/** * Delete Photo * @param int $id The unique id of the photo to be deleted */ public static function delete_photo($id) { $photo = ORM::factory('media', $id); $photo_large = $photo->media_link; $photo_medium = $photo->media_medium; $photo_thumb = $photo->media_thumb; if (file_exists(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $photo_large)) { unlink(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $photo_large); } elseif (Kohana::config("cdn.cdn_store_dynamic_content") and valid::url($photo_large)) { cdn::delete($photo_large); } if (file_exists(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $photo_medium)) { unlink(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $photo_medium); } elseif (Kohana::config("cdn.cdn_store_dynamic_content") and valid::url($photo_medium)) { cdn::delete($photo_medium); } if (file_exists(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $photo_thumb)) { unlink(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $photo_thumb); } elseif (Kohana::config("cdn.cdn_store_dynamic_content") and valid::url($photo_thumb)) { cdn::delete($photo_thumb); } // Finally Remove from DB $photo->delete(); }
/** * Function to save news, photos and videos * * @param mixed $location_model * @param mixed $post * */ public static function save_media($post, $incident) { $upload_dir = Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE); // Delete Previous Entries ORM::factory('media')->where('incident_id', $incident->id)->where('media_type <> 1')->delete_all(); // a. News if (isset($post->incident_news)) { foreach ($post->incident_news as $item) { if (!empty($item)) { $news = new Media_Model(); $news->location_id = $incident->location_id; $news->incident_id = $incident->id; $news->media_type = 4; // News $news->media_link = $item; $news->media_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $news->save(); } } } // b. Video if (isset($post->incident_video)) { $videoembed = new VideoEmbed(); foreach ($post->incident_video as $k => $video_link) { if (!empty($video_link)) { $video_thumb = $videoembed->thumbnail($video_link); $new_filename = $incident->id . '_v' . $k . '_' . time(); $file_type = substr($video_thumb, strrpos($video_thumb, '.')); $media_thumb = NULL; $media_medium = NULL; // Make sure file has an image extension if ($video_thumb and in_array($file_type, array('.gif', '.jpg', '.png', '.jpeg'))) { // Name the files for the DB $media_link = $new_filename . $file_type; $media_medium = $new_filename . '_m' . $file_type; $media_thumb = $new_filename . '_t' . $file_type; try { if ($data = file_get_contents($video_thumb)) { file_put_contents($upload_dir . $media_link, $data); } } catch (Exception $e) { } // IMAGE SIZES: 800X600, 400X300, 89X59 // Catch any errors from corrupt image files try { $image = Image::factory($upload_dir . $media_link); // Medium size if ($image->height > 300) { Image::factory($upload_dir . $media_link)->resize(400, 300, Image::HEIGHT)->save($upload_dir . $media_medium); } else { // Cannot reuse the original image as it is deleted a bit further down $image->save($upload_dir . $media_medium); } // Thumbnail if ($image->height > 59) { Image::factory($upload_dir . $media_link)->resize(89, 59, Image::HEIGHT)->save($upload_dir . $media_thumb); } else { // Reuse the medium image when it is small enough $media_thumb = $media_medium; } } catch (Exception $e) { // Do nothing. Too late to throw errors // Set links to NULL $media_medium = NULL; $media_thumb = NULL; } // Okay, now we have these three different files on the server, now check to see // if we should be dropping them on the CDN $local_directory = rtrim($upload_dir, '/') . '/'; if ($media_medium and $media_thumb and Kohana::config("cdn.cdn_store_dynamic_content")) { $cdn_media_medium = cdn::upload($media_medium); $cdn_media_thumb = cdn::upload($media_thumb); // We no longer need the files we created on the server. Remove them. if (file_exists($local_directory . $media_medium)) { unlink($local_directory . $media_medium); } if (file_exists($local_directory . $media_thumb)) { unlink($local_directory . $media_thumb); } $media_medium = $cdn_media_medium; $media_thumb = $cdn_media_thumb; } if (file_exists($local_directory . $media_link)) { // Remove original image unlink($upload_dir . $media_link); } } $video = new Media_Model(); $video->location_id = $incident->location_id; $video->incident_id = $incident->id; $video->media_type = 2; // Video $video->media_link = $video_link; $video->media_thumb = $media_thumb; $video->media_medium = $media_medium; $video->media_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $video->save(); } } } // c. Photos if (!empty($post->incident_photo)) { $filenames = upload::save('incident_photo'); $i = 1; foreach ($filenames as $filename) { $new_filename = $incident->id . '_' . $i . '_' . time(); //$file_type = substr($filename,-4); $file_type = "." . substr(strrchr($filename, '.'), 1); // replaces the commented line above to take care of images with .jpeg extension. // Name the files for the DB $media_link = $new_filename . $file_type; $media_medium = $new_filename . '_m' . $file_type; $media_thumb = $new_filename . '_t' . $file_type; // IMAGE SIZES: 800X600, 400X300, 89X59 // Catch any errors from corrupt image files try { $image = Image::factory($filename); // Large size if ($image->width > 800 || $image->height > 600) { Image::factory($filename)->resize(800, 600, Image::AUTO)->save($upload_dir . $media_link); } else { $image->save($upload_dir . $media_link); } // Medium size if ($image->height > 300) { Image::factory($filename)->resize(400, 300, Image::HEIGHT)->save($upload_dir . $media_medium); } else { // Reuse the large image when it is small enough $media_medium = $media_link; } // Thumbnail if ($image->height > 59) { Image::factory($filename)->resize(89, 59, Image::HEIGHT)->save($upload_dir . $media_thumb); } else { // Reuse the medium image when it is small enough $media_thumb = $media_medium; } } catch (Kohana_Exception $e) { // Do nothing. Too late to throw errors $media_link = NULL; $media_medium = NULL; $media_thumb = NULL; } // Okay, now we have these three different files on the server, now check to see // if we should be dropping them on the CDN if (Kohana::config("cdn.cdn_store_dynamic_content")) { $cdn_media_link = cdn::upload($media_link); $cdn_media_medium = cdn::upload($media_medium); $cdn_media_thumb = cdn::upload($media_thumb); // We no longer need the files we created on the server. Remove them. $local_directory = rtrim($upload_dir, '/') . '/'; if (file_exists($local_directory . $media_link)) { unlink($local_directory . $media_link); } if (file_exists($local_directory . $media_medium)) { unlink($local_directory . $media_medium); } if (file_exists($local_directory . $media_thumb)) { unlink($local_directory . $media_thumb); } $media_link = $cdn_media_link; $media_medium = $cdn_media_medium; $media_thumb = $cdn_media_thumb; } // Remove the temporary file unlink($filename); // Save to DB $photo = new Media_Model(); $photo->location_id = $incident->location_id; $photo->incident_id = $incident->id; $photo->media_type = 1; // Images $photo->media_link = $media_link; $photo->media_medium = $media_medium; $photo->media_thumb = $media_thumb; $photo->media_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $photo->save(); $i++; } } }
public function cdn_gradual_upgrade() { $this->auto_render = FALSE; $this->template = ""; if (Kohana::config('cdn.cdn_gradual_upgrade') != FALSE) { cdn::gradual_upgrade(); } }
/** * Add Edit Layers (KML, KMZ, GeoRSS) */ public function layers() { $this->template->content = new View('admin/layers'); $this->template->content->title = Kohana::lang('ui_admin.layers'); // Setup and initialize form field names $form = array('action' => '', 'layer_id' => '', 'layer_name' => '', 'layer_url' => '', 'layer_file' => '', 'layer_color' => ''); // Copy the form as errors, so the errors will be stored with keys corresponding to the form field names $errors = $form; $form_error = FALSE; $form_saved = FALSE; $form_action = ""; $parents_array = array(); // Check, has the form been submitted, if so, setup validation if ($_POST) { // Fetch the submitted data $post_data = array_merge($_POST, $_FILES); // Layer instance for the actions $layer = (isset($post_data['layer_id']) and Layer_Model::is_valid_layer($post_data['layer_id'])) ? new Layer_Model($post_data['layer_id']) : new Layer_Model(); // Check for action if ($post_data['action'] == 'a') { // Manually extract the primary layer data $layer_data = arr::extract($post_data, 'layer_name', 'layer_color', 'layer_url', 'layer_file_old'); // Grab the layer file to be uploaded $layer_data['layer_file'] = isset($post_data['layer_file']['name']) ? $post_data['layer_file']['name'] : NULL; // Extract the layer file for upload validation $other_data = arr::extract($post_data, 'layer_file'); // Set up validation for the layer file $post = Validation::factory($other_data)->pre_filter('trim', TRUE)->add_rules('layer_file', 'upload::valid', 'upload::type[kml,kmz]'); // Test to see if validation has passed if ($layer->validate($layer_data) and $post->validate(FALSE)) { // Success! SAVE $layer->save(); $path_info = upload::save("layer_file"); if ($path_info) { $path_parts = pathinfo($path_info); $file_name = $path_parts['filename']; $file_ext = $path_parts['extension']; $layer_file = $file_name . "." . $file_ext; $layer_url = ''; if (strtolower($file_ext) == "kmz") { // This is a KMZ Zip Archive, so extract $archive = new Pclzip($path_info); if (TRUE == ($archive_files = $archive->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING))) { foreach ($archive_files as $file) { $ext_file_name = $file['filename']; $archive_file_parts = pathinfo($ext_file_name); //because there can be more than one file in a KMZ if ($archive_file_parts['extension'] == 'kml' and $ext_file_name and $archive->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, Kohana::config('upload.directory')) == TRUE) { // Okay, so we have an extracted KML - Rename it and delete KMZ file rename($path_parts['dirname'] . "/" . $ext_file_name, $path_parts['dirname'] . "/" . $file_name . ".kml"); $file_ext = "kml"; unlink($path_info); $layer_file = $file_name . "." . $file_ext; } } } } // Upload the KML to the CDN server if configured if (Kohana::config("cdn.cdn_store_dynamic_content")) { // Upload the file to the CDN $layer_url = cdn::upload($layer_file); // We no longer need the files we created on the server. Remove them. $local_directory = rtrim(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE), '/') . '/'; unlink($local_directory . $layer_file); // We no longer need to store the file name for the local file since it's gone $layer_file = ''; } // Set the final variables for the DB $layer->layer_url = $layer_url; $layer->layer_file = $layer_file; $layer->save(); } $form_saved = TRUE; array_fill_keys($form, ''); $form_action = strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.added_edited')); } else { // Validation failed // Repopulate the form fields $form = arr::overwrite($form, array_merge($layer_data->as_array(), $post->as_array())); // Ropulate the error fields, if any $errors = arr::overwrite($errors, array_merge($layer_data->errors('layer'), $post->errors('layer'))); $form_error = TRUE; } } elseif ($post_data['action'] == 'd') { // Delete action if ($layer->loaded) { // Delete KMZ file if any $layer_file = $layer->layer_file; if (!empty($layer_file) and file_exists(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $layer_file)) { unlink(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $layer_file); } $layer->delete(); $form_saved = TRUE; $form_action = strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.deleted')); } } elseif ($post_data['action'] == 'v') { // Show/Hide Action if ($layer->loaded == TRUE) { $layer->layer_visible = $layer->layer_visible == 1 ? 0 : 1; $layer->save(); $form_saved = TRUE; $form_action = strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.modified')); } } elseif ($post_data['action'] == 'i') { // Delete KML/KMZ action if ($layer->loaded == TRUE) { $layer_file = $layer->layer_file; if (!empty($layer_file) and file_exists(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $layer_file)) { unlink(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $layer_file); } $layer->layer_file = null; $layer->save(); $form_saved = TRUE; $form_action = strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.modified')); } } } // Pagination $pagination = new Pagination(array('query_string' => 'page', 'items_per_page' => $this->items_per_page, 'total_items' => ORM::factory('layer')->count_all())); $layers = ORM::factory('layer')->orderby('layer_name', 'asc')->find_all($this->items_per_page, $pagination->sql_offset); $this->template->content->errors = $errors; $this->template->content->form_error = $form_error; $this->template->content->form_saved = $form_saved; $this->template->content->form_action = $form_action; $this->template->content->pagination = $pagination; $this->template->content->total_items = $pagination->total_items; $this->template->content->layers = $layers; // Javascript Header $this->template->colorpicker_enabled = TRUE; $this->template->js = new View('admin/layers_js'); }
public function cdn_gradual_upgrade() { if (Kohana::config('cdn.cdn_gradual_upgrade') != FALSE) { return cdn::gradual_upgrade(); } return ''; }
/** * Map Settings */ function index($saved = false) { // Display all maps $this->template->api_url = Kohana::config('settings.api_url_all'); // Current Default Country $current_country = Kohana::config('settings.default_country'); $this->template->content = new View('admin/settings'); $this->template->content->title = Kohana::lang('ui_admin.settings'); // setup and initialize form field names $form = array('default_map' => '', 'api_google' => '', 'api_live' => '', 'default_country' => '', 'multi_country' => '', 'default_lat' => '', 'default_lon' => '', 'default_zoom' => '', 'default_map_all' => '', 'allow_clustering' => '', 'default_map_all_icon' => '', 'delete_default_map_all_icon' => ''); // Copy the form as errors, so the errors will be stored with keys // corresponding to the form field names $errors = $form; $form_error = FALSE; $form_saved = $saved == 'saved'; // check, has the form been submitted, if so, setup validation if ($_POST) { // Instantiate Validation, use $post, so we don't overwrite $_POST // fields with our own things $post = Validation::factory($_POST)->pre_filter('trim', TRUE)->add_rules('default_country', 'required', 'numeric', 'length[1,4]')->add_rules('multi_country', 'numeric', 'length[1,1]')->add_rules('default_map', 'required', 'length[0,100]')->add_rules('default_zoom', 'required', 'between[0,21]')->add_rules('default_lat', 'required', 'between[-85,85]')->add_rules('default_lon', 'required', 'between[-180,180]')->add_rules('allow_clustering', 'required', 'between[0,1]')->add_rules('default_map_all', 'required', 'alpha_numeric', 'length[6,6]')->add_rules('api_google', 'length[0,200]')->add_rules('api_live', 'length[0,200]'); // Add rules for file upload $files = Validation::factory($_FILES); $files->add_rules('default_map_all_icon', 'upload::valid', 'upload::type[gif,jpg,png]', 'upload::size[250K]'); // Test to see if things passed the rule checks if ($post->validate() and $files->validate(FALSE)) { // Yes! everything is valid $settings = new Settings_Model(1); $settings->default_country = $post->default_country; $settings->multi_country = $post->multi_country; $settings->default_map = $post->default_map; $settings->api_google = $post->api_google; // E.Kala 20th April 2012 // Gangsta workaround prevent resetting og Bing Maps API Key // Soon to be addressed conclusively if (isset($post['api_live']) and !empty($post['api_live'])) { $settings->api_live = $post->api_live; } $settings->default_zoom = $post->default_zoom; $settings->default_lat = $post->default_lat; $settings->default_lon = $post->default_lon; $settings->allow_clustering = $post->allow_clustering; $settings->default_map_all = $post->default_map_all; $settings->date_modify = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $settings->save(); // Deal with default category icon now // Check if deleting or updating a new image (or doing nothing) if (isset($post->delete_default_map_all_icon) and $post->delete_default_map_all_icon == 1) { // Delete old badge image ORM::factory('media')->delete($settings->default_map_all_icon_id); // Remove from DB table $settings = new Settings_Model(1); $settings->default_map_all_icon_id = NULL; $settings->save(); } else { // We aren't deleting, so try to upload if we are uploading an image $filename = upload::save('default_map_all_icon'); if ($filename) { $new_filename = "default_map_all_" . time(); $file_type = strrev(substr(strrev($filename), 0, 4)); // Large size $l_name = $new_filename . $file_type; Image::factory($filename)->save(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $l_name); // Medium size $m_name = $new_filename . "_m" . $file_type; Image::factory($filename)->resize(32, 32, Image::HEIGHT)->save(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $m_name); // Thumbnail $t_name = $new_filename . "_t" . $file_type; Image::factory($filename)->resize(16, 16, Image::HEIGHT)->save(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $t_name); // Name the files for the DB $media_link = $l_name; $media_medium = $m_name; $media_thumb = $t_name; // Okay, now we have these three different files on the server, now check to see // if we should be dropping them on the CDN if (Kohana::config("cdn.cdn_store_dynamic_content")) { $media_link = cdn::upload($media_link); $media_medium = cdn::upload($media_medium); $media_thumb = cdn::upload($media_thumb); // We no longer need the files we created on the