Esempio n. 1
 public static function add_wp_cache()
     do_action("ws_plugin__qcache_before_add_wp_cache", get_defined_vars());
     if (!c_ws_plugin__qcache_wp_cache::delete_wp_cache()) {
         return apply_filters("ws_plugin__qcache_add_wp_cache", false, get_defined_vars());
     } else {
         if (file_exists(ABSPATH . "wp-config.php") && is_writable(ABSPATH . "wp-config.php")) {
             $config = file_get_contents(ABSPATH . "wp-config.php");
             $config = preg_replace("/^([\r\n\t ]*)(\\<\\?)(php)?/i", "<?php define('WP_CACHE', true);", $config);
             do_action("ws_plugin__qcache_during_add_wp_cache", get_defined_vars());
             unset($__refs, $__v);
             /* Unset defined __refs, __v. */
             file_put_contents(ABSPATH . "wp-config.php", $config);
             return apply_filters("ws_plugin__qcache_add_wp_cache", true, get_defined_vars());
         } else {
             if (file_exists(dirname(ABSPATH) . "/wp-config.php") && is_writable(dirname(ABSPATH) . "/wp-config.php")) {
                 $config = file_get_contents(dirname(ABSPATH) . "/wp-config.php");
                 $config = preg_replace("/^([\r\n\t ]*)(\\<\\?)(php)?/i", "<?php define('WP_CACHE', true);", $config);
                 do_action("ws_plugin__qcache_during_add_wp_cache", get_defined_vars());
                 unset($__refs, $__v);
                 /* Unset defined __refs, __v. */
                 file_put_contents(dirname(ABSPATH) . "/wp-config.php", $config);
                 return apply_filters("ws_plugin__qcache_add_wp_cache", true, get_defined_vars());
             } else {
                 return apply_filters("ws_plugin__qcache_add_wp_cache", false, get_defined_vars());
Esempio n. 2
 public static function deactivate()
     do_action("ws_plugin__qcache_before_deactivation", get_defined_vars());
     if ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["qcache"]["o"]["run_deactivation_routines"]) {
     c_ws_plugin__qcache_purging_routines::purge_cache_dir(false, false, false);
     do_action("ws_plugin__qcache_after_deactivation", get_defined_vars());
     /* Return for uniformity. */
 public static function update_all_options($new_options = FALSE, $verified = FALSE, $update_other = TRUE, $display_notices = TRUE, $enqueue_notices = FALSE, $request_refresh = FALSE)
     do_action("ws_plugin__qcache_before_update_all_options", get_defined_vars());
     /* If you use this Hook, be sure to use `wp_verify_nonce()`. */
     if ($verified || ($nonce = $_POST["ws_plugin__qcache_options_save"]) && wp_verify_nonce($nonce, "ws-plugin--qcache-options-save")) {
         if (!is_multisite() || is_main_site() && is_super_admin()) {
             $options = $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["qcache"]["o"];
             /* Here we get all of the existing options. */
             $new_options = is_array($new_options) ? $new_options : (array) $_POST;
             /* Force array. */
             $new_options = c_ws_plugin__qcache_utils_strings::trim_deep(stripslashes_deep($new_options));
             foreach ((array) $new_options as $key => $value) {
                 /* Looking for relevant keys. */
                 if (preg_match("/^" . preg_quote("ws_plugin__qcache_", "/") . "/", $key)) {
                     if ($key === "ws_plugin__qcache_configured") {
                         update_option("ws_plugin__qcache_configured", $value);
                         $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["qcache"]["c"]["configured"] = $value;
                     } else {
                         is_array($value) ? array_shift($value) : null;
                         /* Arrays should be padded. */
                         $key = preg_replace("/^" . preg_quote("ws_plugin__qcache_", "/") . "/", "", $key);
                         $options[$key] = $value;
                         /* Overriding a possible existing option. */
             $options["options_version"] = (string) ($options["options_version"] + 0.001);
             $options = ws_plugin__qcache_configure_options_and_their_defaults($options);
             do_action("ws_plugin__qcache_during_update_all_options", get_defined_vars());
             unset($__refs, $__v);
             /* Unset defined __refs, __v. */
             update_option("ws_plugin__qcache_options", $options);
             $updated_all_options = true;
             /* Flag/indication. */
             if ($update_other && $options["enabled"]) {
                 if (c_ws_plugin__qcache_wp_cache::add_wp_cache()) {
                     /* Add WP_CACHE to the config file. */
                     if (c_ws_plugin__qcache_advanced_cache::add_advanced()) {
                         /* Add the advanced-cache.php file. */
                         if (c_ws_plugin__qcache_garbage_collection::add_garbage_collector()) {
                             /* Add the garbage collector. */
                             if (c_ws_plugin__qcache_purging_routines::schedule_cache_dir_purge()) {
                                 $enabled = true;
                                 /* Mark this variable as enabled successfully. */
                                 $options["auto_cache_enabled"] ? c_ws_plugin__qcache_auto_cache::add_auto_cache_engine() : c_ws_plugin__qcache_auto_cache::delete_auto_cache_engine();
                                 if (($display_notices === true || in_array("success", (array) $display_notices)) && ($notice = '<strong>Options saved</strong>, and the cache was reset to avoid conflicts.' . ($request_refresh ? ' Please <a href="' . esc_attr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . '">refresh</a>.' : '') . '')) {
