Esempio n. 1
 public function action_index()
     //template header
     $this->template->title = __('Contact Us');
     $this->template->meta_description = __('Contact') . ' ' . core::config('general.site_name');
     Breadcrumbs::add(Breadcrumb::factory()->set_title(__('Contact Us')));
     if ($this->request->post()) {
         //captcha check
         if (captcha::check('contact')) {
             //check if user is loged in
             if (Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
                 $email_from = Auth::instance()->get_user()->email;
                 $name_from = Auth::instance()->get_user()->name;
             } else {
                 $email_from = core::post('email');
                 $name_from = core::post('name');
             //akismet spam filter
             if (!core::akismet($name_from, $email_from, core::post('message'))) {
                 $replace = array('[EMAIL.BODY]' => core::post('message'), '[EMAIL.SENDER]' => $name_from, '[EMAIL.FROM]' => $email_from);
                 if (Email::content(core::config('email.notify_email'), core::config('general.site_name'), $email_from, $name_from, 'contact-admin', $replace)) {
                     Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, __('Your message has been sent'));
                 } else {
                     Alert::set(Alert::ERROR, __('Message not sent'));
             } else {
                 Alert::set(Alert::WARNING, __('This email has been considered as spam! We are sorry but we can not send this email.'));
         } else {
             Alert::set(Alert::ERROR, __('Wrong captcha'));
     $this->template->content = View::factory('pages/contact');
Esempio n. 2
 function gorusKaydet()
     captcha::check("index.php?option=com_yeterlilik_taslak&view=gorus_bildir&standartId=" . JRequest::getVar("standartId"));
     $db =& JFactory::getOracleDBO();
     $model = $this->getModel('gorus_kaydet');
     $post = JRequest::get('post');
     $message = $model->gorusKaydet($db, $post);
     $this->setRedirect('index.php', $message);
Esempio n. 3
function ewiki_edit_save_antibot_checkbox(&$save, &$data)
    global $ewiki_errmsg;
    if (!$GLOBALS["ewiki_no_bot"]) {
        include_once "plugins/lib/captcha.php";
        if (!captcha::check()) {
            $save = NULL;
            $ewiki_errmsg = "Access Forbidden. You did not successfully pass the captcha.";
        } else {
            $GLOBALS["ewiki_no_bot"] = 1;
Esempio n. 4
 function display($tpl = null)
     global $mainframe;
     $redirect = "index.php?option=com_belge_sorgula&view=belge_sorgula";
     $model =& $this->getModel();
     $layout = JRequest::getVar("layout");
     $kimlik_no = $_POST["kimlik_no"];
     if (isset($layout) && $layout == "sorgu_sonuc") {
         //Kimlik No
         if (!isset($_POST['kimlik_no']) || empty($_POST['kimlik_no'])) {
             JError::raiseWarning(100, "Lütfen T.C. Kimlik No Giriniz");
         } else {
             $data = $model->getBelgeDataByTcKimlikNo($kimlik_no);
             $this->assignRef('data', $data);
Esempio n. 5
 public function action_userprofile_contact()
     $user = new Model_User($this->request->param('id'));
     //message to user
     if ($user->loaded() and $this->request->post()) {
         if (captcha::check('contact')) {
             //akismet spam filter
             if (!core::akismet(core::post('name'), core::post('email'), core::post('message'))) {
                 $ret = $user->email('', array('[EMAIL.BODY]' => core::post('message'), '[EMAIL.SENDER]' => core::post('name'), '[EMAIL.SUBJECT]' => core::post('subject'), '[EMAIL.FROM]' => core::post('email')), core::post('email'), core::post('name'));
                 //if succesfully sent
                 if ($ret) {
                     Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, __('Your message has been sent'));
                 } else {
                     Alert::set(Alert::ERROR, __('Message not sent'));
             } else {
                 Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, __('This email has been considered as spam! We are sorry but we can not send this email.'));
         } else {
             Alert::set(Alert::ERROR, __('You made some mistake'));
         Request::current()->redirect(Route::url('profile', array('seoname' => $user->seoname)));
$document =& JFactory::getDocument();
$document->addScript(SITE_URL . '/templates/elegance/js/paginate.min.js');
$document->addScript(SITE_URL . '/templates/elegance/js/tablesort.min.js');
<div class="sinavGirisBaslik">Yeterlilik Taslakları</div>
$gorev = isset($_POST['gorev']) ? $_POST['gorev'] : "goster";
$itemId = JRequest::getVar('Itemid');
$itemId = isset($itemId) ? $itemId : JRequest::getVar('prevItemId');
$itemIdStr = isset($itemId) ? '&amp;prevItemId=' . $itemId : '';
$itemIdStrOrj = isset($itemId) ? '&amp;Itemid=' . $itemId : '';
if ($gorev == "goster") {
} else {
    if ($gorev == "hepsi") {
function formGoster($itemIdStr)
    $db =& JFactory::getOracleDBO();
	<form action="?option=com_yeterlilik_taslak_ara<?php 
    echo $itemIdStr;
" method="post">
		<input type="hidden" value="hepsi" name="gorev" />
				<td width="200">Sektöre göre ara</td>
Esempio n. 7
    public function home()
        global $core, $user;
        $tree = $this->valid_tree();
        $v = $this->__(_array_keys(w('is_comment is_form'), 0));
        // Form posting enabled and form submitted
        if ($v['is_form'] && _button()) {
            if (!is_ghost()) {
            if (!$tree['tree_form']) {
            $sql_fields = 'SELECT form_alias, form_required, form_legend, form_regex, 
				FROM _form_fields
				WHERE form_tree = ?
				ORDER BY form_order';
            if (!($form = _rowset(sql_filter($sql_fields, $tree['tree_id']), 'form_alias'))) {
                $form = _rowset(sql_filter($sql_fields, 0), 'form_alias');
            $form['secure'] = array('form_required' => 1, 'form_regex' => '^([a-zA-Z]+)$', 'form_alias' => 'secure', 'form_type' => 'text', 'form_legend' => _lang('XCF_LEGEND'));
            foreach ($form as $row) {
                $v = array_merge($v, $this->__(array($row['form_alias'])));
                if (!f($v[$row['form_alias']])) {
                    if ($row['form_required']) {
                        $this->_error(sprintf(_lang('E_COMMENT_FIELD_EMPTY'), $row['form_legend']), false);
                if (f($row['form_regex']) && !preg_match('#' . $row['form_regex'] . '#is', $v[$row['form_alias']])) {
                    $this->_error(sprintf(_lang('E_COMMENT_FIELD_BAD'), $row['form_legend']), false);
                    if ($row['form_alias'] == 'secure') {
                        $v[$row['form_alias']] = '';
            require_once XFS . 'core/xcf.php';
            $xcf = new captcha();
            if ($xcf->check($v['secure']) === false) {
                $v['secure'] = '';
            require_once XFS . 'core/emailer.php';
            $emailer = new emailer();
            if (f($core->v('default_email'))) {
                $tree['tree_form_email'] .= (f($tree['tree_form_email']) ? ';' : '') . $core->v('default_email');
            $form_addresses = array_map('trim', array_unique(explode(';', $tree['tree_form_email'])));
            foreach ($form_addresses as $i => $address) {
                $row_f = !$i ? 'email_address' : 'cc';
            $content = w();
            foreach ($form as $row) {
                if (!f($v[$row['form_alias']])) {
                $content[] = $row['form_legend'] . ":\n" . $v[$row['form_alias']];
            $emailer->assign_vars(array('CONTENT' => implode("\n\n", $content), 'FORM_ARTICLE' => $tree['tree_subject']));
            $response = array('lang' => _lang('FORM_SUCCESS'));
        // Comment posting enabled and form submitted.
        if ($v['is_comment'] && _button()) {
            if (!$tree['tree_allow_comments']) {
            $cv = $this->__(w('comment_username comment_address comment_website comment_message comment_security'));
            $comment_time = time();
            if (!$user->v('is_member')) {
                foreach ($cv as $cv_k => $cv_v) {
                    if (!f($cv_v)) {
                if (!$this->errors()) {
                    $sql = 'SELECT comment_time
						FROM _comments
						WHERE comment_ip = ?
							AND comment_status = 0';
                    if ($row_flood = _fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $user->ip))) {
                        if ($comment_time - $row_flood['comment_time'] < 30) {
                // CAPTCHA verification
                require_once XFS . 'core/xcf.php';
                $xcf = new captcha();
                if ($xcf->check($cv['comment_security']) === false) {
                    $cv['comment_security'] = '';
            if (!$this->errors()) {
                $approve_comments = !$user->v('is_member') ? $tree['tree_approve_comments'] : 1;
                $sql_insert = array('tree' => (int) $tree['tree_id'], 'uid' => (int) $user->v('user_id'), 'username' => $cv['comment_username'], 'email' => $cv['comment_address'], 'website' => $cv['comment_website'], 'ip' => $user->ip, 'status' => (int) $approve_comments, 'time' => (int) $comment_time, 'message' => $cv['comment_message']);
                $sql = 'INSERT INTO _comments' . _build_array('INSERT', prefix('comment', $sql_insert));
                if ($approve_comments) {
                    $sql = 'UPDATE _tree SET tree_comments = tree_comments + 1
						WHERE tree_id = ?';
                    _sql(sql_filter($sql, $tree['tree_id']));
                // Send new comment email notification for approval.
                if (!$approve_comments) {
                    require_once XFS . 'core/emailer.php';
                    $emailer = new emailer();
                    if (f($tree['tree_form_email'])) {
                        $tree['tree_form_email'] = $core->v('default_comments_email');
                    foreach (explode(';', $tree['tree_form_email']) as $i => $row) {
                        $row_f = !$i ? 'email_address' : 'cc';
                    $input = w();
                    foreach ($cv as $row_k => $row_v) {
                        if (!f($row_v)) {
                        if ($row_k == 'comment_message') {
                            $row_v = str_replace("\r\n", '<br />', $row_v);
                        $input[] = '&lt; ' . $row_v;
                    $emailer->assign_vars(array('U_APPROVAL' => _link(_rewrite($tree), array('x1' => 'comments')), 'INPUT_FIELDS' => implode('<br /><br />', $input), 'FROM_USERNAME' => $cv['comment_username']));
            if ($this->errors()) {
                if (is_ghost()) {
                _style('comments_error', array('MESSAGE' => $this->get_errors()));
        if (f($tree['tree_redirect'])) {
            if (preg_match('#^[a-z0-9\\-\\_]+$#is', $tree['tree_redirect'])) {
                $tree['tree_redirect'] = _link($tree['tree_redirect']);
        if ($tree['tree_parent']) {
            $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _tree
				WHERE tree_id = ?';
            $parent = _fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $tree['tree_parent']));
            if ($tree['tree_level'] > 2) {
                $sql = 'SELECT *
					FROM _tree
					WHERE tree_id = ?';
                $subparent = _fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $parent['tree_parent']));
        if ($tree['tree_node']) {
            $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _tree
				WHERE tree_id = ?';
            $node = _fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $tree['tree_node']));
        if (@method_exists($this, 'cf_' . _rewrite($tree))) {
            $this->{'cf_' . _rewrite($tree)}($tree);
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _tree
			WHERE tree_parent = ?
				AND tree_child_hide = 0
			ORDER BY ??';
        $childs = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $tree['tree_id'], $this->child_order($tree)));
        foreach ($childs as $i => $row) {
            if (!$i) {
                $sql = 'SELECT image_id, image_tree, image_extension
					FROM _images
					WHERE image_tree IN (??)
