* @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (edittechniques) which is used to render edittechniques page for the project */ //Includes config file. include "../includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file. include DIR_ADMIN_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Includes simple image file. include DIR_ADMIN_CLASSES . "/SimpleImage.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UsErId"] == "" && $_SESSION["UnAmE"] == "") { header("Location:index.php"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); //Creates the object for sigma template. $hdlTpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma(DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE, DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE . "/prepared"); //Loads the template from template folder $hdlTpl->loadTemplateFile("edittechniques.htm", TRUE, TRUE); $strHeader = $hldGlobal->fnGetHeader(); //Fetches header template $strMetatag = $hldGlobal->fnGetMetatag(); //Fetches Metatag template $strFooter = $hldGlobal->fnGetFooter(); //Fetches footer template $strLeftMenu = $hldGlobal->fnGetLMenu(); //Fetches left menu template $hdlTpl->setVariable("metatag", $strMetatag); //Assigns Metatag $hdlTpl->setVariable("header", $strHeader);
* @version checkquestion.php 2009-08-11 $ * @copyright Copyright (C) icrs.com. All rights reserved. * * @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (checkquestion) which is used to check the quiz title */ //Includes config file include "../includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_ADMIN_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UsErId"] == "" && $_SESSION["UnAmE"] == "") { header("Location:index.php"); } $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); $intcheckid = 0; if (!$_SESSION["InTlAsTiD"]) { $intcheckid = $hldGlobal->fnCheckTitleAjax($_GET["cid"], $_GET["qtitle"]); } if ($intcheckid) { echo "Quiz title already added."; exit; } else { /*$strResposeText = "ChecQuestion~".$_GET["cid"]; echo $strResposeText; exit;*/ $url = "fillmodule.php?cid=" . $_GET["cid"]; echo "<script>\n fnAjaxCall('show_module','" . $url . "','form1');\n popup('popUpDiv',0);\n </script>"; }
<?php /** * @version deletetechniques.php 2009-07-13 $ * @copyright Copyright (C) icrs.com. All rights reserved. * * @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (deletetechniques) which is used to delete the record from the table */ //Includes config file include "../includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_ADMIN_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UsErId"] == "" && $_SESSION["UnAmE"] == "") { header("Location:index.php"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); $sqlChange = "DELETE FROM tbltechniques WHERE id='" . $_GET["id"] . "'"; mysql_query($sqlChange); $strReturn = $hldGlobal->fnDecodeURL($_GET["return"]); header("Location:message.php?mess=13&return={$strReturn}");
* @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (addpage) which is used to render addpage page for the project */ //Includes config file include "../includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_ADMIN_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Includes simple image file. include DIR_ADMIN_CLASSES . "/SimpleImage.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UsErId"] == "" && $_SESSION["UnAmE"] == "") { header("Location:index.php"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); //Creates the object for sigma template. $hdlTpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma(DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE, DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE . "/prepared"); //Loads the template from template folder $hdlTpl->loadTemplateFile("addpage.htm", TRUE, TRUE); $strHeader = $hldGlobal->fnGetHeader(); //Fetches header template $strMetatag = $hldGlobal->fnGetMetatag(); //Fetches Metatag template $strFooter = $hldGlobal->fnGetFooter(); //Fetches footer template $strLeftMenu = $hldGlobal->fnGetLMenu(); //Fetches left menu template $hdlTpl->setVariable("metatag", $strMetatag); //Assigns Metatag $hdlTpl->setVariable("header", $strHeader);
* @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (quizzes) which is used to render quizzes page for the project */ //Includes config file include "includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UID"] == "" && $_SESSION["UNAME"] == "") { $strRedirect = SITE_NAME . "login.htm"; header("Location:{$strRedirect}"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); $intUCheck = $hldGlobal->fnUserCheckTemp($_SESSION["UID"]); if ($intUCheck) { $hldGlobal->fnInActiveUser($_SESSION["UID"]); $strLogOut = SITE_NAME . "log/1/login.htm"; header("Location:{$strLogOut}"); } //Creates the object for sigma template. $hdlTpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma(DIR_TEMPLATE, DIR_TEMPLATE . "/prepared"); //Loads index template file $hdlTpl->loadTemplateFile("quizzes.htm", TRUE, TRUE); $hldGlobal->fnTrackUser("Quizzes", $_SESSION["MaInId"]); $strHeader = $hldGlobal->fnGetHeader(); //Fetches header template $strMetatag = $hldGlobal->fnMetaTag(); //Fetches Metatag template