server. Remove them. $local_directory = rtrim(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE), '/') . '/'; unlink($local_directory . $l_name); unlink($local_directory . $m_name); unlink($local_directory . $t_name); } // Remove the temporary file unlink($filename); // Save image in the media table $media = new Media_Model(); $media->media_type = 1; // Image $media->media_link = $media_link; $media->media_medium = $media_medium; $media->media_thumb = $media_thumb; $media->media_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $media->save(); // Save new image in settings $settings = new Settings_Model(1); $settings->default_map_all_icon_id = $media->id; $settings->save(); } } // Delete Settings Cache $this->cache->delete('settings'); $this->cache->delete_tag('settings'); // Everything is A-Okay! $form_saved = TRUE; // Action::map_settings_modified - Map settings have changed Event::run('ushahidi_action.map_settings_modified'); // Redirect to reload everything over again url::redirect('admin/settings/index/saved'); } else { // repopulate the form fields $form = arr::overwrite($form, $post->as_array()); // populate the error fields, if any $errors = arr::overwrite($errors, $post->errors('settings')); $form_error = TRUE; } } else { // Retrieve Current Settings $settings = ORM::factory('settings', 1); $form = array('default_map' => $settings->default_map, 'api_google' => $settings->api_google, 'api_live' => $settings->api_live, 'default_country' => $settings->default_country, 'multi_country' => $settings->multi_country, 'default_lat' => $settings->default_lat, 'default_lon' => $settings->default_lon, 'default_zoom' => $settings->default_zoom, 'allow_clustering' => $settings->allow_clustering, 'default_map_all' => $settings->default_map_all, 'default_map_all_icon_id' => $settings->default_map_all_icon_id); } // Get default category image $settings = ORM::factory('settings', 1); if ($settings->default_map_all_icon_id != NULL) { $icon = ORM::factory('media')->find($settings->default_map_all_icon_id); $this->template->content->default_map_all_icon = url::convert_uploaded_to_abs($icon->media_link); $this->template->content->default_map_all_icon_m = url::convert_uploaded_to_abs($icon->media_medium); $this->template->content->default_map_all_icon_t = url::convert_uploaded_to_abs($icon->media_thumb); } else { $this->template->content->default_map_all_icon = NULL; $this->template->content->default_map_all_icon_m = NULL; $this->template->content->default_map_all_icon_t = NULL; } $this->template->content->form = $form; $this->template->content->errors = $errors; $this->template->content->form_error = $form_error; $this->template->content->form_saved = $form_saved; // Get Countries $countries = array(); foreach (ORM::factory('country')->orderby('country')->find_all() as $country) { // Create a list of all categories $this_country = $country->country; if (strlen($this_country) > 35) { $this_country = substr($this_country, 0, 30) . "..."; } $countries[$country->id] = $this_country; } $this->template->content->countries = $countries; // Zoom Array for Slider $default_zoom_array = array(); for ($i = Kohana::config('map.minZoomLevel'); $i < Kohana::config('map.minZoomLevel') + Kohana::config('map.numZoomLevels'); $i++) { $default_zoom_array[$i] = $i; } $this->template->content->default_zoom_array = $default_zoom_array; // Get Map API Providers $layers = map::base(); $map_array = array(); foreach ($layers as $layer) { $map_array[$layer->name] = $layer->title; } $this->template->content->map_array = $map_array; $this->template->content->yesno_array = array('1' => strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_main.yes')), '0' => strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_main.no'))); // Javascript Header $this->template->map_enabled = TRUE; $this->template->colorpicker_enabled = TRUE; $this->template->js = new View('admin/settings_js'); $this->template->js->default_map = $form['default_map']; $this->template->js->default_zoom = $form['default_zoom']; $this->template->js->default_lat = $form['default_lat']; $this->template->js->default_lon = $form['default_lon']; $this->template->js->all_maps_json = $this->_generate_settings_map_js(); }
public function cdn_publish() { $rid = intval($this->input['id']); if (!$rid) { $this->errorOutput('NO_ID'); } $content = $this->obj->get_all_content_by_relationid($rid, true); if (!$content) { $this->errorOutput('NO_CONTENT'); } if ($this->settings['is_need_audit']) { if ($content['status'] != 1) { $this->errorOutput('NO_AUDIT'); } } if (strstr($content['content_url'], "http") !== false) { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/cdn.class.php'; $cdn = new cdn(); $cdn->push($content['content_url'], '', ''); } $this->addItem(true); $this->output(); }
public function index() { // Debug $debug = ""; // @todo abstract most of this into a library, especially locking // Ensure settings entry for `scheduler_lock` exists Database::instance()->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO `" . Kohana::config('database.default.table_prefix') . "settings`\n\t\t\t(`key`, `value`) VALUES ('scheduler_lock', 0)"); // Now try and update the scheduler_lock $result = Database::instance()->query("UPDATE `" . Kohana::config('database.default.table_prefix') . "settings`\n\t\t\tSET `value` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() + 180\n\t\t\tWHERE `value` < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND `key` = 'scheduler_lock';"); // If no entries were changed, scheduler is already running if ($result->count() <= 0) { Kohana::log('info', 'Could not acquire scheduler lock'); if (isset($_GET['debug']) and $_GET['debug'] == 1) { echo 'Could not acquire scheduler lock'; } return; } // Get all active scheduled items foreach (ORM::factory('scheduler')->where('scheduler_active', '1')->find_all() as $scheduler) { $scheduler_id = $scheduler->id; $scheduler_last = $scheduler->scheduler_last; // Next run time $scheduler_weekday = $scheduler->scheduler_weekday; // Day of the week $scheduler_day = $scheduler->scheduler_day; // Day of the month $scheduler_hour = $scheduler->scheduler_hour; // Hour $scheduler_minute = $scheduler->scheduler_minute; // Minute // Controller that performs action $scheduler_controller = $scheduler->scheduler_controller; if ($scheduler_day <= -1) { // Ran every day? $scheduler_day = "*"; } if ($scheduler_weekday <= -1) { // Ran every day? $scheduler_weekday = "*"; } if ($scheduler_hour <= -1) { // Ran every hour? $scheduler_hour = "*"; } if ($scheduler_minute <= -1) { // Ran every minute? $scheduler_minute = "*"; } $scheduler_cron = $scheduler_minute . " " . $scheduler_hour . " " . $scheduler_day . " * " . $scheduler_weekday; //Start new cron parser instance $cron = new CronParser(); if (!$cron->calcLastRan($scheduler_cron)) { echo "Error parsing CRON"; } $lastRan = $cron->getLastRan(); //Array (0=minute, 1=hour, 2=dayOfMonth, 3=month, 4=week, 5=year) $cronRan = mktime($lastRan[1], $lastRan[0], 0, $lastRan[3], $lastRan[2], $lastRan[5]); if (isset($_GET['debug']) and $_GET['debug'] == 1) { $debug .= "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" . "<BR />~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" . "<BR />RUNNING: " . $scheduler->scheduler_name . "<BR />~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" . "<BR /> LAST RUN: " . date("r", $scheduler_last) . "<BR /> LAST DUE AT: " . date('r', $cron->getLastRanUnix()) . "<BR /> SCHEDULE: <a href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron\" target=\"_blank\">" . $scheduler_cron . "</a>"; } if ($scheduler_controller and (!($scheduler_last > $cronRan) or $scheduler_last == 0)) { $run = FALSE; // Catch errors from missing scheduler or other bugs try { $dispatch = Dispatch::controller($scheduler_controller, "scheduler/"); if ($dispatch instanceof Dispatch && method_exists($dispatch, 'method')) { $run = $dispatch->method('index', ''); } } catch (Exception $e) { // Nada. } // @todo allow tasks to save state between runs. if ($run !== FALSE) { // Set last time of last execution $schedule_time = time(); $scheduler->scheduler_last = $schedule_time; $scheduler->save(); // Record Action to Log $scheduler_log = new Scheduler_Log_Model(); $scheduler_log->scheduler_id = $scheduler_id; $scheduler_log->scheduler_status = "200"; $scheduler_log->scheduler_date = $schedule_time; $scheduler_log->save(); if (isset($_GET['debug']) and $_GET['debug'] == 1) { $debug .= "<BR /> STATUS: {{ EXECUTED }}"; } } else { if (isset($_GET['debug']) and $_GET['debug'] == 1) { $debug .= "<BR /> STATUS: {{ SCHEDULER NOT FOUND! }}"; } } } else { if (isset($_GET['debug']) and $_GET['debug'] == 1) { $debug .= "<BR /> STATUS: {{ NOT RUN }}"; } } if (isset($_GET['debug']) and $_GET['debug'] == 1) { //$debug .= "<BR /><BR />CRON DEBUG:<BR />".nl2br($cron->getDebug()); $debug .= "<BR />~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<BR />~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<BR /><BR /><BR />"; } } if (Kohana::config('cdn.cdn_gradual_upgrade') != FALSE) { cdn::gradual_upgrade(); } // If DEBUG is TRUE echo DEBUG info instead of transparent GIF if (isset($_GET['debug']) and $_GET['debug'] == 1) { echo $debug; if (isset($this->profiler)) { echo $this->profiler->render(TRUE); } } else { // Transparent GIF Header("Content-type: image/gif"); Header("Expires: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 11:11:11 GMT"); Header("Cache-Control: no-cache"); Header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate"); Header("Content-Length: 49"); echo pack('H*', '47494638396101000100910000000000ffffffff' . 'ffff00000021f90405140002002c000000000100' . '01000002025401003b'); } // Release lock $result = Database::instance()->query("UPDATE `" . Kohana::config('database.default.table_prefix') . "settings`\n\t\t\tSET `value` = 0\n\t\t\tWHERE `key` = 'scheduler_lock';"); }