					ORDER BY RAND()';
                $images_child = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, _implode(',', array_keys($childs))), 'tree_id');
                _style('tree_child1', array('ORDER_URL' => _link($tree['tree_id'], array('order', 0, 0, 0, 0))));
            _style('tree_child.row', array('ITEM' => $row['tree_id'], 'URL' => _link(_rewrite($row)), 'SUBJECT' => $row['tree_subject'], 'CONTENT' => $row['tree_content'], 'EDITED' => _format_date($row['tree_edited']), 'IMAGE' => isset($images_child[$row['tree_id']]) ? $images_child[$row['tree_id']]['image_id'] . '.' . $images_child[$row['tree_id']]['image_extension'] : 'default.gif'));
        // Comments
        if ($tree['tree_allow_comments'] && $tree['tree_comments']) {
            $sql = 'SELECT c.comment_id, c.comment_username, c.comment_website, c.comment_time, c.comment_message, m.user_username
				FROM _comments c, _members m
				WHERE c.comment_tree = ?
					AND c.comment_status = 1
					AND c.comment_uid = m.user_id
				ORDER BY c.comment_time DESC';
            $comments = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $tree['tree_id']));
            foreach ($comments as $i => $row) {
                if (!$i) {
                _style('comments.row', array('ID' => $row['comment_id'], 'SUSERNAME' => $row['user_username'], 'USERNAME' => $row['comment_username'], 'WEBSITE' => $row['comment_website'], 'TIME' => _format_date($row['comment_time']), 'MESSAGE' => str_replace("\n", '<br />', $row['comment_message'])));
        if ($this->css_parent($tree)) {
            $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _tree
				WHERE tree_parent = ?
					AND tree_child_hide = 0
				ORDER BY ??';
            $childs_parent = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $this->css_var($tree), $this->child_order($tree)));
            foreach ($childs_parent as $i => $row) {
                if (!$i) {
                    $sql = 'SELECT image_id, image_tree, image_extension
						FROM _images
						WHERE image_tree IN (??)
						ORDER BY RAND()';
                    $images_child_parent = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, _implode(',', array_keys($childs_parent))), 'tree_id');
                    _style('tree_child', array('ORDER_URL' => _link($tree['tree_id'], array('order', 0, 0, 0, 0))));
                _style('tree_child_parent.row', array('ITEM' => $row['tree_id'], 'URL' => _link(_rewrite($row)), 'TITLE' => $row['tree_subject'], 'IMAGE' => isset($images_child_parent[$row['tree_id']]) ? $images_child_parent[$row['tree_id']]['image_id'] . '.' . $images_child_parent[$row['tree_id']]['image_extension'] : 'default.gif'));
        if ($tree['tree_downloads']) {
            $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _downloads
				WHERE download_tree = ?
				ORDER BY download_order';
            $downloads = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $tree['tree_id']));
            foreach ($downloads as $i => $row) {
                if (!$i) {
                    _style('downloads', array('ORDER_URL' => _link($tree['tree_id'], array('orderd', 0, 0, 0, 0))));
                _style('downloads.row', array('ITEM' => $row['download_id'], 'DOWNLOAD' => _link('get', $row['download_alias'] . '.' . $row['download_extension']), 'TITLE' => $row['download_title']));
        if ($tree['tree_form']) {
            $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _form_fields
				WHERE form_tree = ?
				ORDER BY form_order';
            $form = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $tree['tree_id']), 'form_alias');
            if (!count($form)) {
                $sql = 'SELECT *
					FROM _form_fields
					WHERE form_tree = 0
					ORDER BY form_order';
                $form = _rowset($sql, 'form_alias');
            $form['secure'] = array('form_required' => 1, 'form_regex' => '^([a-zA-Z]+)$', 'form_alias' => 'secure', 'form_type' => 'text', 'form_legend' => 'Imagen de seguridad');
            _style('form', array('URL' => _link(_rewrite($tree))));
            foreach ($form as $row) {
                _style('form.row', array('ALIAS' => $row['form_alias'], 'REQUIRED' => $row['form_required'], 'LEGEND' => _lang($row['form_legend']), 'TYPE' => $row['form_type'], 'PAGE' => $tree['tree_alias']));
                foreach ($row as $row_k => $row_v) {
                    if (preg_match('#^form_(alias|type)$#is', $row_k)) {
                        if ($row_k == 'form_alias') {
                            $row_k = 'name';
                        _style('form.row.attrib', array('ATTRIB' => str_replace('form_', '', $row_k), 'VALUE' => $row_v));
        $s_css_page = '';
        if (@file_exists('./style/css/_tree_' . _rewrite($tree) . '.css')) {
            $s_css_page = _rewrite($tree) . '/';
        } elseif ($this->css_parent($tree)) {
            if (!f($tree['tree_css_var'])) {
                $tree['tree_css_var'] = 'parent';
            $ary_css_var = false;
            switch ($tree['tree_css_var']) {
                case 'parent':
                case 'subparent':
                case 'node':
                    $ary_css_var = ${$tree['tree_css_var']};
                    if (is_numb($tree['tree_css_var'])) {
                        $sql = 'SELECT *
							FROM _tree
							WHERE tree_id = ?';
                        if ($css_var_row = _fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $tree['tree_css_var']))) {
                            $ary_css_var = $css_var_row;
            if ($ary_css_var !== false) {
                $s_css_page = _rewrite($ary_css_var) . '/';
        v_style(array('S_IMAGES' => $core->v('address') . 'container/images/a_' . ($this->css_parent($tree) ? $this->css_var($tree) : $tree['tree_id']) . '/', 'V_TREE' => $tree['tree_id'], 'V_CSS' => $s_css_page, 'V_SUBJECT' => $tree['tree_subject'], 'V_CONTENT' => _message($tree['tree_content']), 'V_COMMENTS' => $tree['tree_comments'], 'V_ALLOW_COMMENTS' => $tree['tree_allow_comments'], 'V_ALLOW_FORM' => $tree['tree_form'], 'U_COMMENTS' => _link(_rewrite($tree)), 'U_XCF' => _link(_rewrite($tree) . '-xs.jpg', false, false)));
        $tree['tree_subject'] = strip_tags($tree['tree_subject']);
        if ($tree['tree_alias'] != 'home') {
            if ($node['tree_id'] != $parent['tree_id']) {
                $this->navigation($node['tree_subject'], _rewrite($node));
            if ($tree['tree_level'] > 2) {
                if ($parent['tree_id'] && $node['tree_id'] && $tree['tree_level'] > 3) {
                $this->navigation($subparent['tree_subject'], _rewrite($subparent));
            if ($parent['tree_id']) {
                $this->navigation($parent['tree_subject'], _rewrite($parent));
            $this->navigation($tree['tree_subject'], _rewrite($tree));
        if ($user->v('is_member')) {
            $tree['tree_cp'] = 1;
            $i = 0;
            $auth_tree = array('create', 'modify', 'remove');
            foreach ($auth_tree as $row) {
                if (_auth_get('cp_' . $row)) {
                    if (!$i) {
                    _style('auth.row', array('U_AUTH' => _link('cp', array($row, _rewrite($tree))), 'V_NAME' => _lang('CP_AUTH_' . $row)));
        if (f($tree['tree_template']) && @file_exists('./style/custom/' . $tree['tree_template'] . '.htm')) {
            $this->_template('custom/' . $tree['tree_template']);
        // TODO: 304 header response
        header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $tree['tree_edited']) . ' GMT');
Esempio n. 8
  * Display reviews advert. 
  * @throws HTTP_Exception_404
 public function action_reviews()
     $seotitle = $this->request->param('seotitle', NULL);
     if ($seotitle !== NULL and Core::config('') == 1) {
         $ad = new Model_Ad();
         $ad->where('seotitle', '=', $seotitle)->where('status', '!=', Model_Ad::STATUS_SPAM)->limit(1)->cached()->find();
         if ($ad->loaded()) {
             $errors = NULL;
             //adding a new review
             if ($this->request->post() and Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
                 $user = Auth::instance()->get_user();
                 //only able to review if bought the product
                 if (Core::config('advertisement.reviews_paid') == 1) {
                     $order = new Model_Order();
                     $order->where('id_ad', '=', $ad->id_ad)->where('id_user', '=', $user->id_user)->where('id_product', '=', Model_Order::PRODUCT_AD_SELL)->where('status', '=', Model_Order::STATUS_PAID)->find();
                     if (!$order->loaded()) {
                         Alert::set(Alert::ERROR, __('You can only add a review if you bought this product'));
                         $this->redirect(Route::url('ad-review', array('seotitle' => $ad->seotitle)));
                 //not allowing to review to yourself
                 if ($user->id_user == $ad->id_user) {
                     Alert::set(Alert::ERROR, __('You can not review yourself.'));
                     $this->redirect(Route::url('ad-review', array('seotitle' => $ad->seotitle)));
                 $review = new Model_Review();
                 $review->where('id_ad', '=', $ad->id_ad)->where_open()->or_where('id_user', '=', $user->id_user)->or_where('ip_address', '=', ip2long(Request::$client_ip))->where_close()->find();
                 if (!$review->loaded()) {
                     if (captcha::check('review')) {
                         $validation = Validation::factory($this->request->post())->rule('rate', 'numeric')->rule('description', 'not_empty')->rule('description', 'min_length', array(':value', 5))->rule('description', 'max_length', array(':value', 1000));
                         if ($validation->check()) {
                             $rate = core::post('rate');
                             if ($rate > Model_Review::RATE_MAX) {
                                 $rate = Model_Review::RATE_MAX;
                             } elseif ($rate < 0) {
                                 $rate = 0;
                             $review = new Model_Review();
                             $review->id_user = $user->id_user;
                             $review->id_ad = $ad->id_ad;
                             $review->description = core::post('description');
                             $review->status = Model_Review::STATUS_ACTIVE;
                             $review->ip_address = ip2long(Request::$client_ip);
                             $review->rate = $rate;
                             //email product owner?? notify him of new review
                             $ad->user->email('ad-review', array('[AD.TITLE]' => $ad->title, '[RATE]' => $review->rate, '[DESCRIPTION]' => $review->description, '[URL.QL]' => $ad->user->ql('ad-review', array('seotitle' => $ad->seotitle))));
                             Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, __('Thanks for your review!'));
                         } else {
                             $errors = $validation->errors('ad');
                             foreach ($errors as $f => $err) {
                                 Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $err);
                     } else {
                         Alert::set(Alert::ERROR, __('Wrong Captcha'));
                 } else {
                     Alert::set(Alert::ERROR, __('You already added a review'));
             $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = 'js/jquery.raty.min.js';
             $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = 'js/review.js';
             Breadcrumbs::add(Breadcrumb::factory()->set_title($ad->title)->set_url(Route::url('ad', array('seotitle' => $ad->seotitle, 'category' => $ad->category->seoname))));
             $this->template->title = $ad->title . ' - ' . __('Reviews');
             $this->template->meta_description = text::removebbcode($ad->description);
             $permission = TRUE;
             //permission to add hit to advert and give access rights.
