/** * Gives a system applicative snapsot */ public function execute() { $this->forceSystemAuthentication(); $chart = $this->getRequestParameter("chart", null); if (!$chart) { return; } // draw the default page which is the PHP/SWF chart viewer if ($chart == "hour") { $period_in_seconds = 3600; $date_format = "%d/%m\n%H:%M:%S"; $limit = 24; } else { $period_in_seconds = 86400; $date_format = "%A\n%d/%m"; $limit = 31; } $kuser_stats = $this->getKusersInPeriod($period_in_seconds, "", $limit); $kshow_stats = $this->getKshowsInPeriod($period_in_seconds, "", $limit); $entry_stats = $this->getEntriesInPeriod($period_in_seconds, "", $limit); // print_r ( $kuser_stats ); // echo "<br><br>"; $chart = array(); $chart_x = array(""); // first one empty !! $kuser_values = array("Users"); $kshow_values = array("Shows"); $entry_values = array("Entries"); $count = count($kuser_stats); for ($i = $count - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $kuser_row = $kuser_stats[$i]; $kshow_row = @$kshow_stats[$i]; $entry_row = @$entry_stats[$i]; //$chart_x[] = strftime( "%d/%m" , ( $kuser_row[2] * $period_in_seconds ) ) ; // period $chart_x[] = strftime($date_format, $kuser_row[2] * $period_in_seconds); // period //$chart_x[] = $kuser_row[1]; $kuser_values[] = $kuser_row[3]; $kshow_values[] = $kshow_row ? $kshow_row[3] : 0; $entry_values[] = $entry_row ? $entry_row[3] : 0; } /* foreach ( $stats as $row ) { $chart_x[] = strftime( "%d/%m" , ( $row[2] * $period_in_seconds ) ) ; // period $kuser_values[] = $row[3]; $kshow_values[] = $row[3] /3; $entry_values[] = $row[3] /2; } */ $chart['axis_category'] = array('skip' => 0, 'font' => "Arial", 'bold' => true, 'size' => 9, 'color' => "88FF00", 'alpha' => 75, 'orientation' => "diagonal_up"); $chart['axis_value'] = array('min' => 10, 'font' => "Arial", 'bold' => true, 'size' => 10, 'color' => "88FF00"); $chart['chart_value'] = array('prefix' => "", 'position' => "outside", 'hide_zero' => false, 'as_percentage' => false, 'font' => "Arial", 'bold' => true, 'size' => 10, 'color' => "FF0000", 'alpha' => 90); $chart['chart_data'] = array($chart_x, $kuser_values, $kshow_values, $entry_values); //$chart [ 'chart_type' ] = "bar"; return $this->renderText(charts::SendChartData($chart)); }
<HTML> <BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF" style="font-family:arial"> Last 24 hours (per hour)<br> <?php //include charts.php to access the InsertChart function //include "charts.class.php"; // the swf and charts_library are placed under web/charts echo charts::InsertChart("/charts/charts.swf", "/charts/charts_library", url_for("system") . "/reports?chart=hour", 1200, 450); ?> <br><br> Last 31 days (per day)<br> <?php //include charts.php to access the InsertChart function //include "charts.class.php"; // the swf and charts_library are placed under web/charts echo charts::InsertChart("/charts/charts.swf", "/charts/charts_library", url_for("system") . "/reports?chart=day", 1200, 450); ?> </BODY> </HTML>
$xtpl->assign("CURRENCY", $currency->getDefaultISO4217() . ' ' . $currency->getDefaultCurrencySymbol()); } global $current_user; if (is_admin($current_user) && $_REQUEST['module'] != 'DynamicLayout' && !empty($_SESSION['editinplace'])) { $xtpl->assign("ADMIN_EDIT", "<a href='index.php?action=index&module=DynamicLayout&from_action=" . $_REQUEST['action'] . "&from_module=" . $_REQUEST['module'] . "&record=" . $_REQUEST['record'] . "'>" . get_image($image_path . "EditLayout", "border='0' alt='Edit Layout' align='bottom'") . "</a>"); } $detailView->processListNavigation($xtpl, "CAMPAIGN", $offset, $focus->is_AuditEnabled()); // adding custom fields: require_once 'modules/DynamicFields/templates/Files/DetailView.php'; $xtpl->parse("main.open_source"); //add chart $seps = array("-", "/"); $dates = array(date('Y-m-d'), date('Y-m-d')); $dateFileNameSafe = str_replace($seps, "_", $dates); $cache_file_name = $current_user->getUserPrivGuid() . "_campaign_response_by_activity_type_" . $dateFileNameSafe[0] . "_" . $dateFileNameSafe[1] . ".xml"; $chart = new charts(); $xtpl->assign("MY_CHART", $chart->campaign_response_by_activity_type($app_list_strings['campainglog_activity_type_dom'], $app_list_strings['campainglog_target_type_dom'], $focus->id, $sugar_config['tmp_dir'] . $cache_file_name, true)); //end chart $xtpl->parse("main"); $xtpl->out("main"); require_once 'include/SubPanel/SubPanelTiles.php'; $subpanel = new SubPanelTiles($focus, 'Campaigns'); $alltabs = $subpanel->subpanel_definitions->get_available_tabs(); if (!empty($alltabs)) { foreach ($alltabs as $name) { if ($name == 'prospectlists' || $name == 'emailmarketing' || $name == 'tracked_urls') { $subpanel->subpanel_definitions->exclude_tab($name); } } } echo $subpanel->display();