Esempio n. 1
    static function url($info,$page=null,$relative=false) {
        if ($info['linkto']) return $info['linkto'];
        if(front::$get['t'] == 'wap'){
        	if (config::get('wap_html_prefix')){
        		if (!$page){
        			return config::get('site_url').'show_wap_'.$info['aid'].'.htm';
        			return config::get('site_url').'show_wap_'.$info['aid'].'_'.$page.'.htm';
        	if($info['iswaphtml'] == 2){
        		return url::create('archive/show/t/wap/aid/'.$info['aid']);
        	if (!category::getarciswaphtml($info)){
        		if ($page){
        			return url::create('archive/show/t/wap/aid/'.$info['aid'].'/page/'.$page);
	        		return url::create('archive/show/t/wap/aid/'.$info['aid']);
        	}else {
        		if ($info['htmlrule']){
        		if ($page){
        		if ($relative) return $html_prefix.'/'.$rule;
        		return config::get('base_url').$html_prefix.'/'.$rule;
        if (config::get('html_prefix')) $html_prefix='/'.trim(config::get('html_prefix'),'/');
        if($info['ishtml'] == 2){
        	return url::create('archive/show/aid/'.$info['aid']);
        if (!category::getarcishtml($info) ||front::$rewrite) if ($page) return url::create('archive/show/aid/'.$info['aid'].'/page/'.$page);
            else return url::create('archive/show/aid/'.$info['aid']);
        else {
            if ($info['htmlrule']) $rule=$info['htmlrule'];
            else $rule=category::gethtmlrule($info['catid'],'showhtmlrule');
            if ($page){
            if ($relative) return $html_prefix.'/'.$rule;
            return config::get('base_url').$html_prefix.'/'.$rule;
 function make_show_action() {
     header('Cache-control: private, must-revalidate');
     $submit = front::post('submit') ? front::post('submit') : front::get('submit');
     if (!$submit)
     $post = front::$post + front::$get;
     $c_url = preg_replace('#&make_page=(\d+)#', '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
     $c_url = preg_replace('#&aid_start=(\d+)#', '', $c_url);
     $c_url = preg_replace('#&aid_end=(\d+)#', '', $c_url);
     $c_url = preg_replace('#&catid=(\d+)#', '', $c_url);
     $c_url = preg_replace('#&submit=(\d+)#', '', $c_url);
     $c_url = 'index.php?' . $c_url;
     if ($post['aid_start']) {
         $aid_start = $post['aid_start'];
         $aid_end = $post['aid_end'];
         $where = "aid>=$aid_start and aid<=$aid_end AND (ishtml IS NULL OR ishtml!=2)";
         $c_url.='&aid_start=' . $aid_start . '&aid_end=' . $aid_end;
     } elseif (isset($post['catid'])) {
         $catid = $post['catid'];
         $category = category::getInstance();
         $categories = $category->sons($catid);
         $categories[] = $catid;
         $categories = implode(',', $categories);
         $where = "catid in(" . $categories . ') and checked=1 AND (ishtml IS NULL OR ishtml!=2)';
         $c_url.='&catid=' . $catid;
     $case = 'archive';
     $act = 'show';
     $_GET = array('case' => $case, 'act' => $act);
     $front = new front();
     front::$admin = false;
     front::$html = true;
     front::$rewrite = false;
     front::$get['t'] = 'wap';
     $case = $case . '_act';
     $case = new $case();
     $method = $act . '_action';
     $category = category::getInstance();
     $time_start = time::getTime();
     $archive = new archive();
     if (config::get('group_on')) {
         $make_page = $post['make_page'] == '' ? 1 : $post['make_page'];
         $archive_num = $archive->record_count;
         $group_count = config::get('group_count');
         $make_page_num = ceil($archive_num / $group_count);
         $totalpage = (($make_page - 1) * $group_count) . ',' . $group_count;
         $c_url.='&make_page=' . ($make_page + 1);
     } else {
         $totalpage = "";
     $archives = $archive->getrows($where, $totalpage, '1');
     $cpage = 0;
     foreach ($archives as $arc) {
         if (!category::getarciswaphtml($arc))
         front::$get['aid'] = $arc['aid'];
         $case->view->archive = $arc;
         $case->view->aid = $arc['aid'];
         $case->view->catid = $arc['catid'];
         $case->view->catid = $case->view->catid;
         $case->view->topid = category::gettopparent($case->view->catid);
         $case->view->parentid = $category->getparent($case->view->catid);
         $template = @$arc['templatewap'];
         //echo $template;exit;
         $content = $arc['content'];
         $case->view->categories = category::getpositionlink2($case->view->catid);
         $linkword = new linkword();
         $linkwords = $linkword->getrows(null, 1000, 'linkorder desc');
         foreach ($linkwords as $linkword) {
             if (trim($linkword['linkurl']) && !preg_match('%^http://$%', trim($linkword['linkurl']))) {
                 $linkword['linktimes'] = (int) $linkword['linktimes'];
                 $link = "<a href='$linkword[linkurl]' target='_blank'>$linkword[linkword]</a>";
             } else {
                 $link = "<a href='" . url('archive/search/keyword/' . urlencode($linkword['linkword'])) . "' target='_blank'>$linkword[linkword]</a>";
             if (isset($link)) {
                 $content = preg_replace("%(?!\"]*>)$linkword[linkword](?!\s*\")%i", "\\1$link\\2", $content, $linkword['linktimes']);
                 /* $content=preg_replace("%(?!\"]*>alt=\")(<a.*?>)(\"?!\s*\")%i","\\1\\2",$content,$linkword['linktimes']); */
         $case->view->likenews = $case->getLike($case->view->archive['tag'], $case->view->archive['keyword']);
         $contents = preg_split('%<div style="page-break-after(.*?)</div>%si', $content);