             $auth_user = Auth::instance();
             if (!$auth_user->logged_in() or $auth_user->get_user()->id_user != $ad->id_user and ($auth_user->get_user()->id_role != Model_Role::ROLE_ADMIN and $auth_user->get_user()->id_role != Model_Role::ROLE_MODERATOR) or $auth_user->get_user()->id_role != Model_Role::ROLE_ADMIN and $auth_user->get_user()->id_role != Model_Role::ROLE_MODERATOR) {
                 $permission = FALSE;
                 $user = NULL;
             } else {
                 $user = $auth_user->get_user()->id_user;
             $captcha_show = core::config('advertisement.captcha');
             if ($ad->get_first_image() !== NULL) {
                 Controller::$image = $ad->get_first_image();
             $reviews = new Model_Review();
             $reviews = $reviews->where('id_ad', '=', $ad->id_ad)->where('status', '=', Model_Review::STATUS_ACTIVE)->find_all();
             $this->template->bind('content', $content);
             $this->template->content = View::factory('pages/ad/reviews', array('ad' => $ad, 'permission' => $permission, 'captcha_show' => $captcha_show, 'user' => $user, 'reviews' => $reviews, 'errors' => $errors));
         } else {
             //throw 404
             throw HTTP_Exception::factory(404, __('Page not found'));
     } else {
         //throw 404
         throw HTTP_Exception::factory(404, __('Page not found'));
Esempio n. 9
  * Simple register for user
 public function action_register()
     //validates captcha
     if (Core::post('ajaxValidateCaptcha')) {
         $this->auto_render = FALSE;
         $this->template = View::factory('js');
         if (captcha::check('register', TRUE)) {
             $this->template->content = 'true';
         } else {
             $this->template->content = 'false';
     $this->template->meta_description = __('Create a new profile at') . ' ' . core::config('general.site_name');
     $this->template->content = View::factory('pages/auth/register');
     $this->template->content->msg = '';
     //if user loged in redirect home
     if (Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
     } elseif ($this->request->post()) {
         if (captcha::check('register')) {
             $validation = Validation::factory($this->request->post())->rule('name', 'not_empty')->rule('email', 'not_empty')->rule('email', 'email')->rule('email', 'email_domain')->rule('password1', 'not_empty')->rule('password2', 'not_empty')->rule('password1', 'matches', array(':validation', 'password1', 'password2'));
             if (core::post('cf_vatnumber') and core::post('cf_vatcountry')) {
                 if (!euvat::verify_vies(core::post('cf_vatnumber'), core::post('cf_vatcountry'))) {
                     Alert::set(Alert::ERROR, __('Invalid EU Vat Number, please verify number and country match'));
                     $this->redirect(Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'auth', 'action' => 'register')));
             if ($validation->check()) {
                 //posting data so try to remember password
                 if (CSRF::valid('register')) {
                     $email = core::post('email');
                     //check we have this email in the DB
                     $user = new Model_User();
                     $user = $user->where('email', '=', $email)->limit(1)->find();
                     if ($user->loaded()) {
                         Form::set_errors(array(__('User already exists')));
                     } else {
                         //creating the user
                         $user = Model_User::create_email($email, core::post('name'), core::post('password1'));
                         //add custom fields
                         $save_cf = FALSE;
                         foreach ($this->request->post() as $custom_field => $value) {
                             if (strpos($custom_field, 'cf_') !== FALSE) {
                                 $user->{$custom_field} = $value;
                                 $save_cf = TRUE;
                         //saves the user only if there was CF
                         if ($save_cf === TRUE) {
                         //login the user
                         Auth::instance()->login(core::post('email'), core::post('password1'));
                         Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, __('Welcome!'));
                         //login the user
                         $this->redirect(Core::post('auth_redirect', Route::url('oc-panel')));
             } else {
                 $errors = $validation->errors('auth');
                 foreach ($errors as $error) {
                     Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $error);
         } else {
             Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, __('Captcha is not correct'));
     //template header
     $this->template->title = __('Register new user');
Esempio n. 10
 function check($form)
     global $_out;
     $xml = new xml($form);
     $res = $xml->query('.//field[@check]', $form);
     $arrEmptyOrFlags = array();
     foreach ($res as $field) {
         $val = param($field->getAttribute('name'));
         if (preg_match('/empty-or-([^\\s"]+)/', $field->getAttribute('check'), $m) && ($field2 = $xml->query('.//field[@name="' . $m[1] . '"]', $form)->item(0))) {
             if (!in_array($m[1], $arrEmptyOrFlags)) {
                 $arrEmptyOrFlags[] = $field->getAttribute('name');
                 if ($this->validateFieldValue($form, $field, $val) && $this->validateFieldValue($form, $field2, param($m[1]))) {
                     $this->err('Field "' . $field->getAttribute('label') . '" or "' . $field2->getAttribute('label') . '" required');
         if ($err = $this->validateFieldValue($form, $field, $val)) {
     if ($this->hasCaptcha($form)) {
         $captcha = new captcha();
         if (!$captcha->check()) {
             $this->err('The result of the expression in the image incorrectly');
     return $this->hasErrors();
Esempio n. 11
 function addcom()
     global $db, $apx, $user;
     $_POST['mid'] = (int) $_POST['mid'];
     if (!$_POST['mid']) {
         die('missing mID!');
     //if ( !$apx->is_module($_POST['module']) ) die('invalid MODULE!');
     $apx->lang->drop('add', 'comments');
     list($spam) = $db->first("SELECT time FROM " . PRE . "_comments WHERE ( module='" . addslashes($_POST['module']) . "' AND ip='" . get_remoteaddr() . "' AND mid='" . $_POST['mid'] . "' ) ORDER BY time DESC");
     //Captcha prüfen
     if ($this->set['captcha'] && !$user->info['userid']) {
         require BASEDIR . 'lib/class.captcha.php';
         $captcha = new captcha();
         $captchafailed = $captcha->check();
     if ($user->info['userid']) {
         if ($captchafailed) {
             message($apx->lang->get('MSG_COM_WRONGCODE'), 'javascript:history.back()');
         } elseif ($this->ip_is_blocked()) {
             message($apx->lang->get('MSG_COM_BLOCKIP'), 'back');
         } elseif (!$_POST['text'] || $this->set['req_title'] && !$_POST['title']) {
         } elseif ($this->text_is_blocked()) {
             message($apx->lang->get('MSG_COM_BLOCKTEXT'), 'back');
         } elseif ($this->set['maxlen'] && strlen($_POST['text']) > $this->set['maxlen']) {
             message($apx->lang->get('MSG_COM_TOOLONG'), 'back');
         } elseif ($spam + $this->set['spamprot'] * 60 > time()) {
             message($apx->lang->get('MSG_COM_BLOCKSPAM', array('SEC' => $spam + $this->set['spamprot'] * 60 - time())), 'back');
         } else {
             if ($this->set['mod'] && !$user->is_team_member()) {
                 $_POST['active'] = 0;
             } else {
                 $_POST['active'] = 1;
             $_POST['userid'] = $user->info['userid'];
             $_POST['username'] = $user->info['username'];
             $_POST['time'] = time();
             $_POST['ip'] = get_remoteaddr();
             $db->dinsert(PRE . '_comments', 'module,mid,userid,username,title,text,time,notify,ip,active');
             $comid = $db->insert_id();
             //eMail-Benachrichtigung (Admin)
             if ($this->set['mailonnew']) {
                 $text = strip_tags(dbcodes($_POST['text']));
                 $input = array('URL' => HTTP, 'GOTO' => HTTP_HOST . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'TEXT' => $text);
                 sendmail($this->set['mailonnew'], 'SENDCOM', $input);
             //eMail-Benachrichtigung (User)
             if ($_POST['active']) {
                 $data = $db->fetch("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT IF(c.userid,, AS email\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . PRE . "_comments AS c\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . PRE . "_user AS u USING(userid)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE c.module='" . addslashes($_POST['module']) . "' AND c.mid='" . addslashes($_POST['mid']) . "' AND c.notify=1 AND!='" . $comid . "' AND c.userid!=" . $user->info['userid'] . "\n\t\t\t\t\t");
                 if (count($data)) {
                     foreach ($data as $res) {
                         $input = array('URL' => HTTP, 'GOTO' => HTTP_HOST . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
                         sendmail($res['email'], 'NOTIFYCOM', $input);
                 //Notify zurücksetzen
                 $db->query("UPDATE " . PRE . "_comments SET notify=0 WHERE module='" . addslashes($_POST['module']) . "' AND mid='" . addslashes($_POST['mid']) . "' AND id!='" . $comid . "'");
             //Captcha löschen
             if ($this->set['captcha'] && !$user->info['userid']) {
             message($apx->lang->get('MSG_COM_OK'), str_replace('&', '&amp;', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
     } elseif ($this->set['pub']) {
         if (!checkmail($_POST['email'])) {
             if ($this->set['req_email']) {
                 $emailnotvalid = true;
             } else {
                 $_POST['email'] = '';
         if ($captchafailed) {
             message($apx->lang->get('MSG_COM_WRONGCODE'), 'javascript:history.back()');
         } elseif ($this->ip_is_blocked()) {
             message($apx->lang->get('MSG_COM_BLOCKIP'), 'back');
         } elseif (!$_POST['username'] || !$_POST['text'] || $this->set['req_email'] && !$_POST['email'] || $this->set['req_homepage'] && !$_POST['homepage'] || $this->set['req_title'] && !$_POST['title']) {
         } elseif ($_POST['notify'] && !$_POST['email']) {
             message($apx->lang->get('MSG_COM_MAILNEEDED'), 'back');
         } elseif ($this->text_is_blocked()) {
             message($apx->lang->get('MSG_COM_BLOCKTEXT'), 'back');
         } elseif ($this->set['entrymaxlen'] && strlen($_POST['text']) > $this->set['entrymaxlen']) {
             message($apx->lang->get('MSG_COM_TOOLONG'), 'back');
         } elseif ($emailnotvalid) {
             message($apx->lang->get('MSG_COM_EMAILNOTVALID'), 'back');
         } elseif ($spam + $this->set['spamprot'] * 60 > time()) {
             message($apx->lang->get('MSG_COM_BLOCKSPAM', array('SEC' => $spam + $this->set['spamprot'] * 60 - time())), 'back');
         } else {
             if (substr($_POST['homepage'], 0, 4) == 'www.') {
                 $_POST['homepage'] = 'http://' . $_POST['homepage'];
             if ($this->set['mod']) {
                 $_POST['active'] = 0;
             } else {
                 $_POST['active'] = 1;
             $_POST['time'] = time();
             $_POST['ip'] = get_remoteaddr();
             $db->dinsert(PRE . '_comments', 'module,mid,userid,username,email,homepage,title,text,time,notify,ip,active');
             //eMail-Benachrichtigung (Admin)
             if ($this->set['mailonnew']) {
                 $text = strip_tags(dbcodes($_POST['text']));
                 $input = array('URL' => HTTP, 'GOTO' => HTTP_HOST . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'TEXT' => $text);
                 sendmail($this->set['mailonnew'], 'SENDCOM', $input);
             //eMail-Benachrichtigung (User)
             if ($_POST['active']) {
                 $data = $db->fetch("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT IF(c.userid,, AS email\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . PRE . "_comments AS c\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . PRE . "_user AS u USING(userid)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE c.module='" . addslashes($_POST['module']) . "' AND c.mid='" . addslashes($_POST['mid']) . "' AND c.notify=1 AND!='" . $comid . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t");
                 if (count($data)) {
                     foreach ($data as $res) {
                         $input = array('URL' => HTTP, 'GOTO' => HTTP_HOST . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
                         sendmail($res['email'], 'NOTIFYCOM', $input);
                 //Notify zurücksetzen
                 $db->query("UPDATE " . PRE . "_comments SET notify=0 WHERE module='" . addslashes($_POST['module']) . "' AND mid='" . addslashes($_POST['mid']) . "' AND id!='" . $comid . "'");
             //Captcha löschen
             if ($this->set['captcha'] && !$user->info['userid']) {
             message($apx->lang->get('MSG_COM_OK'), str_replace('&', '&amp;', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
$document =& JFactory::getDocument();
$document->addScript(SITE_URL . '/templates/elegance/js/paginate.min.js');
$document->addScript(SITE_URL . '/templates/elegance/js/tablesort.min.js');
