Esempio n. 1
	 * Draws the subscription for registrations and profile views
	 * @param  string   $plansTitle              Title field of the plans (for validation texts)
	 * @param  string   $selectionId             html input tag attribute id=''    field for the input
	 * @param  string   $selectionName           html input tag attribute name=''  field for the input
	 * @param  string   $selectionValue          html input tag attribute value='' field for the input
	 * @param  string   $insertBeforePrice       HTML text to insert after description of this item but before price
	 * @param  string   $insertAfterDescription  HTML text to insert after this item as sub-items
	 * @param  boolean|int  $selected            TRUE if the item is selected, FALSE if not selected but radio/checkbox is visible, (int) 2 if selected but hidden input
	 * @param  string   $reason                  Payment reason: 'N'=new subscription (default), 'R'=renewal, 'U'=update
	 * @param  boolean  $displayDescription      TRUE: display description also
	 * @param  boolean  $displayPrice            TRUE: display price/price selection also
	 * @param  int      $user_id                 The user id for whom this plan is proposed
	 * @return string
	public function drawProduct( $plansTitle, $selectionId, $selectionName, $selectionValue, $insertBeforePrice, $insertAfterDescription, $selected, /** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */ $reason, $displayDescription, /** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */ $displayPrice, $user_id ) {
		global $_CB_framework;

		$this->planstitle				=	$plansTitle;
		$this->_selectionId				=	( $selectionId			?	$this->_getPagingParamName( $selectionId )						:	null );
		$this->_selectionName			=	( $selectionName		?	$this->_getPagingParamName( $selectionName . '[selected][]' )	:	null );
		$this->_selectionValue			=	$selectionValue;
		$this->_insertBeforePrice		=	$insertBeforePrice;
		$this->_insertAfterDescription	=	$insertAfterDescription;
		$this->cssclass					=	trim( $this->_model->get( 'cssclass' ) );
		$this->cssid					=	'cbregProduct_' . $this->_model->get( 'id' );
		$this->description				=	( $displayDescription	?	$this->_model->getPersonalized( 'description', $user_id, true )	:	null );
		$this->exclusive				=	$this->_model->get( 'exclusive' );

		$hiddenSelected					=	( $selected === 2 );
		if ( $hiddenSelected ) {
			$selected					=	false;
		$required						=	( $this->exclusive && ( $_CB_framework->getUi() == 1 ) && ( $this->_model->get( 'parent' ) == 0 ) && ! $hiddenSelected );

		if ( ( $this->_model->get( 'hidechildren' ) == 1 ) && ! $hiddenSelected ) {
			$this->cssclass				.=	( $this->cssclass ? ' ' : '' ) . 'cbregDoHideChildren';

		if ( $hiddenSelected ) {
			$this->_control				=	'hidden';
		} elseif ( $this->exclusive ) {
			$this->_control				=	'radio';
		} else {
			$this->_control				=	'checkbox';
		if ( $required && ! $hiddenSelected ) {
			$this->extrainputs			=	'mosReq="1" mosLabel="' . htmlspecialchars( CBPTXT::T( $this->planstitle ) ) . '" class="required" ';
		} else {
			$this->extrainputs			=	'';
		if ( $this->cssclass ) {
			$this->cssclass				=	' ' . trim( $this->cssclass );
		if ( $selected ) {
			$this->_checked				=	'checked="checked" ';
		} else {
			$this->_checked				=	'';
		if ( $selectionId ) {
			$this->_tick				=	'<input type="' . $this->_control . '" name="' . $this->_selectionName . '" id="' . $this->_selectionId . '" value="' . $this->_selectionValue . '" ' . $this->_checked . $this->extrainputs . '/>';
		} else {
			$this->_tick				=	'&nbsp;';
		$htmlNameTranslated				=	$this->_model->getPersonalized( 'name', $user_id, true );
		if ( $selectionId && ! $hiddenSelected ) {
			$this->_labelledName		=	'<label for="' . $this->_selectionId . '">' . $htmlNameTranslated . '</label>';
		} else {
			$this->_labelledName		=	'<label>' . $htmlNameTranslated . '</label>';
		return 'override cbpaidProductView::draw for product item_type "' . htmlspecialchars( $this->_model->get( 'item_type' ) ) . '"';
	 * create a new subscription object and corresponding object in database
	 * @param int|null      $user_id                 CB user id
	 * @param cbpaidProduct $plan                    plan object of this subscription
	 * @param string        $status                  like status class variable
	 * @param boolean       $store                   true (default) if should be stored into db
	 * @param int           $subscriptionTime        time of subscription
	protected function createMerchandiseRecord( $user_id, &$plan, $status = 'R', $store = true, $subscriptionTime = null ) {
		global $_CB_framework;

