Esempio n. 1
  * Convert a picture to a different format and/or resize it.
  * @param $from: File path to the original file.
  * @param $to: File path where the new file should be saved.
  * @param $mime: MIME type of the original image.
  * @param $maxWidth: Maximum width of the new image. No resizing
  *                   is done if this is empty. Can be used without
  *                   specifying maxHeight.
  * @param $maxHeight: Maximum height of the new image. Must be
  *                    used together with $maxWidth.
 protected static function convert($from, $to, $mime, $maxWidth = '', $maxHeight = '')
     $cmd = binarypool_config::getUtilityPath('convert');
     # Make sure all output images are in RGB. This handles incoming CMYK
     # images which some browsers can't display.
     $cmd .= ' -colorspace RGB';
     switch ($mime) {
         case 'image/pdf':
         case 'application/pdf':
             $cmd .= ' -trim';
         case 'image/gif':
             $cmd .= ' -flatten';
     if ($maxWidth != '') {
         $scale = intval($maxWidth);
         if ($maxHeight != '') {
             $scale .= 'x' . intval($maxHeight);
             # Don't enlarge if the size is already smaller than resized version
             $scale .= '>';
         $cmd .= ' -resize ' . escapeshellarg($scale) . '';
     if ($mime == 'image/jpeg') {
         # Sharpen image
         $cmd .= ' -unsharp 0.5x1';
     $cmd = $cmd . ' ' . escapeshellarg($from) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($to);
     $log = new api_log();
     $log->debug("Resizing image using command: {$cmd}");
Esempio n. 2
  * Prepare a curl handle for the http request
  * @param String $url the URL to fetch
  * @param int $modified (optional) seconds since Unix epoch of local copy
  * @return $curl curl handle
 protected function prepareCurl($url, $lastmodified = 0)
     $curl = curl_init();
     // See
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, binarypool_config::getUseragent());
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
     // return data as string
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0);
     // don't follow redirects
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $this->connectionTimeout);
     // can't connect? fail fast...
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $this->timeout);
     // total timeout
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, true);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_DNS_USE_GLOBAL_CACHE, FALSE);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FILETIME, TRUE);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, TRUE);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, '');
     // sends Accept-Encoding for all suported encodings
     if ($lastmodified) {
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEVALUE, $lastmodified);
     return $curl;
Esempio n. 3
 protected function touch($bucket, $uri)
     $storage = new binarypool_storage($bucket);
     $assetFile = $uri;
     if (!$storage->isFile($assetFile)) {
         $assetFile .= '/index.xml';
         if (!$storage->isFile($assetFile)) {
             return false;
     // Get TTL from request
     $buckets = binarypool_config::getBuckets();
     $ttl = $buckets[$bucket]['ttl'];
     if ($this->request->getParam('TTL')) {
         $newttl = intval($this->request->getParam('TTL'));
         if ($newttl <= $ttl) {
             // Don't allow higher TTL than bucket configuration
             $ttl = $newttl;
     // Set TTL
     $oldAsset = $storage->getAssetObject($assetFile);
     $asset = $storage->getAssetObject($assetFile);
     $asset->setExpiry(time() + $ttl * 24 * 60 * 60);
     $storage->saveAsset($asset, $assetFile);
     // Update views
     binarypool_views::updated($bucket, $assetFile, $oldAsset);
     return true;
Esempio n. 4
function cleanSymlinks()
    // Do symlink cleanup
    printf("[%10s] Cleaning up symlinks.\n", 'FINAL');
    $cmd = binarypool_config::getUtilityPath('symlinks');
    system("{$cmd} -cdrs " . binarypool_config::getRoot() . "*/created");
    system("{$cmd} -cdrs " . binarypool_config::getRoot() . "*/expiry");
    system("{$cmd} -cdrsv " . binarypool_config::getRoot() . "*/downloaded |grep '/dev/null' |xargs -0 rm");
Esempio n. 5
  * Convert a PDF/EPS to JPG/PNG.
  * @param $from:   File path to the original file.