/** * See {@link combine_files()} * */ private function _process_combined_files($type) { // Make a map of files that could be potentially combined $combinerCheck = array(); foreach ($this->combine_files[$type] as $combinedFile => $sourceItems) { foreach ($sourceItems as $id => $sourceItem) { if (isset($combinerCheck[$sourceItem]) && $combinerCheck[$sourceItem] != $combinedFile) { Kohana::log('alert', "Requirements_Backend::process_combined_files - file '{$sourceItem}' appears in two combined files:" . " '{$combinerCheck[$sourceItem]}' and '{$combinedFile}'"); } $combinerCheck[$sourceItem] = $combinedFile; $combinerCheck[$id] = $combinedFile; } } // Work out the relative URL for the combined files from the base folder $combinedFilesFolder = $this->getCombinedFilesFolder() ? $this->getCombinedFilesFolder() . '/' : ''; // Figure out which ones apply to this pageview $combinedFiles = array(); $newRequirements = array(); foreach ($this->{$type} as $id => $params) { $file = $type == 'js' ? $params : $params['file']; if (isset($combinerCheck[$file])) { $newRequirements[$combinerCheck[$file]] = $type == 'js' ? $combinedFilesFolder . $combinerCheck[$file] : array('file' => $combinedFilesFolder . $combinerCheck[$file]); $combinedFiles[$combinerCheck[$file]] = true; } elseif (isset($combinerCheck[$id])) { $newRequirements[$combinerCheck[$id]] = $type == 'js' ? $combinedFilesFolder . $combinerCheck[$id] : array('file' => $combinedFilesFolder . $combinerCheck[$id]); $combinedFiles[$combinerCheck[$id]] = true; } else { $newRequirements[$id] = $params; } } // Process the combined files $base = DOCROOT; foreach (array_diff_key($combinedFiles, $this->blocked) as $combinedFile => $dummy) { $fileList = $this->combine_files[$type][$combinedFile]; $combinedFilePath = $base . $combinedFilesFolder . $combinedFile; // Check for RTL alternatives if ($type == 'css' and ush_locale::is_rtl_language()) { $has_rtl_files = FALSE; foreach ($fileList as $index => $file) { $rtlFile = substr($file, 0, strpos($file, ".{$type}")) . "-rtl" . substr($file, strpos($file, ".{$type}")); if (file_exists(DOCROOT . $rtlFile)) { $fileList[$index] = $rtlFile; $has_rtl_files = TRUE; } } // Update combined files details, only if the include RTL alternatives // We store the RTL version separate from the LTR version, so we don't regenerate every time someone changes language if ($has_rtl_files) { $combinedFile = substr($combinedFile, 0, -4) . '-rtl.css'; $combinedFilePath = $base . $combinedFilesFolder . $combinedFile; $newRequirements[$combinedFile] = $type == 'js' ? $combinedFilesFolder . $combinedFile : array('file' => $combinedFilesFolder . $combinedFile); } } // Make the folder if necessary if (!file_exists(dirname($combinedFilePath))) { mkdir(dirname($combinedFilePath)); } // If the file isn't writebale, don't even bother trying to make the combined file // Complex test because is_writable fails if the file doesn't exist yet. if (file_exists($combinedFilePath) && !is_writable($combinedFilePath) || !file_exists($combinedFilePath) && !is_writable(dirname($combinedFilePath))) { Kohana::log('alert', "Requirements_Backend::process_combined_files(): Couldn't create '{$combinedFilePath}'"); continue; } // Determine if we need to build the combined include if (file_exists($combinedFilePath) && !isset($_GET['flush'])) { // file exists, check modification date of every contained file $srcLastMod = 0; foreach ($fileList as $file) { $srcLastMod = max(filemtime($base . $file), $srcLastMod); } $refresh = $srcLastMod > filemtime($combinedFilePath); } else { // file doesn't exist, or refresh was explicitly required $refresh = true; } if (!$refresh) { continue; } $combinedData = ""; foreach (array_diff($fileList, $this->blocked) as $id => $file) { $fileContent = file_get_contents($base . $file); // if we have a javascript file and jsmin is enabled, minify the content if ($type == 'js' && $this->combine_js_with_jsmin) { $fileContent = JSMin::minify($fileContent); } if ($type == 'css') { // Rewrite urls in css to be relative to the docroot // Docroot param needs to be actual server docroot, not root of ushahidi site. // Using $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. Should possibly use DOCROOT, but remove Kohana::config('core.site_domain', TRUE); $fileContent = Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::rewrite($fileContent, pathinfo($base . $file, PATHINFO_DIRNAME), $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); // compress css (if enabled) if ($this->combine_css_with_cssmin) { $fileContent = CSSmin::go($fileContent); } } // write a header comment for each file for easier identification and debugging // also the semicolon between each file is required for jQuery to be combinable properly $combinedData .= "/****** FILE: {$file} *****/\n" . $fileContent . "\n" . ($type == 'js' ? ';' : '') . "\n"; } $successfulWrite = false; $fh = fopen($combinedFilePath, 'wb'); if ($fh) { if (fwrite($fh, $combinedData) == strlen($combinedData)) { $successfulWrite = true; } fclose($fh); unset($fh); } // Should we push this to the CDN too? if (Kohana::config("cdn.cdn_store_dynamic_content") and Kohana::config("requirements.cdn_store_combined_files")) { $cdn_combined_path = cdn::upload($combinedFilesFolder . $combinedFile, FALSE); } // Unsuccessful write - just include the regular JS files, rather than the combined one if (!$successfulWrite) { Kohana::log('alert', "Requirements_Backend::process_combined_files(): Couldn't create '{$combinedFilePath}'"); continue; } } // @todo Alters the original information, which means you can't call this // method repeatedly - it will behave different on the second call! $this->{$type} = $newRequirements; }
public function dvr() { $stream = addslashes($this->input['stream']); $start_time = intval($this->input['starttime']); $duration = intval($this->input['duration']); $endtime = $start_time + $duration; if ($endtime > $this->mTimenow) { $endtime = $this->mTimenow; } $time_shift = $this->mChannelinfo['channel']['time_shift']; $shift_stime = $this->mTimenow - $time_shift * 3600000; if ($start_time < $shift_stime) { $start_time = $shift_stime; } $this->mChannelinfo['channel']['table_name'] = $this->mChannelinfo['channel']['table_name'] ? $this->mChannelinfo['channel']['table_name'] : 'dvr'; $channel_stream = $this->mChannelinfo['channel']['code'] . '_' . $stream; $this->db = hg_ConnectDB(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . $this->mChannelinfo['channel']['table_name'] . " WHERE stream_name='{$channel_stream}' AND start_time >= {$start_time} AND start_time < {$endtime} ORDER BY start_time ASC "; $q = $this->db->query($sql); $ts = array(); while ($r = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) { $ts[$r['level']][] = $r; } $ts = $this->get_dvr_ts($ts); $sdate = date('Y-m-d', $start_time / 1000); $edate = date('Y-m-d', $endtime / 1000); $shield_time_zone = $this->get_shield($sdate); if ($sdate != $edate) { $shield_time_zone = array_merge($shield_time_zone, $this->get_shield($edate)); } $m3u8 = $this->build_m3u8($ts, '#EXT-X-ENDLIST', rtrim($this->mChannelinfo['channel']['config']['ts_host'], '/'), $shield_time_zone); $dir = DATA_DIR . $this->mChannelinfo['channel']['code'] . '/' . $stream . '/'; hg_mkdir($dir); $m3u8name = $start_time . ',' . $duration . '.m3u8'; $m3u8 = trim($m3u8); if (!$m3u8) { $this->header(404); } file_put_contents($dir . $m3u8name, $m3u8); $urls = $this->mChannelinfo['channel']['config']['out_host'] . $this->mChannelinfo['channel']['code'] . '/' . $stream . '/' . $m3u8name; $sm3u8 = $m3u8; if ($this->settings['ts_host']) { $m3u8 = str_replace($this->mChannelinfo['channel']['config']['ts_host'], $this->settings['ts_host'], $m3u8); file_put_contents($dir . 'm_' . $m3u8name, $m3u8); $urls .= "\n" . $this->mChannelinfo['channel']['config']['out_host'] . $this->mChannelinfo['channel']['code'] . '/' . $stream . '/m_' . $m3u8name; } if ($this->settings['open_push_cdn']) { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/cdn.class.php'; $cdn = new cdn(); $cdn->push($urls, ''); } if ($this->settings['m3u8_host'] == 'http://' . $this->input['host']) { echo $m3u8; } else { echo $sm3u8; } }