$gorev = JRequest::getVar('gorev');
$itemId = JRequest::getVar('Itemid');
$itemId = isset($itemId) ? $itemId : JRequest::getVar('prevItemId');
$itemIdStr = isset($itemId) ? '&amp;prevItemId=' . $itemId : '';
$itemIdStrOrj = isset($itemId) ? '&amp;Itemid=' . $itemId : '';
<div class="sinavGirisBaslik">Yetkilendirilmiş Kuruluşlar</div>
if ($gorev == "goster" || $gorev == '') {
} else {
    if ($gorev == "hepsi") {
    } else {
        if ($gorev == "tumu") {
        } else {
            if ($gorev == "ayrinti") {
function formGoster($itemIdStr)
    $db =& JFactory::getOracleDBO();
Esempio n. 13
  * Simple register for user
 public function action_register()
     //validates captcha
     if (Core::post('ajaxValidateCaptcha')) {
         $this->auto_render = FALSE;
         $this->template = View::factory('js');
         if (captcha::check('register', TRUE)) {
             $this->template->content = 'true';
         } else {
             $this->template->content = 'false';
     $this->template->content = View::factory('pages/auth/register');
     $this->template->content->msg = '';
     //if user loged in redirect home
     if (Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
     } elseif ($this->request->post()) {
         if (captcha::check('register')) {
             $validation = Validation::factory($this->request->post())->rule('name', 'not_empty')->rule('email', 'not_empty')->rule('email', 'email')->rule('password1', 'not_empty')->rule('password2', 'not_empty')->rule('password1', 'matches', array(':validation', 'password1', 'password2'));
             if ($validation->check()) {
                 //posting data so try to remember password
                 if (CSRF::valid('register')) {
                     $email = core::post('email');
                     //check we have this email in the DB
                     $user = new Model_User();
                     $user = $user->where('email', '=', $email)->limit(1)->find();
                     if ($user->loaded()) {
                         Form::set_errors(array(__('User already exists')));
                     } else {
                         //creating the user
                         $user = Model_User::create_email($email, core::post('name'), core::post('password1'));
                         //login the user
                         Auth::instance()->login(core::post('email'), core::post('password1'));
                         Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, __('Welcome!'));
                         //login the user
                         $this->redirect(Core::post('auth_redirect', Route::url('oc-panel')));
             } else {
                 $errors = $validation->errors('auth');
                 foreach ($errors as $error) {
                     Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $error);
         } else {
             Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, __('Captcha is not correct'));
     //template header
     $this->template->title = __('Register new user');
     $this->template->meta_description = __('Create a new profile at') . ' ' . Core::config('general.site_name');
Esempio n. 14
<div class="sinavGirisBaslik"><?php 
echo $baslik;
$gorev = isset($_POST['gorev']) ? $_POST['gorev'] : "goster";
$itemId = JRequest::getVar('Itemid');
$itemId = isset($itemId) ? $itemId : JRequest::getVar('prevItemId');
$itemIdStr = isset($itemId) ? '&amp;prevItemId=' . $itemId : '';
$itemIdStrOrj = isset($itemId) ? '&amp;Itemid=' . $itemId : '';
if ($gorev == "goster") {
    formGoster($itemIdStr, $protokolStr, $gorusStr);
} else {
    if ($gorev == "hepsi") {
        hepsiIleListele($itemIdStrOrj, $isProtokol, $protokolStr, $isGorus, $gorusStr);
function formGoster($itemIdStr, $protokolStr, $gorusStr)
    $db =& JFactory::getOracleDBO();
    echo $protokolStr;
    echo $gorusStr;
    echo $itemIdStr;
	method="post"><input type="hidden" value="hepsi" name="gorev" />
Esempio n. 15
<div class="sinavGirisBaslik"><?php 
echo $baslik;
$gorev = isset($_POST['gorev']) ? $_POST['gorev'] : "goster";
$itemId = JRequest::getVar('Itemid');
$itemId = isset($itemId) ? $itemId : JRequest::getVar('prevItemId');
$itemIdStr = isset($itemId) ? '&amp;prevItemId=' . $itemId : '';
$itemIdStrOrj = isset($itemId) ? '&amp;Itemid=' . $itemId : '';
if ($gorev == "goster") {
    formGoster($itemIdStr, $protokolStr, $gorusStr);
} else {
    if ($gorev == "hepsi") {
        hepsiIleListele($itemIdStrOrj, $isProtokol, $protokolStr, $isGorus, $gorusStr);
function formGoster($itemIdStr, $protokolStr, $gorusStr)
    $db =& JFactory::getOracleDBO();
	<form action="index.php?option=com_yeterlilik_taslak_ara<?php 
    echo $protokolStr;
    echo $gorusStr;
    echo $itemIdStr;
" method="post">
		<input type="hidden" value="hepsi" name="gorev" />
Esempio n. 16
 public function action_userprofile_contact()
     $user_to = new Model_User($this->request->param('id'));
     //message to user
     if ($user_to->loaded() and $this->request->post()) {
         if (captcha::check('contact')) {
             //check if user is loged in
             if (Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
                 $email_from = Auth::instance()->get_user()->email;
                 $name_from = Auth::instance()->get_user()->name;
             } else {
                 $email_from = core::post('email');
                 $name_from = core::post('name');
             //require login to contact
             if (core::config('general.messaging') == TRUE and !Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
                 Alert::set(Alert::INFO, __('Please, login before contacting'));
             //akismet spam filter
             if (!core::akismet($name_from, $email_from, core::post('message'))) {
                 if (core::config('general.messaging')) {
                     $ret = Model_Message::send_user(core::post('message'), $this->user, $user_to);
                 } else {
                     $ret = $user_to->email('user-profile-contact', array('[EMAIL.BODY]' => core::post('message'), '[EMAIL.SENDER]' => $name_from, '[EMAIL.SUBJECT]' => core::post('subject'), '[EMAIL.FROM]' => $email_from), $email_from, $name_from);
                 //if succesfully sent
                 if ($ret) {
                     Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, __('Your message has been sent'));
                 } else {
                     Alert::set(Alert::ERROR, __('Message not sent'));
             } else {
                 Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, __('This email has been considered as spam! We are sorry but we can not send this email.'));
         } else {
             Alert::set(Alert::ERROR, __('Captcha is not correct'));
         HTTP::redirect(Route::url('profile', array('seoname' => $user_to->seoname)));
Esempio n. 17
 function login()
     // Check for request forgeries
     JRequest::checkToken('request') or jexit('Invalid Token');
     global $mainframe;
     if ($return = JRequest::getVar('return', '', 'method', 'base64')) {
         $return = base64_decode($return);
         if (!JURI::isInternal($return)) {
             $return = '';
     $options = array();
     $options['remember'] = JRequest::getBool('remember', false);
     $options['return'] = $return;
     $credentials = array();
     $credentials['username'] = JRequest::getVar('username', '', 'method', 'username');
     $credentials['password'] = JRequest::getString('passwd', '', 'post', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);
     //preform the login action
     $error = $mainframe->login($credentials, $options);
     if (!JError::isError($error)) {
         // Redirect if the return url is not registration or login
         if (!$return) {
             $return = 'index.php?option=com_user';
         } else {
             $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
             $user =& JFactory::getUser();
             $tgUserId = $user->getOracleUserId();
             $active = $user->getActive();
             if ($tgUserId != null) {
                 // Kurum kaydi yapmissa
                 $dbOrc =& JFactory::getOracleDBO();
                 if ($active == null or $active == 0) {
                     //Sadece 1 kere girmeli
                     if ($this->getPersonelDurum($dbOrc, $tgUserId)) {
                         $this->activateUser($db, $user->id);
                         $tips = $this->getBasvuruTip($dbOrc, $tgUserId);
                         for ($i = 0; $i < count($tips); $i++) {
                             switch ($tips[$i]) {
                                 case 1:
                                     //Meslek Standardi
                                     $role = T1_ROLE_ID;
                                     $group = T1_GROUP_ID;
                                     $function = T1_FUNCTION_ID;
                                 case 2:
                                     $role = T2_ROLE_ID;
                                     $group = T2_GROUP_ID;
                                     $function = T2_FUNCTION_ID;
                                 case 3:
                                     //Sinav ve Belgelendirme
                                     $role = T3_ROLE_ID;
                                     $group = T3_GROUP_ID;
                                     $function = T3_FUNCTION_ID;
                                 case 4:
                                     $role = T4_ROLE_ID;
                                     $group = T4_GROUP_ID;
                                     $function = T4_FUNCTION_ID;
                             if ($i == 0) {
                                 //ilk seferde update et
                                 $this->updateAclGroup($db, $user, $group, $role, $function);
                             } else {
                                 //digerlerini insert et
                                 $this->insertAclGroup($db, $user, $group, $role, $function);
                         //End for
                     } else {
                         if ($active == null) {
                             //Daha Kurulus basvuru onay almamis
                 } else {
                     if ($active == 1) {
                         //Kurulus Basvurusu Onaylanmis
                         $kurulus_durum = $this->getKurulusDurum($dbOrc, $tgUserId);
                         if ($kurulus_durum != 1) {
                             //En az bir basvurusu onaylanmis
                             switch ($kurulus_durum) {
                                 case 2:
                                     //Yetkilendirilmis Meslek Standardi Kurulusu
                                     //$role		= YT1_ROLE_ID;
                                     //$group 		= YT1_GROUP_ID;
                                     //$function 	= YT1_FUNCTION_ID;
                                     $roleArr = array(YT1_ROLE_ID);
                                     $groupArr = array(YT1_GROUP_ID);
                                     $functionArr = array(YT1_FUNCTION_ID);
                                     //YET ve SvB sil
                                     //$this->deleteAclGroup ($db, $user, YT2_GROUP_ID);
                                     //$this->deleteAclGroup ($db, $user, YT3_GROUP_ID);
                                     //Gruba Uye Degilse Ekle
                                     //if (!FormFactory::checkAclGroupId ($user->id, $group))
                                     //	$this->insertAclGroup ($db, $user, $group, $role, $function);
                                 case 3:
                                     //Yetkilendirilmis Yeterlilik Kurulusu
                                     //$role		= YT2_ROLE_ID;
                                     //$group 		= YT2_GROUP_ID;
                                     //$function 	= YT2_FUNCTION_ID;
                                     $roleArr = array(YT2_ROLE_ID);
                                     $groupArr = array(YT2_GROUP_ID);
                                     $functionArr = array(YT2_FUNCTION_ID);
                                     //MSTD ve SvB sil
                                     //$this->deleteAclGroup ($db, $user, YT1_GROUP_ID);
                                     //$this->deleteAclGroup ($db, $user, YT3_GROUP_ID);
                                     //Gruba Uye Degilse Ekle
                                     //if (!FormFactory::checkAclGroupId ($user->id, $group))
                                     //	$this->insertAclGroup ($db, $user, $group, $role, $function);
                                 case 4:
                                     //Yetkilendirilmis Belgelendirme Kurulusu
                                     //$role		= YT3_ROLE_ID;
                                     //$group 		= YT3_GROUP_ID;
                                     //$function 	= YT3_FUNCTION_ID;
                                     $roleArr = array(YT3_ROLE_ID);
                                     $groupArr = array(YT3_GROUP_ID);
                                     $functionArr = array(YT3_FUNCTION_ID);
                                     //MSTD ve YET sil
                                     //$this->deleteAclGroup ($db, $user, YT1_GROUP_ID);
                                     //$this->deleteAclGroup ($db, $user, YT2_GROUP_ID);
                                     //Gruba Uye Degilse Ekle
                                     //if (!FormFactory::checkAclGroupId ($user->id, $group))
