Esempio n. 1
 public function testCreateDeleteSet()
     $o_db = new Db();
     $qr_objects = $o_db->query('select object_id from ca_objects where deleted=0');
     $va_object_ids = $qr_objects->getAllFieldValues('object_id');
     //$t = new Timer();
     $this->assertSame(sizeof($va_object_ids), $this->opt_set->getItemCount());
     //$t = new Timer();
Esempio n. 2
  * Add items to specified set
 public function createSetFromResult()
     global $g_ui_locale_id;
     $vs_mode = $this->request->getParameter('mode', pString);
     if ($vs_mode == 'from_checked') {
         $va_row_ids = explode(";", $this->request->getParameter('item_ids', pString));
     } else {
         $va_row_ids = $this->opo_result_context->getResultList();
     $vs_set_code = null;
     $vn_added_items_count = 0;
     if (is_array($va_row_ids) && sizeof($va_row_ids)) {
         $t_model = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($this->ops_tablename, true);
         $vs_set_name = $this->request->getParameter('set_name', pString);
         if (!$vs_set_name) {
             $vs_set_name = $this->opo_result_context->getSearchExpression();
         $t_set = new ca_sets();
         $t_set->set('user_id', $this->request->getUserID());
         $t_set->set('type_id', $this->request->config->get('ca_sets_default_type'));
         $t_set->set('table_num', $t_model->tableNum());
         $t_set->set('set_code', $vs_set_code = mb_substr(preg_replace("![^A-Za-z0-9_\\-]+!", "_", $vs_set_name), 0, 100));
         if ($t_set->numErrors()) {
             $this->view->setVar('error', join("; ", $t_set->getErrors()));
         $t_set->addLabel(array('name' => $vs_set_name), $g_ui_locale_id, null, true);
         $vn_added_items_count = $t_set->addItems($va_row_ids);
         $this->view->setVar('set_id', $t_set->getPrimaryKey());
         $this->view->setVar('t_set', $t_set);
     $this->view->setVar('set_name', $vs_set_name);
     $this->view->setVar('set_code', $vs_set_code);
     $this->view->setVar('num_items_added', $vn_added_items_count);
Esempio n. 3
  * @link
 public function testAddAndGetSetItem()
     $t_set = new ca_sets($this->opn_set_id);
     // "quick" add object (this method uses direct INSERT queries)
     $va_set_items = $t_set->getItems();
     // get rid of unneeded nesting in array. we should only have one label in one locale.
     $this->assertEquals(1, sizeof($va_set_items), 'Set should only have one item in one locale');
     $va_set_items = array_shift($va_set_items);
     $this->assertEquals(1, sizeof($va_set_items), 'Set should only have one item in one locale');
     $va_set_items = array_shift($va_set_items);
     // basic checks
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('caption', $va_set_items, 'Set item must have empty/blank label');
     $this->assertEquals('[BLANK]', $va_set_items['caption'], 'Set item must have empty/blank label');
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('row_id', $va_set_items, 'Set item must be related to object');
     $this->assertEquals($this->opn_object_id, $va_set_items['row_id'], 'Set item must be related to object');
     // this is (hopefully was?) the actual PROV-434 bug
     // @see
     $va_items = $t_set->get('ca_set_items', array('returnWithStructure' => true));
     $this->assertEquals(1, sizeof($va_items));
     $va_item = array_shift($va_items);
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('caption', $va_item, 'Set item must have empty/blank label');
     $this->assertEquals('[BLANK]', $va_item['caption'], 'Set item must have empty/blank label');
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('record_id', $va_item, 'Set item must be related to object');
     $this->assertEquals($this->opn_object_id, $va_item['record_id'], 'Set item must be related to object');
     // try text (no return as array)
     $vs_ret = $t_set->get('ca_set_items.item_id');
     // what comes out is a string with the primary key
     $this->assertRegExp("/^[0-9]+\$/", $vs_ret);
     $vs_ret = $t_set->get('ca_set_items.preferred_labels');
     $this->assertEquals("[BLANK]", $vs_ret);
     $vs_ret = $t_set->get('ca_set_items.row_id');
     $this->assertEquals((string) $this->opn_object_id, $vs_ret);
     // remove item
     // re-add object using model method (as opposed to direct insert addItems() above)
     // basic checks (again)
     $va_set_items = $t_set->getItems();
     // get rid of unneeded nesting in array. we should only have one label in one locale.