/** * This function performs the actual checkin and will register a new user * if the user doesn't exist. Also, if the name and email is passed with * the checkin, the user will be updated. * * mobileid, lat and lon are the only required fields. * * Handles the API task parameters */ public function register_checkin($mobileid, $lat, $lon, $message = FALSE, $firstname = FALSE, $lastname = FALSE, $email = FALSE, $color = FALSE) { // Check if this device has been registered yet if (!User_Devices_Model::device_registered($mobileid)) { // Device has not been registered yet. Register it! // TODO: Formalize the user creation process. For now we are creating // a new user for every new device but eventually, we need // to be able to have multiple devices for each user // Name of the user $user_name = ($firstname and $lastname) ? $firstname . ' ' . $lastname : ''; // Email address $user_email = $email ? $email : $this->getRandomString(); // Color $user_color = $color ? $color : $this->random_color(); // Check if email exists $query = 'SELECT id FROM `' . $this->table_prefix . 'users` WHERE `email` = ? LIMIT 1;'; $usercheck = $this->db->query($query, $user_email); if (isset($usercheck[0]->id)) { $user_id = $usercheck[0]->id; } else { // Create a new user $user = ORM::factory('user'); $user->name = $user_name; $user->email = $user_email; $user->username = $this->getRandomString(); $user->password = '******'; $user->color = $user_color; $user->add(ORM::factory('role', 'login')); $user_id = $user->save(); } // TODO: When we have user registration down, we need to pass a user id here // so we can assign it to a specific user User_Devices_Model::register_device($mobileid, $user_id); } // Now we have a fully registered device so lets update our user if we need to if ($firstname and $lastname and $email) { $user_id = User_Devices_Model::device_owner($mobileid); $user_name = $firstname . ' ' . $lastname; $user_email = $email; $user = ORM::factory('user', $user_id); $user->name = $user_name; $user->email = $user_email; if ($color) { $user->color = $color; } $user_id = $user->save(); $user_id = $user_id->id; } // Get our user id if it hasn't already been set by one of the processes above if (!isset($user_id)) { $user_id = User_Devices_Model::device_owner($mobileid); } // Whew, now that all that is out of the way, do the flippin checkin! // FIRST, save the location $location = new Location_Model(); $location->location_name = $lat . ',' . $lon; $location->latitude = $lat; $location->longitude = $lon; $location->location_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $location_id = $location->save(); // SECOND, save the checkin if (!$message) { $message = ''; } $checkin = ORM::factory('checkin'); $checkin->user_id = $user_id; $checkin->location_id = $location_id; $checkin->checkin_description = $message; $checkin->checkin_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $checkin_id = $checkin->save(); // THIRD, save the photo, if there is a photo if (isset($_FILES['photo'])) { $filename = upload::save('photo'); $new_filename = 'ci_' . $user_id . '_' . time() . '_' . $this->getRandomString(4); $file_type = strrev(substr(strrev($filename), 0, 4)); // IMAGE SIZES: 800X600, 400X300, 89X59 // Large size Image::factory($filename)->resize(800, 600, Image::AUTO)->save(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $new_filename . $file_type); // Medium size Image::factory($filename)->resize(400, 300, Image::HEIGHT)->save(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $new_filename . "_m" . $file_type); // Thumbnail Image::factory($filename)->resize(89, 59, Image::HEIGHT)->save(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $new_filename . "_t" . $file_type); // Name the files for the DB $media_link = $new_filename . $file_type; $media_medium = $new_filename . '_m' . $file_type; $media_thumb = $new_filename . '_t' . $file_type; // Okay, now we have these three different files on the server, now check to see // if we should be dropping them on the CDN if (Kohana::config("cdn.cdn_store_dynamic_content")) { $media_link = cdn::upload($media_link); $media_medium = cdn::upload($media_medium); $media_thumb = cdn::upload($media_thumb); // We no longer need the files we created on the server. Remove them. $local_directory = rtrim(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE), '/') . '/'; unlink($local_directory . $new_filename . $file_type); unlink($local_directory . $new_filename . '_m' . $file_type); unlink($local_directory . $new_filename . '_t' . $file_type); } // Remove the temporary file unlink($filename); // Save to DB $media_photo = new Media_Model(); $media_photo->location_id = $location_id; $media_photo->checkin_id = $checkin_id; $media_photo->media_type = 1; // Images $media_photo->media_link = $media_link; $media_photo->media_medium = $media_medium; $media_photo->media_thumb = $media_thumb; $media_photo->media_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $media_photo->save(); } $return = array("checkin_id" => $checkin_id->id, "user_id" => $user_id); // Hook on successful checkin Event::run('ushahidi_action.checkin_recorded', $checkin); return $return; }
public function createMyPhoto($imgFilename) { $result = array("error" => true); $imgFilename_ext = pathinfo($imgFilename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $imgNewName = helper::generateHash(7); $imgOrigin = "origin_" . $imgNewName . "." . $imgFilename_ext; $imgNormal = "normal_" . $imgNewName . "." . $imgFilename_ext; $imgPreview = "preview_" . $imgNewName . "." . $imgFilename_ext; if ($this->checkImg($imgFilename)) { list($w, $h, $type) = getimagesize($imgFilename); if (rename($imgFilename, "../../" . TEMP_PATH . $imgOrigin)) { $imgFilename = "../../" . TEMP_PATH . $imgOrigin; } if ($type == IMAGETYPE_JPEG) { $this->img_resize($imgFilename, "../../" . TEMP_PATH . $imgNormal, 800, 0); $photo = new photo($this->db, $imgFilename, 512); imagejpeg($photo->getImgData(), "../../" . TEMP_PATH . $imgPreview, 100); unset($photo); $result['error'] = false; } elseif ($type == IMAGETYPE_PNG) { //PNG $this->img_resize($imgFilename, "../../" . TEMP_PATH . $imgNormal, 800, 0); $photo = new photo($this->db, $imgFilename, 512); imagepng($photo->getImgData(), "../../" . TEMP_PATH . $imgPreview); unset($photo); $result['error'] = false; } else { $result['error'] = true; } } if ($result['error'] === false) { $cdn = new cdn($this->db); $response = array(); $response = $cdn->uploadMyPhoto("../../" . TEMP_PATH . $imgOrigin); if ($response['error'] === false) { $result['originPhotoUrl'] = $response['fileUrl']; } $response = $cdn->uploadMyPhoto("../../" . TEMP_PATH . $imgNormal); if ($response['error'] === false) { $result['normalPhotoUrl'] = $response['fileUrl']; } $response = $cdn->uploadMyPhoto("../../" . TEMP_PATH . $imgPreview); if ($response['error'] === false) { $result['previewPhotoUrl'] = $response['fileUrl']; } @unlink("../../" . TEMP_PATH . $imgOrigin); @unlink("../../" . TEMP_PATH . $imgNormal); @unlink("../../" . TEMP_PATH . $imgPreview); } return $result; }
/** * 文件不存在时转向到此方法 创建缩略图 * * 源文件不存在 显示默认图 font/indexbg.jpg * 应用自定义默认图放在 font/{$app_uniqueid}/indexbg.jpg * * @param host string * @param refer_to string required 文件路径 * 如material/news/img/100x75/2012/05/20120529143609jSG7.jpg?21jj */ function create() { $url = urldecode($this->input['refer_to']); $host = urldecode($this->input['host']); //$url = 'material/news/img/100x75/2012/05/20120529143609jSG7.jpg?21jj'; if (empty($url) || empty($host)) { $this->readfile(CUR_CONF_PATH . 'font/indexbg.jpg', 'indexbg.jpg'); } else { preg_match_all('/^\\/(.*?\\/.*?\\/)?(.*?\\/img\\/)([0-9]*)[x|-]([0-9]*)\\/(\\d{0,4}\\/\\d{0,2}\\/)(.*?)(\\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(\\?\\w*)?/i', $url, $out); $tmp = explode('/', $out[2][0]); if ($tmp[0] == 'material') { $app_uniqueid = $tmp[1]; } else { $app_uniqueid = $tmp[0]; } $info = array('host' => $host, 'dir' => $out[2][0], 'filepath' => $out[5][0], 'filename' => $out[6][0], 'type' => $out[7][0], 'app_uniqueid' => $app_uniqueid); $size = array('label' => $out[3][0] . 'x' . $out[4][0], 'width' => $out[3][0], 'height' => $out[4][0], 'other_dir' => $out[5][0]); $IMG_DIR = $this->settings['imgdirs']['http://' . $info['host'] . '/']; if (!$IMG_DIR) { $IMG_DIR = IMG_DIR; } $filepath = $IMG_DIR . $info['dir'] . $info['filepath'] . $info['filename'] . ".json"; $water_url = $position = ""; if (file_exists($filepath)) { $json = json_decode(file_get_contents($filepath), true); //$water = $json['water']; //原图加水印 缩略图不重复加水印 } $path = $IMG_DIR . $info['dir']; $file = $path . $info['filepath'] . $info['filename'] . $info['type']; if (!file_exists($file) || !is_file($file)) { //文件不存在 显示默认图 font/indexbg.jpg //应用自定义默认图放在 font/{$app_uniqueid}/indexbg.jpg $default_img = CUR_CONF_PATH . 