                                     //	$this->insertAclGroup ($db, $user, $group, $role, $function);
                                 case 5:
                                     $roleArr = array(YT4_ROLE_ID);
                                     $groupArr = array(YT4_GROUP_ID);
                                     $functionArr = array(YT4_FUNCTION_ID);
                                 case 6:
                                     //MSTD ve YET
                                     $roleArr = array(YT1_ROLE_ID, YT2_ROLE_ID);
                                     $groupArr = array(YT1_GROUP_ID, YT2_GROUP_ID);
                                     $functionArr = array(YT1_FUNCTION_ID, YT2_FUNCTION_ID);
                                     //SvB sil
                                     //$this->deleteAclGroup ($db, $user, YT3_GROUP_ID);
                                 case 7:
                                     //MSTD ve SvB
                                     $roleArr = array(YT1_ROLE_ID, YT3_ROLE_ID);
                                     $groupArr = array(YT1_GROUP_ID, YT3_GROUP_ID);
                                     $functionArr = array(YT1_FUNCTION_ID, YT3_FUNCTION_ID);
                                     //YET sil
                                     //$this->deleteAclGroup ($db, $user, YT2_GROUP_ID);
                                 case 8:
                                     //MSTD ve AKR
                                     $roleArr = array(YT1_ROLE_ID, YT4_ROLE_ID);
                                     $groupArr = array(YT1_GROUP_ID, YT4_GROUP_ID);
                                     $functionArr = array(YT1_FUNCTION_ID, YT4_FUNCTION_ID);
                                 case 9:
                                     //YET ve SvB
                                     $roleArr = array(YT2_ROLE_ID, YT3_ROLE_ID);
                                     $groupArr = array(YT2_GROUP_ID, YT3_GROUP_ID);
                                     $functionArr = array(YT2_FUNCTION_ID, YT3_FUNCTION_ID);
                                     //MSTD sil
                                     //$this->deleteAclGroup ($db, $user, YT1_GROUP_ID);
                                 case 10:
                                     //YET ve AKR
                                     $roleArr = array(YT2_ROLE_ID, YT4_ROLE_ID);
                                     $groupArr = array(YT2_GROUP_ID, YT4_GROUP_ID);
                                     $functionArr = array(YT2_FUNCTION_ID, YT4_FUNCTION_ID);
                                 case 11:
                                     //SvB ve AKR
                                     $roleArr = array(YT3_ROLE_ID, YT4_ROLE_ID);
                                     $groupArr = array(YT3_GROUP_ID, YT4_GROUP_ID);
                                     $functionArr = array(YT3_FUNCTION_ID, YT4_FUNCTION_ID);
                                 case 12:
                                     //MSTD, YET ve SvB
                                     $roleArr = array(YT1_ROLE_ID, YT2_ROLE_ID, YT3_ROLE_ID);
                                     $groupArr = array(YT1_GROUP_ID, YT2_GROUP_ID, YT3_GROUP_ID);
                                     $functionArr = array(YT1_FUNCTION_ID, YT2_FUNCTION_ID, YT3_FUNCTION_ID);
                                 case 13:
                                     //MSTD, YET ve AKR
                                     $roleArr = array(YT1_ROLE_ID, YT2_ROLE_ID, YT4_ROLE_ID);
                                     $groupArr = array(YT1_GROUP_ID, YT2_GROUP_ID, YT4_GROUP_ID);
                                     $functionArr = array(YT1_FUNCTION_ID, YT2_FUNCTION_ID, YT4_FUNCTION_ID);
                                 case 14:
                                     //MSTD, SvB ve AKR
                                     $roleArr = array(YT1_ROLE_ID, YT3_ROLE_ID, YT4_ROLE_ID);
                                     $groupArr = array(YT1_GROUP_ID, YT3_GROUP_ID, YT4_GROUP_ID);
                                     $functionArr = array(YT1_FUNCTION_ID, YT3_FUNCTION_ID, YT4_FUNCTION_ID);
                                 case 15:
                                     //SvB, YET ve AKR
                                     $roleArr = array(YT2_ROLE_ID, YT3_ROLE_ID, YT4_ROLE_ID);
                                     $groupArr = array(YT2_GROUP_ID, YT3_GROUP_ID, YT4_GROUP_ID);
                                     $functionArr = array(YT2_FUNCTION_ID, YT3_FUNCTION_ID, YT4_FUNCTION_ID);
                                 case 16:
                                     //4'u Birden
                                     $roleArr = array(YT1_ROLE_ID, YT2_ROLE_ID, YT3_ROLE_ID, YT4_ROLE_ID);
                                     $groupArr = array(YT1_GROUP_ID, YT2_GROUP_ID, YT3_GROUP_ID, YT4_GROUP_ID);
                                     $functionArr = array(YT1_FUNCTION_ID, YT2_FUNCTION_ID, YT3_FUNCTION_ID, YT4_FUNCTION_ID);
                             //T1, T2, T3, T4 silinmeyecek
                             $this->deleteAllAclGroups($db, $user);
                             for ($i = 0; $i < count($roleArr); $i++) {
                                 $role = $roleArr[$i];
                                 $group = $groupArr[$i];
                                 $function = $functionArr[$i];
                                 //Gruba Uye Degilse Ekle
                                 if (!FormFactory::checkAclGroupId($user->id, $group)) {
                                     $this->insertAclGroup($db, $user, $group, $role, $function);
                         } else {
                             // Hicbir basvurusu onayli degil
                             //T1, T2, T3, T4 silinmeyecek
                             $this->deleteAllAclGroups($db, $user);
                     } else {
                         if ($active == 2) {
                             // SEKTOR SORUMLUSU
                             //Meslek veya Yeterlilik grubunu sec
                             $tip = $this->getSektorSorumlusuTip($dbOrc, $tgUserId);
                             switch ($tip) {
                                 case MS_SEKTOR_TIPI:
                                     //Meslek Standart Sektor Sorumlusu
                                     $role = MS_SEKTOR_SORUMLUSU_ROLE_ID;
                                     $group = MS_SEKTOR_SORUMLUSU_GROUP_ID;
                                     $function = MS_SEKTOR_SORUMLUSU_FUNCTION_ID;
                                     $this->deleteAclGroup($db, $user, YET_SEKTOR_SORUMLUSU_GROUP_ID);
                                     //Gruba Uye Degilse Ekle
                                     if (!FormFactory::checkAclGroupId($user->id, $group)) {
                                         $this->insertAclGroup($db, $user, $group, $role, $function);
                                 case YET_SEKTOR_TIPI:
                                     //Yeterlilik Sektor Sorumlusu
                                     $role = YET_SEKTOR_SORUMLUSU_ROLE_ID;
                                     $group = YET_SEKTOR_SORUMLUSU_GROUP_ID;
                                     $function = YET_SEKTOR_SORUMLUSU_FUNCTION_ID;
                                     $this->deleteAclGroup($db, $user, MS_SEKTOR_SORUMLUSU_GROUP_ID);
                                     //Gruba Uye Degilse Ekle
                                     if (!FormFactory::checkAclGroupId($user->id, $group)) {
                                         $this->insertAclGroup($db, $user, $group, $role, $function);
                                 case 3:
                                     //Ikisi birden
                                     $roleArr = array(YET_SEKTOR_SORUMLUSU_ROLE_ID, MS_SEKTOR_SORUMLUSU_ROLE_ID);
                                     $groupArr = array(YET_SEKTOR_SORUMLUSU_GROUP_ID, MS_SEKTOR_SORUMLUSU_GROUP_ID);
                                     $functionArr = array(YET_SEKTOR_SORUMLUSU_FUNCTION_ID, MS_SEKTOR_SORUMLUSU_FUNCTION_ID);
                                     for ($i = 0; $i < count($roleArr); $i++) {
                                         $role = $roleArr[$i];
                                         $group = $groupArr[$i];
                                         $function = $functionArr[$i];
                                         //Gruba Uye Degilse Ekle
                                         if (!FormFactory::checkAclGroupId($user->id, $group)) {
                                             $this->insertAclGroup($db, $user, $group, $role, $function);
                             //$mainframe->redirect( $return , "sektor sorumlusu");
                         } else {
                             if ($active == 7) {
                                 $role = 26;
                                 $group = 26;
                                 $function = 18;
                                 $this->deleteAclGroup($db, $user, 26);
                                 //Gruba Uye Degilse Ekle
                                 if (!FormFactory::checkAclGroupId($user->id, $group)) {
                                     $this->insertAclGroup($db, $user, $group, $role, $function);
     } else {
         // Facilitate third party login forms
         if (!$return) {
             $return = 'index.php?option=com_user&view=login';
         // Redirect to a login form
Esempio n. 18
			<br />
			<img alt="captcha" src="<?php 
//kode untuk menampilkan captcha!
echo captcha::image_url('pesan');
			<br />
			<input id="captcha" name="captcha" type="text"  />
			<br />
			<input type="submit"  />
//cara mengecek apakah input capthca user
//benar atau salah
if ($_POST) {
    if (captcha::check('pesan')) {
        echo ' captcha! OK! <br>';
        /*Di bagian ini bisa anda ganti
        		dengan code untuk menyimpan data kedatabase
        		atau pemrosesan lainnya sesuai kebutuhan */
        echo "Nama :" . $_POST['nama'] . "<br/>";
        echo "<p>Pesan :" . $_POST['pesan'] . "<br/>";
    } else {
        echo "captcha salah, silahkan ulangi!";
Esempio n. 19
$document->addStyleSheet(SITE_URL . '/templates/elegance/css/jscal2.css');
$post = JRequest::get('post');
$get = JRequest::get('get');
<div class="sinavGirisBaslik">Meslek Standartları</div>
$gorev = isset($post['gorev']) ? $post['gorev'] : "goster";
$itemId = JRequest::getVar('Itemid');
$itemId = isset($itemId) ? $itemId : JRequest::getVar('prevItemId');
$itemIdStr = isset($itemId) ? '&amp;prevItemId=' . $itemId : '';
$itemIdStrOrj = isset($itemId) ? '&amp;Itemid=' . $itemId : '';
if ($gorev == "goster") {
} else {
    if ($gorev == "hepsi") {
        captcha::check("index.php?option=com_meslek_std_ara&gorev=goster&Itemid=" . $itemId);
function formGoster($itemIdStr)
    $db =& JFactory::getOracleDBO();
	<form action="index.php?option=com_meslek_std_ara<?php 
    echo $itemIdStr;
" method="post">
		<input type="hidden" value="hepsi" name="gorev" />
				<td width="200">Sektöre göre ara</td>
Esempio n. 20
    function _form_home()
        global $core, $user, $style;
        $tree = $this->valid_tree();
        if (!$tree['tree_form']) {
        if ($tree['tree_parent']) {
            $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _tree
				WHERE tree_id = ' . (int) $tree['tree_parent'];
            $parent = $this->_fieldrow($sql);
            if ($tree['tree_level'] > 2) {
                $sql = 'SELECT *
					FROM _tree
					WHERE tree_id = ' . (int) $parent['tree_parent'];
                $subparent = $this->_fieldrow($sql);
        if ($tree['tree_node']) {
            $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _tree
				WHERE tree_id = ' . (int) $tree['tree_node'];
            $node = $this->_fieldrow($sql);
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _form_fields
			WHERE form_tree = ' . (int) $tree['tree_id'] . '
			ORDER BY form_order';
        $form = $this->_rowset($sql, 'form_alias');
        if (!count($form)) {
            $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _form_fields
				WHERE form_tree = 0
				ORDER BY form_order';
            $form = $this->_rowset($sql, 'form_alias');
        $form['ctkey'] = array('form_required' => 1, 'form_regex' => '^([a-zA-Z]+)$', 'form_alias' => 'ctkey', 'form_type' => 'text', 'form_legend' => 'Imagen de seguridad');
        if (_button()) {
            $va = array();
            foreach ($form as $row) {
                $va[] = $row['form_alias'];
            $v = $this->__($va);
            foreach ($form as $row) {
                if (empty($v[$row['form_alias']])) {
                    if ($row['form_required']) {
                        $this->error(sprintf(_lang('E_COMMENT_FIELD_EMPTY'), $row['form_legend']), false);
                if (!empty($row['form_regex']) && !preg_match('#' . $row['form_regex'] . '#is', $v[$row['form_alias']])) {
                    $this->error(sprintf(_lang('E_COMMENT_FIELD_BAD'), $row['form_legend']), false);
                    if ($row['form_alias'] == 'ctkey') {
                        $v[$row['form_alias']] = '';
            if (!$this->errors()) {
                include XFS . 'core/xcf.php';
                $xcf = new captcha();
                if ($xcf->check($v['ctkey']) === false) {
                    $v['ctkey'] = '';
            if (!$this->errors()) {
                include XFS . 'core/emailer.php';
                $emailer = new emailer();
                $v['subject'] = preg_replace('#\\&([A-Za-z]+){1}(.*?)\\;#e', "substr('\\1', 0, 1)", $v['subject']);
