if ($_SESSION['username'] != "") { require_once 'web/core/navigation.php'; // get and initiate the course class to access the functions require_once 'src/core/controller/classes.php'; $ObjClass = new classes(); // Set what we are loading up for editing if ($d) { $classid = $d; } elseif ($_POST['classid'] != "") { $classid = $_POST['classid']; } else { $classid = ""; } // If a valid id comes forth then utilise that to load data or save if ($classid) { $classid = $ObjClass->convertUUIDToClassID($classid); // Update information if it has ben requested if ($_POST['action'] == "remove" && $classid != "") { $deleteClass = $ObjClass->deleteClass($classid); if ($createClass !== false) { $responseMsg = "Your class has been removed successfully"; } else { $responseMsg = "Could not remove your class at this time - something went wrong, sorry"; } } // else display the information $class = $ObjClass->getClassInformation($classid); } else { $classes = $ObjClass->getClassList(); } // create the view for course information
if ($_SESSION['utype'] >= '5') { // get and initiate the course class to access the functions require_once 'src/core/controller/content.php'; $ObjContent = new content(); require_once 'src/core/controller/classes.php'; $ObjClass = new classes(); // Sort out the class ID if ($d) { $classid = $d; } elseif ($_POST['classid'] != "") { $classid = $_POST['classid']; } else { $classid = ""; } if ($_POST['y'] == 'content' && $_POST['z'] == 'create' && $_POST['action'] == "save") { // $contentTitle, $classid, $userid, $contentType, $contentDescription='', $contentLink='', $contentFile='', $contentFileExtension='', $documentContent='' $createContent = $ObjContent->createContent($_POST['contentTitle'], $ObjClass->convertUUIDToClassID($_POST['classid']), $ObjAkonga->usernametoid($_SESSION['username']), $_POST['contentType'], $_POST['contentDescription'], $_POST['contentLink'], $_FILES['contentFile']['name'], $_FILES['contentFile']['tmp_name'], $_POST['documentContent'], $_POST['contentState']); if ($createContent !== false) { $responseMsg = "Your content has been created successfully"; } else { $responseMsg = "Could not create your content at this time - something went wrong, sorry"; } } // create the view for course information require_once 'web/core/content/create.php'; } else { require_once 'web/core/security/insufficientrights.php'; } } else { require_once 'web/core/login/index.php'; }
<?php /** * Create a register - build the view and form to create a register */ if ($_SESSION['username'] != "") { if ($_SESSION['utype'] >= '5') { require_once 'web/core/navigation.php'; // get and initiate the course class to access the functions require_once 'src/core/controller/classes.php'; $ObjClass = new classes(); require_once 'src/core/controller/register.php'; $ObjRegister = new register(); if ($_POST['y'] == 'register' && $_POST['z'] == 'create' && $_POST['action'] == "save") { $saveRegister = $ObjRegister->storeRegister($ObjClass->convertUUIDToClassID($_POST['classid']), $ObjAkonga->usernametoid($_SESSION['username']), $_POST['pupil'], $_POST['mark']); if ($saveRegister === false) { $responseMsg = "Could not create your register at this time - something went wrong, sorry"; } else { $responseMsg = "Register saved"; } // return to class view $classid = $ObjClass->convertUUIDToClassID($_POST['classid']); $className = $ObjClass->getClassName($classid); require_once 'web/core/register/create.php'; } else { // create the view for course information $classid = $ObjClass->convertUUIDToClassID($d); $className = $ObjClass->getClassName($classid); $myRegister = $ObjRegister->createRegister($classid); require_once 'web/core/register/create.php'; }
*/ if ($_SESSION['username'] != "") { require_once 'web/core/navigation.php'; if ($_SESSION['utype'] >= '5') { // get and initiate the course class to access the functions require_once 'src/core/controller/classes.php'; $ObjClass = new classes(); require_once 'src/core/controller/quiz.php'; $ObjQuiz = new quiz(); // set class id for form and links if ($_POST['classid'] != "") { $classid = $_POST['classid']; } else { $classid = $d; } if ($_POST['y'] == 'quiz' && $_POST['z'] == 'create' && $_POST['action'] == "save") { $createContent = $ObjQuiz->createQuiz($_POST['quizTitle'], $_POST['quizState'], $_POST['quizDescription'], $ObjClass->convertUUIDToClassID($_POST['classid'])); if ($createContent !== false) { $responseMsg = "Your quiz has been created successfully"; } else { $responseMsg = "Could not create your quiz at this time - something went wrong, sorry"; } } // create the view for coursek information require_once 'web/core/quiz/create.php'; } else { require_once 'web/core/security/insufficientrights.php'; } } else { require_once 'web/core/login/index.php'; }