'font/indexbg.jpg'; if (file_exists(CUR_CONF_PATH . 'font/' . $info['app_uniqueid'] . '/indexbg.jpg')) { $default_img = CUR_CONF_PATH . 'font/' . $info['app_uniqueid'] . '/indexbg.jpg'; } $this->readfile($default_img, 'indexbg.jpg'); } $isSucc = hg_mk_images($file, $info['filename'] . $info['type'], $IMG_DIR . $info['dir'], $size, $water); if ($isSucc) { if (file_exists($filepath)) { $thumb = json_decode(file_get_contents($filepath), true); } else { $thumb = array(); } $path = rtrim(realpath($path), '/') . '/'; //记录绝对路径 $thumb_tmp = $path . $size['label'] . "/" . $info['filepath'] . $info['filename'] . $info['type']; if (is_array($thumb['thumb']) && !in_array($thumb_tmp, $thumb['thumb']) || empty($thumb['thumb'])) { // 判断这个列表不不存文件中 $thumb['thumb'][] = $thumb_tmp; } hg_file_write($filepath, json_encode($thumb)); $header_url = 'http://' . $info['host'] . "/" . $info['dir'] . $size['label'] . "/" . $info['filepath'] . $info['filename'] . $info['type']; if ($this->settings['realtime_refresh_cdn'] && $this->settings['App_cdn']) { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/cdn.class.php'; $cdn = new cdn(); $cdn->push($header_url, ''); } $file = $path . $size['label'] . "/" . $info['filepath'] . $info['filename'] . $info['type']; $this->readfile($file, $info['filename'] . $info['type'], $info['type']); } else { //缩略图创建失败 显示原图 $this->readfile($file, $info['filename'] . $info['type']); } } }
function index() { $this->template->content = new View('admin/badges'); $this->template->content->title = Kohana::lang('ui_main.badges'); // setup and initialize form field names $form = array('id' => '', 'name' => '', 'description' => ''); // copy the form as errors, so the errors will be stored with keys corresponding to the form field names $errors = $form; $form_error = FALSE; $form_saved = FALSE; $form_action = ""; if ($_POST) { $post = Validation::factory($_POST); // Add some filters $post->pre_filter('trim', TRUE); // Add some rules, the input field, followed by a list of checks, carried out in order $post->add_rules('action', 'required', 'alpha', 'length[1,1]'); $post->add_rules('name', 'standard_text', 'length[1,250]'); $post->add_rules('description', 'standard_text'); $post->add_rules('image', 'upload::valid', 'upload::type[gif,jpg,png]', 'upload::size[100K]'); if ($post->validate()) { // ADD if ($post->action == 'a') { // Step 1. Save badge name and description $badge = new Badge_Model(); $badge->name = $post->name; $badge->description = $post->description; $badge->save(); // Step 2. Save badge image $filename = upload::save('image'); if ($filename) { $new_filename = "badge_" . $badge->id . "_" . time(); $file_type = strrev(substr(strrev($filename), 0, 4)); // Large size $l_name = $new_filename . $file_type; Image::factory($filename)->save(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $l_name); // Medium size $m_name = $new_filename . '_m' . $file_type; Image::factory($filename)->resize(80, 80, Image::HEIGHT)->save(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $m_name); // Thumbnail $t_name = $new_filename . '_t' . $file_type; Image::factory($filename)->resize(60, 60, Image::HEIGHT)->save(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $t_name); // Name the files for the DB $media_link = $l_name; $media_medium = $m_name; $media_thumb = $t_name; // Okay, now we have these three different files on the server, now check to see // if we should be dropping them on the CDN if (Kohana::config("cdn.cdn_store_dynamic_content")) { $cdn = new cdn(); $media_link = $cdn->upload($media_link); $media_medium = $cdn->upload($media_medium); $media_thumb = $cdn->upload($media_thumb); // We no longer need the files we created on the server. Remove them. $local_directory = rtrim(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE), '/') . '/'; unlink($local_directory . $new_filename . $file_type); unlink($local_directory . $new_filename . '_m' . $file_type); unlink($local_directory . $new_filename . '_t' . $file_type); } // Remove the temporary file unlink($filename); // Delete old badge image ORM::factory('media')->where(array('badge_id' => $badge->id))->delete_all(); // Save new badge image $media = new Media_Model(); $media->badge_id = $badge->id; $media->media_type = 1; // Image $media->media_link = $media_link; $media->media_medium = $media_medium; $media->media_thumb = $media_thumb; $media->media_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $media->save(); } } // ASSIGN USER if ($post->action == 'b') { $badge_user = new Badge_User_Model(); $badge_user->badge_id = $post->badge_id; $badge_user->user_id = $post->assign_user; $badge_user->save(); } // REVOKE USER if ($post->action == 'r') { ORM::factory('badge_user')->where(array('badge_id' => (int) $post->badge_id, 'user_id' => (int) $post->revoke_user))->delete_all(); } elseif ($post->action == 'd') { // Remove from badge table ORM::factory('badge')->delete((int) $post->badge_id); // Remove from media ORM::factory('media')->where(array('badge_id' => (int) $post->badge_id))->delete_all(); // Remove from assignment ORM::factory('badge_user')->where(array('badge_id' => (int) $post->badge_id))->delete_all(); } } else { $errors = arr::overwrite($errors, $post->errors('badges')); $form_error = TRUE; } } $this->template->content->form = $form; $this->template->content->errors = $errors; $this->template->content->form_error = $form_error; $this->template->content->form_saved = $form_saved; $this->template->content->form_action = $form_action; // Get badges $this->template->content->badges = Badge_Model::badges(); $this->template->content->total_items = count($this->template->content->badges); // Get all users for dropdowns $users_result = ORM::factory('user')->orderby('name', 'asc')->find_all(); $users = array(); foreach ($users_result as $user) { $users[$user->id] = $user->username; } $this->template->content->users = $users; // Javascript Header $this->template->js = new View('admin/badges_js'); }
/** * Site Settings */ function site() { $this->template->content = new View('admin/site'); $this->template->content->title = Kohana::lang('ui_admin.settings'); $this->template->js = new View('admin/site_js'); // setup and initialize form field names $form = array('site_name' => '', 'site_tagline' => '', 'banner_image' => '', 'delete_banner_image' => '', 'site_email' => '', 'alerts_email' => '', 'site_language' => '', 'site_timezone' => '', 'site_message' => '', 'site_copyright_statement' => '', 'site_submit_report_message' => '', 'site_contact_page' => '', 'items_per_page' => '', 'items_per_page_admin' => '', 'blocks_per_row' => '', 'allow_alerts' => '', 'allow_reports' => '', 'allow_comments' => '', 'allow_feed' => '', 'allow_stat_sharing' => '', 'allow_clustering' => '', 'cache_pages' => '', 'cache_pages_lifetime' => '', 'private_deployment' => '', 'checkins' => '', 'default_map_all' => '', 'google_analytics' => '', 'twitter_hashtags' => '', 'api_akismet' => ''); // Copy the form as errors, so the errors will be stored with keys // corresponding to the form field names $errors = $form; $form_error = FALSE; $form_saved = FALSE; // Retrieve Current Settings $settings = ORM::factory('settings', 1); // check, has the form been submitted, if so, setup validation if ($_POST) { //print_r($_POST);exit; // Instantiate Validation, use $post, so we don't overwrite $_POST // fields with our own things $post = new Validation($_POST); // Add some filters $post->pre_filter('trim', TRUE); // Add some rules, the input field, followed by a list of checks, carried out in order $post->add_rules('site_name', 'required', 'length[3,250]'); $post->add_rules('site_tagline', 'length[3,250]'); $post->add_rules('site_email', 'email', 'length[4,100]'); //$post->add_rules('alerts_email','required', 'email', 'length[4,100]'); //$post->add_rules('site_message', 'standard_text'); $post->add_rules('site_copyright_statement', 'length[4,600]'); $post->add_rules('site_language', 'required', 'length[5, 5]'); //$post->add_rules('site_timezone','required', 'between[10,50]'); $post->add_rules('site_contact_page', 'required', 'between[0,1]'); $post->add_rules('items_per_page', 'required', 'between[10,50]'); $post->add_rules('items_per_page_admin', 'required', 'between[10,50]'); $post->add_rules('blocks_per_row', 'required', 'numeric'); $post->add_rules('allow_alerts', 'required', 'between[0,1]'); $post->add_rules('allow_reports', 'required', 'between[0,1]'); $post->add_rules('allow_comments', 'required', 'between[0,2]'); $post->add_rules('allow_feed', 'required', 'between[0,1]'); $post->add_rules('allow_stat_sharing', 'required', 'between[0,1]'); $post->add_rules('allow_clustering', 'required', 'between[0,1]'); $post->add_rules('cache_pages', 'required', 