* * @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (managequizzes) which is used to render managequizzes page for the project */ //Includes config file include "../includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_ADMIN_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UsErId"] == "" && $_SESSION["UnAmE"] == "") { header("Location:index.php"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); //Creates the object for sigma template. $hdlTpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma(DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE, DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE . "/prepared"); //Loads the template from template folder $hdlTpl->loadTemplateFile("managequizzes.htm", TRUE, TRUE); $strHeader = $hldGlobal->fnGetHeader(); //Fetches header template $strMetatag = $hldGlobal->fnGetMetatag(); //Fetches Metatag template $strFooter = $hldGlobal->fnGetFooter(); //Fetches footer template $strLeftMenu = $hldGlobal->fnGetLMenu(); //Fetches left menu template $hdlTpl->setVariable("metatag", $strMetatag); //Assigns Metatag $hdlTpl->setVariable("header", $strHeader);
* @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (new) which is used to render show all the news on one page. */ //Includes config file include "includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UID"] == "" && $_SESSION["UNAME"] == "") { $strRedirect = SITE_NAME . "login.htm"; header("Location:{$strRedirect}"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); $intUCheck = $hldGlobal->fnUserCheckTemp($_SESSION["UID"]); if ($intUCheck) { $hldGlobal->fnInActiveUser($_SESSION["UID"]); $strLogOut = SITE_NAME . "log/1/login.htm"; header("Location:{$strLogOut}"); } //Creates the object for sigma template. $hdlTpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma(DIR_TEMPLATE, DIR_TEMPLATE . "/prepared"); //Loads index template file $hdlTpl->loadTemplateFile("news.htm", TRUE, TRUE); $hldGlobal->fnTrackUser("News", $_SESSION["MaInId"]); $strHeader = $hldGlobal->fnGetHeader(); //Fetches header template $strMetatag = $hldGlobal->fnMetaTag(); //Fetches Metatag template
* * @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (addnews) which is used for adding news. */ //Includes config file include "../includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_ADMIN_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UsErId"] == "" && $_SESSION["UnAmE"] == "") { header("Location:index.php"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); //Creates the object for sigma template. $hdlTpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma(DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE, DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE . "/prepared"); //Loads the template from template folder $hdlTpl->loadTemplateFile("addnews.htm", TRUE, TRUE); if ($_POST["submit"] == "Add News") { //Checks if form is submited or not. $strErrorMessage = ""; $intError = 0; if (trim($_POST["newstitle"]) == "") { $strErrorMessage .= "Please enter news title<br />"; $intError = 1; } if (trim($_POST["meta_keyword"]) == "") { $strErrorMessage .= "Please enter metatag keyword<br />"; $intError = 1;
* * @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (managemodule) which is used to render managemodule page for the project */ //Includes config file include "../includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_ADMIN_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UsErId"] == "" && $_SESSION["UnAmE"] == "") { header("Location:index.php"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); //Creates the object for sigma template. $hdlTpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma(DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE, DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE . "/prepared"); //Loads the template from template folder $hdlTpl->loadTemplateFile("managemodule.htm", TRUE, TRUE); $strHeader = $hldGlobal->fnGetHeader(); //Fetches header template $strMetatag = $hldGlobal->fnGetMetatag(); //Fetches Metatag template $strFooter = $hldGlobal->fnGetFooter(); //Fetches footer template $strLeftMenu = $hldGlobal->fnGetLMenu(); //Fetches left menu template $hdlTpl->setVariable("metatag", $strMetatag); //Assigns Metatag $hdlTpl->setVariable("header", $strHeader);