     $this->assertEquals(1, sizeof($va_set_items), 'Set should only have one item in one locale');
     $va_set_items = array_shift($va_set_items);
     $this->assertEquals(1, sizeof($va_set_items), 'Set should only have one item in one locale');
     $va_set_items = array_shift($va_set_items);
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('caption', $va_set_items, 'Set item must have empty/blank label');
     $this->assertEquals('[BLANK]', $va_set_items['caption'], 'Set item must have empty/blank label');
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('row_id', $va_set_items, 'Set item must be related to object');
     $this->assertEquals($this->opn_object_id, $va_set_items['row_id'], 'Set item must be related to object');
     // this is (hopefully was?) the actual PROV-434 bug
     // @see
     $va_items = $t_set->get('ca_set_items', array('returnWithStructure' => true));
     $this->assertEquals(1, sizeof($va_items));
     $va_item = array_shift($va_items);
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('caption', $va_item, 'Set item must have empty/blank label');
     $this->assertEquals('[BLANK]', $va_item['caption'], 'Set item must have empty/blank label');
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('record_id', $va_item, 'Set item must be related to object');
     $this->assertEquals($this->opn_object_id, $va_item['record_id'], 'Set item must be related to object');
Esempio n. 4
  * Duplicate all items in this set
  * @param int $pn_user_id
  * @param array $pa_options
  * @return ca_sets|bool
 public function duplicateItemsInSet($pn_user_id, $pa_options = array())
     if (!$this->getPrimaryKey()) {
         return false;
     if ($this->getItemCount() < 1) {
         return false;
     $t_user = new ca_users($pn_user_id);
     if (!$t_user->getPrimaryKey()) {
         return false;
     // we need a user for duplication
     global $g_ui_locale_id;
     if (caGetOption('addToCurrentSet', $pa_options, false)) {
         $t_set_to_add_dupes_to = $this;
     } else {
         // create new set for dupes
         $t_set_to_add_dupes_to = new ca_sets();
         $t_set_to_add_dupes_to->set('type_id', $this->get('type_id'));
         $t_set_to_add_dupes_to->set('table_num', $this->get('table_num'));
         $t_set_to_add_dupes_to->set('user_id', $this->get('user_id'));
         $t_set_to_add_dupes_to->set('set_code', $this->get('set_code') . '-' . _t('dupes'));
         if (!$t_set_to_add_dupes_to->getPrimaryKey()) {
             $this->errors = $t_set_to_add_dupes_to->errors;
             return false;
         $t_set_to_add_dupes_to->addLabel(array('name' => $this->getLabelForDisplay() . ' ' . _t('[Duplicates]')), $g_ui_locale_id, null, true);
     $va_items = array_keys($this->getItemRowIDs());
     $va_dupes = array();
     foreach ($va_items as $vn_row_id) {
         /** @var BundlableLabelableBaseModelWithAttributes $t_instance */
         $t_instance = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getInstance($this->get('table_num'));
         if (!$t_user->canDoAction('can_duplicate_' . $t_instance->tableName())) {
             $this->postError(2580, _t('You do not have permission to duplicate these items'), 'ca_sets->duplicateItemsInSet()');
             return false;
         if (!$t_instance->load($vn_row_id)) {
         // let's dupe
         $t_dupe = $t_instance->duplicate(array('user_id' => $pn_user_id, 'duplicate_nonpreferred_labels' => $t_user->getPreference($t_instance->tableName() . '_duplicate_nonpreferred_labels'), 'duplicate_attributes' => $t_user->getPreference($t_instance->tableName() . '_duplicate_attributes'), 'duplicate_relationships' => $t_user->getPreference($t_instance->tableName() . '_duplicate_relationships'), 'duplicate_media' => $t_user->getPreference($t_instance->tableName() . '_duplicate_media'), 'duplicate_subitems' => $t_user->getPreference($t_instance->tableName() . '_duplicate_subitems')));
         if ($t_dupe instanceof BaseModel) {
             $va_dupes[] = $t_dupe->getPrimaryKey();
     return $t_set_to_add_dupes_to;
Esempio n. 5
 public function AjaxAddItem()
     if (!$this->request->isLoggedIn()) {
         $this->response->setRedirect(caNavUrl($this->request, '', 'LoginReg', 'loginForm'));
     global $g_ui_locale_id;
     // current locale_id for user
     $va_errors = array();
     $o_purifier = new HTMLPurifier();
     # --- set_id is passed through form, otherwise we're saving a new set, and adding the item to it