  * @param $to:     File path where the new file should be saved.
  * @param $format: Format to convert to.
 protected static function convert($from, $to, $format)
     $cmd = binarypool_config::getUtilityPath('pdfconverter');
     $cmd .= ' -f ' . $format;
     $cmd .= ' ' . escapeshellarg($from) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($to);
     $log = new api_log();
     $log->debug("Rendering PDF with command: {$cmd}");
Esempio n. 6
 protected function execute()
     $xml = "<status method='get'>";
     $buckets = binarypool_config::getBuckets();
     foreach (array_keys($buckets) as $bucket) {
         $xml .= '<bucket id="' . htmlspecialchars($bucket) . '" />';
     $xml .= "</status>";
     array_push($this->data, new api_model_xml($xml));
Esempio n. 7
 public function __construct($bucket)
     $buckets = binarypool_config::getBuckets();
     if (!isset($buckets[$bucket])) {
         throw new binarypool_exception(100, 404, "Bucket not defined: {$bucket}");
     $this->bucketName = $bucket;
     $this->bucketConfig = $buckets[$bucket];
     $this->storage = $this->getStorage($this->bucketConfig);
Esempio n. 8
  * The getExpired call should return an asset which file expired
  * yesterday.
 function testGetExpiredYesterday()
     $assetId = '096dfa489bc3f21df56eded2143843f135ae967e';
     $asset = $this->storage->save('IMAGE', array('_' => array('file' => $this->testfile)));
     $date = date('Y/m/d', strtotime('-1 days'));
     $viewToday = self::$BUCKET . 'expiry/' . $date . '/' . $assetId;
     mkdir(dirname($viewToday), 0755, true);
     symlink(dirname(binarypool_config::getRoot() . $asset), $viewToday);
     $this->assertEqual(array('test/09/096dfa489bc3f21df56eded2143843f135ae967e/index.xml'), binarypool_browser::getExpired('test'));
Esempio n. 9
 protected static function convert($from, $to)
     $cmd = binarypool_config::getUtilityPath('convert');
     $cmd .= ' -density 288 -resize 220 +antialias';
     # Make sure all output images are in RGB. This handles incoming CMYK
     # images which some browsers can't display.
     $cmd .= ' -colorspace RGB -trim ';
     $cmd .= escapeshellarg($from) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($to);
     $log = new api_log();
     $log->debug("Converting PDF/EPS image using command: {$cmd}");
Esempio n. 10
 function setUp()
     // Remove bucket
     $bucket = binarypool_config::getRoot() . 'test/';
     if (file_exists($bucket)) {
     // Remove trash
     if (file_exists(binarypool_config::getRoot() . 'Trash/')) {
         $this->deltree(binarypool_config::getRoot() . 'Trash/');
Esempio n. 11
  * Validate original uploaded files and throw exceptions if they are
  * invalid.
  * @param $type: Type - the validation method is chosen based on this type.
  * @param $bucket: Bucket and type define the validations that apply.
  * @param $original: Absolute path to the original file.
  * @return Boolean
 public static function validate($type, $bucket, $original)
     $validationClass = "binarypool_validate_" . strtolower($type);
     if (!class_exists($validationClass)) {
         return true;
     $config = null;
     $buckets = binarypool_config::getBuckets();
     if (isset($buckets[$bucket]['validations']) && isset($buckets[$bucket]['validations'][$type])) {
         $config = $buckets[$bucket]['validations'][$type];
     return call_user_func($validationClass . '::validate', $original, $config);
Esempio n. 12
 function setUp()
     self::$BUCKET = binarypool_config::getRoot() . 'test/';
     // Remove bucket
     if (file_exists(self::$BUCKET)) {
     // Remove trash
     if (file_exists(binarypool_config::getRoot() . 'Trash/')) {
         $this->deltree(binarypool_config::getRoot() . 'Trash/');
     $this->testfile = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/res/vw_golf.jpg');
Esempio n. 13
 protected function execute()
     $uri = $this->request->getPath();
     // Deletions allowed on bucket?