* * @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (viewstats) which is used to render viewstats page for the project */ //Includes config file include "../includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_ADMIN_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UsErId"] == "" && $_SESSION["UnAmE"] == "") { header("Location:index.php"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); //Creates the object for sigma template. $hdlTpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma(DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE, DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE . "/prepared"); //Loads the template from template folder $hdlTpl->loadTemplateFile("viewinduadial.htm", TRUE, TRUE); $strHeader = $hldGlobal->fnGetHeader(); //Fetches header template $strMetatag = $hldGlobal->fnGetMetatag(); //Fetches Metatag template $strFooter = $hldGlobal->fnGetFooter(); //Fetches footer template $strLeftMenu = $hldGlobal->fnGetLMenu(); //Fetches left menu template $hdlTpl->setVariable("metatag", $strMetatag); //Assigns Metatag $hdlTpl->setVariable("header", $strHeader);
<?php /** * @version fetchquestion.php 2009-08-07 $ * @copyright Copyright (C) icrs.com. All rights reserved. * * @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (fetchquestion) which is used to show the question for the quiz */ //Includes config file include "../includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_ADMIN_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UsErId"] == "" && $_SESSION["UnAmE"] == "") { header("Location:index.php"); } $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); if ($_SESSION["InTlAsTiD"]) { $intLastId = $_SESSION["InTlAsTiD"]; } else { $intLastId = $_GET["qid"]; } $strTab = $hldGlobal->fnFetchQuestionQuiz($intLastId); echo $strTab;
/** * @version login.php 2009-07-16 $ * @copyright Copyright (C) icrs.com. All rights reserved. * * @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (login) which is used to render login page for the project */ //Includes config file include "includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //include(DIR_CLASSES."/clsAdmin.php"); //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); //Creates the object for sigma template. $hdlTpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma(DIR_TEMPLATE, DIR_TEMPLATE . "/prepared"); //Loads index template file $hdlTpl->loadTemplateFile("login.htm", TRUE, TRUE); if ($_POST["submit"] == "Login") { $strErrorMessage = ""; $intError = 1; if (trim($_POST["userid"]) == "") { $strErrorMessage .= "Please enter user name<br>"; $intError = 0; } if (trim($_POST["pass"]) == "") { $strErrorMessage .= "Please enter password<br>"; $intError = 0; }
* @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (editprofile) which is used to render editprofile page for the project */ //Includes config file include "includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UID"] == "" && $_SESSION["UNAME"] == "") { $strRedirect = SITE_NAME . "login.htm"; header("Location:{$strRedirect}"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); $intUCheck = $hldGlobal->fnUserCheckTemp($_SESSION["UID"]); if ($intUCheck) { $hldGlobal->fnInActiveUser($_SESSION["UID"]); $strLogOut = SITE_NAME . "log/1/login.htm"; header("Location:{$strLogOut}"); } //Creates the object for sigma template. $hdlTpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma(DIR_TEMPLATE, DIR_TEMPLATE . "/prepared"); //Loads index template file $hdlTpl->loadTemplateFile("editprofile.htm", TRUE, TRUE); $hldGlobal->fnTrackUser("Edit Profile", $_SESSION["MaInId"]); $strHeader = $hldGlobal->fnGetHeader(); //Fetches header template $strMetatag = $hldGlobal->fnMetaTag(); //Fetches Metatag template
<?php /** * @version showoptions.php 2009-08-07 $ * @copyright Copyright (C) icrs.com. All rights reserved. * * @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (showoptions) which is used to show the options for the quiz */ //Includes config file include "../includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_ADMIN_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UsErId"] == "" && $_SESSION["UnAmE"] == "") { header("Location:index.php"); } $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); //print_r($_GET); echo $hldGlobal->fnFetchAnswerTemp($_GET["ques_id"]);
* * @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (editquizes) which is used to render editquizes page for the project */ //Includes config file include "../includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_ADMIN_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UsErId"] == "" && $_SESSION["UnAmE"] == "") { header("Location:index.php"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); //Creates the object for sigma template. $hdlTpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma(DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE, DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE . "/prepared"); //Loads the template from template folder $hdlTpl->loadTemplateFile("editquizes.htm", TRUE, TRUE); $strErrormessage = ""; $intError = 1; if ($_POST["submit"] == "Save") { if ($_POST["quiztitle"] == "") { $strErrormessage = "Quiz title should not be empty<br>"; $intError = 0; } $hldGlobal->fnCheckQuiztitle($_POST["cid"], trim($_POST["quiztitle"])); if ($intError) { foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $_POST[$key] = mysql_escape_string(trim($value));
