<?php error_reporting(1); header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); include "_plugins/smarty/Smarty.class.php"; include "_configs/config.php"; function __autoload($class_name) { require_once '_classes/' . $class_name . '.php'; } $smarty = new Smarty(); $sesja = new cSession(); $grupa = new cGroup(); $user = new cUser(); $finger = new cFinger(); $log = new cLog(); $czytnik = new cCzytnik(); $smarty->template_dir = '_skins/first'; $smarty->compile_dir = '_var/tmp_c'; $smarty->cache_dir = '_var/cache'; $smarty->config_dir = '_configs'; $smarty->caching = 0; $smarty->compile_check = true; //sprawdza czy plik szablonu lub konfiguracja uleg�y zmienie $smarty->cache_lifetime = 3600; //czas �ycia pliku w cache 1 godzina $sesja->start(); $opcja = $_GET[opcja]; $rodzaj = $_GET[rodzaj]; $sortuj = ''; if ($_GET[sortuj]) {
<?php require_once 'dslWEb_Library/Class/Documents.php'; require_once 'dslWEb_Library/Class/Session.php'; /** * Object instances * Document Class->objDoc, Session Class->objSes * $sData - path to directory ( cDocuments class)-> f:fileCreate */ $objDoc = new cDocuments(); $objSes = new cSession(); $objSes->sesStart(); /*##################################################################*/ /* the switch option evaluates what value is used from the POSTED name * submitted in the formUpload.php form */ if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) { switch ($_POST['Submit']) { case 'Segregate': if (!empty($_FILES["fileUpload"]) && $_FILES['fileUpload']['error'] == 0) { //Сheck that we have a file $filename = basename($_FILES['fileUpload']['name']); $ext = substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.') + 1); //echo 'File extension: '.$ext."</br>"; if ($ext == "xml" && $_FILES["fileUpload"]["type"] == "text/xml") { $file = $_FILES['fileUpload']['name']; $testObj = $objDoc->fileExist($file); /* @check to see if there is a similar file located in uploads_temp * -> proceed to delete the file if it exists * */ if ($testObj == 'TRUE') {
<?php session_start(); $pid = $_SESSION['pid']; $sub = $_POST['subStop']; $prcName = $_SESSION['dslImageName']; switch ($sub) { case 'Terminate process': include_once 'dslWEb_Library/Class/Session.php'; $objSes = new cSession(); if ($objSes->pidDel($pid) == "TRUE") { $outEcho .= $prcName . ': [PID] ' . $pid . ' terminated. </br>'; $_SESSION['outEcho'] = $outEcho; HEADER("Location:webHtml.php"); } else { $outEcho .= 'ERROR:failed to stop [PID]' . $pid . ' Please contact administrator</br>'; $_SESSION['outEcho'] = $outEcho; HEADER("Location:webHtml.php"); } break; default: $outEcho .= 'ERROR:A process is still running in the background.</br> '; $_SESSION['outEcho'] = $outEcho; HEADER("Location:webHtml.php"); break; }
<?php require_once 'dslWEb_Library/Class/Documents.php'; require_once 'dslWEb_Library/Class/Session.php'; $objSes = new cSession(); $objSes->sesStart(); /* before starting. make sure that no process is currently running in the background */ $dslImageName = 'dslexe.exe'; // $_SESSION['dslImageName'] = $dslImageName; $pid = $objSes->pidGet($dslImageName); /* check if the process id exists on the system. */ if ($pid) { $_SESSION['pid'] = $pid; include 'dslWeb_Html/form/formStopProcess.php'; } else { session_destroy(); unset($_SESSION['$outEcho']); $objDoc = new cDocuments(); //include_once 'dslWeb_Html/form/formUpload.php'; include_once 'dslWeb_Html/form/formUpload.php'; }
<?php session_start(); header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); include_once "_plugins/smarty/Smarty.class.php"; include_once "_configs/config.php"; include_once "include/funkcje.php"; function __autoload($class_name) { require_once '_classes/' . $class_name . '.php'; } $sesja = new cSession(); $sesja->start(); $sesja->set('login', 'Administrator'); $sql = new cSQL(CONF_DB_HOST, CONF_DB_LOGIN, CONF_DB_PASS, CONF_DB_NAME); // WYBIERAM ODPOWIEDNIA STRONĘ // sprawdz czy czy podano paramatr `page` poprzez GET if (isset($_GET['page'])) { // sprawdz czy wybrano grupy (grupy.html) if (strcmp($_GET['page'], 'groups') == 0) { // pobieram ilość rekordów z tabeli grupa $q = "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM grupa"; $sql->query($q); $rekordow = $sql->get_rows(); // zmienne pomocnicze przy stronnicowaniu if (isset($_GET['str'])) { if ($_GET['str'] > 0 and $_GET['str'] % ITEMS_ON_PAGE == 0 and $_GET['str'] < $rekordow[0]) { $strona = (int) $_GET['str']; } else { $strona = 0; }