     $buckets = binarypool_config::getBuckets();
     if (!isset($buckets[$this->bucket]['allowDeletions']) || $buckets[$this->bucket]['allowDeletions'] == false) {
         throw new binarypool_exception(108, 403, "Deletions not allowed on this bucket.");
     $storage = new binarypool_storage($this->bucket);
     $this->ignoreView = true;
Esempio n. 14
 protected static function lint($source, $xsd = null)
     $cmd = binarypool_config::getUtilityPath('xmllint');
     $cmd .= ' --nowarning --nonet --noout';
     if (!is_null($xsd)) {
         $cmd .= ' --schema ' . escapeshellarg($xsd);
     $cmd = $cmd . ' ' . escapeshellarg($source) . ' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null';
     system($cmd, $retval);
     if ($retval != 0) {
         if (is_null($xsd)) {
             throw new binarypool_exception(117, 400, "XML document is not well-formed.");
         } else {
             throw new binarypool_exception(118, 400, "XML document is not valid.");
     return true;
Esempio n. 15
function walk_dir($root, $callback, $exclude = array())
    $fsroot = binarypool_config::getRoot();
    $root = rtrim($root, '/') . '/';
    $queue = array($root);
    foreach ($exclude as &$path) {
        $path = $root . trim($path, '/') . '/';
    while ($base = array_shift($queue)) {
        $relative = substr($base, strlen($fsroot));
        if ($handle = opendir($base)) {
            while (($child = readdir($handle)) !== FALSE) {
                if (is_dir($base . $child) && $child != '.' && $child != '..') {
                    $combined_path = $base . $child . '/';
                    if (!in_array($combined_path, $exclude)) {
                        array_push($queue, $combined_path);
Esempio n. 16
  * Create an asset XML with an absolute base path and reload it.
 function testAssetPersistanceWithAbsoluteBasePath()
     $basepath = 'test/somehashhere/';
     $absBasepath = binarypool_config::getRoot() . $basepath;
     mkdir($absBasepath, 0755, true);
     $asset = $this->testAssetWithAbsoluteBasePath();
     file_put_contents($absBasepath . 'index.xml', $asset->getXML());
     // Load XML from FS
     $asset = new binarypool_asset($this->getDummyStorage(), $basepath . 'index.xml');
     $xml = $asset->getXML();
     $dom = DOMDocument::loadXML($xml);
     $xp = new DOMXPath($dom);
     // Test that the same information is still around
     $this->assertXPath($xp, '/registry/@version', '3.0');
     $this->assertXPath($xp, '/registry/items/item/location', '');
     $this->assertXPath($xp, '/registry/items/item/location/@absolute', 'true');
     $this->assertXPath($xp, '/registry/items/item/mimetype', 'image/jpeg');
     $this->assertXPath($xp, '/registry/items/item/size', '51941');
     return $asset;
Esempio n. 17
  * Uses `file' on the command line to get the MIME type.
 protected static function getMimeTypeWithCmdLineFile($file)
     $cmd = binarypool_config::getUtilityPath('file');
     $mime = trim(shell_exec("{$cmd} -ib " . escapeshellarg($file)));
     if ($mime == '' || $mime == 'regular file') {
         return null;
     } else {
         return $mime;
Esempio n. 18
  * Fix the extension of manually uploaded renditions.