* * @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (addquizzes) which is used to render addquizzes page for the project */ //Includes config file include "../includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_ADMIN_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UsErId"] == "" && $_SESSION["UnAmE"] == "") { header("Location:index.php"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); //Creates the object for sigma template. $hdlTpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma(DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE, DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE . "/prepared"); //Loads the template from template folder $hdlTpl->loadTemplateFile("addquizzes.htm", TRUE, TRUE); $strHeader = $hldGlobal->fnGetHeader(); //Fetches header template $strMetatag = $hldGlobal->fnGetMetatag(); //Fetches Metatag template $strFooter = $hldGlobal->fnGetFooter(); //Fetches footer template $strLeftMenu = $hldGlobal->fnGetLMenu(); //Fetches left menu template $strCourse = $hldGlobal->fnGetCource($_POST["course_id"]); //$strOption = $hldGlobal->fnGetModule($_POST["module_id"]);//Fetches options $hdlTpl->setVariable("metatag", $strMetatag);
* * @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (managestats) which is used to render managestats page for the project */ //Includes config file include "../includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_ADMIN_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UsErId"] == "" && $_SESSION["UnAmE"] == "") { header("Location:index.php"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); //Creates the object for sigma template. $hdlTpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma(DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE, DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE . "/prepared"); //Loads the template from template folder $hdlTpl->loadTemplateFile("managestats.htm", TRUE, TRUE); $strHeader = $hldGlobal->fnGetHeader(); //Fetches header template $strMetatag = $hldGlobal->fnGetMetatag(); //Fetches Metatag template $strFooter = $hldGlobal->fnGetFooter(); //Fetches footer template $strLeftMenu = $hldGlobal->fnGetLMenu(); //Fetches left menu template $hdlTpl->setVariable("metatag", $strMetatag); //Assigns Metatag $hdlTpl->setVariable("header", $strHeader);
<?php /** * @version getmodule.php 2009-07-24 $ * @copyright Copyright (C) icrs.com. All rights reserved. * * @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (getmodule) which is used to display module drop down */ //Includes config file include "../includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_ADMIN_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UsErId"] == "" && $_SESSION["UnAmE"] == "") { header("Location:index.php"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); $strModuleOption = $hldGlobal->fnGetModuleOption($_POST["course_id"]); $strSel = ''; $strSel .= '<select name="module_id" id="module_id">'; $strSel .= '<option value="--">--Select module name--</option>'; $strSel .= $strModuleOption; $strSel .= '</select>'; echo $strSel;
* @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (news_details) which is used to render news in details. */ //Includes config file include "includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UID"] == "" && $_SESSION["UNAME"] == "") { $strRedirect = SITE_NAME . "login.htm"; header("Location:{$strRedirect}"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); $intUCheck = $hldGlobal->fnUserCheckTemp($_SESSION["UID"]); if ($intUCheck) { $hldGlobal->fnInActiveUser($_SESSION["UID"]); $strLogOut = SITE_NAME . "log/1/login.htm"; header("Location:{$strLogOut}"); } //Creates the object for sigma template. $hdlTpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma(DIR_TEMPLATE, DIR_TEMPLATE . "/prepared"); //Loads index template file $hdlTpl->loadTemplateFile("news_details.htm", TRUE, TRUE); $hldGlobal->fnTrackUser("News details", $_SESSION["MaInId"]); $strHeader = $hldGlobal->fnGetHeader(); //Fetches header template $strMetatag = $hldGlobal->fnMetaTag(); //Fetches Metatag template
* @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (showresult) which is used to render showresult page for the project */ //Includes config file include "includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UID"] == "" && $_SESSION["UNAME"] == "") { $strRedirect = SITE_NAME . "login.htm"; header("Location:{$strRedirect}"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); $intUCheck = $hldGlobal->fnUserCheckTemp($_SESSION["UID"]); if ($intUCheck) { $hldGlobal->fnInActiveUser($_SESSION["UID"]); $strLogOut = SITE_NAME . "log/1/login.htm"; header("Location:{$strLogOut}"); } //Creates the object for sigma template. $hdlTpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma(DIR_TEMPLATE, DIR_TEMPLATE . "/prepared"); //Loads index template file $hdlTpl->loadTemplateFile("showresult.htm", TRUE, TRUE); $hldGlobal->fnTrackUser("Show Result", $_SESSION["MaInId"]); $strHeader = $hldGlobal->fnGetHeader(); //Fetches header template $strMetatag = $hldGlobal->fnMetaTag(); //Fetches Metatag template
