  * Updates the current object to the database.
  * Only the value is updated!!!
  * @param bool $strPrevId
  * @return bool
 public function updateObjectToDb($strPrevId = false)
     $objChangelog = new class_module_system_changelog();
     $objChangelog->createLogEntry($this, class_module_system_changelog::$STR_ACTION_EDIT);
     self::$arrInstanceCache = null;
     if (!class_module_system_setting::checkConfigExisting($this->getStrName())) {
         class_logger::getInstance()->addLogRow("new constant " . $this->getStrName() . " with value " . $this->getStrValue(), class_logger::$levelInfo);
         $strQuery = "INSERT INTO " . _dbprefix_ . "system_config\n                        (system_config_id, system_config_name, system_config_value, system_config_type, system_config_module) VALUES\n                        (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
         return $this->objDB->_pQuery($strQuery, array(generateSystemid(), $this->getStrName(), $this->getStrValue(), (int) $this->getIntType(), (int) $this->getIntModule()));
     } else {
         class_logger::getInstance()->addLogRow("updated constant " . $this->getStrName() . " to value " . $this->getStrValue(), class_logger::$levelInfo);
         $strQuery = "UPDATE " . _dbprefix_ . "system_config\n                        SET system_config_value = ?\n                      WHERE system_config_name = ?";
         return $this->objDB->_pQuery($strQuery, array($this->getStrValue(), $this->getStrName()));
 public function testPerformance()
     $objChanges = new class_module_system_changelog();
     $intFired = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumber() - class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumberCache();
     for ($intI = 0; $intI < 100; $intI++) {
         $objChanges->createLogEntry(new dummyObject(generateSystemid()), "1");
     $intFiredAfter = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumber() - class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumberCache();
     $this->assertTrue($intFiredAfter - $intFired >= 100);
     echo "Queries: " . ($intFiredAfter - $intFired) . "\n";
     $intFired = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumber() - class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumberCache();
     $objChanges = new class_module_system_changelog();
     for ($intI = 0; $intI < 100; $intI++) {
         $objChanges->createLogEntry(new dummyObject(generateSystemid()), "1");
     $intFiredAfter = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumber() - class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumberCache();
     $this->assertTrue($intFiredAfter - $intFired < 10);
     echo "Queries: " . ($intFiredAfter - $intFired) . "\n";
Esempio n. 3
  * Deletes the object from the database. The record is removed in total, so no restoring will be possible.
  * @return bool
  * @throws class_exception
 public function deleteObjectFromDatabase()
     if (!$this->getLockManager()->isAccessibleForCurrentUser()) {
         return false;
     if ($this instanceof interface_versionable) {
         $objChanges = new class_module_system_changelog();
         $objChanges->createLogEntry($this, class_module_system_changelog::$STR_ACTION_DELETE);
     /** @var $this class_root|interface_model */
     //validate, if there are subrecords, so child nodes to be deleted
     $arrChilds = $this->objDB->getPArray("SELECT system_id FROM " . _dbprefix_ . "system where system_prev_id = ?", array($this->getSystemid()));
     foreach ($arrChilds as $arrOneChild) {
         if (validateSystemid($arrOneChild["system_id"])) {
             $objInstance = class_objectfactory::getInstance()->getObject($arrOneChild["system_id"]);
             if ($objInstance !== null) {
     $objORM = new class_orm_objectdelete($this);
     $bitReturn = $objORM->deleteObject();
     $bitReturn = $bitReturn && $this->deleteSystemRecord($this->getSystemid());
     //try to call other modules, maybe wanting to delete anything in addition, if the current record
     //is going to be deleted
     $bitReturn = $bitReturn && class_core_eventdispatcher::getInstance()->notifyGenericListeners(class_system_eventidentifier::EVENT_SYSTEM_RECORDDELETED, array($this->getSystemid(), get_class($this)));
     if ($bitReturn) {
         class_logger::getInstance()->addLogRow("successfully deleted record " . $this->getSystemid() . " / " . $this->getStrDisplayName(), class_logger::$levelInfo);
         return true;
     } else {
         class_logger::getInstance()->addLogRow("error deleting record " . $this->getSystemid() . " / " . $this->getStrDisplayName(), class_logger::$levelInfo);
         return false;
  * Called whenever a update-request was fired.
  * Use this method to synchronize the current object with the database.
  * Use only updates, inserts are not required to be implemented.
  * Provides a default implementation based on the current objects column mappings.
  * Override this method whenever you want to perform additional actions or escaping.
  * @throws class_exception
  * @return bool
 public function updateStateToDb()
     if (!validateSystemid($this->getObjObject()->getSystemid()) || !$this->hasTargetTable()) {
         return true;
     //fetch properties with annotations
     $objReflection = new class_reflection($this->getObjObject());
     $arrTargetTables = $objReflection->getAnnotationValuesFromClass(class_orm_base::STR_ANNOTATION_TARGETTABLE);
     if (count($arrTargetTables) == 0) {
         //no table mapping found - skip
         return true;
     $bitReturn = true;
     foreach ($arrTargetTables as $strOneTable) {
         $arrTableDef = explode(".", $strOneTable);
         //scan all properties
         $arrColValues = array();
         $arrEscapes = array();
         //get the mapped properties
         $arrProperties = $objReflection->getPropertiesWithAnnotation(class_orm_base::STR_ANNOTATION_TABLECOLUMN);
         foreach ($arrProperties as $strPropertyName => $strColumn) {
             //check if there are table annotation available
             $arrColumnDef = explode(".", $strColumn);
             //if the column doesn't declare a target table whereas the class defines more then one - skip it.