 function testSaveRenditionFixExtension()
     $this->assertFalse(file_exists(self::$BUCKET . 'cb/cbf9f9f453acaba556e00b48951815da5611f975/vw_golf_smaller.jpg'));
     $asset = $this->storage->save('IMAGE', array('_' => array('file' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../res/vw_golf_smaller.jpg'), 'detailpage' => array('file' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../res/upload1.bin')));
     $this->assertEqual('test/cb/cbf9f9f453acaba556e00b48951815da5611f975/index.xml', $asset);
     $this->assertTrue(file_exists(self::$BUCKET . 'cb/cbf9f9f453acaba556e00b48951815da5611f975/vw_golf_smaller.jpg'), 'Original file was not written to file system.');
     $this->assertTrue(file_exists(self::$BUCKET . 'cb/cbf9f9f453acaba556e00b48951815da5611f975/upload1.jpg'), 'detailpage rendition file was not written to file system.');
     $this->assertFalse(file_exists(self::$BUCKET . 'cb/cbf9f9f453acaba556e00b48951815da5611f975/upload1.bin'), 'detailpage rendition file was written to file system with the wrong extension.');
     $this->assertTrue(file_exists(binarypool_config::getRoot() . $asset), 'Asset file was not written to file system.');
Esempio n. 19
 protected function getFilesFromUrl()
     $url = $this->request->getParam('URL');
     $this->log->debug("Downloading file: %s", $url);
     if (!self::$lastModified) {
         self::$lastModified = new binarypool_lastmodified();
     $lastmodified = self::$lastModified->lastModified($this->bucket, $url);
     if (binarypool_config::getCacheRevalidate($this->bucket) === 0) {
         $lastmodified['time'] = 0;
     $tmpfile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'binary');
     if ($tmpfile == '' || $tmpfile === FALSE) {
         throw new binarypool_exception(104, 500, "Could not create temporary file");
     array_push($this->tmpfiles, $tmpfile);
     $result = array('code' => 0, 'headers' => array(), 'body' => '');
     $retries = 3;
     if ($lastmodified['revalidate']) {
         $httpc = new binarypool_httpclient();
         while ($retries) {
             try {
                 $result = $httpc->download($url, $tmpfile, $lastmodified['time']);
                 if ($result['code'] < 500) {
             } catch (binarypool_httpclient_exception $e) {
                 // ignore - dropped connections etc. - retry
                 $this->log->debug("Failed download attempt from %s: %s", $url, $e);
     } else {
         $result['code'] = 304;
     if (304 == $result['code']) {
         $this->log->debug("File %s has not been modified", $url);
         return array();
     if ($result['code'] != 200 || !filesize($tmpfile)) {
         binarypool_views::flagBadUrl($this->bucket, $url);
         throw new binarypool_exception(121, 400, "File could not be fetched from URL: " . $url);
     $url_parsed = parse_url($url);
     $filename = basename($url_parsed['path']);
     # Restrict filenames TO ALPHANUMS and reduce sequences of '.' to avoid
     # traversal issues, unicode issues, command injection etc.
     $filename = preg_replace(array('#\\.{2,}#', '#[^a-zA-Z0-9\\.]+#'), array('.', '_'), $filename);
     return array('_' => array('file' => $tmpfile, 'filename' => $filename));
Esempio n. 20
  * Load settings from the config file.
 private static function load()
     // Read correct config file based on environment
     $env = '';
     if (isset($_SERVER['BINARYPOOL_CONFIG'])) {
         $env = $_SERVER['BINARYPOOL_CONFIG'];
     $filename = API_PROJECT_DIR . "/conf/binarypool.php";
     if ($env != '' && file_exists($filename)) {
         $filename = API_PROJECT_DIR . '/conf/binarypool-' . $env . '.php';
     include $filename;
     // Get values
     self::$buckets = $BUCKETS;
     self::$root = $ROOT;
     if (!file_exists(self::$root)) {
         if (!file_exists(self::$root)) {
             throw new binarypool_exception(107, 500, "Binary Pool path is not available.");
     self::$root = realpath(self::$root);
     if (self::$root[strlen(self::$root) - 1] !== '/') {
         self::$root .= '/';
     self::$paths = $PATHS;
     self::$badUrlExpiry = $BADURLEXPIRY;
     self::$cacheRevalidate = $CACHEREVALIDATE;
     self::$useragent = $USERAGENT;
 protected function getS3Bucket()
     $buckets = binarypool_config::getBuckets();
     return $buckets['test_s3'];
Esempio n. 22
  * Calculates the renditions for the given file.
  * @param $type: Type - the renderer is chosen based on this type.
  * @param $bucket: Bucket and type define the renditions which have
  *                 to be generated.