* * @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (addoptions) which is used to render addoptions page for the project */ //Includes config file include "../includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_ADMIN_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UsErId"] == "" && $_SESSION["UnAmE"] == "") { header("Location:index.php"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); //Creates the object for sigma template. $hdlTpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma(DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE, DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE . "/prepared"); //Loads the template from template folder $hdlTpl->loadTemplateFile("addoptions.htm", TRUE, TRUE); $strHeader = $hldGlobal->fnGetHeader(); //Fetches header template $strMetatag = $hldGlobal->fnGetMetatag(); //Fetches Metatag template $strFooter = $hldGlobal->fnGetFooter(); //Fetches footer template $strLeftMenu = $hldGlobal->fnGetLMenu(); //Fetches left menu template $arrCMName = $hldGlobal->fnGetCMName($_GET["id"]); //Fetches cource and module name $hdlTpl->setVariable("metatag", $strMetatag);
* * @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (manageuser) which is used to manage the user */ //Includes config file include "../includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_ADMIN_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UsErId"] == "" && $_SESSION["UnAmE"] == "") { header("Location:index.php"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); //Creates the object for sigma template. $hdlTpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma(DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE, DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE . "/prepared"); //Loads the template from template folder $hdlTpl->loadTemplateFile("manageuser.htm", TRUE, TRUE); $strHeader = $hldGlobal->fnGetHeader(); //Fetches header template $strMetatag = $hldGlobal->fnGetMetatag(); //Fetches Metatag template $strFooter = $hldGlobal->fnGetFooter(); //Fetches footer template $strLeftMenu = $hldGlobal->fnGetLMenu(); //Fetches left menu template $hdlTpl->setVariable("metatag", $strMetatag); //Assigns Metatag $hdlTpl->setVariable("header", $strHeader);
/** * @version deletequizes.php 2009-07-10 $ * @copyright Copyright (C) icrs.com. All rights reserved. * * @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (deletequizes) which is used to delete the record from the table */ //Includes config file include "../includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_ADMIN_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UsErId"] == "" && $_SESSION["UnAmE"] == "") { header("Location:index.php"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); $arrQuizId = $hldGlobal->fnGetQuizId($_GET["id"]); $sqlDel1 = "DELETE FROM tblQuizOption qid in ('" . $arrQuizId[0]["quesId"] . "')"; mysql_query($sqlDel1); $sqlDel2 = "DELETE FROM tblQuizQuestion quiz_title_id in ('" . $_GET["id"] . "')"; mysql_query($sqlDel2); $sqlChange = "DELETE FROM tblQuizTitle WHERE id='" . $_GET["id"] . "'"; mysql_query($sqlChange); $sqlChange2 = "DELETE FROM tblQuizAnswer WHERE qid='" . $_GET["id"] . "'"; mysql_query($sqlChange2); $strReturn = $hldGlobal->fnDecodeURL($_GET["return"]); header("Location:message.php?mess=10&return={$strReturn}");
* @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (moduledesc) which is used to render moduledesc page for the project */ //Includes config file include "includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UID"] == "" && $_SESSION["UNAME"] == "") { $strRedirect = SITE_NAME . "login.htm"; header("Location:{$strRedirect}"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); $intUCheck = $hldGlobal->fnUserCheckTemp($_SESSION["UID"]); if ($intUCheck) { $hldGlobal->fnInActiveUser($_SESSION["UID"]); $strLogOut = SITE_NAME . "log/1/login.htm"; header("Location:{$strLogOut}"); } //Creates the object for sigma template. $hdlTpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma(DIR_TEMPLATE, DIR_TEMPLATE . "/prepared"); //Loads index template file $hdlTpl->loadTemplateFile("moduledesc.htm", TRUE, TRUE); $hldGlobal->fnTrackUser("Module Description", $_SESSION["MaInId"]); $strHeader = $hldGlobal->fnGetHeader(); //Fetches header template $strMetatag = $hldGlobal->fnMetaTag(); //Fetches Metatag template
* @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (quickreview) which is used to render quickreview page for the project */ //Includes config file include "includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UID"] == "" && $_SESSION["UNAME"] == "") { $strRedirect = SITE_NAME . "login.htm"; header("Location:{$strRedirect}"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); $intUCheck = $hldGlobal->fnUserCheckTemp($_SESSION["UID"]); if ($intUCheck) { $hldGlobal->fnInActiveUser($_SESSION["UID"]); $strLogOut = SITE_NAME . "log/1/login.htm"; header("Location:{$strLogOut}"); } //Creates the object for sigma template. $hdlTpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma(DIR_TEMPLATE, DIR_TEMPLATE . "/prepared"); //Loads index template file $hdlTpl->loadTemplateFile("quickreview.htm", TRUE, TRUE); $hldGlobal->fnTrackUser("Quick Review", $_SESSION["MaInId"]); $strHeader = $hldGlobal->fnGetHeader(); //Fetches header template $strMetatag = $hldGlobal->fnMetaTag(); //Fetches Metatag template
