    // Get tracking status (once per request)
    static $initialised;
    static $usetracking, $strunreadmessagesone;
    if (!isset($initialised)) {
        if ($usetracking = dialogue_can_track_dialogue()) {
            $strunreadmessagesone = get_string('unreadmessagesone', 'dialogue');
        $initialised = true;
    if ($usetracking) {
        $unread = dialogue_cm_unread_total(new \mod_dialogue\dialogue($cm));
        if ($unread) {
            $out = '<span class="unread"> <a href="' . $cm->url . '">';
            if ($unread == 1) {
                $out .= $strunreadmessagesone;
            } else {
                $out .= get_string('unreadmessagesnumber', 'dialogue', $unread);
            $out .= '</a></span>';
Esempio n. 5
function mod_forumng_cm_info_view(cm_info $cm)
    global $CFG;
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/forumng/mod_forumng.php';
    static $forums = null;
    if ($forums === null) {
        // Read tracking is for real users only
        if (mod_forumng::enabled_read_tracking() && !isguestuser() && isloggedin()) {
            $forums = mod_forumng::get_course_forums($cm->get_course(), 0, mod_forumng::UNREAD_BINARY);
        } else {
            $forums = array();
    // If current forum is listed, check whether it's unread or not
    if (array_key_exists($cm->instance, $forums)) {
        if ($forums[$cm->instance]->has_unread_discussions()) {
            $cm->set_after_link('<span class="unread">' . get_string('hasunreadposts', 'forumng') . '</span>');
Esempio n. 6
 * Collaborate course module info - meeting times.
 * @param cm_info $cm
function collaborate_cm_info_view(cm_info $cm)
    global $PAGE;
    $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_collaborate');
    $times = local::get_times($cm->instance);
    $o = html_writer::tag('span', $renderer->meeting_times($times), ['class' => 'label label-info']);
function mod_giportfolio_cm_info_view(cm_info $cm)
    global $USER, $DB;
    static $enabled = null;
    if ($enabled === null) {
        $enabled = get_config('giportfolio', 'contributioncount');
    if (!$enabled) {
    if (!has_capability('mod/giportfolio:submitportfolio', context_module::instance($cm->id))) {
    $count = $DB->count_records('giportfolio_contributions', array('giportfolioid' => $cm->instance, 'userid' => $USER->id));
    $count = get_string('contributions', 'mod_giportfolio') . ' ' . html_writer::tag('span', $count, array('class' => 'count-inner'));
    $count = html_writer::tag('span', $count, array('class' => 'giportfolio-count'));
 * Called when viewing course page. Adds information to the course-module object.
 * @see: /lib/modinfolib.php  class cm_info
 * Allowed methods:
 * - {@link cm_info::set_after_edit_icons()}
 * - {@link cm_info::set_after_link()}
 * - {@link cm_info::set_content()}
 * - {@link cm_info::set_extra_classes()
 * @param cm_info $cm Course-module object
function activitytask_cm_info_view(cm_info $cm)
    global $USER, $PAGE, $DB;
    //we will create a done button for marking whether or not an item is complete
    $done = '';
    $view = '';
    //create a view button
    if ($cm->customdata) {
        $view = '<a class="activitytask-button-view btn btn-primary"' . ' href="' . new moodle_url('/mod/activitytask/view.php?id=' . $cm->id) . '"' . '>' . get_string('btn_label_view', 'activitytask') . '</a>';
    //let's see if the user has a capability to add an activity instance
    //this indicates that they are a teacher or the like and not a student
    //we don't need to show a done button if the user can edit the instance
    if (!has_capability('mod/activitytask:addinstance', context_course::instance($cm->course))) {
        //pull this users status for this activity
        $params = array('userid' => $USER->id, 'activitytask' => $cm->instance);
        $fields = 'datedone';
        $status = $DB->get_record('activitytask_status', $params, $fields);
        //if not done, then show a button
        if (!$status || !$status->datedone) {
            //add the javascript to make it possible to update using ajax
            $done = '<a class="activitytask-button btn btn-primary"' . ' href="' . new moodle_url('/mod/activitytask/markdone.php?id=' . $cm->instance) . '"' . ' >' . get_string('btn_label_done', 'activitytask') . '</a>';
        } else {
            $dt = new DateTime($status->datedone);
            $done = '<span class="activitytask-done">(' . $dt->format('M j') . ')</span>';
    if (!$PAGE->user_is_editing()) {
        //if no view link is set, then the url will be blank
        if (!$cm->url) {
            //we have to add our own icon
            $cm->set_content('<img role="presentation" class="iconlarge activityicon" src="' . $cm->get_icon_url() . '">' . '<span class="instancename">' . $cm->name . '<span class="accesshide "> Activity Task</span>' . '</span>' . $view . $done);
        } else {
            $cm->set_after_link($view . $done);