		if ( $subscriptionTime === null ) {
			$subscriptionTime			=	$_CB_framework->now();


		$this->user_id					=	$user_id;
		$this->plan_id					=	$plan->get( 'id' );
		$this->payment_date				=	date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $subscriptionTime );
		$this->getCurrencyAmount( $plan );
		$this->status					=	$status;
		if ( is_object( $plan->_integrations ) ) {
			$this->integrations				=	$plan->_integrations->asJson();
		} else {
			$this->integrations				=	'';
		if ( $store ) {
			$this->ip_addresses			=	cbpaidRequest::getIPlist();
			$this->historySetMessage( $this->recordName() . ' record created' );
		$this->_plan 					=	$plan;
  * create a new subscription object and corresponding object in database
  * @param int|null      $user_id                 CB user id
  * @param cbpaidProduct $plan                    plan object of this subscription
  * @param string        $status                  like status class variable
  * @param boolean       $store                   true (default) if should be stored into db
  * @param int           $subscriptionTime        time of subscription
 protected function createMerchandiseRecord($user_id, $plan, $status = 'R', $store = true, $subscriptionTime = null)
     if ($subscriptionTime === null) {
         $subscriptionTime = cbpaidTimes::getInstance()->startTime();
     $this->user_id = $user_id;
     $this->plan_id = $plan->get('id');
     $this->payment_date = $this->_db->getUtcDateTime($subscriptionTime);
     $this->status = $status;
     if (is_object($plan->_integrations)) {
         $this->integrations = $plan->_integrations->asJson();
     } else {
         $this->integrations = '';
     if ($store) {
         $this->ip_addresses = cbpaidRequest::getIPlist();
         $this->historySetMessage($this->recordName() . ' record created');
     $this->_plan = $plan;
	 * create a new (or find an existing) subscription object and corresponding object in database and links to subscription to be replaced.
	 * @param  UserTable      $user                    CB base user object
	 * @param  cbpaidProduct  $plan                    payment plan object of this subscription
	 * @param  array          $replacesSubscriptionId  array( planId, subscriptionId ) or NULL of subscription to replace
	 * @param  array          $existingSubscriptionId  array( planId, subscriptionId ) or NULL of existing subscription
	 * @param  string         $status                  [Optional default='R'] 'N' = new, 'R' = renewal
	 * @param  boolean        $store                   [Optional default=true] if object to be stored into database
	 * @param  int            $subscriptionTime        [Optional default=time function]
	 * @param  string         $reason                  payment reason: 'N'=new subscription (default), 'R'=renewal, 'U'=update
	 * @param  array          $parentSubId             parent subscription's id,   if this subscription depends of a parent subscription
	 * @return float                                   remaing value (in plan's currency) of existing plan
	public function createOrLoadReplacementSubscription( &$user, &$plan, $replacesSubscriptionId = null, $existingSubscriptionId = null, $status = 'R', $store = true, $subscriptionTime = null, $reason = 'N', $parentSubId = null ) {
		global $_CB_framework, $_CB_database;

		if ( $parentSubId ) {
			$this->parent_plan				=	$parentSubId[0];
			$this->parent_subscription		=	$parentSubId[1];

