if ($task != "0") { $tmpquery = "WHERE tas.id = '{$task}'"; $taskDetail = new request(); $taskDetail->openTasks($tmpquery); } include '../themes/' . THEME . '/header.php'; $blockPage = new block(); $blockPage->openBreadcrumbs(); $blockPage->itemBreadcrumbs($blockPage->buildLink("../projects/listprojects.php?", $strings["projects"], in)); $blockPage->itemBreadcrumbs($blockPage->buildLink("../projects/viewproject.php?id=" . $projectDetail->pro_id[0], $projectDetail->pro_name[0], in)); if ($task != "0") { $blockPage->itemBreadcrumbs($blockPage->buildLink("../tasks/listtasks.php?project=" . $projectDetail->pro_id[0], $strings["tasks"], in)); $blockPage->itemBreadcrumbs($blockPage->buildLink("../tasks/viewtask.php?id=" . $taskDetail->tas_id[0], $taskDetail->tas_name[0], in)); } $blockPage->itemBreadcrumbs($strings["unlink_files"]); $blockPage->closeBreadcrumbs(); if ($msg != "") { include '../includes/messages.php'; $blockPage->messagebox($msgLabel); } $block1 = new block(); $block1->form = "saC"; $block1->openForm("../linkedcontent/deletefiles.php?project={$project}&task={$task}&action=delete&id={$id}&sendto={$sendto}&" . session_name() . "=" . session_id()); $block1->heading($strings["unlink_files"]); $block1->openContent(); $block1->contentTitle($strings["delete_following"]); $id = str_replace("**", ",", $id); $tmpquery = "WHERE fil.id IN({$id}) ORDER BY fil.name"; $listFiles = new request(); $listFiles->openFiles($tmpquery); $comptListFiles = count($listFiles->fil_id);
function upgrade2_4() { include "../languages/help_en.php"; $setTitle = "PhpCollab Upgrade"; $blank = "true"; include "../themes/" . THEME . "/block.class.php"; include '../themes/' . THEME . '/header.php'; //Get this file.. $script = "upgrade.php"; $step = getParameter('step'); if (empty($step)) { $step = 1; } // Create new block and start the breadcrumbs $blockPage = new block(); $blockPage->openBreadcrumbs(); $blockPage->itemBreadcrumbs("<a href='../installation/{$script}'>Upgrade</a>"); //Content block $block1 = new block(); if ($step == 1) { $blockPage->itemBreadcrumbs("License"); $blockPage->closeBreadcrumbs(); $block1->heading("License"); $block1->openContent(); $block1->contentTitle(" "); echo "<tr class='odd'><td valign='top' class='leftvalue'> </td><td>\n \t<pre>"; include "../docs/copying.txt"; echo "</pre>\n \t</td></tr>"; } elseif ($step == 2) { $myError = null; $blockPage->itemBreadcrumbs("<a href='../installation/{$script}?step=1'>License</a>"); $blockPage->itemBreadcrumbs("Check DB"); $blockPage->closeBreadcrumbs(); $block1->heading("Checking Database..."); $block1->openContent(); $block1->contentTitle("Database Requirements..."); echo "<tr class='odd'><td valign='top' class='leftvalue'> </td><td>\n We are currently checking the database to see if it needs to be updated... <br /><br /><b>Please wait...</b><br />\n \t</td></tr>"; flush(); echo "<tr class='odd'><td valign='top' class='leftvalue'> </td><td>"; if (checkDatabase($myError)) { echo "<br />Database looks <font style='color: green'>good</font>. We are continuing the conversion...<br /><br />"; echo "<br />Continue on to <a href='../installation/{$script}?step=3&redirect=true'>Step 3</a>.<br /><br /><b>MAKE SURE SETTINGS.PHP IS WRITEABLE!!!</b><Br /><br />"; } else { echo "<fieldset><legend style='font-weight: bold;font-size: large;padding: 5px;color: #ff3300'>"; echo "Error...</legend>"; echo "Sorry we could not upgrade your database at this time.. you will have to reinstall or do a manual upgrade..."; if (!empty($myError)) { echo "<pre>{$myError}</pre>"; } echo "</fieldset>"; } echo "</td></tr>"; } elseif ($step == 3) { $myError = null; $blockPage->itemBreadcrumbs("<a href='../installation/{$script}?step=1'>License</a>"); $blockPage->itemBreadcrumbs("<a href='../installation/{$script}?step=2'>Check DB</a>"); $blockPage->itemBreadcrumbs("Conversion"); $blockPage->closeBreadcrumbs(); $block1->heading("Conversion and update"); $block1->openContent(); $block1->contentTitle("Checking Settings.php..."); echo "<tr class='odd'><td valign='top' class='leftvalue'> </td><td>\n We are making sure that settings.php is writeable, we can not continue if it's not writeable. <br /><br /><b>Please wait...</b><br />\n \t</td></tr>"; flush(); echo "<tr class='odd'><td valign='top' class='leftvalue'> </td><td>"; //TODO: Check file $settingsFile = dirname(realpath(__FILE__)) . "/../includes/settings.php"; unset($goon); $goon = false; clearstatcache(); if (!is_writable($settingsFile)) { echo "<fieldset><legend style='font-weight: bold;font-size: large;padding: 5px;color: #ff3300'>"; echo "Error...</legend>"; echo "Your settings file is not writeable. You need to either <b>chmod 666</b> the file or <b>chmod o+w</b> the file. Hit refresh to recheck."; if (!empty($myError)) { echo "<pre>{$myError}</pre>"; } echo "</fieldset>"; } else { echo "<br />Okay your settings.php file looks good, we are going to continue.<br />"; $goon = true; } echo "<br /></td></tr>"; if ($goon) { //Next $block1->contentTitle("Converting..."); echo "<tr class='odd'><td valign='top' class='leftvalue'> </td><td>\n We are now upgrading your database and writting the config file. <br /><br /><b>Please wait...</b><br />\n \t</td></tr>"; flush(); echo "<tr class='odd'><td valign='top' class='leftvalue'> </td><td>"; if (convertDB()) { echo "<br />Writting out new settings file..."; rewriteConfig($settingsFile, '2.5'); //Reload the Config so we can use the root include $settingsFile; echo "<b> done</b><br /><br />"; echo "<br /><B>Congratulations... if there was no error writting the file, you are done.<br />Click <a href=\"../\">here</a> to login."; echo "<br><B>MAKE SURE TO DELETE UPGRADE.PHP!"; echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<h3>If you are upgrading from 2.4 to the latest version, please re-run this upgrade script to perform additi</h3>"; } } } $block1->closeContent(); $stepNext = $step + 1; if ($step < "2") { echo "<form name='license' action='../installation/{$script}?step=2&redirect=true' method='post'><center><a href=\"javascript:document.license.submit();\"><br /><b>Step {$stepNext}</b></a><br /><br /></center></form><br/>"; } $footerDev = "false"; include '../themes/' . THEME . '/footer.php'; //FOR DEBUG **** exit; // ----------------------- }