         if (!empty($contents)) {
             $case->view->pages = count($contents);
             front::$record_count = $case->view->pages * config::get('list_pagesize');
             $case->view->pages = count($contents);
         } else {
             $case->view->pages = 1;
         $taghtml = '';
         $tag_table = new tag();
         foreach ($tag_table->urls($case->view->archive['tag']) as $tag => $url) {
             $taghtml.="<a href='$url' target='_blank'>$tag</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
         $case->view->archive['tag'] = $taghtml;
         $case->view->archive['special'] = null;
         if ($case->view->archive['spid']) {
             $spurl = special::url($case->view->archive['spid'],special::getishtml($case->view->archive['spid']));
             $sptitle = special::gettitle($case->view->archive['spid']);
             $case->view->archive['special'] = "<a href='$spurl' target='_blank'>$sptitle</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
         $case->view->archive['type'] = null;
         if ($case->view->archive['typeid']) {
             $typeurl = type::url($case->view->archive['typeid'],1);
             $typetitle = type::name($case->view->archive['typeid']);
             $case->view->archive['type'] = "<a href='$typeurl' target='_blank'>$typetitle</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
         $case->view->archive['area'] = null;
         $case->view->archive['area'] = area::getpositonhtml($case->view->archive['province_id'], $case->view->archive['city_id'], $case->view->archive['section_id']);
         $arc = $case->view->archive;
         for ($c = 1; $c <= $case->view->pages; $c++) {
             front::$get['page'] = $c;
             $case->view->page = $c;
             if (!empty($contents)) {
                 $content = $contents[$c - 1];
             $arc['content'] = $content;
             $aid = $arc['aid'];
             $catid = $arc['catid'];
             $sql1 = "SELECT * FROM `{$archive->name}` WHERE catid = '$catid' AND aid > '$aid' ORDER BY aid ASC LIMIT 0,1";
             $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM `{$archive->name}` WHERE catid = '$catid' AND aid < '$aid' ORDER BY aid DESC LIMIT 0,1";
             $n = $archive->rec_query_one($sql1);
             $p = $archive->rec_query_one($sql2);
             $arc['p'] = $p;
             $arc['n'] = $n;
             $arc['p']['url'] = archive::url($p);
             $arc['n']['url'] = archive::url($n);
             $arc['strgrade'] = archive::getgrade($arc['grade']);
             $arc['pics'] = unserialize($arc['pics']);
             if(is_array($arc['pics']) && !empty($arc['pics'])){
             	foreach ($arc['pics'] as $k => $v){
             		if(strtolower(substr($v,0,7)) == 'http://'){
             			$arc['pics'][$k] = $v;
             			$arc['pics'][$k] = $v;
             $arc['pics'] = serialize($arc['pics']);
             $case->view->archive = $arc;
             if ($template && file_exists(TEMPLATE . '/' . $case->view->_style . '/' . $template))
                 $tpl = $template;
                 $tpl = category::gettemplatewap($case->view->catid, 'showtemplatewap');
             $content = $case->fetch($tpl);
             $path = ROOT . archive::url($arc, front::$get['page'] > 1 ? front::$get['page'] : null, true);
             if (!preg_match('/\.[a-zA-Z]+$/', $path))
                 $path = rtrim(rtrim($path, '/'), '\\') . '/index.html';
             $path = rtrim($path, '/');
             $path = rtrim($path, '\\');
             $path = str_replace('//', '/', $path);
             file_put_contents($path, $content);
             if ($case->view->pages > 1 && $c == 1) {
                 $path = ROOT . archive::url($arc, 1, true);
                 if (!preg_match('/\.[a-zA-Z]+$/', $path))
                     $path = rtrim(rtrim($path, '/'), '\\') . '/index.html';
                 $path = rtrim($path, '/');
                 $path = rtrim($path, '\\');
                 $path = str_replace('//', '/', $path);
                 file_put_contents($path, $content);
     $totalpage = count($archives);
     if (!isset($archives[0]))
         $totalpage = 0;
     if ($make_page >= $make_page_num) {
         $show_msg = "本组生成html <b>{$cpage}</b> 页!  生成html完毕,本次共生成 <b>{$archive_num}</b> 页! 2秒后自动返回内容生成首页面!\n";
         $c_url = preg_replace('#&make_page=(\d+)#', '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
         $c_url = preg_replace('#&aid_start=(\d+)#', '', $c_url);
         $c_url = preg_replace('#&aid_end=(\d+)#', '', $c_url);
         $c_url = preg_replace('#&catid=(\d+)#', '', $c_url);
         $c_url = preg_replace('#&submit=(\d+)#', '', $c_url);
         $c_url = 'index.php?' . $c_url;
     } else {
         $show_msg = "第 <b>{$make_page}</b> 组成功生成html <b>{$cpage}</b> 页! 本次共需生成 <b>{$archive_num}</b> 页! 已经生成 <b>" . ($make_page * $group_count) . "</b> 页! 2秒后自动跳入下组生成!\n";
     $getnexturl = "<script>";
     $getnexturl.="var t=4;\n";
     $getnexturl.="function testTime() \n";
     $getnexturl.=" { \n";
     $getnexturl.="if(t == 0) location = '" . $c_url . "'; \n";
     $getnexturl.=" t--;\n";
     $getnexturl.="}\n</script> \n";
     if ($cpage > 0) {
         if (!config::get('group_on')) {
             front::flash("成功生成html <b>{$cpage}</b> 页! 2秒后自动返回内容生成首页面!\n" . $getnexturl);
         } else {
             front::flash($show_msg . "\n" . $getnexturl);
     } else {
     front::$admin = true;
     front::$post = $post;