		if ( $subscriptionTime === null ) {
			$subscriptionTime				=	$_CB_framework->now();

		if ( $existingSubscriptionId === null ) {
			// first tries to find if there is already an existing one, otherwise creates a new one:
			if ( $replacesSubscriptionId ) {
				if ( ! $this->loadThisMatching( array( 'replaces_subscription' => (int) $replacesSubscriptionId[1], 'replaces_plan' => (int) $replacesSubscriptionId[0], 'plan_id' => (int) $plan->get( 'id' ) ) ) ) {
					$this->createSubscription( $user->id, $plan, $replacesSubscriptionId, $parentSubId, $status, $store, $subscriptionTime );
				} else {
					/* only single pair of replace(subscription+plan) allowed ! 'user_id' => (int) $user->id, 'plan_id' => (int) $plan->get( 'id' ) : */
					if ( $this->user_id != $user->id ) {
						trigger_error( sprintf( 'Subscription::Loaded subscription id %d for different user (sub-user: %d, user: %d).', $this->id, $this->user_id, $user->id ), E_USER_WARNING );
			} else {
				if ( $plan->get( 'multiple' ) || ! $this->loadThisMatchingInt( 'user_id', (int) $user->id, 'plan_id', (int) $plan->get( 'id' ) ) ) {
					$this->createSubscription( $user->id, $plan, $replacesSubscriptionId, $parentSubId, $status, $store, $subscriptionTime );
		} else {
			if ( $plan->get( 'id' ) == $existingSubscriptionId[0] ) {
				if ( ! $this->load( (int) $existingSubscriptionId[1] ) ) {
					trigger_error( sprintf( 'Subscription::createOrLoadReplacementSubscription: subscription id %d load error: %s', $existingSubscriptionId[1], htmlspecialchars($_CB_database->getErrorMsg()) ), E_USER_NOTICE );
					$result			=	 $this->loadThisMatching( array(	'plan_id'	=>	(int) $plan->id,
							'user_id'	=>	(int) $user->id,
							'status'	=>	'I' ),
						array(	'subscription_date'	=>	'DESC'	) );
					if ( ! $result ) {
						trigger_error( sprintf( 'Subscription::createOrLoadReplacementSubscription: subscription with plan id %d user_id %d not found either', $plan->id, $user->id ), E_USER_NOTICE );
						$this->createSubscription( $user->id, $plan, $replacesSubscriptionId, $parentSubId, $status, $store, $subscriptionTime );
				} else {
					if ( $this->replaces_subscription ) {
						$replacesSubscriptionId	=	array( $this->replaces_plan, $this->replaces_subscription );
			} else {
				trigger_error( sprintf( 'Subscription::createOrLoadReplacementSubscription: existingSubscription id %d / Plan id %d function param does not match plan param id %d error:', $existingSubscriptionId[0], $existingSubscriptionId[1], $plan->get( 'id' ) ), E_USER_ERROR );