                $emailer->use_template('contact_email', $core->v('default_lang'));
                foreach (explode(';', $tree['tree_form_email']) as $i => $address) {
                    $row_f = !$i ? 'email_address' : 'cc';
                $html = array();
                foreach ($form as $row) {
                    if (empty($v[$row['form_alias']])) {
                    if ($row['form_alias'] == 'message') {
                        $v['message'] = str_replace("\r\n", '<br />', $v['message']);
                    $html[] = '<strong>' . $row['form_legend'] . ':</strong><br />' . $v[$row['form_alias']];
                $emailer->assign_vars(array('HTML_FIELDS' => implode('<br /><br />', $html), 'FROM_USERNAME' => $v['nombre'], 'FORM_ARTICLE' => $tree['tree_subject']));
                $style->assign_block_vars('sent', array('THANKS' => _lang('CONTACT_THANKS')));
        if (!_button() || $this->errors()) {
            if ($this->errors()) {
                $style->assign_block_vars('error', array('MESSAGE' => error_list($this->error)));
            $ff = 'form_';
            $fff = 'alias|type';
            $style->assign_block_vars('form', array());
            foreach ($form as $row) {
                $style->assign_block_vars('form.row', array('ALIAS' => $row[$ff . 'alias'], 'REQUIRED' => $row[$ff . 'required'], 'LEGEND' => $row[$ff . 'legend'], 'TYPE' => $row[$ff . 'type'], 'ERROR' => isset($error[$row[$ff . 'alias']]), 'VALUE' => isset($v[$row[$ff . 'alias']]) ? $v[$row[$ff . 'alias']] : ''));
                foreach ($row as $row_k => $row_v) {
                    if (preg_match('#^' . $ff . '(' . $fff . ')$#is', $row_k)) {
                        if ($row_k == 'form_alias') {
                            $row_k = 'name';
                        $style->assign_block_vars('form.row.attrib', array('ATTRIB' => str_replace($ff, '', $row_k), 'VALUE' => $row_v));
        $s_css_page = '';
        if (@file_exists('./style/css/_tree_' . $this->alias_id($tree) . '.css')) {
            $s_css_page = $this->alias_id($tree) . '/';
        } elseif ($this->css_parent($tree)) {
            if (empty($tree['tree_css_var'])) {
                $tree['tree_css_var'] = 'parent';
            $ary_css_var = false;
            switch ($tree['tree_css_var']) {
                case 'parent':
                case 'subparent':
                case 'node':
                    $ary_css_var = ${$tree['tree_css_var']};
                    if (is_numeric($tree['tree_css_var'])) {
                        $sql = 'SELECT *
							FROM _tree
							WHERE tree_id = ' . (int) $tree['tree_css_var'];
                        if ($css_var_row = $this->_fieldrow($sql)) {
                            $ary_css_var = $css_var_row;
            if ($ary_css_var !== false) {
                $s_css_page = $this->alias_id($ary_css_var) . '/';
        $tv = array('ADI' => $core->v('address') . 'container/images/a_' . ($this->css_parent($tree) ? $this->css_var($tree) : $tree['tree_id']) . '/', 'V_TREE' => $tree['tree_id'], 'V_CSS' => $s_css_page, 'V_SUBJECT' => $tree['tree_subject']);
        if ($tree['tree_alias'] != 'home') {
            if ($node['tree_id'] != $parent['tree_id']) {
                $this->navigation($node['tree_subject'], $this->alias_id($node));
            if ($tree['tree_level'] > 2) {
                if ($parent['tree_id'] && $node['tree_id'] && $tree['tree_level'] > 3) {
                $this->navigation($subparent['tree_subject'], $this->alias_id($subparent));
            if ($parent['tree_id']) {
                $this->navigation($parent['tree_subject'], $this->alias_id($parent));
            $this->navigation($tree['tree_subject'], $this->alias_id($tree));
        //$tree['tree_subject'] = strip_tags($tree['tree_subject']);
        $this->template = 'default.form';
        if (!empty($tree['tree_template']) && @file_exists('./style/pages/form.' . $tree['tree_template'] . '.htm')) {
            $this->template = 'pages/form.' . $tree['tree_template'];
Esempio n. 21
 public function action_index()
     //Detect early spam users, show him alert
     if (core::config('general.black_list') == TRUE and Model_User::is_spam(Core::post('email')) === TRUE) {
         Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, __('Your profile has been disable for posting, due to recent spam content! If you think this is a mistake please contact us.'));
     if (Core::config('advertisement.only_admin_post') == 1 and (!Auth::instance()->logged_in() or Auth::instance()->logged_in() and Auth::instance()->get_user()->id_role != Model_Role::ROLE_ADMIN)) {
     if (Core::post('ajaxValidateCaptcha')) {
         $this->auto_render = FALSE;
         $this->template = View::factory('js');
         if (captcha::check('publish_new', TRUE)) {
             $this->template->content = 'true';
         } else {
             $this->template->content = 'false';
     //template header
     $this->template->title = __('Publish new advertisement');
     $this->template->meta_description = __('Publish new advertisement');
     $this->template->styles = array('css/jquery.sceditor.default.theme.min.css' => 'screen', 'css/jasny-bootstrap.min.css' => 'screen', '//' => 'screen');
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = 'js/jquery.sceditor.bbcode.min.js';
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = 'js/jasny-bootstrap.min.js';
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = 'js/jquery.chained.min.js';
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = '//';
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = '//';
     if (core::config('advertisement.map_pub_new')) {
         $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = '//';
         $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = '//';
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = 'js/new.js?v=' . Core::VERSION;
     // redirect to login, if conditions are met
     if (core::config('advertisement.login_to_post') == TRUE and !Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
         Alert::set(Alert::INFO, __('Please, login before posting advertisement!'));
         HTTP::redirect(Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'auth', 'action' => 'login')));
     //find all, for populating form select fields
     $categories = Model_Category::get_as_array();
     $order_categories = Model_Category::get_multidimensional();
     $order_parent_deep = Model_Category::get_by_deep();
     // NO categories redirect ADMIN to categories panel
     if (count($order_categories) == 0) {
         if (Auth::instance()->logged_in() and Auth::instance()->get_user()->id_role == Model_Role::ROLE_ADMIN) {
             Alert::set(Alert::INFO, __('Please, first create some categories.'));
             $this->redirect(Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'category', 'action' => 'index')));
         } else {
             Alert::set(Alert::INFO, __('Posting advertisements is not yet available.'));
     //get locations
     $locations = Model_Location::get_as_array();
     $order_locations = Model_Location::get_multidimensional();
     $loc_parent_deep = Model_Location::get_by_deep();
     // bool values from DB, to show or hide this fields in view
     $form_show = array('captcha' => core::config('advertisement.captcha'), 'website' => core::config(''), 'phone' => core::config(''), 'location' => core::config('advertisement.location'), 'address' => core::config('advertisement.address'), 'price' => core::config('advertisement.price'));
     $id_category = NULL;
     $selected_category = new Model_Category();
     //if theres a category by post or by get
     if (Core::request('category') !== NULL) {
         if (is_numeric(Core::request('category'))) {
             $selected_category->where('id_category', '=', core::request('category'))->limit(1)->find();
         } else {
             $selected_category->where('seoname', '=', core::request('category'))->limit(1)->find();
         if ($selected_category->loaded()) {
             $id_category = $selected_category->id_category;
     $id_location = NULL;
     $selected_location = new Model_Location();
     //if theres a location by post or by get
     if (Core::request('location') !== NULL) {
         if (is_numeric(Core::request('location'))) {
             $selected_location->where('id_location', '=', core::request('location'))->limit(1)->find();
         } else {
             $selected_location->where('seoname', '=', core::request('location'))->limit(1)->find();
         if ($selected_location->loaded()) {
             $id_location = $selected_location->id_location;
     //render view publish new
     $this->template->content = View::factory('pages/ad/new', array('categories' => $categories, 'order_categories' => $order_categories, 'order_parent_deep' => $order_parent_deep, 'locations' => $locations, 'order_locations' => $order_locations, 'loc_parent_deep' => $loc_parent_deep, 'form_show' => $form_show, 'id_category' => $id_category, 'selected_category' => $selected_category, 'id_location' => $id_location, 'selected_location' => $selected_location, 'fields' => Model_Field::get_all()));
     if ($this->request->post()) {
         if (captcha::check('publish_new')) {
             $data = $this->request->post();
             $validation = Validation::factory($data);
             //validate location since its optional
             if (core::config('advertisement.location')) {
                 if (count($locations) > 1) {
                     $validation = $validation->rule('location', 'not_empty')->rule('location', 'digit');
             //user is not logged in validate input
             if (!Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
                 $validation = $validation->rule('email', 'not_empty')->rule('email', 'email')->rule('name', 'not_empty')->rule('name', 'min_length', array(':value', 2))->rule('name', 'max_length', array(':value', 145));
             if ($validation->check()) {
                 // User detection, if doesnt exists create
                 if (!Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
                     $user = Model_User::create_email(core::post('email'), core::post('name'));
                 } else {
                     $user = Auth::instance()->get_user();
                 //to make it backward compatible with older themes: UGLY!!
                 if (isset($data['category']) and is_numeric($data['category'])) {
                     $data['id_category'] = $data['category'];
                 if (isset($data['location']) and is_numeric($data['location'])) {
                     $data['id_location'] = $data['location'];
                 //lets create!!
                 $return = Model_Ad::new_ad($data, $user);
                 //there was an error on the validation
                 if (isset($return['validation_errors']) and is_array($return['validation_errors'])) {
                     foreach ($return['validation_errors'] as $f => $err) {
                         Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $err);
                 } elseif (isset($return['error'])) {
                     Alert::set($return['error_type'], $return['error']);
                 } elseif (isset($return['message']) and isset($return['ad'])) {
                     $new_ad = $return['ad'];
                     // IMAGE UPLOAD
                     $filename = NULL;
                     for ($i = 0; $i < core::config('advertisement.num_images'); $i++) {
                         if (isset($_FILES['image' . $i])) {
                             $filename = $new_ad->save_image($_FILES['image' . $i]);
                         if ($filename) {
                     //since theres images save the ad again...
                     if ($new_ad->has_images > 0) {
                         try {
                         } catch (Exception $e) {
                             throw HTTP_Exception::factory(500, $e->getMessage());
                     Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, $return['message']);
                     //redirect user
                     if (isset($return['checkout_url']) and !empty($return['checkout_url'])) {
                     } else {
                         $this->redirect(Route::url('default', array('action' => 'thanks', 'controller' => 'ad', 'id' => $new_ad->id_ad)));
             } else {
                 $errors = $validation->errors('ad');
                 foreach ($errors as $f => $err) {
                     Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $err);
         } else {
             Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, __('Captcha is not correct'));
Esempio n. 22
            $can_edit = true;
        // Is participant.
    } else {
        $error = $dberror . dbi_error();
if (!$can_edit && empty($error)) {
    $error = print_not_auth(6);
if (file_exists('includes/classes/captcha/captcha.php') && $login == '__public__' && !empty($ENABLE_CAPTCHA) && $ENABLE_CAPTCHA == 'Y') {
    if (function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) {
        include_once 'includes/classes/captcha/captcha.php';
        $res = captcha::check();
        if (!$res) {
            $error = translate('You must enter the anti-spam text on the previous page.');
    } else {
        // Should have seen warning on edit_entry.php, so no warning here...
// If display of participants is disabled, set the participant list
// to the event creator. This also works for single-user mode.