  * @param $original: Absolute path to the original file.
  * @param $outputPath: Directory where the renditions are written to.
  * @param $exclude: Renditions which don't have to be calculated.
  * @param $assetFile: Path to the asset file. Needed for asynchronous
  *                    rendition processes.
  * @return Associative array of hashes. The key is the rendition name,
  *         the path is the relative path of the file.
 public static function render($type, $bucket, $original, $outputPath, $exclude = array(), $assetFile = null)
     // Get configured renditions for this type
     $buckets = binarypool_config::getBuckets();
     $renditions = array();
     if (!isset($buckets[$bucket]['renditions'][$type])) {
         return $renditions;
     // Information about the original file
     $mime = binarypool_mime::getMimeType($original);
     // Loops through the renditions configuration and generates the
     // renditions as specified.
     // The following keys of each rendition config are considered:
     //    - _sources: Ordered array of rendition names that should be
     //                used as input for this rendition. If not present
     //                of empty elements mean that the original
     //                binary is used.
     //    - _class:   The render_base subclass to use. The class is
     //                prefixed with 'binarypool_render_' to get the
     //                definitive PHP class name.
     //    - _mimes:   MIME type of the original binary for which this
     //                rendition is calculated.
     // This three keys are removed from the array and the modified
     // array is then passed to the render class as configuration.
     // The list of renditions needs to be in the correct dependency
     // order. If rendition `B' uses rendition `A' as a source, then
     // rendition `A' must come before `B'.
     foreach ($buckets[$bucket]['renditions'][$type] as $rendition => $renditionConfig) {
         // Renditions that the user uploaded are not calculated
         if (in_array($rendition, $exclude)) {
         // Rendition to be calculated?
         if (isset($renditionConfig['_mimes'])) {
             $mimesCfg = $renditionConfig['_mimes'];
             if (!is_array($mimesCfg)) {
                 $mimesCfg = array($mimesCfg);
             if (!in_array($mime, $mimesCfg)) {
         // Get correct source file name
         $sourceFile = null;
         if (isset($renditionConfig['_sources'])) {
             foreach ($renditionConfig['_sources'] as $sourceRendition) {
                 if (isset($renditions[$sourceRendition])) {
                     $sourceFile = $renditions[$sourceRendition];
                 } else {
                     if ($sourceRendition === '') {
                         $sourceFile = $original;
         } else {
             $sourceFile = $original;
         if (is_null($sourceFile)) {
             throw new binarypool_exception(106, 500, "Missing source rendition for rendition {$rendition}");
         $renditionConfig['_bucket'] = $bucket;
         // Get correct class name
         $renditionType = strtolower($type);
         if (isset($renditionConfig['_class'])) {
             $renditionType = $renditionConfig['_class'];
         $renderingClass = "binarypool_render_" . $renditionType;
         // Filenames
         $renditionFile = $rendition;
         $absoluteRendition = $outputPath . $renditionFile;
         // Render image. Return value of rendering is the absolute path to the
         // rendition including file extensions.
         $absoluteRendition = call_user_func($renderingClass . '::render', $sourceFile, $absoluteRendition, $assetFile, $renditionConfig);
         if (!is_null($absoluteRendition)) {
             if (!file_exists($absoluteRendition)) {
                 throw new binarypool_exception(106, 500, "Could not create rendition: {$rendition}");
             $renditions[$rendition] = $absoluteRendition;
     return $renditions;
 function testGetRenditionDirectory()
     $storage = new binarypool_storage_driver_file();
     $this->assertEqual($storage->getRenditionsDirectory('files/abc/def'), binarypool_config::getRoot() . 'files/abc/def/');
Esempio n. 24
 function testGetPathOfConvert()
     $convert = binarypool_config::getUtilityPath('convert');
     $this->assertNotEqual(0, strlen($convert));
Esempio n. 25
 function testUpdatedSymlink()
     $cache_age = binarypool_config::getCacheRevalidate('test') + 1;
     binarypool_views::$lastModified->setReturnValue('lastModified', array('cache_age' => $cache_age));
     $asset = $this->createMockAsset();
     $storage = $this->createMockStorage($asset);
     $storage->expectCallCount('symlink', 2);
     $storage->expectCallCount('relink', 1);
     binarypool_views::created('test', 'foo', array('URL' => ''));
Esempio n. 26
  * Tests that the correct rendition is saved.