             if (count($arrColumnDef) == 1 && count($arrTargetTables) > 1) {
                 throw new class_orm_exception("property " . $strPropertyName . " declares no target table, class " . get_class($this->getObjObject()) . " declares more than one target table.", class_exception::$level_FATALERROR);
             //skip if property targets another table
             if (count($arrColumnDef) == 2 && $arrColumnDef[0] != $arrTableDef[0]) {
             if (count($arrColumnDef) == 2) {
                 $strColumn = $arrColumnDef[1];
             //all prerequisites match, start creating query
             $strGetter = $objReflection->getGetter($strPropertyName);
             if ($strGetter !== null) {
                 //explicit casts required? could be relevant, depending on the target column type / database system
                 $mixedValue = call_user_func(array($this->getObjObject(), $strGetter));
                 if ($mixedValue !== null && (uniStrtolower(uniSubstr($strGetter, 0, 6)) == "getint" || uniStrtolower(uniSubstr($strGetter, 0, 6)) == "getbit")) {
                     //different casts on 32bit / 64bit
                     if ($mixedValue > PHP_INT_MAX) {
                         $mixedValue = (double) $mixedValue;
                     } else {
                         $mixedValue = (int) $mixedValue;
                 $arrColValues[$strColumn] = $mixedValue;
                 $arrEscapes[] = !$objReflection->hasPropertyAnnotation($strPropertyName, class_orm_base::STR_ANNOTATION_BLOCKESCAPING);
         //update table
         if (count($arrColValues) > 0) {
             $bitReturn = $bitReturn && $this->updateSingleTable($arrColValues, $arrEscapes, $arrTableDef[0], $arrTableDef[1]);
     //see, if we should process object lists, too
     if ($bitReturn) {
         $bitReturn = $this->updateAssignments();
     if ($this->getObjObject() instanceof interface_versionable) {
         $objChanges = new class_module_system_changelog();
         $objChanges->createLogEntry($this->getObjObject(), class_module_system_changelog::$STR_ACTION_EDIT);
     return $bitReturn;
  * Updates the current object to the database
  * @return bool
 protected function updateStateToDb()
     //Make texts db-safe
     $strName = $this->generateNonexistingPagename($this->getStrName());
     //create change-logs
     $objChanges = new class_module_system_changelog();
     $objChanges->createLogEntry($this, class_module_system_changelog::$STR_ACTION_EDIT);
     //Update the baserecord
     $bitBaseUpdate = parent::updateStateToDb();
     //and the properties record
     //properties for this language already existing?
     $strCountQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*)\n                          FROM " . _dbprefix_ . "page_properties\n\t\t                 WHERE pageproperties_id= ?\n\t\t                   AND pageproperties_language= ?";
     $arrCountRow = $this->objDB->getPRow($strCountQuery, array($this->getSystemid(), $this->getStrLanguage()), 0, false);
     if ((int) $arrCountRow["COUNT(*)"] >= 1) {
         //Already existing, updating properties
         $strQuery2 = "UPDATE  " . _dbprefix_ . "page_properties\n    \t\t\t\t\tSET pageproperties_description=?,\n    \t\t\t\t\t\tpageproperties_template=?,\n    \t\t\t\t\t\tpageproperties_keywords=?,\n    \t\t\t\t\t\tpageproperties_browsername=?,\n    \t\t\t\t\t\tpageproperties_seostring=?,\n    \t\t\t\t\t\tpageproperties_alias=?,\n    \t\t\t\t\t\tpageproperties_target=?,\n                            pageproperties_path=?\n    \t\t\t\t  WHERE pageproperties_id=?\n    \t\t\t\t    AND pageproperties_language=?";
         $arrParams = array($this->getStrDesc(), $this->getStrTemplate(), $this->getStrKeywords(), $this->getStrBrowsername(), $this->getStrSeostring(), $this->getStrAlias(), $this->getStrTarget(), $this->getStrPath(), $this->getSystemid(), $this->getStrLanguage());
     } else {
         //Not existing, create one
         $strQuery2 = "INSERT INTO " . _dbprefix_ . "page_properties\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(pageproperties_id, pageproperties_keywords, pageproperties_description, pageproperties_template, pageproperties_browsername,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t pageproperties_seostring, pageproperties_alias, pageproperties_target, pageproperties_language, pageproperties_path) VALUES\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
         $arrParams = array($this->getSystemid(), $this->getStrKeywords(), $this->getStrDesc(), $this->getStrTemplate(), $this->getStrBrowsername(), $this->getStrSeostring(), $this->getStrAlias(), $this->getStrTarget(), $this->getStrLanguage(), $this->getStrPath());
     $bitBaseUpdate = $bitBaseUpdate && $this->objDB->_pQuery($strQuery2, $arrParams);
     $arrChildIds = $this->getChildNodesAsIdArray();
     foreach ($arrChildIds as $strChildId) {
         $objInstance = class_objectfactory::getInstance()->getObject($strChildId);
     return $bitBaseUpdate;