// Basically, if no participants were selected (because there
// was no selection list available in the form or because the user
// refused to select any participant from the list), then we will
// assume the only participant is the current user.
if (empty($participants[0])) {
    $participants[0] = $login;
Esempio n. 23
 function display($tpl = null)
     global $mainframe;
     $user =& JFactory::getUser();
     $group_id = T3_GROUP_ID;
     $group_id4 = YT3_GROUP_ID;
     $message = YETKI_MESAJ;
     $aut = FormFactory2::checkAuthorization($user, $group_id);
     $aut2 = FormFactory2::checkAuthorization($user, $group_id2);
     $aut3 = FormFactory2::checkAuthorization($user, $group_id3);
     $aut4 = FormFactory2::checkAuthorization($user, $group_id4);
     $user_id = $user->getOracleUserId();
     $redirect = "index.php?option=com_sertifika_sorgula&view=sertifika_sorgula";
     $model =& $this->getModel();
     $layout = JRequest::getVar("layout");
     $kimlik_no = $_POST["kimlik_no"];
     if ($_GET['tarih']) {
         $tarih = $_GET['tarih'];
     } else {
         $tarih = $_POST["tarih"];
     if ($_GET['userId']) {
         $kurulus = $_GET['userId'];
     } else {
         if (!empty($_POST["kurulus_id"]) || $aut2 || $aut3) {
             $kurulus = $_POST["kurulus_id"];
         } else {
             if ($aut || $aut4) {
                 $kurulus = $user_id;
     $yeterlilik = $_POST["yet_id"];
     if (isset($layout) && $layout == "sorgu_sonuc") {
         if ($user_id == null || empty($user_id)) {
         //Kimlik No
         if (empty($kimlik_no) && empty($kurulus) && empty($tarih) && empty($yeterlilik)) {
             JError::raiseWarning(100, "Lütfen Gerekli Alanlardan En Az Birini Doldurunuz.");
         } else {
             if (!empty($kimlik_no) && !empty($kurulus) && !empty($tarih) && !empty($yeterlilik)) {
                 $data = $model->getBelgeDataByHepsi($kimlik_no, $kurulus, $tarih, $yeterlilik);
                 $this->assignRef('data', $data);
             } else {
                 if (!empty($kimlik_no) && !empty($kurulus) && !empty($tarih) && empty($yeterlilik)) {
                     $data = $model->getBelgeDataByTCKURTAR($kimlik_no, $kurulus, $tarih);
                     $this->assignRef('data', $data);
                 } else {
                     if (!empty($kimlik_no) && !empty($kurulus) && empty($tarih) && !empty($yeterlilik)) {
                         $data = $model->getBelgeDataByTCKURYET($kimlik_no, $kurulus, $yeterlilik);
                         $this->assignRef('data', $data);
                     } else {
                         if (!empty($kimlik_no) && empty($kurulus) && !empty($tarih) && !empty($yeterlilik)) {
                             $data = $model->getBelgeDataByTCTARYET($kimlik_no, $tarih, $yeterlilik);
                             $this->assignRef('data', $data);
                         } else {
                             if (empty($kimlik_no) && !empty($kurulus) && !empty($tarih) && !empty($yeterlilik)) {
                                 $data = $model->getBelgeDataByKURTARYET($kurulus, $tarih, $yeterlilik);
                                 $this->assignRef('data', $data);
                             } else {
                                 if (empty($kimlik_no) && !empty($kurulus) && empty($tarih) && !empty($yeterlilik)) {
                                     $data = $model->getBelgeDataByKURYET($kurulus, $yeterlilik);
                                     $this->assignRef('data', $data);
                                 } else {
                                     if (empty($kimlik_no) && !empty($kurulus) && !empty($tarih) && empty($yeterlilik)) {
                                         $data = $model->getBelgeDataByKURTAR($kurulus, $tarih);
                                         $this->assignRef('data', $data);
                                     } else {
                                         if (!empty($kimlik_no) && !empty($kurulus) && empty($tarih) && empty($yeterlilik)) {
                                             $data = $model->getBelgeDataByKURTC($kurulus, $kimlik_no);
                                             $this->assignRef('data', $data);
                                         } else {
                                             if (empty($kimlik_no) && empty($kurulus) && !empty($tarih) && !empty($yeterlilik)) {
                                                 $data = $model->getBelgeDataByYETTAR($yeterlilik, $tarih);
                                                 $this->assignRef('data', $data);
                                             } else {
                                                 if (!empty($kimlik_no) && empty($kurulus) && empty($tarih) && !empty($yeterlilik)) {
                                                     $data = $model->getBelgeDataByYETTC($yeterlilik, $kimlik_no);
                                                     $this->assignRef('data', $data);
                                                 } else {
                                                     if (!empty($kimlik_no) && empty($kurulus) && !empty($tarih) && empty($yeterlilik)) {
                                                         $data = $model->getBelgeDataByTARTC($tarih, $kimlik_no);
                                                         $this->assignRef('data', $data);
                                                     } else {
                                                         if (empty($kimlik_no) && empty($kurulus) && empty($tarih) && !empty($yeterlilik)) {
                                                             $data = $model->getBelgeDataByYeterlilik($yeterlilik);
                                                             $this->assignRef('data', $data);
                                                         } else {
                                                             if (empty($kimlik_no) && empty($kurulus) && !empty($tarih) && empty($yeterlilik)) {
                                                                 $data = $model->getBelgeDataByTarih($tarih);
                                                                 $this->assignRef('data', $data);
                                                             } else {
                                                                 if (empty($kimlik_no) && !empty($kurulus) && empty($tarih) && empty($yeterlilik)) {
                                                                     $data = $model->getBelgeDataByKurulus($kurulus);
                                                                     $this->assignRef('data', $data);
                                                                 } else {
                                                                     if (!empty($kimlik_no) && empty($kurulus) && empty($tarih) && empty($yeterlilik)) {
                                                                         $data = $model->getBelgeDataByTcKimlikNo($kimlik_no);
                                                                         $this->assignRef('data', $data);
     $session =& JFactory::getSession();
     $session->set('data', $data);
     $kuruluslar = $model->getKurulus();
     $yeterlilikler = $model->getYeterlilik();
     $this->assignRef('kuruluslar', $kuruluslar);
     $this->assignRef('yeterlilik', $yeterlilikler);
     $kullanici1 = 1;
     $kullanici2 = 2;
     $kullanici3 = 3;
     if ($aut || $aut4) {
         $this->assignRef('user', $kullanici1);
     } else {
         if ($aut2 || $aut3) {
             $this->assignRef('user', $kullanici2);
         } else {
             $this->assignRef('user', $kullanici3);
Esempio n. 24
 function check($form)
     $xml = new xml($form);
     $res = $xml->query('.//field[@check]', $form);
     $pswd = null;
     foreach ($res as $field) {
         $val = param($field->getAttribute('name'));
         switch ($field->getAttribute('type')) {
             case 'file':
                 if (strstr($field->getAttribute('check'), 'empty') && count($_FILES) == 0) {
                     $this->err('The file is not attached');
                 if ($field->getAttribute('accept') && count($_FILES) > 0 && ($files = $_FILES[$field->getAttribute('name')])) {
                     $arrAccept = explode(',', $field->getAttribute('accept'));
                     switch (is_array($files['error'])) {
                         case true:
                             foreach ($files['error'] as $i => $code) {
                                 if ($code == 0 && !in_array($files['type'][$i], $arrAccept)) {
                                     $this->err('Invalid format of attached file. File name is "' . $files['name'][$i] . '"');
                                 if ($code == 0 && ($maxSize = $field->getAttribute('maxFileSize')) && $files['size'][$i] > $maxSize) {
                                     $this->err('Exceeded the allowable size of the file. File name is  "' . $files['name'][$i] . '"');
                         case false:
                             if ($files['error'] == 0 && !in_array($files['type'], $arrAccept)) {
                                 $this->err('Invalid format of attached file');
                             if ($files['error'] == 0 && ($maxSize = $field->getAttribute('maxFileSize')) && $files['size'] > $maxSize) {
                                 $this->err('Exceeded the allowable size of the uploaded file');
             case 'password':
                 if (!$pswd && $field->getAttribute('name') == 'password') {
                     $pswd = $val;
                 if (isset($pswd) && $field->getAttribute('name') == 'password-check' && $pswd != $val) {
                     $this->err('The entered passwords do not match');
                 if (strstr($field->getAttribute('check'), 'empty') && !$val) {
                     $this->err('Field "' . $field->getAttribute('label') . '" is not filled');
             case 'email':
                 if ($val && !mymail::isEmail($val)) {
                     $this->err('E-mail in field "' . $field->getAttribute('label') . '" incorrectly');
             case 'checkbox':
             case 'radio':
                 if (!$val) {
                     $this->err('Field "' . $field->getAttribute('label') . '" not observed');
                 $mysql = new mysql();
                 if ($field->getAttribute('login') && ($res = $mysql->query("SELECT `login` FROM `" . $mysql->getTableName($form->getAttribute('dbTable')) . "` WHERE `login`='" . ($val ? $val : null) . "'", true))) {
                     $this->err('A user with this login  ' . $val . ' already exists.');
                 if ($field->getAttribute('type') != 'captcha') {
                     if (strstr($field->getAttribute('check'), 'empty') && !$val) {
                         $this->err('Field "' . $field->getAttribute('label') . '" is not filled');
                 } else {
                     if ($field->getAttribute('show') && strstr($field->getAttribute('check'), 'empty') && !$val) {
                         $this->err('Field "' . $field->getAttribute('label') . '" is not filled');
     if ($this->hasCaptcha($form)) {
         $captcha = new captcha();
         if (!$captcha->check()) {
             $this->err('The result of the expression in the image incorrectly');
     return $this->hasErrors();
Esempio n. 25
require 'lib/_start.php';
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SYSTEMSTART ///
headline($apx->lang->get('HEADLINE'), mklink('sendlink.php', 'sendlink.html'));
if ($_POST['send']) {
    list($spam) = $db->first("SELECT addtime FROM " . PRE . "_links WHERE send_ip='" . get_remoteaddr() . "' ORDER BY addtime DESC");
    //Captcha prüfen
    if ($set['links']['captcha'] && !$user->info['userid']) {
        require BASEDIR . 'lib/class.captcha.php';
        $captcha = new captcha();
        $captchafailed = $captcha->check();
    if ($captchafailed) {
        message($apx->lang->get('MSG_WRONGCODE'), 'javascript:history.back()');
    } elseif (!$_POST['send_username'] && !$user->info['userid'] || !$_POST['catid'] || !$_POST['title'] || !$_POST['url'] || !$_POST['text']) {
    } elseif ($spam + $set['links']['spamprot'] * 60 > time()) {
        message($apx->lang->get('MSG_BLOCKSPAM', array('SEC' => $spam + $set['links']['spamprot'] * 60 - time())), 'back');
    } else {
        if ($user->info['userid']) {
            $_POST['userid'] = $user->info['userid'];
            $_POST['send_username'] = $_POST['send_email'] = '';
        } else {
            $_POST['userid'] = 0;
        $_POST['addtime'] = time();
Esempio n. 26
 public function action_index()
     if (Core::config('advertisement.only_admin_post') == TRUE and (!Auth::instance()->logged_in() or Auth::instance()->logged_in() and !$this->user->is_admin())) {
     } elseif ((Core::config('advertisement.login_to_post') == TRUE or Core::config('payment.stripe_connect') == TRUE or Core::config('general.subscriptions') == TRUE) and !Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
         Alert::set(Alert::INFO, __('Please, login before posting advertisement!'));
         HTTP::redirect(Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'auth', 'action' => 'login')) . '?auth_redirect=' . URL::current());
     } elseif (core::config('general.black_list') == TRUE and Model_User::is_spam(Core::post('email')) === TRUE) {
         Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, __('Your profile has been disable for posting, due to recent spam content! If you think this is a mistake please contact us.'));
     } elseif (Core::config('payment.stripe_connect') == TRUE and empty($this->user->stripe_user_id)) {
         Alert::set(Alert::INFO, __('Please, connect with Stripe'));
         $this->redirect(Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'profile', 'action' => 'edit')));
     } elseif (Core::config('general.subscriptions') == TRUE and Theme::get('premium') == TRUE) {
         $subscription = $this->user->subscription();
         //if theres no subscription or expired or without free ads
         if (!$subscription->loaded() or $subscription->loaded() and (Date::mysql2unix($subscription->expire_date) < time() or $subscription->amount_ads_left == 0)) {
             Alert::set(Alert::INFO, __('Please, choose a plan first'));
     //validates captcha