                                     $enqueue_notices === true || in_array("success", (array) $enqueue_notices) ? c_ws_plugin__qcache_admin_notices::enqueue_admin_notice($notice, "*:*") : c_ws_plugin__qcache_admin_notices::display_admin_notice($notice);
                 if (!$enabled) {
                     if (!function_exists("wp_cron")) {
                         if (($display_notices === true || in_array("success", (array) $display_notices)) && ($notice = '<strong>Error:</strong> Could NOT enable Quick Cache. Your installation of WordPress® is missing the <code>wp_cron</code> function. Some web hosts disable this intentionally. Please contact your web host for assistance.')) {
                             $enqueue_notices === true || in_array("success", (array) $enqueue_notices) ? c_ws_plugin__qcache_admin_notices::enqueue_admin_notice($notice, "*:*", true) : c_ws_plugin__qcache_admin_notices::display_admin_notice($notice, true);
                     } else {
                         if (($display_notices === true || in_array("success", (array) $display_notices)) && ($notice = '<strong>Error:</strong> Could NOT enable Quick Cache. Please check permissions on <code>/wp-config.php</code>, <code>/wp-content/</code> and <code>/wp-content/cache/</code>. Permissions need to be <code>755</code> or higher.')) {
                             $enqueue_notices === true || in_array("success", (array) $enqueue_notices) ? c_ws_plugin__qcache_admin_notices::enqueue_admin_notice($notice, "*:*", true) : c_ws_plugin__qcache_admin_notices::display_admin_notice($notice, true);
             } else {
                 if ($update_other && !$options["enabled"]) {
                     if (c_ws_plugin__qcache_wp_cache::delete_wp_cache()) {
                         /* Delete WP_CACHE from the config file. */
                         if (c_ws_plugin__qcache_advanced_cache::delete_advanced()) {
                             /* Delete the advanced-cache.php file. */
                             if (c_ws_plugin__qcache_garbage_collection::delete_garbage_collector()) {
                                 /* Delete the garbage collector. */
                                 if (c_ws_plugin__qcache_purging_routines::schedule_cache_dir_purge()) {
                                     $disabled = true;
                                     /* Mark this variable as disabled successfully. */
                                     /* Delete Auto-Cache. */
                                     if (($display_notices === true || in_array("success", (array) $display_notices)) && ($notice = '<strong>Options saved.</strong> Quick Cache disabled.' . ($request_refresh ? ' Please <a href="' . esc_attr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . '">refresh</a>.' : '') . '')) {
                                         $enqueue_notices === true || in_array("success", (array) $enqueue_notices) ? c_ws_plugin__qcache_admin_notices::enqueue_admin_notice($notice, "*:*") : c_ws_plugin__qcache_admin_notices::display_admin_notice($notice);
                     if (!$disabled) {
                         if (!function_exists("wp_cron")) {
                             if (($display_notices === true || in_array("success", (array) $display_notices)) && ($notice = '<strong>Error:</strong> Could NOT disable Quick Cache. Your installation of WordPress® is missing the <code>wp_cron</code> function. Some web hosts disable this intentionally. Please contact your web host for assistance.')) {
                                 $enqueue_notices === true || in_array("success", (array) $enqueue_notices) ? c_ws_plugin__qcache_admin_notices::enqueue_admin_notice($notice, "*:*", true) : c_ws_plugin__qcache_admin_notices::display_admin_notice($notice, true);
                         } else {
                             if (($display_notices === true || in_array("success", (array) $display_notices)) && ($notice = '<strong>Error:</strong> Could NOT disable Quick Cache. Please check permissions on <code>/wp-config.php</code>, <code>/wp-content/</code> and <code>/wp-content/cache/</code>. Permissions need to be <code>755</code> or higher.')) {
                                 $enqueue_notices === true || in_array("success", (array) $enqueue_notices) ? c_ws_plugin__qcache_admin_notices::enqueue_admin_notice($notice, "*:*", true) : c_ws_plugin__qcache_admin_notices::display_admin_notice($notice, true);
                 } else {
                     if (!$update_other) {
                         if (($display_notices === true || in_array("success", (array) $display_notices)) && ($notice = '<strong>Options saved.' . ($request_refresh ? ' Please <a href="' . esc_attr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . '">refresh</a>.' : '') . '</strong>')) {
                             $enqueue_notices === true || in_array("success", (array) $enqueue_notices) ? c_ws_plugin__qcache_admin_notices::enqueue_admin_notice($notice, "*:*") : c_ws_plugin__qcache_admin_notices::display_admin_notice($notice);
         } else {
             if (($display_notices === true || in_array("success", (array) $display_notices)) && ($notice = 'Quick Cache can ONLY be modified by a Super Administrator, while operating on the Main Site.')) {
                 $enqueue_notices === true || in_array("success", (array) $enqueue_notices) ? c_ws_plugin__qcache_admin_notices::enqueue_admin_notice($notice, "*:*", true) : c_ws_plugin__qcache_admin_notices::display_admin_notice($notice, true);
     do_action("ws_plugin__qcache_after_update_all_options", get_defined_vars());
     return $updated_all_options;
     /* Return status update. */