     if ($this->request->getParameter('set_id', pInteger)) {
         $t_set = $this->_getSet(__CA_EDIT_READ_ACCESS__);
         if (!$t_set && ($t_set = $this->_getSet(__CA_SET_READ_ACCESS__))) {
             $va_errors["general"] = _t("You can not add items to this %1.  You have read only access.", $this->ops_lightbox_display_name);
             $this->view->setVar('errors', $va_errors);
     } else {
         $t_set = new ca_sets();
         # --- set name - if not sent, make a decent default
         $ps_name = $o_purifier->purify($this->request->getParameter('name', pString));
         if (!$ps_name) {
             $ps_name = _t("Your %1", $this->ops_lightbox_display_name);
         # --- set description - optional
         $ps_description = $o_purifier->purify($this->request->getParameter('description', pString));
         $t_list = new ca_lists();
         $vn_set_type_user = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('set_types', $this->request->config->get('user_set_type'));
         $t_object = new ca_objects();
         $vn_object_table_num = $t_object->tableNum();
         $t_set->set('access', 1);
         #$t_set->set('access', $this->request->getParameter('access', pInteger));
         $t_set->set('table_num', $vn_object_table_num);
         $t_set->set('type_id', $vn_set_type_user);
         $t_set->set('user_id', $this->request->getUserID());
         $t_set->set('set_code', $this->request->getUserID() . '_' . time());
         # --- create new attribute
         if ($ps_description) {
             $t_set->addAttribute(array('description' => $ps_description, 'locale_id' => $g_ui_locale_id), 'description');
         if ($t_set->numErrors()) {
             $va_errors["general"] = join("; ", $t_set->getErrors());
             $this->view->setVar('errors', $va_errors);
         } else {
             # --- save name - add new label
             $t_set->addLabel(array('name' => $ps_name), $g_ui_locale_id, null, true);
             # --- select the current set
             $this->request->user->setVar('current_set_id', $t_set->get("set_id"));
     if ($t_set) {
         $pn_item_id = null;
         $pn_object_id = $this->request->getParameter('object_id', pInteger);
         if ($pn_object_id) {
             if (!$t_set->isInSet("ca_objects", $pn_object_id, $t_set->get("set_id"))) {
                 if ($pn_item_id = $t_set->addItem($pn_object_id, array(), $this->request->getUserID())) {
                     // Select primary representation
                     $t_object = new ca_objects($pn_object_id);
                     $vn_rep_id = $t_object->getPrimaryRepresentationID();
                     // get representation_id for primary
                     $t_item = new ca_set_items($pn_item_id);
                     // flag as selected in item vars
                     $va_errors = array();
                     $this->view->setVar('message', _t("Successfully added item."));
                 } else {
                     $va_errors["message"] = _t('Could not add item to %1', $this->ops_lightbox_display_name);
             } else {
                 $this->view->setVar('message', _t("Item already in %1.", $this->ops_lightbox_display_name));
         } else {
             if (($pb_saveLastResults = $this->request->getParameter('saveLastResults', pString)) || ($ps_object_ids = $this->request->getParameter('object_ids', pString))) {
                 if ($pb_saveLastResults) {
                     # --- get object ids from last result
                     $o_context = ResultContext::getResultContextForLastFind($this->request, "ca_objects");
                     $va_object_ids = $o_context->getResultList();
                 } else {
                     $va_object_ids = explode(";", $ps_object_ids);
                 if (is_array($va_object_ids) && sizeof($va_object_ids)) {
                     # --- check for those already in set
                     $va_object_ids_in_set = $t_set->areInSet("ca_objects", $va_object_ids, $t_set->get("set_id"));
                     $va_object_ids = array_diff($va_object_ids, $va_object_ids_in_set);
                     # --- insert items
                     $this->view->setVar('message', _t("Successfully added results to %1.", $this->ops_lightbox_display_name));
                 } else {
                     $this->view->setVar('message', _t("No objects in search result to add to %1", $this->ops_lightbox_display_name));
             } else {
                 $this->view->setVar('message', _t("Object ID is not defined"));