     if (Core::post('ajaxValidateCaptcha')) {
         $this->auto_render = FALSE;
         $this->template = View::factory('js');
         if (captcha::check('publish_new', TRUE)) {
             $this->template->content = 'true';
         } else {
             $this->template->content = 'false';
     Controller::$full_width = TRUE;
     //template header
     $this->template->title = __('Publish new advertisement');
     $this->template->meta_description = __('Publish new advertisement');
     $this->template->styles = array('css/jquery.sceditor.default.theme.min.css' => 'screen', 'css/jasny-bootstrap.min.css' => 'screen', '//' => 'screen', '//' => 'screen');
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = 'js/jquery.sceditor.bbcode.min.js';
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = 'js/jasny-bootstrap.min.js';
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = '//';
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = '//';
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = '//';
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = 'js/canvasResize.js';
     if (core::config('advertisement.map_pub_new')) {
         $this->template->scripts['async_defer'][] = '//' . core::config("advertisement.gm_api_key") . '&callback=initLocationsGMap';
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = 'js/new.js?v=' . Core::VERSION;
     $categories = new Model_Category();
     $categories = $categories->where('id_category_parent', '=', '1');
     // NO categories redirect ADMIN to categories panel
     if ($categories->count_all() == 0) {
         if (Auth::instance()->logged_in() and Auth::instance()->get_user()->is_admin()) {
             Alert::set(Alert::INFO, __('Please, first create some categories.'));
             $this->redirect(Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'category', 'action' => 'index')));
         } else {
             Alert::set(Alert::INFO, __('Posting advertisements is not yet available.'));
     //get locations
     $locations = new Model_Location();
     $locations = $locations->where('id_location', '!=', '1');
     // bool values from DB, to show or hide this fields in view
     $form_show = array('captcha' => core::config('advertisement.captcha'), 'website' => core::config(''), 'phone' => core::config(''), 'location' => core::config('advertisement.location'), 'description' => core::config('advertisement.description'), 'address' => core::config('advertisement.address'), 'price' => core::config('advertisement.price'));
     $id_category = NULL;
     $selected_category = new Model_Category();
     //if theres a category by post or by get
     if (Core::request('category') !== NULL) {
         if (is_numeric(Core::request('category'))) {
             $selected_category->where('id_category', '=', core::request('category'))->limit(1)->find();
         } else {
             $selected_category->where('seoname', '=', core::request('category'))->limit(1)->find();
         if ($selected_category->loaded()) {
             $id_category = $selected_category->id_category;
     $id_location = NULL;
     $selected_location = new Model_Location();
     //if theres a location by post or by get
     if (Core::request('location') !== NULL) {
         if (is_numeric(Core::request('location'))) {
             $selected_location->where('id_location', '=', core::request('location'))->limit(1)->find();
         } else {
             $selected_location->where('seoname', '=', core::request('location'))->limit(1)->find();
         if ($selected_location->loaded()) {
             $id_location = $selected_location->id_location;
     //render view publish new
     $this->template->content = View::factory('pages/ad/new', array('form_show' => $form_show, 'id_category' => $id_category, 'selected_category' => $selected_category, 'id_location' => $id_location, 'selected_location' => $selected_location, 'fields' => Model_Field::get_all()));
     if ($this->request->post()) {
         if (captcha::check('publish_new')) {
             $data = $this->request->post();
             $validation = Validation::factory($data);
             //validate location since its optional
             if (core::config('advertisement.location')) {
                 if ($locations->count_all() > 1) {
                     $validation = $validation->rule('location', 'not_empty')->rule('location', 'digit');
             //user is not logged in validate input
             if (!Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
                 $validation = $validation->rule('email', 'not_empty')->rule('email', 'email')->rule('email', 'email_domain')->rule('name', 'not_empty')->rule('name', 'min_length', array(':value', 2))->rule('name', 'max_length', array(':value', 145));
             // Optional banned words validation
             if (core::config('advertisement.validate_banned_words')) {
                 $validation = $validation->rule('title', 'no_banned_words');
                 $validation = $validation->rule('description', 'no_banned_words');
             if ($validation->check()) {
                 // User detection, if doesnt exists create
                 if (!Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
                     $user = Model_User::create_email(core::post('email'), core::post('name'));
                 } else {
                     $user = Auth::instance()->get_user();
                 //to make it backward compatible with older themes: UGLY!!
                 if (isset($data['category']) and is_numeric($data['category'])) {
                     $data['id_category'] = $data['category'];
                 if (isset($data['location']) and is_numeric($data['location'])) {
                     $data['id_location'] = $data['location'];
                 //lets create!!
                 $return = Model_Ad::new_ad($data, $user);
                 //there was an error on the validation
                 if (isset($return['validation_errors']) and is_array($return['validation_errors'])) {
                     foreach ($return['validation_errors'] as $f => $err) {
                         Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $err);
                 } elseif (isset($return['error'])) {
                     Alert::set($return['error_type'], $return['error']);
                 } elseif (isset($return['message']) and isset($return['ad'])) {
                     $new_ad = $return['ad'];
                     // IMAGE UPLOAD
                     $filename = NULL;
                     for ($i = 0; $i < core::config('advertisement.num_images'); $i++) {
                         if (Core::post('base64_image' . $i)) {
                             $filename = $new_ad->save_base64_image(Core::post('base64_image' . $i));
                         } elseif (isset($_FILES['image' . $i])) {
                             $filename = $new_ad->save_image($_FILES['image' . $i]);
                     Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, $return['message']);
                     //redirect user
                     if (isset($return['checkout_url']) and !empty($return['checkout_url'])) {
                     } else {
                         $this->redirect(Route::url('default', array('action' => 'thanks', 'controller' => 'ad', 'id' => $new_ad->id_ad)));
             } else {
                 $errors = $validation->errors('ad');
                 foreach ($errors as $f => $err) {
                     Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $err);
         } else {
             Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, __('Captcha is not correct'));
Esempio n. 27
  * 登录处理
 public function doLogAction()
     $account = safe::filterPost('account');
     $password = $_POST['password'];
     $captcha = safe::filterPost('captcha', '/^[a-zA-Z]{4}$/');
     $data = array('errorCode' => 0);
     $captchaObj = new captcha();
     if ($account == '') {
         $data['errorCode'] = 1;
     } else {
         if ($password == '') {
             $data['errorCode'] = 2;
         } else {
             if ($captcha == '') {
                 $data['errorCode'] = 3;
             } else {
                 if (!$captchaObj->check($captcha)) {
                     $data['errorCode'] = 4;
                 } else {
                     $userModel = new UserModel();
                     $userData = $userModel->checkUser($account, $password);
                     if (empty($userData)) {
                         $data['errorCode'] = 5;
                     } else {
                         $checkRight = new checkRight();
     $data['returnUrl'] = isset($_POST['callback']) && $_POST['callback'] != '' ? trim($_POST['callback']) : url::createUrl('/');
     echo JSON::encode($data);
     return false;
Esempio n. 28

defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
require_once 'libraries/form/captcha.php';
$document =& JFactory::getDocument();
$document->addScript(SITE_URL . '/templates/elegance/js/paginate.min.js');
$document->addScript(SITE_URL . '/templates/elegance/js/tablesort.min.js');
global $mainframe;
$session =& JFactory::getSession();
//Security Code Check
//$code = $session->get('security_code');
//$v_code = JRequest::getVar('verify_code');
//if(($code != $v_code )) {
//	$message = "Doğrulama Kodunu yanlış girdiniz. Lütfen tekrar deneyin.";
//	$mainframe->redirect("index.php?option=com_chronocontact&Itemid=195", $message);
if (!isset($_POST['kimlik_no'])) {
    echo "Hata oluştu.";
} else {
    $kimlikNo = $_POST['kimlik_no'];
    $db =& JFactory::getOracleDBO();
    $sonuclar = kimlikNoIleAraGenel($db, $kimlikNo);
    $rv = sinavSonuclariniGoster($sonuclar);
    if ($rv == -1) {
        echo '<div class="sonucBulunamadi">Sonuç bulunamadı.</div>';
/*function OgrBilgi($sinavsonuc, $ogr, $rowCount, $rowClass){
Esempio n. 29
  * add a repply to a topic
  * @param Model_Post  $topic 
  * @param Model_Forum $forum 
 public function add_topic_reply(Model_Post $topic, Model_Forum $forum)
     //if loged in add styles and check for post
     if (Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
         $this->template->styles = array('css/jquery.sceditor.min.css' => 'screen');
         $this->template->scripts['footer'] = array('js/jquery.sceditor.min.js?v=144', 'js/jquery.sceditor.bbcode.min.js', 'js/forum-new.js');
         $errors = NULL;
         if ($this->request->post()) {
             //captcha check
             if (captcha::check('new-reply-topic')) {
                 $user = Auth::instance()->get_user();
                 //akismet spam filter
                 if (!core::akismet($user->name, $user->email, core::post('description'))) {
                     $validation = Validation::factory($this->request->post())->rule('description', 'not_empty')->rule('description', 'max_length', array(':value', 1000))->rule('description', 'min_length', array(':value', 5));
                     if ($validation->check()) {
                         $reply = new Model_Post();
                         $reply->id_user = $user->id_user;
                         $reply->id_forum = $forum->id_forum;
                         $reply->id_post_parent = $topic->id_post;
                         $reply->title = mb_substr(core::post('description'), 0, 145);
                         $reply->seotitle = $reply->gen_seotitle($reply->title);
                         $reply->description = Text::banned_words(core::post('description'));
                         $reply->status = Model_Post::STATUS_ACTIVE;
                         $reply->ip_address = ip2long(Request::$client_ip);
                         //set empty since they already replied
                         Request::current()->post('description', '');
                         Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, __('Reply added, thanks!'));
                     } else {
                         $errors = $validation->errors('ad');
                 } else {
                     Alert::set(Alert::ERROR, __('This email has been considered as spam! We are sorry but we can not send this email.'));
             } else {
                 Alert::set(Alert::ERROR, __('Check the form for errors'));
         return $errors;
 public function action_userprofile_contact()
     $user = new Model_User($this->request->param('id'));
     //message to user
     if ($user->loaded() and $this->request->post()) {
         if (captcha::check('contact')) {
             //check if user is loged in
             if (Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
                 $email_from = Auth::instance()->get_user()->email;
                 $name_from = Auth::instance()->get_user()->name;
             } else {
                 $email_from = core::post('email');
                 $name_from = core::post('name');
             //akismet spam filter
             if (!core::akismet($name_from, $email_from, core::post('message'))) {
                 if (core::config('general.messaging')) {
                     $ret = Model_Message::send_user(core::post('message'), $this->user->id_user, $user->id_user);
                     if ($ret !== FALSE) {
                         $user->email('messaging-user-contact', array('[FROM.NAME]' => $this->user->name, '[TO.NAME]' => $user->name, '[DESCRIPTION]' => core::post('message'), '[URL.QL]' => $user->ql('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'messages', 'action' => 'message', 'id' => $ret->id_message))));
                 } else {
                     $ret = $user->email('user-profile-contact', array('[EMAIL.BODY]' => core::post('message'), '[EMAIL.SENDER]' => $name_from, '[EMAIL.SUBJECT]' => core::post('subject'), '[EMAIL.FROM]' => $email_from), $email_from, core::post('name'));
                 //if succesfully sent
                 if ($ret) {
                     Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, __('Your message has been sent'));
                 } else {
                     Alert::set(Alert::ERROR, __('Message not sent'));
             } else {
                 Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, __('This email has been considered as spam! We are sorry but we can not send this email.'));
         } else {
             Alert::set(Alert::ERROR, __('Captcha is not correct'));
         HTTP::redirect(Route::url('profile', array('seoname' => $user->seoname)));