 function testUploadRenditionVerify()
     $this->assertEqual(api_response::getInstance()->getCode(), 200);
     $localHash = sha1_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../res/vw_golf_blur.jpg');
     $remoteFile = $this->getText('/registry/items/item[rendition="detailpage"]/location');
     $remoteHash = sha1_file(binarypool_config::getRoot() . '/' . $remoteFile);
     $this->assertEqual($localHash, $remoteHash);
Esempio n. 27
 public function getURLLastModified($url, $symlink, $bucket)
     $symlink .= '.link';
     $now = $this->time;
     if (!$this->fileExists($symlink)) {
         return array('time' => 0, 'revalidate' => true, 'cache_age' => 0);
     $contents = $this->getFile($symlink);
     $contents = json_decode($contents, true);
     if ($contents['link'] == '/dev/null') {
         // Dead URL
         $failed_time = $now - $contents['mtime'];
         if ($failed_time > binarypool_config::getBadUrlExpiry()) {
             return array('time' => 0, 'revalidate' => true, 'cache_age' => $failed_time);
         $failed_nextfetch = $contents['mtime'] + binarypool_config::getBadUrlExpiry() - $now;
         throw new binarypool_exception(122, 400, "File download failed {$failed_time} seconds ago. Re-fetching allowed in next time in {$failed_nextfetch} seconds: {$url}");
     $cache_age = $now - $contents['mtime'];
     $revalidate = false;
     if ($cache_age > binarypool_config::getCacheRevalidate($bucket)) {
         $revalidate = true;
     return array('time' => $contents['mtime'], 'revalidate' => $revalidate, 'cache_age' => $cache_age);
Esempio n. 28
 public function getURLLastModified($url, $symlink, $bucket)
     if (!$this->fileExists($symlink)) {
         return array('time' => 0, 'revalidate' => true, 'cache_age' => 0);
     $symlinkAbs = $this->absolutize($symlink);
     $stat = lstat($symlinkAbs);
     $now = time();
     if (readlink($symlinkAbs) == '/dev/null') {
         $failed_time = $now - $stat['mtime'];
         if ($failed_time > binarypool_config::getBadUrlExpiry()) {
             return array('time' => 0, 'revalidate' => true, 'cache_age' => $failed_time);
         $failed_nextfetch = $stat['mtime'] + binarypool_config::getBadUrlExpiry() - $now;
         throw new binarypool_exception(122, 400, "File download failed {$failed_time} seconds ago. Re-fetching allowed in next time in {$failed_nextfetch} seconds: {$url}");
     $cache_age = $now - $stat['mtime'];
     $revalidate = false;
     if ($cache_age > binarypool_config::getCacheRevalidate($bucket)) {
         $revalidate = true;
     return array('time' => filemtime($symlinkAbs), 'revalidate' => $revalidate, 'cache_age' => $cache_age);
Esempio n. 29
  * Create the URL view symlink for files which were downloaded 
  * @param $asset: An object of binarypool_asset.
 private static function linkURL($bucket, $asset, $metadata)
     if (empty($metadata['URL'])) {
     $assetDir = '../../' . self::getCleanedBasepath($asset);
     $symlink = self::getDownloadedViewPath($bucket, $metadata['URL']);
     if (!self::$lastModified) {
         self::$lastModified = new binarypool_lastmodified();
     $lastmodified = self::$lastModified->lastModified($bucket, $metadata['URL']);
     if ($lastmodified['cache_age'] > binarypool_config::getCacheRevalidate($bucket)) {
         self::refreshLink($bucket, $assetDir, $symlink);
     } else {
         self::createLink($bucket, $assetDir, $symlink);