/** * @version forgotpassword.php 2009-07-22 $ * @copyright Copyright (C) icrs.com. All rights reserved. * * @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (forgotpassword) which is used to render forgotpassword page for the project */ //Includes config file include "includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //include(DIR_CLASSES."/clsAdmin.php"); //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); //Creates the object for sigma template. $hdlTpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma(DIR_TEMPLATE, DIR_TEMPLATE . "/prepared"); //Loads index template file $hdlTpl->loadTemplateFile("forgotpassword.htm", TRUE, TRUE); $strHeader = $hldGlobal->fnGetHeader(); //Fetches header template $strMetatag = $hldGlobal->fnMetaTag(); //Fetches Metatag template $strFooter = $hldGlobal->fnGetFooter(); //Fetches footer template $strLmenu = $hldGlobal->fnMenu("", $arrMpage); //Fetches left menu $hdlTpl->setVariable("metatag", $strMetatag); //Assigns Metatag $hdlTpl->setVariable("header", $strHeader);
* @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (addmodule) which is used to render addmodule page for the project */ //Includes config file include "../includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_ADMIN_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Includes simple image file. include DIR_ADMIN_CLASSES . "/SimpleImage.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UsErId"] == "" && $_SESSION["UnAmE"] == "") { header("Location:index.php"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); //Creates the object for sigma template. $hdlTpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma(DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE, DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE . "/prepared"); //Loads the template from template folder $hdlTpl->loadTemplateFile("addmodule.htm", TRUE, TRUE); $strHeader = $hldGlobal->fnGetHeader(); //Fetches header template $strMetatag = $hldGlobal->fnGetMetatag(); //Fetches Metatag template $strFooter = $hldGlobal->fnGetFooter(); //Fetches footer template $strLeftMenu = $hldGlobal->fnGetLMenu(); //Fetches left menu template $strOption = $hldGlobal->fnGetCource($_POST["course_id"]); //Fetches options $hdlTpl->setVariable("metatag", $strMetatag);
* * @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is main file (viewstats) which is used to render viewstats page for the project */ //Includes config file include "../includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_ADMIN_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session is set for admin login or not if ($_SESSION["UsErId"] == "" && $_SESSION["UnAmE"] == "") { header("Location:index.php"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); //Creates the object for sigma template. $hdlTpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma(DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE, DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE . "/prepared"); //Loads the template from template folder $hdlTpl->loadTemplateFile("viewstats.htm", TRUE, TRUE); $strHeader = $hldGlobal->fnGetHeader(); //Fetches header template $strMetatag = $hldGlobal->fnGetMetatag(); //Fetches Metatag template $strFooter = $hldGlobal->fnGetFooter(); //Fetches footer template $strLeftMenu = $hldGlobal->fnGetLMenu(); //Fetches left menu template $hdlTpl->setVariable("metatag", $strMetatag); //Assigns Metatag $hdlTpl->setVariable("header", $strHeader);
* * @author Amol Divalkar * @Modified By * @version 1.0 * @desc This is message file which will show successfully message to admin */ //Includes config file include "../includes/config.inc.php"; //Includes global class file include DIR_ADMIN_CLASSES . "/clsGlobal.php"; //Checks if session has values or not if ($_SESSION["UsErId"] == "" && $_SESSION["UnAmE"] == "") { header("Location:index.php"); } //Creates object for global class file $hldGlobal = new clsGlobal($hdlDb); //Creates object for sigma template $hdlTpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma(DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE, DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATE . "/prepared"); //Loads message template. $hdlTpl->loadTemplateFile("message.htm", TRUE, TRUE); $strHeader = $hldGlobal->fnGetHeader(); //Fetches header template $strFooter = $hldGlobal->fnGetFooter(); //Fetches footer template $strLeftMenu = $hldGlobal->fnGetLMenu(); //Fetches menu template $strMetatag = $hldGlobal->fnGetMetatag(); //Fetches Metatag template $hdlTpl->setVariable("metatag", $strMetatag); //Assigns Metatag $hdlTpl->setVariable("header", $strHeader);