		$remainingValue				=	0;
		if ( $replacesSubscriptionId != null ) {
			if ( $this->getPlan() ) {
				$remainingValue			=	$this->getRemainingValueOfReplacedSubscription( $this->getPlan()->currency(), $replacesSubscriptionId[0], $replacesSubscriptionId[1], $subscriptionTime );
		return $remainingValue;
  * Creates a something of a plan
  * @param  cbpaidProduct  $plan
  * @param  UserTable      $user
  * @param  string         $state
  * @param  int            $subscriptionTime
 protected function createSomething($plan, $user, $state, $subscriptionTime)
     global $_CB_database;
     $replacesSubId = null;
     $reason = 'N';
     if ($state == 'X' && $plan->get('item_type') != 'usersubscription') {
         // safeguard for donations and merchandises: they do not expire!, so set them as cencelled if import is as expired:
         $state = 'C';
     		if ( $plan->get( 'exclusive' ) && ( $plan->get( 'item_type' ) == 'usersubscription' ) && ( $state == 'A' ) ) {
     			$incompatible				=	false;
     			$paidUserExtension			=	cbpaidUserExtension::getInstance( $user->id );
     			$subscriptions				=	$paidUserExtension->getUserSubscriptions( null, false );
      			foreach ( $subscriptions as $s ) {
      				if ( ( $s->parent_plan == $plan->get( 'parent' ) ) && $s->checkIfValid() ) {
      					$sPlan				=	$s->getPlan();
      					if ( $sPlan->get( 'exclusive' ) && ( $sPlan->get( 'item_type' ) == 'usersubscription' ) ) {
      						// This other exclusive user subscription with same parent plan is active: then it is an upgrade from that subscription
      						$replacesSubId	=	array( $s->plan_id, $s->id );
      						$reason			=	'U';
      			if ( $incompatible ) {
     $parentSubId = null;
     if ($plan->get('parent')) {
         $plansMgr = cbpaidPlansMgr::getInstance();
         $parentPlan = $plansMgr->loadPlan($plan->get('parent'));
         $parentSub = $parentPlan->loadLatestSomethingOfUser($user->id, null);
         if ($parentSub) {
             $parentSubId = array($parentSub->plan_id, $parentSub->id);
     $postdata = array();
     $price = null;
     $recurringPrice = null;
     $subscription = $plan->createProductThing($user, $postdata, $reason, $state == 'A' ? 'I' : $state, $replacesSubId, null, $subscriptionTime, $price, $recurringPrice, $parentSubId);
     if ($state == 'A') {
         $subscription->activate($user, $subscriptionTime);
     } elseif ($state == 'X') {
         /** @var cbpaidUsersubscriptionRecord $subscription */
         if (is_callable(array($subscription, 'computeExpiryTimeIfActivatedNow'))) {
             // Sets expiry_date for expired user subscriptions:
             $expiry = $subscription->computeExpiryTimeIfActivatedNow($subscriptionTime);
             $subscription->expiry_date = $expiry === null ? $_CB_database->getNullDate() : $_CB_database->getUtcDateTime($expiry);
             if (!$subscription->store()) {
                 trigger_error('subscription store error:' . htmlspecialchars($_CB_database->getErrorMsg()), E_USER_ERROR);
Esempio n. 6
	 * create a new (or find an existing) subscription object and corresponding object in database and links to subscription to be replaced.
	 * @param  UserTable      $user                    CB user object
	 * @param  cbpaidProduct  $plan                    payment plan object of this subscription
	 * @param  array          $replacesSubscriptionId  array( planId, subscriptionId ) or NULL
	 * @param  array          $existingSubscriptionId  array( planId, subscriptionId ) or NULL
	 * @param  string         $status                  [Optional default='R'] 'N' = new, 'R' = renewal
	 * @param  boolean        $store                   [Optional default=true] if object to be stored into database
	 * @param  int            $subscriptionTime        [Optional default=time function]
	 * @param  string         $reason                  payment reason: 'N'=new subscription (default), 'R'=renewal, 'U'=update
	 * @param  array          $parentSubId             parent plan and subscription's id,   if this subscription depends of a parent subscription
	 * @return float                                   remaing value (in plan's currency) of existing plan
	public function createOrLoadReplacementSubscription(
		/** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */ $replacesSubscriptionId = null,
		/** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */ $existingSubscriptionId = null,
		/** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */ $status = 'R',
		/** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */ $store = true,
		/** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */ $subscriptionTime = null,
		/** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */ $reason='N', $parentSubId = null )

		$this->user_id						=	$user->id;
		$this->plan_id						=	$plan->get( 'id' );

		if ( $parentSubId ) {
			$this->parent_plan				=	$parentSubId[0];
			$this->parent_subscription		=	$parentSubId[1];
		if ( is_object( $plan->_integrations ) ) {
			$this->integrations				=	$plan->_integrations->asJson();
		} else {
			$this->integrations				=	'';
		return 0.0;			// override !