'between[0,1]'); $post->add_rules('cache_pages_lifetime', 'required', 'in_array[300,600,900,1800]'); $post->add_rules('private_deployment', 'required', 'between[0,1]'); $post->add_rules('checkins', 'required', 'between[0,1]'); $post->add_rules('default_map_all', 'required', 'alpha_numeric', 'length[6,6]'); $post->add_rules('google_analytics', 'length[0,20]'); $post->add_rules('twitter_hashtags', 'length[0,500]'); $post->add_rules('api_akismet', 'length[0,100]', 'alpha_numeric'); // Add rules for file upload $files = Validation::factory($_FILES); $files->add_rules('banner_image', 'upload::valid', 'upload::type[gif,jpg,png]', 'upload::size[250K]'); // Test to see if things passed the rule checks if ($post->validate() and $files->validate()) { // Yes! everything is valid $settings = new Settings_Model(1); $settings->site_name = $post->site_name; $settings->site_tagline = $post->site_tagline; $settings->site_email = $post->site_email; $settings->alerts_email = $post->alerts_email; $settings->site_message = $post->site_message; $settings->site_copyright_statement = $post->site_copyright_statement; $settings->site_submit_report_message = $post->site_submit_report_message; $settings->site_language = $post->site_language; $settings->site_timezone = $post->site_timezone; if ($settings->site_timezone == "0") { // "0" is the "Server Timezone" setting and it needs to be null in the db $settings->site_timezone = NULL; } $settings->site_contact_page = $post->site_contact_page; $settings->items_per_page = $post->items_per_page; $settings->items_per_page_admin = $post->items_per_page_admin; $settings->blocks_per_row = $post->blocks_per_row; $settings->allow_alerts = $post->allow_alerts; $settings->allow_reports = $post->allow_reports; $settings->allow_comments = $post->allow_comments; $settings->allow_feed = $post->allow_feed; $settings->allow_stat_sharing = $post->allow_stat_sharing; $settings->allow_clustering = $post->allow_clustering; $settings->cache_pages = $post->cache_pages; $settings->cache_pages_lifetime = $post->cache_pages_lifetime; $settings->private_deployment = $post->private_deployment; $settings->checkins = $post->checkins; $settings->default_map_all = $post->default_map_all; $settings->google_analytics = $post->google_analytics; $settings->twitter_hashtags = $post->twitter_hashtags; $settings->api_akismet = $post->api_akismet; $settings->date_modify = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $settings->save(); // Deal with banner image now // Check if deleting or updating a new image (or doing nothing) if (isset($post->delete_banner_image) and $post->delete_banner_image == 1) { // Delete old badge image ORM::factory('media')->delete($settings->site_banner_id); // Remove from DB table $settings = new Settings_Model(1); $settings->site_banner_id = NULL; $settings->save(); } else { // We aren't deleting, so try to upload if we are uploading an image $filename = upload::save('banner_image'); if ($filename) { $new_filename = "banner_" . time(); $file_type = strrev(substr(strrev($filename), 0, 4)); // Large size $l_name = $new_filename . $file_type; Image::factory($filename)->save(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $l_name); // Medium size $m_name = $new_filename . "_m" . $file_type; Image::factory($filename)->resize(80, 80, Image::HEIGHT)->save(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $m_name); // Thumbnail $t_name = $new_filename . "_t" . $file_type; Image::factory($filename)->resize(60, 60, Image::HEIGHT)->save(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $t_name); // Name the files for the DB $media_link = $l_name; $media_medium = $m_name; $media_thumb = $t_name; // Okay, now we have these three different files on the server, now check to see // if we should be dropping them on the CDN if (Kohana::config("cdn.cdn_store_dynamic_content")) { $media_link = cdn::upload($media_link); $media_medium = cdn::upload($media_medium); $media_thumb = cdn::upload($media_thumb); // We no longer need the files we created on the server. Remove them. $local_directory = rtrim(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE), '/') . '/'; unlink($local_directory . $l_name); unlink($local_directory . $m_name); unlink($local_directory . $t_name); } // Remove the temporary file unlink($filename); // Save banner image in the media table $media = new Media_Model(); $media->media_type = 1; // Image $media->media_link = $media_link; $media->media_medium = $media_medium; $media->media_thumb = $media_thumb; $media->media_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $media->save(); // Save new banner image in settings $settings = new Settings_Model(1); $settings->site_banner_id = $media->id; $settings->save(); } } // Delete Settings Cache $this->cache->delete('settings'); $this->cache->delete_tag('settings'); // Everything is A-Okay! $form_saved = TRUE; // Action::site_settings_modified - Site settings have changed Event::run('ushahidi_action.site_settings_modified'); // repopulate the form fields $form = arr::overwrite($form, $post->as_array()); } else { // repopulate the form fields $form = arr::overwrite($form, $post->as_array()); // populate the error fields, if any if (is_array($files->errors()) and count($files->errors()) > 0) { // Error with file upload $errors = arr::overwrite($errors, $files->errors('settings')); } else { // Error with other form filed $errors = arr::overwrite($errors, $post->errors('settings')); } $form_error = TRUE; } } else { $form = array('site_name' => $settings->site_name, 'site_tagline' => $settings->site_tagline, 'site_banner_id' => $settings->site_banner_id, 'site_email' => $settings->site_email, 'alerts_email' => $settings->alerts_email, 'site_message' => $settings->site_message, 'site_copyright_statement' => $settings->site_copyright_statement, 'site_submit_report_message' => $settings->site_submit_report_message, 'site_language' => $settings->site_language, 'site_timezone' => $settings->site_timezone, 'site_contact_page' => $settings->site_contact_page, 'items_per_page' => $settings->items_per_page, 'items_per_page_admin' => $settings->items_per_page_admin, 'blocks_per_row' => $settings->blocks_per_row, 'allow_alerts' => $settings->allow_alerts, 'allow_reports' => $settings->allow_reports, 'allow_comments' => $settings->allow_comments, 'allow_feed' => $settings->allow_feed, 'allow_stat_sharing' => $settings->allow_stat_sharing, 'allow_clustering' => $settings->allow_clustering, 'cache_pages' => $settings->cache_pages, 'cache_pages_lifetime' => $settings->cache_pages_lifetime, 'private_deployment' => $settings->private_deployment, 'checkins' => $settings->checkins, 'default_map_all' => $settings->default_map_all, 'google_analytics' => $settings->google_analytics, 'twitter_hashtags' => $settings->twitter_hashtags, 'api_akismet' => $settings->api_akismet); } // Get banner image if ($settings->site_banner_id != NULL) { $banner = ORM::factory('media')->find($settings->site_banner_id); $this->template->content->banner = url::convert_uploaded_to_abs($banner->media_link); $this->template->content->banner_m = url::convert_uploaded_to_abs($banner->media_medium); $this->template->content->banner_t = url::convert_uploaded_to_abs($banner->media_thumb); } else { $this->template->content->banner = NULL; $this->template->content->banner_m = NULL; $this->template->content->banner_t = NULL; } $this->template->colorpicker_enabled = TRUE; $this->template->content->form = $form; $this->template->content->errors = $errors; $this->template->content->form_error = $form_error; $this->template->content->form_saved = $form_saved; $this->template->content->items_per_page_array = array('10' => '10 Items', '20' => '20 Items', '30' => '30 Items', '50' => '50 Items'); $blocks_per_row_array = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 21; $i++) { $blocks_per_row_array[$i] = $i; } $this->template->content->blocks_per_row_array = $blocks_per_row_array; $this->template->content->yesno_array = array('1' => strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_main.yes')), '0' => strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_main.no'))); $this->template->content->comments_array = array('1' => strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_main.yes') . " - " . Kohana::lang('ui_admin.approve_auto')), '2' => strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_main.yes') . " - " . Kohana::lang('ui_admin.approve_manual')), '0' => strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_main.no'))); $this->template->content->cache_pages_lifetime_array = array('300' => '5 ' . Kohana::lang('ui_admin.minutes'), '600' => '10 ' . Kohana::lang('ui_admin.minutes'), '900' => '15 ' . Kohana::lang('ui_admin.minutes'), '1800' => '30 ' . Kohana::lang('ui_admin.minutes')); //Generate all timezones $site_timezone_array = array(); $site_timezone_array[0] = Kohana::lang('ui_admin.server_time'); foreach (timezone_identifiers_list() as $timezone) { $site_timezone_array[$timezone] = $timezone; } $this->template->content->site_timezone_array = $site_timezone_array; // Generate Available Locales $locales = locale::get_i18n(); $this->template->content->locales_array = $locales; $this->cache->set('locales', $locales, array('locales'), 604800); }
/** * Function to save news, photos and videos * * @param mixed $location_model * @param mixed $post * */ public static function save_media($post, $incident) { // Delete Previous Entries ORM::factory('media')->where('incident_id', $incident->id)->where('media_type <> 1')->delete_all(); // a. News foreach ($post->incident_news as $item) { if (!empty($item)) { $news = new Media_Model(); $news->location_id = $incident->location_id; $news->incident_id = $incident->id; $news->media_type = 4; // News $news->media_link = $item; $news->media_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $news->save(); } } // b. Video foreach ($post->incident_video as $item) { if (!empty($item)) { $video = new Media_Model(); $video->location_id = $incident->location_id; $video->incident_id = $incident->id; $video->media_type = 2; // Video $video->media_link = $item; $video->media_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $video->save(); } } // c. Photos $filenames = upload::save('incident_photo'); if (empty($filenames)) { $filenames = array(); } $i = 1; foreach ($filenames as $filename) { $new_filename = $incident->id . '_' . $i . '_' . time(); $file_type = strrev(substr(strrev($filename), 0, 4)); // IMAGE SIZES: 800X600, 400X300, 89X59 // Large size Image::factory($filename)->resize(800, 600, Image::AUTO)->save(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $new_filename . $file_type); // Medium size Image::factory($filename)->resize(400, 300, Image::HEIGHT)->save(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $new_filename . '_m' . $file_type); // Thumbnail Image::factory($filename)->resize(89, 59, Image::HEIGHT)->save(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $new_filename . '_t' . $file_type); // Name the files for the DB $media_link = $new_filename . $file_type; $media_medium = $new_filename . '_m' . $file_type; $media_thumb = $new_filename . '_t' . $file_type; // Okay, now we have these three different files on the server, now check to see // if we should be dropping them on the CDN if (Kohana::config("cdn.cdn_store_dynamic_content")) { $media_link = cdn::upload($media_link); $media_medium = cdn::upload($media_medium); $media_thumb = cdn::upload($media_thumb); // We no longer need the files we created on the server. Remove them. $local_directory = rtrim(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE), '/') . '/'; unlink($local_directory . $new_filename . $file_type); unlink($local_directory . $new_filename . '_m' . $file_type); unlink($local_directory . $new_filename . '_t' . $file_type); } // Remove the temporary file unlink($filename); // Save to DB $photo = new Media_Model(); $photo->location_id = $incident->location_id; $photo->incident_id = $incident->id; $photo->media_type = 1; // Images $photo->media_link = $media_link; $photo->media_medium = $media_medium; $photo->media_thumb = $media_thumb; $photo->media_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $photo->save(); $i++; } }
/** * Upgrades files over time based on users hitting the site * * @return bool TRUE if the upgrade is successful, FALSE otherwise */ public static function gradual_upgrade() { self::connection(); if (!self::$cdn) { throw new Kohana_Exception('CDN provider not specified'); } // Get the table prefix $table_prefix = Kohana::config('database.default.table_prefix'); // Select at random since admin may not want every user to initiate a CDN upload if (rand(1, intval(Kohana::config('cdn.cdn_gradual_upgrade'))) == 1) { $query = 'SELECT id, media_link, media_medium, media_thumb ' . 'FROM ' . $table_prefix . 'media ' . 'WHERE media_type = 1 AND media_link NOT LIKE \'http%\' LIMIT 1'; // Database instance for fetch and update operations $db = Database::instance(); $media_links = $db->query($query); $uploaded_flag = false; foreach ($media_links as $row) { // Upload files to the CDN $new_large = self::$cdn->upload($row->media_link); $new_medium = self::$cdn->upload($row->media_medium); $new_thumb = self::$cdn->upload($row->media_thumb); // Update the entry for the media file in the DB $db->update('media', array('media_link' => $new_large, 'media_medium' => $new_medium, 'media_thumb' => $new_thumb), array('id' => $row->id)); // Remove old files $local_directory = Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE); $local_directory = rtrim($local_directory, '/') . '/'; unlink($local_directory . $row->media_link); unlink($local_directory . $row->media_medium); unlink($local_directory . $row->media_thumb); $uploaded_flag = true; } // If we didn't have any more user uploaded images to upload, move on to category images if ($uploaded_flag == false) { $query = 'SELECT id, category_image, category_image_thumb ' . 'FROM ' . $table_prefix . 'category ' . 'WHERE category_image NOT LIKE \'http%\' LIMIT 1'; // Fetch $category_images = $db->query($query); foreach ($category_images as $row) { // Upload files to the CDN $new_category_image = $this->cdn->upload($row->category_image); $new_category_image_thumb = $this->cdn->upload($row->category_image_thumb); // Update the entry for the media file in the DB $db->update('category', array('category_image' => $new_category_image, 'category_image_thumb' => $new_category_image_thumb), array('id' => $row->id)); // Remove old files $local_directory = Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE); $local_directory = rtrim($local_directory, '/') . '/'; unlink($local_directory . $row['category_image']); unlink($local_directory . $row['category_image_thumb']); $uploaded_flag = true; } } // If we are done with category images, move on to KML layers if ($uploaded_flag == false) { // Grab a KML file we have locally that isn't linking to an external URL $query = 'SELECT id, layer_file ' . 'FROM ' . $table_prefix . 'layer ' . 'WHERE layer_url = \'\' LIMIT 1'; $layers = $db->query($query); foreach ($layers as $row) { $layer_file = $row->layer_file; // Upload the file to the CDN $layer_url = cdn::upload($layer_file); // We no longer need the files we created on the server. Remove them. $local_directory = rtrim(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE), '/') . '/'; unlink($local_directory . $layer_file); $layer = new Layer_Model($row->id); $layer->layer_url = $layer_url; $layer->layer_file = ''; $layer->save(); } } // Garbage collection unset($db, $media_links, $category_images); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
#!/usr/bin/env php <?php require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . '/zesk.inc'; Module::load('markdown'); cdn::add('/share/', '/share/', ZESK_ROOT . 'share/'); zesk::factory("Command_Markdown")->go();
private function _handle_new_decayimage_fileupload($id) { $filename = upload::save('decayimage_file'); if ($filename) { $new_filename = "decayimage_" . $id . "_" . time(); // Name the files for the DB $cat_img_file = $new_filename . ".png"; $cat_img_thumb_file = $new_filename . "_16x16.png"; // Resize Image to 32px if greater Image::factory($filename)->resize(32, 32, Image::HEIGHT)->save(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $cat_img_file); // Create a 16x16 version too Image::factory($filename)->resize(16, 16, Image::HEIGHT)->save(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $cat_img_thumb_file); } else { Kohana::log('error', 'we were not able to save the file upload'); return false; } // Okay, now we have these three different files on the server, now check to see // if we should be dropping them on the CDN if (Kohana::config("cdn.cdn_store_dynamic_content")) { $cat_img_file = cdn::upload($cat_img_file); $cat_img_thumb_file = cdn::upload($cat_img_thumb_file); // We no longer need the files we created on the server. Remove them. $local_directory = rtrim(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE), '/') . '/'; unlink($local_directory . $new_filename . ".png"); unlink($local_directory . $new_filename . "_16x16.png"); } // Remove the temporary file if (file_exists($filename)) { unlink($filename); } // Delete Old Image, unless its the default image $decayimage = ORM::factory('decayimage')->where('id', $id); if ($decayimage && $id != 0) { $category_old_image = $decayimage->decayimage_image; if (!empty($category_old_image)) { if (file_exists(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $category_old_image)) { unlink(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $category_old_image); } elseif (Kohana::config("cdn.cdn_store_dynamic_content") and valid::url($category_old_image)) { cdn::delete($category_old_image); } } } return array($cat_img_file, $cat_img_thumb_file); }